#Language: eng #File id: 6489 533.71 535.28 B: they think lunch is too long 533.86 533.95 A: (( )) 535.43 536.44 A: they think lunch is too long 536.67 537.28 B: {laugh} 537.33 541.56 A: so they're going to have like %uh thirty minutes for each period and they're going to extend the periods we're going to have more periods 542.24 543.15 B: oh God 543.23 548.82 A: I know and now we're going to be in it will seem like we're in school longer but we're actually won't be we're just going to have more classes 547.86 549.73 B: I know it'll be the same amount of time you know 549.89 552.61 A: yeah bu- but we're going to have more classes we have to take more classes now 553.37 555.79 B: I'm not even taking a lunch next year I don't think 556.54 557.59 B: because like (( )) 556.54 562.57 A: well if you well I well I didn't take I don't have a lunch this year one day like on Wednesdays I like starve to death so 562.67 563.19 B: {laugh} 563.38 565.89 A: I do know what it's like I'm so hungry by the the end of the day 566.61 570.96 B: Well my Bio teacher she lets us like because she knows some people don't have lunches so she lets us eat 571.30 571.57 B: during 571.47 572.13 A: yeah but I have 571.69 572.93 B: she even sells us food 573.13 575.83 A: but I have Mister &Kaye he doesn't let us eat in class 573.54 573.81 B: {laugh} 575.69 576.21 B: Who do you have? 576.42 577.10 A: Mister &Kaye 577.33 577.80 B: oh