(AP(A(A born)(CONJ and)(A bred))) (AP(A(A born)(CONJ and)(A bred))(PP(P in/to)(NP))) (AP(A(A sick)(CONJ and)(A tired))(PP(P of)(NP(N sb/sth)))) (AP(AP(AP(A all))(A too))(A brief)) (AP(AP(AP(A all))(A too))(A briefly)) (AP(AP(AP(A only))(A too))(A clearly)) (AP(AP(AP(A only))(A too))(A glad)) (AP(AP(AP(A only))(A too))(A well)) (AP(AP(AP(DEG so))(A far))(CONJ)(AP(AP(DEG so))(A good))) (AP(AP(AP(DEG so))(A near))(CONJ and)(AP(A yet))(AP(AP(DEG so))(A far))) (AP(AP(AP(DEG thus))(A far))(CONJ and)(AP(AP(DEG no))(A further))) (AP(AP(A alive))(CONJ and)(AP(A kicking/well))) (AP(AP(A all))(A agog)) (AP(AP(A all))(A along)) ((AP(AP(A all))(A dressedup))(CONJ and/with)(NP(N nowhere)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V go)))))) (AP(AP(A all))(A important)) (AP(AP(A all))(A right)) (AP(AP(A all))(A right)(PP(P by/with)(NP sb))) (AP(AP(A all))(A right)(PP(P for)(NP sb))) (AP(AP(A all))(A right)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N night/day)))) (AP(AP(A all))(A set)) (AP(AP(A all))(A square)) (AP(AP(A all))(A square)(PP(P with)(NP sb))) (AP(AP(A ancient))(CONJ and)(AP(A honourable))) (AP(AP(A ancient))(CONJ and)(AP(A modern))) (AP(AP(A back))(CONJ and)(AP(A forth))) (AP(AP(A backward))(CONJ and)(AP(A forward))) (AP(AP(A backward))(CONJ and)(AP(A forwards))) (AP(AP(A backwards))(CONJ and)(AP(A forward))) (AP(AP(A backwards))(CONJ and)(AP(A forwards))) (AP(AP(A bigger))(CONJ and)(AP(A better))) (AP(AP(A black))(CONJ and)(AP(A blue))) (AP(AP(A blind))(A drunk)) (AP(AP(A bone))(A idle)) (AP(AP(A bright))(CONJ and)(AP(A early))) (AP(AP(A bulk))(A large)) (AP(AP(A clear))(A cut)) (AP(AP(A common))(CONJ or)(AP(A garden))) (AP(AP(A cool))(CONJ)(AP(A calm))(CONJ and)(AP(A collected))) (AP(AP(A crystal))(A clear)) (AP(AP(A cut))(CONJ and)(AP(A dried))) (AP(AP(A dead))(A beat)) (AP(AP(A dead))(A certain/sure)) (AP(AP(A dead))(A certain/sure)(PP(P of/about)(NP sth))) (AP(AP(A dead))(A drunk)) (AP(AP(A dead))(A easy/simple)) (AP(AP(A dead))(A pan)) (AP(AP(A dead))(A still)) (AP(AP(A dead))(CONJ and)(AP(A alive))) (AP(AP(A dead))(CONJ and)(AP(A buried/gone))) (AP(AP(A dead))(CONJ or)(AP(A alive))) (AP(AP(A dim))(CONJ and)(AP(A distant))) (AP(AP(A double))(A dutch)) (AP(AP(A double))(A quick)) (AP(AP(A even))(A now/then)) (AP(AP(A even))(A so)) (AP(AP(A ever))(A more)) (AP(AP(A ever))(A so)) (AP(AP(A ever))(CONJ and)(AP(A anon))) (AP(AP(A every))(A(A now)(CONJ and)(A again/then))) (AP(AP(A every))(AP(A so))(A often)) (AP(AP(A fair))(CONJ)(AP(A fat))(CONJ and)(AP(A forty))) (AP(AP(A fair))(CONJ)(AP(A square))) (AP(AP(A fair))(CONJ and)(AP(A square))) *(AP(AP(A fair))(P to)(AP(A middling))) (AP(AP(A far))(A afield)) (AP(AP(A far))(A gone)) (AP(AP(A far))(A gone)(PP(P in)(NP sth))) (AP(AP(A far/miles))(A away)) (AP(AP(A far/out))(CONJ and)(AP(A away))) (AP(AP(A far))(CONJ and)(AP(A near))) (AP(AP(A far))(CONJ and)(AP(A wide))) (AP(AP(A fast/sound))(A asleep)) (AP(AP(A fast))(CONJ and)(AP(A furious))) (AP(AP(A fighting))(A fit)) (AP(AP(A fine))(CONJ and)(AP(A dandy))) (AP(AP(A first))(CONJ and)(AP(A foremost))) (AP(AP(A first))(CONJ and)(AP(A last))) (AP(AP(A fit))(CONJ and)(AP(A proper))) (AP(AP(A footloose))(CONJ and)(AP(A fancy-free))) (AP(AP(A free))(CONJ and)(AP(A easy))) (AP(AP(A fully))(A stretched)) (AP(AP(A funny)(AP(A peculiar)))(CONJ or)(AP(A funny)(AP(A ha-ha)))) (AP(AP(A good))(CONJ and)(AP(A evil))) (AP(AP(A good))(CONJ and)(AP(A proper))) (AP(AP(A good))(CONJ and)(AP(A ready))) (AP(AP(A great))(CONJ and)(AP(A small))) (AP(AP(A hale))(CONJ and)(AP(A hearty))) (AP(AP(A half))(A cut)) (AP(AP(A hanged/hung))(CONJ)(AP(A drawn))(CONJ and)(AP(A quartered))) (AP(AP(A hard))(CONJ and)(AP(A fast))) (AP(AP(A here))(CONJ)(AP(A there))(CONJ and)(AP(A everywhere))) (AP(AP(A here))(CONJ and)(AP(A now))) (AP(AP(A here))(CONJ and)(AP(A there))) (AP(AP(A high))(CONJ)(AP(A wide))(CONJ and)(AP(A handsome))) (AP(AP(A high))(CONJ and)(AP(A dry))) (AP(AP(A high))(CONJ and)(AP(A low))) (AP(AP(A high))(CONJ and)(AP(A mighty))) (AP(AP(A home))(CONJ and)(AP(A dry))) (AP(AP(A hopping))(A mad)) (AP(AP(A hopping))(A mad)(PP(P about/over)(NP))) (AP(AP(A humanly))(A possible)) (AP(AP(A jolly))(A good)) (AP(AP(A jolly))(A well)) *(AP(AP(A just))(A about)) (AP(AP(A just))(A like)(NP(N that))) (AP(AP(A just))(A now)) (AP(AP(A just))(A so)) (AP(AP(A left))(CONJ)(AP(A right))(CONJ and)(AP(A centre))) (AP(AP(A left))(CONJ and/or)(AP(A right))) *(AP(AP(A long))(A(A drawn)(P out))) (AP(AP(A loud))(CONJ and)(AP(A long))) (AP(AP(A loud))(CONJ and)(AP(A clear))) (AP(AP(A loud))(CONJ and)(AP(A clearly))) (AP(AP(A loudly))(CONJ and)(AP(A clear))) (AP(AP(A loudly))(CONJ and)(AP(A clearly))) (AP(AP(A lucky)(PP(P at)(NP(N cards))))(CONJ)(AP(A unlucky)(PP(P in)(NP(N love))))) (AP(AP(A near))(CONJ and)(AP(A dear))) (AP(AP(A nice))(CONJ and)(AP(A quiet/quietly))) (AP(AP(A now))(CONJ and)(AP(A again/then))) (AP(AP(A null))(CONJ and)(AP(A void))) (AP(AP(A once))(AP(A too))(A often)) (AP(AP(A once))(A again/more)) (AP(AP(A once))(CONJ and)(PP(P for)(NP(N all)))) (AP(AP(A only))(AP(A once))(A removed)(PP(P from)(NP))) (AP(AP(A only))(A fair etc)) (AP(AP(A piping))(A hot)) (AP(AP(A precious))(A few/little)) (AP(AP(A pretty))(A well etc)) (AP(AP(A pure/plain))(CONJ and)(AP(A simple))) (AP(AP(A quite))(A so)) (AP(AP(A really))(CONJ and)(AP(A truly))) (AP(AP(A rich))(CONJ and)(AP(A poor))) (AP(AP(A rich))(CONJ or)(AP(A poor))) (AP(AP(A right))(A now)) (AP(AP(A right))(A royal)) (AP(AP(A right))(A then)) (AP(AP(A right))(CONJ and)(AP(A proper))) (AP(AP(A right))(CONJ and)(AP(A wrong))) (AP(AP(A right))(CONJ or)(AP(A proper))) (AP(AP(A right))(CONJ or)(AP(A wrong))) (AP(AP(A right/straight))(A away)) (AP(AP(A rough))(CONJ and)(AP(A ready))) (AP(AP(A safe))(CONJ and)(AP(A sound))) (AP(AP(A safe))(CONJ and)(AP(A sure))) (AP(AP(A short))(CONJ and)(AP(A sweet))) (AP(AP(A signed))(CONJ)(AP(A sealed))) (AP(AP(A signed))(CONJ)(AP(A sealed))(CONJ and)(AP(A delivered))) (AP(AP(A signed))(CONJ and)(AP(A sealed))) (AP(AP(A signed))(CONJ and)(AP(A sealed))(CONJ and)(AP(A delivered))) (AP(AP(A slow))(CONJ but)(AP(A sure))) (AP(AP(A slowly))(CONJ but)(AP(A surely))) (AP(AP(A sooner))(CONJ or)(AP(A later))) (AP(AP(A sorely))(A tempted)) (AP(AP(A sorely))(A tempted)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP(N sth)))))) (AP(AP(A spick))(CONJ and)(AP(A span))) (AP(AP(A stark))(AP(A raving/staring))(A mad/bonkers)) (AP(AP(A stinking))(A drunk)) (AP(AP(A stinking))(A rich)) (AP(AP(A cold))(A sober)) (AP(AP(A stone-cold))(A sober)) (AP(AP(A tall))(CONJ)(AP(A dark))(CONJ and)(AP(A handsome))) (AP(AP(A then))(CONJ and)(AP(A there))) (AP(AP(A then/there))(A again)) (AP(AP(A there))(CONJ and)(AP(A back))) (AP(AP(A tried))(CONJ and)(AP(A true))) (AP(AP(A true))(A blue)) (AP(AP(A twice))(A over)) (AP(AP(A unwept))(CONJ)(AP(A unhonoured))(CONJ and)(AP(A unsung))) ((AP(AP(A very))(A good))) ((AP(AP(A very))(A good))(NP(N sir/madam))) (AP(AP(A very))(A well)) (AP(AP(A well))(A aware)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth)))) (AP(AP(A well))(A aware)(S'(COMP that)(S))) (AP(AP(A well))(A done)) (AP(AP(A well))(A heeled)) (AP(AP(A well))(A met)) (AP(A worth)(NP(PRON it etc))) (AP(AP(A well))(A worth)(NP(PRON it etc))) (AP(A worth)(S(VP(V doing etc)))) (AP(AP(A well))(A worth)(S(VP(V doing etc)))) (AP(AP(A well))(CONJ and)(AP(A good))) (AP(AP(A well))(CONJ and)(AP(A truly))) (AP(AP(A wet))(CONJ or)(AP(A fine))) (AP(AP(A why))(CONJ and)(AP(A wherefore))) (AP(AP(A wide))(A awake)) (AP(AP(A wild))(CONJ and)(AP(A woolly))) (AP(AP(A worldly))(A wise)) (AP(AP(A young))(CONJ and)(AP(A old))) (AP(A alike)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(QP(Q two))(N peas)(PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(N pod))))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A alike)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(QP(Q two))(N peas)(PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(N pod))))))) (AP(A artful)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N wagonload)(PP(P of)(NP(N monkeys))))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A artful)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N wagonload)(PP(P of)(NP(N monkeys))))))) (AP(A bad)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N ever))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A bad)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N ever))))) (AP(A badly)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N ever))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A badly)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N ever))))) (AP(A bald)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N coot))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A bald)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N coot))))) (AP(A best)(S'(S(NP)(AUX(MOD can))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A best)(S'(S(NP)(AUX(MOD can))))) (AP(A big/round)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N saucers))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A big/round)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N saucers))))) (AP(A big)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(PRON they))(VP(V come))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A big)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(PRON they))(VP(V come))))) (AP(A black)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N coal))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A black)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N coal))))) (AP(A black)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N ink))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A black)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N ink))))) (AP(A blind)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N bat))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A blind)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N bat))))) (AP(A bold/brave)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N lion))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A bold/brave)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N lion))))) (AP(A bold)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N brass))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A bold)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N brass))))) (AP(A bright)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N button))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A bright)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N button))))) (AP(A broad)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V is)(AP(A long)))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A broad)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V is)(AP(A long)))))) (AP(A brown)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N berry))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A brown)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N berry))))) (AP(A busy)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N bee))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A busy)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N bee))))) (AP(A changeable)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N weathercock))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A changeable)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N weathercock))))) (AP(A cheap)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N dirt))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A cheap)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N dirt))))) (AP(A clean)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(AP(A new))(N pin))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A clean)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(AP(A new))(N pin))))) (AP(A clean)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N whistle))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A clean)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N whistle))))) (AP(A clear)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N bell))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A clear)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N bell))))) (AP(A clear)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N crystal))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A clear)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N crystal))))) (AP(A clear)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N day/daylight))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A clear)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N day/daylight))))) (AP(A clear)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N mud))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A clear)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N mud))))) (AP(A clever)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N paint))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A clever)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N paint))))) (AP(A clever)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(PRON they))(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V make)(NP(PRON them)))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A clever)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(PRON they))(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V make)(NP(PRON them)))))) (AP(A close)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET an)(N oyster))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A close)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET an)(N oyster))))) (AP(A cold)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N charity))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A cold)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N charity))))) (AP(A cold)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N ice))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A cold)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N ice))))) (AP(A common)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N dirt/muck))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A common)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N dirt/muck))))) (AP(A cool)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N cucumber))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A cool)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N cucumber))))) (AP(A coolly)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V like))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A coolly)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V like))))) (AP(A crooked)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N dog))'s)(AP(A hind))(N leg))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A crooked)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N dog))'s)(AP(A hind))(N leg))))) (AP(A cross)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N bear)(PP(P with)(NP(DET a)(AP(A sore))(N head))))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A cross)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N bear)(PP(P with)(NP(DET a)(AP(A sore))(N head))))))) (AP(A cross)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(QP(Q two))(N sticks))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A cross)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(QP(Q two))(N sticks))))) (AP(A cunning)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N fox))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A cunning)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N fox))))) (AP(A dead)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N doornail))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A dead)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N doornail))))) (AP(A dead)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET the)(N dodo))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A dead)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET the)(N dodo))))) (AP(A dead)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N mutton))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A dead)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N mutton))))) (AP(A deaf)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N post))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A deaf)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N post))))) (AP(A deep)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N well))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A deep)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N well))))) (AP(A different)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N chalk))(PP(P from)(NP(N cheese)))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A different)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N chalk))(PP(P from)(NP(N cheese)))))) (AP(A drunk)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N lord))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A drunk)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N lord))))) (AP(A dry)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N bone))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A dry)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N bone))))) (AP(A dry)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N dust))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A dry)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N dust))))) (AP(A dry)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N paper))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A dry)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N paper))))) (AP(A dull)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N(N ditch)(N water)))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A dull)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N(N ditch)(N water)))))) (AP(A easy/simple)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP abc)))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A easy/simple)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP abc)))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A far)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP)(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V see))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A far)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP)(AUX(V be))(VP(V concerned))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A fast)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N legs))(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V carry)(NP))))) (AP(A fat)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(AP(A young))(N thrush))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A fat)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(AP(A young))(N thrush))))) (AP(A fat)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N pig))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A fat)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N pig))))) (AP(A fit)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N fiddle))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A fit)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N fiddle))))) (AP(A fit)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N flea))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A fit)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N flea))))) (AP(A flat)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N board))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A flat)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N board))))) (AP(A flat)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N flounder))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A flat)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N flounder))))) (AP(A flat)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N fluke))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A flat)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N fluke))))) (AP(A flat)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N pancake))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A flat)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N pancake))))) (AP(A free)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N bird))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A free)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N bird))))) (AP(A free)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N air))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A free)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N air))))) (AP(A fresh)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N daisy))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A fresh)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N daisy))))) (AP(A fresh)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N rose))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A fresh)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N rose))))) (AP(A gay)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N lark))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A gay)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N lark))))) (AP(A gentle)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N lamb))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A gentle)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N lamb))))) (AP(A good)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N play))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A good)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N play))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A good)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET the)(AP(A next))(N man))))) (AP(A good)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N gold))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A good)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N gold))))) (AP(A good)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N new))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A good)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N new))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A good)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N word))))) (AP(A green)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N grass))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A green)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N grass))))) (AP(A happy)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N king))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A happy)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N king))))) (AP(A happy)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET the)(N day))(VP(V is)(AP(A long)))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A happy)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET the)(N day))(VP(V is)(AP(A long)))))) (AP(A hard)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N flint))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A hard)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N flint))))) (AP(A hard)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N iron))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A hard)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N iron))))) (AP(A hard)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N nails))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A hard)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N nails))))) (AP(A hard)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N steel))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A hard)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N steel))))) (AP(A hard)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N stone))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A hard)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N stone))))) (AP(A helpless)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N babe))))) (AP(A helpless)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(AP(A new-born))(N babe))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A helpless)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N babe))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A helpless)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(AP(A new-born))(N babe))))) (AP(A hoarse)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET an)(AP(A old))(N crow))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A hoarse)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET an)(AP(A old))(N crow))))) (AP(A innocent)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N babe))))) (AP(A innocent)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(AP(A new-born))(N babe))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A innocent)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N babe))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A innocent)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(AP(A new-born))(N babe))))) (AP(A keen)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N mustard))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A keen)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N mustard))))) (AP(A large)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N cabbage))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A large)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N cabbage))))) (AP(A large)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N life))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A large)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N life))))) (AP(A lean)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET an)(N(N alley)(N cat)))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A lean)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET an)(N(N alley)(N cat)))))) (AP(A light)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N feather))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A light)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N feather))))) (AP(A light)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET an)(N(N thistle)(N down)))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A light)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET an)(N(N thistle)(N down)))))) (AP(A light)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N air))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A light)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N air))))) (AP(A like)(S'(COMP as)(S(AUX(NEG not))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A like)(S'(COMP as)(S(AUX(NEG not))))) (AP(A lively)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N cricket))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A lively)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N cricket))))) (AP(A long)(S'(COMP as)(S))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A long)(S'(COMP as)(S))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A long)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N arm))))) (AP(A mad)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(AP(A march))(N hare))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A mad)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(AP(A march))(N hare))))) (AP(A meek)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N lamb))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A meek)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N lamb))))) (AP(A miserable)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N sin))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A miserable)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N sin))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A much)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N life))(VP(V be)(AP(A worth)))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A much)(S'(COMP as)(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V say))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A near)(PP(P to)(S(VP(V ing))))(S'(COMP as)(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V make)(NP(QP(Q no))(N difference)))))) *(AP(AP(DEG as))(A near)(S'(COMP as)(S dammit/kissyourhand))) (AP(A nervous)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N kitten))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A nervous)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N kitten))))) (AP(A nutty)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N fruitcake))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A nutty)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N fruitcake))))) (AP(A often)(S'(COMP as)(S(AUX(NEG not))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A often)(S'(COMP as)(S(AUX(NEG not))))) (AP(A old)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET the)(N hills))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A old)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET the)(N hills))))) (AP(A old)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N methuselah))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A old)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N methuselah))))) (AP(A old)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N time))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A old)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N time))))) (AP(A pale)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N death))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A pale)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N death))))) (AP(A patient)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N job))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A patient)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N job))))) (AP(A pissed)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N newt))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A pissed)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N newt))))) (AP(A plain)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N(N pike)(N staff)))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A plain)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N(N pike)(N staff)))))) (AP(A plain)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET the)(N nose)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON your)))(N face))))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A plain)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET the)(N nose)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON your)))(N face))))))) (AP(A pleased)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N anything))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A pleased)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N anything))))) (AP(A poor)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N(N church)(N mouse)))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A poor)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N(N church)(N mouse)))))) (AP(A pretty)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N picture))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A pretty)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N picture))))) (AP(A proud)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N peacock))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A proud)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N peacock))))) (AP(A proud)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N lucifer))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A proud)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N lucifer))))) (AP(A pure)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET the)(AP(A driven))(N snow))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A pure)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET the)(AP(A driven))(N snow))))) (AP(A quick)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N lightning))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A quick)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N lightning))))) (AP(A quiet)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N mouse))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A quiet)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N mouse))))) (AP(A quiet)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET the)(N grave))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A quiet)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET the)(N grave))))) (AP(A red)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N(N turkey)(N cock)))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A red)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N(N turkey)(N cock)))))) (AP(A regular)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N(N clock)(N work)))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A regular)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N(N clock)(N work)))))) (AP(A rich)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N croesus))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A rich)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N croesus))))) (AP(A right)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N rain))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A right)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N rain))))) (AP(A safe)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N houses))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A safe)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N houses))))) (AP(A sharp)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N needle))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A sharp)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N needle))))) (AP(A sick)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N dog))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A sick)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N dog))))) (AP(A smart)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N paint))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A smart)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N paint))))) (AP(A smooth)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N(N billiard)(N table)))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A smooth)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N(N billiard)(N table)))))) (AP(A smooth)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N(N mill)(N pond)))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A smooth)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N(N mill)(N pond)))))) (AP(A smooth)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N glass))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A smooth)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N glass))))) (AP(A smooth)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N silk))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A smooth)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N silk))))) (AP(A smooth)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N velvet))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A smooth)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N velvet))))) (AP(A smooth)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N baby))'s)(N bottom))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A smooth)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N baby))'s)(N bottom))))) (AP(A snug)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N bug))(PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(N rug)))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A snug)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N bug))(PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(N rug)))))) (AP(A sober)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N judge))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A sober)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N judge))))) (AP(A solemn)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET an)(N owl))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A solemn)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET an)(N owl))))) *(AP(AP(DEG as))(A soon)(S'(COMP as)(S(VP(V look)(PP(P at)(NP)))))) (AP(A sound)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N bell))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A sound)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N bell))))) (AP(A sour)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N crab))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A sour)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N crab))))) (AP(A sour)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N vinegar))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A sour)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N vinegar))))) (AP(A steady)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N(V ram)(N rod)))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A steady)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N(V ram)(N rod)))))) (AP(A steady)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N rock))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A steady)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N rock))))) (AP(A stiff)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N poker))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A stiff)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N poker))))) (AP(A still)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N statue))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A still)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N statue))))) (AP(A still)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET the)(N grave))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A still)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET the)(N grave))))) (AP(A still)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N death))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A still)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N death))))) (AP(A straight)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N die))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A straight)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N die))))) (AP(A straight)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET an)(N arrow))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A straight)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET an)(N arrow))))) (AP(A strong)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N horse))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A strong)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N horse))))) (AP(A strong)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET an)(N ox))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A strong)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET an)(N ox))))) (AP(A stubborn)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N mule))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A stubborn)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N mule))))) (AP(A sure)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N death))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A sure)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N death))))) (AP(A sure)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N eggs))(VP(V is)(NP(N eggs)))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A sure)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N eggs))(VP(V is)(NP(N eggs)))))) (AP(A sweet)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N honey))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A sweet)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N honey))))) (AP(A thick)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N thieves))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A thick)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N thieves))))) (AP(A thick)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(QP(Q two))(AP(A short))(N planks))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A thick)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(QP(Q two))(AP(A short))(N planks))))) (AP(A thin)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N rake))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A thin)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N rake))))) (AP(A tight)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N tick))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A tight)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N tick))))) (AP(A tight)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N trivet))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A tight)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N trivet))))) (AP(A timid)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N mouse))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A timid)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N mouse))))) (AP(A touchy)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N hell))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A touchy)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N hell))))) (AP(A tough)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(AP(A old))(N boots))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A tough)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(AP(A old))(N boots))))) (AP(A true)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N god))(VP(V made)(NP(AP(A little))(N apples)))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A true)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N god))(VP(V made)(NP(AP(A little))(N apples)))))) (AP(A true)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N steel))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A true)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N steel))))) (AP(A true)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(PRON i))(AUX(V am))(VP(V sitting)(NP(N here)))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A true)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(PRON i))(AUX(V am))(VP(V sitting)(NP(N here)))))) (AP(A ugly)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N sin))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A ugly)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N sin))))) (AP(A vain)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N peacock))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A vain)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N peacock))))) (AP(A warm)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N toast))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A warm)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N toast))))) (AP(A weak)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N water))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A weak)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N water))))) (AP(A welcome)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET the)(N flowers))(PP(P in)(NP(N spring)))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A welcome)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET the)(N flowers))(PP(P in)(NP(N spring)))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A well)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET the)(AP(A next))(N man))))) (AP(A white)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N sheet))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A white)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N sheet))))) (AP(A white)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N chalk))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A white)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N chalk))))) (AP(A white)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N snow))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A white)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N snow))))) (AP(A wise)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET an)(N owl))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A wise)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET an)(N owl))))) (AP(A wise)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N solomon))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A wise)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N solomon))))) (AP(A yellow)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N guinea))))) (AP(AP(DEG as))(A yellow)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N guinea))))) (AP(AP(DEG more))(A beautiful)(S'(COMP than)(S(AP(A ever))))) (AP(AP(DEG more))(A beautifully)(S'(COMP than)(S(AP(A ever))))) (AP(AP(DEG more))(A often)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP)(AUX(V has))(VP(V had)(NP(AP(A hot))(N dinners)))))) (AP(AP(DEG more))(A often)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(PRON you))(AUX(V have))(VP(V had)(NP(AP(A hot))(N dinners)))))) (AP(AP(DEG more))(CONJ or)(AP(DEG less))) (AP(AP(DEG more)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(DET a)(N bit)))))(A)) (AP(AP(DEG much))(A less)) (AP(AP(DEG much))(A mistaken)) (AP(AP(DEG no))(A good)) (AP(AP(DEG no))(A longer)) (AP(AP(DEG so))(A far)) (AP(AP(DEG so))(A ignorant)(S'(S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V isn't)(AP(A true)))))) (AP(AP(DEG so))(A sharp)(S'(S(NP(PRON one))(AUX(MOD will))(VP(V cut)(NP(PRON onesself)))))) (AP(AP(NP(AP(A every))(N bit))(DEG as))(A bad)) (AP(AP(NP(AP(A every))(N bit))(DEG as))(A bad)(S'(COMP as)(S))) (AP(AP(NP(N penny))(A wise))(CONJ)(AP(NP(N pound))(A foolish))) (AP(AP(NP(N penny))(A wise))(CONJ and)(AP(NP(N pound))(A foolish))) (AP(A according)(PP(P to)(NP))) (AP(A according)(PP(P to)(NP(N plan)))) (AP(A according)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N lights)))) (AP(A alive)(PP(P to)(NP))) (AP(A all)(PP(P but))) (AP(A all)(PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(N sudden)))) (AP(A all)(PP(P of)(NP(QP(Q one))(N hour)))) (AP(A all)(PP(P of)(NP(QP(Q one))(N metre)))) (AP(A armed)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N teeth)))) (AP(A as)(AP(PP(P to)(NP(N manner)))(A borne))) (NP(DET a)(N matter)(PP(P of)(NP(AP(A last))(N resort)))) (AP(A as)(NP(DET a)(N matter)(PP(P of)(NP(AP(A last))(N resort))))) (NP(DET a)(N matter)(PP(P of)(NP(N course)))) (AP(A as)(NP(DET a)(N matter)(PP(P of)(NP(N course))))) (NP(DET a)(N matter)(PP(P of)(NP(N fact)))) (AP(A as)(NP(DET a)(N matter)(PP(P of)(NP(N fact))))) (NP(DET a)(N matter)(PP(P of)(NP(N form)))) (AP(A as)(NP(DET a)(N matter)(PP(P of)(NP(N form))))) (NP(DET a)(N matter)(PP(P of)(NP(N principle)))) (AP(A as)(NP(DET a)(N matter)(PP(P of)(NP(N principle))))) (AP(A as)(NP(DET a)(N rule))) (AP(A as)(NP(DET a)(N whole))) (AP(A as)(NP(QP(Q one))(N man))) (AP(A as)(PP(P per)(NP(N usual)))) (AP(A as)(SC(NP(QP(Q one))(N man))(PP(P to)(NP(PRON another))))) (AP(A as)(S'(S(NP(N birds))(VP(V go))))) (AP(A as)(S'(S(NP(N chance))(AUX(MOD will))(VP(V have)(NP(PRON it)))))) *(AP(A asif)(AP(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N manner)))(A born))) (AP(A backward)(PP(P in)(S(VP(V coming)(AP(A forward)))))) (AP(A bare)(PP(P of)(NP))) (AP(A better)(AP(A late))(S'(COMP than)(S(AP(A never))))) (AP(A better/worse)(AP(A still))) (AP(A better)(AP(A safe))(S'(COMP than)(S(AP(A sorry))))) (AP(A better)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V be)(AP(A safe)))))(S'(COMP than)(S(AP(A sorry))))) (AP(A blind)(PP(P to)(NP))) (AP(A blind)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N world)))) (AP(A born)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N gutter)))) (AP(A born)(PP(P in/to)(NP(DET the)(N purple)))) (AP(A born)(PP(P under)(NP(DET a)(AP(A lucky))(N star)))) (VP(AUX be)(V born)(PP(P with)(SC(NP(DET a)(AP(A silver))(N spoon))(PP(P in)(NP(NP 's)(N mouth)))))) (AP(A born)(PP(P within)(NP(DET the)(N sound)(PP(P of)(NP(N bowbells)))))) (AP(A born)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V command/rule))))) (AP(A clear)(PP(P of)(NP))) (AP(A close/near)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP sb)'s)(N heart)))) ((AP(A clothed))(CONJ and)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A right))(N mind)))) (AP(A connected)(PP(P with)(NP))) (AP(A conspicuous/distinguished)(PP(P by)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N absence)))) (AP(A dead)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N wide)))) (AP(A dead)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N world)))) (AP(A dead)(PP(P to)(NP sth))) (AP(A deaf)(PP(P to)(NP sth))) (AP(A dear)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP sb)'s)(N heart)))) (AP(A deep)(PP(P in)(NP(N thought)))) (AP(A devoid)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth)))) (AP(A different)(PP(P in)(NP(N kind)))) (AP(A done)(PP(P to)(NP(DET a)(N turn)))) (AP(A dressed)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V kill))))) (AP(A easier)(AP(A said))(S'(COMP than)(S(AP(A done))))) (AP(A easy)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N mind)))) (AP(A easy)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N eye)))) (AP(A easy)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N eyes)))) (AP(A easy)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N pocket)))) (AP(A easy)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP sb)'s)(N pocket)))) (AP(A enough)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V make)(S(NP(PRON one))(VP(V weep))))))) (AP(A enough)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to)(V be))(VP(V getting/going)(PP(P on))(PP(P with)))))) (AP(A even)(S'(COMP as)(S))) (AP(A even)(S'(COMP though)(S))) (AP(A fair)(AP(A enough))) (AP(A far)(PP(P from)(NP(PRON it)))) (AP(A far)(PP(P from)(NP sth))) (AP(A far)(PP(P from)(S(VP(V doing)(NP sth))))) *((AP(A few))(CONJ and)((AP(A far))(PP(P between)))) (AP(A first)(PP(P of)(NP(N all)))) (AP(A fit)(PP(P for)(NP(AP(A human))(N consumption)))) (AP(A fleet)(PP(P of)(NP(N foot)))) (AP(A free)(PP(P from)(NP sth))) (AP(A free)(PP(P of)(NP))) (AP(A free)(PP(P with)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N hands)))) (AP(A free)(PP(P with)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N money)))) (AP(A frozen)(AP(A stiff))) (AP(A full)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N face)))) (AP(A full)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N face)))) (AP(A full)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N joys)(PP(P of)(NP(N spring)))))) (AP(A full)(PP(P of)(NP(N beans)))) (AP(A full)(PP(P of)(NP(N life)))) (AP(A full)(PP(P of)(NP(N oneself)))) (AP(A full)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(N importance)))) (AP(A good)(PP(P for)(NP(DET a)(N laugh)))) (AP(A good)(PP(P for)(NP(N nothing)))) (AP(A good)(PP(P for)(NP sb))) (AP(A good)(PP(P for)(NP sth))) (AP(A green)(PP(P with)(NP(N envy)))) (AP(A hard)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N eyes)))) (AP(A hard)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N pocket)))) (AP(A hard)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP sb)'s)(N pocket)))) (AP(A hell-bent)(PP(P on)(S(VP(V doing)(NP sth))))) (AP(A het)(PP(P up))) (AP(A holier)(PP(P than)(NP(N thou)))) (AP(A home)(PP(P in)(NP(N one)))) (AP(A honest)(PP(P to)(NP(NG od/goodness)))) (AP(A hot)(PP(P at)(NP))) (AP(A hot)(PP(P on)(NP))) (AP(A hot)(PP(P under)(NP(DET the)(N collar)))) *(AP(A how)(NP(DET the)(N helletc))) (AP(A how)(PP(P on)(NP(N earth)))) (AP(A ill)(PP(P at)(NP(N ease)))) (AP(A innocent)(PP(P of)(NP sth))) (AP(A just)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(PRON one/it))(VP(V is))))) (AP(A just)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V likeetc))))) (AP(A just)(S'(COMP what)(S(NP(DET the)(N doctor))(VP(V ordered))))) (AP(A keen)(PP(P on)(NP sb/sth))) (AP(A keen)(PP(P on)(S(VP(V doing)(NP sth))))) (AP(A keen)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP)))) (AP(A knee-high)(PP(P to)(NP(DET a)(N grasshopper)))) (AP(A larger)(PP(P than)(NP(N life)))) (AP(A late)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N day)))) (AP(A like)(AP(A mad/crazy))) (AP(A like)(NP(AP(A greased))(N lightning))) (AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(AP(A bad))(N penny))) (AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(AP(A mad))(N thing))) (AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(AP(A new))(N man/woman))) (AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(AP(A scalded))(N cat))) (AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(AP(A stuck))(N pig))) (AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(N bat)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(N hell)))))) (AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(N bear)(PP(P with)(NP(DET a)(AP(A sore))(N head))))) (AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(N bull)(PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(N chinashop))))) (AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(N cat)(PP(P with)(NP(QP(Q nine))(N lives))))) (AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(N dog)(PP(P with)(NP(QP(Q two))(N tails))))) (AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(N fishwife))) (AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(N lamb))) (AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(N sack)(PP(P of)(NP(N potatoes))))) (AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(N ship)(PP(P without)(NP(DET a)(N rudder))))) (AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(N shot))) (AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(N ton)(PP(P of)(NP(N bricks))))) (AP(A like)(NP(DET the)(N cat)(S'(COMP that)(S(VP(V stole)(NP(DET the)(N cream))))))) (AP(A like)(NP(DET the)(N clappers))) (AP(A like)(NP(N anything))) (AP(A like)(NP(N billy-o))) (AP(A like)(NP(N billy-oh))) (AP(A like)(NP(N blazes/hell))) (AP(A like)(NP(N ripvanwinkle))) (AP(A like)(NP(N ships)(S'(COMP that)(S(VP(V pass)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N night)))))))) (AP(A like)(NP(N wildfire))) (AP(A like)(NP(POSS(NP(DET the)(N curate))'s)(N egg))) (AP(A like)(NP(POSS(NP(N caesar))'s)(N wife))) (AP(A like)(NP(POSS(NP(N nobody))'s)(N business))) (AP(A like/as)(NP(N one)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N family))))) (AP(A like/as)(SC(NP(DET a)(N thief))(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N night))))) (AP(A like)(SC(NP(DET a)(AP(A hot))(N knife))(PP(P through)(NP(N butter))))) (AP(A like)(SC(NP(DET a)(AP(A red))(N rag))(PP(P to)(NP(DET a)(N bull))))) (AP(A like)(SC(NP(DET a)(N bull))(PP(P at)(NP(DET a)(N gate))))) (AP(A like)(SC(NP(DET a)(N bull))(PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(N china shop))))) (AP(A like)(SC(NP(DET a)(N bullet))(PP(P from)(NP(DET a)(N gun))))) (AP(A like)(SC(NP(DET a)(N cat))(PP(P on)(NP(AP(A hot))(N bricks))))) (AP(A like)(SC(NP(DET a)(N fly))(PP(P in)(NP(N amber))))) (AP(A like)(SC(NP(N sheep))(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N slaughter))))) (AP(A like)(SC(NP(N water))(PP(P off)(NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N duck))'s)(N back))))) (AP(A long)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N tooth)))) (AP(A lost)(PP(P in)(NP))) (AP(A lost)(PP(P on)(NP))) (AP(A lost)(PP(P without)(NP))) (AP(A mad)(PP(P on)(NP))) (AP(A madetc)) (AP(A madetc)(PP(P about)(NP))) (AP(A madetc)) (AP(A madetc)(PP(P at/with)(NP))) ((AP(A meanwhile))(PP(P back)(PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N ranch))))) (AP(A mixed)(PP(P up))) (AP(A mixed)(PP(P up))(PP(P in)(NP))) (AP(A mixed)(PP(P up))(PP(P with)(NP))) (AP(A near/close)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N bone/knuckle)))) (AP(A needless)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V say))))) ((AP(A never))(NP(DET a)(N word etc))) (AP(A never)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A born))(N days)))) (AP(A never)(PP(P in)(NP(QP(Q all))(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A born))(N days)))) (AP(A next)(PP(P to)(NP(N nothing)))) (AP(A old)(AP(DEG enough))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V be)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N father)))))) (AP(A old)(PP(P before)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N time)))) (AP(A oldetc)(PP(P beyond)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N years)))) (AP(A once)(PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(AP(A blue))(N moon)))) (AP(A once)(PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(N lifetime)))) (AP(A once)(PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(N while/way)))) (AP(A once)(PP(P upon)(NP(DET a)(N time)))) (AP(A open)(PP(P to)(NP(N question)))) (AP(A open)(PP(P to)(NP(N sb)))) (AP(A prone)(PP(P to)(NP(N sth)))) (AP(A proud)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth/sb)))) (AP(A quick/slow)(PP(P in/on)(NP(DET the)(N uptake)))) (AP(A raring/rearing)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V go etc))))) (AP(A ready)(PP(P for)(NP(N anything)))) (AP(A regardless)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth/sb)))) (AP(A related)(PP(P to)(NP))) (AP(A riddled)(PP(P with)(NP))) (AP(A right/true)(AP(A enough))) (AP(A second)(PP(P to)(NP(N none)))) ((AP(A short))(CONJ and)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N point)))) (AP(A short)(PP(P for)(NP(N sth)))) (AP(A short)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth)))) (AP(A sick)(PP(P at)(NP(N heart)))) (AP(A sick)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N sight/sound)(PP(P of)(NP(N sb/sth)))))) (AP(A sick)(PP(P to)(NP(N death)))(PP(P of)(NP(N sb/sth)))) (AP(A soft/wrong)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N head)))) (AP(A sooner)(NP(PRON you))(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(PRON me))))) (AP(A sorry)(PP(P for)(NP(PRON oneself)))) (AP(A sought)(PP(P after))) (AP(A sound)(PP(P in)(NP(NP(N wind))(CONJ and)(NP(N limb))))) (PP(P with)(NP(DET a)(AP(A capital))(N s etc))) (AP(A spelt)(PP(P with)(NP(DET a)(AP(A capital))(N s etc)))) *((AP(A steady))(PP(P on))) (AP(A straight)(PP(P from)(NP(DET the)(N shoulder)))) (AP(A subject)(PP(P to)(NP(N sth)))) (AP(A sufficient)(PP(P unto)(NP(PRON oneself)))) (AP(A sure)(AP(A enough))) (AP(A sure)(PP(P of)(NP(PRON oneself)))) (AP(A tickled)(AP(A pink))) (AP(A till/until)(S'(S(NP(N death))(NP(PRON us))(AUX(V do))(VP(V part))))) (AP(A tough etc)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N point)(PP(P of)(NP(N brutality etc)))))) (AP(A unaccounted)(PP(P for))) (AP(A uncalled)(PP(P for))) (AP(A uncared)(PP(P for))) (AP(A undreamed)(PP(P of))) (AP(A undreamt)(PP(P of))) (AP(A unfit)(PP(P for)(NP))) (AP(A unguessed)(PP(P at))) (AP(A unheard)(PP(P of))) (AP(A unlooked)(PP(P for))) (AP(A u/non-u)) (AP(A unprovided)(PP(P for))) (AP(A unthought)(PP(P of))) (AP(A weak)(PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N knees)))) (AP(A wet)(PP(P behind)(NP(DET the)(N ears)))) (AP(A where)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N world)))) (AP(A where)(PP(P on)(NP(N earth)))) *(AP(A why)(NP(DET the)(N helletc))) (AP(A why)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N world)))) (AP(A why)(PP(P on)(NP(N earth)))) (AP(A wide)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N mark)))) (AP(A wise)(PP(P after)(NP(DET the)(N event)))) (AP(A worse)(PP(P than)(AP(A useless)))) (AP(A worth)(NP(DET a)(N try))) (AP(A worth)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON its/one))'s)(N weight)(PP(P in)(NP(N gold))))) (AP(A worth)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON its/one))'s)(N weight)(PP(P in)(NP(N gold))))(PP(P to)(NP sb))) (AP(A worth)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N salt))) (AP(A worth)(NP(POSS(NP sb)'s)(N while))) (AP(A worthwhile)) (AP(A worthy)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N name)))) (AP(A writ)(AP(A large))) (AP(DEG enough)(PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(N fool)))) (AP(DEG enough)(PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(N fool)))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP sth))))) (AP(DEG enough)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V go)(PP(P on))(PP(P with)))))) (AP(DEG more)(AP(A dead))(S'(COMP than)(S(AP(A alive))))) (AP(DEG more)(PP(P by)(NP(AP(A good))(N luck)))(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(AP(A good))(N management/judgement))))) (AP(DEG more)(PP(P by)(NP(AP(A good))(N luck)))(S'(COMP than)(S(PP(P by)(NP(AP(A good))(N management/judgement)))))) (AP(DEG more)(PP(P in)(NP(N sorrow)))(S'(COMP than)(S(PP(P in)(NP(N anger)))))) (AP(DEG more)(PP(P in)(NP))(S'(COMP than)(S(VP(V meets)(NP(DET the)(N eye)))))) (AP(DEG more)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N point)))) (AP(DEG more)(S'(COMP than)(S(AP(A ever))))) (AP(DEG more)(S'(COMP than)(S(AP(A likely))))) (AP(DEG more)(S'(COMP than)(S(AP(A once))))) (AP(DEG more)(S'(COMP than)(S(AP(A welcome))))) (AP(DEG more)(S'(COMP than)(S(AP(DEG enough))))) (AP(DEG more)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP)(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V say))))) (AP(DEG more)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP)(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V