0.789 6.400 Subj_003: uh You could do a main meal and I can do a side dish, or dessert, because, you know what, we only have three desserts. 6.325 10.070 Subj_006: Okay. {breath} Could you run through what we have? um 9.370 14.010 Subj_005: Oh, I brought a -- here is -- it -- this is ((some of)) the things that Pat sent. 12.580 13.300 Subj_006: Okay. 12.940 14.710 Subj_003: Yeah, I I gave her a list. 15.550 28.910 Subj_006: For main dishes. Chili, fried chicken, three other main dishes. One pasta salad. Three desserts, two sides. Thirty-six people so far attending, and twenty-one are paying. Okay? 16.330 17.340 Subj_003: {breath} 20.180 22.590 Subj_003: Yeah, they didn't say what what w- was going to be? 32.275 33.720 Subj_006: {lipsmack} Okay. 36.180 37.390 Subj_006: Thirty-six people. 39.090 41.360 Subj_003: Yeah mm and, um, 45.050 57.680 Subj_003: you could -- see, one of the things that I was thinking about is {breath} um, Costco might have, {breath} like i- in th- their their cold section, in the refrigerator, um, like, pulled pork. 46.070 46.600 Subj_005: Okay. 58.110 66.760 Subj_005: You mean cooked and sliced ham? They do. And I have -- I look at them, right. These are three eigh- -- three eighty-nine per pound. 59.260 60.400 Subj_006: {breath} They do. 60.620 61.275 Subj_003: Yes. 66.050 73.920 Subj_003: No, no, no. I'm not talking about about ham. I'm talking -- it's called pulled pork. It's it's it's like barbecued pork. And it comes in, like, buckets. 68.350 71.125 Subj_006: Mhm. Pulled pork. Mhm 70.500 72.860 Subj_005: Oh, I didn't know. Oh no, I didn't. 73.380 77.730 Subj_006: Tubs, yeah. They do have it there, yeah. I don't know the price. {cough} 73.920 74.950 Subj_003: Right and -- 74.100 75.000 Subj_005: Mhm. 75.000 83.300 Subj_003: right, and then what you do is, you take that, we put it into, like, um um a crock pot, okay? 82.400 83.740 Subj_005: And then just warm it up? 83.380 92.225 Subj_003: And then then get, like, co- some coleslaw, so people could have like pulled pork sandwiches, or just pulled pork with coleslaw, maybe some potato salad. um 83.510 84.430 Subj_006: Mhm. 92.860 93.725 Subj_005: Okay. 92.860 97.460 Subj_003: And they may eh actually have pulled beef. You know? 96.075 98.300 Subj_006: Mhm. I didn't know ((it had that)) 97.540 113.625 Subj_003: I I mm I don't know either. But, I mean, they have a lot of prepared food, that we can put into crock pots, because we have two crock pots. She has a g- um a ricer. um We have a a grilled skillet that we can use. 102.300 104.500 Subj_005: Food. Right. (()) 103.030 104.010 Subj_006: Mhm. 106.130 106.890 Subj_005: Mm. 108.740 109.350 Subj_005: Mm. 114.010 121.425 Subj_003: um She has a um -- what do you call it? um A warming plate.