file;unicode channel;int start;float end;float speaker;unicode speakerType;unicode speakerDialect;unicode transcript;unicode section;int turn;int segment;int sectionType;unicode suType;unicode ;;MM sectionTypes [u'nontrans', u'report', u'nontrans', u'report', u'report', u'nontrans', u'report', u'nontrans', u'report', u'nontrans', u'report', u'nontrans', None] ;;MM sectionBoundaries [0.0, 460.55799999999999, 513.23800000000006, 524.346, 836.49000000000001, 1159.5409999999999, 1228.2819999999999, 1791.7619999999999, 1961.231, 2567.9259999999999, 2727.5729999999999, 3544.3000000000002, 9999999.0] PHOENIX_DATELUYU_CMN_20070103_142800 0 460.558 466.464 speaker#1 male native A year ago he was a gifted man graduated from Beijing University, selling meat, but now he is coming back to the literature way. 1 1 1 report PHOENIX_DATELUYU_CMN_20070103_142800 0 467.688 469.344 Lu_buxuan male native If I open another shop, I may turn to some other business. 1 2 3 report PHOENIX_DATELUYU_CMN_20070103_142800 0 469.344 471.172 Chen_luyu female native Selling beef? 1 3 4 report PHOENIX_DATELUYU_CMN_20070103_142800 0 473.418 475.140 Lu_buxuan male native Why are you always relating to selling meat? 1 4 6 report PHOENIX_DATELUYU_CMN_20070103_142800 0 475.140 475.906 Chen_luyu female native 1 5 7 report PHOENIX_DATELUYU_CMN_20070103_142800 0 476.789 478.321 Chen_luyu female native No. Then what did you mean by turning to some other business? 1 5 9 report PHOENIX_DATELUYU_CMN_20070103_142800 0 478.321 479.399 Chen_luyu female native What kind of shop would you open? 1 5 10 report PHOENIX_DATELUYU_CMN_20070103_142800 0 481.255 481.692 Lu_buxuan male native Er. 1 6 12 report PHOENIX_DATELUYU_CMN_20070103_142800 0 481.692 482.676 Chen_luyu female native Selling cosmetics? 1 7 13 report PHOENIX_DATELUYU_CMN_20070103_142800 0 483.705 484.319 Chen_luyu female native One person said that 1 8 15 report PHOENIX_DATELUYU_CMN_20070103_142800 0 483.705 484.319 Lu_buxuan male native Yes. 1 8 16 report PHOENIX_DATELUYU_CMN_20070103_142800 0 484.319 485.283 Chen_luyu female native you're selling cosmetics. 1 9 17 report PHOENIX_DATELUYU_CMN_20070103_142800 0 485.283 490.314 speaker#1 male native She used to be a hairdresser, an unmarried mother under the camera of others. 1 10 18 report PHOENIX_DATELUYU_CMN_20070103_142800 0 490.986 494.861 speaker#1 male native And now she takes up a DV and becomes a documentary director. 1 10 20 report PHOENIX_DATELUYU_CMN_20070103_142800 0 495.611 502.721 Zhang_hua female native So this film has, er, earned a total donation of 800,000, er, in four or five months since it's been broadcasted. 1 11 22 report PHOENIX_DATELUYU_CMN_20070103_142800 0 502.721 507.441 Li_jinhong male native +This is the most satisfactory thing I've done since I began to make documentaries; that is, I saved a life. 1 12 23 report PHOENIX_DATELUYU_CMN_20070103_142800 0 508.316 513.238 Li_jinhong male native Luyu, together with her friends Lu Buxuan and Zhang Hua, talks about life changes. 1 12 25 report PHOENIX_DATELUYU_CMN_20070103_142800 0 524.346 526.736 Chen_luyu female native Today I am very happy because I have invited two old friends. 3 14 27 report PHOENIX_DATELUYU_CMN_20070103_142800 0 526.736 532.721 Chen_luyu female native Uh, one year ago, that is last winter, both guests sat here talking about their stories. 3 14 28 report PHOENIX_DATELUYU_CMN_20070103_142800 0 532.721 538.284 Chen_luyu female native Uh, in the past year, great changes have taken place in their lives, and these changes make me extraordinarily happy. 3 14 29 report PHOENIX_DATELUYU_CMN_20070103_142800 0 538.284 540.674 Chen_luyu female native Now it's our first honored guest, Lu Buxuan. 3 14 30 report PHOENIX_DATELUYU_CMN_20070103_142800 0 542.796 546.749 speaker#1 male native At the sight of this gentle, middle-aged man with glasses on, 3 15 32 report PHOENIX_DATELUYU_CMN_20070103_142800 0 546.749 552.061 speaker#1 male native you may find it really hard to associate him with a butcher slaughtering pigs and sheep. 3 15 33 report PHOENIX_DATELUYU_CMN_20070103_142800 0 552.061 559.607 speaker#1 male native But just two years ago, Lu Buxuan was indeed just an obscure fellow selling meat in Chang'an District of Xi'an City. 3 15 34 report PHOENIX_DATELUYU_CMN_20070103_142800 0 560.482 566.873 speaker#1 male native Only because the media discovered his Beijing University background by chance, his fate has encountered a dramatic change; 3 15 36 report PHOENIX_DATELUYU_CMN_20070103_142800 0 566.873 571.889 speaker#1 male native all of a sudden from an ordinary butcher to a hot newsmaker of that time, 3 15 37 report PHOENIX_DATELUYU_CMN_20070103_142800 0 571.889 576.561 speaker#1 male native and 230,000 volumes of his book "World in a Butcher's Eyes" were sold out. 3 15 38 report PHOENIX_DATELUYU_CMN_20070103_142800 0 577.311 580.748 speaker#1 male native Our program also invited him in 2005. 3 15 40 report PHOENIX_DATELUYU_CMN_20070103_142800 0 583.785 586.082 Chen_luyu female native Exactly one jin of meat at one cut? 3 16 42 report PHOENIX_DATELUYU_CMN_20070103_142800 0 586.082 587.629 Lu_buxuan male native Yeah, I can absolutely do that. 3 17 43 report PHOENIX_DATELUYU_CMN_20070103_142800 0 587.629 590.381 Chen_luyu female native Are your hands always greasy, sticky? 3 18 44 report PHOENIX_DATELUYU_CMN_20070103_142800 0 590.381 592.506 Lu_buxuan male native Ah, now of course, today I of course have washed my hands clean. 3 19 45 report PHOENIX_DATELUYU_CMN_20070103_142800 0 592.506 593.723 Chen_luyu female native 3 20 46 report PHOENIX_DATELUYU_CMN_20070103_142800 0 593.723 597.006 Chen_luyu female native But I feel it's alright, so I can see that the skin on your hands is very fine. 3 20 47 report PHOENIX_DATELUYU_CMN_20070103_142800 0 597.006 599.289 Chen_luyu female native Just imagine your hands are always coated with thick 3 20 48 report PHOENIX_DATELUYU_CMN_20070103_142800 0 599.289 599.819 Chen_luyu female native lard, which virtually 3 21 49 report