say)(PP(P for)(NP)))))) (AP(DEG more)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(N anything))))) (AP(DEG more)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(N anything)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N world))))))) (AP(DEG more)(VP(V sinned)(PP(P against)))(S'(COMP than)(S(VP(V sinning))))) (AP(DEG much)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N relief etc)))) (AP(NEG not)(A likely)) (AP(NEG not)(AP(A bloody))(A likely)) (AP(AP(A far))(A removed)(PP(P from)(NP sth))) (AP(NEG not)(AP(A far))(A removed)(PP(P from)(NP sth))) (AP(NEG not)(AP(A half))(A bad/badly)) (AP(NEG not)(AP(A so/too))(A hot)) (AP(NEG not)(AP(A unduly))(A worried etc)) (AP(NEG not)(A altogether)) (AP(NEG not)(A bad)) (AP(NEG not)(A dry)(PP(P behind)(NP(DET the)(N ears)))) (AP(NEG not)(A far)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V seek))))) (AP(NEG not)(A fit)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V wash)(NP(POSS(NP sb)'s)(N feet)))))) (AP(NEG not)(A half)) (AP(NEG not)(A long)(PP(P for)(NP(DET this)(N world)))) (AP(NEG not)(A much)) (AP(NEG not)(A much)(PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(N sth)))) (AP(NEG not)(A much)(PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(N thing)))) (AP(NEG not)(A right)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N head)))) (AP(NEG not)(A worth)(NP(DET a)(N row)(PP(P of)(NP(N beans))))) (AP(NP(AP(A ten))(N feet))(A tall)) (AP(NP(AP(A third))(N time))(A lucky)) (AP(NP(DET a)(AP(A good/great))(N deal))(A healthier)) (AP(NP(DET a)(N bit))(A much)) (AP(NP(DET a)(N bit))(A thick)) (AP(NP(DET a)(N mile))(A off)) (AP(NP(NP(N time))(CONJ and)(NP(N time)))(A again)) (AP(NP(N nowhere))(A near)) (AP(NP(N polesetc))(A apart)) (AP(NP(N streets))(A ahead)(PP(P of)(NP))) (AP(NP(N word))(A perfect)) *(AP(NP(N duty))(A bound)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP(N sth)))))) *(AP(PP(P in)(NP(N duty)))(A bound)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP(N sth)))))) (AP(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N manner)))(A born)) (AP(QP(Q no))(A fewer)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP)))) (VP(V go)(AP(AP(A any))(A farther/further))) (AUX(NEG not))(VP(V go)(AP(AP(A any))(A farther/further))) (AUX(NEG not))(VP(V know)(S'(COMP what)(S(NP)(VP(V is)(PP(P at)))))) (AUX(NEG not))(VP(V know)(S'(COMP what)(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(PP(P with)(NP)))))) (AUX(NEG not))(VP(V know)(S'(COMP what)(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(PP(P with)(NP(PRON oneself))))))) (AUX(V be))(VP(AP(A well))(V advised)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP)))) (AUX(V be))(VP(V caught/taken)(AP(A short))) (AUX(V be))(VP(V dying)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP)))) (AUX(V may)(AP(A well))) (AUX(V may)(AP(AP(A very))(A well))) ((CONJ and)(AP(A how))) ((CONJ and)((AP(A so))(PP(P on/forth)))) *((CONJ and)(AP(A then)))(NP(N some)) *((CONJ and/or)(S'(COMP what)(V have))(S(NP(PRON you))(VP))) ((CONJ and)(NP(DET a)(N half))) ((CONJ and)(NP(DET the)(N like))) ((CONJ and)(NP(N all))) ((CONJ and)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N like))) ((CONJ and)(NP(QP(Q all))(DET that)(N jazz))) ((CONJ and)(NP(QP(Q all))(N that))) ((CONJ and)(NP(QP(Q no))(N mistake/error))) ((CONJ and)(PP(P about)(NP(N time)))) ((CONJ and)(PP(P about)(NP(N time)))(AP(A too))) (S(AP(A there))(NP(PRON you/we))(VP(V are))) ((CONJ and)(S(AP(A there))(NP(PRON you/we))(VP(V are)))) (S(AP(A thereby))(VP(V hangs)(NP(DET a)(N tale)))) ((CONJ and)(S(AP(A thereby))(VP(V hangs)(NP(DET a)(N tale))))) ((CONJ and)(S(NP(N that))(VP(V 's)(NP(DET a)(N fact))))) ((CONJ and)(S(NP(N that))(VP(V 's)(NP(N fact))))) ((CONJ and)(S(NP(PRON i))(AUX(NEG don't))(VP(V know)(NP(N what))))) ((CONJ and)(S(NP(PRON i))(AUX(NEG don't))(VP(V know)(NP(N what)(QP(Q all)))))) ((CONJ and)(S(NP(PRON one))(VP(V knows)(NP(PRON it))))) (S(AP(A there))(NP(PRON it))(VP(V is))) ((CONJ but)(S(AP(A there))(NP(PRON it))(VP(V is)))) (S(AP(A there))(NP(PRON you))(VP(V are))) ((CONJ but)(S(AP(A there))(NP(PRON you))(VP(V are)))) (S'(COMP(NP(PRON there)))(S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V is)))) (CONJ but)(S'(COMP(NP(PRON there)))(S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V is)))) (S'(COMP(NP(PRON there)))(S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V are)))) (CONJ but)(S'(COMP(NP(PRON there)))(S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V are)))) ((CONJ or)(AP(A else))) ((CONJ or)(AP(A so))) ((CONJ or)(NP(DET the)(AP(A nearest))(N offer))) ((CONJ or)(NP(N something))) ((CONJ or)(NP(N whatever))) ((CONJ or)(S'(COMP(AP(A so)))(S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V seems))))) ((CONJ or)(S(NP(PRON i))(VP(V am)(NP(DET a)(N dutchman))))) (NP(AP(A(A such)(CONJ and)(A such)))(DET a)(N)) (NP(AP(AP(A thoroughly))(A modern))(N sb/sth)) (NP(AP(AP(DEG no))(A less))(DET a)(N person)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP)))) (NP(AP(A action))(N stations)) (NP(AP(A active))(N service)) (NP(AP(A ancient/past))(N history)) (NP(AP(A bad/good))(N form)) (NP(AP(A bad))(N blood)) (NP(AP(A bad))(N luck)) (NP(AP(A bad))(N luck)(PP(P on)(NP))) ((NP(AP(A better))(N luck))(NP(AP(A next))(N time))) (NP(AP(A big))(N brother)) (NP(AP(A big))(N deal)) (NP(AP(A big))(N talk/words)) (NP(AP(A borrowed))(N time)) (NP(AP(A broken/fractured))(N english)) (NP(AP(A brute))(N force/strength)) (NP(AP(A chocolate))(N box)) (NP(AP(A circumstantial))(N evidence)) (NP(AP(A civil))(N disobedience)) (NP(AP(A class))(N distinction)) (NP(AP(A class))(N distinctions)) (NP(AP(A closing/opening))(N time)) (NP(AP(A coin))(N money)) (NP(AP(A cold))(N comfort)) (NP(AP(A comic))(N opera)) (NP(AP(A comic))(N relief)) (NP(AP(A common))(N decency)) (NP(AP(A common))(N ground)) (NP(AP(A common))(N knowledge)) (NP(AP(A common))(N sense)) (NP(AP(A concert))(N pitch)) (NP(AP(A conventional))(N warfare/weapons)) (NP(AP(A creature))(N comforts)) (NP(AP(A cupboard))(N love)) (NP(AP(A cut-throat))(N competition/rivalry)) (NP(AP(A danger/dirty))(N money)) (NP(AP(A darkest))(N africa)) (NP(AP(A daylight))(N robbery)) (NP(AP(A day-to-day))(N life)) (NP(AP(A dead))(N men)) (NP(AP(A dead))(N silence)) (NP(NG od)(PP(P in)(NP(N heaven)))) (NP(AP(A dear))(NG od)(PP(P in)(NP(N heaven)))) (NP(AP(A dirty))(N work)) (NP(AP(A dirty))(N work)(PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N crossroads)))) (NP(AP(A double))(N talk)) (NP(AP(A dutch))(N courage)) (NP(AP(A early))(N days))(AP(A yet)) (NP(AP(A easy))(N game)) (NP(AP(A easy))(N money)) (NP(AP(A easy))(N terms)) (NP(AP(A either))(N way)) (NP(AP(A even))(N money)) (NP(AP(A even))(N odds)) (NP(AP(A every))(AP(A last/single))(PRON one)) (NP(NP(N man))(CONJ)(NP(N woman))(CONJ and)(NP(N child))) (NP(AP(A every))(NP(N man))(CONJ)(NP(N woman))(CONJ and)(NP(N child))) (NP(NP(N tom))(CONJ)(NP(N dick))(CONJ or)(NP(N harry))) (NP(AP(A every/any))(NP(N tom))(CONJ)(NP(N dick))(CONJ or)(NP(N harry))) (NP(AP(A fair))(N game)) (NP(AP(A fair))(N play)) (NP(AP(A false))(N modesty)) (NP(AP(A family))(N planning)) (NP(AP(A family))(N pride)) (NP(AP(A famous))(AP(A last))(N words)) (NP(AP(A fighting))(N talk/words)) (NP(AP(A filthy))(N lucre)) (NP(AP(A first))(N cousin)(PP(P to)(NP sth))) (NP(AP(A first))(N principles)) (NP(AP(A first))(N thing)) (NP(AP(A first))(N thing)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N morning)))) (NP(AP(A flower))(N children/people)) (NP(AP(A flower))(N power)) (NP(AP(A forbidden))(N ground/territory)) (NP(AP(A foreign))(N parts)) (NP(AP(A foul))(N play)) (NP(AP(A four-letter))(N words)) (NP(AP(A four-lettered))(N words)) (NP(AP(A free))(N association)) (NP(AP(A free))(N love)) (NP(AP(A free))(N speech)) (NP(AP(A frozen))(N music)) (NP(AP(A full))(N face)) (NP(AP(A full))(N frontal)) ((NP(AP(A full))(N steam))(PP(P ahead))) (NP(AP(A full))(N stop)) (NP(AP(A funny))(N business)) (NP(AP(A gilded))(N youth)) (NP(AP(A glad))(N rags)) (NP(AP(A good))(AP(A clean))(N fun)) (NP(AP(A good))(AP(A old))(N sb/sth)) (NP(AP(A good))(N going)) (NP(AP(A good))(N grief)) (NP(AP(A good))(N heavens)) ((NP(AP(A good))(N luck))(PP(P to)(NP sb))) (NP(AP(A good))(N money)) (NP(AP(A good))(N riddance)) (NP(AP(A good))(N riddance)(PP(P to)(NP(AP(A bad))(N rubbish)))) (NP(AP(A good))(N works)) (NP(AP(A gracious))(N living)) (NP(AP(A grey))(N matter)) (NP(AP(A grievous))(AP(A bodily))(N harm)) (NP(AP(A growing))(N pains)) (NP(AP(A half))(N seas)(PP(P over))) (NP(AP(A hand-to-hand))(N fighting)) (NP(AP(A happy))(N days)) (NP(AP(A happy))(N landings)) (NP(AP(A hard))(N cash)) (NP(AP(A hard))(N cheese)) (NP(AP(A hard))(N fact)) (NP(AP(A hard))(N facts)) (NP(AP(A heavy))(N necking/petting)) (NP(AP(A heavyetc))(N going)) (NP(AP(A high))(N spirits)) (NP(AP(A high))(N summer)) (NP(AP(A hot))(N air)) (NP(AP(A industrial))(N action)) (NP(AP(A injured))(N innocence)) (NP(AP(A inverted))(N snobbery)) (NP(AP(A iron))(N rations)) (NP(AP(A jolly))(NP(N hockey))(N sticks)) (NP(AP(A just))(AP(A another))(N game)) (NP(AP(A just))(DET a)(N minute)) (NP(AP(A just))(DET the)(N job/ticket)) (NP(AP(A just))(DET the)(N thing)) (NP(AP(A just))(N anybodyetc)) (NP(AP(A just))(POSS(NP)'s)(AP(A little))(N joke)) (NP(AP(A just))(S'(COMP(PRON what))(S(NP(DET the)(N doctor))(VP(V ordered))))) (NP(AP(A kissing))(N cousins)) (NP(AP(A light))(N relief)) (NP(AP(A little))(AP(A green))(N men)) (NP(AP(A loose))(N talk)) (NP(AP(A mixed))(N company)) (NP(AP(A moral))(N support)) (NP(AP(A more))(N trouble)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP)(VP(V be)(AP(A worth)))))) (NP(AP(A new/fresh))(N blood)) (NP(AP(A next))(N door/thing)(PP(P to)(NP(N sth)))) (NP(AP(A nice))(N work)(S'(COMP if)(S(NP(PRON you))(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V get)(NP(PRON it)))))) (NP(AP(A nice/lovely))(N weather)(PP(P for)(NP(N ducks)))) (NP(AP(A nine))(N times)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(N ten))))) (NP(AP(A odd))(N jobs)) (NP(AP(A old))(AP(A unhappy))(AP(A far-off))(N things)) (NP(AP(A old))(N boy etc)) (NP(AP(A old))(N hat)) (NP(AP(A old))(N stuff)) (NP(AP(A olde))(N worlde)) (NP(AP(A one-eyed))(N man)) (NP(AP(A only))(DET the)(AP(A other))(N day)) (NP(DET the)(N tip)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N iceberg)))) (NP(AP(A only))(DET the)(N tip)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N iceberg)))) (NP(AP(A open))(N season)(PP(P for)(NP(N sth)))) (NP(AP(A panic))(N stations)) (NP(AP(A perfidious))(N albion)) (NP(AP(A plain))(N clothes)) (NP(AP(A plain))(N speaking)) (NP(AP(A poor))(AP(A little))(AP(A rich))(N girl)) (NP(AP(A poor))(AP(A old))(N sb/sth)) (NP(AP(A poor))(N relations)) (NP(AP(A positive))(N thinking)) (NP(AP(A public))(N property)) (NP(AP(A received))(N opinion etc)) (NP(AP(A received))(N opinions etc)) (NP(AP(A righteous))(N anger/indignation)) (NP(AP(A rose-coloured/rose-tinted))(N spectacles etc)) (NP(AP(A rough))(N justice)) (NP(AP(A rude))(N health)) (NP(AP(A running))(N repairs)) (NP(AP(A second))(N nature)) (NP(AP(A sharp))(N practice)) (NP(AP(A short))(NP(NP(N back))(CONJ and)(NP(N sides)))) (NP(AP(A single))(N blessedness)) (NP(AP(A sinking))(N sand)) (NP(AP(A sinking))(N sands)) (NP(AP(A small))(N beer/potatotes)) (NP(AP(A sober))(N fact etc)) (NP(AP(A soft))(N soap)) (NP(AP(A sour))(N grapes)) (NP(AP(A special))(N pleading)) (NP(AP(A split))(N hairs)) (NP(AP(A spring))(N clean)) (NP(AP(A staying))(N power)) (NP(AP(A steam))(N radio)) (NP(AP(A sterling))(N stuff)) (NP(AP(A stinking))(N drunk/rich)) (NP(AP(A strained))(N relations)) (NP(AP(A strange etc))(N bedfellows)) (NP(AP(A strong))(N language/words)) (NP(AP(A strong))(N meat)) (NP(AP(A sure))(N thing)) (NP(AP(A sweated))(N labour)) (VP(VP(V give)(NP(N delight)))(CONJ and)(VP(V hurt)(NEG not))) (NP(AP(A sweet))(N airs/noises)(S'(COMP that)(S(VP(VP(V give)(NP(N delight)))(CONJ and)(VP(V hurt)(NEG not)))))) (NP(AP(A sweet))(N fannyadams)) ((NP(AP(A sweet))(N sixteen))(CONJ and)(S'(COMP(AP(A never)))(S(AUX(V been))(VP(V kissed))))) (NP(AP(A tender))(AP(A loving))(N care)) ((NP(AP(A third))(N time))(AP(A lucky))) (NP(AP(A three))(N cheers)) (NP(AP(A three))(N cheers)(PP(P for)(NP(N sb/sth)))) (NP(AP(A top))(N dog)) (NP(AP(A wall-to-wall))(N carpeting)) (NP(AP(A what))(AP(A little))(N money)(S(NP(PRON one))(VP(V has)))) (NP(AP(A what))(DET a)(N hope)) (NP(AP(A what))(DET a)(N life)) (NP(AP(A what))(DET a)(N nerve)) (NP(AP(A what))(DET a)(N pity)) (NP(AP(A what))(N price))(NP) (NP(AP(A whistle))(N stop)) (NP(AP(A whistle))(N stops)) (NP(AP(A white))(N trash)) (NP(AP(A wishful))(N thinking)) (NP(AP(A worse))(N luck)) (NP(AP(DEG))(DET the)(N luck)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N game)))) (NP(AP(DEG just/all))(DET the)(N luck)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N game)))) ((NP(AP(DEG more))(N power))(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP sb)'s)(N elbow)))) (NP(AP(DEG more))(N trouble)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP)(VP(V be)(AP(A worth)))))) (NP(CONJ neither)(NP(N fish))(CONJ)(NP(N flesh))(CONJ nor)(NP(AP(A good))(AP(A fresh))(N meat))) (NP(CONJ neither)(NP(N fish))(CONJ nor)(NP(N flesh))(CONJ nor)(NP(AP(A good))(AP(A fresh))(N meat))) (NP(CONJ neither)(NP(N fish))(CONJ)(NP(N flesh))(CONJ nor)(NP(AP(A good))(AP(A red))(N herring))) (NP(CONJ neither)(NP(N fish))(CONJ nor)(NP(N flesh))(CONJ nor)(NP(AP(A good))(AP(A red))(N herring))) (NP(DET a)(AP(AD utch))(N treat)) (NP(DET a)(AP(AF rench))(N letter)) (NP(DET a)(AP(AP(A cock))(CONJ and)(AP(A bull)))(N story)) (NP(DET a)(AP(AP(A dirty))(A great))(N bill)) (NP(DET a)(AP(AP(A dirty))(A old))(N man)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A paid-up))(N member etc)) (NP(DET a)(AP(AP(A fully))(A paid-up))(N member etc)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A different))(N kettle)(PP(P of)(NP(N fish)))) (NP(DET a)(AP(AP(A very))(A different))(N kettle)(PP(P of)(NP(N fish)))) (NP(DET a)(AP(A back))(N number)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A back))(N seat)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A back-seat))(N driver)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A bad))(N business)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A bad))(N egg/lot)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A bad))(N patch)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A banana))(N republic)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A bare))(N outline)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A bargain))(N basement/counter)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A bargaining))(N counter)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A batting))(N average)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A bawling/slanging))(N match)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A bear))(N garden)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A beauty))(N spot)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A bedside))(N manner)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A beef))(N baron)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A besetting))(N sin)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A big))(N bug)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A big))(N cheese)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A big))(N fish)(PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(AP(A little))(N pond)))) (NP(DET a)(AP(A big))(N hit)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A big))(N name)) ((NP(DET a)(N night))(PP(P out))) ((NP(DET a)(AP(A big))(N night))(PP(P out))) (NP(DET a)(AP(A big))(N shot)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A bird's-eye))(N view)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A bird's-eye))(N view)(PP(P of)(NP))) (NP(DET a)(AP(A bitter))(N pill)(S'(COMP for)(S(NP)(AUX(to))(VP(V swallow))))) (NP(DET a)(AP(A bitter))(N pill)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V swallow))))) (NP(AP(A black))(N comedy)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A black))(N comedy)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A black))(N day)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A black))(N day)(PP(P for)(NP sb))) (NP(DET a)(AP(A black))(N look)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A black))(N mood)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A black))(N spot)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A blind))(N alley)) (NP(AP(A blind))(N fury/rage)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A blind))(N fury/rage)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A blind))(N spot)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A blood))(N bath)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A bloodless))(N revolution)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A bloodless))(N victory)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A bloody))(N fool)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A bloody))(N shovel)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A blue))(N film)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A blue))(N fit)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A body))(N blow)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A bogey))(N man)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A bold/brave))(N front)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A boon))(N companion)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A bosom))(N friend/pal)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A bottle))(N party)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A brass))(N farthing)) (NP(AP(A brave))(AP(A new))(N world)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A brave))(AP(A new))(N world)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A brave))(N show)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A brave))(N show)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth)))) (NP(DET a)(AP(A bright))(N spark)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A broken))(N home)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A broken))(N marriage)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A broken))(N reed)) (NP(AP(A brute))(N fact/necessity)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A brute))(N fact/necessity)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A bucket))(N shop)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A buffer))(N state/zone)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A burnt))(N offering)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A callow))(N youth)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A capital))(N offence)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A captive))(N audience)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A captive))(N market)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A card-carrying))(N member)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A cardinal))(N error)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A caretaker))(N government)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A casual))(N remark)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A chance))(N acquaintance/companion)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A chance))(N encounter/meeting)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A chequered))(N career/history)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A chinless))(N wonder)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A chosen))(N instrument/vessel)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A clarion))(N call)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A clean))(N sheet)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A clear))(N case)(PP(P of)(NP))) (NP(DET a)(AP(A clever))(N dick)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A close/narrow))(N shave/squeak)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A close))(N call)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A close))(N friend)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A close))(N relation/relative)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A close))(N season)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A close))(N second)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A close))(N thing)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A closed/sealed))(N book)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A closed))(N shop)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A cold))(N fish)) (NP(AP(A cold))(N fury)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A cold))(N fury)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A cold))(N snap)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A confirmed))(N bachelor)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A cool))(N customer)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A country))(N cousin)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A cover))(N address)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A crash))(N course/programme)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A crashing))(N bore)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A mixed-up))(N kid)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A crazy))(AP(A mixed-up))(N kid)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A credibility))(N gap)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A creeping))(NJ esus)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A creeping))(N paralysis)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A crying))(N evil)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A cultural))(N desert)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A cushy))(N number)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A custard))(N pie)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A damp))(N squib)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A dark))(N horse)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A dead))(N cert/certainty)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A dead))(N duck)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A dead))(N end)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A dead))(N heat)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A dead))(N letter)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A dead))(N loss)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A dead))(N weight)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A decent/good))(N sort)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A different))(N matter)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A dirty))(N dog)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A dirty))(N pig)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A dirty))(N trick)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A dirty))(N word)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A disappearing))(N act)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A dismal))(N failure)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A disorderly))(N house)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A displaced))(N person)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A distressed))(N area)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A double))(N agent)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A double))(N bind)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A double))(N chin)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A double))(N cross)) (NP(AP(A double))(N think)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A double))(N think)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A doubtful))(N proposition)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A doubting))(NT homas)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A dry/dummy))(N run)) *(NP(DET a)(AP(A dyed-)(PP(P in-)(NP(DET the-)(N wool))))(N reactionary)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A fair))(N cop)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A fair))(N question)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A false))(N alarm)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A false))(N dawn)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A family))(N favourite)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A family))(N feud)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A family))(N joke)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A family))(N likeness)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A family))(N man)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A family))(N tree)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A famous))(N victory)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A fancy))(N man)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A far))(N cry)(PP(P from)(NP sth))) (NP(DET a)(AP(A fast))(N buck)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A fast))(N worker)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A fat))(N lot)(PP(P of)(NP))) (NP(DET a)(AP(A fat))(N lot)(PP(P of)(NP(N good)))) (NP(DET a)(AP(A fat))(N price)) (NP(AP(A fellow))(N feeling)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A fellow))(N feeling)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A fellow))(N traveller)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A few))(AP(A home))(N truths)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A fine))(N body)(PP(P of)(NP(N men)))) (NP(DET a)(AP(A fine))(N figure)(PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(N man)))) (NP(DET a)(AP(A fine))(N kettle)(PP(P of)(NP(N fish)))) (NP(DET a)(AP(A fine))(N thing)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A fine))(N time)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A fine))(N time)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP sth))))) (NP(DET a)(AP(A finishing))(N school)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A firm))(N offer)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A first))(N charge)(PP(P on/upon)(NP sth/sb))) (NP(DET a)(AP(A fixed))(N idea)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A flash))(NH arry)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A flat))(N voice)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A flying/lightning))(N visit)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A flying))(N start)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A flying))(N tackle)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A foregone))(N conclusion)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A foreign))(N body)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A forlorn))(N hope)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A founding))(N father)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A four-leaved))(N clover)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A free))(N fight)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A free))(N loader)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A gammy))(N leg)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A garden/plaster))(N gnome)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A gay))(N dog)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A gin))(N palace)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A ginger))(N group)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A going))(N concern)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A golden))(N handshake)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A golden))(N opportunity)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A square))(N meal)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A good))(AP(A square))(N meal)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A good/bad))(N listener)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A good/bad))(N loser)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A good/great))(N deal)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A good/great))(N deal)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A good/great))(N deal)(PP(P of)(NP sth))) (NP(DET a)(AP(A good))(N samaritan)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A good))(N address)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A good))(N few)(NP sb/sth))(NP(DET a)(AP(A good))(N few)(NP sb/sth))(NP(DET a)(AP(A good))(N job)(AP(AP(A well))(A done))) (NP(DET a)(AP(A good))(N many)(NP sb/sth))(NP(DET a)(AP(A good))(N many)(NP sb/sth))(NP(DET a)(AP(A good))(N mixer)) (NP(AP(A good))(N show)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A good))(N show)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A grass))(N widow)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A white))(N hope)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A great))(AP(A white))(N hope)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A grey))(N eminence)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A grown))(N man/woman)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A guardian))(N angel)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A guiding))(N light/star)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A guinea))(N pig)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A halfway))(N house)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A hanging))(N judge)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A happy))(AP(A hunting))(N ground)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A happy))(AP(A hunting))(N ground)(PP(P for/of)(NP sb))) (NP(DET a)(AP(A happy))(N choice)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A happy))(N ending)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A hard))(N case)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A hard))(N day)(PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N office)))) (NP(DET a)(AP(A hard))(N life)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A high))(N profile)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A hollow))(N laugh)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A holy))(N terror)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A holy))(N war)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A hot))(N line)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A hot))(N spot)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A howling))(N success)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A howling))(N wilderness)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A jaundiced))(N eyeetc)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A kindred))(N spirit)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A knocking))(N shop)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A lame))(N duck)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A lay))(N figure)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A leading))(N light/luminary)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A leading))(N question/remark)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A left-handed/back-handed))(N compliment)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A lesser))(N light/luminary)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A likely))(N story)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A tin))(N god)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A little))(AP(A tin))(N god)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A live))(N wire)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A lone))(N wolf/bird)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A long))(N haul)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A long))(N line)(PP(P of)(NP(N teachersetc)))) (NP(DET a)(AP(A long))(N shot)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A lost))(N cause)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A lost))(N soul)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A loved))(N one)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A low))(N profile)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A lucky))(N dip)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A mad))(N dog)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A male))(AP(A chauvinist))(N pig/swine)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A male))(N chauvinist)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A marked))(N man)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A ministering))(N angel)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A mixed))(N bag)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A mixed))(N blessing)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A moonlight))(N flit/flitting)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A moot))(N point/question)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A narrow))(N escape)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A nasty))(N piece)(PP(P of)(NP(N work)))) (NP(DET a)(AP(A near))(N miss)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A necessary))(N evil)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A nervous))(N wreck)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A new))(N boy/girl)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A new))(N deal)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A new))(N look)) *(NP(DET a)(AP(A no-go))(N area/district)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A parthian/parting))(N shot/shaft)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A pecking)))(N order)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A peeping))(N tom)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A plain))(N jane)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A practical))(N joke)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A pregnant))(N silence/pause)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A private))(N eye)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A prize))(N ass etc)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A proper/right))(N charley/charlie)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A puffing))(N billy)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A purple))(N patch/passage)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A pyrrhic))(N victory)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A queer))(N fish)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A quick))(N one)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A quick-change))(N artist)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A rare))(N bird)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A raving))(N beauty)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A redeeming))(N feature)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A rough))(N diamond)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A running))(N battle/fight)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A sacred))(N cow)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A safe))(N bet)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A safe))(N job)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A saving))(N grace)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A scarlet))(N woman)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A second etc))(N opinion)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A set))(N piece)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A shining))(N example)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A shining))(N example)(PP(P of)(NP(N sb/sth)))) (NP(DET a)(AP(A shining))(N light)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A short))(N cut)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A short))(N cut)(PP(P to)(NP(N sth)))) (NP(DET a)(AP(A shrinking))(N violet)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A silly))(N billy)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A sitting))(N duck/target)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A smart))(N alec)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A smart))(N aleck)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A smooth))(N operator etc)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A snap))(N vote etc)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A sobering))(N thought)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A soft))(N job)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A soft))(N option)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A soft/easy))(N touch)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A sore))(N point)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A sore))(N point)(PP(P with)(NP(N sb)))) (NP(DET a)(AP(A sorry))(N state etc)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A split))(N second)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A square))(N peg)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A square))(N peg)(PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(AP(A round))(N hole)))) (NP(DET a)(AP(A stately))(N home)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A stepping))(N stone)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A stepping))(N stone)(PP(P to)(NP(N sth)))) (NP(DET a)(AP(A stepping))(N stone)(PP(P from)(NP(N sth)))) (NP(DET a)(AP(A stepping))(N stone)(PP(P from)(NP(N sth)))(PP(P to)(NP(N sth)))) (NP(DET a)(AP(A stiff))(AP(A upper))(N lip)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A stiff))(N drink etc)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A stiff))(N letter)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A stout))(N fellow/feller)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A straight))(N answer)) (NP(AP(A straight))(N man)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A straight))(N man)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A strong))(N man)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A strong))(N point)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A stuffed))(N shirt)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A stumbling))(N block)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A sure))(N thing)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A sweeping))(N statement)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A talking))(N head)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A tall))(N order)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A tall))(N story/tale)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A thin))(N excuse)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A tidy))(N sum)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A tight))(N spot)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A tough))(N guy/cookie)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A trojan))(N horse)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A turning))(N point)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A vicious))(N circle/spiral)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A walking))(N dictionary)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A wandering))(N jew)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A watching))(N brief)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A weak))(N moment)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A weaker))(N vessel)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A welfare))(N state)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A wet))(N blanket)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A wet))(N nurse)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A whipping))(N boy)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A white))(N christmas)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A white))(N elephant)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A white))(N lie)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A white))(N night)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A white))(N slave)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A whited))(N sepulchre)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A whiter))(N shade)(PP(P of)(NP(N pale)))) (NP(DET a)(AP(A wide))(N boy)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A wild))(N(N goose)(N chase))) (NP(DET a)(AP(A wild))(N man)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A willing))(N horse)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A wise/foolish))(N virgin)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A wise))(N guy)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A wrong))(N 'un)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A young))(N hopeful)) (NP(DET a/the)(AP(A awkward))(N squad)) (NP(DET a/the)(AP(A dumb))(N blonde)) (NP(DET a/the)(AP(A happy))(N medium)) (NP(DET a/the)(N bed)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V end)(NP(PRON them)(QP(Q all))))))) (NP(DET a/the)(N bed)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V end)(NP(QP(Q all))(N beds)))))) (NP(DET a/the)(N devil)(PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(N fellow)))) (NP(DET a/the)(N division)(PP(P of)(NP(N labour)))) (NP(DET a/the)(N hair)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N dog)))) (NP(DET a/the)(N hair)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N dog)(S'(COMP that)(S(VP(V bit)(NP(PRON one)))))))) (NP(DET a/the)(N hell)(PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(N sth)))) (NP(DET a/the)(N means)(PP(P to)(NP(DET an)(N end)))) (NP(DET a)(N(A(A sure)(V fire))(N methodetc))) (NP(DET a)(N(A(V slap)(P up))(N mealetc))) (NP(N(A breaking)(N point))) (NP(DET a)(N(A breaking)(N point))) (NP(DET a)(N(A lucky)(N dip))) (NP(DET a)(N(A roman)(N holiday))) (NP(DET a)(N(A rough)(N house))) (NP(DET a)(N(A round)(N robin))) (NP(DET a)(N(A sad)(N sack))) (NP(DET a)(N(A talking)(N point))) (NP(DET a)(N(A trojan)(N horse))) (NP(DET a)(ND aniel)(VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(N judgment))))) (NP(DET a)(ND aniel)(VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(N judgement))))) (NP(DET a)(ND onJ uan)) (NP(DET a)(N(N(A one)(N horse))(N townetc))) (NP(DET a)(N(N(A one)(N man))(N bandetc))) (NP(DET a)(N(N(A one)(N night))(N stand))) (NP(DET a)(N(N(A sudden)(N death))(N finish)/(N(N play)(P off)))) (NP(DET a)(N(N(A white/blue)(N collar))(N job))) (NP(DET a)(N(N(N coffee)(N table))(N book))) (NP(N(N(N hole)(CONJ and)(N corner))(N businessetc))) (NP(DET a)(N(N(N hole)(CONJ and)(N corner))(N businessetc))) (NP(DET a)(N(N(N poison)(N pen))(N letter))) (NP(DET a)(N(N(N song)(CONJ and)(N dance))(N actetc))) (NP(DET a)(N(N(N twopenny)(N halfpenny))/(N(N tuppenny)(N ha'penny))(N affairetc))) *(NP(DET a)(N(NP(N will)(PP(P o')(NP(DET the)(N wisp)))))) (NP(DET a)(N(N(V cut)(N throat))(N price))) (NP(DET a)(N(NW alter)(NM itty))) (NP(DET a)(N(N bronx)(N cheer))) (NP(DET a)(N(N calamity)(N jane))) (NP(DET a)(N(N city)(N slicker))) (NP(DET a)(N(N con)(N trick))) (NP(DET a)(N(N confidence)(N trick))) (NP(DET a)(N(N consolation)(N prize))) (NP(DET a)(N(N conversation)(N piece))) (NP(DET a)(N(N culture)(N vulture))) (NP(DET a)(N(N curtain)(N lecture))) (NP(DET a)(N(N day)(N dream))) (NP(DET a)(N(N death)(N blow))) (NP(DET a)(N(N death)(N rattle))) (NP(DET a)(N(N death)(N warrant))) (NP(DET a)(N(N ding)(N dong))) (NP(DET a)(N(N ding)(N dong)))battleetc (NP(DET a)(N(N disaster)(N area))) (NP(DET a)(N(N duty)(N call))) (NP(DET a)(N(N fairy)(N godmother))) (NP(DET a)(N(N fairy)(N story/tale))) (NP(DET a)(N(N fall)(N guy))) (NP(DET a)(N(N father)(N figure))) (NP(DET a)(N(N field)(N day))) (NP(DET a)(N(N flea)(N pit))) (NP(DET a)(N(N gold)(N mine))) (NP(DET a)(N(N hen)(N party))) (NP(DET a)(N(N home)(N bird))) (NP(DET a)(N(N household)(N name/word))) (NP(DET a)(N(N hue)(CONJ and)(N cry))) (NP(DET a)(N(N job)(N lot))) (NP(DET a)(N(N johnny)(V(V come)(A lately)))) (NP(DET a)(N(N jot)(CONJ or)(N title))) (NP(DET a)(N(N litter)(N lout))) (NP(DET a)(N(N mrs)(N mop))) (NP(DET a)(N(N paper)(N tiger))) (NP(N(N paul)(V pry))) (NP(DET a)(N(N paul)(V pry))) (NP(DET a)(N(N pen)(N portrait))) (NP(DET a)(N(N period)(N piece))) (NP(DET a)(N(N peter)(N pan))) (NP(DET a)(N(N pipe)(N dream))) (NP(DET a)(N(N poker)(N face))) (NP(DET a)(N(N pub)(N crawl))) (NP(DET a)(N(N ringside)(N seat))) (NP(DET a)(N(N rough)(CONJ and)(N tumble))) (NP(DET a)(N(N rum)(N go))) (NP(DET a)(N(N skeleton)(N staff))) (NP(DET a)(N(N smoke)(N screen))) (NP(DET a)(N(N soap)(N opera))) (NP(N(N sob)(N story/stuff))) (NP(DET a)(N(N sob)(N story/stuff))) (NP(DET a)(N(N spot)(N check))) (NP(DET a)(N(N stage)(N party))) (NP(DET a)(N(N straw)(N man))) (NP(DET a)(N(N sugar)(N daddy))) (NP(DET a)(N(N surprise)(N packet))) (NP(DET a)(N(N tail-end)(N charlie))) (NP(DET a)(N(N thumbnail)(N portrait/sketch))) (NP(DET a)(N(N thumbnail)(N portrait/sketch))(PP(P of)(NP(N sb/sth)))) (NP(N(N treasure)(N trove))) (NP(DET a)(N(N treasure)(N trove))) (NP(DET a)(N(N value)(N judgement))) (NP(DET a)(N(N wildcat)(N scheme))) (NP(DET a)(N(N wildcat)(N strike))) (NP(DET a)(NP(AP(A mutual))(N congratulation))(N society)) (NP(DET a)(NP(AP(A mutual))(N congratulations))(N society)) (NP(DET a)(NP(AP(A nine))(N day))(N wonder)) (NP(DET a)(NP(AP(A nine))(N days))(N wonder)) (NP(DET a)(NP(AP(A red))(N letter))(N day)) (NP(DET a)(NP(AP(A scorched))(N earth))(N policy)) (NP(NP(N darby))(CONJ and)(NP(N joan))) (NP(DET a)(NP(NP(N darby))(CONJ and)(NP(N joan)))) (NP(NP(N jekyll))(CONJ and)(NP(N hyde))) (NP(NP(N jekyll))(CONJ and)(NP(N mrhyde))) (NP(NP(N drjekyll))(CONJ and)(NP(N hyde))) (NP(NP(N drjekyll))(CONJ and)(NP(N mrhyde))) (NP(DET a)(NP(NP(N jekyll))(CONJ and)(NP(N hyde)))) (NP(DET a)(NP(NP(N jekyll))(CONJ and)(NP(N mrhyde)))) (NP(DET a)(NP(NP(N drjekyll))(CONJ and)(NP(N hyde)))) (NP(DET a)(NP(NP(N drjekyll))(CONJ and)(NP(N mrhyde)))) *(NP(DET a)(NP(N day-)(PP(P to-)(NP(N day))))(N arrangement)) (NP(NP(N kitchen-sink))(N drama/play)) (NP(DET a)(NP(N kitchen-sink))(N drama/play)) (NP(DET a)(N(P down)(N payment))) (NP(DET a)(N(V think)(N tank))) (NP(DET a)(N babe)(PP(P in)(NP(N arms)))) (NP(DET a)(N bag/bundle)(PP(P of)(NP(N nerves)))) (NP(DET a)(N bag)(PP(P of)(NP(N bones)))) (NP(DET a)(N battle)(AP(A royal))) (NP(DET a)(N battle)(PP(P of)(NP(N wits)))) (NP(DET a)(AP(A gilded))(N cage)) (NP(DET a)(N bird)(PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(AP(A gilded))(N cage)))) (NP(DET a)(N bird)(PP(P of)(NP(N passage)))) (NP(DET a)(N bit)(PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(N coward)))) (NP(DET a)(N bit)(PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(N nuisance)))) (NP(DET a)(N bit)(PP(P of)(NP(QP(Q all))(N right)))) (NP(DET a)(N bite)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V eat))))) (NP(DET a)(N blessing)(PP(P in)(NP(N disguise)))) (NP(DET a)(N blot)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N escutcheon)))) (NP(DET a)(N blot)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N landscape)))) (NP(DET a)(N blot)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N escutcheon)))) (NP(DET a)(N bolt)(PP(P from)(NP(DET the)(N blue)))) (NP(DET a)(N bone)(PP(P of)(NP(N contention)))) (NP(DET a)(N brand)(AP(A plucked)(PP(P from)(NP(DET the)(N burning))))) (NP(DET a)(N breath)(PP(P of)(NP(AP(A fresh))(N air)))) (NP(DET a)(N breath)(PP(P of)(NP(N wind)))) (NP(DET a)(N captain)(PP(P of)(NP(N industry)))) (NP(DET a)(N change)(PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N better/worse)))) (NP(DET a)(N change)(PP(P of)(NP(N face/front)))) (NP(DET a)(N change)(PP(P of)(NP(N heart)))) (NP(DET a)(N chapter)(PP(P of)(NP(N accidents)))) (NP(DET a)(N child)(PP(P in)(NP(DET such/these)(N matters)))) (NP(DET a)(N chink/crack)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N armour)))) (NP(DET a)(N chip)(PP(P of/off)(NP(DET the)(AP(A old))(N block)))) (NP(DET a)(N clash)(PP(P of)(NP(N wills)))) (NP(DET a)(N cloud)(AP(AP(DEG no))(A bigger)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N man))'s)(N hand)))))) (NP(DET a)(N cloud)(AP(AP(DEG no))(A bigger)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(DET the)(N size)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N man))'s)(N hand)))))))) (NP(DET a)(N cloud)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N sky)))) (NP(DET a)(N cloud)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N horizon)))) (NP(DET a)(N cog)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N machine)))) (NP(DET a)(N contradiction)(PP(P in)(NP(N terms)))) (NP(DET a)(N counsel)(PP(P for/of)(NP(N perfection)))) (NP(DET a)(N course)(PP(P of)(NP(N action)))) (NP(DET a)(N credit)(PP(P to)(NP(N sb)))) (NP(DET a)(N cross)(PP(P between)(NP(NP(N sth))(CONJ and)(NP(N sth))))) (NP(DET a)(N crumb)(PP(P of)(NP(N comfort)))) (NP(DET a)(N cuckoo)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N nest)))) (NP(DET a)(N damsel)(PP(P in)(NP(N distress)))) (NP(DET a)(N day)(PP(P off))) (NP(DET a)(N den)(PP(P of)(NP(N iniquity)))) (NP(DET a)(N den)(PP(P of)(NP(N thieves)))) (NP(DET a)(N devil)(PP(P with)(NP(DET the)(N men/women)))) (NP(DET a)(N diamond)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(AP(A first))(N water)))) (NP(DET a)(N difference)(PP(P in)(NP(N kind)))) (NP(N difference)(PP(P of)(NP(N opinion)))) (NP(DET a)(N difference)(PP(P of)(NP(N opinion)))) (NP(DET a)(N dish)(PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N gods)))) (NP(DET a)(N dog)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N manger)))) (NP(DET a)(N drop)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N bucket/ocean)))) (NP(DET a)(N drug)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N market)))) (NP(DET a)(N fate)(AP(A worse)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(N death)))))) (NP(DET a)(N feast)(PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N eyes)))) (NP(DET a)(N feast)(PP(P of)(NP(N talent)))) (NP(DET a)(N feather)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N cap)))) (NP(DET a)(N figment)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N imagination)))) (NP(DET a)(N figment)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N imagination)))) (NP(DET a)(N figure)(PP(P of)(NP(N fun)))) (NP(DET a)(N fish)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(N water))))) (NP(DET a)(N fit)(PP(P of)(NP(N laughter)))) (NP(DET a)(N flash)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N pan)))) (NP(DET a)(N flight)(PP(P of)(NP(N fancy)))) (NP(DET a)(N florencenightingale)) (NP(DET a)(N force)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V be)(AP(A reckoned)(PP(P with))))))) (NP(DET a)(N freak)(PP(P of)(NP(N nature)))) (NP(DET a)(N friend)(PP(P in)(NP(N need)))) (NP(DET a)(N friend)(PP(P in)(NP(N need))))(VP(V is)(NP(DET a)(N friend))(AP(A indeed))) (NP(DET a)(N game)(S'(COMP that)(S(NP(N two))(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V play))))) (NP(DET a)(N gift)(PP(P from)(NP(DET the)(N gods)))) (NP(DET a)(N gleam)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N eye)))) (NP(DET a)(N glutton)(PP(P for)(NP(N work/punishment)))) (NP(DET a)(N grandoldman)) (NP(DET a)(N grandoldman)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth)))) (NP(N heaven)(PP(P on)(NP(N earth)))) (NP(DET a)(N heaven)(PP(P on)(NP(N earth)))) (NP(DET a)(N hole)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N wall)))) (NP(DET a)(N home)(PP(P from)(NP(N home)))) (NP(DET a)(N horn)(PP(P of)(NP(N plenty)))) (NP(DET a)(N horse)(PP(P of)(NP(AP(A another))(N colour)))) (NP(DET a)(N house)(PP(P of)(NP(N cards)))) (NP(DET a)(N houseetc)(AP(A divided)(PP(P against)(NP(PRON itself))))) (NP(DET a)(N howl/storm)(PP(P of)(NP(N protestetc)))) (NP(DET a)(N jack)(PP(P in)(NP(N office)))) (NP(DET a)(N job)(PP(P of)(NP(N work)))) (NP(DET a)(N judgment)(PP(P of)(NP(NS olomon)))) (NP(DET a)(N judgement)(PP(P of)(NP(NS olomon)))) (NP(DET a)(N knight)(PP(P in)(NP(AP(A shining))(N armour)))) (NP(DET a)(N labour)(PP(P of)(NP(N love)))) (NP(DET a)(N land)(AP(A fit)(S'(COMP for)(S(NP(N heroes))(AUX(to))(VP(V live)(PP(P in))))))) (NP(DET a)(N land)(AP(A flowing)(PP(P with)(NP(NP(N milk))(CONJ and)(NP(N honey)))))) (NP(DET a)(N law)(PP(P unto)(NP(PRON oneself)))) (NP(DET a)(N leap/shot)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N dark)))) (NP(DET a)(N lick)(PP(P of)(NP(N paint)))) (NP(DET a)(N lion)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N path/way)))) (NP(DET a)(N lot)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V ask))))) (NP(DET a)(N lot)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V ask)(PP(P of)(NP sb)))))) (NP(DET a)(N maidetc)(PP(P of)(NP(QP(Q all))(N work)))) (NP(DET a)(N man/woman)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N world)))) (NP(DET a)(N man/woman)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his/her)))(N word)))) (NP(DET a)(N man)(PP(P about)(NP(N town)))) (NP(DET a)(N man)(PP(P of)(NP(NG od)))) (NP(DET a)(N man)(PP(P of)(NP(N action)))) (NP(DET a)(N man)(PP(P of)(NP(N letters)))) (NP(DET a)(N manetc)(PP(P after)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(N heart)))) (NP(DET a)(N manetc)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N position)))) (NP(DET a)(N manetc)(PP(P of)(NP(AP(A few))(N words)))) (NP(DET a)(N manetc)(PP(P of)(NP(N parts)))) (NP(DET a)(N manetc)(PP(P of)(NP(AP(A many))(N parts)))) (NP(DET a)(N manetc)(PP(P of)(NP(N substance)))) (NP(DET a)(N marriage)(PP(P of)(NP(N convenience)))) (NP(DET a)(N matter)(PP(P of)(NP)))e.g.concern,fact,moment,opinion,timeetc. (PP(P of)(NP(AP(A academic))(N interest/concern))) (NP(DET a)(N matteretc)(PP(P of)(NP(AP(A academic))(N interest/concern)))) (NP(DET a)(N matteretc)(PP(P of)(NP(NP(N life))(CONJ and/or)(NP(N death))))) (NP(DET a)(N mine)(PP(P of)(NP(N information)))) (NP(DET a)(N nail)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb/sth))'s)(N coffin)))) (NP(DET a)(N nail)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N coffin)))) (NP(DET a)(N name)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V conjure)(PP(P with)))))) (NP(DET a)(N pack)(PP(P of)(NP(N lies)))) (NP(DET a)(N pain)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N neck)))) (NP(DET a)(N paragon)(PP(P of)(NP(N virtue)))) (NP(DET a)(N pearl)(PP(P of)(NP(AP(A great))(N price)))) (NP(DET a)(N peg)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V hang)(NP sth))))) (NP(DET a)(N peg)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V hang)(NP sth)(PP(P on/upon)))))) (NP(DET a)(N penny)(PP(P for)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON your)))(N thoughts)))) (NP(DET a)(N piece)(PP(P of)(NP(N cake)))) (NP(DET a)(N pillar)(PP(P of)(NP(N societyetc)))) (NP(DET a)(N pillar/tower)(PP(P of)(NP(N strengthetc)))) (NP(DET a)(N plague/pox)(PP(P on)(NP(QP(Q both))(POSS(NP(PRON your)))(N houses)))) (NP(DET a)(N port)(PP(P of)(NP(N call)))) (NP(DET a)(N power)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N land)))) (NP(DET a)(N prophet)(PP(P of)(NP(N doom)))) (NP(DET a)(N prophet)(PP(P without)(NP(N honour)))(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(AP(A own))(N country)))) *(NP(DET a)(N quidproquo)) (NP(DET a)(N race/fight)(PP(P against)(NP(N time)))) (NP(DET a)(N ray)(PP(P of)(NP(N sunshine)))) (NP(DET a)(N rift)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N lute)))) (NP(DET a)(N rod/stick)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V beat)(NP(N sb))(PP(P with)))))) (NP(DET a)(N rule)(PP(P of)(NP(N thumb)))) (NP(DET a)(N school)(PP(P of)(NP(N thought)))) (NP(DET a)(N sign)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N times)))) (NP(DET a)(N skeleton)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N cupboard)))) (NP(DET a)(N slice)(PP(P of)(NP(N life)))) (NP(DET a)(N slip)(PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(N boyetc)))) (NP(DET a)(N slip)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N tongue/pen)))) (NP(DET a)(N son)(PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(N bitch)))) (NP(DET a)(N son)(PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(N gun)))) (NP(DET a)(N son)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N soil)))) (NP(DET a)(N state)(PP(P of)(NP(N affairs)))) (NP(DET a)(N state)(PP(P of)(NP(N grace)))) (NP(N stay)(PP(P of)(NP(N execution)))) (NP(DET a)(N stay)(PP(P of)(NP(N execution)))) (NP(DET a)(N step)(AP(A forwardetc))) (NP(DET a)(N stickler)(PP(P for)(NP(N sth)))) (NP(DET a)(N storm)(PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(N(N tea)(N cup))))) (NP(DET a)(N stranger)(PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(AP(A strange))(N land)))) (NP(DET a)(N straw)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N wind)))) (NP(DET a)(N stroke)(PP(P of)(NP(N lucketc)))) (NP(DET a)(N stroke)(PP(P of)(NP(AP(A good/bad))(N lucketc)))) (NP(DET a)(N sucker)(PP(P for)(NP(N sb/sth)))) (NP(DET a)(N tale)(PP(P of)(NP(N woe)))) (NP(DET a)(N thing)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N past)))) (NP(DET a)(N thorn)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N flesh/side)))) (NP(DET a)(N thorn)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N flesh/side)(PP(P of)(NP(N sb/sth)))))) (NP(DET a)(N tower)(PP(P of)(NP(N strength)))) (NP(DET a)(N tract)(PP(P for)(NP(DET the/POSS(NP(PRON our)))(N times)))) (PP(P down)(NP(N(N memory)(N lane)))) (NP(DET a)(N trip)(PP(P down)(NP(N(N memory)(N lane))))) (NP(DET a)(N turn)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N screw)))) (NP(DET a)(N turn)(PP(P of)(NP(N phrase)))) (NP(DET a)(N turn)(PP(P of)(NP(N speed)))) (NP(DET a)(N war/battle)(PP(P of)(NP(N nerves)))) (NP(DET a)(N way)(PP(P of)(NP(N life)))) (NP(DET a)(N way)(PP(P out))) (NP(DET a)(N way)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth))))) (NP(DET a)(N whiff)(PP(P of)(NP(N(N grape)(N shot))))) (NP(DET a)(N winter)(PP(P of)(NP(N discontent)))) (NP(DET a)(N wolf)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(N sheep))'s)(N clothing)))) (NP(DET a)(N word)(PP(P in)(NP(N season)))) (NP(DET a)(N word)(PP(P of)(NP(N warning)))) (NP(DET a)(N word)(PP(P of)(NP(N warning))))(PP(P to)(NP(N sb))) (NP(DET a)(N word)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N wise)))) (NP(DET a)(N world)(AP(A away)(PP(P from)(NP(N sth))))) (NP(DET a/POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A second))(N childhoodetc)) (NP(DET a/POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N(N party)(N piece))) (NP(DET a/POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N line)(PP(P of)(NP(N thought)))) (NP(DET a/POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N point)(PP(P of)(NP(N view)))) (NP(AP(A quiet))(N desperation)) (NP(DET a/an)(N life/air)(PP(P of)(NP(AP(A quiet))(N desperation)))) (NP(DET an)(AP(A ugly))(N customer)) (NP(DET an)(AP(A(A ugly)(A looking)))(N customer)) (NP(DET an)(AP(A(Q all)(N time)))(N high/low)) (NP(DET an)(AP(A acquired))(N taste)) (NP(DET an)(AP(A agonizing))(N reappraisal)) (NP(DET an)(AP(A angry))(AP(A young))(N man)) (NP(DET an)(AP(A awful))(N lot)) (NP(DET an)(AP(A awful))(N lot)(PP(P of)(NP))) (NP(DET an)(AP(A awkward))(N customer)) (NP(DET an)(AP(A awkward))(N silence)) (NP(DET an)(AP(A eager))(N beaver)) (NP(DET an)(AP(A early))(N bird)) (NP(DET an)(AP(A easy))(N rider)) (NP(DET an)(AP(A elder))(N statesman)) (NP(DET an)(AP(A unknown))(N quantity)) (NP(DET an)(AP(A unwritten))(N law)) (NP(DET an)(AP(A uphill))(N tasketc)) (NP(DET an/the)(N apple)(PP(P of)(NP(N discord)))) (NP(DET an)(N(N aunt)(N sally))) (NP(DET an)(N act)(PP(P of)(NP(NG od)))) (NP(DET an)(N angel)(PP(P of)(NP(N light)))) (NP(DET an)(N angel)(PP(P of)(NP(N mercy)))) (NP(DET an)(N apology)(PP(P for)(NP))) (NP(DET an)(N apple)(PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N teacher)))) (NP(DET an)(N embarrassment)(PP(P of)(NP(N riches)))) (NP(DET an)(N end)(PP(P in)(NP(PRON itself)))) (NP(DET an)(N error)(PP(P of)(NP(N judgement)))) (NP(DET an)(N exception)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N rule)))) (NP(DET another)(N cup)(PP(P of)(NP(N tea)))) (NP(DET a/one)(N rayetc)(PP(P of)(NP(N hope)))) (NP(DET a/the)(N(A promised)(N land))) (NP(DET a/the)(N(A slippery)(N slope))) (NP(DET a/the)(NP(NP(N rag))(CONJ and)(NP(N bone)))(N manetc)) (NP(DET a/the)(N parting)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N ways)))) (NP(DET a/the)(N world)(PP(P of)(NP(N difference)))) (NP(DET the)(AP(AB ig))(NT op)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A unkindest))(N cut)) (NP(DET the)(AP(AP(A most))(A unkindest))(N cut)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A unkindest))(N cut)(PP(P of)(NP(N all)))) (NP(DET the)(AP(AP(A most))(A unkindest))(N cut)(PP(P of)(NP(N all)))) (NP(DET the)(AP(AP(A next))(A best))(N thing)) (NP(DET the)(AP(AP(A straight))(CONJ and)(AP(A narrow)))) (NP(DET the)(AP(AP(A straight))(CONJ and)(AP(A narrow)))(N path/way)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A acid))(N test)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A allotted))(N span)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A awkward))(N age)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A bare))(N bones)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A bare))(N bones)(PP(P of)(NP))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A best/better))(N part)(PP(P of)(NP))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A big))(N battalions)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A big))(N guns)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A big))(N stick)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A big))(N time)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A black))(N hole)(PP(P of)(NP(NC alcutta)))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A black))(N sheep)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A black))(N sheep)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N family)))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A blue-eyed))(N boy)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A bright))(N lights)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A burning))(N question)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A candid))(N camera)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A chosen))(N few/people)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A cold))(N war)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A common/general))(N reader)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A common))(N good)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A common))(N herd)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A common))(N man)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A common))(N run)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A common))(N run)(PP(P of)(NP(N sb/sth)))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A common))(N touch)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A crowning))(N success)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A crusading))(N spirit)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A daily))(N dozen)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A daily))(N round)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A dead))(N hand)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N past)))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A dead))(N wood)) (NP(DET the)(N spit)(PP(P of)(NP(N sb/sth)))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A dead/very))(N spit)(PP(P of)(NP(N sb/sth)))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A dirty/thick))(N end)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N stick)))) (NP(AP(A divine))(N right)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A divine))(N right)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A dizzy))(N heights)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A dizzy))(N heights)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth)))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A early))(N days)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A eternal))(N triangle)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A evil))(N eye)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A fair))(N sex)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A family))(N fortune)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A family))(N fortunes)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A festive))(N season)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A final))(N solution)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A finer))(N points)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A finer))(N points)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth)))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A finished))(N product)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A first))(AP(A fine))(N rapture)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A first))(AP(A fine))(AP(A careless))(N rapture)) (NP(AP(A first/next))(N thing)(S(NP(PRON one))(VP(V knows)))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A first/next))(N thing)(S(NP(PRON one))(VP(V knows)))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A first))(N step)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A first))(N step)(PP(P in/towards)(NP(N sth)))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A first))(N thing)(S'(COMP that)(S(VP(V comes)(PP(P into)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N head/mind))))))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A first))(N thing)(S'(COMP that)(S(VP(V enters)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N head/mind)))))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A four))(N corners)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N earth/world)))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A fourth))(N estate)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A general))(N rule)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A genuine))(N article)) (NP(AP(A glad))(N tidings)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A glad))(N tidings)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A going))(N rate)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A going))(N rate)(PP(P for)(NP(N sth)))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A golden))(N age)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A golden))(N age)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth)))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A golden))(N mean)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A golden))(N rule)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A good/bad))(AP(A old))(N days)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A good))(N book)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A good))(N life)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A good))(N things)(PP(P in/of)(NP(N life)))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A great))(N wen)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A greatest))(N thing))(PP(P since)(NP(AP(A sliced))(N bread))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A happiest))(N days)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N life)))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A happy))(N couple/pair)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A hard))(N core)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A hard))(N core)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth)))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A heavy))(N father)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A hidden))(N persuaders)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A human))(N predicament)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A hungry))(N forties)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A iron))(N curtain)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A last/final))(N straw)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A last))(N ditch)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A last))(N lap)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A last))(N rites/sacrament)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A last))(N thing)(S'(S(NP(PRON one))(VP(V wantsetc))))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A last))(N thing)(S'(S(NP(PRON one))(VP(V wantsetc)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)))))))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A last))(N thing)(S'(COMP that)(S(NP(PRON one))(VP(V wantsetc))))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A last))(N thing)(S'(COMP that)(S(NP(PRON one))(VP(V wantsetc)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)))))))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A last))(N word)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A last))(N word)(PP(P on/in)(NP))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A laughing))(N academy)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A little))(N man)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A little))(N woman)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A local))(N rag)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A local))(N talent)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A long))(N arm)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N lawetc)))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A loose))(N ends)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A lower))(N orders)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A missing))(N link)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A monstrous))(N regiment)(PP(P of)(NP(N women)))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A moving))(N spirit)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A naked))(N ape)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A naked))(N eye)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A naughty))(N nineties)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A net))(N result)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A new))(N school)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A noble))(N savage)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A old))(N adam)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A old))(N boy etc)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A old))(N brigade/guard)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A old))(N man)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A old))(N school)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A oldest))(N profession)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A only))(N begetter)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A other))(N side)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A other))(N way)(AP(A about/round))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A other))(N way)(AP(A about/around))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A other))(N woman)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A otheretc))(N side)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N coin)))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A outside))(N world)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A pearly))(N gate)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A pearly))(N gates)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A permissive))(N society)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A primrose))(N path)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A real))(N mackay/mccoy)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A real))(N thing)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A recording))(N angel)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A red))(N carpet)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A red))(N meat)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A red))(N meat)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth)))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A right/best))(N people)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A same))(AP(A old))(N story)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A seamy))(N side)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A seamy))(N side)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth)))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A second/third))(N time)(AP(A around/round))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A seven))(AP(A deadly))(N sins)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A seventh))(N heaven)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A silent))(N majority)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A silly))(N season)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A silver))(N screen)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A simple))(N life)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A small))(N change)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A small))(N change)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth)))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A small))(N print)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A small))(N screen)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A still))(AP(A small))(N voice)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A still))(AP(A small))(N voice)(PP(P of)(NP(N conscience)))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A sweet))(N smell)(PP(P of)(NP(N success)))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A thin))(AP(A red))(N line)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A third))(N degree)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A three))(N rs)) (NP(DET the)(N brass)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A top))(N brass)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A unacceptable))(N face)(PP(P of)(NP(N capitalism etc)))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A upper))(N crust)) (NP(DET the)(N idea)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A very))(N idea)) (NP(DET the)(N ideal)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A very))(N ideal)) (NP(DET the)(N least)(S'(S(NP(PRON one))(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V do))))) (NP(DET the)(N least)(S'(COMP that)(S(NP(PRON one))(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V do))))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A very))(N least)(S'(S(NP(PRON one))(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V do))))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A very))(N least)(S'(COMP that)(S(NP(PRON one))(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V do))))) (NP(DET the)(N least)(S(NP(PRON))(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V do)))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A very))(N least)(S(NP(PRON))(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V do)))) (NP(DET the)(N picture)(PP(P of)(NP(N healthetc)))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A very))(N picture)(PP(P of)(NP(N healthetc)))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A vexed))(N question/subject)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A vexed))(N question/subject)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth)))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A white))(N feather)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A whole/full))(N bag)(PP(P of)(NP(N tricks)))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A whole))(N(A shooting)(N match))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A whole))(N caboodle)) (NP(DET the)(N world)(AP(A over))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A whole))(N world)(AP(A over))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A wild))(N west)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A wilder))(N shores)(PP(P of)(NP(N love)))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A witching))(N hour/time)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A witching))(N hour/time)(PP(P of)(NP(N night)))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A wrong))(N way)(AP(A round))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A yellow))(N peril)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A yellow))(N press)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A young))(N idea)) (NP(DET the/a)(AP(A classic))(N example)) (NP(DET the/a)(AP(A classic))(N example)(PP(P of)(NP))) (NP(DET the)(N(A hot)(N seat))) (NP(DET the)(N(A ivy)(N league))) (NP(DET the)(N(A red)(N light))(N district)) (NP(DET the)(N(A small)(N print))) (NP(DET the)(N(A sticking)(N point))) (NP(DET the)(N(N(A seven)(N year))(N itch))) (NP(DET the)(N(N(A sixtyfourthousand)(N dollar))(N question))) (NP(N(N backroom)(N boys))) (NP(DET the)(N(N backroom)(N boys))) (NP(N(N box)(N office))) (NP(DET the)(N(N box)(N office))) (NP(N(N bush)(N telegraph))) (NP(DET the)(N(N bush)(N telegraph))) (NP(DET the)(N(N business)(N end))) (NP(DET the)(N(N business)(N end))(PP(P of)(NP))) (NP(DET the)(N(N colour)(N bar))) (NP(DET the)(N(N dawn)(N chorus))) (NP(DET the)(N(N demon)(N drink))) (NP(DET the)(N(N distaff)(N side))) (NP(DET the)(N(N dog)(N days))) (NP(DET the)(N(N dress)(N rehearsal))) (NP(DET the)(N(N end)(N product))) (NP(DET the)(N(N funeral)(N(A baked)(N meats)))) (NP(DET the)(N(N generation)(N gap))) (NP(DET the)(N(N grass)(N roots))) (NP(DET the)(N(N gravy)(N train))) (NP(DET the)(N(N gutter)(N press))) (NP(DET the)(N(N herd)(N insinct))) (NP(DET the)(N(N jet)(N set))) (NP(DET the)(N(N nitty)(N gritty))) (NP(DET the)(N(N nitty)(N gritty))(PP(P of)(NP(N sth)))) (NP(DET the)(N(N parish)(N pump))) (NP(DET the)(N(N rag)(N trade))) (NP(DET the)(N(N rat)(N race))) (NP(DET the)(N(N star)(N turn))) (NP(DET the)(N(N status)(A quo))) (NP(DET the)(N(N sum)(N total))) (NP(DET the)(N(N sum)(N total))(PP(P of)(NP(N sth)))) (NP(DET the)(N(N village)(N idiot))) (NP(DET the)(N(N zero)(N option))) (NP(DET the)(NP(NP(N(N rag)(N tag)))(CONJ and)(NP(N(N bob)(N tail))))) (NP(DET the)(NP(NP(N(N rag)(N tag)))(CONJ and)(NP(N(N bob)(N tail))))(PP(P of)(NP))) (NP(DET the)(NP(NP(N(N rag)(N tag)))(CONJ and)(NP(N(N bob)(N tail))))) (NP(DET the)(NP(NP(N(N rag)(N tag)))(CONJ and)(NP(N(N bob)(N tail))))(PP(P of)(NP(N sth)))) (NP(DET the)(NP(NP(N alpha))(CONJ and)(NP(N omega)))) *(NP(DET the)(NP(NP(N be-all))(CONJ and)(NP(N end-all)))) *(NP(DET the)(NP(NP(N be-all))(CONJ and)(NP(N end-all)))(PP(P of)(NP))) (NP(DET the)(NP(NP(N cut))(CONJ and)(NP(N thrust)))) (NP(DET the)(NP(NP(N cut))(CONJ and)(NP(N thrust)))(PP(P of)(NP))) (NP(NP(N deaf))(CONJ and)(NP(N dumb))) (NP(DET the)(NP(NP(N deaf))(CONJ and)(NP(N dumb)))) (NP(DET the)(NP(NP(N ebb))(CONJ and)(NP(N flow)))) (NP(DET the)(NP(NP(N ebb))(CONJ and)(NP(N flow)))(PP(P of)(NP(N sth)))) (NP(DET the)(NP(NP(N father))(CONJ and)(NP(N mother)))(PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(N storm)))) (NP(DET the)(NP(NP(N goodies))(CONJ and)(NP(N baddies)))) (NP(DET the)(NP(NP(N highways))(CONJ and)(NP(N byways)))) (NP(DET the)(NP(NP(N highways))(CONJ and)(NP(N byways)))(PP(P of)(NP(N sth)))) (NP(DET the)(NP(NP(N ins))(CONJ and)(NP(N outs)))) (NP(DET the)(NP(NP(N ins))(CONJ and)(NP(N outs)))(PP(P of)(NP(N sth)))) (NP(DET the)(NP(NP(N length))(CONJ and)(NP(N breadth)))(PP(P of)(NP))) (NP(DET the)(NP(NP(N life))(CONJ and)(NP(N soul)))) (NP(DET the)(NP(NP(N life))(CONJ and)(NP(N soul)))(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N party)))) (NP(DET the)(NP(NP(N long))(CONJ and)(NP(N short)))(PP(P of)(NP(PRON it)))) (NP(DET the)(NP(NP(N pros))(CONJ and)(NP(N cons)))) (NP(DET the)(NP(NP(N pros))(CONJ and)(NP(N cons)))(PP(P of)(NP))) (NP(DET the)(NP(NP(N rank))(CONJ and)(NP(N file)))) (NP(DET the)(NP(NP(N rights))(CONJ and)(NP(N wrongs)))(PP(P of)(NP))) (NP(DET the)(NP(NP(N rights))(CONJ and)(NP(N wrongs)))(PP(P of)(NP(N sth)))) (NP(DET the)(NP(NP(N slings))(CONJ and)(NP(N arrows)))) (NP(DET the)(NP(NP(N slings))(CONJ and)(NP(N arrows)))(PP(P of)(NP(AP(A outrageous))(N fortune)))) (NP(DET the)(NP(NP(N sound))(CONJ and)(NP(N fury)))) (NP(DET the)(NP(NP(N spit))(CONJ and)(NP(N image)))(PP(P of)(NP))) (NP(DET the)(NP(NP(N spit))(CONJ and)(NP(N image/spitting)))(PP(P of)(NP(N sb/sth)))) (NP(NP(N thrills))(CONJ and)(NP(N spills))) (NP(DET the)(NP(NP(N thrills))(CONJ and)(NP(N spills)))) (NP(DET the)(NP(NP(N ups))(CONJ and)(NP(N downs)))) (NP(DET the)(NP(NP(N ups))(CONJ and)(NP(N downs)))(PP(P of)(NP(N sb/sth)))) (NP(DET the)(NP(NP(N warp))(CONJ and)(NP(N woof)))(PP(P of)(NP))) (NP(DET the)(N age)(PP(P of)(NP(N consent)))) (NP(DET the)(N aim)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N exercise)))) (NP(DET the)(N angel)(PP(P of)(NP(N death)))) (NP(DET the)(N answer)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N maiden))'s)(N prayer)))) (NP(DET the)(N apple)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N eye)))) (NP(DET the)(N back)(PP(P of)(NP(N beyond)))) (NP(DET the)(N bane)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N existence/life)))) (NP(DET the)(N battle)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N bulge)))) (NP(DET the)(N beam)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(N eye)))) (NP(DET the)(N beauty)(PP(P of)(NP(PRON it/sth)))) (NP(N best)(PP(P by)(AP(A far)))) (NP(DET the)(N best)(PP(P by)(AP(A far)))) (NP(DET the)(N best)(PP(P of)(AP(A british)))) (NP(DET the)(N best)(PP(P of)(NP(AP(A british))(N luck)))) (NP(DET the)(N best)(PP(P of)(NP(PRON it)))) (NP(DET the)(N best)(S'(COMP that)(S(NP(N money))(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V buy))))) (NP(DET the)(N better)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V see))))) (NP(DET the)(N blind)(S(VP(V leading)(NP(DET the)(N blind))))) (NP(DET the)(N boys)(PP(P in)(NP(N blue)))) (NP(DET the)(N bravest)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N brave)))) (NP(DET the)(N breath)(PP(P of)(NP(N life)))) (NP(DET the)(N burden/onus)(PP(P of)(NP(N proof)))) (NP(DET the)(N business)(PP(P in)(NP(N hand)))) (NP(DET the)(N call)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N wild)))) (NP(DET the)(N call)(PP(P of)(NP(N nature)))) (NP(DET the)(N calm)(PP(P before)(NP(DET the)(N storm)))) (NP(DET the)(N centre)(PP(P of)(NP(N attraction)))) (NP(DET the)(N centre)(PP(P of)(NP(N things)))) (NP(DET the)(N change)(PP(P of)(NP(N life)))) (NP(DET the)(N climate)(PP(P of)(NP(N opinion)))) (NP(N cock)(PP(P of/o')(NP(DET the)(N walk)))) (NP(DET the)(N cock)(PP(P of/o')(NP(DET the)(N walk)))) (NP(DET the)(N company)(S(NP(PRON one))(VP(V keeps)))) (NP(DET the)(N compliments)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N season)))) (NP(DET the)(N corridors)(PP(P of)(NP(N power)))) (NP(DET the)(N cost)(PP(P of)(NP(N living)))) (NP(DET the)(N course)(PP(P of)(NP(N justice)))) (NP(DET the)(N crux)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N matter)))) (NP(DET the)(N cup)(S'(COMP that)(S(VP(V cheers))))) (NP(DET the)(N cup)(S'(COMP that)(S(S(VP(V cheers)))(CONJ but)(S(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V inebriates)))))) (NP(DET the)(N curse)(PP(P of)(NP(NC ain)))) (NP(DET the)(N daddy)(PP(P of)(NP(PRON them)(QP(Q all))))) (NP(DET the)(N day)(PP(P of)(NP(N days)))) (NP(DET the)(N day)(PP(P of)(NP(N reckoning)))) (NP(DET the)(N dust)(PP(P of)(NP(N ages)))) (NP(DET the)(N end)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N road)))) (NP(DET the)(N end)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N world)))) (NP(DET the)(N enemy/traitor)(PP(P within)))(NP(DET the)(N enemy/traitor)(PP(P within)s))(NP(DET the)(N enemy)(PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N gate)))) (NP(DET the)(N enemy)(PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N gates)))) (NP(DET the)(N error)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(N ways)))) (NP(DET the)(N expectation)(PP(P of)(NP(N life)))) (NP(DET the)(N eye)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N storm)))) (NP(DET the)(N face)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N earth)))) (NP(DET the)(N first)(S(NP(PRON one))(AUX(V has))(VP(V heard)(PP(P of)(NP(PRON it/sth)))))) (NP(DET the)(N flower)(PP(P of)(NP))) (NP(DET the)(N fly)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N ointment)))) (NP(DET the)(N fruit)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N labour)))) (NP(DET the)(N fruit)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N labours)))) (NP(DET the)(N fruits)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N labour)))) (NP(DET the)(N fruits)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N labours)))) (NP(DET the)(N genie)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N bottle)))) (NP(DET the)(N genie)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N lamp)))) (NP(DET the)(N hall)(PP(P of)(NP(N fame)))) (NP(DET the)(N head)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N table)))) (NP(DET the)(N head)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N thouse)))) (NP(DET the)(N heart/root)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N matter)))) (NP(DET the)(N height)(PP(P of)(NP(N follyetc)))) *(NP(DET the)(N hell)(PP(P with)(NP(N sb/sth)))) (NP(DET the)(N illsetc)(S'(COMP that)(S(NP(N flesh))(VP(V is)(NP(N heir))(PP(P to)))))) (NP(DET the)(N jobetc)(PP(P in)(NP(N hand)))) (NP(DET the)(N king)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N castle)))) (NP(DET the)(N kiss)(PP(P of)(NP(N death)))) (NP(DET the)(N kiss)(PP(P of)(NP(N life)))) (NP(DET the)(N lady)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N house)))) (NP(AP(A diminishing))(N returns)) (NP(DET the)(N law)(PP(P of)(NP(AP(A diminishing))(N returns)))) (NP(DET the)(N law)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(NP(NP(N medes))(CONJ and)(NP(N persians)))))) (NP(DET the)(N law)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N jungle)))) (NP(DET the)(N law)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N land)))) (NP(DET the)(N laws)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N land)))) (NP(DET the)(N lesser)(PP(P of)(NP(QP(Q two))(N evils)))) (NP(DET the)(N letter)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N lawetc)))) (NP(DET the)(N light)(PP(of)(NP(N day)))) (NP(DET the)(N likes)(PP(P of)(NP(N sb)))) (NP(DET the)(N line/pathetc)(PP(P of)(NP(AP(A least))(N resistance)))) (NP(DET the)(N lord)(PP(P of)(NP(N creation)))) (NP(DET the)(N lords)(PP(P of)(NP(N creation)))) (NP(DET the)(N luck)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N draw)))) (NP(DET the)(N man)(PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N top)))) (NP(DET the)(N man)(PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N job)))) (NP(DET the)(N man)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N street)))) (NP(DET the)(N man)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N house)))) (NP(DET the)(N manetc)(S(NP(PRON one))(VP(AP(A most))(V loves)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V hate))))))) (NP(DET the)(N marriage)(PP(P of)(NP(AP(A true))(N minds)))) (NP(DET the)(N mixture)(S'(COMP as)(S(PP(P before))))) (NP(DET the)(N moment)(PP(P of)(NP(N truth)))) (NP(DET the)(N morning)(PP(P after)(NP(DET the)(N night)(PP(P before))))) (NP(DET the)(N name)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N game)))) (NP(DET the)(N nature)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N beast)))) (NP(DET the)(N nigger)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N woodpile)))) (NP(DET the)((N nuts))(CONJ and)(N bolts))(PP(P of(NP(N sth)))) (NP(DET the)(N object)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N affection)))) (NP(DET the)(N object)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N affections)))) (NP(DET the)(N one)(S'(S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V got)(AP(A away)))))) (NP(DET the)(N ones)(S'(S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V got)(AP(A away)))))) (NP(DET the)(N opiate)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N masses)))) (NP(DET the)(N opium)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N people)))) (NP(DET the)(N order)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N day)))) (NP(DET the)(N patter)(PP(P of)(NP(AP(A little/tiny))(N feet)))) (NP(DET the)(N pick/best)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N bunch)))) (NP(DET the)(N point)(PP(P of)(NP(AP(A no))(N return)))) (NP(DET the)(N power)(PP(P behind)(NP(DET the)(N throne)))) (NP(DET the)(N powers)(S'(S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V be))))) (NP(DET the)(N question)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N hour)))) (NP(DET the)(N root)(PP(P of)(NP(PRON it))/(NP(DET the)(N trouble)))) (NP(DET the)(N run)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N mill)))) (NP(DET the)(N salt)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N earth)))) (NP(DET the)(N scum)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N earth)))) (NP(DET the)(N shape/taste)(PP(P of)(NP(N things)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V come))))))) (NP(DET the)(N slough)(PP(P of)(NP(N despond)))) (NP(DET the)(N small)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N back)))) (NP(DET the)(N soul)(PP(P of)(NP(N courtesy etc)))) (NP(DET the)(N sport)(PP(P of)(NP(N kings)))) (NP(DET the)(N staff)(PP(P of)(NP(N life)))) (NP(DET the)(N state)(PP(P of)(NP(N play)))) (NP(DET the)(N stream)(PP(P of)(NP(N consciousness)))) (NP(DET the)(N streets)(AP(A paved)(PP(P with)(NP(N gold))))) (NP(DET the)(N stuff)(S'(COMP that)(S(NP(N dreamsetc))(AUX(V are))(VP(V made)(PP(P of)))))) (NP(DET the)(N survival)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N fittest)))) (NP(DET the)(N suspension)(PP(P of)(NP(N disbelief)))) (NP(DET the)(N swing)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N pendulum)))) (NP(DET the)(N talk)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N town)))) (NP(DET the)(N tools)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the/POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N trade)))) (NP(DET the)(N top)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N morning)))) (NP(DET the)(N top)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N morning))))(PP(P to)(NP(PRON you))) (NP(N tower)(PP(P of)(NP(N babel)))) (NP(DET the)(N tower)(PP(P of)(NP(N babel)))) (NP(DET the)(N treason)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N clerks)))) (NP(DET the)(N tricks)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N trade)))) (NP(DET the)(N unspeakable)(PP(P in)(NP(N pursuit)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N uneatable)))))) (NP(DET the)(N unspeakable)(PP(P in)(NP(AP(A full))(N pursuit)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N uneatable)))))) (NP(DET the)(N valley)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N shadow)(PP(P of)(NP(N death)))))) (NP(DET the)(N villain)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N piece)))) (NP(DET the)(N voice)(PP(P of)(NP(N conscience)))) (NP(DET the)(N war)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V end)(NP(N war)))))) (NP(DET the)(N war)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V end)(NP(N wars)))))) (NP(DET the)(N way)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N world)))) (NP(DET the)(N way)(S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N mind))(VP(V works)))) (NP(DET the)(N wheels)(PP(P of)(NP(N industry)))) (NP(DET the)(N while)) (NP(DET the)(N wind)(PP(P of)(NP(N change)))) (NP(DET the)(N worse)(PP(P for)(NP(N wear)))) (NP(DET the)(N writing)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N wall)))) (NP(DET the/POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A last))(N gasp)) (NP(DET the/POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A late))(AP(lamented))(N sb/sth)) (NP(DET the/POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A old))(N man)) (NP(DET the/POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(NP(NP(N lord))(CONJ and)(NP(N master)))) (NP(DET the)/(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(NP(NP(N son))(CONJ and)(NP(N heir)))) (NP(DET the/a)(N triumph)(PP(P of)(NP(N hope)))(PP(P over)(NP(N experience)))) (NP(DET the/a)(N turn)(PP(P of)(NP(N events)))) (NP(DET these)(N days)) (NP(DET this)(N minute etc)) (NP(DET this)(AP(A very))(N minute etc)) (NP(DET this)(N side)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N grave/heaven)))) (NP(DET this)(N side)(PP(P of)(NP(N idolatryetc)))) (NP(DET this)(N time))(NP(AP(A last/next))(N yearetc)) (NP(DET this/a)(N vale)(PP(P of)(NP(N tears)))) (N(CONJ neither)(N hide)(CONJ nor)(N hair)) (NP(N(CONJ neither)(N hide)(CONJ nor)(N hair))(PP(P of)(NP(N sb/sth)))) (NP(NEG not)(AP(A much))(N chop)) (NP(NEG not)(DET a)(AP(A dry))(N eye)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N house)))) (NP(NEG not)(DET a)(AP(A little))(N bit)) (NP(NEG not)(DET a)(N soul)) (NP(NEG not)(DET a)(AP(A living))(N soul)) (NP(NEG not)(DET a)(N bit)(PP(P of)(NP(PRON it)))) (NP(NEG not)(DET a)(N little)) (NP(NEG not)(DET a)(N moment)(AP(AP(DEG too))(A soon))) (NP(NEG not)(DET a)(N patch)(PP(P on)(NP))) (NP(NEG not)(DET a)(N patch)(PP(P on)(NP sb/sth))) (NP(NEG not)(DET a)(N sausage)) (NP(NEG not)(DET a)(N word)) (NP(NEG not)(DET a)/(QP(Q one))(N bit)) (NP(NEG not)(DET a)/(QP(Q one))(AP(A little))(N bit)) (NP(NEG not)(N one etc)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP sth))))) (NP(NEG not)(DET the)(N one etc)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP sth))))) ((NP(NEG not)(N tonight))(NP(N josephine))) (NP(NEG not)(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N place)) (NP(NEG not)(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N place)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP sth))))) (NP(NEG not)(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N scene)) (NP(NEG not)(QP(Q one))(N whit etc)) (NP(N(N civvy)(N street))) (NP(N(N colonel)(N blimp))) (NP(N(N action)(stations))) (NP(N(N penny)(A dreadful))) (NP(N(N pin)(N money))) (NP(N(N wolf)(N whistle))) (NP(N(N wolf)(N whistles))) (NP(NP(AP(A cold))(N hands))(CONJ and)(NP(DET a)(AP(A warm))(N heart))) (NP(NP(AP(A high))(N days))(CONJ and)(NP(N holidays))) (NP(NP(AP(A old))(N uncletomcobbleigh))(CONJ and)(NP(N all))) (NP(NP(AP(A one))(N thing))(CONJ and)(NP another)) (NP(NP(AP(A one))(N way))(CONJ or)(NP(DET the)(N other))) (NP(NP(AP(A other))(N times etc))(CONJ)(NP(AP(A other))(N manners etc))) (NP(NP(AP(A plain))(N living))(CONJ and)(NP(AP(A high))(N thinking))) (NP(NP(DET a)(AP(A good)))(CONJ)(NP(DET a)(AP(A bad))(N thing))) (NP(NP(DET a)(AP(A good)))(CONJ not)(NP(DET a)(AP(A bad))(N thing))) (NP(NP(DET a)(AP(A short))(N life))(CONJ and)(NP(DET a)(AP(A merry)))) (NP(NP(DET a)(AP(A short))(N life))(CONJ and)(NP(DET a)(AP(A merry))(PRON one))) (NP(NP(DET a)(N boon))(CONJ and)(NP(DET a)(N blessing))) (NP(NP(DET a)(N day))(CONJ or)(NP(N two))) (NP(NP(DET a)(N snare))(CONJ and)(NP(DET a)(N delusion))) (NP(DET an)(N eye)(PP(P for)(NP(DET an)(N eye)))) (NP(NP(DET an)(N eye)(PP(P for)(NP(DET an)(N eye))))(CONJ and)(NP(DET a)(N tooth)(PP(P for)(NP(DET a)(N tooth))))) (NP(NP(DET the)(AP(A fat))(N years))(CONJ and)(NP(DET the)(N lean))) (NP(NP(DET the)(AP(A trivial))(N round))(CONJ)(NP(DET the)(AP(A common))(N task))) *(NP(NP(DET the)(N bigger))(CONJ)(NP(DET the)(N better))) (NP(NP(DET the)(N birds))(CONJ and)(NP(DET the)(N bees))) (NP(NP(DET the)(N carrot))(CONJ and)(NP(DET the)(N stick))) (NP(NP(DET the)(N dead))(CONJ and)(NP(DET the)(N dying))) (NP(NP(DET the)(N goodies))(CONJ and)(NP(DET the)(N baddies))) (NP(NP(DET the)(N haves))(CONJ and)(NP(DET the)(N(V have)(NEG nots)))) (NP(NP(DET the)(N more))(CONJ)(NP(DET the)(N merrier))) (NP(NP(DET the)(N quick))(CONJ and)(NP(DET the)(N dead))) (NP(NP(DET the)(N truth))(CONJ)(NP(DET the)(AP(A whole))(N truth))(CONJ and)(NP(N nothing)(PP(P but)(NP(DET the)(N truth))))) (NP(NP(DET the)(N world))(CONJ)(NP(DET the)(N flesh))(CONJ and)(NP(DET the)(N devil))) (NP(NP(DET this)(N side))(NP(DET the)(N grave/heaven))) (NP(NP(DET this)(N side))(NP(N idolatryetc))) (NP(NP(DET this)(N way))(CONJ and)(NP that)) (NP(NP(DET this)(N year))(CONJ)(NP(AP(A next))(N year))(CONJ)(NP sometime)(CONJ)(NP never)) ((NP(NP(NE ast))(CONJ)(NP(NW est))),(CONJ)(S(NP(N home))(VP(V 's)(AP(A best))))) ((NP(NP(NE ast))(CONJ or)(NP(NW est))),(CONJ)(S(NP(N home))(VP(V 's)(AP(A best))))) (NP(NP(NP(DET the)(N long))(CONJ and)(NP(DET the)(N short)))(PP(P of)(NP(PRON it)))) (NP(NP(NP(N food/meat))(CONJ and)(NP(N drink)))(PP(P to)(NP(N sb)))) (NP(NP(N gall))(CONJ and)(NP(N wormwood))) (NP(NP(NP(N gall))(CONJ and)(NP(N wormwood)))(PP(P to/for)(NP(N sb)))) *(NP(NP(N neck))(CONJ and)(NP(N neck))) *(NP(NP(NP(N neck))(CONJ and)(NP(N neck)))(PP(P with)(NP(N sb/sth)))) (NP(NP(NP(N part))(CONJ and)(NP(N parcel)))(PP(P of)(NP(N sth)))) (NP(NP(N aches))(CONJ and)(NP(N pains))) (NP(NP(N airs))(CONJ and)(NP(N graces))) (NP(NP(N alarm))(CONJ and)(NP(N despondency))) (NP(NP(N alarms))(CONJ and)(NP(N excursions))) (NP(NP(N all))(CONJ and)(NP(N sundry))) (NP(NP(N all))(CONJ or)(NP(N nothing))) (NP(NP(N arts))(CONJ and)(NP(N crafts))) (NP(NP(N assault))(CONJ and)(NP(N battery))) (NP(NP(N bag))(CONJ and)(NP(N baggage))) (NP(NP(N beauty))(CONJ and)(NP(DET the)(N beast))) (NP(NP(N bits))(CONJ and)(NP(N bobs))) (NP(NP(N bits))(CONJ and)(NP(N pieces))) (NP(NP(N blood))(CONJ and)(NP(N thunder))) (NP(NP(N board))(CONJ and)(NP(N lodging))) (NP(NP(N body))(CONJ and)(NP(N soul))) (NP(NP(N bread))(CONJ and)(NP(N butter))) (NP(NP(N bread))(CONJ and)(NP(N circuses))) (NP(NP(N bread))(CONJ and)(NP(N water))) (NP(NP(N bricks))(CONJ and)(NP(N mortar))) (NP(NP(N cakes))(CONJ and)(NP(N ale))) (NP(NP(N cause))(CONJ and)(NP(N effect))) (NP(NP(N change))(CONJ and)(NP(N decay))) (NP(NP(N chapter))(CONJ and)(NP(N verse))) (NP(NP(N cloak))(CONJ and)(NP(N dagger))) (NP(NP(N collar))(CONJ and)(NP(N tie))) (NP(NP(N coming))(CONJ and)(NP(N going))) (NP(NP(N coming))(CONJ and)(NP(N goings))) (NP(NP(N comings))(CONJ and)(NP(N going))) (NP(NP(N comings))(CONJ and)(NP(N goings))) (NP(NP(N cops))(CONJ and)(NP(N robbers))) (NP(NP(N day))(CONJ and)(NP(N night))) (NP(NP(N day)(PP(P in)))(CONJ)(NP(N day)(PP(P out)))) (NP(NP(N day)(PP(P in)))(CONJ and)(NP(N day)(PP(P out)))) (NP(NP(N death))(CONJ or)(NP(N glory))) (NP(NP(N decline))(CONJ and)(NP(N fall))) (NP(NP(N do's))(CONJ and)(NP(N don'ts))) (NP(NP(N double))(CONJ or)(NP(N quits))) (NP(NP(N dust))(CONJ and)(NP(N ashes))) (NP(NP(N fact/truth))(CONJ and/or)(NP(N fiction/fantasy))) (NP(NP(N facts))(CONJ and)(NP(N figures))) (NP(NP(N fame))(CONJ and)(NP(N fortune))) (NP(NP(N fire))(CONJ and)(NP(N brimstone))) (NP(NP(N flesh))(CONJ and)(NP(N blood))) (NP(NP(N flora))(CONJ and)(NP(N fauna))) (NP(NP(N flotsam))(CONJ and)(NP(N jetsam))) (NP(NP(N friend))(CONJ and/or)(NP(N foe))) (NP(NP(N friends))(CONJ and)(NP(N relations))) (NP(NP(N frills))(CONJ and)(NP(N furbelows))) (NP(NP(N fun))(CONJ and)(NP(N games))) (NP(NP(N fuss))(CONJ and)(NP(N bother))) (NP(NP(N goods))(CONJ and)(NP(N chattels))) (NP(NP(N grace))(CONJ and)(NP(N favour))) (NP(NP(N guns))(CONJ or)(NP(N butter))) (NP(NP(N half))(CONJ and)(NP(N half))) (NP(NP(N hawks))(CONJ and)(NP(N doves))) (NP(NP(N heads))(CONJ or)(NP(N tails))) (NP(NP(N heart))(CONJ and)(NP(N soul))) (NP(NP(N hearth))(CONJ and)(NP(N home))) (NP(NP(N here))(CONJ)(NP(N there))(CONJ and)(NP(N everywhere))) (NP(NP(N here))(CONJ and)(NP(N now))) (NP(NP(N here))(CONJ and)(NP(N there))) (NP(NP(N hewers)(PP(P of)(NP(N wood))))(CONJ and)(NP(N drawers)(PP(P of)(NP(N water))))) (NP(NP(N hither))(CONJ and)(NP(N thither))) (NP(NP(N hook))(CONJ)(NP(N line))(CONJ and)(NP(N sinker))) (NP(NP(N husband))(CONJ and)(NP(N wife))) (NP(NP(N hustle))(CONJ and)(NP(N bustle))) (NP(NP(N ifs))(CONJ and)(NP(N buts))) (NP(NP(N jack)(PP(P of)(NP(QP(Q all))(N trades))))(CONJ and)(NP(N master)(PP(P of)(NP(PRON none))))) (NP(NP(N jack)(PP(P of)(NP(QP(Q all))(N trades))))(CONJ and)(NP(DET a)(N master)(PP(P of)(NP(PRON none))))) (NP(NP(N ladies))(CONJ and)(NP(N gentlemen))) (NP(NP(N laughter))(CONJ and)(NP(N tears))) (NP(NP(N law))(CONJ and)(NP(N order))) (NP(NP(N life))(CONJ and/or)(NP(N death))) (NP(NP(N life))(CONJ and/or)(NP(N limb))) (NP(NP(N lock))(CONJ)(NP(N stock))(CONJ and)(NP(N barrel))) (NP(NP(N man))(CONJ and)(NP(N beast))) (NP(NP(N man))(CONJ and)(NP(N boy))) (NP(NP(N milk))(CONJ and)(NP(N water))) (NP(NP(N morning))(CONJ)(NP(N noon))(CONJ and)(NP(N night))) (NP(NP(N neck))(CONJ and)(NP(N crop))) (NP(NP(N neck))(CONJ or)(NP(N nothing))) (NP(NP(N nip))(CONJ and)(NP(N tuck))) (NP(NP(N nooks))(CONJ and)(NP(N crannies))) (NP(NP(N odds))(CONJ and)(NP(N bobs/sods))) (NP(NP(N odds))(CONJ and)(NP(N ends))) (NP(NP(N one))(CONJ and)(NP(N all))) (NP(NP(N peace))(CONJ and)(NP(AP(A good))(N will))) (NP(NP(N peace))(CONJ and)(NP(N plenty))) (NP(NP(N peace))(CONJ and)(NP(N quiet))) (NP(NP(N pick))(CONJ and)(NP(N shovel))) (NP(NP(N pitch))(CONJ and)(NP(N toss))) (NP(NP(N pomp))(CONJ and)(NP(N circumstance))) (NP(NP(N prunes))(CONJ and)(NP(N prism))) (NP(NP(N prunes))(CONJ and)(NP(N prisms))) (NP(NP(N rags))(CONJ and)(NP(N tatters))) (NP(NP(N ratsetc))(CONJ and)(NP(N snails))(CONJ and)(NP(POSS(NP(N(N puppy)(N dogs)))')(N tails))) (NP(NP(N rise))(CONJ and)(NP(N fall))) (NP(NP(N robinhood))(CONJ and)(NP(POSS(NP(PPRON his)))(AP(A merry))(N men))) (NP(NP(N rock))(CONJ 'n)(NP(N roll))) (NP(NP(N root))(CONJ and)(NP(N branch))) (NP(NP(N rules))(CONJ and)(NP(N regulations))) (NP(NP(N sackcloth))(CONJ and)(NP(N ashes))) (NP(NP(N scissors))(CONJ and)(NP(N paste))) (NP(NP(N skin))(CONJ and)(NP(N bone))) (NP(NP(N snakes))(CONJ and)(NP(N ladders))) (NP(NP(N soap))(CONJ and)(NP(N water))) (NP(NP(N sole))(CONJ and)(NP(N heel))) (NP(NP(N someone))(CONJ or)(NP(N other))) (NP(NP(N something)(AP(A old)))(CONJ)(NP(N something)(AP(A new)))(CONJ)(NP(N something)(AP(A borrowed)))(CONJ)(NP(N something)(AP(A blue)))) (NP(NP(N spit))(CONJ and)(NP(N polish))) (NP(NP(N stage))(CONJ and)(NP(N screen))) (NP(NP(N stress))(CONJ and)(NP(N strain))) (NP(NP(N stress))(CONJ and)(NP(N strains))) (NP(NP(N stresses))(CONJ and)(NP(N strain))) (NP(NP(N stresses))(CONJ and)(NP(N strains))) (NP(NP(N stuff))(CONJ and)(NP(N nonsense))) (NP(NP(N such))(CONJ and)(NP(N such))) (NP(NP(N sugar))(CONJ and)(NP(N spice))) (NP(NP(N sugar))(CONJ and)(NP(N spice))(CONJ and)(NP(N all)(S'(S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V 's)(AP(A nice))))))) (NP(NP(N sugar))(CONJ and)(NP(N spice))) (NP(NP(N sugar))(CONJ and)(NP(N spice))(CONJ and)(NP(QP(Q all))(N things)(AP(A nice)))) (NP(NP(N surprise))(CONJ)(NP(N surprise))) (NP(NP(N sweetness))(CONJ and)(NP(N light))) (NP(NP(N swings))(CONJ and)(NP(N roundabouts))) (NP(NP(N tinker))(CONJ)(NP(N tailor))(CONJ)(NP(N soldier))(CONJ)(NP(N sailor))) (NP(NP(N toil))(CONJ and)(NP(N oil))) (NP(NP(N top))(CONJ and)(NP(N tail))) (NP(NP(N town))(CONJ and)(NP(N gown))) (NP(NP(N tweedledum))(CONJ and)(NP(N tweedledee))) (NP(NP(N twist))(CONJ and)(NP(N turn))) (NP(NP(N twist))(CONJ and)(NP(N turns))) (NP(NP(N twists))(CONJ and)(NP(N turn))) (NP(NP(N twists))(CONJ and)(NP(N turns))) (NP(NP(N waifs))(CONJ and)(NP(N strays))) (NP(NP(N warts))(CONJ and)(NP(N all))) (NP(NP(N ways))(CONJ and)(NP(N means))) (NP(NP(N wear))(CONJ and)(NP(N tear))) (NP(NP(N wind))(CONJ and)(NP(N weather))) (NP(NP(N wine))(CONJ)(NP(N woman/women))(CONJ and)(NP(N song))) (NP(NP(N wit))(CONJ and)(NP(N wisdom))) (NP(NP(PRON them))(CONJ and)(NP(PRON us))) (NP(NP(PRON this))(CONJ)(NP(PRON that))(CONJ and)(NP(DET the)(N other))) (NP(NP(PRON this))(CONJ and/or)(NP(PRON that))) (NP(NP(PRON you))(CONJ and)(NP(DET the)(AP(A other))(N nine))) (NP(NP(PRON you))(CONJ and)(NP(DET the)(AP(A other))(N ninety-nine))) (NP(NP(PRON you))(CONJ and)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON whose)))(N army))) (NP(NP(PRON you))(CONJ and)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON your)))(N meetings))) (NP(NP(PRON you))(CONJ and)(NP(PRON who)(AP(A else)))) (NP(NP(DET the)(N world))(CONJ and)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N wife))) (NP(NP(QP(Q all))(DET the)(N world))(CONJ and)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N wife))) (NP(NP(QP(Q all))(N day))(CONJ and)(NP(QP(Q every))(N day))) (NP(NP(QP(Q all))(N talk))(CONJ and)(NP(QP(Q no))(N action))) (NP(NP(QP(Q all))(N work))(CONJ and)(NP(QP(Q no))(N play))) (NP(NP(QP(Q no))(N names))(CONJ)(NP(QP(Q no))(N packdrill))) (NP(NP(QP(Q one))(N thing))(CONJ and)(NP(N another))) (NP(NP(QP(Q one))(N way))(CONJ and)(NP(DET the)(N other))) (NP(NP(QP(Q threescore))(N years))(CONJ and)(NP(N ten))) (NP(NP this)(CONJ)(NP that)(CONJ and)(NP(DET the)(N other))) (NP(NP this)(CONJ and/or)(NP that)) *(NP(N all))(PP(P in)(NP(N all))) (NP(N all)(S(NP(PRON one))(VP(V needs)))) (NP(N anything)(PP(P but))) (NP(N anything))(PP(P for)(NP(DET a)(AP(A quiet))(N life))) (NP(N anything)(PP(P up)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (NP(N arm)(PP(P in)(NP(N arm)))) (NP(N art)(PP(P for)(NP(POSS(NP(N art))'s)(N sake)))) (NP(N babes)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N wood)))) (NP(N bang)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N middle)))) (NP(N bang)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N middle)(PP(P of)(NP))))) (NP(N birds)(PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(N feather)))) *(NP(N bit))(PP(P by)(NP(N bit))) *(NP(N blow))(PP(P by)(NP(N blow))) (NP(N brain))(PP(P versus)(NP(N brawn))) (NP(N brains))(PP(P versus)(NP(N brawn))) (NP(N cap)(PP(P in)(NP(N hand)))) ((NP(N cash))(CONJ and)(VP(V carry))) (NP(N cheek)(PP(P by)(NP(N jowl)))) (NP(N chips)(PP(P with)(NP(N everything)))) (NP(N circumstances)(PP(P beyond)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N control)))) (NP(N collapse)(PP(P of)(NP(AP(A stout))(N party)))) *(NP(N confusion)(AP(AP(A worse))(A confounded))) (NP(N crumbs)(S'(S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V fall)(PP(P from)(NP(DET the)(N table))))))) (NP(N crumbs)(S'(S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V fall)(PP(P from)(NP(POSS(NP(DET the)(AP(A rich))(N man))'s)(N table))))))) (NP(N delusions)(PP(P of)(NP(N grandeur/power)))) (NP(N dereliction)(PP(P of)(NP(N duty)))) (NP(N devotion)(PP(P to)(NP(N duty)))) (NP(N each)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N taste)))) (NP(N each)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N tastes)))) (NP(N each)(PP(P according)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N taste))))) (NP(N each)(PP(P according)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N tastes))))) (NP(N everyone)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N taste)))) (NP(N everyone)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N tastes)))) (NP(N everyone)(AP(A according)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N taste))))) (NP(N everyone)(AP(A according)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N tastes))))) (NP(N everything/all)(S'(S(NP(DET the)(N heart))(AUX(MOD could))(VP(V desire))))) (NP(N everything/all)(S'(S(NP(DET the)(N heart)(PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(N man))))(AUX(MOD could))(VP(V desire))))) (NP(N everything/all)(S'(COMP that)(S(NP(DET the)(N heart))(AUX(MOD could))(VP(V desire))))) (NP(N everything/all)(S'(COMP that)(S(NP(DET the)(N heart)(PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(N man))))(AUX(MOD could))(VP(V desire))))) (NP(N everything)(PP(P but)(NP(DET the)(N(N kitchen)(N sink))))) (NP(N everything)(PP(P under)(NP(DET the)(N sun)))) (NP(N first)(PP(P among)(NP(N equals)))) (NP(N food)(PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N gods)))) (NP(N food)(PP(P for)(NP(N thought)))) (NP(N force)(PP(P of)(NP(N circumstances)))) (NP(N french)(PP(P without)(NP(N tears)))) (NP(N gales)(PP(P of)(NP(N laughter/mirth)))) (NP(N gamekeeper)(AP(A turned)(NP(N poacher)))) (NP(N gnashing)(PP(P of)(NP(N teeth)))) (NP(N grist))(PP(P to/for)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N mill))) (NP(N hand)(PP(P in)(NP(N glove)))) (NP(N hand)(PP(P in)(NP(N glove))))(PP(P with)(NP sb)) (NP(N hand)(PP(P in)(NP(N hand)))) (NP(N hand)(PP(P over)(NP(N fist)))) (NP(N hand)(PP(P over)(NP(N heart)))) (NP(N head))(PP(P to)(NP(N tail))) (NP(N heart))(PP(P to)(NP(N heart))) (NP(N hell))(PP(P for)(NP(N leather))) (NP(N here)(AP(A below))) (NP(N home)(PP(P in)(NP(N one)))) (NP(N hope)(AP(A deferred))) (NP(N i)),(PP(P for)(NP(N one))) (NP(N jack)(PP(P of)(NP(QP(Q all))(N trades)))) *(NP(N jam))(AP(A tomorrow)) (NP(N jobs)(PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N boys)))) (NP(N kind/sort)(PP(P of))) (NP(N leave)(PP(P of)(NP(N absence)))) (NP(N love)(PP(P at)(NP(AP(A first))(N sight)))) (NP(N master)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(N house)))) (NP(N mind)(PP(P over)(NP(N matter)))) (NP(N mistress)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(N house)))) (NP(N money)(AP(AP(A well))(A spent))) (NP(N money))(PP(P for)(NP(AP(A old))(N rope))) (NP(N money))(PP(P for)(NP(N jam))) (NP(N much)(PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(N muchness)))) (NP(N mutton)(AP(A dressed)(PP(P as)(NP(N lamb))))) (NP(N nature)(AP(A red)(PP(P in)(NP(NP(N tooth))(CONJ and)(NP(N claw)))))) (NP(N news)(PP(P from)(NP(N nowhere)))) (NP(N nothing)(AP(A short)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (NP(N nothing)(AP(DEG(DEG more)(CONJ or)(DEG less))(S'(COMP than)(S(N))))) (NP(N nothing)(PP(P in)(NP(N particular)))) (NP(N nothing)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N sort)))) (NP(N one)(PP(P after)(NP(N another)))) (NP(N one)(PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N road)))) (NP(N one)(PP(P with)(NP sb/sth))) (NP(N ordeal)(PP(P by)(NP(N fire/water)))) (NP(N parity)(PP(P of)(NP(N esteem)))) (NP(N part)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N furniture/furnishings)))) (NP(N peace)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON our)))(N time)))) (NP(N peace)(PP(P with)(NP(N honour)))) (NP(N pennies)(PP(P from)(NP(N heaven)))) *(((NP(N penny))(AP(A plain)))(CONJ or)((NP(N twopence/tuppence))(AP(A coloured)))) (NP(N pie)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N sky)))) (NP(N pig)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N middle)))) (NP(N plenty)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to)(V be))(VP(V getting/going)(PP(P on))(PP(P with)))))) (NP(N poacher)(AP(A turned)(NP(N gamekeeper)))) (NP(N reds)(PP(P under)(NP(DET the)(N bed)))) (NP(N room)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V spare))))) (NP(N room)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V spare)(PP(P for)(NP)))))) (NP(N run)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N mill)))) (NP(N safety)(PP(P in)(NP(N numbers)))) (NP(N six)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N best)))) (NP(N sleight)(PP(P of)(NP(N hand)))) (NP(N something)(AP(A like)(NP))) (NP(N something)(PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(N)))) (NP(N somethingetc)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N ordinary/usual))))) (NP(N something/somewhat)(PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(N sth)))) (NP(N somewhere)(PP(P over)(NP(DET the)(N rainbow)))) (NP(N somewhereetc)(PP(P along)(NP(DET the)(N line)))) (NP(N such)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V is))))) (NP(N thanks)(PP(P to)(NP(N sb/sth)))) (NP(N things)(S'(S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V go)(AP(A bump))(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N night))))))) ((NP(N time))(CONJ and)(AP(A again))) (NP(N time)(PP(P after)(NP(N time)))) (NP(N tommyatkins)) (NP(N top)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N pops)))) (NP(N value)(PP(P for)(NP(N money)))) (NP(N variations)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N theme)))) (NP(N variations)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N theme)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth)))))) (NP(N weight)(PP(P of)(NP(N numbers)))) (NP(N wheels)(PP(P within)(NP(N wheels)))) *(NP(N word))(PP(P for)(NP(N word))) (NP(N words)(PP(P of)(NP(N wisdom)))) (NP(N world)(PP(P without)(NP(N end)))) (NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(AP(A hard))(N day))'s)(N night)) (NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(AP(A hard))(N day))'s)(N work)) (NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(NJ ob))'s)(N comforter)) (NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(NK ingC harles))')(N head)) (NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N baker))'s)(N dozen)) (NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N busman))'s)(N holiday)) (NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N dog))'s)(N breakfast/dinner)) (NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N dog))'s)(N life)) (NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N fisherman))'s)(N story)) (NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N fool))'s)(N errand)) (NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N fool))'s)(N paradise)) (NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N gentleman))'s)(N agreement)) (NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N hornet))'s)(N nest)) (NP(POSS(NP(N journey))'s)(N end)) (NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N journey))'s)(N end)) (NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N king))'s)(N ransom)) (NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N man))'s)(N life)) (NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N man))'s)(N man)) (NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N mare))'s)(N nest)) (NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N mother))'s)(N boy)) (NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N mug))'s)(N game)) (NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N rogues))')(N gallery)) (NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N stone))'s)(N throw)(P from)(NP(N sth)))(NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N stone))'s)(N throw)(AP(A away))(P from)(NP(N sth)))(NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N thieves))')(N kitchen)) (NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N traveller))'s)(N tale)) (NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N widow))'s)(N peak)) (NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N woman))'s)(N touch)) (NP(POSS(NP(DET an)(N achilles))')(N heel)) (NP(POSS(NP(DET an)(N aladdin))'s)(N cave)) (NP(POSS(NP(DET the)(AP(A poor))(N man))'s)(N sb/sth)) (NP(POSS(NP(DET the)(AP(A white))(N man))'s)(N burden)) (NP(POSS(NP(DET the)(AP(A white))(N man))'s)(N grave)) (NP(POSS(NP(DET the)(N devil))'s)(N advocate)) (NP(POSS(NP(DET the)(N king/queen))'s)(N english)) (NP(POSS(NP(DET the)(N lion))'s)(N share)) (NP(POSS(NP(DET the)(N lion))'s)(N share)(PP(P of)(NP))) (NP(POSS(NP(DET the)(N widow))'s)(N crust)) (NP(POSS(NP(DET the)(N widow))'s)(N mite)) (NP(POSS(NP(N(N davy)(N jones)))')(N locker)) (NP(POSS(NP(N(N davy)(N jones)))'s)(N locker)) (NP(POSS(NP(N beginner))'s)(N luck)) (NP(POSS(NP(N buggins))')(N turn)) (NP(POSS(NP(N child))'s)(N play)) (NP(POSS(NP(N god))'s)(AP(A chosen))) (NP(POSS(NP(N god))'s)(AP(A chosen))(N people)) (NP(POSS(NP(N god))'s)(N gift)(PP(P to)(NP sb/sth))) (NP(POSS(NP(N hell))'s)(N angels)) (NP(POSS(NP(N kids))')(N stuff)) (NP(POSS(NP(N love))'s)(AP(A young))(N dream)) (NP(POSS(NP(N man))'s)(N inhumanity)(PP(P to)(NP(N man)))) (NP(POSS(NP(N pseud))'s)(N corner)) (NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(AP(A good))(N name)) (NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N keeper)) (NP(POSS(NP(N shank))'s)(N pony/mare)) (NP(POSS(NP(N tomtiddler))'s)(N ground)) (NP(POSS(NP(N widow))'s)(N weeds)) (NP(POSS(NP(N winter))'s)(N night)) (NP(POSS(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N achilles))')(N heel)) (NP(POSS(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N brother))'s)(N keeper)) (NP(POSS(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N mother))'s)(N apron-strings)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON anybody))'s)(N guess)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON my)))(N country))(AP(AP(A right))(CONJ or)(AP(A wrong))) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON my)))(N foot)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON my)))(N god)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON my)))(N ladybountiful)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(AP(A better))(N nature)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(AP(A good))(N lady)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(AP(A strong))(N suit)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(N(N stamping)(N ground))) (NP(NP(N entrances))(CONJ and)(NP(N exits))) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(NP(NP(N entrances))(CONJ and)(NP(N exits)))) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(QP(Q every))(N move)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A allotted))(N span)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A beauty))(N sleep)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A bedside))(N manner)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A besetting))(N sin)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A best))(NP(NP(N bib))(CONJ and)(NP(N tucker)))) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A best))(N friend)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A better))(N half)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A birthday))(N suit)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A callow))(N youth)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A crowning))(N glory)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A daily))(N bread)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A daily))(N dozen)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A declining))(N years)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A disappearing))(N act)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A faithful))(N hound)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A finer))(N feelings)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A finest))(N hour)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A first))(N impression)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A good))(N deed)(PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N day)))) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A guardian))(N angel)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A last))(NP(NP(N will))(CONJ and)(NP(N testament)))) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A last))(N pennyetc)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A native))(N heath)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A old))(N man etc)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A opposite))(N number)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(AP(A worst))(N enemy)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(NP(NP(N flesh))(CONJ and)(NP(N blood)))) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N line)(PP(P of)(NP(N country)))) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(N line)(PP(P of)(NP(N country)))) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(N man/woman)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(N master/mistress)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N peace)(PP(P of)(NP(N mind)))) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(N peace)(PP(P of)(NP(N mind)))) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A pet))(N aversion/hate)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A private))(N life)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A ruling))(N passion)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A spiritual))(N home)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A strong))(N suit)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A vital))(N statistics)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)/(DET the)(N springs)(PP(P of)(NP(N action)))) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N(N death)(N agony/throes))) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N(N salad)(N days))) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(NP(NP(N heart))(CONJ and)(NP(N soul)))) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(NP(NP(N kith))(CONJ and)(NP(N kin)))) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(NP(NP(N life))(CONJ and)(NP(N times)))) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(NP(NP(N likes))(CONJ and)(NP(N dislikes)))) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(NP(NP(N nearest))(CONJ and)(NP(N dearest)))) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N day)(PP(P off))) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N springs)(PP(P of)(NP(N action)))) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N stock)(PP(P in)(NP(N trade)))) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N sunday best etc)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N train)(PP(P of)(NP(N thought)))) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N walk)(PP(P of)(NP(N life)))) (NP(AP(AP(A furred))(CONJ)(AP(A(A four)(A footed)))(CONJ and)(AP(A feathered)))(N friends)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON our)))(AP(AP(A furred))(CONJ)(AP(A(A four)(A footed)))(CONJ and)(AP(A feathered)))(N friends)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON our)))(N man)(PP(P in)(NP(N paris etc)))) (NP(AP(A friendly))(AP(A neighbourhood))(N policeman)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON your)))(AP(A friendly))(AP(A neighbourhood))(N policeman)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON your)))(AP(A humble))(N servant)) (NP(POSS(NP(QP(Q no))(N man))'s)(N land)) (NP(POSS(NP)'s)(AP(A(A blue)(A eyed)))(N boy)) (NP(POSS(NP)'s)(AP(A better))(N half)) (NP(POSS(NP)'s)(AP(A bottom))(N drawer)) (NP(POSS(NP)'s)(AP(A bounden))(N duty)) (NP(POSS(NP)'s)(AP(A right))(N arm)) (NP(POSS(NP)'s)(AP(A righthand))(N man)) (NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N(AP(A better))(N half))) (NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N(N brain)(N child))) (NP(POSS(NP)'s)(NP(NP(N pride))(CONJ and)(NP(N joy)))) (NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N cup)(PP(P of)(NP(N tea)))) (NP(PP(P by)(AP(A far)))(DET the)(N best)) (NP(PP(P for)(NP(DET this)(N relief))),(AP(A much))(N thanks)) *(NP(PRON who)(NP(DET the)(N helletc))) (NP(PRON yours)(AP(A truly))) (NP(PRON yours)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V command))))) (NP(QP(AP(DEG so))(Q many))(N words)) (NP(QP(AP(DEG so))(Q much))(DET the)(N worse)(PP(P for)(NP))) (NP(QP(AP(DEG so))(Q much))(N nonsense)) (NP(QP(Q all))(DET the)(AP(A more))(N reason)) (NP(QP(Q all))(DET the)(N best)) (NP(QP(Q all))(DET the)(N days)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N life)))) (NP(QP(Q all))(DET the)(N fun)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N fair)))) (NP(QP(Q all))(DET the)(N same)) (NP(QP(Q all))(DET the)(N time)) (NP(QP(Q all))(DET the)(N time)(S'(COMP that)(S))) (NP(QP(Q all))(DET the)(N year)(PP(P round))) (NP(NP(AP(A good))(N men))(CONJ and)(NP(AP(A true)))) (NP(QP(Q all))(NP(NP(AP(A good))(N men))(CONJ and)(NP(AP(A true))))) (NP(QP(Q all))(N boys)(PP(P together))) (NP(QP(Q all))(N kinds/sorts)(PP(P of)(NP))) (NP(QP(Q all))(N manner)(PP(P of)(NP))) (NP(QP(Q all))(N talk)) (NP(QP(Q all))(N things))(PP(P to)(NP(QP(Q all))(N men))) ((NP(QP(Q all))(N this))(CONJ and)((NP(N heaven))(AP(A too)))) (NP(QP(Q all))(N thumbs)) (NP(QP(Q any))(AP(A old))(N how)) (NP(QP(Q any))(AP(A old))(N place/where)) (NP(QP(Q any))(AP(A old))(N time)) (NP(QP(Q any))(NP(POSS(NP(N man))'s)(N money))) (NP(QP(Q any))(N day)) (NP(QP(Q any))(N day)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N week)))) (NP(QP(Q any))(N moment)) (NP(QP(Q any))(N time)(AP(A now))) (NP(QP(Q both))(N ways)) (NP(QP(Q each))(N one)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N taste)))) (NP(QP(Q each))(N one)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N tastes)))) (NP(QP(Q each))(N one)(PP(P according)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N taste))))) (NP(QP(Q each))(N one)(PP(P according)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N tastes))))) (NP(QP(Q each))(N way)) (NP(QP(Q every))(AP(A other/second))(N man)) (NP(QP(Q every))(N(N man)(N jack))) (NP(QP(Q every))(N(N man)(N jack))(PP(P of)(NP(PRON them)))) (NP(QP(Q every))(N time)) (NP(QP(Q half))(DET a)(N mo)) (NP(QP(Q half))(DET the)(N fun)(NP(N sth)))(NP(QP(Q half))(DET the)(N fun)(S(VP(V doing)(NP(N sth)))))(NP(QP(Q half))(DET the)(N time)) (NP(QP(Q half))(DET the)(N trouble)) (NP(QP(Q half))(DET the)(N trouble)(PP(P with)(NP(N sb/sth)))) (NP(QP(Q many))(AP(A happy))(N returns)) (NP(QP(Q many))(AP(A happy))(N returns)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N day)))) (NP(QP(Q many))(DET a)(N time)) (NP(QP(Q many))(N moons)(AP(A ago))) (NP(QP(Q no))(AP(A half))(N measures)) (NP(QP(Q no))(AP(A idle))(N jest)) (NP(QP(Q no))(AP(A laughing))(N matter)) (NP(QP(Q no))(AP(A mean/small))(N feat)) (NP(QP(Q no))(AP(A such))(N thing)) (NP(QP(Q no))(N chance)) (NP(QP(Q no))(N end)(PP(P of)(NP(N fuss)))) (NP(QP(Q no))(N exception)) (NP(QP(Q no))(N fear)) (NP(QP(Q no))(N fuss)) (NP(QP(Q no))(N joke)) (NP(QP(Q no))(N lack)(PP(P of)(NP))) (NP(QP(Q no))(N matter)(S'(COMP that)(S))) (NP(QP(Q no))(N more)) (NP(QP(Q no))(N room)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V swing)(NP(DET a)(N cat)))))) (NP(QP(Q no))(N sloutch)) (NP(QP(Q no))(N way)) (NP(QP(Q no))(N way)(PP(P of)(S(VP(V ing))))) (NP(QP(Q no))(N way)(PP(P of)(S(VP(V ing)(NP))))) (NP(QP(Q one))(AP(A big))(AP(A happy))(N family)) (NP(QP(Q one))(N day)) (NP(QP(Q one))(N hell)(PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(N row)))) (NP(QP(Q three))(N cheers)(PP(P for)(NP))) (NP(QP(Q two))(N minds)(PP(P with)(NP(AP(A but))(DET a)(AP(A single))(N thought)))) (PP(AP(A all))(P along)(NP(DET the)(N line))) (PP(AP(A all))(P at)(NP(N once))) (PP(AP(A all))(P over)) (PP(AP(A dead/right))(P on)(NP(N time))) (PP(AP(A early))(P on)) (PP(AP(A flat))(P out)) (PP(AP(A hard))(P by)) (PP(AP(A just))(P about)(NP)) (PP(P for)(NP(DET a)(N giggle))) (PP(AP(A just))(P for)(NP(DET a)(N giggle))) (PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N hell)(PP(P of)(NP(PRON it))))) (PP(AP(A just))(P for)(NP(DET the)(N hell)(PP(P of)(NP(PRON it))))) (PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N love)(PP(P of)(NP sth/sb)))) (PP(AP(A just))(P for)(NP(DET the)(N love)(PP(P of)(NP sth/sb)))) (PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N nonce))) (PP(AP(A just))(P for)(NP(DET the)(N nonce))) (PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N record))) (PP(AP(A just))(P for)(NP(DET the)(N record))) (PP(P for)(NP(N fun))) (PP(AP(A just))(P for)(NP(N fun))) (PP(P for)(NP(N kicks))) (PP(AP(A just))(P for)(NP(N kicks))) (PP(P for)(NP(N love)(PP(P of)(NP sth/sb)))) (PP(AP(A just))(P for)(NP(N love)(PP(P of)(NP sth/sb)))) (PP(P for)(NP(N luck))) (PP(AP(A just))(P for)(NP(N luck))) (PP(P for)(NP(POSS(NP(N argument))'s)(N sake))) (PP(AP(A just))(P for)(NP(POSS(NP(N argument))'s)(N sake))) (PP(AP(A just))(P on)(NP(N midnightetc))) (PP(AP(A just))(P round)(NP(DET the)(AP(A next))(N corner))) (PP(AP(A later))(P on)) (PP(P from)(NP(DET the)(N start etc))) (PP(AP(A right))(P from)(NP(DET the)(N start etc))) (PP(P off)(NP(DET the)(N reel))) (PP(AP(A right))(P off)(NP(DET the)(N reel))) (PP(AP(DEG more))(P to)(NP(DET a)(N point))) (PP(DEG as)(P for)(NP)) (PP(DEG as)(P of)(NP(N now))) (PP(DEG as)(P of)(NP(N old))) (PP(DEG as)(P of)(NP(N right))) (AP(DEG more)(PP(P by)(NP(AP(A good))(N luck)))(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(AP(A good))(N management/judgement))))) (PP(DEG as)(P of)(NP(N right))) (AP(DEG more)(PP(P by)(NP(AP(A good))(N luck)))(S'(COMP than)(S(PP(P by)(NP(AP(A good))(N management/judgement)))))) (PP(P for)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N health))) (PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N good)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N health))))) (PP(AP(A just))(P for)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N health))) (PP(AP(A just))(P for)(NP(DET the)(N good)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N health))))) (PP(NEG not)(P for)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N health))) (PP(NEG not)(P for)(NP(DET the)(N good)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N health))))) (PP(NEG not)(AP(A just))(P for)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N health))) (PP(NEG not)(AP(A just))(P for)(NP(DET the)(N good)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N health))))) (PP(NEG not)(P at)(NP(QP(Q any))(N price))) (PP(NEG not)(P before)(NP(N time))) (PP(NEG not)(P by)(NP(DET a)(AP(A long))(N chalk/shot))) (PP(NEG not)(P for)(NP(DET a)/(QP(Q one))(N moment/instant))) (PP(NEG not)(P for)(NP(DET the)(AP(A first))(N time))) (PP(NEG not)(P for)(NP(DET the)(N world))) (PP(NEG not)(P for)(NP(N nothing))) (PP(NEG not)(P for)(NP(N want)(PP(P of)(S(VP(V trying)))))) (PP(NEG not)(P for)(NP(N worlds))) (PP(NEG not)(P for)(NP(QP(Q all))(DET the)(N tea)(PP(P in)(NP(N china))))) (PP(NEG not)(P in)(NP(DET the)(N least))) (PP(NEG not)(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON your)))(N life))) (PP(NEG not)(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON your)))(AP(A sweet))(N life))) (PP(NEG not)(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON your)))(N nelly))) (PP(NEG not)(P with)(NP(NP(DET a)(N bang))(CONJ but)(NP(DET a)(N whimper)))) (PP(NEG not/never)(P for)(NP(DET a)/(QP(Q one))(N minute/moment))) (PP(NEG not/never)(P for)(NP(DET a)/(QP(Q one))(AP(A single))(N minute/moment))) (PP(NEG not/never)(P in)(NP(DET a)(AP(A hundredetc))(N years))) (NP(AP(A last))(N thing)) (PP(NP(AP(A last))(N thing))(P at)(NP(N night))) (PP(PP(PP(P over))(CONJ and)(PP(P over)))(AP(A again))) (PP(PP(P betwixt))(CONJ and)(PP(P between))) (PP(PP(P by))(CONJ and)(PP(P by))) (PP(PP(P by)(NP(N guess)))(CONJ and)(PP(P by)(NP(NG od)))) (PP(PP(P by)(NP(N hook)))(CONJ or)(PP(P by)(NP(N crook)))) (PP(PP(P for)(AP(A better)))(CONJ or)(PP(P for)(AP(A worse)))) (PP(PP(P for))(CONJ and/or)(PP(P against))) (PP(PP(P for)(NP(QP(Q one))(N thing)))(CONJ and)(PP(P for)(NP(AP(A another))(N thing)))) (PP(PP(P in)(NP(N word)))(CONJ and)(PP(P in)(NP(N deed)))) (PP(PP(P in)(PP(P for)(NP(DET a)(N penny))))(CONJ)(PP(P in)(PP(P for)(NP(DET a)(N pound))))) (PP(PP(P off))(CONJ and)(PP(P on))) (PP(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(N sight))))(CONJ)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(N mind))))) (PP(PP(P over))(CONJ and)(PP(P above))) (PP(PP(P over))(CONJ and)(PP(P over))) (PP(PP(P through))(CONJ and)(PP(P through))) (PP(PP(P to))(CONJ and)(PP(P fro))) (PP(PP(P up)(NP(N hill)))(CONJ and)(PP(P down)(NP(N dale)))) (PP(P(P up)(CONJ and)(P down))(NP(DET the)(N country/land))) (PP(P(P up)(CONJ and)(P down))(NP(N stairs))) (PP(P(P up)(CONJ and)(P down))(NP(DET the)(N stairs))) (PP(P about)(NP(N time))) (PP(P above)(NP(N all))) (PP(P above)(NP(N par))) (PP(P above)(NP(N value))) (PP(P above)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N station))) (PP(P above)(NP(QP(Q all))(N else))) (PP(P across)(NP(DET the)(N board))) (PP(P after)(NP(DET a)(N fashion))) (PP(P after)(NP(N all))) (PP(P after)(NP(N hours))) (PP(P after)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N fashion))) (PP(P after)(NP(QP(Q all))(POSS(NP(N))'s)(N efforts))) (PP(P against)(NP(DET a)(AP(A rainy))(N day))) (PP(P against)(NP(DET the)(AP(A hard))(N winter))) (PP(P against)(NP(DET the)(N day))) (PP(P against)(NP(DET the)(N grain))) (PP(P against)(NP(DET the)(N odds))) (PP(P against)(NP(DET the)(N tide))) (PP(P against)(NP(DET the)(N time))) (PP(P against)(NP(DET the)(N time)(S'(COMP when)(S)))) (PP(P against)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON)))(AP(A old))(N age))) (PP(P against)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON our)))(AP(A old))(N age))) (PP(P against)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(AP(A better))(N judgement))) (PP(P against)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N grain))) (PP(P against)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N inclination))) (PP(P against)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N will))) (PP(P against)(NP(QP(Q all))(DET the)(N odds))) (PP(P against)(NP(QP(Q all))(N odds))) (PP(P against/with)(NP(DET the)(N tide))) (PP(P against/with)(NP(DET the)(N tide)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P ahead)(PP(P of)(NP(N schedule)))) (PP(P ahead)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N time)))) (PP(P along)(NP(AP(A familiar))(N lines))) (PP(P along)(NP(DET the)(AP(A following))(N lines))) (PP(P along)(NP(DET the)(AP(A same))(N lines))) (PP(P along)(NP(DET the)(N lines)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P along)(NP(DET these)(N lines))) (PP(P around)(NP(DET the)(N clock))) (PP(P at)(NP(AP(A close))(N quarters))) (PP(P at)(NP(AP(A close))(N range))) (PP(P at)(NP(AP(A cross))(N purposes))) (NP(AP(A cut))(N rates/prices)) (PP(P at)(NP(AP(A cut))(N rates/prices))) (PP(P at)(NP(AP(A every))(N turn))) (PP(P at)(NP(AP(A first))(N blush))) (PP(P at)(NP(AP(A first))(N glance))) (PP(P at)(NP(AP(A first))(N light))) (PP(P at)(NP(AP(A first))(N sight))) (NP(AP(A full))(N pelt)) (PP(P at)(NP(AP(A full))(N pelt))) (PP(P at)(NP(AP(A full))(N speed))) (NP(AP(A full))(N throttle)) (PP(P at)(NP(AP(A full))(N throttle))) (NP(AP(A full))(N tilt)) (PP(P at)(NP(AP(A full))(N tilt))) (PP(P at)(NP(AP(A long))(N last))) (PP(P at)(NP(AP(A long))(N range))) (PP(P at)(NP(AP(A second))(N hand))) (PP(P at)(NP(AP(A short))(N notice))) (PP(P at)(NP(AP(A short))(N range))) (PP(P at)(NP(AP(A top))(N speed))) (PP(P at)(NP(AP(A walking))(N pace))) *(PP(P at)(NP(AP(A what))(DET a)(N cost))) *(PP(P at)(NP(AP(A what))(DET a)(N price))) (PP(P at)(NP(AP(A what))(N cost))) (PP(P at)(NP(AP(A what))(N price))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET a)(AP(A rough/wild))(N guess))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET a)(AP(A single))(N blow))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET a)(AP(A slow))(N trot))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET a)(AP(A tender))(N age))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET a)(AP(A walking))(N pace))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET a)(N blow))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET a)(N crawl))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET a)(N glance))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET a)(N guess))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET a)(N pinch))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET a)(N price))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET a)(N run))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET a)(N sitting))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET a)(N time))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET a)(N time)(AP(A like)(NP(N this/that))))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET a)(N waddle))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET a)/(QP(Q one))(AP(A single))(N blow))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET that/this)(N rate))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(AP(A eleventh))(N hour))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(AP(A first))(N attempt))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(AP(A last))(N minute))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(AP(A same))(N time))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N thought)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth/that))))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N thought)(PP(P of)(S(VP(V doing))(NP(N sth/that)))))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(AP(A very))(N thought)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth/that))))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(AP(A very))(N thought)(PP(P of)(S(VP(V doing))(NP(N sth/that)))))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N best)(PP(P of)(NP(N times))))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N double))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N drop)(PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(N hat))))) (NP(DET the)(N end)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N rainbow)))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N end)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N rainbow))))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N expense)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N foot)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N bed))))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N foot)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N bed))))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N last))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N moment))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N moment/time)(PP(P of)(S(VP(V speaking)))))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N most))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N other))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N outset))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N outset)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N outside))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N prospect))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N prospect)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N risk)(PP(P of)(VP)))) (PP(P at)(NP(N sight)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N sight)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N thought)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N thought)(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N time))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N top)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N voice))))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET this/that)(N rate))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET this/that)(N stage))) (PP(P at)(NP(DET this/that)(N stage)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (NP(N(N(V break)(N neck))(N speed))) (PP(P at)(NP(N(N(V break)(N neck))(N speed)))) (PP(P at)(NP(N(N face)(N value)))) (PP(P at)(NP(NP(QP(Q one)))(CONJ and)(NP(DET the)(AP(A same))(N time)))) (PP(P at)(NP(NP(QP(Q one))(N time))(CONJ or)(NP another))) (PP(P at)(NP(N all))) (PP(P at)(NP(N best))) (PP(P at)(NP(N bottom))) (NP(N dead)(PP(P of)(NP(N night)))) (PP(P at)(NP(N dead)(PP(P of)(NP(N night))))) (PP(P at)(NP(N first))) (PP(P at)(NP(N heart))) (PP(P at)(NP(N home))) (PP(P at)(NP(N large))) (PP(P at)(NP(N last))) (PP(P at)(NP(N least))) (PP(P at)(NP(N length))) (PP(P at)(NP(N most))) (PP(P at)(NP(N once))) (PP(P at)(NP(N one)(AP(A sharp)))) (PP(P at)(NP(N one)(PP(P o')(NP(N clock)))(AP(A sharp)))) (PP(P at)(NP(N present))) (PP(P at)(NP(N random))) (PP(P at)(NP(N sight))) (PP(P at)(NP(N sight)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P at)(NP(N that))) (PP(P at)(NP(N times))) (PP(P at)(NP(N will))) (PP(P at)(NP(N worst))) (PP(P at)(NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N moment))'s)(N notice))) (PP(P at)(NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N snail))'s)(N pace))) (PP(P at)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(AP(A own))(N discretion))) (PP(P at)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(AP(A own))(N expense))) (PP(P at)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(AP(A own))(N peril))) (PP(P at)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(AP(A own))(N risk))) (PP(P at)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N(N face)(N value)))) (PP(P at)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N behest))) (PP(P at)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N bidding))) (PP(P at)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N discretion))) (PP(P at)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N ease))) (PP(P at)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N elbow))) (PP(P at)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N expense))) (PP(P at)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N hands))) (PP(P at)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N heels))) (PP(P at)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N leisure))) (PP(P at)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N suggestion))) (PP(P at)(NP(QP(Q all))(N costs))) (PP(P at)(NP(QP(Q all))(N events))) (PP(P at)(NP(QP(Q all))(N hours))) (PP(P at)(NP(QP(Q all))(N hours)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N day))))) (PP(P at)(NP(QP(Q all))(N hours)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N night))))) (PP(P at)(NP(QP(Q all))(N times))) (PP(P at)(NP(QP(Q any))(N moment))) (PP(P at)(NP(QP(Q any))(N price))) (PP(P at)(NP(QP(Q any))(N rate))) (PP(P at)(NP(QP(Q every))(N turn))) (PP(P at)(NP(QP(Q one))(AP(A fell))(N swoop))) (PP(P at)(NP(QP(Q one))/(DET a)(N sitting))) (PP(P at)(NP(QP(Q one))(N blow))) (PP(P at)(NP(QP(Q one))(N remove))) (PP(P at)(NP(QP(Q one))(N remove)(PP(P from)(NP)))) (PP(P at)(NP(QP(Q one))(N sitting))) (PP(P at)(NP(QP(Q one))(N swoop))) (NP(AP(A full))(N blast)) (PP(P at/in)(NP(AP(A full))(N blast))) (PP(P before)(NP(NG od))) (PP(P before)(S(NP(PRON one))(VP(V knows)(S'(COMP where)(S(NP(PRON one))(VP(V is))))))) (PP(P before)(S(NP(PRON you))(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V say)(NP(N jackrobinson/knife))))) (PP(P behind)(NP(AP(A closed))(N doors))) (PP(P behind)(NP(DET the)(N scenes))) (PP(P behind)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N back))) (PP(P below/under)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N breath))) (PP(P between)(NP(NP(DET the)(N devil))(CONJ and)(NP(DET the)(AP(A deep))(AP(A blue))(N sea)))) (PP(P between)(NP(NP(N scylla))(CONJ and)(NP(N charybdis)))) (PP(P between)(NP(N times))) (PP(P between)(NP(N whiles))) (PP(P between)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N teeth))) (PP(P beyond)(NP(DET a)(AP(A certain))(N point))) (PP(P beyond)(NP(N belief))) (PP(P beyond)(NP(N measure))) (PP(P beyond)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(AP(A wildest))(N dreams))) (PP(P beyond)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(AP(A wildest))(N hopes))) (PP(P beyond)(NP(QP(Q all))(N measure))) ((PP(P by))(CONJ and)(AP(A large))) (PP(P by)(NP(AP(A common))(N consent))) (PP(P by)(NP(AP(A some))(AP)(N chance))) (PP(P by)(NP(AP(A some))(AP)(N coincidence))) (PP(P by)(NP(AP(A some/what))(AP(A fortunate))(N chance/coincidence))) (PP(P by)(NP(AP(A what))(AP)(N chance))) (PP(P by)(NP(AP(A what))(AP)(N coincidence))) (NP(DET a)(AP(A happy))(N coincidence)) (PP(P by)(NP(DET a)(AP(A happy))(N coincidence))) (NP(DET an)(AP(A unhappy))(N coincidence)) (PP(P by)(NP(DET an)(AP(A unhappy))(N coincidence))) (PP(P by)(NP(DET that)(N time))) (PP(P by)(NP(DET the)(AP(A same))(N token))) (PP(P by)(NP(DET the)(N by))) (PP(P by)(NP(DET the)(N fire))) (PP(P by)(NP(DET the)(N fireside))) (PP(P by)(NP(DET the)(N hour))) (PP(P by)(NP(DET the)(N light)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P by)(NP(DET the)(N look)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P by)(NP(DET the)(N scruff)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N neck))))) (PP(P by)(NP(DET the)(N scruff)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N neck))))) (PP(P by)(NP(DET the)(N time)(S))) (PP(P by)(NP(DET the)(N way))) (PP(P by)(NP(DET the)(N way)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P by)(NP(DET this/that)(N time))) (PP(P by)(NP(NP(AP(A fair))(N means))(CONJ or)(NP(AP(A foul))))) (PP(P by)(NP(NP(N fits))(CONJ and)(NP(N starts)))) (PP(P by)(NP(NP(N leaps))(CONJ and)(NP(N bounds)))) (PP(P by)(NP(NP(N trial))(CONJ and)(NP(N error)))) (NP(NP(N word))(CONJ or)(NP(N sign))) (PP(P by)(NP(NP(N word))(CONJ or)(NP(N sign)))) (PP(P by)(NP(N accident))) (PP(P by)(NP(N chance))) (PP(P by)(NP(N comparison))) (PP(P by)(NP(N comparison)(PP(P with)(NP)))) (PP(P by)(NP(N courtesy)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P by)(NP(N definition))) (PP(P by)(NP(N design))) (PP(P by)(NP(N dint)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (NP(N force)(PP(P of)(NP(N arms)))) (PP(P by)(NP(N force)(PP(P of)(NP(N arms))))) (PP(P by)(NP(N hand))) (PP(P by)(NP(N intent))) (PP(P by)(NP(N means)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P by)(NP(N mistake))) (PP(P by)(NP(N reason)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P by)(NP(N return))) (PP(P by)(NP(N return)(PP(P of)(NP(N post))))) (PP(P by)(NP(N right)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P by)(NP(N rights))) (PP(P by)(NP(N then))) (PP(P by)(NP(N turns))) (PP(P by)(NP(N virtue)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P by)(NP(N way)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P by)(NP(N word)(PP(P of)(NP(N mouth))))) (PP(P by)(NP(POSS(NP(N anybody/sb))'s)(N standards))) (PP(P by)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON)))(N self))) (PP(P by)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N lights))) (PP(P by)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N standards))) (PP(P by)(NP(PRON itself/oneself))) (PP(P by)(NP(QP(Q all))(N accounts))) (PP(P by)(NP(QP(Q all))(N means))) (PP(P by)(NP(QP(Q any))(N chance))) (PP(P by)(NP(QP(Q far))(DET the)(AP(A best))(NP))) (PP(P by)(NP(QP(Q no))(N means))) (PP(P by)(NP(QP(Q some))(AP)(N chance))) (PP(P by)(NP(QP(Q some))(AP)(N coincidence))) (PP(P by/from)(NP(DET the)(N look)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P by/from)(NP(DET the)(N way)(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (PP(P by/from)(NP(QP(Q all))(N accounts))) (PP(P by/in)(NP(NP(N fits))(CONJ and)(NP(N starts)))) (PP(P by/in)(NP(NP(N leaps))(CONJ and)(NP(N bounds)))) (PP(P by/in)(NP(N comparison))) (PP(P by/in)(NP(N comparison)(PP(P with)(NP)))) (PP(P down)(PP(P to)(NP(N sb/sth)))) (PP(P down)(PP(P under))) (PP(P down)(PP(P with)(NP))) (PP(P for)(AP(AP(A better))(CONJ or)(AP(A worse)))) (PP(P for)(AP(A real))) (PP(P for)(NP(AP(A dear))(N life))) (PP(P for)(NP(AP(A full))(N measure))) (PP(P for)(NP(AP(A good))(N measure))) (PP(P for)(NP(AP(A practical))(N purposes))) (PP(P for)(NP(AP(A some))(N reason))) (PP(P for)(NP(AP(A some))(N reason)(AP(AP(A best))(A known)(PP(P to)(NP(PRON self)))))) (PP(P for)(NP(AP(A some))(N reason)(AP(AP(A best))(A known)(PP(P to)(NP self))))) (PP(P for)(NP(AP(A some))(N reason)(AP(AP(A only))(A known)(PP(P to)(NP(PRON self)))))) (PP(P for)(NP(AP(A some))(N reason)(AP(AP(A only))(A known)(PP(P to)(NP self))))) (PP(P for)(NP(AP(A some))(N time))) (PP(P for)(NP(AP)(N days)(PP(P at)(NP(DET a)(N time))))) (PP(P for)(NP(AP)(N days)(PP(P on)(NP(N end))))) (PP(P for)(NP(AP)(N seconds)(PP(P at)(NP(DET a)(N time))))) (PP(P for)(NP(AP)(N weeks)(PP(P at)(NP(DET a)(N time))))) (PP(P for)(NP(DET a)(N bit))) (PP(P for)(NP(DET a)(N change))) (PP(P for)(NP(DET a)(N consideration))) (PP(P for)(NP(DET a)(N giggle))) (NP(DET a)(N handful)(PP(P of)(NP(N silver)))) (PP(P for)(NP(DET a)(N handful)(PP(P of)(NP(N silver))))) (PP(P for)(NP(DET a)(N laugh))) (PP(P for)(NP(DET a)(N moment))) (PP(P for)(NP(DET a)(N start))) (PP(P for)(NP(DET a)(N while))) (PP(P for)(NP(DET some)(N reason)(AP(AP(A best/only))(A known)(PP(P to)(NP(PRON oneself)))))) (PP(P for)(NP(DET that)(N matter))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A best/better))(N part)(PP(P of)(NP(DET an)(N hour)))) (PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(AP(A best/better))(N part)(PP(P of)(NP(DET an)(N hour))))) (PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(AP(A first))(N time))) (PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(AP(A most))(N part))) (PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(AP(A nth))(N time))) (PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(AP(A simple))(N reason)(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N best))) (PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N good)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(health))))) (PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N hell)(PP(P of)(NP(PRON it))))) (PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N love)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N love)(PP(P of)(NP(NG od))))) (PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N moment))) (PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N nonce))) (PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N price)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N record))) (PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N rest))) (PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N sake)(PP(P of)(NP(N appearances))))) (PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N sake)(PP(P of)(NP(N argument))))) (PP(P for)(NP(AP(A some))(N reason))) (PP(P for)(NP(NP(AP(A some))(N reason))(CONJ or)(NP(N other)))) (PP(P for)(NP(NP(AP(A some))(N reason))(CONJ or)(NP other))) (PP(P for)(NP(N ages))) (PP(P for)(NP(NP(N ages))(CONJ and)(NP(N ages)))) (PP(P for)(NP(NP(N good))(CONJ and)(NP(N all)))) (PP(P for)(NP(NP(QP(Q one))(N reason))(CONJ or)(NP another))) (PP(P for)(NP(NP(QP(Q some))(N reason))(CONJ or)(NP(N other)))) (PP(P for)(NP(N all)(S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V is)(AP(A worth)))))) (PP(P for)(NP(N all)(S(NP(PRON one/it))(VP(V is)(AP(A worth)))))) (PP(P for)(NP(N all)(S(NP(PRON one))(VP(V cares))))) (PP(P for)(NP(N all)(S(NP(PRON one))(VP(V knows))))) (PP(P for)(NP(N all)(S(NP)(VP(V cares))))) (PP(P for)(NP(N all)(S(NP)(VP(V is)(AP(A worth)))))) (PP(P for)(NP(N all)(S(NP)(VP(V knows))))) (PP(P for)(NP(N all)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V see)))))) (PP(P for)(NP(N days)(PP(P at)(NP(DET a)(N time))))) (PP(P for)(NP(N ever))) (PP(P for)(NP(N example))) (PP(P for)(NP(N fear)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P for)(NP(N free))) (PP(P for)(NP(N fun))) (PP(P for)(NP(N good))) (PP(P for)(NP(N hours)(PP(P on)(NP(N end))))) (PP(P for)(NP(N instance))) (PP(P for)(NP(N keeps))) (PP(P for)(NP(N kicks))) (PP(P for)(NP(N lack/want)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth))))) (PP(P for)(NP(N lack)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P for)(NP(N life))) (PP(P for)(NP(N love))) (PP(P for)(NP(N luck))) (PP(P for)(NP(N months)(PP(P at)(NP(DET a)(N time))))) (PP(P for)(NP(N months)(PP(P on)(NP(N end))))) (PP(P for)(NP(N nothing))) (PP(P for)(NP(N once))) (PP(P for)(NP(N once)(PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(N way))))) (PP(P for)(NP(N reasons)(AP(AP(A best))(A known)(PP(P to)(NP self))))) (PP(P for)(NP(N reasons)(AP(AP(A best/only))(A known)(PP(P to)(NP(PRON oneself)))))) (PP(P for)(NP(N reasons)(AP(A known)(PP(AP(A only))(P to)(NP(PRON self)))))) (PP(P for)(NP(N sale))) (PP(P for)(NP(N shame))) (PP(P for)(NP(N want)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P for)(NP(N want)(PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(AP(A better))(NP(N name/term/wordetc)))))) (PP(P for)(NP(N weeks)(PP(P on)(NP(N end))))) (PP(P for)(NP(N years)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V come)))))) (PP(P for)(NP(POSS(NP(AP(A old))(N times))')(N sake))) (PP(P for)(NP(POSS(NP(N appearances))'s)(N sake))) (PP(P for)(NP(POSS(NP(N convenience))'s)(N sake))) (NP(POSS(NP(N donkey))'s)(N years)) (PP(P for)(NP(POSS(NP(N donkey))'s)(N years))) (PP(P for)(NP(POSS(NP(N goodness))')(N sake))) (PP(P for)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb/sth))'s)(N good))) (PP(P for)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb/sth))'s)(AP(A own))(N good))) (PP(P for)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb/sth))'s)(N sake))) (PP(P for)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON my)))(N money))) (PP(P for)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(AP(A own))(N good))) (PP(P for)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N part))) (PP(P for)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(AP(A own))(N part))) (PP(P for)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(AP(A own))(N sake))) (PP(P for)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N benefit))) (PP(P for)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N health))) (PP(P for)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N pains))) (PP(P for)(NP(AP(A practical))(N purposes))) (PP(P for)(NP(QP(Q all))(AP(A practical))(N purposes))) (PP(P for)(NP(QP(Q all))(DET the)(N difference)(S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V makes))))) (PP(P for)(NP(QP(Q all))(DET the)(N difference)(S'(S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V makes)))))) (PP(P for)(NP(QP(Q all))(DET the)(N world)(AP(A like)(NP/S)))) (PP(P for)(NP(QP(Q all))(DET the)(N world)(AP(A like)(S)))) (PP(P for)(NP(QP(Q all))(DET the)(N world)(S'(COMP asif)(S)))) (PP(P for)(NP(QP(Q all))(DET the)(N world)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V see)))))) (PP(P for)(NP(QP(Q all))(DET this)(AP(A ghastly))(N interlude))) (PP(P for)(NP(QP(Q all))(N that))) (PP(P for)(NP(QP(Q all))(N time))) (PP(P for)(NP(QP(Q all))(POSS(NP)'s)(N efforts))) (PP(P for)(NP(QP(Q some))(N reason))) (PP(P for)(NP(QP(Q some))(N time))) (NP(QP(Q thirty))(N pieces)(PP(P of)(NP(N silver)))) (PP(P for)(NP(QP(Q thirty))(N pieces)(PP(P of)(NP(N silver))))) (PP(P for)(NP(QP(Q two))(N pins))) (PP(P for)(S'(COMP what)(S(NP(N sth))(VP(V is)(AP(A worth)))))) (PP(P for)(S(VP(V crying)(PP(P out)(AP(A loud)))))) (PP(P from)(AP(A afar))) (PP(P from)(AP(A nowetc))(PP(P on))) (PP(P from)(NP(DET a)(N child))) (PP(P from)(NP(DET that)(N day)))(PP(P to)(NP this)) (PP(P from)(NP(DET the)(N(N word)(N go)))) (NP(DET the)(N(N year)(N dot))) (PP(P from)(NP(DET the)(N(N year)(N dot)))) *(PP(P from)(NP(DET the)(NP(N money))(N point)(PP(P of)(NP(N view))))) *(PP(P from)(NP(DET the)(NP)(N point)(PP(P of)(NP(N view))))) eg. money,. (PP(P from)(NP(DET the)(N bottom)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N heart))))) (PP(P from)(NP(DET the)(N cradle))(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N grave)))) (PP(P from)(NP(DET the)(N look)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P from)(NP(DET the)(N president))(AP(A down/downward))) (PP(P from)(NP(DET the)(N president))(AP(A down/downwards))) (PP(P from)(NP(DET the)(N start))) (PP(P from)(NP(DET the)(N sublime))(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N ridiculous)))) (PP(P from)(NP(DET the)(N way))) (PP(P from)(NP(N china))(PP(P to)(NP(N peru)))) (PP(P from)(NP(N(N log)(N cabin)))(PP(P to)(NP(N(N white)(N house))))) (PP(P from)(NP(N beginning))(PP(P to)(NP(N end)))) (PP(P from)(NP(N dawn/morning))(PP(P to/till)(NP(N dusk/night)))) (NP(N force)(PP(P of)(NP(N habit)))) (PP(P from)(NP(N force)(PP(P of)(NP(N habit))))) (PP(P from)(NP(N head))(PP(P to)(NP(N tail)))) (PP(P from)(NP(N headetc))(PP(P to)(NP(N footetc)))) (PP(P from)(NP(N here))(PP(P to)(NP(N eternity)))) (PP(P from)(NP(N jobetc))(PP(P to)(NP(N jobetc)))) (PP(P from)(NP(N pillar))(PP(P to)(NP(N post)))) (PP(P from)(NP(N rags))(PP(P to)(NP(N riches)))) (PP(P from)(NP(N time))(PP(P to)(NP(N time)))) (PP(P from)(NP(N top))(PP(P to)(NP(N bottom)))) (PP(P from)(NP(POSS(NP(AP(A one))(N month))'s)(N end))(PP(P to)(NP another))) (PP(P from)(NP(POSS(NP(AP(A one))(N week))'s)(N end))(PP(P to)(NP another))) (PP(P from)(NP(POSS(NP(AP(A one))(N year))'s)(N end))(PP(P to)(NP another))) (PP(P from)(NP)(PP(P on)))eg. that day, childhood (PP(P from)(NP(QP(Q all))(N accounts))) (PP(P from/since)(NP(N time)(AP(A immemorial)))) (PP(P from)(S'(COMP where)(S(NP)(AUX be)(VP(V standing))))) (PP(P in)(AP(AP(DEG as))(A much)(S'(COMP as)(S)))) (PP(P in)(NP(AP(A bad))(N faith))) (NP(AP(A broad))(N daylight)) (PP(P in)(NP(AP(A broad))(N daylight))) (PP(P in)(NP(AP(A bygone))(N days))) (PP(P in)(NP(AP(A cold))(N blood))) (PP(P in)(NP(AP(A due))(N course))) (PP(P in)(NP(AP(A full))(N strength))) (PP(P in)(NP(AP(A full))(N view)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P in)(NP(AP(A good))(N faith))) (PP(P in)(NP(AP(A good))(N part))) (PP(P in)(NP(AP(A good))(N time))) (PP(P in)(NP(AP(A high))(N places))) (PP(P in)(NP(AP(A living))(N memory))) (PP(P in)(NP(AP(A other))(N words))) (PP(P in)(NP(AP(A plain))(N english))) (PP(P in)(NP(AP(A true))(AP)(N fashion))) (PP(P in)(NP(AP(A true))(AP)(N style))) eg. naval, boy, story-book (PP(P in)(NP(AP)(N measure))) eg. full, good (PP(P in)(NP(AP)(N parlance))) eg. common, nautical, vulgar (PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(AP(A big/small))(N way))) (NP(DET a)(AP(A few))(AP(A(A well)(A chosen)))(N words)) (PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(AP(A few))(AP(A(A well)(A chosen)))(N words))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(AP(A good))(N cause))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(AP(A similar))(N vein))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(AP(A towering))(N passion))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(AP(N towering))(N rage))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(AP)(N voice))) eg. loud, soft, cold (PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(N body))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(N flash))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(N hurry))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(N jiffy))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(N manner)(PP(P of)(S(VP(V speaking)))))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(N matter)(PP(P of)(NP(N minutes))))) eg. hours, weeks (PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(N measure))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(N minute))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(N moment))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(N nutshell))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(N row))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(N sense))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(N tick))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(N trice))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(N way))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(N whisper))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(N word))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET an/a)(AP)(N capacity))) eg. advisory, menial, private (PP(P in)(NP(DET that)(N case))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(AP(A final))(N analysis))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A first/full))(N flush)(PP(P of)(NP(N youth)))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(AP(A first/full))(N flush)(PP(P of)(NP(N youth))))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(AP(A first))(N instance))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(AP(A first))(N place))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A fond))(N hope)) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(AP(A fond))(N hope))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A grand))(N manner)) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(AP(A grand))(N manner))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(AP(A grand))(N style))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(AP(A great))(N style))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(AP(A last))(N analysis))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(AP(A last))(N resort))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(AP(A long))(N run))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(AP(A long))(N term))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(AP(A ordinary))(N way))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(AP(A same))(N way))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(AP(A short))(N run))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(AP(A short))(N term))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(AP(A small))(N hours))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(AP(A wee))(AP(A small))(N hours))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(AP)(N course)(PP(P of)(NP)))) eg.normal, ordinary, (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(AP)(N person))) eg. first, third (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(AP)(N place))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(AP)(N spirit))) eg. right, wrong, proper (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N absence)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N abstract))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N aggregate))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N best)(PP(P of)(NP(N taste))))) (NP(DET the)(N best)(PP(P of)(NP(QP(Q all))(AP(A possible))(N worlds)))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N best)(PP(P of)(NP(QP(Q all))(AP(A possible))(N worlds))))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N cause)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N circumstances))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N course)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (NP(N dead)(PP(P of)(NP(N night)))) (NP(N dead)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N night)))) (NP(DET the)(N dead)(PP(P of)(NP(N night)))) (NP(DET the)(N dead)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N night)))) (PP(P in)(NP(N dead)(PP(P of)(NP(N night))))) (PP(P in)(NP(N dead)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N night))))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N dead)(PP(P of)(NP(N night))))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N dead)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N night))))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N dead)(PP(P of)(NP(N winter))))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N end))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N event))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N event)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N extreme))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N face)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N flesh))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N form)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N fullness)(PP(P of)(NP(N time))))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N future))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N heat)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N moment))))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N heyday)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N hope)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N hope)(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N land)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N blind))))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N light)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N main))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N making))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N manner)(S'(PP(P to)(NP(PRON which)))(S(NP)(V be)(AP(A accustomed)))))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N meantime))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N middle)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N midst)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N name)(PP(P of)(NP)))) eg. G od, religion (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N nature)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N nature)(PP(P of)(NP(N things))))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N nick)(PP(P of)(NP(N time))))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N past))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N raw))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N round))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N shape)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N space)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N teeth)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N twinkling)(PP(P of)(NP(DET an)(N eye))))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N way)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (NP(DET the)(N womb)(PP(P of)(NP(N time)))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N womb)(PP(P of)(NP(N time))))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N worst)(PP(P of)(NP(N taste))))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET this)(NP(NP(N day))(CONJ and)(NP(N age))))) (PP(P in)(NP(DET this)(N respect))) (PP(P in)(NP(N christendom))) (NP(NP(AP(A fair)))(CONJ and/or)(NP(AP(A foul)))) (NP(NP(AP(A fair))(N weather))(CONJ and/or)(NP(AP(A foul)))) (PP(P in)(NP(NP(AP(A fair)))(CONJ and/or)(NP(AP(A foul))))) (PP(P in)(NP(NP(AP(A fair))(N weather))(CONJ and/or)(NP(AP(A foul))))) (PP(P in)(NP(NP(N all))(CONJ but)(NP(N name)))) (NP(NP(N black))(CONJ and)(NP(N white))) (PP(P in)(NP(NP(N black))(CONJ and)(NP(N white)))) (NP(NP(N dribs))(CONJ and)(NP(N drabs))) (PP(P in)(NP(NP(N dribs))(CONJ and)(NP(N drabs)))) (PP(P in)(NP(NP(N everything))(CONJ but)(NP(N name)))) (PP(P in)(NP(NP(N fear))(CONJ and)(NP(N trembling)))) (PP(P in)(NP(NP(N fits))(CONJ and)(NP(N starts)))) (PP(P in)(NP(NP(N leaps))(CONJ and)(NP(N bounds)))) (NP(NP(N thought))(CONJ)(NP(N word))(CONJ and/or)(NP(N deed))) (PP(P in)(NP(NP(N thought))(CONJ)(NP(N word))(CONJ and/or)(NP(N deed)))) (PP(P in)(NP(NP(N word))(CONJ and)(NP(N deed)))) (PP(P in)(NP(N accordance)(PP(P with)(NP)))) (PP(P in)(NP(N addition))) (PP(P in)(NP(N addition)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (PP(P in)(NP(N advance))) (PP(P in)(NP(N advance)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N time))))) (PP(P in)(NP(N aggregate))) (PP(P in)(NP(N agreement))) (PP(P in)(NP(N agreement)(PP(P with)(NP)))) (PP(P in)(NP(N all))) (PP(P in)(NP(N answer)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (PP(P in)(NP(N bed))) (PP(P in)(NP(N brief))) (PP(P in)(NP(N clover))) (PP(P in)(NP(N common)(PP(P with)))) (PP(P in)(NP(N common)(PP(P with)(NP)))) (PP(P in)(NP(N comparison))) (PP(P in)(NP(N comparison)(PP(P with)(NP)))) (PP(P in)(NP(N confidence))) (PP(P in)(NP(N confusion))) (PP(P in)(NP(N conjunction)(PP(P with)(NP)))) (PP(P in)(NP(N connection)(PP(P with)(NP)))) (PP(P in)(NP(N contrast))) (PP(P in)(NP(N contrast)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (PP(P in)(NP(N contrast)(PP(P with)(NP)))) (PP(P in)(NP(N days)(PP(P of)(NP(N old))))) (PP(P in)(NP(N days)(PP(P of)(NP(N yore))))) (PP(P in)(NP(N days)(S(VP(V gone)(PP(P by)))))) (PP(P in)(NP(N dead)(PP(P of)(NP(N winter))))) (PP(P in)(NP(N depth))) (PP(P in)(NP(N detail))) (PP(P in)(NP(N drink))) (PP(P in)(NP(N droves))) (PP(P in)(NP(N earnest))) (PP(P in)(NP(N effect))) (PP(P in)(NP(N excess))) (PP(P in)(NP(N excess)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P in)(NP(N face)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P in)(NP(N fact))) (PP(P in)(NP(N favour)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P in)(NP(N fear)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N life))))) (PP(P in)(NP(N full))) (PP(P in)(NP(N fun))) (PP(P in)(NP(N future))) (PP(P in)(NP(N general))) (PP(P in)(NP(N kind))) (PP(P in)(NP(N lieu))) (PP(P in)(NP(N lieu)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P in)(NP(N name)(AP(A only)))) (PP(P in)(NP(N opposition))) (PP(P in)(NP(N opposition)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (PP(P in)(NP(N order)(S'(COMP that)(S(VP))))) (PP(P in)(NP(N order)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP))))) (PP(P in)(NP(N particular))) (PP(P in)(NP(N passing))) (PP(P in)(NP(N peace))) (PP(P in)(NP(N person))) (PP(P in)(NP(N place)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P in)(NP(N point)(PP(P of)(NP(N fact))))) (PP(P in)(NP(N principle))) (PP(P in)(NP(N private))) (PP(P in)(NP(N public))) (PP(P in)(NP(N question))) (PP(P in)(NP(N reality))) (PP(P in)(NP(N regard)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (PP(P in)(NP(N reply)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (PP(P in)(NP(N respect)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P in)(NP(N response))) (PP(P in)(NP(N response)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (PP(P in)(NP(N return))) (PP(P in)(NP(N return)(PP(P for)(NP)))) (PP(P in)(NP(N search)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P in)(NP(N secret))) (PP(P in)(NP(N self-defence))) (PP(P in)(NP(N short))) (PP(P in)(NP(N silence))) (PP(P in)(NP(N spite)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P in)(NP(N spite)(PP(P of)(NP(PRON self))))) (PP(P in)(NP(N strength))) (PP(P in)(NP(N style))) (PP(P in)(NP(N succession))) (PP(P in)(NP(N sympathy))) (PP(P in)(NP(N sympathy)(PP(P with)(NP)))) (PP(P in)(NP(N terms)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P in)(NP(N theory))) (PP(P in)(NP(N time))) (PP(P in)(NP(N time)(PP(P of)(NP)))) eg. war, peace, trouble (PP(P in)(NP(N time)(PP(P with)(NP)))) (PP(P in)(NP(N time)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP))))) (PP(P in)(NP(N total))) (PP(P in)(NP(N tum))) (PP(P in)(NP(N unison))) (PP(P in)(NP(N unison)(PP(P with)(NP)))) (PP(P in)(NP(N view)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N pig))'s)(N ear))) (PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(DET a)/(QP(Q))(N))'s)(N time))) eg.year's, two hour's (PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(N mind))'s)(N eye))) (PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N mind))'s)(N eye))) (PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON their)))(NP))) eg. hundreds, dozens (PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(AP(AP(A more))(A sober))(N moments))) (PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(AP(A own))(N right))) (PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N book))) (PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N case))) (PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N fancy))) (PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N favour))) (PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N heart))) (PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N heart)(PP(P of)(NP(N hearts))))) (PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N honour))) (PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N imagination))) (PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N mind))) (PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N neck)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N woods))))) (PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N opinion))) (PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N self))) (PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N time))) (PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N turn))) eg. its, his (PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N view))) (PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N wake))) (PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N way))) (PP(P in)(NP(QP(Q all))(NP(NP(N shapes))(CONJ and)(NP(N sizes))))) (PP(P in)(NP(QP(Q all))(N conscience))) (PP(P in)(NP(QP(Q all))(N honesty))) (PP(P in)(NP(QP(Q all))(N likelihood))) (PP(P in)(NP(QP(Q all))(N probability))) (PP(P in)(NP(QP(Q all))(N sincerity))) (PP(P in)(NP(QP(Q all))(N weathers))) (PP(P in)(NP(QP(Q all))(POSS(NP)'s)(AP(A born))(N days))) (PP(P in)(NP(QP(Q all))(POSS(NP)'s)(N glory))) (PP(P in)(NP(QP(Q all))(POSS(NP)'s)(N majesty))) (PP(P in)(NP(QP(Q any))(NP(NP(N shape))(CONJ or)(NP(N form))))) (PP(P in)(NP(QP(Q any))(N case))) (PP(P in)(NP(QP(Q any))(N event))) (NP(QP(Q half))(DET a)(N mo)) (PP(P in)(NP(QP(Q half))(DET a)(N mo))) (NP(QP(Q half))(DET the)(N time)) (PP(P in)(NP(QP(Q half))(DET the)(N time))) (PP(P in)(NP(QP(Q no))(AP(A uncertain))(N))) eg. terms, fashion (PP(P in)(NP(QP(Q no))(N time))) (PP(P in)(NP(QP(Q no))(N time))(PP(P at)(NP(N all)))) (PP(P in)(NP(QP(Q one))(N piece))) (PP(P in)(NP(QP(Q ten))(NP)(AP(A flat)))) eg. seconds, minutes, 3 weeks (PP(P in)(NP(QP(Q two))(N shakes))) (PP(P in)(NP(QP(Q two))(N shakes)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N lamb))'s)(N tail))))) (PP(P in)(NP(QP(Q two))(N ticks))) (PP(P in)(NP(QP(Q two))(N twos))) (PP(P between)(NP(N times/whiles))) (PP(P in)(PP(P between)(NP(N times/whiles)))) (NP(DET the)(N watches)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N night)))) (PP(P in/through)(NP(DET the)(N watches)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N night))))) (PP(P into)(NP(DET the)(N bargain))) (PP(P into)(NP(DET the)(N fray))) (PP(P in/under)(NP(DET the)(N circumstances))) (PP(P near)(NP(DET the)(N bone))) (PP(P near)(NP(DET the)(N knuckle))) (PP(P near)(NP(N miss))) (PP(P near)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N bone)))) (PP(P near)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N knuckle)))) (PP(P nigh)(NP(N starvation))) (PP(P of)(NP(AP(A little))(N avail))) (PP(P of)(NP(AP)(N standing))) eg. good, no particular (PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(N kind))) (PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(N sort))) (PP(P of)(NP(DET a/an)(NP))) eg. morning, afternoon, evening, Sunday, (PP(P of)(NP(DET that)(N ilk))) (PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(AP(A first))(N magnitude))) (PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(AP(A old))(N school))) (PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(AP(A same))(N stripe))) (PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N order)(PP(P of)(NP)))) eg. 30 degrees, 15% *(PP(P of)(NP(N course))) *(PP(P of)(NP(N course)))(NEG not) *((PP(P of)(NP(N course)))) *((PP(P of)(NP(N course)))(NEG not)) (PP(P of)(NP(N late))) (PP(P of)(NP(N necessity))) (PP(P of)(NP(N note))) (PP(P of)(NP(N old))) (PP(P of)(NP(N standing))) (PP(P of)(NP(N yore))) (PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(AP(A own))(AP(A free))(N will))) (PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(AP(A own))(N accord))) (PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N choice))) (PP(P of)(NP(QP(Q all))(DET the)(N nerve))) (PP(P of)(NP(QP(Q all))(NP(NP(N shapes))(CONJ and)(NP(N sizes))))) (PP(P of)(NP(QP(Q all))(N))) eg. people, places, things (PP(P of)(NP(QP(Q all))(N time))) (PP(P of)(NP(QP(Q every))(NP(NP(N shape))(CONJ and)(NP(N size))))) (PP(P of)(NP(QP(Q no))(N avail))) (PP(P off)(NP(DET the)(N cuff))) (PP(P off)(NP(DET the)(N record))) (PP(P off)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(N bat))) (PP(P off)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(AP(A own))(N back))) (PP(P off)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(AP(A own))(N bat))) (PP(P on)(NP(AP(A different))(N lines))) (PP(P on)(NP(AP(A familiar))(N lines))) (PP(P on)(NP(AP(A present))(N form))) (PP(P on)(NP(AP(A recent))(N form))) (PP(P on)(NP(AP(A similar))(N lines))) (PP(P on)(NP(AP)(N grounds))) eg. moral, health, religious, compassionate (PP(P on)(NP(DET a)(AP(A full))(N stomach))) (PP(P on)(NP(DET a)(AP)(N footing))) (PP(P on)(NP(DET a)(AP)(N scale))) (PP(P on)(NP(DET a)(N shoestring))) (PP(P on)(NP(DET an)(AP(A empty))(N stomach))) (PP(P on)(NP(DET an)(AP(A even))(N keel))) (PP(P on)(NP(DET an)(AP)(N note))) (PP(P on)(NP(DET an)(N impulse))) (PP(P on)(NP(DET an/the)(N average))) (PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(AP(A following))(N lines))) (PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(AP(A one))(N hand))) (PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(AP(A other))(N hand))) (PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(AP(A same/right))(N lines))) (PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(NP)(N front))) eg. home, wages, city (PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N(P off)(N chance)))) (PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N basis)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N chance)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N cheap))) (PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N condition)(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N contrary))) (PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N dot))) (PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N dot)(PP(P of)(NP)))) eg. noon, 4.30 (PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N face)(PP(P of)(NP(PRON it))))) (PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N ground)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N grounds)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N ground)(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N grounds)(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N hour))) (PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N lines)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N principle)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N quiet))) (PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N side))) (PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N sly))) (PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N spot))) (PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N spur)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N moment))))) (PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N strength)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N surface))) (PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N understanding)(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N whole))) (PP(P on)(NP(DET these)(N lines))) (PP(P on)(NP(DET these)(N terms))) (PP(P on)(NP(N account)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P on)(NP(N approval))) (PP(P on)(NP(N average))) (PP(P on)(NP(N balance))) (PP(P on)(NP(N business))) (PP(P on)(NP(N condition)(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (PP(P on)(NP(N credit))) (PP(P on)(NP(N foot))) (PP(P on)(NP(N form))) (PP(P on)(NP(N grounds)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P on)(NP(N impulse))) (PP(P on)(NP(N occasion))) (PP(P on)(NP(N pain)(PP(P of)(NP)))) eg. death (PP(P on)(NP(N pain)(PP(P of)(S)))) eg. being dumped (PP(P on)(NP(N paper))) (PP(P on)(NP(N principle))) (PP(P on)(NP(N purpose))) (PP(P on)(NP(N reflection))) (PP(P on)(NP(N sight))) (PP(P on)(NP(N spec))) (PP(P on)(NP(N suspension))) (PP(P on)(NP(N tick))) (PP(P on)(NP(N time))) (PP(P on)(NP(N top)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A bended))(N knees))) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A death))(N bed)) (PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A death))(N bed))) (PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(AP(A own))(N account))) (PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(AP(A own))(N admission))) (PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(AP(A own))(N terms))) (PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(NP(NP(N hands))(CONJ and)(NP(N knees))))) (PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N behalf))) (PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N merits))) (PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N own))) (PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N part))) (PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N tod))) (PP(P on)(NP(QP(Q))(N counts))) eg. both, two, all (PP(P on)(NP(QP(Q all))(N fours))) (PP(P on)(NP(QP(Q all))(N sides))) (PP(P on)(NP(QP(Q either))(N hand))) (PP(P on)(NP(QP(Q every))(N hand))) (PP(P on)(NP(QP(Q every))(N side))) (PP(P on)(NP(QP(Q no))(N account))) (NP(AP(A false))(N pretences)) (PP(P on/under)(NP(AP(A false))(N pretences))) (PP(P out)(AP(A loud))) (PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N corner)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N eye)))))) (PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N corner)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N eye)))))) (PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N mouth)(PP(P of)(NP(NP(N babes))(CONJ and)(NP(N sucklings))))))) (PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N mouths)(PP(P of)(NP(NP(N babes))(CONJ and)(NP(N sucklings))))))) (PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(N hand)))) (PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(N hours)))) (PP(P over)(AP(A again))) (PP(P over)(AP(A here))) (PP(P over)(AP(A here/there))) (PP(P over)(AP(A there))) (PP(P over)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON my)))(AP(A dead))(N body))) (PP(P over)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(AP(A dead))(N body))) (PP(P over)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N head))) (PP(P over)(PP(P to)(NP(PRON you)))) (PP(P par)(NP(N excellence))) (PP(P round)(NP(DET the)(AP(A next))(N corner))) (PP(P round)(NP(DET the)(N clock))) (PP(P round)(NP(DET the)(N fire))) (PP(P round)(NP(QP(Q every))(N corner))) (PP(P through)(AP(AP(A thick))(CONJ and)(AP(A thin)))) (PP(P through)(NP(QP(Q no))(N faultetc)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N own))))) (PP(P through)(NP(QP(Q no))(AP(A particularetc))(N faultetc)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N own))))) (PP(P through)(NP(QP(Q no))(N fault)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P till/until)(S(NP(N death))(NP(PRON us))(AUX(V do))(VP(V part)))) (PP(P to)(NP(AP(A goodetc))(N effect))) (PP(P to)(NP(AP(A little))(N avail))) (PP(P to)(NP(AP)(N effect))) eg. good, little, some (PP(P to)(NP(AP)(N effect))) eg. good, little, some QP? (PP(P to)(NP(DET)(AP)(N eye))) eg. trained, untrained, Western (PP(P to)(NP(DET a)(N degree))) (PP(P to)(NP(DET a)(N fault))) (PP(P to)(NP(DET a)(N man))) (PP(P to)(NP(DET a)(N man etc))) (PP(P to)(NP(DET a)(N nicety))) (PP(P to)(NP(DET a)(N t/tee))) (PP(P to)(NP(DET a/the)(N day etc))) (PP(P to)(NP(DET that)(N effect))) (PP(P to)(NP(DET that)(N end))) (PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(AP(A bitter))(N end))) (PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N bad/good))) (PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N best)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N ability))))) (PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N best)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N knowledge etc))))) (PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N best)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N ability))))) (PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N best)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N knowledge))))) (PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N contrary))) (PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N))) eg. day, minute, penny (PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N fingertips))) (PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N full))) (PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N last))) (PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N letter))) (PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N life))) (PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N point))) (PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N tune)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N tune)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth))))) (PP(P to)(NP(DET this)(N day))) (PP(P to)(NP(N advantage))) (PP(P to)(NP(N boot))) (PP(P to)(NP(N date))) (PP(P to)(NP(N each)))(AP(A according)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N need)))) (PP(P to)(NP(N excess))) (PP(P to)(NP(N hell)(PP(P with)(NP(N sb/sth))))) (PP(P to)(NP(N order))) (PP(P to)(NP(N wit))) (PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(AP(A own))(N satisfaction))) (PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(AP(A trained etc))(N eye))) (PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(AP(A trained etc))(N eyes))) (PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N credit))) (PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N face))) (PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N liking))) (PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N taste))) (PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N way)(PP(P of)(NP(N thinking))))) (PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N heart))'s)(N content))) (PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N heart))'s)(N content))) (PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON my)))(N mind))) (PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(N disgust etc))) (PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)/(DET the)(N fingertips))) (PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N cost))) (PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N knowledge))) (PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N satisfaction))) (PP(P to)(NP(QP(Q all))(NP(NP(N intents))(CONJ and)(NP(N purposes))))) (PP(P to)(NP(QP(Q all))(N appearances))) (PP(P to)(NP(QP(Q all))(N intents))) (PP(P to)(NP(QP(Q no))(N avail))) (PP(P to)(NP(QP(Q some))(N purpose))) (PP(P under)(NP(DET a)(N cloud))) (PP(P under)(NP(DET the)(N aegis)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P under)(NP(DET the)(N aegis)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth/sb))))) (PP(P under)(NP(DET the)(N circumstances))) (PP(P under)(NP(DET the)(N guise)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P under)(NP(DET the)(N guise)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth))))) (PP(P under)(NP(N cover)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P under)(NP(N cover)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth))))) (PP(P under)(NP(N foot))) (PP(P under)(NP(N par))) (PP(P under)(NP(N protest))) (PP(P under)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N nose))) (PP(P under)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(N steam))) (PP(P under)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own etc))(N name))) (PP(P under)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(AP(A own))(N steam))) (PP(P under)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(AP)(N name))) eg. own, present, fake (PP(P under)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N breath))) (PP(P under)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N nose))) ((PP(P up))(CONJ and)(S(VP(V coming)))) (PP(P up)(NP(N yours etc))) (PP(P up)(PP(P to)(NP(DET a)(N point)))) (PP(P up)(NP(N sb/sth))) (PP(P up)(PP(P with)(NP(N sb/sth)))) (PP(P upon)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON my)))(N soul/word))) (PP(P with)(AP(DEG more)(NP(N money))(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(N sense)))))) (PP(P with)(NP(AP(A bated))(N breath))) (PP(P with)(NP(AP(A flying))(N colours))) (PP(P with)(NP(AP(A good))(N grace))) (PP(P with)(NP(AP(A high))(N hopes))) (PP(P with)(NP(AP(A hollow))(N legs))) (PP(P with)(NP(AP(A only))(PRON oneself)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V blame/thank)))))) (PP(P with)(NP(AP(A only))(PRON oneself)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V blame/thank)(PP(P for)(NP sth))))))) (PP(P with)(NP(AP(A other/bigger))(N fish))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V fry))))) (PP(P with)(NP(DET a)(AP(A capital))(N T, U, etc))) (PP(P with)(NP(DET a)(AP(A clear))(N head))) (PP(P with)(NP(DET a)(AP(A good))(N grace))) (PP(P with)(NP(DET a)(N head)(PP(P for)(NP(N figures))))) (PP(P with)(NP(DET a)(AP(A good))(N head)(PP(P for)(NP(N figures))))) (PP(P with)(NP(DET a)(N head)(PP(P for)(NP(N heights))))) (PP(P with)(NP(DET a)(AP(A good))(N head)(PP(P for)(NP(N heights))))) (PP(P with)(NP(DET a)(AP(A good))(N head)(PP(P of)(NP(N hair))))) (PP(P with)(NP(DET a)(AP(A roving))(N eye))) (PP(P with)(NP(DET a)(AP(A soft))(N centre))) (PP(P with)(NP(DET a)(AP(A sweet))(N tooth))) (PP(P with)(NP(DET a)(AP(A wickedetc))(N tongue))) (PP(P with)(NP(DET a)(N(N(A one)(N track))(N mind)))) (PP(P with)(NP(DET a)(N difference))) (PP(P with)(NP(DET a)(N heart)(PP(P of)(NP(N gold/stone))))) (PP(P with)(NP(DET a)(N kick)(AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(N mule))))) (PP(P with)(NP(DET a)(N lot)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V learn)))))) (PP(P with)(NP(DET a)(N lot)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V put)(PP(P up))(PP(P with))))))) (PP(P with)(NP(DET a)(N memory)(AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(N sponge/sieve))))) (PP(P with)(NP(DET a)(N nerve))) (PP(P with)(NP(DET a)(N screw)(AP(A loose)))) (PP(P with)(NP(DET a)(N vengeance))) (PP(P with)(NP(DET a)(N view)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP))))) *(PP(P with)(NP(DET a)(N view)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V doing)(NP(N sth))))))) (PP(P with)(NP(DET a)(N will))) (PP(P with)(NP(DET a)(N will)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N own))))) (PP(P with)(NP(DET an)(N eye)(PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(AP(A main))(N chance))))) (PP(P with)(NP(DET an)(N eye)(PP(P to)(NP sth)))) (PP(P with)(NP(DET an)(N eye)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V doing)(NP sth)))))) (PP(P with)(NP(DET a/the)(N knack)(PP(P of)(S(VP(V ing)(NP)))))) (PP(P with)(NP(DET the)(AP(A best))(N will)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N world))))) (PP(P with)(NP(DET the)(N(N midas)(N touch)))) (PP(P with)(NP(DET the)(NP(NP(N knowledge))(CONJ and)(NP(N consent)))(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P with)(NP(DET the)(NP(NP(N knowledge))(CONJ and)(NP(N consent)))(PP(P of)(NP(N sb))))) (PP(P with)(NP(DET the)(N best))) (PP(P with)(NP(DET the)(N best)(PP(P of)(NP(PRON them))))) (PP(P with)(NP(DET the)(N ease)(PP(P of)(NP(N hindsight))))) (PP(P with)(NP(DET the)(N nerve))) (PP(P with)(NP(DET the)(N nerve)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP sth)))))) (PP(P with)(NP(DET the)(N ring)(PP(P of)(NP(N truthetc))))) (PP(P with)(NP(DET the)(N tide))) (PP(P with)(NP(N hindsight))) (PP(P with)(NP(DET the)(N wisdom/ease)(PP(P of)(NP(N hindsight))))) (PP(P with)(NP(NP(N malice))(CONJ and)(NP(N main)))) (PP(P with)(NP(NP(N might))(CONJ and)(NP(N main)))) (PP(P with)(NP(N bats)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N belfry))))) (PP(P with)(NP(N form))) (PP(P with)(NP(N gusto))) (PP(P with)(NP(N knobs)(PP(P on)))) (PP(P with)(NP(N malice)(AP(A aforethought)))) (PP(P with)(NP(N nothing/something)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V hide)))))) (PP(P with)(NP(N regard)(PP(P to)(NP/S')))) (PP(P with)(NP(N respect)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (PP(P with)(NP(N respect))) (PP(P with)(NP(N respect)(PP(P to)(NP(N sb))))) (PP(P with)(NP(N respect)(PP(P to)(NP(N sth))))) (PP(P with)(NP(N somebody)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V thank)(PP(P for)(NP))))))) (PP(P with)(NP(N somethingetc)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V lose)))))) (PP(P with)(NP(N somethingetc)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V lose)(PP)))))) (PP(P with)(NP(N somethingetc)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V offer)))))) (PP(P with)(NP(N somethingetc)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V say)(PP(P for)(NP(PRON oneself)))))))) (PP(P with)(NP(N strings)(AP(A attached)))) (PP(P with)(NP(POSS(NP(DET the)(N devil))'s)(AP(A own))(N luck))) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(AP(A fair))(N hand)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(AP(A fair))(N hands)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(AP(A own))(AP(A fair))(N hand)) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(AP(A own))(AP(A fair))(N hands)) (PP(P with)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(AP(A fair))(N hand))) (PP(P with)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(AP(A fair))(N hands))) (PP(P with)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(AP(A own))(AP(A fair))(N hand))) (PP(P with)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(AP(A own))(AP(A fair))(N hands))) (PP(P with)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)/(POSS(NP(PRON its)))(N points))) (PP(P with)(NP(QP(Q all))(DET the)(N marks)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P with)(NP(QP(Q all))(POSS(NP(N))'s)(N marbles))) (PP(P with)(NP(QP(Q all))(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N might))) (PP(P with)(NP(QP(Q all))(POSS(NP)'s)(N might))) (PP(P with)(NP(QP(Q both))(N hands)(AP(A tied)(PP(P behind)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N back)))))) (PP(P with)(NP(QP(Q no))(N strings)(AP(A attached)))) (PP(P with)(NP(QP(Q one))(N accord))) (PP(P with)(NP(QP(Q one))(N foot)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N grave))))) (PP(P with)(NP(QP(Q one))(N hand)(AP(A tied)(PP(P behind)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N back)))))) (PP(P with)(NP(QP(Q one))(N hand)(AP(A tied)(PP(P behind)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N back)))))) (PP(P with)(NP(QP(Q one))(N hand)/(QP(Q both))(N hands)(AP(A tied)(PP(P behind)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N back)))))) (PP(P with)(NP(QP(Q one))(N voice))) (PP(P with)(SC(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N eyes))(AP(A open)))) (PP(P with)(SC(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N hands))(AP(A full)))) (PP(P withetc)(NP(N strings))) (PP(P withetc)(NP(N strings)(AP(A attached)))) (PP(P withetc)(NP(QP(Q no))(N strings))) (PP(P withetc)(NP(QP(Q no))(N strings)(AP(A attached)))) (PP(P withetc)(NP(N strings))) (PP(P withetc)(NP(N strings)(AP(A binding)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON its)))(N use))))) (PP(P withetc)(NP(QP(Q no))(N strings))) (PP(P withetc)(NP(QP(Q no))(N strings)(AP(A binding)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON its)))(N use))))) (PP(P within)(NP(N reason))) (PP(P within/in)(NP(AP(A living))(N memory))) (PP(P without)(NP(AP(A more/further))(N ado))) (PP(P without)(NP(DET a)(N care)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N world))))) (PP(P without)(NP(DET a)(N clue))) (PP(P without)(NP(DET a)(N hitch))) (PP(P without)(NP(DET a)(N word))) (PP(P without)(NP(DET a)(N word)(PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(N lie))))) (PP(P without)(NP(DET the)(NP(NP(N knowledge))(CONJ and)(NP(N consent)))(PP(P of)(NP)))) (PP(P without)(NP(DET the)(NP(NP(N knowledge))(CONJ and)(NP(N consent)))(PP(P of)(NP(N sb))))) (PP(P without)(NP(NP(N fear))(CONJ or)(NP(N favour)))) (PP(P without)(NP(N benefit)(PP(P of)(NP(N clergy etc))))) (PP(P without)(NP(N benefit)(PP(P of)(NP)))) eg. clergy, law, P ress (PP(P without)(NP(N fail))) (PP(P without)(NP(N prejudice)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (PP(P without)(NP(N prejudice))) (PP(P without)(NP(N prejudice)(PP(P to)(NP(N sth))))) (PP(P without)(NP(QP(Q one))(N penny)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V rub)(PP(P against)(NP(PRON another)))))))) (PP(P without)(NP(QP(Q one))(N word))) (QP(QP(Q any))(CONJ and)(QP(Q every))) (QP(QP(Q each))(CONJ and)(QP(Q every))) (QP(QP(Q one))(CONJ and)(QP(Q only))) (S(AP(A always))(VP(V supposing)(S'(COMP)(S)))) (S(AP(A always))(VP(V supposing)(S'(COMP that)(S)))) *(S(AP(A easy/gently))(VP(V does)(NP(PRON it)))) (S(AP(A forewarned))(VP(V is)(AP(A forearmed)))) *(S(AP(A glad)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V meet)(NP(PRON you))))))) (S(AP(A happy))(VP(V)(NP(DET the)(N bride)(S'(S(NP(DET the)(N sun))(VP(V shines)(PP(P on)))))))) (S(AP(A long))(VP(V live)(NP(DET the)(N king)))) (S(AP(A many))(VP(V 's)(NP(DET the)(N time)))) (S'(AP(A never))(S(PRO)(AUX(to)(V be))(VP(V forgotten)))) (S(AP(A now))(VP(V is)(NP(DET the)(N time)(S'(COMP for)(S(NP(QP(Q all))(AP(A good))(N men))(AUX(to))(VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N aid)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N party))))))))))) (S(AP(A such))(VP(V is)(NP(N life)))) (S(AP(A sufficient)(PP(P unto)(NP(DET the)(N day))))(VP(V is)(NP(DET the)(N evil)(PP(NP(N there))(P of))))) (S(AP(A well))(NP(PRON i))(AUX(AP(A never)))(VP(V did))) (S(AP(A well))(NP(PRON i))(AUX(MOD 'll)(V be))(VP(V damned))) (S(AP(A well))(NP(PRON i))(AUX(V am))(VP(V damned))) (S(AP(A well))(NP(PRON i))(AUX(V do))(VP(V declare))) (S(AUX(MOD can))(NP(DET a)(N duck))(VP(V swim?))) (S(AUX(MOD can))(NP(PRON you))(VP(V beat)(NP(PRON it)))) (S(AUX(MOD can))(NP(PRON you))(VP(V imagine))) *(S(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V do))) (S(NP(NG od))(VP(V forgive)(NP(PRON me)))) (S(AUX(MOD may))(NP(NG od))(VP(V forgive)(NP(PRON me)))) (S(AUX(MOD may/might))(NP(PRON i))(VP(V ask)(S'))) (S(AUX(MOD would))(NP(PRON you))(VP(V believe))) (S(AUX(MOD would))(NP(PRON you))(VP(V believe)(NP(PRON it)))) (S(AUX(MOD would))(NP(PRON you))(VP(V believe)(NP(PRON it))))(S(NP(AP(A bad))(N news))(VP(V travels)(AP(A fast)))) (S(AUX(MOD would))(NP(PRON you))(VP(V believe)(S'(S(NP(AP(A bad))(N news))(VP(V travels)(AP(A fast))))))) *(S(AUX(NEG no)(MOD can))(VP(V do))) (S(AUX(V am))(NP(NI))(VP(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V understand)(S)))))) (S(AUX(V are))(NP(PRON we))(VP(AP(A down-hearted)))) *(S(AUX(V aren't))(NP(PRON we)(QP(Q all)))) (S(AUX(V be))(VP(V dying)(PP(P for)(NP)))) (S(AUX(V do))(NP(NI))(VP(V understand)(S))) (S(AUX didn't)(NP(PRON he))(VP(V do)(AP(A well)))) (S(AUX do)(NP(PRON you))(VP(V know))) (S(AUX do)(NP(PRON you))(VP(V mind))) (S(AUX doesn't)(NP(PRON one))(VP(V know)(NP(PRON it)))) (S(AUX don't)(VP(V be)(AP(AP(A too))(A sure)))) (S(AUX don't)(VP(V do)(NP(N anything)(S(NP(PRONI))(AUX(MOD wouldn't))(VP(V do)))))) (S(AUX don't)(VP(V give)(NP(PRON me))(NP(N that)))) (S(AUX don't)(VP(V make)(NP(PRON me))(S(VP(V laugh))))) (S(AUX don't)(VP(V mention)(NP(PRON it)))) (S(AUX don't)(VP(V mind)(NP(PRON me)))) (S(AUX don't)(VP(V 'nownorah')(NP(PRON me)))) (S(AUX don't)(VP(V shoot)(NP(DET the)(N pianist)))) (S(AUX don't)(VP(V shoot)(NP(DET the)(N pianist))))(S(NP(PRON he))(AUX(V 's))(VP(V doing)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N best)))) (S(AUX don't)(VP(V talk)(AP(A daft)))) (S(AUX don't)(VP(V tell)(NP(PRON me)))) (SC(NP(AP(A present))(N company))(AP(A excepted))) (SC(NP(AP(A third))(N time))(AP(A lucky))) (SC(NP(AP(DEG so))(N much))(PP(P for)(NP))) (SC(NP(DET a)(AP(A cool))(N hand))(PP(P on)(NP(DET a)(AP(A fevered))(N brow)))) (NP(DET a)(AP(A red))(N herring)) (SC(NP(DET a)(AP(A red))(N herring))(PP(P across)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N path/track)))) *(SC(NP(DET the)(AP(DEG more))(N fool))(NP(PRON you))) (SC(NP(DET the)(N more))(NP(DET the)(N merrier))) (SC(NP(NP(N women))(CONJ and)(NP(N children)))(AP(A first))) (SC(NP(N all))(AP(AP(A very))(A fine/well))) (SC(NP(N all))(AP(AP(A very))(A fine/well)(PP(P for)(NP sb)))) (SC(NP(N all))(AP(AP(A well))(CONJ and)(AP(A good)))) (SC(NP(N all))(AP(A clear))) (SC(NP(N all))(AP(A together/told))) ((SC(NP(N all))(NP(DET the)(N same)))(PP(P to)(NP))) (SC(NP(N all))(NP(N ears/eyes))) *(SC(NP(N all))(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N good)))) (PP(P to)(NP(QP(Q no/little))(N avail))) (SC(NP(N all))(PP(P to)(NP(QP(Q no/little))(N avail)))) (SC(NP(N arse))(PP(P over)(NP(N tip)))) (SC(NP(N back))(PP(P to)(NP(N front)))) (SC(NP(N cash))(PP(P down))) (SC(NP(N end))(PP(P to)(NP(N end)))) (SC(NP(N expense/money))(NP(QP(Q no))(N object))) (SC(NP(N face))(PP(P down/up))) (SC(NP(N face))(PP(P to)(NP(N face)))) ((SC(NP(N face))(PP(P to)(NP(N face))))(PP(P with)(NP(N sb/sth)))) (SC(NP(N hands))(PP(P off))) (SC(NP(N hands))(PP(P off)(NP sb/sth))) (SC(NP(N head))(PP(P over)(NP(N heels/ears)))) (SC(NP(N safety))(AP(A first))) (SC(NP(N same))(NP(N here))) (SC(NP(N side))(PP(P by)(NP(N side)))) (SC(NP(N side))(PP(P by)(NP(N side))))(PP(P with)(NP(N sb/sth))) (SC(NP(N ten))(PP(P to)(NP(N one)))) (SC(NP(QP(Q each/every))(N man))(PP(P for)(NP(PRON himself)))) (SC(NP(QP(Q each/every))(N man))(PP(P for)(NP(PRON himself))))(CONJ and)(S(NP(DET the)(N devil))(VP(V take)(NP(DET the)(N hindmost)))) ((SC(NP(QP(Q each/every))(N man))(PP(P for)(NP(PRON himself))))) ((SC(NP(QP(Q each/every))(N man))(PP(P for)(NP(PRON himself))))(CONJ and)(S(NP(DET the)(N devil))(VP(V take)(NP(DET the)(N hindmost))))) (S'(COMP(AP(AP(A how))(A crazy)))(S(AUX(MOD can))(NP(PRON you))(VP(V get)))) (S'(COMP(AP(AP(A how))(A right)))(S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V are)))) (S'(COMP(AP(AP(A much))(A good)))(S(AUX(MOD may))(NP(PRON it))(VP(V do)(NP)))) (S'(COMP though)(S(NP(PRON i))(VP(V say)(NP it/so)(NP myself)))) (S'(COMP(AP(A even))though)(S(NP(PRON i))(VP(V say)(NP it/so)(NP myself)))) *(S'(COMP(AP(A far)))(S(AUX(V be))(NP(PRON it))(PP(P from)(NP(PRON me)))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V interfere)))))) *(S'(COMP(AP(A far)))(S(AUX(V be))(NP(PRON it))(PP(P from)(NP(PRON me)))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V interfere))))))(CONJ but/yet)(S) *((S'(COMP(AP(A far)))(S(AUX(V be))(NP(PRON it))(PP(P from)(NP(PRON me)))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V interfere))))))) *((S'(COMP(AP(A far)))(S(AUX(V be))(NP(PRON it))(PP(P from)(NP(PRON me)))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V interfere))))))(CONJ but/yet)(S)) (S'(COMP(AP(A here/there)))(S(NP(PRON we))(VP(V go)))) (S'(COMP(AP(A here/there)))(S(NP(PRON we))(VP(V go)(AP(A again))))) (S'(COMP(AP(A like)(NP(N hell))))(S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V is)))) (S'(COMP(AP(A never)))(S(VP(V let)(S(NP(PRON it))(AUX(V be))(VP(V said)))))) (S'(COMP(AP(A never)))(S(VP(V let)(S(NP(PRON it))(AUX(V be))(VP(V said)(S'(COMP that)(S))))))) (S'(COMP(AP(A now)))(S(NP(PRON i))(AUX(V have))(VP(V seen)(NP(N everything))))) (S'(COMP(AP(A now)))(S(NP(PRON i))(VP(V come)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V think)(PP(P of)(NP(PRON it))))))))) (S'(COMP(AP(A now)))(S(NP(PRON it))(AUX(MOD can)(V be))(VP(V told)))) (S'(COMP(AP(A now)))(S(NP(PRON you))(AUX(V are))(VP(V talking)))) (S'(COMP(AP(A only)))(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V find)(S')))) (S'(COMP(AP(A only)))(S(VP(V connect)))) (S'(COMP(AP(A right)))(S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V are)))) (S'(COMP(AP(A so)))(S(NP(DET the)(N story))(VP(V goes)))) (S'(COMP(AP(A so)))(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V speak)))) *(S'(COMP(AP(A so)))(S(VP(V help)(NP(PRON me)))(NP(N god)))) *(S'(COMP(AP(A softly))(AP(A softly)))(S(VP(V catchee)(NP(N monkey))))) *(S'(COMP(AP(A there)),(AP(A but)(PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N grace)(PP(P of)(NP(N god))))))),(S(VP(V go))(NP(PRON i)))) (S'(COMP(CONJ if)(AP(A ever)))(S(NP(N there))(VP(V was)(NP(N one))))) (S'(COMP(CONJ if)(PP(P at)(NP(N first))))(S(NP(PRON you))(AUX don't)(VP(V succeed)))) (S'(COMP(NEG not)if/though)(S(NP(PRON one))(VP(V lives)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V be)(NP(DET a)(N hundred)))))))) (S'(COMP(NP(AP(A how))(QP(Q many))(N times)))(S(AUX do)(NP(PRON i))(VP(V have)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP)))))) (S'(COMP(NP(N physician)))(S(VP(V heal)(NP(PRON thyself))))) (S'(COMP(NP(PRON what)(AP(A more))))(S(AUX(MOD can))(NP(PRON one))(VP(V ask)))) *(S'(COMP(NP(PRON what)(NP(DET the)(N hell))))(S(VP))) *(S'(COMP(NP(PRON what)(NP(DET the)(N hell))))(S(VP(V be)(NP)))) (S'(COMP(NP(PRON what)))(S(AUX(MOD will))(NP(PRON they))(VP(V think)(PP(P of))(AP(A next))))) (S'(COMP(NP(PRON what)))(S(AUX(MOD would))(NP)(VP(V do)(PP(P without)(NP))))) (S'(COMP(NP(PRON what)))(S(AUX(V be))(NP)(VP(PP(P in)(NP(N aid))(PP(P of)))))) (S'(COMP(NP(PRON what)))(S(AUX(V be))(VP(V cooking)))) (S'(COMP(NP(PRON what)))(S(VP(V be)(PP(P up))))) (S'(COMP(NP(PRON what)))(S(VP(V makes)(SC(NP)(VP(V tick)))))) (S'(COMP(NP(PRON whatever)))(S(VP(V happened)(PP(P to)(NP))))) (S'(COMP(NP(PRON where)))(S(AUX(MOD would))(NP)(VP(V be)(PP(P without)(NP))))) (S'(COMP(NP(PRON where)))(S(AUX(V does))(NP)(VP(V go)(PP(P from)(NP(N here)))))) (S'(COMP(NP(PRON where)))(S(AUX(V is))(NP(POSS(NP(PRON our)))(AP(A wandering))(N boy/girl))(VP(AP(A tonight))))) (S'(COMP(NP(PRON which)))(S(AUX(V be)(NEG not))(VP(V saying)(NP(N much))))) *(S'(COMP(NP(PRON who)(NP(DET the)(N hell))))(S)) (S'(COMP(NP(PRON who)))(S(AUX(V does))(NP)(VP(V think)(S'(S(NP(PRON he/she))(VP(V is))))))) *(S'(COMP(NP(PRON why)(NP(DET the)(N hell))))(S)) (S'(COMP(NP(PRON why)(PP(P on)(NP(N earth)))))(S)) (S'(COMP(NP what))(S(AUX(V does))(NP(PRON one))(VP(V do)))) (S'(COMP(NP what))(S(AUX(V 's))(VP(V cooking)))) (S'(COMP(NP what))(S(VP(V makes)(SC(NP sb/sth)(VP(V tick)))))) (S'(COMP(NP what))(S(VP(V 's)(PP(P up))))) (S'(COMP(NP what))(S(VP(V 's)(PP(P with)(NP))))) (S'(COMP(NP which))(S(AUX(V is)(NEG not))(VP(V saying)(AP(A much))))) (S'(COMP(PP(P inside)(NP(QP(Q every))(AP(A fat))(N man))))(S(NP(N there))(VP(V is)(NP(DET a)(AP(A thin))(N man)(S(VP(V trying)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V get)(PP(P out))))))))))) (S'(COMP(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N pure))))(S(NP(QP(Q all))(N things))(VP(V are)(AP(A pure))))) (S'(COMP(PP(P to)(NP(PRON him)(S'(COMP that)(S(VP(V hath)))))))(S(AUX(MOD shall))(NP(N more))(AUX(V be))(VP(V given)))) (S'(COMP(PP(P to)(NP(PRON him)(S'(S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V hath)))))))(S(AUX(MOD shall)(V be))(VP(V given)))) (S'(COMP(PRON what))(S(NP(DET the)(N butler))(VP(V saw)))) (S'(COMP(S'(COMP(NP(PRON what)))(S(AUX(V do))(NP(PRON you))(VP(V say)))))(S(NP(PRON we))(VP))) (S'(COMP(S'(COMP(NP(PRON what)))(S(NP(N manchester))(VP(V says/thinks)(AP(A today))))))(S(NP(N london))/(NP(DET the)(N world))(AUX(MOD will))(VP(V say/think)(AP(A tomorrow))))) (S'(COMP(S'(COMP(NP(PRON what)))(S(NP(N manchester))(VP(V thinks)(AP(A today))))))(S(NP(N london))(AUX(MOD will))(VP(V say)(AP(A tomorrow))))) (S'(COMP(S'(COMP if)(S(NP(DET the)(N cap))(VP(V fits)))))(S(VP(V wear)(NP(PRON it))))) (S'(COMP(S'(COMP if)(S(NP(DET the)(N mountain))(AUX(MOD will)(NEG not))(VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(N mahommet)))))))(S(NP(N mahommet))(AUX(MOD must))(VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N mountain)))))) (S'(COMP(S'(COMP if)(S(NP(N god))(AUX(V did)(NEG not))(VP(V exist)))))(S(NP(PRON it))(AUX(MOD would))(VP(V be)(AP(A necessary)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V invent)(NP(PRON him))))))))) (S'(COMP(S'(COMP if)(S(NP(N there))(VP(V is)(NP(QP(Q one))(N thing)(S'(S(NP(PRON i))(VP(V hate)))))))))(S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V is)(NP)))) (S'(COMP(S'(COMP if)(S(NP(PRON))(AUX(V has))(VP(V done)(NP(PRON))(AP(A once))))))(S(NP(PRON))(AUX(V has))(VP(V done)(NP)(NP(NP(DET a)(N hundred))(N times))))) (S'(COMP(S'(COMP if)(S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V was)(NEG n't)(S'(COMP for)(S))))))(S(NP)(AUX)(VP))) (S'(COMP(S'(COMP if)(S(NP(PRON you))(AUX can't)(VP(V beat)(NP(PRON them))))))(S(VP(V join)(NP(PRON them))))) (S'(COMP(S'(COMP if)(S(NP(PRON you))(AUX can't)(VP(V stand)(NP(DET the)(N heat))))))(S(VP(V get)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N kitchen))))))) (S'(COMP(S'(COMP if)(S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V believe)(NP(PRON that))))))(S(NP(PRON you))(AUX(MOD will))(VP(V believe)(NP(PRON anything))))) (S'(COMP what)(S(NP(DET the)(N eye))(AUX doesn't)(VP(V see)))) (S'(COMP what)(S(NP(DET the)(N eye))(AUX doesn't)(VP(V see))))(S(NP(DET the)(N heart))(AUX doesn't)(VP(V grieve)(PP(P for)))) (S'(COMP(S'(COMP what)(S(NP(DET the)(N eye))(AUX doesn't)(VP(V see)))))) (S'(COMP(S'(COMP what)(S(NP(DET the)(N eye))(AUX doesn't)(VP(V see)))))(S(NP(DET the)(N heart))(AUX doesn't)(VP(V grieve)(PP(P for))))) (S'(COMP(S'(COMP whatever)(S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V do)))))(S(AUX(V don't))(VP))) (S'(COMP(S'(COMP when)(S(PP(P in)(NP(N rome))))))(S(VP(V do)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET the)(N romans))(VP(V do))))))) (S'(COMP(S'(COMP where)(S(NP there)(VP(V 's)(NP(DET a)(N will))))))(S(NP there)(VP(V 's)(NP(DET a)(N way))))) (S'(COMP(S'(COMP where)(S(NP there)(VP(V 's)(NP(N muck))))))(S(NP there)(VP(V 's)(NP(N money))))) (S'(COMP(S'(COMP where/while)(S(NP there)(VP(V 's)(NP(N life))))))(S(NP there)(VP(V 's)(NP(N hope))))) (S'(COMP as)(AP(A well))(S(NP(PRON it))(AUX(MOD may))(VP(V be/do)))) (S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N luck))(AUX(MOD would))(VP(V have)(NP(PRON it))))) (S'(COMP as)(S(NP(AP(A good))(N luck))(AUX(MOD would))(VP(V have)(NP(PRON it))))) (S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N luck))(AUX(MOD would))(VP(V have)(NP(PRON it))))) (S'(COMP as)(S(NP(AP(A ill))(N luck))(AUX(MOD would))(VP(V have)(NP(PRON it))))) (S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET the)(N case))(AUX(MOD may))(VP(V be)))) (S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET the)(N crow))(VP(V flies)))) (S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET the)(N spirit))(VP(V moves)(NP)))) (S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N god))(VP(V is)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON my)))(N witness))))) (S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N things))(VP(V stand)))) (S'(COMP as)(S(NP(PRON it/things))(VP(V turn)(PP(P out))))) (S'(COMP as)(S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V happens/happened)))) (S'(COMP as)(S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V was)))) (S'(COMP as)(S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V were)))) (S'(COMP as)(S(NP(PRON one))(AUX(MOD might))(VP(V say)))) (S'(COMP as)(S(NP(PRON one))(VP(V makes)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N bed))))(S'(COMP so)(S(NP(PRON one))(AUX(MOD must))(VP(V lie)(PP(P on)(NP(PRON it))))))) (S'(COMP as)(S(NP(PRON we))(AUX(V have))(VP(V seen)))) (S'(COMP as)(S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V were)))) (S'(COMP asif/like)(S(NP(PRON there))(VP(V was)(NP(QP(Q no))(N tomorrow))))) (S'(COMP asif/though)(S(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N life))(VP(V depended)(PP(P on)(NP(PRON it)))))) (S'(COMP asif/though)(S(NP(PRON))(VP(V owned)(NP(DET the)(N place))))) (S'(COMP asif/though)(S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V mattered)))) (S'(COMP asif/though)(S(NP)(VP(V were/was)(NEG not)(AP(A enough))))) (S'(COMP asif/though)(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP))) (S'(COMP for)(S(NP(N all))(AUX(to))(VP(V see)))) (S'(COMP how)(S(AUX)(NP)(VP(V make)(NP(N that))(PP(P out))))) (S'(COMP how)(S(AUX are)(NP(PRON you))(VP(V doing)))) (S'(COMP how)(S(AUX dare)(NP(PRON you))(VP(V do)(NP)))) (S'(COMP how)(S(AUX do)(NP(PRON you))(VP(V do)))) (S'(COMP how)(S(AUX has)(NP(DET the)(N world))(AUX been)(VP(V treating)(NP(PRON you))))) (S'(COMP how)(S(AUX is)(NP(PRON it))(VP(V going)))) (S'(COMP how)(S(AUX would)(NP(PRON you))(VP(V be)))) (S'(COMP if)(S(NP(DET the)(N worst))(VP(V comes)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N worst)))))) (S'(COMP if)(S(NP(N anything))(VP(V happens)(PP(P to)(NP))))) (S'(COMP if)(S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON my)))(N memory))(VP(V serves)(NP(PRON me))(AP(A rightly))))) (S'(COMP if)(S(NP(PRON))(VP(V knows)(S'(COMP(PRON what))(S(VP(V is)(AP(A good)(PP(P for)(NP(PRON)))))))))) (S'(COMP if)(S(NP(PRON he))(VP(V is)(NP(DET a)(N day))))) (S'(COMP if)(S(NP(PRON i))(VP(V am)(NP(AP(A any))(N judge))))) (S'(COMP if)(S(NP(PRON i))(VP(V am)(NP(AP(A any))(N judge)(PP(P of)(NP(DET that)(N kind)(PP(P of)(NP(N thing))))))))) (S'(COMP if)(S(NP(PRON one))(VP(V dies)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N attempt)))))) (S'(COMP if)(S(NP(PRON one))(VP(V values)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N life))))) (S'(COMP if)(S(NP(PRON you))(AUX don't)(VP(V mind)))) (S'(COMP if)(S(NP(PRON you))(AUX must)(VP(V know)))) (S'(COMP if)(S(NP(PRON you))(AUX will))) (S'(COMP if)(S(NP(PRON you))(AUX will)(VP(V pardon/excuse)(NP(DET the)(N liberty))))) (S'(COMP if)(S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V ask)(NP(PRON me))))) (S'(COMP if)(S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V know)(S'(COMP(PRON what))(S(NP(PRON i))(VP(V mean))))))) (S'(COMP if)(S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V like)))) (S'(COMP if)(S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V like)(NP(DET that)(N kind)(PP(P of)(NP(N thing))))))) (S'(COMP if)(S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V please)))) (S'(COMP if/when)(S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V comes)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N crunch)))))) (S'(COMP if/when)(S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V comes)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N push)))))) (S'(COMP if/when)(S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V comes)(PP(P to)(NP(N that)))))) (S'(COMP now)(S(NP(PRON i))(AUX 've)(VP(V seen)(NP(N everything))))) (S'(COMP now)(S(NP(PRON it))(AUX(MOD can)(V be))(VP(V told)))) (S'(COMP what/that)(S(VP(V is))(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N game)))) (S'(COMP what/that)(S(VP(V is))(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(AP(A little))(N game)))) (S'(COMP what)(S(AUX(V is))(NP(PRON it))(VP(PP(P to)(NP(N sb)))))) (S'(COMP what)(S(AUX(V is))(NP(QP(Q all))(N this))(VP(PP(P in)(NP(N aid)(PP(P of))))))) (S'(COMP what)(S(AUX(V is))(NP)(VP(PP(P in)(NP(N aid)(PP(P of))))))) (S'(COMP what)(S(AUX are)(NP(PRON we))(VP(V waiting)(PP(P for))))) (S'(COMP what)(S(AUX be)(NP)(VP(V playing)(PP(P at))))) (S'(COMP what)(S(AUX d')(NP(PRON you))(VP(V call)(NP(PRON him))))) (S'(COMP what)(S(AUX do)(NP(PRON you))(VP(V know)))) (S'(COMP what)(S(AUX do)(NP(PRON you))(VP(V mean)(S(AP(A lazy)))))) (S'(COMP what)(S(AUX do)(NP(PRON you))(VP(V take)(NP(PRON me))(PP(P for))))) (S'(COMP what)(S(AUX do)(NP(PRON you))(VP(V think)(S'(S(NP(PRON you))(AUX 're)(VP(V doing))))))) (S'(COMP what)(S(AUX has)(NP)(VP(V got)(NP(S'(COMP that)(S(NP(PRONI/we))(VP(V haven't)))))))) (S'(COMP what)(S(AUX is)(NP(PRON one))(VP(V doing)),(S(VP(V doing)(NP sth))))) (S'(COMP what)(S(AUX is)(VP(V eating)(NP sb)))) (S'(COMP what)(S(AUX 's)(VP(V cooking)))) (S'(COMP what)(S(AUX will)(NP(PRON they))(VP(V think)(PP(P of))(AP(A next))))) (S'(COMP what)(S(NP)(AUX be)(VP(V driving)(PP(P at))))) (S'(COMP what)(S(NP(DET the)(N butler))(VP(V saw)))) (S'(COMP what)(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V think)))) (S'(COMP what)(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V think)(PP(P about)(NP))))) (S'(COMP what)(S(VP(V is)(AP(AP(A so))(A special))(PP(P about)(NP sb/sth))))) (S'(COMP what)(S(VP(V is)(AP(A wrong))))) (S'(COMP what)(S(VP(V is)(AP(A wrong)(PP(P with)(NP sb/sth)))))) (S'(COMP what)(S(VP(V is)(NP(DET the)(AP(A next))(N step))))) (S'(COMP what)(S(VP(V is)(NP(DET the)(N matter))))) (S'(COMP what)(S(VP(V is)(NP(DET the)(N matter)(PP(P with)(NP sb/sth)))))) (S'(COMP what)(S(VP(V 's))(NP(DET the)(AP(A big))(N idea)))) (S'(COMP what)(S(VP(V 's))(NP(DET the)(N odds)))) (S'(COMP what)(S(VP(V 's)(PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(N name)))))) (S'(COMP when/while)(S(NP(DET the)(N cat))(VP(V 's)(AP(A away))))), (S(NP(DET the)(N crunch))(VP(V comes))) (S'(COMP when)(S(NP(DET the)(N crunch))(VP(V comes)))) (S'(COMP when)(S(NP(NG reek))(VP(V meets)(NP(NG reek))))) (S'(COMP when)(S(NP(NG reek))(VP(V meets)(NP(NG reek))))(S'(COMP then)(S))) (S'(COMP when)(S(NP(N all))(VP(V is)(AP(AP(A said))(CONJ and)(AP(A done)))))) (S'(COMP when)(S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N ship))(VP(V comes)(PP(P in))))) (S'(COMP when)(S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V comes)(PP(P down)(PP(P to)(NP)))))) (S'(COMP where)(S(AUX(V is))(NP(POSS(NP(PRON our)))(AP(A wandering))(N boy/girl))(VP(AP(A tonight))))) (S'(COMP where)(S(AUX(V is))(NP)(VP(V going)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V stop))))))) (S'(COMP where)(S(AUX does)(NP(PRON one))(VP(V go)(PP(P from)(AP(A here)))))) (S'(COMP where)(S(AUX is)(NP sb/sth)(VP(V going)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V stop))))))) (S'(COMP where)(S(NP(DET the)(N action))(VP(V is)))) (S(NP(NP two)(CONJ or)(NP three))(VP(V gathered)(AP(A together)))) (S(NP(NP two)(CONJ or)(NP three))(AUX are)(VP(V gathered)(AP(A together)))) (S'(COMP where)(S(NP(NP two)(CONJ or)(NP three))(VP(V gathered)(AP(A together))))) (S'(COMP where)(S(NP(NP two)(CONJ or)(NP three))(AUX are)(VP(V gathered)(AP(A together))))) (S'(COMP who)(S(AUX does)(NP(PRON he))(VP(V think)(S'(S(NP(PRON he))(VP(V is))))))) (S'(COMP who/what)(S(AUX(V is))(NP(N he/that))(VP(S'(COMP when)(S(NP sb/sth)(VP(V 's)(PP(P at)(NP(N home))))))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N devil))(VP(V have)(NP(QP(Q all))(DET the)(AP(A best/good))(N tunes)))) (S(AUX(MOD should))(NP(DET the)(N devil))(VP(V have)(NP(QP(Q all))(DET the)(AP(A best/good))(N tunes)))) (S'(COMP why)(S(NP(DET the)(N devil))(VP(V have)(NP(QP(Q all))(DET the)(AP(A best/good))(N tunes))))) (S'(COMP why)(S(AUX(MOD should))(NP(DET the)(N devil))(VP(V have)(NP(QP(Q all))(DET the)(AP(A best/good))(N tunes))))) (S(NP(AP(AP(A too))(A many))(N cooks))(VP(V spoil)(NP(DET the)(N broth)))) (S(NP(AP(A coming))(N events))(VP(V cast)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON their)))(N shadow))(PP(P before)))) (S(NP(AP(A coming))(N events))(VP(V cast)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON their)))(N shadows))(PP(P before)))) (S(NP(AP(A dead))(N men))(VP(V tell)(NP(QP(Q no))(N tales)))) (S(NP(AP(A desperate))(N diseases))(VP(V call)(PP(P for)(NP(AP(A desperate))(N measures/remedies))))) (S(NP(AP(A desperate))(N diseases))(VP(V require)(NP(AP(A desperate))(N measures/remedies)))) ((NP(AP(A every))(N day))(CONJ)(PP(P in)(NP(AP(A every))(N way)))) ((NP(AP(A every))(N day))(CONJ and)(PP(P in)(NP(AP(A every))(N way)))) (S'((NP(AP(A every))(N day))(CONJ)(PP(P in)(NP(AP(A every))(N way))))(S(NP(PRON one))(AUX(V is))(VP(V getting)(AP(AP(A better))(CONJ and)(AP(A better)))))) (S'((NP(AP(A every))(N day))(CONJ and)(PP(P in)(NP(AP(A every))(N way))))(S(NP(PRON one))(AUX(V is))(VP(V getting)(AP(AP(A better))(CONJ and)(AP(A better)))))) (S(NP(AP(A faint))(N heart))(AUX(NEG ne'er/never))(VP(V won)(NP(AP(A fair))(N lady)))) (S(NP(AP(A fine))(N feathers))(VP(V make)(NP(AP(A fine))(N birds)))) (S(NP(AP(A fine))(N words))(VP(V butter)(NP(QP(Q no))(N parsnips)))) (NP(AP(A forbidden))(N fruit)) (S(NP(AP(A forbidden))(N fruit))(VP(V is)(AP(A sweetest)))) (S(NP(AP(A hard))(N cases))(VP(V make)(NP(AP(A bad))(N law)))) (S(NP(AP(A hard))(N cases))(VP(V make)(NP(AP(A bad))(N laws)))) (S(NP(AP(A little))(N pitchers/pigs))(VP(V have)(NP(AP(A long))(N ears)))) *(S(NP(AP(A long))(N time))(VP(AUX(NEG no))(V see))) (S(NP(AP(A old))(N age))(VP(V comes)(PP(P to)(NP(PRON us)(QP(Q all)))))) (S(NP(AP(A old))(N soldiers))(AP(A never))(VP(V die))) (S(NP(AP(A old))(N soldiers))(AP(A never))(VP(V die)))(S(NP(PRON they))(AP(A only))(VP(V fade)(AP(A away)))) (S(NP(AP(A other))(N things))(VP(V being)(AP(A equal)))) (S(NP(AP(A still))(N waters))(VP(V run)(AP(A deep)))) (S(NP(AP(A stolen))(N sweets etc))(VP(V are)(AP(A sweeter)))) (S(NP(AP(A stolen))(N sweets etc))(VP(V are)(NP(DET the)(N sweetest)))) (S(NP(AP(A talletc))(N oaks))(VP(PP(P from)(NP(AP(A little))(N acorns)))(V grow))) (S(NP(AP(A wild))(N horses))(AUX(MOD could/would)(NEG n't))(VP(V drag)(NP)(AP(A apart)))) (S(NP(AP(A worse))(N things))(VP(V happen)(PP(P at)(NP(N sea))))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD can/could)(AP(A always)))(VP(V do)(NP))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD can/could)(AP(A hardly))(V be))(VP(V described)(PP(P as)(NP)))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD can/could)(AP(A ill/well)))(VP(V afford)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP))))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD can/could)(AP(A well)))(VP(V believe)(NP(PRON it)))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD can/could))(VP(V do)(NP(QP(Q no))(N wrong)))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V call)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N soul))(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N own)))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD can)(NEG not))(VP(V call)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N soul))(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N own)))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V breathe)(AP(A again)))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V breathe)(AP(A easily/freely))(AP(A again)))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V do)(AP(A worse)(S'(COMP than)(S))))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V have)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N asking))))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V have)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N catching))))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V take)(NP(DET a)(N joke)))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD can't/couldn't))(VP(V do)(AP(A better)(S'(COMP than)(S))))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD can't/couldn't))(VP(V do)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N life)(PP(P of)(NP(PRON one))))))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD can't/couldn't))(VP(V do)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP(N toffee))))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD can't/couldn't))(VP(V do)(NP sth)(AP(A often)(AP(A enough))))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD can't/couldn't))(VP(V go)(AP(A wrong)))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD can't/couldn't))(VP(V help)(NP(PRON it/that)))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD can't/couldn't))(VP(V say))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD can't/couldn't))(VP(V stand/bear)(NP(DET the)(N sight)(PP(P of)(NP))))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD can't))(VP(V do)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP(NP(N love))(CONJ or)(NP(N money)))))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD can't))(VP(V do)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP(NP(N love))(CONJ nor)(NP(N money)))))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD can't))(VP(V hear)(SC(NP(PRON oneself))(VP(V think))))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD can't))(VP(V help)(NP(PRON oneself)))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD can't))(VP(V help)(S(VP(V doing)(NP sth))))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD can't))(VP(V say)(S no))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD could/would))(VP(V murder)(NP sb))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD could/would)(AP(A cheerfully)))(VP(V murder)(NP sb))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD could))(VP(V go)(NP sth))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD could))(VP(V swear))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD could))(VP(V swear)(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD couldn't))(VP(V agree)(AP(A more)))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD couldn't))(VP(V care)(AP(A less)))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD may)(AP(A well)))(VP)) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD may)(AP(AP(A very))(A well)))(VP)) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD may/might)(AP(DEG as)(A well)))(VP(VP)(CONJ as)(VP))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD may/might)(AP(AP(A just))(DEG as)(A well)))(VP(VP)(CONJ as)(VP))) *(S(NP)(AUX(MOD must)(MOD needs))(VP)) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD must)(V be))(VP(V seen))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to)(V be))(VP(V believed))))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD shall))(VP(V be etc)(AP(A nameless)))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD will/would))(VP(V wash))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD will/would)(NEG not))(VP(V wash))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD will)(NEG not))(VP(V eat)(NP(PRON you)))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD would))(AP(DEG as)(A soon)(VP)(S'(COMP as)(S(VP))))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD would)(NEG n't))(VP(V know/recognize)(NP(N sth)))(S'(COMP if)(S(NP(PRON one))(VP(V saw)(NP(PRON one)))))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD would)(NEG n't)(V be))(VP(V seen)(AP(A dead))(PP(P with)(NP(N sb))))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD would)(NEG n't)(V be))(VP(V seen)(AP(A dead))(PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(N ditch)))(PP(P with)(NP(N sb))))) (VP(V wake)(NP(DET the)(N dead))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD would))(VP(V wake)(NP(DET the)(N dead)))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD wouldn't))(VP(V know/recognize)(NP sth))(S'(COMP if)(S(NP(PRON one))(VP(V saw)(NP(PRON one)))))) (S(NP)(AUX(MOD wouldn't)(V be))(VP(V seen)(AP(A dead))(PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(NP(N ditch)))(PP(P with/in)(NP sb/sth))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not)(AP(A always)))(VP(V be)(S'(COMP what)(S(NP(PRON one/it))(AUX(MOD might))(VP(V be)))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not)/(AP(A hardly)))(VP(V bat)(NP(DET an)(N eyelid)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not)/(AP(A hardly)))(VP(V haveetc)(NP(DET the)(AP(A foggiestetc))(N ideaetc)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not)/(AP(A hardly)))(VP(V sleep)(NP(DET a)(N wink)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not)/(AP(A hardly)))(VP(V suffer)(NP(N fools))(AP(A gladly)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(VP(V know)(NP(N anything))(PP(P about)(NP sth)))(CONJ but)(VP(V know)(S'(COMP what)(S(NP(PRON one))(VP(V likes))))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(VP(V waving))(CONJ but)(VP(V drowning)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V account)(PP(P for)(NP(N preferences))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V account)(PP(P for)(NP(N tastes))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V be)(AP(AP(DEG as))(A black)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP)(AUX(V be))(VP(V painted))))))) (S(NP)(VP(V be)(AP(A happy)(PP(P about)(NP))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V be)(AP(A happy)(PP(P about)(NP))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V be)(AP(A sure)(S'(COMP where)(S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A next))(N meal/penny))(AUX(V is))(VP(V coming)(PP(P from)))))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V be)(NP(AP(A all))(N(N beer)(CONJ and)(N skittles))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V be)(NP(AP(A just))(DET a)(AP(A pretty))(N face)))) (S(NP)(VP(V be)(NP(DET a)(AP(A blind))(N bit)(PP(P of)(NP(N use)))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V be)(NP(DET a)(AP(A blind))(N bit)(PP(P of)(NP(N use)))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V be)(NP(DET the)(AP(A marrying))(N kind)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V be)(NP(DET the)(AP(A only))(N pebble)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N beach)))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V be)(NP(DET the)(AP(A whole etc))(N story)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V be)(NP(DET the)(N one)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP)))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V be)(NP(N all)(S'(S(NP(PRON one/it))(AUX(MOD might))(VP(V be))))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V be)(NP(N all)(S'(COMP that)(S(NP(PRON one/it))(AUX(MOD might))(VP(V be))))))) (S(NP)(VP(V be)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N doing)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V be)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N doing)))) (S(NP)(VP(V be)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N idea)(PP(P of)(NP))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V be)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N idea)(PP(P of)(NP))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V be)(PP(P on)(NP)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V be)(PP(P up)(PP(P to)(NP))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V be/take)(NP(QP(Q all))(N day)))) (S(NP)(VP(V bear)(NP(N repeating/repetition)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V bear)(NP(N repeating/repetition)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V bear)(NP(N malice)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V bear)(NP(QP(Q any))(N malice)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V bear)(NP sb)(NP(N malice)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V bear)(NP sb)(NP(QP(Q any))(N malice)))) (S(NP)(VP(V bear/stand)(NP(AP(A close))(N examination/inspection)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V bear/stand)(NP(AP(A close))(N examination/inspection)))) (S(NP)(VP(V believe)(NP(DET a)(N word)))) (S(NP)(VP(V believe)(NP(DET a)(N word)(PP(P of)(NP))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V believe)(NP(DET a)(N word)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V believe)(NP(DET a)(N word)(PP(P of)(NP))))) (S(NP)(VP(V believe/credit)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N ears/eyes)))) (S(NP)(VP(V believe/credit)(NP(DET the)(N evidence)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N ears/eyes)))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V believe/credit)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N ears/eyes)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V believe/credit)(NP(DET the)(N evidence)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N ears/eyes)))))) (S(NP)(VP(V care/give)(NP(DET a)(N damn)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V care/give)(NP(DET a)(N damn)))) (S(NP)(VP(V come)(AP(A amiss)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V come)(AP(A amiss)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(N anything))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(N much))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V contain)(NP(PRON oneself)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V contain)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P for)(NP)))) (S(NP)(VP(V darken)(NP(POSS(NP sb)'s)(N door)))) (S(NP)(VP(V darken)(NP(POSS(NP sb)'s)(N door))(AP(A again)))) (S(NP)(VP(V darken)(NP(POSS(NP sb)'s)(N doors)))) (S(NP)(VP(V darken)(NP(POSS(NP sb)'s)(N doors))(AP(A again)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V darken)(NP(POSS(NP sb)'s)(N door)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V darken)(NP(POSS(NP sb)'s)(N door))(AP(A again)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V darken)(NP(POSS(NP sb)'s)(N doors)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V darken)(NP(POSS(NP sb)'s)(N doors))(AP(A again)))) (S(NP)(VP(V demean)(NP(PRON oneself)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V demean)(NP(PRON oneself)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V do)(NP(DET a)(N stroke)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V do)(NP(DET a)(N stroke)(PP(P of)(NP(N work)))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V do)(NP(N anything))(PP(P by)(NP(N halves))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V do)(NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N hand))'s)(N turn)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V do)(NP(QP(Q any))(N harm)))) (S(NP)(VP(V doubt)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N word)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V doubt)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N word)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V dream)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V exchange)(AP(A more)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(DET a)(AP(A few))(N words))))))) *(S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V exchange)(NP(AP(DEG more)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(DET a)(N half)(PP(P)(NP(DET a)(N dozen)))))))(N words)))) (VP(V find)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P in)(NP(PRON oneself)))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP)))) (VP(V find)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N heart)))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP)))) *(S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V exchange)(NP(AP(DEG more)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(DET a)(N half)(PP(P)(NP(DET a)(N dozen)))))))(N words)))) (VP(V find)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P in)(NP(PRON oneself)))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP)))) (AUX(NEG not))(VP(V find)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N heart)))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP)))) *(S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V exchange)(NP(AP(DEG more)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(DET a)(N half)(PP(P)(NP(DET a)(N dozen)))))))(N words)))) (AUX(NEG not))(VP(V find)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P in)(NP(PRON oneself)))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP)))) (VP(V find)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N heart)))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP)))) *(S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V exchange)(NP(AP(DEG more)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(DET a)(N half)(PP(P)(NP(DET a)(N dozen)))))))(N words)))) (AUX(NEG not))(VP(V find)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P in)(NP(PRON oneself)))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP)))) (AUX(NEG not))(VP(V find)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N heart)))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP)))) (S(NP)(VP(V give)(NP sb/sth)(NP(DET a)(N thought)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V give)(NP sb/sth)(NP(DET a)(N thought)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V give)(NP sb/sth)(NP(N(N house)(N room))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V giveetc)(NP sb/sth)(NP(DET the)(N time)(PP(P of)(NP(N day)))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V grow/get)(AP(AP(A any))(A younger/thinner)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V harm/hurt)(NP(DET a)(N fly)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V have)(NP(AP(A enough))(N imagination/intelligence/sense)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V come)(PP(P in))(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N rain)))))))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N care))(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N world))))) (S(NP)(VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N chance)(PP(P in)(NP(N hell)))))) (S(NP)(VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N chance)(PP(P in)(NP(N hell)))(PP(P of)(S(VP(V doing)(NP sth))))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N chance)(PP(P in)(NP(N hell)))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N chance)(PP(P in)(NP(N hell)))(PP(P of)(S(VP(V doing)(NP sth))))))) (S(NP)(VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N ghost)(PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(N chance)))))) (S(NP)(VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N ghost)(PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(N chance)))(PP(P of)(S(VP(V doing)(NP sth))))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N ghost)(PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(N chance)))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N ghost)(PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(N chance)))(PP(P of)(S(VP(V doing)(NP sth))))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N leg)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V stand)(PP(P on)))))))) (S(NP)(VP(V have)(NP(DET the)(N heart)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP sth))))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V have)(NP(DET the)(N heart)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP sth))))))) (S(NP)(VP(V have)(NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N cat)(PP(P in)(NP(N hell))))'s)(N chance)))) (S(NP)(VP(V have)(NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N cat)(PP(P in)(NP(N hell))))'s)(N chance)(PP(P of)(S(VP(V doing)(NP sth))))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V have)(NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N cat)(PP(P in)(NP(N hell))))'s)(N chance)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V have)(NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N cat)(PP(P in)(NP(N hell))))'s)(N chance)(PP(P of)(S(VP(V doing)(NP sth))))))) (S(NP)(VP(V have)(NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N dog))'s)(N chance)))) (S(NP)(VP(V have)(NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N dog))'s)(N chance)(PP(P of)(S(VP(V doing)(NP sth))))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V have)(NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N dog))'s)(N chance)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V have)(NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N dog))'s)(N chance)(PP(P of)(S(VP(V doing)(NP sth))))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V have)(NP(QP(Q one))(N penny)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V rub)(PP(P against)(NP(PRON another))))))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V have)(NP(QP(Q two))(N pennies)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V rub)(AP(A together)))))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V have etc)(NP(DET a)(N bean)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V haveetc)(NP(DET a)(N thing)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V haveetc)(NP(DET a)(N thing)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do))))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V haveetc)(NP(DET a)(N word)(PP(P of)(NP(N truth))))(PP(P in)(NP sth)))) (S(NP)(VP(V hear)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V hear)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V hold)(NP(DET a)(N candle))(PP(P to)(NP)))) (S(NP)(VP(V hold)(PP(P with)(NP)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V hold)(PP(P with)(NP)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V know)(NP(DET the)(N meaning)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N word)))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V know)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N arse))(PP(P from)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N elbow))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V know)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V know)(NP)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V speak)(PP(P to))))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V know)(NP sb)(PP(P from)(NP(N adam))))) (S(NP)(VP(V know)(PP(P about)(NP)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V know)(PP(P about)(NP)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V know)(S'(COMP(AP(A where)))(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V look)))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V know)(S'(COMP(NP(DET which)(N way)))(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V look)))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V know)(S'(COMP(NP(DET which)(N way)))(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V turn)))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V know)(S'(COMP(NP(DET which)(N way)))(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V turn)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N eyes))))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V know)(S'(COMP if/whether)(S(NP(PRON one))(AUX(V is))(VP(VP(V coming))(CONJ or)(VP(V going))))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V know)(S'(COMP if/whether)(S(NP(PRON one))(VP(V is)(PP(P on)(NP(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N head))(CONJ or)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N heels))))))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V know)(S'(COMP what)(S(NP(PRON one))(AUX(V is))(VP(V missing)))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V know)(S'(COMP what)(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(PP(P with)(NP(PRON oneself)))))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V know)(S'(COMP where)(S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A next))(N meal/penny))(AUX(V is))(VP(V coming)(PP(P from))))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V know)(S'(COMP where)(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V turn)))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V know)(S'(S(NP(PRON one))(VP(V is)(AP(A born))))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V lay)(NP(DET a)(N finger/hand))(PP(P on)(NP)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V let)(SC(NP(DET the)(N sun))(VP(V go)(PP(P down/up)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N anger/wrath)))))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V lift)(NP(DET a)(N finger))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V help)))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V lift)(NP(DET a)(N finger))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V help)(NP)))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V look)(AP(A good)))) (S(NP)(VP(V look)(NP(DET a)(N(N gift)(N horse)))(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N mouth))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V look)(NP(DET a)(N(N gift)(N horse)))(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N mouth))))) (S(NP)(VP(V look)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N eye/face))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V look)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N eye/face))))) (S(NP)(VP(V look)(PP(P at)(NP)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V look)(PP(P at)(NP)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V look)(PP(P back)))) (S(NP)(VP(V lose)(NP(QP(Q any))(N sleep))(PP(P about/over)(NP)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V lose)(NP(QP(Q any))(N sleep))(PP(P about/over)(NP)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V matter)(NP(DET a)(N damnetc)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V mince)(NP(N matters/words)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V mince)(NP(N words)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V mince)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N words)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V need)(NP(QP(Q any))(N telling)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V need)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V say)))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V need)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V tell)(NP sb)))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V put)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P past)(NP)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V say)(NP(N boo))(PP(P to)(NP(DET a)(N goose))))) (S(NP)(VP(V see)(NP(DET the)(N joke)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V see)(NP(DET the)(N joke)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V see)(NP(DET the)(N wood))(PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N trees))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V see)(S(NP(PRON it/that))(VP(V happening))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V seeetc)(NP(POSS(NP sb/sth)'s)(N like))(AP(A again)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V seeetc)(NP(POSS(NP sb/sth)'s)(N likes))(AP(A again)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V sneeze)(PP(P at)(NP)))) (S(NP)(VP(V sniff)(PP(P at)(NP)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V sniff)(PP(P at)(NP)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V speak)(AP(A ill))(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N dead))))) (S(NP)(VP(V think)(AP(A twice))(PP(P about)(NP)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V think)(AP(A twice))(PP(P about)(NP)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V think)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V trust)(NP)(AP(AP(DEG as))(A far)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(PRON i))(AUX(MOD could))(VP(V kick)(NP))))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V trust)(NP)(NP(DET an)(N inch)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V turn)(NP(DET a)(N hair)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V want)(NP(QP(Q any))(N part)(PP(P of)(NP sth))))) (S(NP)(VP(V want)(PP(P for)(NP)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V want)(PP(P for)(NP)))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V want)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V know)))))) (S(NP)(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V waste)(NP(N words)))) (S(NP)(AUX(V be))(VP(V born)(AP(A yesterday)))) (S(NP)(AUX(V be)(NEG not))(VP(V born)(AP(A yesterday)))) (S(NP)(AUX(V be))(VP(V left)(S(VP(V holding)(NP(DET the)(N baby)))))) *(S(NP)(AUX(V do))(VP(AP(NEG not)(A half))(V))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have)(NEG not))(VP(V seenetc)(NP(DET the)(N like)))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have)(NEG not))(VP(V seenetc)(NP(DET the)(N like)(PP(P of)(NP sth))))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have)(NEG not))(VP(V seenetc)(NP(POSS(NP sth)'s)(N like)))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V done)(NP(PRON it))(NP(DET this)(N time)))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(AP(A high))(N hopes)))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(AP(A hollow))(N legs)))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(AP(A more))(N money)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(N sense))))))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(AP(A only))(N oneself)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V blame/thank))))))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(AP(A only))(N oneself)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V blame/thank)(PP(P for)(NP sth)))))))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(AP(A other/bigger))(N fish)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V fry))))))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(DET a)(AP(A clear))(N head)))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(DET a)(N head)(PP(P for)(NP(N figures)))))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(DET a)(AP(A good))(N head)(PP(P for)(NP(N figures)))))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(DET a)(N head)(PP(P for)(NP(N heights)))))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(DET a)(AP(A good))(N head)(PP(P for)(NP(N heights)))))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(DET a)(AP(A good))(N head)(PP(P of)(NP(N hair)))))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(DET a)(N job))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP sth)))))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(DET a)(AP(A hard/tough))(N job))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP sth)))))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(DET a)(AP(A one-track))(N mind)))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(DET a/the)(N knack)(PP(P of)(S(VP(V doing)(NP sth))))))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(DET a)(N heart)(PP(P of)(NP(N gold/stone)))))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(DET a)(N hunch)(S'(COMP)(S))))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(DET a)(N hunch)(S'(COMP that)(S))))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(DET a)(N kick)(AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(N mule)))))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(DET a)(N lot)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V learn))))))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(DET a)(N lot)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V put)(PP(P up))(PP(P with)))))))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(DET a)(N memory)(AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(N sponge/sieve)))))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(DET a)(N nerve)))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(DET a)(N point)))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(DET an)(N eye)(PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(AP(A main))(N chance)))))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(DET an)(N eye)(PP(P to)(NP sth))))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(DET an)(N eye)(PP(P to)(VP(V doing)(NP sth)))))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(DET one)(N foot))(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N grave))))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(DET the)(AP(A last))(N laugh)))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(DET the)(N(N midas)(N touch))))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(DET the)(N heart)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP sth))))))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(DET the)(N idea)))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(DET the)(N message)))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(DET the)(N nerve)))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(DET the)(N nerve)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP sth))))))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(N bats))(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N belfry))))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(N form)))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(N nothing/something)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V hide))))))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(N sb))(S'(COMP where)(S(NP(PRON one))(VP(V wants)(NP(PRON him))))))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(POSS(NP(DET the)(N devil))'s)(AP(A own))(N luck)))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON its/one))'s)(N moments)))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N hands))(AP(A full)))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(PRON it))(AP(A badly)))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(PRON it))(AP(A good)))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(PRON it))(AP(A made)))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(QP(Q all))(DET the)(N marks)(PP(P of)(NP sb/sth))))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(QP(Q all))(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N marbles)))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(QP(Q no))(N business)))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(QP(Q no))(N business))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP sth)))))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(QP(Q no))(N business)))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(QP(Q no))(N business))(S(VP(V doing)(NP sth))))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP(QP(Q no))(N call))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP sth)))))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP something)(AP(A there)))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(PP(P with)(NP sb/sth))))))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(NP sth)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(PP(P with)(NP sb/sth))))))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(SC(NP sb)(VP(V fooled))))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(SC(NP sb/sth)(VP(V taped))))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(S'(COMP what)(S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V takes)))))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(S'(COMP what)(S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V takes)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP sth))))))))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(S(NP(AP(A another))(N think/guess))(VP(V coming))))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to)(V be))(VP(V seen)))))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to)(V be))(VP(V believed))))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V had)(AP(A enough)))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V had)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N chips)))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V had)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N day/time)))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V had)(NP(PRON it)))) (S(NP)(AUX(V have))(VP(V seenetc)(NP(PRON it)(QP(Q all))))) (S(NP)(AUX(V haven't))(VP(V got)(NP(DET a)(N prayer)))) (S(NP)(AUX be)(VP(V doing)(AP(AP(A very))(A nicely)))),(S(VP(V thank)(NP(PRON you)))) (S(NP)(AUX be)(VP(V doing)(AP(AP(A very))(A nicely)))),(S(VP(V thank)(NP(PRON you))(AP(AP(A very))(A much)))) (S(NP)(AUX be)(VP(V sitting)(AP(A pretty)))) (S(NP(AP(A good))(N wine))(VP(V needs)(NP(QP(Q no))(N bush)))) (S(NP(DET a)(AP(A good))(N wine))(VP(V needs)(NP(QP(Q no))(N bush)))) (S(NP(DET a)(AP(A little))(N bird))(VP(V told)(NP(PRON me)))) (S(NP(DET a)(AP(A little))(N bird))(VP(V told)(NP(PRON me))(NP(N that)))) (S(NP(DET a)(AP(A little))(N learning/knowledge))(VP(V is)(NP(DET a)(AP(A dangerous))(N thing)))) (S(NP(DET a)(AP(A little))(N sth))(VP(V goes)(NP(DET a)(AP(A long))(N way)))) (NP(DET a)(AP(A new))(N broom)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A new))(N broom))(VP(V sweeps)(AP(A clean))) (S(NP(DET a)(AP(A new))(N broom))) (S(NP(DET a)(AP(A new))(N broom))(VP(V sweeps)(AP(A clean)))) (NP(DET a)(AP(A rolling))(N stone)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A rolling))(N stone))(VP(V gathers)(NP(QP(Q no))(N moss))) (S(NP(DET a)(AP(A rolling))(N stone))) (S(NP(DET a)(AP(A rolling))(N stone))(VP(V gathers)(NP(QP(Q no))(N moss)))) (NP(DET a)(AP(A soft))(N answer)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A soft))(N answer))(VP(V turneth)(AP(A away))(NP(N wrath))) (S(NP(DET a)(AP(A soft))(N answer))) (S(NP(DET a)(AP(A soft))(N answer))(VP(V turneth)(AP(A away))(NP(N wrath)))) (S(NP(DET a)(AP(A watched))(N kettle/pot))(AUX(NEG never))(VP(V boils))) (S(NP(DET a)(N bargain))(VP(V 's)(NP(DET a)(N bargain)))) (S(NP(DET a)(N bird)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N hand))))(VP(V is)(AP(A worth)(NP(N two)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N bush))))))) (S(NP(DET a)(N cat))(AUX(MOD may))(VP(V look)(PP(P at)(NP(DET a)(N king))))) (S(NP(DET a)(N chain))(VP(V is)(AP(AP(DEG as))(A strong))(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON its)))(AP(A weakest))(N link)))))) (S(NP(DET a)(N chain))(VP(V is)(AP(A only)(AP(AP(DEG as))(A strong)))(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON its)))(AP(A weakest))(N link)))))) (S(NP(DET a)(N houseetc)(AP(A divided)(PP(P against)(NP(PRON itself)))))(AUX(MOD cannot))(VP(V stand))) (S(NP(DET a)(N little)(PP(P of)(S'(COMP what)(S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V fancy))))))(VP(V does)(NP(PRON you))(AP(A good)))) (S(NP(DET a)(N little))(VP(V goes)(NP(DET a)(AP(A long))(N way)))) (S(NP(DET a)(N lot)(PP(P of)(NP(N water))))(AUX(V has))(VP(V runetc)(PP(P under)(NP(DET the)(N bridge))))) (S(NP(DET a)(N miss))(VP(V is)(AP(AP(DEG as))(A good)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N mile))))))) (S(NP(DET a)(N prophet))(VP(V is)(PP(P without)(NP(N honour)))(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(AP(A own))(N country))))) (S(NP(DET a)(N rose)(PP(P by)(NP(AP(AP(A any))(A other))(N name))))(AUX(MOD would))(VP(V smell)(AP(AP(DEG as))(A sweet)))) (S(NP(DET a)(N slice)(PP(P off)(NP(DET a)(AP(A cut))(N cake))))(AUX(V is)(NEG never))(VP(V missed))) (NP(DET a)(N stitch)(PP(P in)(NP(N time)))) (NP(DET a)(N stitch)(PP(P in)(NP(N time))))(VP(V saves)(NP(N nine))) (S(NP(DET a)(N stitch)(PP(P in)(NP(N time))))) (S(NP(DET a)(N stitch)(PP(P in)(NP(N time))))(VP(V saves)(NP(N nine)))) (S(NP(DET a)(N thing)(PP(P of)(NP(N beauty))))(VP(V is)(NP(DET a)(N joy))(AP(A forever)))) (S(VP(V crying)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N wilderness))))) (S(NP(DET a)(N voice))(VP(V crying)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N wilderness))))) (NP(DET an)(AP(A ugly))(N duckling)) (NP(DET an)(AP(A ugly))(N duckling))(VP(V becomesetc)(NP(DET a)(N swan))) (S(NP(DET an)(AP(A ugly))(N duckling))) (S(NP(DET an)(AP(A ugly))(N duckling))(VP(V becomesetc)(NP(DET a)(N swan)))) (NP(DET the)(AP(AP(A best))(A laid))(N schemes)(PP(P of)(NP(NP(N mice))(CONJ and)(NP(N men))))) (NP(DET the)(AP(AP(A best))(A laid))(N schemes)(PP(P of)(NP(NP(N mice))(CONJ and)(NP(N men)))))(VP(V gang)(AP(A aft))(AP(A agley))) (S(NP(DET the)(AP(AP(A best))(A laid))(N schemes)(PP(P of)(NP(NP(N mice))(CONJ and)(NP(N men)))))) (S(NP(DET the)(AP(AP(A best))(A laid))(N schemes)(PP(P of)(NP(NP(N mice))(CONJ and)(NP(N men)))))(VP(V gang)(AP(A aft))(AP(A agley)))) (S(NP(DET the)(AP(A best))(N man))(VP(V wins))) (S(NP(DET the)(AP(A best))(N things)(PP(P in)(NP(N life))))(VP(V are)(AP(A free)))) (S(NP(DET the)(AP(A burnt))(N child))(VP(V dreads/fears)(NP(DET the)(N fire)))) (S(NP(DET the)(AP(A darkest))(N hour))(VP(V comes)(PP(P before)(NP(DET the)(N dawn))))) (S(NP(DET the)(AP(A darkest))(N hour))(VP(V is)(NP(PRON that)(PP(P before)(NP(DET the)(N dawn)))))) (S(NP(DET the)(AP(A early))(N bird))(VP(V catches)(NP(DET the)(N worm)))) (S(NP(DET the)(AP(A funny))(N thing))(VP(V is)(S'(COMP)(S)))) (S(NP(DET the)(AP(A funny))(N thing))(VP(V is)(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (S(NP(DET the)(AP(A only))(AP(A good))(N indianetc))(VP(V is)(NP(DET a)(AP(A dead))(N indian)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N english))(AUX(AP(A dearly)))(VP(V love)(NP(DET a)(N lord)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N greeks))(VP(V had)(NP(DET a)(N name/word))(PP(P for)(NP(PRON it))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N age)(PP(P of)(NP(N chivalry))))(VP(V is)(NEG not)(AP(A dead)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N age)(PP(P of)(NP(N miracles))))(VP(V is)(NEG not)(AP(A past)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N answer))(VP(V is)(NP(DET a)(N lemon)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N answer))(VP(V is)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N affirmative/negative))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N ayes/noes))(VP(V have)(NP(PRON it)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N balloon))(VP(V go)(PP(P up)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N best/worst)(PP(P of)(NP(PRON it/sth))))(VP(V is)(S'))) (S(NP(DET the)(N bird))(AUX(V has))(VP(V flown))) (S(NP(DET the)(N biter))(VP(V bit))) (S(NP(DET the)(N blow))(VP(V falls))) (S(NP(DET the)(N bottom))(VP(V drop)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N market)))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N bottom))(VP(V drop)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N price)))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N buck))(VP(V stops)(AP(A here)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N camera))(AUX(MOD cannot))(VP(V lie))) (S(NP(DET the)(N cat))(AUX(V 's))(VP(V got)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N tongue)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N chances))(VP(V are)(AP(A slim)))) (S(NP(N chances))(VP(V are)(S'(COMP)(S)))) (S(NP(N chances))(VP(V are)(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N chances))(VP(V are)(S'(COMP)(S)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N chances))(VP(V are)(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N child))(VP(V is)(NP(N father)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N man)))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N child))(VP(V is)(NP(DET the)(N father)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N man)))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N coast))(VP(V is)(AP(A clear)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N cobbler))(AUX(MOD should))(VP(V stick)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N last))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N course)(PP(P of)(NP(AP(A true))(N love))))(AUX(NEG never)(V did))(VP(V run)(AP(A smooth)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N cure/remedy))(VP(V is)(AP(A worse)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(DET the)(N disease))))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N customer))(VP(V is)(AP(AP(A always))(A right)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N damage))(VP(V is)(AP(A done)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N day/time))(VP(V is)(NEG not)(AP(A distant))(S'(COMP when)(S)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N day/time))(VP(V is)(NEG not)(AP(AP(DEG so))(A distant))(S'(COMP when)(S)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N day/time))(VP(V is)(NEG not)(AP(A far)(PP(P off)))(S'(COMP when)(S)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N day/time))(VP(V is)(NEG not)(AP(AP(DEG so))(A far)(PP(P off)))(S'(COMP when)(S)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N day)(PP(P of)(NP)))(VP(V is)(AP(A over/finished)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N days)(PP(P of)(NP)))(VP(V are)(AP(A numbered)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N days))(VP(V close)(PP(P in)))) (S(NP(N dear))(VP(V knows))) (S(NP(N dear))(AUX(AP(A only)))(VP(V knows))) (S(NP(DET the)(N dear))(VP(V knows))) (S(NP(DET the)(N dear))(AUX(AP(A only)))(VP(V knows))) (S(NP(DET the)(N devil)(S'(S(NP(PRON one))(VP(V knows)))))(VP(V is)(AP(A better)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(DET the)(N devil)(S'(S(NP(PRON one))(VP(V doesn't)))))))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N devil))(VP(V looks)(PP(P after)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N own))))) (S(NP(N devil))(VP(V take)(NP(N sb/sth)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N devil))(VP(V take)(NP(N sb/sth)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N die))(VP(V is)(AP(A cast)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N dust))(VP(V settles))) (S(NP(DET the)(N emperor))(VP(V has)(NP(QP(Q no))(N clothes)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N end))(VP(V is)(NEG not)(AP(A yet)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N end))(VP(V justifies)(NP(DET the)(N means)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N evil)(S'(COMP that)(S(NP(N men))(VP(V do)))))(VP(V lives)(PP(P after)(NP(PRON them))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N exception))(VP(V proves)(NP(DET the)(N rule)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N fact)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N matter))))(VP(V is)(S'))) (S(NP(DET the)(N fact))(VP(V remains))(S'(S))) (S(NP(DET the)(N fact))(VP(V remains))(S'(COMP that)(S))) (S(NP(DET the)(N facts))(VP(V speak)(PP(P for)(NP(PRON themselves))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N fault))(VP(VP(V is)(PP(P in)(NP(PRON ourselves)))),(CONJ)(VP(AUX(NEG not))(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON our)))(N stars)))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N female)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N species))))(VP(V is)(AP(AP(DEG more))(A deadly)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(DET the)(N male))))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N fur))(VP(V begins)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V fly)))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N fur))(VP(V fly))) (S(NP(DET the)(N game))(VP(V be)(PP(P up)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N game))(VP(V is)(AP(A worth)(NP(DET the)(N candle))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N game))(VP(V is)(NEG not)(AP(A worth)(NP(DET the)(N candle))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N grass))(VP(V is)(AP(A greener))(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(DET the)(AP(A other))(N man))'s)(N field))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N grass))(VP(V is)(AP(A always))(AP(A greener))(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(DET the)(AP(A other))(N man))'s)(N field))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N grass))(VP(V is)(AP(A greener))(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(AP(A other))(N side))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N grass))(VP(V is)(AP(A greener))(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(AP(A other))(N side)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N fence))))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N grass))(VP(V is)(AP(A always))(AP(A greener))(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(AP(A other))(N side))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N grass))(VP(V is)(AP(A always))(AP(A greener))(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(AP(A other))(N side)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N fence))))))) (NP(DET the)(N hand)(S'(COMP that)(S(VP(V rocks)(NP(DET the)(N cradle)))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N hand)(S'(COMP that)(S(VP(V rocks)(NP(DET the)(N cradle))))))(VP(V rules)(NP(DET the)(N world)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N heavens))(VP(V open))) (S(NP(DET the)(N iron))(VP(V enters)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(N soul)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N iron))(VP(V enters)(PP(P into)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(N soul))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N jig))(VP(V be)(PP(P up)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N labourer))(VP(V is)(AP(A worthy)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N hire)))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N law))(VP(V is)(NP(DET an)(N ass)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N lights))(AUX(V are))(VP(V going)(PP(P out))(PP(AP(A all))(P over)(NP(NE urope))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N lion))(VP(V lies)(PP(P down))(PP(P with)(NP(DET the)(N lamb))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N love)(PP(P of)(NP(N money))))(VP(V is)(NP(DET the)(N root)(PP(P of)(NP(QP(Q all))(N evil)))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N most)(S'(COMP that)(S(NP(PRON one))(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V claim)))))(VP(V be)(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N most)(S'(COMP that)(S(NP(PRON one))(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V claim)(PP(P for)(NP))))))(VP(V be)(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N mountain))(VP(VP(V labours))(CONJ and)(VP(V brings)(AP(A forth))(NP(DET a)(N mouse))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N mountain))(VP(VP(V labours))(CONJ and)(VP(V brings)(AP(A forth))(NP(DET a)(AP(A ridiculous))(N mouse))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N odds))(VP(V are))) (S(NP(DET the)(N odds))(VP(V are)(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N pace))(VP(V is etc)(AP(AP(A too))(A hot)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N pace))(VP(V is etc)(AP(AP(A too))(A hot))(PP(P for)(NP(N sb))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N pen))(VP(V is)(AP(A mightier)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(DET the)(N sword))))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N penny))(VP(V drops))) (S(NP(DET the)(N plot))(VP(V thickens))) (S(NP(DET the)(N poor))(VP(V are)(AP(A always))(PP(P with)(NP(PRON us))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N pot))(VP(V calls)(NP(DET the)(N kettle))(AP(A black)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N pressure))(VP(V be)(PP(P on)))) (NP(DET the)(N proof)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N pudding)))) (NP(DET the)(N proof)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N pudding))))(VP(V is)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N eating)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N proof)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N pudding))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N proof)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N pudding))))(VP(V is)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N eating))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N question))(VP(V arises))) (S(NP(DET the)(N question)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth))))(VP(V arises))) (S(NP(DET the)(N quickness)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N hand))))(VP(V deceives)(NP(DET the)(N eye)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N rain))(VP(V falls)(PP(P on)(NP(NP(DET the)(N just))(CONJ and)(NP(DET the)(N unjust)))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N road)(PP(P to)(NP(N hell))))(VP(V is)(AP(A paved)(PP(P with)(NP(AP(A good))(N intentions)))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N rot))(VP(V set)(PP(P in)))) (NP(DET the)(N sins)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N fathers)))) (NP(DET the)(N sins)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N fathers))))(AUX(V are))(VP(V visited)(PP(P upon)(NP(DET the)(N children)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N sins)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N fathers))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N sins)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N fathers))))(AUX(V are))(VP(V visited)(PP(P upon)(NP(DET the)(N children))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N sky))(VP(V cloud)(PP(P over)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N sky))(VP(V 's)(NP(DET the)(N limit)))) (S(NP(N sparks))(VP(V fly))) (S(NP(DET the)(N sparks))(VP(V fly))) (S(NP(DET the)(N spectatoretc))(VP(V sees)(AP(A more/most)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N game)))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N streets))(AUX(V are))(VP(V paved)(PP(P with)(NP(N gold))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N sun))(VP(V be)(PP(P up)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N sun))(VP(V come)(PP(P up)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N sun))(VP(V glare)(PP(P down)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N tail))(VP(V wags)(NP(DET the)(N dog)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N tide))(VP(V turns))) (S(NP(DET the)(N time))(AUX(V has))(VP(V come)(S'(COMP for)(S(NP(N sb))(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP(N sth))))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N time))(AUX(V has))(VP(V come)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP(N sth))))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N timeetc))(VP(V is)(AP(A ripe)(S'(COMP for)(S(NP(N sth/sb))(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP(N sth)))))))) (S(NP(N times))(VP(V change))) (S(NP(DET the)(N times))(VP(V change))) (NP(DET the)(N wages)(PP(P of)(NP(N sin)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N wages)(PP(P of)(NP(N sin))))(VP(V is)(NP(N death)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N way)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N man))'s)(N heart))))(VP(V is)(PP(P through)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N stomach))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N weather))(VP(V breaks/holds))) (S(NP(DET the)(N wish))(VP(V is)(NP(N father)(PP(P to/of)(NP(DET the)(N deed)))))) (S(NP(N word))(VP(V is)(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N word))(VP(V is)(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N world))(AUX(MOD will/would))(VP(V be)(NP(DET a)(AP(A poorer))(N place)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N world))(AUX(MOD will/would))(VP(V be)(NP(DET the)(N poorer)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N world))(VP(V is)(AP(AP(DEG so))(A full)(PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(N number)(PP(P of)(NP(N things)))))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N world))(VP(V is)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N parish)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N world))(VP(V is/remains)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N oyster)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N worm))(VP(V turns))) (NP(DET the)(N writing)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N wall)))) (NP(DET the)(N writing))(VP(V is)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N wall)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N writing)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N wall))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N writing))(VP(V is)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N wall))))) (S(NP(N bob))(VP(V 's)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON your)))(N uncle)))) (S(NP(N homer))(AUX(AP(A sometimes)))(VP(V nods))) (S(NP(N(N queen)(N anne)))(VP(V is)(AP(A dead)))) (NP(NP(DET the)(N tumult))(CONJ and)(NP(DET the)(N shouting))) (S(NP(NP(DET the)(N tumult))(CONJ and)(NP(DET the)(N shouting)))(VP(V dies))) (S(NP(NP(N oil))(CONJ and)(NP(N water)))(AUX(V do)(NEG not))(VP(V mix))) (S(NP(NP(N two))(CONJ and)(NP(N two)))(VP(V makeetc)(NP(N four)))) (S(NP(NP(QP(Q all))(N work))(CONJ and)(NP(QP(Q no))(N play)))(VP(V makes)(SC(NP(N jack))(NP(DET a)(AP(A dull))(N boy))))) (S(NP(NP(QP(Q all))(POSS(NP(DET the)(N king))'s)(N horses))(CONJ and)(NP(QP(Q all))(POSS(NP(DET the)(N king))'s)(N men)))(AUX(MOD can't))/(AUX(MOD could)(NEG n't))(VP(V do)(NP))) (S(NP(N satan)/(DET the)(N devil))(VP(V finds/makes)(NP(N work))(PP(P for)(NP(AP(A idle))(N hands))))) (S(NP(N accidents))(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V happen))) (S(NP(N accidents))(AUX(MOD will))(VP(V happen))) (S(NP(N accidents))(AUX(MOD will))(VP(V happen)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(AP(AP(P best))(A regulated))(N families))))) (S(NP(N all))(VP(V being)(AP(A well)))) (S(NP(N all))(VP(V is)(AP(A fair))(PP(P in)(NP(NP(N love))(CONJ and)(NP(N war)))))) (S(NP(N all))(VP(V is)(AP(A well)))) (S(NP(N all))(VP(V is)(NEG not)(AP(A lost)))) (S(NP(N all))(VP(V is)(NEG not)(AP(A well))(PP(P with)(NP)))) (S(NP(N all))(VP(V is)(NEG not)(NP(N gold)))(S'(COMP that)(S(VP(V glitters))))) (S(NP(N all))(VP(V is)(NP(NP(N gas))(CONJ and)(NP(N gaiters))))) (S(NP(N all))(VP(V 's)(AP(A well)))(S'(COMP that)(S(VP(V ends)(AP(A well)))))) (S(NP(N anything))(VP(V goes))) (S(NP(N attack))(VP(V is)(NP(DET the)(AP(A best))(N form)(PP(P of)(NP(N defence)))))) (S(NP(N beauty))(VP(V is)(AP(AP(A but/only))(A(N skin)(A deep))))) (S(NP(N beauty))(VP(V is/lies)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N eye)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N beholder))))))) (S(NP(N beggars))(AUX(MOD can't))(VP(V be)(NP(N choosers)))) (S(NP(N birds)(PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(N feather))))(VP(V flock)(AP(A together)))) (S(NP(N black))(VP(V is)(AP(A beautiful)))) (S(NP(N blood))(VP(V is)(AP(A thicker)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(N water))))))) (S(NP(N boys))(AUX(MOD will))(VP(V be)(NP(N boys)))) (S(NP(N business))(VP(V is)(NP(N business)))) (S(NP(N care))(VP(V killed)(NP(DET the)(N cat)))) (S(NP(N chance))(AUX(MOD would))(VP(V be)(NP(DET a)(AP(A fine))(N thing)))) (S(NP(N charity))(VP(V begins)(PP(P at)(NP(N home))))) (S(NP(N children))(AUX(MOD should)(V be))(VP(VP(V seen))(CONJ and/but)(VP(NEG not)(V heard)))) (S(NP(N circumstances))(VP(V alter)(NP(N cases)))) (S(NP(N cleanliness))(VP(V is)(PP(P next)(PP(P to)(NP(N godliness)))))) (S(NP(N comparisons))(VP(V are)(AP(A odious)))) (S(NP(N confusion))(VP(V reigns))) (S(NP(N crime))(AUX(MOD does)(NEG n't))(VP(V pay))) (S(NP(N curiosity))(VP(V killed)(NP(DET the)(N cat)))) (S(NP(N dawn/day))(VP(V breaks))) (S(NP(N death))(VP(V comes)(PP(P to)(NP(PRON us)(QP(Q all)))))) (S(NP(N diamond))(VP(V cut)(NP(N diamond)))) (S(NP(N diamonds))(VP(V are)(NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N girl))'s)(AP(A best))(N friend)))) (S(NP(N discretion))(VP(V is)(NP(DET the)(AP(A better))(N part)(PP(P of)(NP(N valour)))))) (S(NP(N distance))(VP(V lends)(NP(N enchantment))(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N view))))) (S(NP(N dog))(VP(V eat)(NP(N dog)))) (S(NP(N duty))(VP(V calls))) (S(NP(N enough))(VP(V is)(AP(AP(DEG as))(A good)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N feast))))))) (S(NP(N enough))(VP(V is)(NP(N enough)))) *(S(NP(N enough/'nough))(VP(V said))) (S(NP(N everything))(AUX(V is))(VP(V going/coming)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N way)))) (S(NP(N everything)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N garden))))(VP(V is)(AP(A lovely/rosy)))) (S(NP(N expense/money))(VP(V is)(NP(QP(Q no))(N object)))) (S(NP(N extremes))(VP(V meet))) (S(NP(N fair))(VP(V 's)(AP(A fair)))) (S(NP(N familiarity))(VP(V breeds)(NP(N contempt)))) (S(NP(N feelings))(VP(V run)(AP(A high)))) (S(NP(N finding))(VP(V is)(NP(N keeping)))) (S(NP(N flags))(VP(V fly)(PP(P at)(NP(N(Q half-)(N mast)))))) (S(NP(N fools))(VP(V rush)(PP(P in))(S'(COMP where)(S(NP(N angels))(VP(V fear)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V tread))))))))) (S(NP(N fortune))(VP(V favours)(NP(DET the)(N brave)))) (S(NP(N fortune))(VP(V smile)(PP(P upon)(NP)))) (S(NP(N genius))(VP(V is)(NP(DET an)(AP(A infinite))(N capacity)(PP(P for)(S(VP(V taking)(NP(N pains)))))))) (S(NP(N gentlemen))(VP(V prefer)(NP(N blondes)))) (S(NP(N god))(VP(V bless)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON my)))(N soul)))) (S(NP(N god))(VP(V bless)(NP(PRON you)))) (S(NP(N god))(VP(V damn)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N eyes)))) (S(NP(N god))(VP(V damn))) (S(NP(N god))(VP(V damn)(NP(PRON it)))) (S(NP(N god))(VP(V forbid))) (S(NP(N god))(VP(V help)(NP(N sb)))) (S(NP(N god))(VP(V helps)(NP(N those)(S'(COMP who)(S(VP(V help)(NP(PRON themselves)))))))) (S(NP(N god))(VP(V knows))) (S(NP(N god))(VP(V knows)(S'(COMP)(S)))) (S(NP(N god))(VP(V knows)(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (S(NP(N god))(VP(V moves)(PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(AP(A mysterious))(N way))),(S'(COMP(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N wonders)))(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V perform)))))) (S(NP(N god))(VP(V rest)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N soul)))) (S(NP(N god))(VP(V rest)(NP(PRON him)))) (S(NP(N god))(VP(V save)(NP(DET the)(N mark)))) (S(NP(N god))(VP(V speed))) (S(NP(N god))(VP(V speed)(NP(N sb/sth)))) (S(NP(N god))(VP(V willing))) (S(NP(N handsome))(VP(V is)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N handsome))(VP(V does)))))) (S(NP(N hanging))(VP(V is)(AP(AP(A too))(A good)(PP(P for)(NP(N sb)))))) (S(NP(N heaven))(VP(V knows))) (S(NP(N heaven))(AUX(AP(A only)))(VP(V knows))) (S(NP(N hell))(VP(V has/knows)(NP(QP(Q no))(N fury)(AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(N woman)(AP(A scorned))))))) (S(NP(N history))(VP(V repeats)(NP(PRON itself)))) (S(NP(N honesty))(VP(V is)(NP(DET the)(AP(A best))(N policy)))) (S(NP(N hope)(AP(A deferred)))(VP(V maketh)(NP(DET the)(N heart))(AP(A sick)))) (S(NP(N hope))(VP(V springs)(AP(A eternal)))) (S(NP(N hope))(VP(V springs)(AP(A eternal))(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(AP(A human))(N breast))))) (S(NP(N hunger))(VP(V is)(NP(DET the)(AP(A best))(N sauce)))) (S(NP(N jack))(VP(V is)(AP(AP(DEG as))(A good)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N master))))))) (S(NP(N kingdom))(VP(V come))) (S(NP(N ladies))(AP(A first))) (S(NP(N life))(AUX)(VP(V pass)(NP)(PP(P by)))) (S(NP(N life))(VP(V begins)(PP(P at)(NP(N fortyetc))))) (S(NP(N life))(VP(V is)(AP(AP(A too))(A short)))) (S(NP(N life))(VP(V is)(AP(AP(A too))(A short)(PP(P for)(NP sth))/(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP)))))) (S(NP(N life))(VP(V is)(NEG not)(AP(A worth)(S(VP(V living)))))) (S(NP(N life))(VP(V is)(NP(DET a)(N bed)(PP(P of)(NP(N roses)))))) (S(NP(N life))(VP(V is)(NEG not)(NP(DET a)(N bed)(PP(P of)(NP(N roses)))))) (S(NP(N life))(VP(V is)(NP(N hell)))) (S(NP(N lightning))(AUX(NEG never))(VP(V strikes)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(AP(A same))(N place)))(AP(A twice)))) (S(NP(N like))(VP(V attracts)(NP(N like)))) (S(NP(N like))(VP(V calls)(PP(P to)(NP(N like))))) (S(NP(N love))(VP(V is)(AP(A blind)))) (S(NP(N man))(VP(V bites)(NP(N dog)))) (S(NP(N many))(VP(V 's)(NP(DET the)(N time)))) (S(NP(N might))(VP(V is/makes)(NP(N right)))) (S(NP(N money))(AUX(MOD can't))(VP(V buy)(NP(N everything)))) (S(NP(N money))(VP(V is)(NEG n't)(NP(N everything)))) (S(NP(N money))(VP(V talks))) (S(NP(N more))(VP(V is)(NP(DET the)(N pity)))) (S(NP(N more))(VP(V means)(AP(A worse)))) (S(NP(N mud))(VP(V sticks))) (S(NP(N mum))(VP(V 's)(NP(DET the)(N word)))) (S(NP(N nature))(VP(V abhors)(NP(DET a)(N vacuum)))) (S(NP(N necessity))(VP(V is)(NP(DET the)(N mother)(PP(P of)(NP(N invention)))))) *(S(NP(N needs))(AUX(MOD must))) *(S(NP(N needs))(AUX(MOD must))(S'(COMP when)(S(NP(DET the)(N devil))(VP(V drives))))) (S(NP(N nobody/anybody)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his/their)))(AP(A right))(N mind))))(AUX(MOD could/would))(VP(V do)(NP(N sth)))) (S(NP(N nothing))(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V be)(AP(A farther)(PP(P from)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N mind/thoughts)))))) (S(NP(N nothing))(VP(V is)(AP(A farther)(PP(P from)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N mind/thoughts)))))) (S(NP(N nothing))(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V be)(AP(A farther)(PP(P from)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N mind/thoughts)))))) (S(NP(N nothing))(VP(V is)(AP(A farther)(PP(P from)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N mind/thoughts)))(S'(COMP than)(S))))) (S(NP(N nothing))(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V be)(AP(A farther)(PP(P from)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N mind/thoughts)))(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(N sth))))))) (S(NP(N nothing))(VP(V is)(AP(A farther)(PP(P from)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N mind/thoughts)))))) (S(NP(N nothing))(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V be)(AP(A farther)(PP(P from)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N mind/thoughts)))(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(N sth))))))) (S(NP(N nothing))(VP(V is)(AP(A farther)(PP(P from)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N mind/thoughts)))(S'(COMP than)(S))))) (S(NP(N nothing))(VP(V doing))) (S(NP(N nothing))(VP(V is)(AP(A sacred)))) (S(NP(N nothing))(VP(V succeeds)(AP(A like)(NP(N success))))) (S(NP(N patience))(VP(V is)(NP(DET a)(N virtue)))) (S(NP(N patriotism))(VP(V is)(NEG not)(AP(A enough)))) (S(NP(N patriotism))(VP(V is)(NP(DET the)(AP(A last))(N refuge)(PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(N scoundrel)))))) (S(NP(N people)(S'(S(NP(PRON who))(VP(V live)(PP(P in)(NP(AP(A glass))(N houses)))))))(AUX(MOD should)(NEG n't))(VP(V throw)(NP(N stones)))) (S(NP(N pigs))(AUX(MOD may/might))(VP(V fly))) (S(NP(N practice))(VP(V makes)(AP(A perfect)))) (S(NP(N praise))(VP(V be))) (S(NP(N praise))(VP(V be)(PP(P to)(NP(N god))))) (S(NP(N prevention))(VP(V is)(AP(A better)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(N cure))))))) (S(NP(N pride))(VP(V goes)(PP(P before)(NP(DET a)(N fall))))) (S(NP(N procrastination))(VP(V is)(NP(DET the)(N thief)(PP(P of)(NP(N time)))))) (S(NP(N rats))(VP(V desertetc)(NP(DET a)(N ship)))) (S(NP(N rats))(VP(V desertetc)(NP(DET a)(AP(A sinking))(N ship)))) (S(NP(N revenge))(VP(V is)(AP(A sweet)))) (S(NP(N rome))(AUX(V was)(NEG not))(VP(V built)(PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(N day))))) (S(NP(N sb))(AUX(AP(A never)))(VP(V said)(NP(DET a)(AP(A truer))(N word)))) (S(VP(V do)(NP(DET the)(AP(A other))(N thing)))) (S(NP(N sb))(AUX(MOD can/could))(VP(V do)(NP(DET the)(AP(A other))(N thing)))) (S(NP(N seeing))(VP(V is)(NP(N believing)))) (S(NP(N silence))(VP(V reigns))) (S(NP(N some)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A best))(N friends))))(VP(V are)(AP(A englishetc)))) (S(NP(N something))(AUX(V has))(VP(V got)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V give)))))) (S(NP(N something))(VP(V be)(PP(P up)))) *(S(NP(N something))(VP(V doing))) (S(NP(N something))(VP(V has)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V give)))))) (S(NP(N tear))(VP(V roll)(PP(P down)(NP)))) (S(NP(N tears))(VP(V roll)(PP(P down)(NP)))) (S(NP(N there))(VP(V be)(NP(QP(Q no))(N call)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP sth))))))) (S(NP(N they)(S'(S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V live)(PP(P by)(NP(DET the)(N sword)))))))(AUX(MOD shall))(VP(V perish/die)(PP(P by)(NP(DET the)(N sword))))) (S(NP(N things))(VP(V work)(NP(PRON themselves))(PP(P out)))) (S(NP(N time))(AUX(MOD will))(VP(V telletc))) (S(NP(N time)(AP(A alone)))(AUX(MOD will))(VP(V telletc))) (S(NP(N time))(VP(V flies))) (S(NP(N time))(VP(V hangs/lies)(AP(A heavy))(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N hands))))) (S(NP(N time))(VP(V is)(NP(DET a)(AP(A great))(N healer)))) (S(NP(N time))(VP(V is)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N side)(PP(P of)(NP(N sb))))))) (S(NP(N tomorrow))(AUX(MOD will/can))(VP(V look)(PP(P after)(NP(PRON itself))))) (S(NP(N tomorrow))(AUX(MOD will/can))(VP(V take)(AP(A care)(PP(P of)(NP(PRON itself)))))) (S(NP(N tomorrow))(VP(V is)(NP(AP(A another))(N day)))) (S(NP(N two))(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V live)(AP(AP(DEG as))(A cheaply)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N one))))))) (S(NP(N union/unity))(VP(V is)(NP(N strength)))) (S(NP(N variety))(VP(V is)(NP(DET the)(N spice)(PP(P of)(NP(N life)))))) (S(NP(N virtue))(VP(V is)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON its)))(AP(A own))(N reward)))) (S(NP(N walls))(VP(V have)(NP(N ears)))) (S(NP(N warrant))(VP(V be)(PP(P out)))) *(S(NP(N whatever)(S'(S(VP(V is)))))(VP(V is)(AP(A right)))) (S(NP(N woe))(VP(V betide)(NP sb))) (S(NP(N wonders))(AUX(MOD will)(NEG never))(VP(V cease))) (S(NP(N words))(VP(V fail)(NP(PRON me)))) (S(NP(N words))(VP(V fail)(NP(PRON one)/(N sb)))) (S(NP(N x))(VP(V marks)(NP(DET the)(N spot)))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N woman/wife))'s)(N place))(VP(V is)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N home))))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(DET an)(N englishman))'s)(N home))(VP(V is)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N castle)))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(DET a/the)(N policeman))'s)(N lot))(VP(V is)(NEG not)(NP(DET a)(AP(A happy))(N one)))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N word))(VP(V is)(NP(N law)))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(N ears))(VP(V burn))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(N eyes))(VP(V are)(AP(A bigger)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)/(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N belly/stomach))))))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(N stock))(VP(V is)(AP(A high/low)))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A dancing))(N days))(VP(V are)(AP(A done)))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A last))(N state))(VP(V be)(AP(A worse)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON its)))(AP(A first)))))))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A left))(N hand))(AUX(V does)(NEG not))(VP(V know)(S'(COMP what)(S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A right))(N hand))(AUX(V is))(VP(V doing)))))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)/(DET the)(N mind))(VP(V goes)(AP(A blank)))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N blood))(VP(V be)(PP(P up)))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N blood))(VP(V boils))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N blood))(VP(V runs)(AP(A cold)))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N chances))(VP(V are)(AP(A slim)))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N conscience))(VP(V pricks)(NP(PRON one)))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N cup))(VP(V is)(AP(A full)))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N ears/eyes))(AUX(V do)(NEG not))(VP(V deceive)(NP(PRON one)))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N ears/eyes))(VP(V deceive)(NP(PRON one)))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N eyes))(AUX)(VP(V stand)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N head)))))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N face))(VP(V cloud)(PP(P over)))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N face))(VP(V falls))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N feet))(AUX(V are))(VP(V killing)(NP(PRON one)))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N gorge))(VP(V rises))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N hand))(VP(V be)(PP(P up)))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N head))(VP(V rules/governs)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N heart)))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N head))(VP(V swells))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N heart))(VP(V bleeds)(PP(P for)(NP)))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N heart))(VP(V missesetc)(NP(DET a)(N beat)))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N heart))(VP(V sinks))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N jaw))(VP(V drops))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N knees))(AUX)(VP(V knock)(AP(A together)))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N lips))(VP(V are)(AP(A sealed)))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N luck))(VP(V be)(PP(P in)))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N luck))(VP(V holds))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N mouth))(VP(V waters))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N name))(VP(V is)(NP(N mud)))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N sin))(AUX(MOD will))(VP(V find)(NP(PRON one))(PP(P out)))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N sins))(AUX(MOD will))(VP(V find)(NP(PRON one))(PP(P out)))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N slip))(AUX(V is))(VP(V showing))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N spirits))(VP(V rise))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N spirits))(VP(V sink))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N stocks))(VP(V be)(AP(A high)))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N time))(VP(V is)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N own)))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N voice))(VP(V breaks))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N withers))(VP(V are)(AP(A unwrung)))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)/(POSS(NP(PRON its)))(AP(A lastetc))(N state))(VP(V is)(AP(A worse)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(DET the)(N first))))))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON your)))(AP(A best))(N friend))(AUX won't)(VP(V tell)(NP(PRON you)))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(QP(Q one))(N man))'s)(N loss))(VP(V is)(NP(POSS(NP another)'s)(N gain)))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(QP(Q one))(N man))'s)(N meatetc))(VP(V is)(NP(POSS(NP(AP(A another))(N man))'s)(N poisonetc)))) (S(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N bark))(VP(V is)(AP(A worse)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N bite))))))) (S(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N head))(VP(V rolls))) (S(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N memory))(VP(V is)(AP(A green)))) (S(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N word))(VP(V is)(AP(AP(DEG as))(A good)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON))'s)(N bond))))))) (S(NP(PRON he)(S'(S(PRON who)(VP(V hesitates)))))(VP(V is)(AP(A lost)))) (S(NP(PRON i))(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V telletc)(NP(PRON you)))) (S(NP(PRON i))(AUX(MOD can't))(VP(V telletc)(NP(PRON you)))) (S(NP(PRON i))(AUX(MOD 'll))(VP(V be)(AP(A bound)))) (S(NP(PRON i))(AUX(MOD 'll))(VP(V be)(AP(A damnedetc.))(S'(COMP if)(S)))) (S(NP(PRON i))(AUX(MOD 'll))(VP(V believe)(NP(PRON it/that))(S'(COMP when)(S(NP(PRONI))(VP(V see)(NP(PRON it))))))) (S(NP(PRON i))(VP(V bet))) (S(NP(PRON i))(AUX(MOD 'll))(VP(V bet))) (S(NP(PRON i))(VP(V bet)(NP(PRON you)))) (S(NP(PRON i))(VP(V bet)(NP(PRON you))(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (S(NP(PRON i))(AUX(MOD 'll))(VP(V bet)(NP(PRON you)))) (S(NP(PRON i))(AUX(MOD 'll))(VP(V bet)(NP(PRON you))(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (S(NP(PRON i))(AUX(MOD 'll))(VP(V eat)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON my)))(N hat)))) (S(NP(PRON i))(AUX(MOD 'll))(VP(V live/survive))) (S(NP(PRON i))(AUX(MOD 'll))(VP(V say)(S'(S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V is)))))) (S(NP(PRON i))(AUX(MOD 'll))(VP(V see)(NP(PRON you))(PP(P in)(NP(N hell)))(AP(A first)))) (S(NP(PRON i))(VP(V tell)(NP(PRON you))(NP(PRON what)))) (S(NP(PRON i))(AUX(MOD 'll))(VP(V tell)(NP(PRON you))(NP(PRON what)))) (S(NP(PRON i))(AUX(MOD 'll)(V be))(VP(V seeing)(NP(PRON you)))) (S(NP(PRON i))(AUX(MOD may/might))(VP(V say/add))) (S(NP(PRON i))(AUX(MOD must))(VP(V fly))) (S(NP(PRON i))(AUX(MOD must))(VP(V say))) (S(NP(PRON i))(AUX(MOD should)(NEG n't))(VP(V wonder))) (S(NP(PRON i))(AUX can't/couldn't)(VP(V say))) (S(NP(PRON i))(AUX can't/couldn't)(VP(V say)(NP(PRON that)))) (S(NP(PRON i))(AUX dare)(VP(V say))) (S(NP(PRON i))(AUX don't)(VP(V know))) (S(NP(PRON i))(AUX don't)(VP(V know)(NP(PRON that)))) (S(NP(PRON i))(AUX don't)(VP(V know)(S'(COMP what)(S(NP(DET the)(N world))(AUX(V is/'s))(VP(V coming)(PP(P to))))))) (S(NP(PRON i))(AUX don't)(VP(V mind)(S'(COMP if)(S(NP(PRON i))(VP(V do)))))) (S(NP(PRON i))(AUX don't)(VP(V think))) (S(NP(PRON i))(AUX must)(VP(V say))) (S(NP(PRON i))(AUX should)(VP(V say)(S soetc))) (S(NP(PRON i))(AUX should)(VP(V think)(S soetc))) (S(NP(PRON i))(AUX should)(VP(V worry))) (S(NP(PRON i))(AUX won't)(VP(V say)(NP(N no)))) (S(NP(PRON i))(AUX won't)(VP(V say)(NP(N no))(PP(P to)(NP(N sth))))) (S(NP(PRON i))(VP(V am)(NP(DET the)(N greatest)))) (S(NP(PRON i))(VP(V ask)(NP(PRON you)))) (S(NP(PRON i))(VP(V beg)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON your)))(N pardon)))) (S(NP(PRON i))(VP(V beg)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V differ)))))) (S(NP(PRON i))(VP(V have)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V fly)))))) (S(NP(PRON i))(VP(V know)(NP(DET a)(N))(S'(COMP when)(S(NP(PRON i))(VP(V see)(NP(N one))))))) (S(NP(PRON i))(VP(V like)(NP(N that)))) (S(NP(PRON i))(VP(V 'm)(AP(A afraid)))) (S(NP(PRON i))(VP(V 'm)(AP(A alright)))(NP(N jack))) (S(NP(PRON i))(VP(V 'm)(AP(A glad)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V meet)(NP(PRON you)))))))) (S(NP(PRON i))(VP(V 'm)(AP(A sorry)))) (S(NP(PRON i))(VP(V 'm)(AP(A sorry)))(S'(COMP but)(S))) (S(NP(PRON i))(VP(V mean))) (S(NP(PRON i))(VP(V mean)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V say)))))) (S(NP(PRON i))(VP(V promise)(NP(PRON you)))) (S(NP(PRON i))(VP(V say))) (S(NP(PRON i))(VP(V see)(S'(COMP what)(S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V mean)))))) *(S(NP(PRON it))(AUX(AP(A ill)))(VP(V becomes)(S'(S(NP(N sb))(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP(N sth))))))) (S(NP(PRON it))(AUX(AP(A so)))(VP(V happens)(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (S(NP(PRON it))(AUX(MOD can't))(VP(V happen))(AP(A here))) (S(NP(PRON it))(AUX(MOD can't)(V be))(VP(V helped))) (S(NP(PRON it))(AUX(MOD should)(NEG n't))(VP(V happen)(PP(P to)(NP(DET a)(N dog))))) (S(NP(PRON it))(AUX(V does)(NEG not))(VP(V do)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP))))) (S(NP(PRON it))(AUX(V has))(VP(V gone)(NP))) (S(NP(PRON it))(AUX(V has)(AP(A just)))(VP(V gone)(NP))) (S(NP(PRON it/that))(AUX(AP(A all)))(VP(V depends))) (S(NP(PRON it/that))(AUX(MOD will)(AP(A never)))(VP(V do))) (S(NP(PRON it/that))(AUX(MOD won't))(VP(V do))) (S(NP(PRON it/that))(VP(V figures))) (S(NP(PRON it/that))(VP(V goes)(PP(P without)(S(VP(V saying)))))) (S(NP(PRON it/that))(VP(V is)(AP(A just)(AP(AP(DEG as))(A well))))) (S(NP(PRON it/that))(VP(V is)(AP(A just))(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N luck)))) (S(NP(PRON it/that))(VP(V remains)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to)(V be))(VP(V seen)))))) (S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V be)(NP(QP(Q no))(N secret)))) (S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V be)(NP(QP(Q no))(N secret))(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V beats)(NP(PRON me)))) (S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V fall)(PP(P on/upon)(NP(N sb)))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP(N sth))))))) (S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V fall)(PP(P out))(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V fall)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N lot)))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP(N sth))))))) (S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V has)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V be)))))) (S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V is)(AP(AP(A now))(CONJ or)(AP(A never))))) (S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V is)(AP(AP(A quite))(A like)(S'(S(NP)(AUX(to))(VP)))))) (S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V is)(AP(A idle)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V deny)(NP/S))))))) (S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V is)(AP(A just)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP)(VP(V feared))))))) (S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V is)(AP(A later)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V think))))))) (S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V is)(AP(A more)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N job))(VP(V be)(AP(A worth)))))))) (S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V is)(AP(A never))(AP(AP(A too))(A late)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP)))))) (S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V is)(AP(A only))(NP(DET a)(AP(A little))(N one)))) (S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V is)(NEG not)(S'(COMP for)(S)))) (S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V is)(NEG not)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V be)))))) (S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V is)(NP(AP(A about))(N time)(S'(COMP that)(S))))) (S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V is)(NP(AP(A high))(N time)(S'(COMP that)(S))))) (S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V is)(NP(AP(A just))(N one)(PP(P of)(NP(DET those)(N things)))))) (S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V is)(NP(AP(A quite/really))(N something)))) (S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V is)(NP(DET a)(AP(A long))(N road)(S'(COMP that)(S(VP(V has)(NP(QP(Q no))(N turning)))))))) (S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V is)(NP(DET a)(AP(A small))(N world)))) (S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V is)(NP(DET a)(N question)(PP(P of)(NP/S))))) (S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V is)(NP(DET an)(AP(A ill))(N wind)(S'(COMP that)(S(VP(V blows)(NP(N nobody))(NP(AP(A any))(N good)))))))) (S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V is)(NP(DET the)(N gipsy)(PP(P in)(NP))))) (S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V is)(NP(DET the)(N thought))(S'(COMP that)(S(VP(V counts)))))) (S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V is)(NP(N all))(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N mind))))) (S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V is)(NP(N all))(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N day))'s)(N work))))) (S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V is)(NP(N all)(S'(S(NP(PRON one))(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V do)))))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP))))) (S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V is)(NP(N love))(S'(COMP that)(S(VP(V makes)(S'(S(NP(DET the)(N world))(VP(V go)(AP(A round)))))))))) (S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V is)(NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N woman))'s)(N privilege))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V change)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON her)))(N mind))))))) (S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V is)(NP(QP(Q no))(N use))(S(VP(V crying)(PP(P over)(NP(AP(A spilt))(N milk))))))) (S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V is)(NP(QP(Q no))(N wonder)(S'(COMP that)(S))))) (S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V is)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N tip)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON my)))(N tongue))))))) (S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V pays)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP))))) *(NP(DET the)(N same))(PP(NP(DET the)(AP(A whole))(N world))(P over)) *(S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V 's)(NP(DET the)(N same))(PP(NP(DET the)(AP(A whole))(N world))(P over)))) *(NP(DET the)(N same))(PP(NP(QP(Q all))(DET the)(N world))(P over)) *(S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V 's)(NP(DET the)(N same))(PP(NP(QP(Q all))(DET the)(N world))(P over)))) (S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V stand)(PP(P to)(NP(N reason))))) (S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V takes)(NP(N two))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP))))) (S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V takes)(NP(QP(Q all))(N sorts))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N world))))))) (S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V takes)(NP(QP(Q all))(POSS(NP)'s)(N time))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP))))) (S(NP(PRON one))(AUX(MOD may)(AP(A well)))(VP(V ask))) (S(NP(PRON one))(AUX(MOD may/might)(AP(AP(DEG as))(A well))(V be))(VP(V hanged/hung)(PP(P for)(NP(DET a)(N sheep))))(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N lamb))))) (S(NP(PRON one))(VP(VP(V lives))(CONJ and)(VP(V learns)))) (S(NP(PRON she))(AUX(MOD 'll))(VP(V be)(AP(A right)))) (S(NP(PRON that))(AUX(MOD will))(VP(V be)(NP(DET the)(N day)))) (S(NP(PRON that))(AUX(MOD will))(VP(V do))) (S(NP(PRON that))(AUX(V 's))(VP(V done/torn)(NP(PRON it)))) (S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V does)(NP(PRON it)))) (S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V is)(AP(AP(A more))(A like)(NP(PRON it))))) (S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V is)(NEG not)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V say)(S')))))) (S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V is)(NEG not)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V say)))))) (S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V is)(NEG not)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V say)(S'(COMP that)(S))))))) (S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V is)(S'(COMP as)(S(AUX(MOD may))(VP(V be)))))) (S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V is)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(PRON it))(AUX(MOD may))(VP(V be)))))) (S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V is))) (S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V is)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V say)))))) (S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V is)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V say)(S')))))) (S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V 's)(NP(PRON it)))) (S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V 's)(AP(A about))(NP(PRON it)))) (S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V 's)(AP(A all)))) (S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V 's)(AP(A all)(S'(S(NP(PRON i))(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V say))))))) (S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V 's)(AP(A all)(S'(S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V know)(PP(P about)(NP(PRON it))))))))) (S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V 's)(NP(DET the)(N trouble)))) (S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V 's)(AP(A just))(NP(DET the)(N trouble)))) (S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V 's)(AP(A just))(NP(PRON it)))) (S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V 's)(AP(A rich)))) (S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V 's)(NP(DET a)(AP(A good))(N boy)))) (S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V 's)(NP(DET a)(AP(A good))(PRON one)))) (S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V 's)(NP(DET the)(N stuff))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V give)(NP(DET the)(N troops))))))) (S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V 's)(NP(DET the)(N way)(S(NP(DET the)(N cookie))(VP(V crumbles)))))) (S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V 's)(NP(N life)))) (S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V 's)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON my)))(N boy/girl)))) (S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V 's)(PP(P for)(AP(A certain/sure))))) (S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V 's)(S'(COMP what)(S(NP(DET the)(N man))(VP(V said)))))) (S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V 's)(S'(COMP what)(S(NP(PRON i))(VP(V say)))))) (S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V 's)(S'(COMP what)(S(NP(PRON i))(AP(A always))(VP(V say)))))) (S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V 's)(S'(COMP what)(S(NP(PRON i))(AUX(MOD 'd))(VP(V like)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V know))))))))) (S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V 's)(S'(COMP what)(S(NP(PRON i))(VP(V want)))))) (S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V 's)(S'(COMP what)(S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V think)))))) (S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V 's)(S'(COMP where)(S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V are)(AP(A wrong))))))) (S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V was)(NP(DET a)(AP(A close))(N call)))) (S(NP(PRON they))(AUX(MOD shall)(NEG not))(VP(V pass))) (S(NP(PRON they))(AUX don't)(VP(V makeetc)(NP(PRON them))(AP(A like)(NP(N that)))(AP(AP(A any))(A more)))) (S(NP(PRON they)(S'(S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V live)(PP(P by)(NP(DET the)(N sword)))))))(AUX(MOD shall))(VP(V perish/die)(PP(P by)(NP(DET the)(N sword))))) (S(NP(PRON they))(VP(V order)(NP(N things))(AP(A better))(PP(P in)(NP(N france))))) (S(NP(PRON this))(AUX(MOD will))(VP(V hurt)(NP(PRON me))(AP(A more)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(PRON it))(AUX(MOD will))(VP(V hurt)(NP(PRON you)))))))) (S(NP(PRON this))(VP(V be)(NP(PRON it)))) (S(NP(PRON this))(VP(V be)(S'(COMP where)(S(NP(PRON we))(VP(V came)(PP(P in))))))) (S(NP(PRON this))(VP(V is)(NP(PRON it)))) (S(NP(PRON those)(S'(COMP(NP(PRON who)))(S(VP(V can)))))(VP(V do)))(S(NP(PRON those)(S'(COMP(NP(PRON who)))(S(VP(V cannot)))))(VP(V teach))) (S(S'(COMP(NP(PRON whom)))(S(NP(DET the)(N gods))(VP(V love))))(VP(V die)(AP(A young)))) (S(NP(PRON those)(S'(COMP(NP(PRON whom)))(S(NP(DET the)(N gods))(VP(V love)))))(VP(V die)(AP(A young)))) (S(NP(PRON those))(VP(V were)(NP(DET the)(N days)))) (S(NP(PRON we))(AUX(MOD shall))(VP(V see)(S'(COMP what)(S(NP(PRON we))(AUX(MOD shall))(VP(V see)))))) *(S(NP(PRON we))(AUX(V was/wuz))(VP(V robbed))) (S(NP(PRON we))(VP(V are)(NEG not)(AP(A amused)))) (S(NP(PRON we))(VP(V 're)(AP(A only))(AP(A here))(PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N beer))))) (S(NP(PRON what))(AUX(MOD could))(VP(V be)(AP(AP(DEG more))(A natural)(S'(COMP than)(S))))) (S(NP(PRON which/that))(AUX(V is)(NEG not))(VP(V saying)(AP(A much)))) (S(NP(PRON who))(VP(V am)(NP(PRON i))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V argue etc)))))) (S(NP(PRON who))(VP(V cares))) (S(NP(PRON you))(AUX(MOD can/can't))(VP(V take)(NP)(NP(N anywhere)))) (S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V bet)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON your)))(N life)))) (S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V bet)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON your)))(AP(A sweet))(N life)))) (S(NP(PRON you))(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V bet)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON your)))(N life)))) (S(NP(PRON you))(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V bet)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON your)))(AP(A sweet))(N life)))) (S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V bet)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON your)))(N life))(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V bet)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON your)))(AP(A sweet))(N life))(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (S(NP(PRON you))(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V bet)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON your)))(N life))(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (S(NP(PRON you))(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V bet)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON your)))(AP(A sweet))(N life))(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (S(NP(PRON you))(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V keep)(NP))) (S(NP(PRON you))(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V prove)(NP(N anything))(PP(P with/by)(NP(N statistics/figures))))) (S(NP(PRON you))(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V say)(NP(N that))(AP(A again)))) (S(NP(PRON you))(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V tell)(NP(DET a)(N man))(PP(P by)(NP(DET the)(N company)(S'(S(NP(PRON he))(VP(V keeps)))))))) (S(NP(PRON you))(AUX(MOD can't))(VP(V fool)(NP(N all)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N people))))(NP(N all)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N time)))))) (S(NP(PRON you))(AUX(MOD can't))(VP(V fool)(NP(QP(Q all))(DET the)(N people))(NP(QP(Q all))(DET the)(N time)))) (S(NP(PRON you))(AUX(MOD can't))(VP(V teach)(NP(DET an)(AP(A old))(N dog))(NP(AP(A new))(N tricks)))) (S(NP(PRON you))(AUX(MOD can't))(VP(V win))) (S(NP(PRON you))(AUX(MOD could))(VP(V say))) (S(NP(PRON you))(AUX(MOD could))(VP(V say)(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (S(NP(PRON you))(AUX(MOD could)(V have))(VP(V fooled)(NP(PRON me)))) (S(NP(PRON you))(AUX(MOD must)(V be))(VP(V joking/kidding))) (S(NP(PRON you))(AUX(V have))(VP(V got)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to)(V be))(VP(V joking/kidding)))))) (S(NP(PRON you))(AUX(V 're))(VP(V telling)(NP(PRON me)))) (S(NP(PRON you))(AUX(V 've))(VP(V said)(NP(PRON it)(AP(A all))))) *(S(NP(PRON you))(AUX ain't)(VP(V seen)(NP(N nothing))(AP(A yet)))) (S(NP(PRON you))(AUX don't)(VP(V mean)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V say)(S'(COMP that)(S))))))) (S(NP(PRON you))(AUX don't)(VP(V mean)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V tell)(NP(PRON me))(S'(COMP that)(S))))))) (S(NP(PRON you))(AUX don't)(VP(V say))) (S(NP(PRON you))(AUX don't)(VP(V say)(S(NP so)))) *(S(NP(PRON you))(VP(NP(N what)))) *(S(NP(PRON you))(VP(VP(V pays)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON your)))(N money)))(CONJ and)(VP(V takes)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON your)))(N choice))))) (S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V bet))) (S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V have)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to)(V be))(VP(V joking/kidding)))))) (S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V know))) (S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V know)(NP(N what)))) (S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V know)(S'(COMP what)(S(NP(PRON you))(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V do)))))) (S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V know)(S'(COMP what)(S(NP(PRON you))(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V do)(PP(P with)(NP(PRON it/sth)))))))) (S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V know)(S'(COMP where)(S(NP(PRON you))(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V put)(NP)))))) (S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V mark)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON my)))(N words)))) (S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V 're)(AP(A only))(AP(A young))(AP(A once)))) (S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V 're)(AP(A welcome)))) (S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V 're)(NP(DET a)(AP(A long))(N time))(AP(A dead)))) (S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V 're)(NP(DET the)(N boss)))) (S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V said)(NP(PRON it)))) (S(NP(PRON you/we))(AUX(AP(A only)))(VP(V live)(AP(A once)))) (S(NP(QP(AP(DEG too))(Q many))(N cooks))(VP(V spoil)(NP(DET the)(N broth)))) (S(NP(QP(Q all))(N cats))(VP(V are)(AP(A grey))(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N dark))))) (S(NP(QP(Q all))(N men))(AUX(V are))(VP(V created)(AP(A equal)))) (S(NP(QP(Q all))(N roads))(VP(V lead)(PP(P to)(NP(N rome))))) *(S(NP(QP(Q all))(N things))(VP(V considered))) (S(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N geese))(VP(V are)(NP(N swans)))) (S(NP(QP(Q all))(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N geese))(VP(V are)(NP(N swans)))) (S(NP(QP(Q every))(N cloud))(VP(V has)(NP(DET a)(AP(A silver))(N lining)))) (S(NP(QP(Q every))(N dog))(VP(V has)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his/its)))(N day)))) (S(NP(QP(Q every))(N little))(VP(V helps))) (S(NP(QP(Q every))(N man))(VP(V has)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N price)))) (S(NP(QP(Q every))(N picture))(VP(V tells)(NP(DET a)(N story)))) (S(NP(QP(Q every))(N schoolboy))(VP(V knows)(S))) (S(NP(QP(Q half))(DET a)(N loaf))(VP(V is)(AP(A better)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(QP(Q no))(N bread))))))) (S(NP(QP(Q many))(DET a)(N mickle))(VP(V makes)(NP(DET a)(N muckle)))) (S(NP(QP(Q many))(N hands))(VP(V make)(NP(AP(A light))(N work)))) (S(NP(QP(Q much))(N water))(AUX has)(VP(V runetc)(PP(P under)(NP(DET the)(N bridge))))) (S(NP(QP(Q no))(N man))(VP(V is)(NP(DET an)(N island)))) (S(NP(QP(Q no))(N news))(VP(V is)(NP(AP(A good))(N news)))) (S(NP(QP(Q one))(AP(A good))(N turn))(VP(V deserves)(NP(N another)))) (S(NP(QP(Q one))(N swallow))(AUX(V does)(NEG not))(VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N summer)))) (S(NP(QP(Q some))(N men))(VP(V are)(AP(AP(DEG more))(A equal)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(N others))))))) (S(NP(QP(Q two))(N blacks/wrongs))(AUX(V do)(NEG not))(VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N white/right)))) (S(NP(QP(Q two))(N heads))(VP(V are)(AP(A better)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(N one))))))) (S(NP that))(VP(V 's)(NP(DET the)(N way)(S'(S(NP(DET the)(N cookie))(VP(V crumbles)))))) (S(NP(S'(COMP what)(S(AUX is)(VP(V done)))))(AUX(MOD cannot)(V be))(VP(V undone))) (S(NP)(VP(V get)(S(VP(V going))))) (S(NP)(VP(V let)(VP(V fly)))) (S(NP)(VP(V let)(VP(V fly)(PP(P with)(NP sth))))) (S(NP)(VP(V let)(VP(V fly)(PP(P at)(NP sb))))) (S(NP)(VP(V let)(VP(V fly)(PP(P at)(NP sb))(PP(P with)(NP sth))))) (S(NP)(VP(V let)(VP(V go)))) (S(NP)(VP(V let)(VP(V go)))) (S(NP)(VP(V let)(VP(V go)(PP(P of)(NP))))) (S(NP)(VP(V let)(VP(V rip)))) (S(NP that)(AUX(V is)(NEG not))(VP(V saying)(AP(A much)))) (S(NP that)(VP(V makes)(SC(NP sb/sth)(VP(V tick))))) (S(NP that)(VP(V was)(NP(DET a)(AP(A close))(N call)))) (S(NP that/there)(VP(V is)(NP(N gratitude etc))(PP(P for)(NP(PRON you))))) (S(NP that/there)(VP(V 's)(NP(DET a)(AP(A good))(N boy etc)))) (S(NP there)(AUX(MOD should))(VP(V be)(NP(DET a)(N law))(PP(P against)(NP(PRON it etc))))) (S(NP there)(AUX(V 's))(VP(V got)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V be)(NP(DET a)(AP(A first))(N time))(PP(P for)(NP(N everything)))))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V are)(NP(AP(A more))(N fish)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N sea)))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V are)(NP(AP(A more))(AP(A good))(N fish)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N sea)))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V are)(NP(AP(AP(A plenty))(A more))(N fish)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N sea)))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V are)(NP(AP(AP(A plenty))(A more))(AP(A good))(N fish)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N sea)))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V are)(NP(AP(A more))(N things)(PP(P in)(NP(NP(N heaven))(CONJ and)(NP(N earth))))(S'(COMP than)(S(AUX(V are))(VP(V dreamt)(PP(P of))(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON your)))(N philosophy))))))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V are)(NP(QP(Q no))(N flies)(PP(P on)(NP))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V are)(NP(QP(Q no))(QP(Q two))(N ways)(PP(P about)(NP(PRON it)))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V areetc)(NP(N fairies))(PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N bottom)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)/(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N garden))))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V is)(AP(A always))(NP(N room))(PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N top))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NEG not)(NP(N anything)(AP(A like)(NP(N sth)))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NEG not)(NP(N anything)(AP(A like)(NP(N sth))))(PP(P for)(S(VP(V doing)(NP sth)))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NEG not)(NP(N anything)(AP(A like)(NP(N sth)))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NEG not)(NP(N anything)(AP(A like)(NP(N sth))))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP sth)))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NEG not)(NP(QP(Q any))(N question)))) (S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NP(DET a)(N sucker)(S(VP(V born)(NP(QP(Q every))(N minute))))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NP(DET the)(N devil)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V pay)(PP(P for)(NP)))))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NP(DET a)(N time))(PP(P for)(NP(N everything))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NP(DET a)(N time))(CONJ and)(NP(DET a)(N place))(PP(P for)(NP(N everything))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NP(NP(DET a)(N time)))(PP(P for)(NP(N everything))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NP(NP(DET a)(N time))(CONJ and)(NP(DET a)(N place)))(PP(P for)(NP(N everything))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NP(N honour))(PP(P among)(NP(N thieves))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NP(N life))(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(AP(A old))(N boyetc)))(AP(A yet)))) (S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NP(N nothing)(AP(A like)(NP(N sth)))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NP(N nothing)(AP(A like)(NP(N sth))))(PP(P for)(S(VP(V doing)(NP sth)))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NP(N nothing)(AP(A like)(NP(N sth)))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NP(N nothing)(AP(A like)(NP(N sth))))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP sth)))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NP(N nothing)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V choose)(PP(P between)(NP(NP)(CONJ and)(NP))))))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NP(N room)(PP(P for)(NP(N improvement)))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NP(PRON one)(S(VP(V born)(NP(QP(Q every))(N minute))))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NP(PRON that)))) *(S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NP(QP(Q no))(N denying)(S'(COMP that)(S))))) *(S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NP(QP(Q no))(N denying etc)(NP(PRON it etc))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NP(QP(Q no))(N future)))) (S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NP(QP(Q no))(N future))(PP(P in)(NP(N sb))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NP(QP(Q no))(N future))(PP(P for)(NP(N sb))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NP(QP(Q no))(N future))(PP(P for)(NP(N sb)))(PP(P in)(NP(N sb))))) *(S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NP(QP(Q no))(N holding)(NP)))) *(S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NP(QP(Q no))(N holding/stopping)(NP(N sb))))) *(S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NP(QP(Q no))(N knowingetc)(NP what)))) *(S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NP(QP(Q no))(N knowingetc)(S'(COMP what)(S))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NP(QP(Q no))(N law)(PP(P against)(NP(PRON itetc)))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NP(QP(Q no))(N looking)(AP(A back))))) *(S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NP(QP(Q no))(N looking)(AP(A back etc))))) *(S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NP(QP(Q no))(N mistaking)(NP(N sb/sth))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NP(QP(Q no))(N need))(PP(P for)(NP(N sb/sth))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP(N sth)))))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NP(QP(Q no))(N need)(S'(COMP for)(S(NP sth/sb)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP sth))))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NP(QP(Q no))(N occasion))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP(N sth))))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NP(QP(Q no))(N occasion))(PP(P for)(NP(N sb))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP(N sth)))))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NP(QP(Q no))(N occasion))(PP(P for)(NP(N sth))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NP(QP(Q no))(N occasion)(S'(COMP for)(S(NP sth/sb)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP sth))))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NP(QP(Q no))(N question)))) (S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NP(QP(Q no))(N room))(PP(P for)(NP(N doubtetc))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NP(QP(Q no))(N smoke))(PP(P without)(NP(N fire))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NP(QP(Q no))(N stopping)(NP)))) (S(NP there)(VP(V is)(NP(QP(Q no))(N time)(AP(A like)(NP(DET the)(N present)))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V is)(S(NP(N nothing))(VP(V doing))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V isetc)(NP(DET the)(N devil))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V pay)))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V isetc)(NP(NP(DET the)(N devil))(CONJ and)(NP(N all)))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V pay)))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V isetc)(NP(NP(DET the)(N devil))(CONJ and)(NP(QP(Q all))(N hell)))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V pay)))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V is/lies)(NP(DET the)(N rub)))) (S(NP there)(VP(V 's)(AP(A more)(PP(P to)(NP))(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(PRON that))))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V 's)(AP(A more)(PP(P to)(NP))(S'(COMP than)(S(VP(V meets)(NP(DET the)(N eye)))))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V 's)(NP(DET a)(AP(A first))(N time))(PP(P for)(NP(N everything))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V 's)(NP(N gold))(PP(P in)(NP(DET them)(AP(A thar))(N hills))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V 's)(NP(N method))(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N madness))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V 's)(NP(N none)(AP(AP(DEG so))(A blind)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N those)(S'(S(NP(PRON who))(AUX(MOD will)(NEG not))(VP(V see))))))))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V 's)(NP(N nowt)(AP(AP(DEG so))(A queer/funny)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N folk)))))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V 's)(NP(QP(Q many))(DET a)(N slip))(PP(P 'twixt)(NP(NP(N cup))(CONJ and)(NP(N lip)))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V 's)(NP(QP(Q many))(DET a)(N slip))(PP(P 'twixt)(NP(NP(N cup))(CONJ and)(NP(DET the)(N lip)))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V 's)(NP(QP(Q many))(DET a)(N slip))(PP(P 'twixt)(NP(NP(DET the)(N cup))(CONJ and)(NP(N lip)))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V 's)(NP(QP(Q many))(DET a)(N slip))(PP(P 'twixt)(NP(NP(DET the)(N cup))(CONJ and)(NP(DET the)(N lip)))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V 's)(NP(QP(Q no))(N business)(AP(A like)(NP(N(N show)(N business))))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V 's)(NP(QP(Q no))(N fool)(AP(A like)(NP(DET an)(AP(A old))(N fool)))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V 's)(NP(QP(Q no))(N peace))(PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N wicked))))) (S(NP there)(VP(V 's)(NP(QP(Q no))(N place)(AP(A like)(NP(N home)))))) *(S(NP there)(VP(V 's/is)(NP(QP(Q no))(N denying)(NP)))) (S(NP there)(VP(V was)(NP(DET a)(N time)(S'(COMP when)(S))))) (S(NP this)(AUX(MOD will))(VP(V hurt)(NP(PRON me))(AP(A more)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V hurts)(NP(PRON you)))))))) (S(NP this)(VP(V is)(NP(PRON it)))) (S(NP this)(VP(V is)(S'(COMP where)(S(NP(PRON we))(VP(V came)(PP(P in))))))) (S(NP those)(VP(V were)(NP(DET the)(N days)))) (S(S(AP(A first))(VP(V come))),(CONJ)(S(AP(A first))(VP(V served)))) (S(S(AUX(V did))(NP(PRON he))(VP(V fall)))(CONJ or)(S(AUX(V was))(NP(PRON he))(VP(V pushed)))) (S(S(AUX(V don't)(AP(A just)))(VP(V sit)(AP(A there))))(CONJ)(S(VP(V do)(NP(N something))))) (S(AUX don't)(AP(A just))(VP(V stand)(NP(N there)))) (S(AUX don't)(AP(A just))(VP(V stand)(NP(N there))))(CONJ)(S(VP(V do)(NP(N something)))) (S(S(AUX don't)(AP(A just))(VP(V stand)(NP(N there))))) (S(S(AUX don't)(AP(A just))(VP(V stand)(NP(N there))))(CONJ)(S(VP(V do)(NP(N something))))) (S(S(AUX don't)(VP(V call)(NP(PRON us)))),(CONJ)(S(NP(PRON we))(AUX(MOD 'll))(VP(V call)(NP(PRON you))))) (S(S(AUX don't)(VP(V call)(NP(PRON us))))(CONJ)(S(NP(PRON we))(AUX 'll)(VP(V call)(NP(PRON you))))) (S(S(AUX don't)(VP(V look)(AP(A now)))),(CONJ but)(S)) (S(SC(NP(DET the)(N better))(NP(DET the)(N day)))(S'(S(SC(NP(DET the)(N better))(NP(DET the)(N deed)))))) (S'(S'(COMP(AP(A now)))(S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V see)(NP(PRON it)))))(CONJ)(S'(COMP(AP(A now)))(S(NP(PRON you))(AUX(V do)(NEG not))))) *(S'(S'(COMP(AP(A once)))(S(AP(A bitten)))),(CONJ)(S'(COMP(AP(A twice)))(S(AP(A shy))))) *(S'(S'(COMP(AP(A once)))(S(NP(DET a)(N gentleman)))),(CONJ)(S'(COMP(AP(A always)))(S(NP(DET a)(N gentleman))))) *(S'(S'(COMP(AP(A once)))(S(VP(V seenetc))))(CONJ)(S'(COMP(AP(A never/not)))(S(VP(V forgotten))))) (S'(COMP(AP(A united)))(S(NP(PRON we))(VP(V stand)))) (S'(COMP(AP(A united)))(S(NP(PRON we))(VP(V stand))))(CONJ)(S'(COMP(AP(A divided)))(S(NP(PRON we))(VP(V fall)))) (S'(S'(COMP(AP(A united)))(S(NP(PRON we))(VP(V stand))))) (S'(S'(COMP(AP(A united)))(S(NP(PRON we))(VP(V stand))))(CONJ)(S'(COMP(AP(A divided)))(S(NP(PRON we))(VP(V fall))))) (S(S'(COMP(NP(PRON what)))(S(AUX(V be))(VP(V done))))(AUX(MOD cannot)(V be))(VP(V undone))) (S(S'(COMP(NP(PRON what)))(S(VP(V is)(NP(N sauce)(PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N goose)))))))(VP(V is)(NP(N sauce)(PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N gander)))))) (S'(S'(COMP(S'(COMP when)(S(NP(PRON she))(VP(V is)(AP(A good))))))(S(NP(PRON she))(VP(V is)(AP(AP(DEG very))(AP(DEG very))(A good)))))(CONJ but)(S'(COMP(S'(COMP when)(S(NP(PRON she))(VP(V is)(AP(A bad))))))(S(NP(PRON she))(VP(V is)(AP(A horrid)))))) (S'(S'(COMP(S(NP(N heads))))(S(NP(PRON i))(VP(V win)))),(CONJ)(S'(COMP(S(NP(N tails))))(S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V lose))))) (S(S(NP(DET the)(N higher))(NP(PRON you))(VP(V climbetc)))(CONJ,)(S(NP(DET the)(N harder))(NP(PRON you))(VP(V fall)))) (S(NP(DET the)(N mills)(PP(P of)(NP(NG od))))(VP(V grind)(AP(A slowly)))) (S(S(NP(DET the)(N mills)(PP(P of)(NP(NG od))))(VP(V grind)(AP(A slowly))))(CONJ but)(S(NP(PRON they))(VP(V grind)(AP(AP(A exceeding))(A small))))) (S(NP(DET the)(N spirit))(VP(V is)(AP(A willing)))) (S(S(NP(DET the)(N spirit))(VP(V is)(AP(A willing))))(CONJ but)(S(NP(DET the)(N flesh))(VP(V is)(AP(A weak))))) (S(S(NP(NP(N sticks))(CONJ and)(NP(N stones)))(AUX(MOD will))(VP(V break)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON my)))(N bones))))(CONJ but)(S(NP(N names))(AUX(MOD will)(AP(A never)))(VP(V hurt)(NP(PRON me))))) (S(S(NP(N heads))(NP(PRON i))(VP(V win)))(CONJ,)(S(NP(N tails))(NP(PRON you))(VP(V lose)))) (S(S(NP(N justice))(AUX(MOD must)(NEG not)(AP(A only))(V be))(VP(V done)))(CONJ)(S(NP(PRON it))(AUX(MOD must)(V be))(VP(V seen)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to)(V be))(VP(V done))))))) *(S(S(NP(N least))(VP(V said))),(S(AP(A soonest))(VP(V mended/forgotten)))) (S(S(NP(N man))(VP(V proposes)))(CONJ but)(S(NP(N god))(VP(V disposes)))) (S(S(NP(N many))(AUX(V are))(VP(V called)))(CONJ but)(S(NP(N few))(AUX(V are))(VP(V chosen)))) (S(S(NP(N nothing))(VP(V ventured)))(S(NP(N nothing))(VP(V gained/won)))) *(S(S(NP(N penny))(AP(A plain)))(CONJ or)(S(NP(N tuppence))(AP(A coloured)))) *(S(S(NP(N penny))(AP(A wise))),(S(NP(N pound))(AP(A foolish)))) (S(S(NP(N poets))(AUX(V are))(VP(V born)))(CONJ)(S(AUX(NEG not))(VP(V made)))) (S(NP(N possession))(VP(V is)(NP(QP(Q nine))(N partsetc)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N law)))))) (S(S(NP(N speech))(VP(V is)(AP(A silver))))(CONJ but)(S(NP(N silence))(VP(V is)(AP(A golden))))) (S(S(NP(N things))(VP(V fall)(AP(A apart)))),(CONJ)(S(NP(DET the)(N centre))(AUX cannot)(VP(V hold)))) (S(NP(N two))(VP(V 's)(NP(N company)))), (S(S(NP(N two))(VP(V 's)(NP(N company)))),(CONJ)(S(NP(N three))(VP(V 's)(NP(DET a)(N crowd))))) *(S(S(NP(PRON i))(AUX(V would))(S'(COMP if)(S(NP(PRON i))(AUX(V could)))))(CONJ but)(S(NP(PRON i))(AUX(V can't)))) (S(S(NP(PRON i))(VP(V 'm)(AP(A sorry))))(CONJ)(S)) (S(S(NP(PRON i))(VP(V 'm)(AP(A sorry))))(CONJ but)(S)) (S(S(NP(PRON it))(AUX(AP(A never)))(VP(V rains)))(CONJ but)(S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V pours)))) (S(S(NP(PRON that))(VP(V is)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N story))))(CONJ and)(S(NP(PRON he))(AUX 's)(VP(V sticking)(PP(P to)(NP(PRON it)))))) (S(S(NP(PRON you))(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V take)(NP(DET)(N horse))(PP(P to)(NP(N water)))))(CONJ but)(S(NP(PRON you))(AUX(MOD can't))(VP(V make)(SC(NP(PRON it))(VP(V drink)))))) (S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V name)(NP(PRON it)))) (S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V name)(NP(PRON it))))(CONJ)(S(NP(PRON they))(VP(V have)(NP(PRON it)))) (S(S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V name)(NP(PRON it))))) (S(S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V name)(NP(PRON it))))(CONJ)(S(NP(PRON they))(VP(V have)(NP(PRON it))))) *(S(S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V pays)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON your)))(N money))))(CONJ and)(S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V takes)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON your)))(N choice))))) (S(S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V scratch)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON my)))(N back))))(CONJ and)(S(NP(PRON i))(AUX(MOD 'll))(VP(V scratch)(NP(PRON yours))))) (S(S(NP(QP(Q some)))(AUX(V are))(VP(V born)(AP(A greatetc))))(CONJ)(S(NP(N some))(VP(V achieve)(NP(N greatnessetc))))(CONJ and)(S(NP(N some))(VP(V have)(NP(N greatnessetc))(AP(A thrust)(PP(P upon)(NP(PRON them))))))) (S(S(NP(QP(Q some))(N men))(AUX(V are))(VP(V born)(AP(A greatetc))))(CONJ)(S(NP(N some))(VP(V achieve)(NP(N greatnessetc))))(CONJ and)(S(NP(N some))(VP(V have)(NP(N greatnessetc))(AP(A thrust)(PP(P upon)(NP(PRON them))))))) (S(S(NP)(VP(V is)(AP(A dead))))(CONJ but)(S(NP(PRON))(AUX(MOD won't))(VP(V lie)(PP(P down))))) (S'(S(PRO)(AUX(NEG not)(to))(VP(V mention)(NP)))) (S'(S(PRO)(AUX(NEG not)(to))(VP(V put)(NP(AP(AP(A too))(A fine))(DET a)(N point))(PP(P on)(NP(N it)))))) (S'(S(PRO)(AUX(NEG not)(to))(VP(V worry)))) (S'(S(PRO)(AUX(NEG not)(to)(V be))(VP(V outdone)))) (S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V be)(AP(A exact))))) (S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V be)(AP(A honest))))) (S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V be)(AP(A sure))))) (S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V beat)(NP(DET the)(N band))))) (S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V begin)(PP(P with))))) (VP(V crown)(NP(PRON it)(QP(Q all)))) (S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V crown)(NP(PRON it)(QP(Q all)))))) (S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V cut)(NP(DET a)(AP(A long))(N story))(AP(A short))))) (VP(V go)(PP(P to)(NP(N hell)))) (S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V go)(PP(P to)(NP(N hell)))))) (S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V name)(NP(AP(A but))(DET a)(N few))))) (VP(V put)(NP(PRON it))(AP(AP(DEG no))(A higher))) (S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V put)(NP(PRON it))(AP(AP(DEG no))(A higher))))) (S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V say)(NP(DET the)(N least)(PP(P of)(NP(PRON it))))))) (S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V say)(NP(N nothing))(PP(P of)(NP))))) (S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V start)(PP(P with)(S))))) (S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V tell)(NP(PRON you))(AP(A mildly))))) (S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V tell)(NP(PRON you))(NP(DET the)(N truth))))) (S'(S(PRO)(NEG never)(AUX(to)(V be))(VP(V forgotten)))) (S'(S(PRO)(NEG not)(AUX(to))(VP(V mention)(NP sth/sb)))) (S'(S(PRO)(NEG not)(AUX(to))(VP(V speak)(PP(P of)(NP sth/sb))))) (S'(S(PRO)(NEG not)(AUX(to))(VP(V worry)))) (S'(S(PRO)(NEG not)(AUX(to)(V be))(VP(V outdone)))) (S(S(S(NP(NE ast))(VP(V is)(NP(NE ast))))(CONJ and)(S(NP(NW est))(VP(V is)(NP(NW est)))))(CONJ and)(S(NEG never)(NP(DET the)(N twain))(AUX(MOD shall))(VP(V meet)))) (S(S(NP(N men))(AUX(MOD may))(VP(V come)))(CONJ and)(S(NP(N men))(AUX(MOD may))(VP(V go)))) (S(S(S(NP(N men))(AUX(MOD may))(VP(V come)))(CONJ and)(S(NP(N men))(AUX(MOD may))(VP(V go))))(CONJ but)(S(NP(PRON i))(VP(V go)(AP(A on))(PP(P for)(NP(N ever)))))) (S(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V travel)(AP(A hopefully)))))(VP(V is)(AP(A better)(S'(COMP than)(S(RPO)(AUX(to))(VP(V arrive))))))) (S(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V travel)(AP(A hopefully)))))(VP(V is)(NP(DET a)(AP(A better)(N thing)(S'(COMP than)(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V arrive)))))))) (S(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V understand)(NP(N all)))))(VP(V is)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V forgive)(NP(N all))))))) (S(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V err))))(VP(V is)(AP(A human)))) (S(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V err))))(VP(V is)(AP(A human))))(CONJ)(S(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V forgive))))(VP(AP(A divine)))) (S(S(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V err))))(VP(V is)(AP(A human))))) (S(S(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V err))))(VP(V is)(AP(A human))))(CONJ)(S(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V forgive))))(VP(AP(A divine))))) (S(S(VP(V laugh)))(CONJ and)(S(NP(DET the)(N world))(VP(V laughs)(PP(P with)(NP(PRON you)))))) (S(S(VP(V laugh)))(CONJ and)(S(NP(DET the)(N world))(VP(V laughs)(PP(P with)(NP(PRON you))))))(CONJ)(S(S(VP(V weep)))(CONJ and)(S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V weep)(AP(A alone))))) (S(S(S(VP(V laugh)))(CONJ and)(S(NP(DET the)(N world))(VP(V laughs)(PP(P with)(NP(PRON you))))))) (S(S(S(VP(V laugh)))(CONJ and)(S(NP(DET the)(N world))(VP(V laughs)(PP(P with)(NP(PRON you))))))(CONJ)(S(S(VP(V weep)))(CONJ and)(S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V weep)(AP(A alone)))))) (S(S(VP(V believe)(NP(PRON it))))(CONJ or)(S(AUX(NEG not)))) (S(VP(V cry)(NP(N havoc)))) (S(VP(V cry)(NP(N havoc))))(CONJ and)(S(VP(V let)(VP(V slip)(NP(DET the)(N dogs)(PP(P of)(NP(N war))))))) (S(S(VP(V cry)(NP(N havoc))))) (S(S(VP(V cry)(NP(N havoc))))(CONJ and)(S(VP(V let)(VP(V slip)(NP(DET the)(N dogs)(PP(P of)(NP(N war)))))))) (S(S(VP(V do)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(PRON i))(VP(V say)))))),(CONJ)(S(AUX(NEG not))(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(PRON i))(VP(V do)))))) (S(VP(V give)(NP(DET a)(N man))(NP(AP(A enough))(N rope)))) (S(VP(V give)(NP(DET a)(N man))(NP(AP(A enough))(N rope))))(CONJ and)(S(NP(PRON he))(AUX(MOD 'll))(VP(V hang)(NP(PRON himself)))) (S(S(VP(V give)(NP(DET a)(N man))(NP(AP(A enough))(N rope))))) (S(S(VP(V give)(NP(DET a)(N man))(NP(AP(A enough))(N rope))))(CONJ and)(S(NP(PRON he))(AUX(MOD 'll))(VP(V hang)(NP(PRON himself))))) (S(VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET an)(N inch)))) (S(VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET an)(N inch))))(CONJ and)(S(NP(PRON he))(AUX(MOD 'll))(VP(V take)(NP(DET a)(N mile)))) (S(S(VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET an)(N inch))))) (S(S(VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET an)(N inch))))(CONJ and)(S(NP(PRON he))(AUX(MOD 'll))(VP(V take)(NP(DET a)(N mile))))) (VP(V concentrates)(NP(DET the)(N mind))(AP(A wonderfully))) (S(S(VP(V hanging)))(VP(V concentrates)(NP(DET the)(N mind))(AP(A wonderfully)))) (S(S(VP(V kicking)))(CONJ and)(S(VP(V screaming)))) (S(S(VP(V laugh)))(CONJ and)(S(NP(DET the)(N world))(VP(V laughs)(PP(P with)(NP(PRON you)))))) *(S(S(VP(V love)(NP(PRON me))))(S(VP(V love)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON my)))(N dog/friends))))) (S(S(VP(V marry)(PP(P in)(NP(N haste)))))(CONJ)(S(VP(V repent)(PP(P at)(NP(N leisure)))))) (S(S(VP(V put)(NP(PRON that))(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N pipe)))))(CONJ and)(S(VP(V smoke)(NP(PRON it))))) (S(S(VP(V rise/arise)))(CONJ and)(S(VP(V shine)))) (S(S(VP(V scratch)(NP)))(CONJ and)(S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V find)(NP/S)))) (S(S(VP(V sow)(NP(DET the)(N wind))))(CONJ and)(S(VP(V reap)(NP(DET the)(N whirlwind))))) (S(S(VP(V spare)(NP(DET the)(N rod))))(CONJ and)(S(VP(V spoil)(NP(DET the)(N child))))) (S(S(VP(V speak)(AP(A now))))(CONJ or)(S(AUX(AP(A forever)))(VP(V hold)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N peace))))) (S(S(VP(V stand)))(CONJ and)(S(VP(V deliver)))) (S(VP(V talk)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N devil))))) (S(VP(V talk)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N devil)))))(CONJ and)(S(NP(PRON he))(VP(V appears))) (S(S(VP(V talk)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N devil)))))) (S(S(VP(V talk)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N devil)))))(CONJ and)(S(NP(PRON he))(VP(V appears)))) *(S(S(VP(V waste)(NEG not)))(CONJ)(S(VP(V want)(NEG not)))) (S(S(VP(V watch)))(CONJ and)(S(VP(V pray)))) (S(S(VP(V wheeling)))(CONJ and)(S(VP(V dealing)))) (S(VP(AP(A long))(V live)(NP(DET the)(NK ingetc)))) (S(VP(AP(A never))(V leave)(PP(P till)(NP(N tomorrow)))(S'(COMP(PRON what))(S(NP(PRON you))(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V do)(NP(N today))))))) (S(VP(AP(A never))(V look)(PP(P back)))) (S(VP(AP(A never))(V mind))) (S(VP(AP(A never))(V mind)(NP/S'))) (S(VP(AP(A never))(V put)(PP(P off))(PP(P till)(NP(N tomorrow)))(S'(COMP(PRON what))(S(NP(PRON you))(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V do)(NP(N today))))))) (S(VP(AP(A never))(V say)(S'(S(VP(V die)))))) (S(VP(AP(A only))(V connect))) (S(VP(AP(A strictly etc))(V speaking))) ((VP(V)(AP(A early))(PP(P to)(NP(N bed))))(CONJ and)(S'(AP(A early))(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V rise))))) (S((VP(V)(AP(A early))(PP(P to)(NP(N bed))))(CONJ and)(S'(AP(A early))(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V rise)))))(VP(V makes)(NP(DET a)(N man))(AP(AP(A healthy))(CONJ)(AP(A wealthy))(CONJ and)(AP(A wise))))) *(S(VP(V be))(NP(N that))(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(PRON it))(AUX(MOD may))))) (S(VP(V but)(NP(PRON me))(NP(QP(Q no))(N buts)))) (S(VP(V call)(NP(PRON it))(S'(COMP what/which)(S(NP(PRON you))(AUX(MOD will)))))) (S(VP(V come)(PP(P on))(PP(P in))))(S(NP(DET the)(N water))(VP(V 's)(AP(A fine)))) *(S(VP(V come))),(S(VP(V come))) *(S(VP(V gather))(NP(N ye))(NP(N rosebuds))(S'(COMP while)(S(NP(N ye))(AUX(MOD may))))) (S(VP(V get)(NP(DET a)(N move))(PP(P on)))) (S(VP(V go)(AP(A west))),) (S(VP(V go)(AP(A west))),(NP(AP(A young))(N man))) (S(VP(V go)(PP(P for)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON your)))(N life))))) (S(VP(V join)(NP(DET the)(N club)))) (S(VP(V locketc)(NP(DET the)(N(N stable)(N door)))(PP(P after)(S(NP(DET the)(N horse))(AUX(V has))(VP(V boltedetc)))))) (S(VP(V look)))(S(NP(NEG no)(N hands))) (S(VP(V mind)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON your)))(AP(A own))(N business)))) (S(VP(V put)(NP(DET a)(N sock))(PP(P in)(NP(PRON it))))) (S(VP(V run)(NP(PRON that))(PP(P by)(NP(PRON me)))(AP(A again)))) (S(VP(V search)(NP(PRON me)))) *(S(VP(V suffice))(NP(PRON it))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V say)(S'(COMP that)(S)))))) (S(VP(V thank)(NP(N goodness)))) (S(VP(V thank)(NP(N goodness))(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (S(VP(V thank)(NP(PRON you))(AP(AP(DEG very))(A much)))) (S(VP(V thank)(NP(PRON you)))) (S(VP(V thank)(NP(PRON you))(PP(P for)(NP/S)))) (VP(AP(A clean))(V forget)) (VP(AP(A hard))(V done)(PP(P by)(NP))) (VP(AP(A never))(V cease)(S'(PRO)(S(AUX(to))(VP(V wonder))))) (VP(AP(A never))(V cease)(S'(PRO)(S(AUX(to))(VP(V wonder)(PP(P at)(NP)))))) (VP(AP(A never))(V cease)(S'(PRO)(S(AUX(to))(VP(V wonderetc))))) (VP(AP(A never))(V cease)(S'(PRO)(S(AUX(to))(VP(V wonderetc)(PP(P at)(NP sth/sb)))))) (VP(AP(A never))(V clap)(NP(N eyes))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(AP(A never))(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(N anything)))) (VP(AP(A never))(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(N much)))) (VP(AP(A never))(V have etc)(NP(DET a)(AP(A dull))(N moment))) (VP(AP(A never))(V lay)(NP(DET a)(N finger/hand))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(AP(A never))(V miss)(NP(DET a)(N trick/move))) (VP(V going)(AP(A strong))) (VP(AP(A still))(V going)(AP(A strong))) (VP(AP(A well))(V disposed)(PP(P towards)(NP))) (VP(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N head)))(V be)(NP(PRON it))) (VP(V(A soft)(V pedal))(NP(N sth))) (VP(V(A soft)(V pedal))(PP(P on)(NP(N sth)))) (VP(V)(NP(DET a)(N sprat))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V catch)(NP(DET a)(N mackerel/whale)))))) (VP(VP(AP(A easy))(V come)),(CONJ)(VP(AP(A easy))(V go))) (VP(VP(AP(A fast))(V bind)),(CONJ)(VP(AP(A fast))(V find))) (VP(VP(AP(A safe))(V bind)),(CONJ)(VP(AP(A safe))(V find))) (VP(VP(V)(AP(A here))(AP(A today)))(CONJ and)(VP(V)(AP(A gone))(AP(A tomorrow)))) (VP(VP(V damn))(CONJ and)(VP(V blast))) (VP(VP(V damn))(CONJ and)(VP(V blast)))(NP sb/sth) (VP(VP(VP(V damn))(CONJ and)(VP(V blast)))) (VP(VP(VP(V damn))(CONJ and)(VP(V blast)))(NP sb/sth)) (VP(VP(VP(V give))(CONJ or)(VP(V take)))(NP(AP(A ten))(N years))) (VP(VP(V hope))(CONJ and)(VP(V trust))) (VP(VP(V hope))(CONJ and)(VP(V trust)))(S'(COMP that)(S)) (VP(VP(VP(V hope))(CONJ and)(VP(V trust)))) (VP(VP(VP(V hope))(CONJ and)(VP(V trust)))(S'(COMP that)(S))) (VP(VP(VP(V tar))(CONJ and)(VP(V feather)))(NP(N sb))) (VP(VP(V aid))(CONJ and)(VP(V abet))) (VP(VP(V been))(CONJ and)(VP(V gone))(CONJ and)(VP(V done)(NP(PRON it/sth)))) (VP(VP(V beg))(CONJ)(VP(V borrow))(CONJ or)(VP(V steal))) (VP(VP(V bill))(CONJ and)(VP(V coo))) (VP(VP(V bow))(CONJ and)(VP(V scrape))) (VP(VP(V break))(CONJ and)(VP(V enter))) (VP(VP(V chop))(CONJ and)(VP(V change))) (VP(VP(V come))(CONJ and)(VP(V go))) (VP(VP(V come)(NP(N one))),(CONJ)(VP(V come)(NP(N all)))) (VP(VP(V come)(NP(N rain))),(CONJ)(VP(V come)(NP(N shine)))) (VP(VP(V creep))(CONJ and)(VP(V crawl))) (VP(V cross)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON my)))(N heart)))(VP(V cross)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON my)))(N heart)))(CONJ and)(VP(V hope)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V die)))))(VP(VP(V cut))(CONJ and)(VP(V come)(AP(A again)))) (VP(VP(V cut))(CONJ and)(VP(V run))) (VP(V cut)(NP(DET the)(N cackle))) (VP(V cut)(NP(DET the)(N cackle)))(CONJ and)(VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N hosses)))) (VP(VP(V cut)(NP(DET the)(N cackle)))) (VP(VP(V cut)(NP(DET the)(N cackle)))(CONJ and)(VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N hosses))))) (VP(VP(V divide))(CONJ and)(VP(V rule))) (VP(VP(V do))(CONJ or)(VP(V die))) (VP(V do)(NP(N good))(PP(P by)(NP(N stealth)))) (VP(V do)(NP(N good))(PP(P by)(NP(N stealth))))(CONJ and)(VP(V blush)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V find)(AP(A fame))/(SC(NP(PRON it))(AP(A known))))))) (VP(VP(V do)(NP(N good))(PP(P by)(NP(N stealth))))) (VP(VP(V do)(NP(N good))(PP(P by)(NP(N stealth))))(CONJ and)(VP(V blush)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V find)(AP(A fame))/(SC(NP(PRON it))(AP(A known)))))))) (VP(VP(V dot))(CONJ and)(VP(V carry))) (VP(VP(V dot))(CONJ and)(VP(V carry)(NP(PRON one)))) (VP(V dot)(NP(DET the)(N i's))) (VP(V dot)(NP(DET the)(N i's)))(CONJ and)(VP(V cross)(NP(DET the)(N t's))) (VP(VP(V dot)(NP(DET the)(N i's)))) (VP(VP(V dot)(NP(DET the)(N i's)))(CONJ and)(VP(V cross)(NP(DET the)(N t's)))) (VP(VP(V ebb))(CONJ and)(VP(V flow))) (VP(VP(V feed)(NP(DET a)(N cold)))(CONJ and)(VP(V starve)(NP(DET a)(N fever)))) (VP(VP(V forgive))(CONJ and)(VP(V forget))) (VP(VP(V fret))(CONJ and)(VP(V fume))) (VP(VP(V give))(CONJ and)(VP(V take))) (VP(V give)(NP(DET a)(N dog))(NP(DET a)(AP(A bad/ill))(N name))) (VP(V give)(NP(DET a)(N dog))(NP(DET a)(AP(A bad/ill))(N name)))(CONJ and)(VP(V hang)(NP(PRON him))) (VP(VP(V give)(NP(DET a)(N dog))(NP(DET a)(AP(A bad/ill))(N name)))) (VP(VP(V give)(NP(DET a)(N dog))(NP(DET a)(AP(A bad/ill))(N name)))(CONJ and)(VP(V hang)(NP(PRON him)))) (VP(VP(V go)(AP(A farther/further)))(CONJ and)(VP(V fare)(AP(A worse)))) (VP(VP(V go))(CONJ)(VP(V chew)(NP(N bricks)))) (VP(VP(V go))(CONJ and)(VP(V chew)(NP(N bricks)))) (VP(VP(V go))(CONJ and)(VP(V do)(NP sth))) (VP(V go)(NP(N places))) (VP(V go)(NP(N places)))(CONJ and)(VP(V see)(NP(N people))) (VP(VP(V go)(NP(N places)))) (VP(VP(V go)(NP(N places)))(CONJ and)(VP(V see)(NP(N people)))) (VP(VP(V go)(PP(P in)))(CONJ and)(VP(V win))) (VP(VP(V going))(CONJ)(VP(V going))(CONJ)(VP(V gone))) (VP(VP(V grin))(CONJ and)(VP(V bear)(NP(PRON it)))) (VP(VP(V hail))(CONJ and)(VP(V farewell))) (VP(VP(V have)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N cake)))(CONJ and)(VP(V eat)(NP(PRON it)))) (VP(VP(V have)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N cake)))(CONJ and)(VP(V eat)(NP(PRON it))(AP(A too)))) (VP(VP(V hide))(CONJ and)(VP(V seek))) (VP(VP(V hire))(CONJ and)(VP(V fire))) (VP(VP(V hit))(CONJ and)(VP(V miss))) (VP(VP(V hit))(CONJ and)(VP(V run))) (VP(VP(V huff))(CONJ and)(VP(V puff))) (VP(VP(V hum))(CONJ and)(VP(V ha))) (VP(VP(V hum))(CONJ and)(VP(V haw))) (VP(VP(V huntin'))(CONJ)(VP(V shootin'))(CONJ)(VP(V fishin'))) (VP(VP(V hustle))(CONJ and)(VP(V bustle))) (VP(VP(V keep)(NP(DET a)(N dog)))(CONJ and)(VP(V bark)(NP(PRON oneself)))) (VP(VP(V kill))(CONJ or)(VP(V cure))) (VP(VP(V like)(NP(PRON it)))(CONJ or)(VP(NEG not))) (VP(VP(V like)(NP(PRON it)))(CONJ or)(VP(V lump)(NP(PRON it)))) (VP(VP(V live))(CONJ and)(VP(V let)(S(VP(V live))))) (VP(VP(V love)(NP(N sb)))(CONJ and)(VP(V leave)(NP(N sb)))) (VP(VP(V make))(CONJ or)(VP(V break))) etc (VP(VP(V make/win)(NP(N friends)))(CONJ and)(VP(V influence)(NP(N people)))) (VP(VP(V marry)(PP(P in)(NP(N haste))))(CONJ,)(VP(V repent)(PP(P at)(NP(N leisure))))) (VP(VP(V moan))(CONJ and)(VP(V groan))) (VP(VP(V ooh))(CONJ and)(VP(V ahh))) (VP(VP(V pick))(CONJ and)(VP(V choose))) (VP(VP(V praise)(NP(DET the)(N lord)))(CONJ and)(VP(V pass)(NP(DET the)(N ammunition)))) (VP(VP(V publish))(CONJ and)(VP(V be)(AP(A damned)))) (VP(VP(V puff))(CONJ and)(VP(V blow))) (VP(VP(V push))(CONJ and)(VP(V shove))) (VP(VP(V rant))(CONJ and)(VP(V rave/roar))) (VP(VP(V ring)(PP(P in))(NP(DET the)(AP(A new))(N year)))(CONJ and)(VP(V ring)(PP(P out))(NP(DET the)(AP(A old))(N year)))) (VP(VP(V ring)(PP(P in))(NP(DET the)(N new)))(CONJ and)(VP(V ring)(PP(P out))(NP(DET the)(N old)))) (VP(VP(V rise))(CONJ and)(VP(V fall))) (VP(VP(V run)(PP(P with)(NP(DET the)(N hare))))(CONJ and)(VP(V hunt)(PP(P with)(NP(DET the)(N hounds))))) (VP(VP(V scorn)(NP(N delights)))(CONJ and)(VP(V live)(NP(AP(A laborious))(N days)))) (VP(VP(V see)(NP(N life))(AP(A steadily)))(CONJ and)(VP(V see)(SC(NP(PRON it))(AP(A whole))))) (VP(VP(V see)(SC(NP(PRON them))(VP(V come))))(CONJ and)(VP(V see)(SC(NP(PRON them))(VP(V go))))) (VP(VP(V share))(CONJ and)(VP(V share)(AP(A alike)))) (VP(VP(V shoot)(AP(A first)))(CONJ and)(VP(V ask)(NP(N questions))(AP(A afterwards/later)))) (VP(VP(V sink))(CONJ or)(VP(V swim))) (VP(V sit)(AP(A tight))) (VP(V sit)(AP(A tight)))(CONJ and)(VP(V wait)) (VP(VP(V sit)(AP(A tight)))) (VP(VP(V sit)(AP(A tight)))(CONJ and)(VP(V wait))) (VP(VP(V sit)(PP(P up)))(CONJ and)(VP(V take)(NP(N notice)))) (VP(VP(V stop))(CONJ and)(VP(V start))) (VP(V strain)(PP(P at)(NP(DET a)(N gnat)))) (VP(V strain)(PP(P at)(NP(DET a)(N gnat))))(CONJ and)(VP(V swallow)(NP(DET a)(N camel))) (VP(VP(V strain)(PP(P at)(NP(DET a)(N gnat))))) (VP(VP(V strain)(PP(P at)(NP(DET a)(N gnat))))(CONJ and)(VP(V swallow)(NP(DET a)(N camel)))) (VP(VP(V take)(NP(DET the)(N cash)))(CONJ and)(VP(V let)(SC(NP(DET the)(N credit))(VP(V go))))) (VP(VP(V take)(NP(DET the)(N cash)(PP(P in)(NP(N hand)))))(CONJ and)(VP(V let)(SC(NP(DET the)(N credit))(VP(V go))))) (VP(VP(V take)(NP(N sth/sb)))(CONJ or)(VP(V leave)(NP(N sth/sb)))) (VP(VP(V take)(NP(PRON it)))(CONJ or)(VP(V leave)(NP(PRON it)))) (VP(VP(V tell)(NP(DET the)(N truth)))(CONJ and)(VP(V shame)(NP(DET the)(N devil)))) (VP(VP(V thrust))(CONJ and)(VP(V parry))) (VP(VP(V top))(CONJ and)(VP(V tail))) (VP(VP(V toss))(CONJ and)(VP(V turn))) (VP(VP(V touch)(NP(N pitch)))(CONJ and)(VP(V be)(AP(A defiled)))) (VP(V turn)(NP(N tail))) (VP(V turn)(NP(N tail)))(CONJ and)(VP(V flee)) (VP(VP(V turn)(NP(N tail)))) (VP(VP(V turn)(NP(N tail)))(CONJ and)(VP(V flee))) (VP(VP(V turn)(PP(P round)))(CONJ and)(VP(V do)(NP))) (VP(VP(V twist))(CONJ and)(VP(V turn))) (VP(VP(V up))(CONJ and)(VP(V leave))) (VP(VP(V up))(CONJ and)(VP(V leave etc))) (VP(VP(V wait))(CONJ and)(VP(V see))) (VP(V wave)(NP(DET a)(N wand))) (VP(V wave)(NP(DET a)(N wand)))(CONJ and)(VP(V do)(NP sth)) (VP(V wave)(NP(DET a)(AP(A magic))(N wand))) (VP(V wave)(NP(DET a)(AP(A magic))(N wand)))(CONJ and)(VP(V do)(NP sth)) (VP(VP(V wave)(NP(DET a)(N wand)))) (VP(VP(V wave)(NP(DET a)(N wand)))(CONJ and)(VP(V do)(NP sth))) (VP(VP(V wave)(NP(DET a)(AP(A magic))(N wand)))) (VP(VP(V wave)(NP(DET a)(AP(A magic))(N wand)))(CONJ and)(VP(V do)(NP sth))) (VP(VP(V wax))(CONJ and)(VP(V wane))) (VP(VP(V win))(CONJ or)(VP(V lose))) (VP(VP(V wine))(CONJ and)(VP(V dine))) (VP(VP(V work))(CONJ or)(VP(V want))) (VP(V(P out)(N herod))(NP(N herod))) (VP(V abide)(PP(P by)(NP))) (VP(V abound)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V abscond)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V abscond)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V absent)(NP(PRON self))) (VP(V absent)(NP(PRON self))(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V absolve)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V absorbed)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V abstain)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V abut)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V accede)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V accord)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V account)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V account)(PP(P to)(NP))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V accuse)(NP)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V accustom)(NP(PRON self))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V accustomed)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V acquaint)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V acquiesce)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V acquit)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V act)(NP(DET the)(AP(A giddy))(N goat))) (VP(V act)(NP(DET the)(N fool))) (VP(V act)(NP(DET the)(N part))) (VP(V act)(NP(DET the)(N part))(PP(P of)(NP(N sb)))) (VP(V act)(NP(DET the)(N role))) (VP(V act)(NP(DET the)(N role))(PP(P of)(NP(N sb)))) (VP(V act)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V act)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V act)(PP(P out)(NP))) (VP(V act)(PP(P up))) (VP(V act)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V adapt)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V adapt)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V adapt)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V adapt)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V add)(PP(P in))(NP)) (VP(V add)(PP(P on))(NP)) (VP(V add)(PP(P to)(NP))) (NP(DET the)(N gaiety)(PP(P of)(NP(N nations)))) (VP(V add)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N gaiety)(PP(P of)(NP(N nations)))))) (VP(V add)(PP(P up))) (VP(V add)(PP(P up)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (NP(DET the)(AP(A finishing))(N touches)) (NP(DET the)(AP(A finishing))(N touches))(PP(P to)(NP sth)) (VP(V add/put)(NP(DET the)(AP(A finishing))(N touches))) (VP(V add/put)(NP(DET the)(AP(A finishing))(N touches))(PP(P to)(NP sth))) (VP(V addicted)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V address)(NP(PRON self))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V adhere)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V adjourn)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V adjust)(NP(PRON self))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V adjust)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V admit)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V adorn)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V advance)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V advance)(PP(P towards)(NP))) (VP(V advance)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V advertise)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V advise)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V affiliate)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V affix)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V afflict)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V agitate)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V agree)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V agree)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V agree)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V agree)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V agree)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V differ))))) (VP(V aim)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V air)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N views))) (VP(V air/parade)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N knowledge))) (VP(V alienate)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V alight)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V alight)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V align)(NP(PRON self))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V align)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V allied)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V allocate)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V allot)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V allow)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V allow)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V allude)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V ally)(NP(PRON self))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V alternate)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V amalgamate)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V amount)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V angle)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V animadvert)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V animadvert)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V annex)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V answer)(AP(A pat))) (VP(V answer)(PP(P back))) (VP(V answer)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V answer)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V answer)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N description)))) (VP(V answer)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N description)(PP(P of)(NP))))) (VP(V answer)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N name)(PP(P of)(NP))))) (VP(V answer)(PP(P to)(NP))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V answer/obey)(NP(DET the)(N call)(PP(P of)(NP(N duty))))) (VP(V apologize)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V apologize)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V apologize)(PP(P to)(NP))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V appeal)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V appeal)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V appeal)(PP(P to)(NP))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V appear)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V append)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V appertain)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V apply)(NP(N oneself))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V apply)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V apply)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V apply)(PP(P to)(NP))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V appoint)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V apprise)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V approach)(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V appropriate)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V appropriate)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(N use)))) (VP(V appropriate)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(PRON self)))) (VP(V approve)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V approximate)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V arbitrate)(PP(P between)(NP(NP)(CONJ and)(NP)))) (VP(V arch)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V argue)(NP(DET the)(N toss))) (VP(V argue)(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V argue)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V argue)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V arise)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V arm)(NP(N oneself))(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V arm)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V arm)(PP(P against)(NP))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V arouse)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V arrange)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V arrive)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V ascribe)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V ask)(NP)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V ask)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V ask)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V ask)(NP(PRON me))(NP(N another))) (VP(V ask)(PP(P after)(NP))) (VP(V ask)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V ask)(PP(P for)(NP(N trouble)))) (VP(V ask)(PP(P for)(NP(PRON it)))) (VP(V aspire)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V assail)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V assent)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V assess)(NP)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V assess)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V assign)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V assimilate)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V assimilate)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V associate)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V assure)(NP)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V atone)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V attach)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V attach)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V attain)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V attempt)(NP(DET the)(N impossible))) (VP(V attend)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V attend)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V attend)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V attire)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V attired)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V attract)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V attribute)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V auction)(PP(P off))(NP)) (VP(V augur)(AP(A ill))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V augur)(AP(A well))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V avail)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V avail)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V avenge)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V avenge)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V avenge)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P on)(NP))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V average)(NP)(PP(P out))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V average)(PP(P out))(NP)) (VP(V average)(PP(P out))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V avert)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V avoid)(NP)(AP(A like)(NP(DET the)(N plague)))) (VP(V awake)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V awaken)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V awake)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V awaken)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V award)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V back)(NP(DET the)(AP(A right/wrong))(N horse))) (VP(V back)(PP(P away))) (VP(V back)(PP(P away)(PP(P from)(NP)))) (VP(V back)(PP(P down))) (VP(V back)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V back)(PP(P off))) (VP(V back)(PP(P on)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V back)(PP(P out))) (VP(V back)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V back)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V bail)(PP(P out))) (VP(V balance)(PP(P out))) (VP(V bale)(PP(P out))) (VP(V bale)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V balk)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V balls)(PP(P up))) (VP(V band)(AP(A together))) (VP(V bandy)(NP(N words))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V bandy)(PP(P about))) (VP(V bang)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N head))(PP(P against)(NP(DET a)(AP(A brick))(N wall)))) (VP(V bank)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V bargain)(PP(P away))) (VP(V bargain)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V barge)(PP(P in))) (VP(V barge)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V bark)(PP(P up)(NP(DET the)(AP(A wrong))(N tree)))) (VP(V barter)(PP(P away)(NP))) (VP(V base)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V base)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V bat)(NP)(PP(P around))) (VP(V batten)(PP(P down))(NP(DET the)(N hatches))) (VP(V batten)(PP(P on))) (VP(V battle)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P out))) (VP(V baulk)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V bawl)(PP(P out)(NP))) (VP(V bay)(NP(DET the)(N moon))) *(VP(V be)(AP(A better)(AP(A dead)))) *(VP(V be)(AP(A better)(PP(P off))(AP(A dead)))) *(VP(V be)(AP(AP(A))(A better)(AP(A dead)))) *(VP(V be)(AP(AP(A))(A better)(PP(P off))(AP(A dead)))) (VP(V be)(AP(AP(AP(A too))(A little))(CONJ)(AP(AP(A too))(A late)))) (VP(V be)(AP(AP(AP(A too))(A little))(CONJ and)(AP(AP(A too))(A late)))) (VP(V be)(AP(AP(AP(A too))(A much))(A like)(NP(AP(A hard))(N work)))) (VP(V be)(AP(AP(A chock-a-block))(A full))) (VP(V be)(AP(AP(A chock-a-block))(A full)(PP(P with)(NP sb/sth)))) (VP(V be)(AP(AP(A dead))(A right/wrong))) (VP(V be)(AP(AP(A dog))(A tired))) (VP(V be)(AP(AP(A just))(A right))) (VP(V be)(AP(AP(A just))(A right))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V be)(AP(AP(A neither))(AP(AP(A here))(CONJ nor)(AP(A there))))) (VP(V be)(AP(AP(A over))(CONJ and)(AP(A done)))(PP(P with))) (VP(V be)(AP(AP(A so))(A good/kind))) (VP(V be)(AP(AP(A so))(A good/kind)(S'(COMP as)(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP))))) (VP(V be)(AP(AP(A too))(A bad)(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (VP(V be)(AP(AP(A too))(A clever))(PP(P by)(NP(N half)))) (VP(V be)(AP(AP(A too))(A funny))(PP(P for)(NP(N words)))) (VP(V be)(AP(AP(A too))(A good)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V be)(AP(A true))))))) (VP(V be)(AP(AP(A too))(A good)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V last)))))) (VP(V be)(AP(AP(A too))(A good)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V miss)))))) (VP(V be)(AP(AP(A too))(A good)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V turn)(PP(P down))))))) (VP(V be)(AP(AP(A too))(A true))) (VP(V be)(AP(AP(DEG as))(A happy)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N lark)))))) (VP(V be)(AP(AP(DEG as))(A high)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(DET a)(N kite)))))) (VP(V be)(AP(AP(DEG as))(A pleased)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N punch)))))) (VP(V be)(AP(AP(QP(Q one))(DEG too))(A many))) (VP(V be)(AP(A abreast)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(AP(A afraid)(PP(P for)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(AP(A afraid)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(AP(A afraid)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N shadow))))) (VP(V be)(AP(A afraid)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(N shadow))))) (VP(V be)(AP(A afraid)(PP(P of)(S(VP(V doing)(NP)))))) (VP(V be)(AP(A afraid))) (VP(V be)(AP(A afraid)(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (VP(V be)(AP(A afraid)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP)))))) (VP(V be)(AP(A all)(PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(N piece))))) (VP(V be)(AP(A all)(PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(N piece))))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V be)(AP(A better)(AP(AP(A all))(A round)))) (VP(V be)(AP(A better)(AP(AP(A all))(A round)))(S'(COMP if)(S))) (VP(V be)(AP(A better)(AP(AP(A all))(A round))(PP(P for)(NP sb)))) (VP(V be)(AP(A better)(AP(AP(A all))(A round))(PP(P for)(NP sb)))(S'(COMP if)(S))) (VP(V be)(AP(A better))(NP(DET that)(N way))) (VP(V be)(AP(A big)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(AP(A browned))(PP(P off))) (VP(V be)(AP(A built/made))(NP(DET that)(N way))) (VP(V be)(AP(A cheap))(PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N price)))) (VP(V be)(AP(A cruel))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V be)(AP(A kind)))))) (VP(V be)(AP(A damned))) (VP(V be)(AP(A dead)(PP(P against)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(AP(A dead)(PP(P from)(NP(DET the)(N neck))(PP(P up))))) (VP(V be)(AP(A drunk)(PP(P in)(NP(N charge))))) (VP(V be)(AP(A easy)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N eye))))) (VP(V be)(AP(A glad)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V see)(NP(DET the)(N back)(PP(P of)(NP)))))))) (VP(V be)(AP(A good/kind)(AP(A enough))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP)))))) (VP(V be)(AP(A good)(PP(P for)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(AP(A good)(PP(P with)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N hands))))) (VP(V be)(AP(A hard)(PP(P at)(NP(N work))))) (VP(V be)(AP(A hard)(PP(P at)(NP(PRON it))))) (VP(V be)(AP(A hard)(PP(P up)))) (VP(V be)(AP(A here))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V stay))))) (VP(V be)(S(NP(DET the)(N drink))(VP(V talking)))) (VP(V be)(AP(A just))(S(NP(DET the)(N drink))(VP(V talking)))) (VP(V be)(AP(A like)(NP(N that)))) (VP(V be)(AP(A loud)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N praise))))) (VP(V be)(AP(A loud)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N praise))(PP(P of/for)(NP))))) (VP(V be)(AP(A more)(PP(P in)(NP(PRON it)))(S'(COMP than)(S(VP(V meets)(NP(DET the)(N eye))))))) (VP(V be)(AP(A more)(S'(COMP than)(S(AP(A glad)))))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP)))) (VP(V be)(AP(A new)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N game))))) (VP(V be)(AP(A old))(PP(P before)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N time)))) (VP(V be)(AP(A old))(PP(P beyond)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N years)))) (VP(V be)(AP(AP(DEG as))(A old)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(PRON one))(VP(V feels)))))) (VP(V be)(AP(A only))(AP(AP(DEG as))(A old)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(PRON one))(VP(V feels)))))) (VP(V be)(AP(A other)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP))))) (VP(V be)(AP(A quick)(PP(P off)(NP(DET the)(N mark))))) (VP(V be)(AP(A ripe)(PP(P for)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(AP(A sick)(PP(P at)(NP(N heart))))) (VP(V be)(AP(A sure))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP)))) (VP(V be)(AP(A tantamount)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(AP(A thankful/grateful))(PP(P for)(NP(AP(A small))(N mercies)))) (VP(V be)(AP(A thick/thin)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N ground))))) (VP(V be)(AP(A thick))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V be)(AP(A whiter)(S'(COMP than)(S(AP(A white)))))) (VP(V be)(AP((NEG not)(A half))(A))) (VP(V be)(AP(QP(Q no))(A better)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(PRON one))(AUX(MOD ought)(to))/(AUX(MOD should))(VP(V be)))))) (VP(V be)(NEG not)(AP(QP(Q any))(A better)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(PRON one))(AUX(MOD ought)(to))/(AUX(MOD should))(VP(V be)))))) (VP(V be)(NEG not)(NP(QP(Q any))(N respecter)(PP(P of)(N persons)))) (VP(V be)(NEG not)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(AP(A other))(N men))(VP(V are))))) (VP(V be)(NP(AP(A top))(N secret))) (VP(V be)(NP(DET a)(AP(A dab))(N hand))(PP(P at)(S))) (VP(V be)(NP(DET a)(N ringer))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V be)(NP(DET a)(AP(A dead/real))(N ringer))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V be)(NP(DET a)(AP(A different))(N(N ball)(N game)))) (VP(V be)(NP(DET a)(AP(A good))(N chap))) (VP(V be)(NP(DET a)(N case)(PP(P in)(NP(N point))))) (VP(V be)(NP(DET a)(N case)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(NP(DET a)(N man))) (VP(V be)(NP(DET a)(N moment))) (VP(V be)(NP(DET a)(N sight))(PP(P for)(NP(AP(A sore))(N eyes)))) (VP(V be)(NP(DET an)(AP(A open))(N secret))) (VP(V be)(NP(DET the)(N limit))) (VP(V be)(NP(DET the)(AP(A absolute))(N limit))) (VP(V be)(NP(DET the)(AP(A done))(N thing))) (VP(V be)(NP(DET the)(AP(A thin))(N end)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N wedge))))) (VP(V be)(NP(DET the)(N case))) (VP(V be)(NP(DET the)(N case)(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (VP(V be)(NP(DET the)(N death)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(NP(DET the)(N end))) (VP(V be)(NP(DET the)(N end)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(NP(NG reek))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V be)(NP(NP(N six)(PP(P of)(NP(N one))))(CONJ and/to)(NP(QP(Q half))(DET a)(N dozen)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N other)))))) (VP(V be)(NP(N all))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V be)(NP(N caviar))(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N general)))) (VP(V be)(NP(N caviare))(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N general)))) (VP(V be)(NP(N head)(PP(P over)(NP(N heels/ears))))) (VP(V be)(NP(N nothing)(AP(A loath)))) (VP(V be)(NP(N nothing)(AP(A loath)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP)))))) (VP(V be)(NP(N nothing)(AP(A short)(PP(P of)(NP))))) (VP(V be)(NP(N nothing)(PP(P to)(NP(PRON it))))) (VP(V be)(NP(N nothing))(S'(COMP if)(S(AUX(NEG not))(AP(A))/(NP(N))))) (VP(V be)(NP(N nothing)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V touch)(NP)))))) (VP(V be)(NP(N one)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N eye))))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V be)(NP(N one)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N boys))))) (VP(V be)(NP(N one)(PP(P of)(NP(DET these)(N days))))) (VP(V be)(NP(N one)(PP(P of)(NP(DET those)(N days))))) (VP(V be)(NP(N one)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(N nature))'s)(N gentlemen))))) (VP(V be)(NP(N one)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A good))(N days))))) (VP(V be)(NP(N one)(PP(P up)))(PP(P for/to)(NP))) (VP(V be)(NP(N one)(PP(P with)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(NP(N oneetc)(PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(N thousand/million))))) (VP(V be)(NP(N par)(PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N course))))) (VP(V be)(NP(N something)(AP(A else)))(AP(A again))) (VP(V be)(NP(N something)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V go)(PP(P on))(PP(P with))))))) (VP(V be)(NP(N something)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to)(V be))(VP(V going)(PP(P on))(PP(P with))))))) (VP(V be)(NP(N streets))(AP(A ahead))) (VP(V be)(NP(N streets))(AP(A ahead)(PP(P of)(NP(N sb/sth))))) (VP(V be)(NP(N ten/two)(PP(P)(NP(DET a)(N penny))))) (VP(V be)(NP(POSS(NP(DET the)(N bee))'s)(N knees))) (VP(V be)(NP(POSS(NP(DET the)(N cat))'s)(N pyjamas/whiskers))) (VP(V be)(NP(POSS(NP(N nobody))'s)(N business))) (VP(V be)(NP(POSS(NP(N nobody))'s)(N fool))) (VP(V be)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON your)))(N age))) (VP(V be)(NP(POSS(NP(QP(Q no))(N man))'s)(N fool))) (VP(V be)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N funeral))) (VP(V be)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(AP(A own))(N funeral))) (VP(V be)(NP(PRON oneself))) (VP(V be)(NP(PRON oneself))(AP(A again))) (VP(V be)(NP(QP(Q half))(DET the)(N battle))) (VP(V be)(NP(QP(Q no))(AP(A great))(N shakes))) (VP(V be)(NP(QP(Q no))(N(N oil)(N painting)))) (VP(V be)(NP(QP(Q no))(N kind)(PP(P of)(NP(N place))))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V be)(NP(QP(Q no))(N picnic))) (VP(V be)(NP(QP(Q no))(N respecter)(PP(P of)(N persons)))) (VP(V be)(NP(QP(Q no))(N room))(PP(P at/in)(NP(DET the)(N inn)))) (VP(V be)(NP(QP(Q no))(N skin))(PP(P off)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N nose)))) (VP(V be)(NP(QP(Q no))(N trouble))) (VP(V be)(NP(QP(Q three))(N sheets))(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N wind)))) (VP(V be)(NP nowhere)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to)(V be))(VP(V seen))))) (VP(V be)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(PP(P with)(NP sb/sth)))))) (VP(V be)(NP sth)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(PP(P with)(NP sb/sth)))))) (VP(V be)(PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N best)))) (VP(V be)(PP(AP(A all))(P for)(NP(DET the)(N best)))) (VP(V be)(PP(AP(A all))(P of)(NP(DET a)(N dither)))) (VP(V be)(PP(AP(A all))(P over))) (VP(V be)(PP(AP(A all))(P over)(NP(DET the)(N place)))) (VP(V be)(PP(AP(A better))(P off))) (VP(V be)(PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N birds)))) (VP(V be)(PP(AP(A strictly))(P for)(NP(DET the)(N birds)))) (VP(V be)(PP(AP(A well))(P away))) (VP(V be)(PP(AP(A well))(P in)(NP(N hand)))) (VP(V be)(PP(AP(A well))(P in)(PP(P with)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(PP(AP(A well))(P off))) (VP(V be)(PP(AP(A well))(P off))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V be)(PP(AP(A well))(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(PRON it))))) (VP(V be)(PP(AP(A well))(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(PRON that))))) (VP(V be)(PP(AP(A well))(P up)(PP(P in)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(PP(PP(P down))(CONJ and)(PP(P out)))) (VP(V be)(PP(PP(P up))(CONJ and)(PP(P about)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P(P in)(CONJ and)(P out))(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V be)(PP(P above)(NP))) (VP(V be)(PP(P above)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N head)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P above)(NP(PRON one)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P after)(NP))) (VP(V be)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V be)(PP(P ahead))) (VP(V be)(PP(P ahead)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P along))) (VP(V be)(PP(P along)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P around))) (VP(V be)(PP(P at))) (VP(V be)(PP(P at)(NP(DET a)(AP(A dead))(N end)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P at)(NP(DET a)(N halt/standstill)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P at)(NP(DET an)(N end)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P at)(NP(N attention)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P at)(NP(N grips)))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V be)(PP(P at)(NP(N one)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P at)(NP(N one)))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V be)(PP(P at)(NP(N pains)))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP))))) (VP(V be)(PP(P at)(NP(PRON it)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P away))) (VP(V be)(PP(P back))) (VP(V be)(PP(P before)(NP))) (VP(V be)(PP(P before)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N time)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P behind))) (VP(V be)(PP(P behind)(NP(DET the)(N times)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P behind)(NP(N bars)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P below)(NP))) (VP(V be)(PP(P beneath)(NP))) (VP(V be)(PP(P beneath)(NP(N contempt)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P beneath)(NP(POSS(NP(N one))'s)(N dignity)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P beside)(NP(DET the)(N point)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P beside)(NP(N oneself)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P beside)(NP(N oneself)))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V be)(PP(P between)(NP(NP(PRON you))(CONJ and)(NP(PRON me))))) (VP(V be)(PP(P between)(NP(N ourselves)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P beyond)(NP))) (VP(V be)(PP(P beyond)(NP(DET a)(N joke)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P beyond)(NP(N caring)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P beyond)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N endurance)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P by)(NP(N way)(PP(P of)(S(VP(V being)(NP))))))) (VP(V be)(PP(P down))) (VP(V be)(PP(P down)(PP(P as)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P down)(PP(P at)(NP(N heel))))) (VP(V be)(PP(P down)(PP(P by)(NP(DET the)(N bows))))) (VP(V be)(PP(P down)(PP(P by)(NP(DET the)(N stern))))) (VP(V be)(PP(P down)(PP(P for)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P down)(PP(P for)(NP(DET a)(N count)(PP(P of)(NP)))))) (VP(V be)(PP(P down)(PP(P from)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P down)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N dumps))))) (VP(V be)(PP(P down)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N mouth))))) (VP(V be)(PP(P down)(PP(P on)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P down)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N luck))))) (VP(V be)(PP(P down)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P down)(PP(P with)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P downhill))(NP(QP(Q all))(DET the)(N way))) (VP(V be)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V be)(PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(AP(A high))(N jump)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N best)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P for)(NP(PRON it)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N open)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N picture)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N wrong)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(N accord)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(N accord))(PP(P with)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(N action)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(N being)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(N blossom)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(N bud)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(N charge)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(N charge))(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(N collision)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(N collision))(PP(P with)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(N collusion)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(N collusion))(PP(P with)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(N contact)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(N contact))(PP(P with)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(N control)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(N control))(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(N employment)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(N existence)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(N fashion)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(N flower)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(N focus)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(N force)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(N hand)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(N harmony)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(N harmony))(PP(P with)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(N jeopardy)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(N leaf)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(N line)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(N line))(PP(P with)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(N play)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(N power)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(N season)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(N service)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(N sight)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(N touch)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(N touch))(PP(P with)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(N tune)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(N tune))(PP(P with)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(N use)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(N view)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(N vogue)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(N work)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N possession)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N element)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N finish))))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N kill))))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(PP(P for)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(PP(P for)(NP(PRON it))))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(PP(P on)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N groundfloor))))) (VP(V be)(PP(P in)(PP(P with)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P inside))) (VP(V be)(PP(P off))) (VP(V be)(PP(P off)(NP(DET the)(N mark)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P off)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N hands)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P off))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V be)(PP(P on))) (VP(V be)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V be)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(AP(A safe))(N side)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N ball)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N level)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N map)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N scene)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P on)(NP(N ice)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P on)(NP(N one)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P on)(NP(N sale)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P on)(NP(N trial)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N feet)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N guard)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N guard)))(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V be)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N honour)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P on))(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V be)(PP(P on))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V be)(PP(P on))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V be)(PP(P on)(PP(P into)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P on)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P on)(PP(P to)(NP(DET a)(AP(A good))(N thing))))) (VP(V be)(PP(P out))) (VP(V be)(PP(P out))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V be)(PP(P out)(PP(P for)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P out)(PP(P from)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P out)(PP(P in)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N blue))))) (VP(V be)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(N action))))) (VP(V be)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(N fashion))))) (VP(V be)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(N focus))))) (VP(V be)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(N line))))) (VP(V be)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(N order))))) (VP(V be)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(N play))))) (VP(V be)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(N season))))) (VP(V be)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(N service))))) (VP(V be)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(N sorts))))) (VP(V be)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N depth))))) (VP(V be)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N element))))) (VP(V be)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N mind))))) (VP(V be)(PP(P out)(PP(P with)(NP(PRON it))))) (VP(V be)(PP(P out))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP(N sth)))))) (VP(V be)(PP(P outside))) (VP(V be)(PP(P over))) (VP(V be)(PP(P past)(NP(N caring)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P past)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N best)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P past)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(endurance)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P past)(NP(PRON it)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P round))) (VP(V be)(PP(P round))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V be)(PP(P through))) (VP(V be)(PP(P through)(NP(DET the)(N mill)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P through)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P through)(PP(P with)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N bad/good)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N fore)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P under)(NP(N control)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P up))) (VP(V be)(PP(P up))(AP(AP(DEG as))(A far)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP))))) (VP(V be)(PP(P up)(PP(P against)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P up)(PP(P against)(NP(PRON it))))) (VP(V be)(PP(P up)(PP(P for)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P up)(PP(P for)(NP(N auction))))) (VP(V be)(PP(P up)(PP(P for)(NP(N sale))))) (VP(V be)(PP(P up)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N clouds))))) (VP(V be)(PP(P up)(PP(P in)(NP(N arms))))) (VP(V be)(PP(P up)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P up)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N minute))))) (VP(V be)(PP(P up)(PP(P to)(NP(N date))))) (VP(V be)(PP(P up)(PP(P with)(NP)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P upon)(NP(N one)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V be)(PP(P within)(NP))) (VP(V be)(PP(P within)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N grasp)))) (VP(V be)(PP(P within)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N rights)))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP)))) (VP(V be)(PP(QP(Q all))(P in))) (VP(V be)(SC(NP(N all))(NP(NG reek)))(PP(P to)(NP))) *(VP(V be)(S(S(VP(V touch)))(CONJ and)(S(VP(V go))))) (VP(V be/feel)(NP(DET that)(N way))(AP(A inclined))) (VP(V be/get)(AP(A high))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V be/get)(NP(DET that)(N way))) (VP(V be/go)(PP(P off)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N food/oats)))) (VP(V be/have)(AP(AP(DEG too))(A much)(PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(AP(A good))(N thing))))) (VP(V be/mean)(NP(N curtains))) (VP(V be/mean)(NP(N curtains))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V be/prove)(AP(AP(A too))(A hot))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V handle))))) (VP(V be/take)(NP(DET a)(N matter)(PP(P of)(N seconds)))) (VP(V bear)(AP(A hard))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V bear)(AP(A hard))(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V bear)(AP(A severely))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V bear)(AP(A severely))(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V bear)(NP(DET a)(AP(A charmed))(N life))) (VP(V bear)(NP(DET a)(N resemblance))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V bear)(NP(DET the)(N(N burden)(CONJ and)(N heat))(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N day))))) (VP(V bear)(NP)(NP(QP(Q no))(N(N ill)(N will)))) (VP(V bear)(NP(N fruit))) (VP(V bear)(NP(N witness))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V bear)(NP(QP(Q no))(N malice))) (VP(V bear)(NP sb)(NP(QP(Q no))(N malice))) (VP(V bear)(PP(P down))) (VP(V bear)(PP(P down)(PP(P on)(NP)))) (VP(V bear)(PP(P down)(PP(P upon)(NP)))) (VP(V bear)(PP(P in)(NP(N mind)))) (VP(V bear)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V bear)(PP(P out)(NP))) (VP(V bear)(PP(P up))) (VP(V bear)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V bear)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V bear/carry)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N cross))) (VP(V beard)(NP(DET the)(N lion))(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N den)))) (VP(V beard)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N den)))) (VP(V beat)(NP)(AP(A hollow))) (VP(V beat)(NP(DET the)(N band))) (VP(V beat)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N brains))) (VP(V beat)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N breast))) (VP(V beat)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N head))(PP(P against)(NP(DET a)(AP(A brick))(N wall)))) (VP(V beat)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N brains))(PP(P out))) (VP(V beat)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V beat)(NP(PRON it))) (VP(V beat)(PP(P about)(NP(DET the)(N bush)))) (VP(V beat)(PP(P down))(NP)) (VP(V beat)(PP(P down)(PP(P on)(NP)))) (VP(V beat)(PP(P off)(NP))) (VP(V beat)(PP(P out))(NP)) (VP(V beat)(PP(P out))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V beat)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N knees)))) (VP(V beat)(PP(P to)(NP(PRON it)))) (VP(V become)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V bed)(PP(P down))(NP)) (VP(V bed)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V bed)(PP(P out))(NP)) (VP(V bed)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V beetle)(PP(P off))) (VP(V beg)(NP(DET the)(N question))) (VP(V beg)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N pardon))) (VP(V beg)(PP(P off))) (VP(V beggar)(NP(N description))) (VP(V beggar)(NP(QP(Q all))(N description))) (VP(V believe)(NP(PRON you))(NP(PRON me))) (VP(V believe)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V believe)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V believe)(S'(S(NP(N water))(AUX can/will)(VP(V flow)(AP(A uphill)))))) (VP(V believe)(S'(COMP that)(S(NP(N water))(AUX can/will)(VP(V flow)(AP(A uphill)))))) (VP(V bell)(NP(DET the)(N cat))) (VP(V bent)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V bet)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A bottom))(N dollar))) (VP(V bet)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A bottom))(N dollar))(PP(P on)(NP(N sth)))) (VP(V bet)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A bottom))(N dollar))) (VP(V bet)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A bottom))(N dollar))(S'(COMP that)(S))) (VP(V bet)(NP sb)(NP(N anything))) (VP(V bet)(NP sb)(NP(N anything))(S'(COMP that)(S))) (VP(V bet)(NP sb)(NP(N what)(S'(S(NP(PRON he))(VP(V likes)))))) (VP(V bet)(NP sb)(NP(N what)(S'(S(NP(PRON he))(VP(V likes)))))(S'(COMP that)(S))) (VP(V bid)(AP(A fair))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP)))) (VP(V bid)(S goodbye)) (VP(V bid)(NP)(S goodbye)) (NP(DET a)(AP(A fond))(N farewell)) (VP(V bid)(NP sb)(NP(DET a)(AP(A fond))(N farewell))) (VP(V bide)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N time))) (VP(V bind)(PP(P over))) (VP(V bind)(PP(P over))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V keep)(NP(DET the)(N peace)))))) (VP(V bind/tie)(NP sb)(NP(NP(N hand))(CONJ and)(NP(N foot)))) (VP(V bitch)(PP(P up))) (VP(V bite)(NP(DET the)(N dust))) (VP(V bite)(NP(DET the)(N hand)(S'(COMP that)(S(VP(V feeds)(NP(PRON one))))))) (VP(V bite)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N lip))) (VP(V bite)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N head))(PP(P off))) (VP(V bite)(PP(P back))) (VP(V bite)(PP(P off))(AP(A more)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(PRON one))(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V chew)))))) (VP(V black)(PP(P out))(NP)) (VP(V blacken)(NP(DET the)(N picture))) (VP(V blacken)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N character/name))) (VP(V black)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N eye))) (VP(V black)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N eye))(PP(P for)(NP(PRON him)))) (VP(V blacken)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N eye))) (VP(V blacken)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N eye))(PP(P for)(NP(PRON him)))) (VP(V blame)(NP(DET the)(AP(A other))(N fellow))) (VP(V blame)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V blame)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V blast)(PP(P off))) (VP(V blaze)(NP(DET a)(N trail))) (VP(V blaze)(PP(P away))) (VP(V bleed)(PP(P to)(NP(N death)))) (VP(V bleed)(SC(NP(N sb))(AP(A white)))) (VP(V blend)(PP(P in))) (VP(V blend)(PP(P in))(NP)) (VP(V blend)(PP(P in)(PP(P with)(NP)))) (VP(V bless)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON my)))(N soul))) (VP(V bless)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N heart))) (VP(V bless)(NP(PRON you))) (VP(V blink)(NP(DET the)(N fact))) (VP(V blink)(NP(DET the)(N fact)(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (VP(V blink)(PP(P away))(NP)) (VP(V blink)(PP(P back))(NP(N tears))) (VP(V blink)(PP(P back))(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N tears))) (VP(V block)(PP(P in))(NP)) (VP(V block)(PP(P off))(NP)) (VP(V block)(PP(P out))(NP)) (VP(V blossom)(PP(P out))) (VP(V blot)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N copybook))) (VP(V blot)(PP(P out))(NP)) (VP(V blow)(AP(AP(A hot))(CONJ and)(AP(A cold)))) (VP(V blow)(NP)(AP(A(N sky)(A high)))) (VP(V blow)(NP(DET the)(N cobwebs))(PP(P away))) (VP(V blow)(NP(DET the)(N gaff))) (VP(V blow)(NP)(NP(DET a)(N kiss))) (VP(V blow)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(N mind))) (VP(V blow)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(N trumpet))) (VP(V blow)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N brains))(PP(P out))) (VP(V blow)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N top))) (VP(V blow)(PP(P down))(NP)) (VP(V blow)(PP(P in))) (VP(V blow)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V blow)(PP(P off))(NP(N steam))) (VP(V blow)(PP(P out))(NP)) (VP(V blow)(PP(P over))) (VP(V blow)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V blow)(SC(NP(PRON itself))(PP(P out)))) (VP(V bluff)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N way))(PP(P out))) (VP(V bluff)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N way))(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V bluff)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P out))) (VP(V blunt)(NP(DET the)(N edge)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V blurt)(PP(P out))(NP)) (VP(V board)(PP(P out))(NP)) (VP(V board)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V boast)(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V boast)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V bob)(PP(P up))) (VP(V bog)(PP(P down))(NP)) (VP(V bog)(PP(P up))) (VP(V boil)(PP(P down))(NP)) (VP(V boil)(PP(P down))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V boil)(PP(P over))) (VP(V boil)(PP(P up))) (VP(V bolster)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V bolt)(PP(P down))(NP)) (VP(V bomb)(PP(P out))) (VP(V bomb)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V bombard)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V bone)(PP(P up))) (VP(V bone)(PP(P up))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V book)(PP(P in))) (VP(V book)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V bore)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V borne)(PP(P in)(PP(P on)(NP)))) (VP(V botch)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V bother)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N head))(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V bottle)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V bounce)(PP(P back))) (VP(V bound)(PP(P up))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V bow)(NP(N oneself))(PP(P out))) (VP(V bow)(PP(P in))(NP)) (VP(V bow)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V bow)(PP(P out))) (VP(V bow)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V bowl)(PP(P along))) (VP(V bowl)(PP(P along)(NP))) (VP(V bowl)(PP(P out))(NP)) (VP(V bowl)(PP(P over))(NP)) (VP(V box)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N ear))) (VP(V box)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N ears))) (VP(V box)(PP(P in))(NP)) (VP(V box)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V branch)(PP(P off))) (VP(V branch)(PP(P out))) (VP(V brave)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P out))) (VP(V brazen)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P out))) (VP(V break)(AP(A even))) (VP(V break)(NP(AP(A fresh/new))(N ground))) (VP(V break)(NP(DET a)(N case))) (VP(V break)(NP(DET the)(N(N sound)(N barrier)))) (VP(V break)(NP(DET the)(N(N speed)(N limit)))) (VP(V break)(NP(DET the)(N bank))) (VP(V break)(NP(DET the)(N ice))) (VP(V break)(NP(DET the)(N news))) (VP(V break)(NP(DET the)(N news))(PP(P to/about)(NP))) (VP(V break)(NP(DET the)(N peace))) (VP(V break)(NP(DET the)(N rules))) (VP(V break)(NP(DET the)(N silence))) (VP(V break)(NP(DET the)(N spell))) (VP(V break)(NP(N cover))) (VP(V break)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N duck))) (VP(V break)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N fall))) (VP(V break)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N fast))) (VP(V break)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N heart))) (VP(V break)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N journey))) (VP(V break)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N neck))) (VP(V break)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N neck))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP)))) (VP(V break)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N spirit))) (VP(V break)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N word))) (VP(V break)(NP(QP(Q no))(N bones))) (VP(V break)(PP(P away))) (VP(V break)(PP(P away)(PP(P from)(NP)))) (VP(V break)(PP(P back))) (VP(V break)(PP(P down))) (VP(V break)(PP(P in))(NP)) (VP(V break)(PP(P in)(PP(P on)(NP)))) (VP(V break)(PP(P in)(PP(P upon)(NP)))) (VP(V break)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V break)(PP(P off))(NP)) (VP(V break)(PP(P out))) (VP(V break)(PP(P out))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V break)(PP(P out))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V break)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V break)(PP(P through))) (VP(V break)(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V break)(PP(P through)(NP(DET the)(N(N sound)(N barrier))))) (VP(V break)(PP(P up))) (VP(V break)(PP(P up))(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V break)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V breathe)(NP(DET a)(N sigh)(PP(P of)(NP(N relief))))) (VP(V breathe)(NP(NP(N fire))(CONJ and)(NP(N slaughter)))) (VP(V breathe)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N last))) (VP(V brew)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V brick)(PP(P in))(NP)) (VP(V brick)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V bridle)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N tongue))) (VP(V brim)(PP(P over))) (VP(V brim)(PP(P over))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V bring)(AP(A away))(NP)) (VP(V bring)(AP(A back))(NP)) (VP(V bring)(AP(A back)(PP(P to)(NP(N health))))) (VP(V bring)(AP(A back)(PP(P to)(NP(N life))))) (VP(V bring)(AP(A forth))(NP)) (VP(V bring)(AP(A forward))(NP)) (VP(V bring)(AP(A home))(NP)) (VP(V bring)(AP(A home))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(AP(A together))) (VP(V bring)(NP(DET a)(N charge))(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(NP(N luck))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(NP(AP(A bad/good))(N luck))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P along)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P around))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P around)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP(DET the)(N open)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP(DET the)(N world)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP(N action)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP(N being)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP(N blossom)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP(N contact)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP(N contact)(PP(P with)(NP))))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP(N disrepute)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP(N existence)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP(N fashion)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP(N flower)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP(N focus)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP(N force)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP(N line)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP(N line)(PP(P with)(NP))))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP(N play)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP(N prominence)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP(N service)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP(N sight)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP(N use)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP(N view)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP(N vogue)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P out))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N shell))))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P over))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P over)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P round))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P round)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P through))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P to))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(DET a)(AP(A dead))(N end)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(DET a)(AP(A pretty))(N pass)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(DET a)(AP(A successful))(N conclusion)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(DET a)(N(V stand)(A still))))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(DET a)(N climax)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(DET a)(N conclusion)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(DET a)(N halt)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(DET a)(N head)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(DET an)(N end)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N boil)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N fore)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N ground)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N attention)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N blows)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N fruition)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N grips)(PP(P with)(NP))))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N heel)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N himself)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N life)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N light)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N trial)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N aid)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N assistance)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N attention)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N feet)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N notice)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N senses)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(QP(Q such))(DET a)(N pass)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P under))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P under)(NP(N control)))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P up))(NP(DET the)(AP(A hard))(N way))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P up)(PP(P to)(NP(N date))))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(PP(P within)(NP))) (VP(V bring)(NP)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V rest))))) (VP(V bring)(PP(P about))(NP)) (VP(V bring)(PP(P along))(NP)) (VP(V bring)(PP(P before)(NP))) (VP(V bring)(PP(P down))(NP)) (VP(V bring)(PP(P down)(PP(P to)(NP(N earth))))) (VP(V bring)(PP(P in))(NP)) (VP(V bring)(PP(P in))(NP(DET a)(N verdict))) (VP(V bring)(PP(P in))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V bring)(PP(P on))(NP)) (VP(V bring)(PP(P out))(NP)) (VP(V bring)(PP(P up)(AP(AP(DEG as))(A far)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP)))))) (VP(V bring)(PP(P up)(NP(DET the)(N rear)))) (VP(V bring)(PP(P up))(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V bring)(PP(P up)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V bring)(SC(NP(DET the)(N house))(PP(P down)))) (VP(V bristle)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V broach)(NP(DET the)(N subject))) (VP(V broach)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V broaden)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N horizons))) (VP(V brood)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V brood)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V brood)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V brook)(NP(QP(Q no))(N delay))) (VP(V brown)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V brush)(NP)(PP(P aside))) (VP(V brush)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V brush)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V brush)(PP(P past)(NP))) (VP(V brush)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V brush)(PP(P up))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V bubble)(PP(P over))) (VP(V bubble)(PP(P over))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V bubble)(PP(P up))) (VP(V buck)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N ideas))(PP(P up))) (VP(V buck)(PP(P up))) (VP(V buckle)(PP(P down)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V buckle)(PP(P to))) (VP(V bugger)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V bugger)(PP(P about))) (VP(V bugger)(PP(P around))) (VP(V bugger)(PP(P off))) (VP(V build)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N hopes))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V build)(PP(P in))(NP)) (VP(V build)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V build)(PP(P on))(NP)) (VP(V build)(PP(P onto)(NP))) (VP(V build)(PP(P out))) (VP(V build)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V build)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V build)(PP(P up))(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V build)(PP(P up))(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V build)(PP(P up))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V bully)(PP(P off))) (VP(V bum)(PP(P around))) (VP(V bump)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V bump)(PP(P off))(NP)) (VP(V bump)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V bung)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V buoy)(PP(P up))) (VP(V buried)(PP(P under)(NP))) (VP(V burn)(NP(DET the)(N(N midnight)(N oil)))) (VP(V burn)(NP(DET the)(N candle))(PP(P at)(NP(QP(Q both))(N ends)))) (VP(V burn)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N boats/bridges))) (VP(V burn)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N boats/bridges))(PP(P behind)(NP(PRON one)))) (VP(V burn)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N fingers))) (VP(V burn)(NP(PRON itself))(PP(P out))) (VP(V burn)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P out))) (VP(V burn)(PP(P away))) (VP(V burn)(PP(P down))) (VP(V burn)(PP(P for))) (VP(V burn)(PP(P off))(NP)) (VP(V burn)(PP(P out))(NP)) (VP(V burn)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V burn)(PP(P to)(NP(N death)))) (VP(V burn)(PP(P up))) (VP(V burn)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V burst)(PP(P in))) (VP(V burst)(PP(P in)(PP(P upon)(NP)))) (VP(V burst)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V burst)(PP(P into)(NP(N flames)))) (VP(V burst)(PP(P into)(NP(N sight)))) (VP(V burst)(PP(P into)(NP(N view)))) (VP(V burst)(PP(P out))) (VP(V burst)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V burst)(PP(P out))(S(VP(V crying)))) (VP(V burst)(PP(P out))(S(VP(V laughing)))) (VP(V burst)(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V burst)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V burst)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V bury)(NP)(AP(A alive))) (VP(V bury)(NP(DET the)(N hatchet))) (VP(V bury)(NP(DET the)(N past))) (VP(V bury)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P away))) (VP(V bury)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V bury)(PP(P away))) (VP(V bury)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V bust)(PP(P up))) (VP(V bustle)(PP(P about))) (VP(V bustle)(PP(P around))) (VP(V busy)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V butt)(PP(P in))) (VP(V butter)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V butter)(PP(P up)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V button)(PP(P up))) (VP(V buy)(NP(DET a)(N pig)(PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(N poke))))) (VP(V buy)(NP(N oneself))(PP(P in))) (VP(V buy)(NP(N oneself))(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V buy)(NP(PRON it/that))) (VP(V buy)(PP(P in))) (VP(V buy)(PP(P off))(NP)) (VP(V buy)(PP(P out))(NP)) (VP(V buy)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V buzz)(PP(P off))) (VP(V cage)(PP(P in))(NP)) (VP(V caked)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V caked)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V call)(NP(DET the)(N shots))) (VP(V call)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N bluff))) (VP(V call)(NP)(PP(P forward))) (VP(V call)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N account)))) (VP(V call)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N mind)))) (VP(V call)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N order)))) (VP(V call)(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V call)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V call)(PP(P away))) (VP(V call)(PP(P by)(NP))) (VP(V call)(PP(P down))(NP)) (VP(V call)(PP(P down))(NP)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N head)))) (VP(V call)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V call)(PP(P forth))(NP)) (VP(V call)(PP(P in))) (VP(V call)(PP(P in))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V call)(PP(P off))(NP)) (VP(V call)(PP(P on))(NP)) (VP(V call)(PP(P on))(NP)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP)))) (VP(V call)(PP(P out))) (VP(V call)(PP(P round))) (VP(V call)(PP(P round))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V call)(PP(P up))) (VP(V call)(PP(P up))(NP(DET the)(ND evil))) (VP(V call)(PP(P upon))(NP)) (VP(V call)(PP(P upon))(NP)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP)))) (VP(V call)(SC(NP(DET a)(N spade))(NP(DET a)(N spade)))) (VP(V call)(SC(NP)(NP(N names)))) (VP(V call)(SC(NP(PRON it))(NP(DET a)(N day)))) (VP(V calm)(PP(P down))) (VP(V camp)(PP(P out))) (VP(V camp)(PP(P up))) (VP(V cancel)(PP(P out))) (VP(V canvass)(NP(DET the)(N idea)(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (VP(V care)(PP(P for))(NP)) (VP(V care)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V carp)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V carp)(PP(P at)(NP))(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V carry)(NP)(AP(AP(A shoulder))(A high))) (VP(V carry)(NP)(AP(AP(A too))(A far))) (VP(V carry)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V carry)(NP)(AP(A back))) (VP(V carry)(NP)(AP(A back)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V carry)(NP)(AP(A forward))) (VP(V carry)(NP(DET the)(N can))) (VP(V carry)(NP(N all))(PP(P before)(NP(PRON one)))) (VP(V carry)(NP(N conviction))) (VP(V carry)(NP(N everything))(PP(P before)(NP(PRON one)))) (VP(V carry)(NP(N weight))) (VP(V carry)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N point))) (VP(V carry)(NP)(PP(P about))) (VP(V carry)(NP)(PP(P about))(PP(P with)(NP(PRON one)))) (VP(V carry)(NP)(PP(P along))) (VP(V carry)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V carry)(NP)(PP(P over))) (VP(V carry)(NP)(PP(P through))) (VP(V carry)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP(PRON one)))) (VP(V carry)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P off))) (VP(V carry)(PP(P on))) (VP(V carry)(PP(P on))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V carry)(PP(P out))(NP)) (VP(V carry/hold)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N liquor))) (VP(V carry/win)(NP(DET the)(N day))) (VP(V carve)(PP(P out))(NP(DET a)(N career))(PP(P for)(NP(PRON oneself)))) (VP(V carve)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V case)(NP(DET the)(N joint))) (VP(V cash)(PP(P in))(NP)) (VP(V cash)(PP(P in))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V cast)(NP(DET an)(N eye))(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V cast)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N eyes))(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V cast)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N net))(AP(A wide))) (VP(V cast)(PP(P about))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V cast)(PP(P aside))(NP)) (VP(V cast)(PP(P away))) (VP(V cast)(PP(P down))) (VP(V cast)(PP(P in))(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N lot))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V cast)(PP(P off))) (VP(V cast)(PP(P off))(NP(N stitches))) (VP(V cast)(PP(P on))) (VP(V cast)(PP(P on))(NP(N stitches))) (VP(V cast)(PP(P out))(NP)) (VP(V cast)(PP(P round))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V cast)(PP(P up))) (VP(V cast)(PP(P up))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V catch)(NP)(AP(A(A red)(A handed)))) (VP(V catch)(NP(N cold))) (VP(V catch)(NP(DET a)(N cold))) (VP(V catch)(NP(DET a)(N packet))) (VP(V catch)(NP(N fire))) (VP(V catch)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N breath))) (VP(V catch)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N death))) (VP(V catch)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N death)(PP(P of)(NP(N cold))))) (VP(V catch)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N attention))) (VP(V catch)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N eye))) (VP(V catch)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N fancy))) (VP(V catch)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N imagination))) (VP(V catch)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N act)))) (VP(V catch)(NP)(PP(P in)(PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N waist))))) (VP(V catch)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V catch)(NP(PRON it))) (VP(V catch)(NP)(S(VP(V napping)))) (VP(V catch)(PP(P at)(NP(DET a)(N straw)))) (VP(V catch)(PP(P in)(PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N waist))))) (VP(V catch)(PP(P on))) (VP(V catch)(PP(P on))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V catch)(PP(P up))) (VP(V catch)(PP(P up))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V catch)(PP(P up))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V catch/get)(NP(DET a)(N whiff)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V catch/take)(NP)(AP(A unawares))) (VP(V cater)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V cater)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V caught)(PP(P up))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V cause)(NP(DET a)(N ripple))) (VP(V cause)(NP(DET a)(N ripple))(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N surface)))) (VP(V cause)(NP(DET a)(N stir))) (VP(V cave)(PP(P in))) (VP(V centre)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V centre)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V centre)(PP(P round)(NP))) (VP(V centre)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V chain)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V chalk)(PP(P out))(NP)) (VP(V chalk)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V chance)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N arm/luck))) (VP(V change)(AP(A back))(PP(P into)(NP))) (NP(DET the)(N course)(PP(P of)(NP(N history)))) (VP(V change)(NP(DET the)(N course)(PP(P of)(NP(N history))))) (VP(V change)(NP(DET the)(N face)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V change)(NP(DET the)(N record))) (VP(V change)(NP(DET the)(N subject))) (VP(V change)(NP(N colour))) (VP(V change)(NP(N course))) (VP(V change)(NP(N gear))) (VP(V change)(NP(N hands))) (VP(V change)(NP(N places))) (VP(V change)(NP(N places))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V change)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N spots))) (VP(V change)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N tune))) (VP(V change)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N ways))) (VP(V change)(NP)(PP(P over))) (VP(V change)(NP)(PP(P round))) (VP(V change)(PP(P from)(NP))(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V change)(PP(P from)(NP))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V change)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V change)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V change)(PP(P over))) (VP(V change)(PP(P over))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V change)(PP(P round))(PP(P from)(NP))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V change)(PP(P up))) (VP(V change/swap)(NP(N horses))) (VP(V change/swap)(NP(N horses))(PP(P in)(NP(N(A mid)(N stream))))) (VP(V change/turn)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N coat))) (VP(V charge)(NP)(PP(P up))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V charge)(PP(P at))) (VP(V charge)(PP(P for))(NP)) (VP(V charge)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V charge)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V chase)(PP(P around))) (VP(V chase)(PP(P around))(PP(P after)(NP))) (VP(V chase)(PP(P round))) (VP(V chase)(PP(P round))(PP(P after)(NP))) (VP(V chase)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V chat)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V chatter)(AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(N magpie)))) (VP(V chatter)(PP(P away))) (VP(V cheat)(NP)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V cheat)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V cheat)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V check)(PP(P in))) (VP(V check)(PP(P in))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V check)(PP(P off))(NP)) (VP(V check)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V check)(PP(P out))) (VP(V check)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V check)(PP(P over))(NP)) (VP(V check)(PP(P through))(NP)) (VP(V check)(PP(P up))) (VP(V check)(PP(P up))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V cheer)(NP)(PP(P on))) (VP(V cheer)(PP(P up))) (VP(V cheese)(PP(P off))(NP)) (VP(V chew)(NP(DET the)(N cud))) (VP(V chew)(NP(DET the)(N fat/rag))) (VP(V chew)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V chew)(PP(P over))(NP)) (VP(V chicken)(PP(P out))) (VP(V chicken)(PP(P out))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V chill)(NP(DET the)(N spine))) (VP(V chill)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N spine))) (VP(V chime)(PP(P in))) (VP(V chime)(PP(P in))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V chip)(PP(P in))) (VP(V chip)(PP(P in))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V chisel)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V chivvy)(NP)(PP(P along))) (VP(V choke)(NP(DET the)(N life))(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V choke)(PP(P back))(NP)) (VP(V choke)(PP(P off))(NP)) (VP(V choke)(PP(P off))(NP)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V choke)(PP(P up))) (VP(V choked)(PP(P up))(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V chop)(PP(P about))) (VP(V chop)(PP(P down))(NP)) (VP(V chop)(PP(P off))(NP)) (VP(V chop)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V chuck)(NP(N oneself))(PP(P away))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V chuck)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V chuck)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V chuck)(NP)(PP(P under)(NP(DET the)(N chin)))) (VP(V chuck)(NP(PRON it))) (VP(V chuck)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P away))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V chuck)(PP(P away))(NP)) (VP(V chuck)(PP(P up))) (VP(V chug)(PP(P along))) (VP(V chum)(PP(P up))) (VP(V chum)(PP(P up))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V churn)(PP(P out))(NP)) (VP(V churn)(PP(P up))) (VP(V circle)(PP(P round))) (VP(V circle)(PP(P round))(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V claim)(NP)(AP(A back))) (VP(V claim)(NP)(AP(A back)(PP(P from)(NP)))) (VP(V clam)(PP(P up))) (VP(V clamp)(PP(P down))) (VP(V clamp)(PP(P down))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V clap)(NP)(PP(P onto)(NP))) (VP(V clap)(PP(P in))(NP)) (VP(V clap)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V clap)(PP(P on))(NP)) (VP(V clapped)(PP(P out))) (VP(V clash)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V claw)(NP)(AP(A back))) (VP(V clean)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V clean)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P up))) (VP(V clean)(PP(P down))(NP)) (VP(V clean)(PP(P out))(NP)) (VP(V clean)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V clean)(PP(P up))) (VP(V cleanse)(NP(DET the)(N stables))) (VP(V cleanse)(NP(DET the)(AP(A augean))(N stables))) (VP(V clear)(NP(DET the)(N air))) (VP(V clear)(NP(DET the)(N decks))) (VP(V clear)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(N character))) (VP(V clear)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(N head))) (VP(V clear)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N conscience))) (VP(V clear)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N mind))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V clear)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N throat))) (VP(V clear)(PP(P away))(NP)) (VP(V clear)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V clear)(PP(P off))) (VP(V clear)(PP(P out))) (VP(V clear)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V clear)(PP(P up))) (VP(V clear)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V clench)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N hands))) (VP(V click)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N heels))) (VP(V click)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N tongue))) (VP(V climb)(NP(DET the)(N wall))) (VP(V climb)(NP(DET the)(N walls))) (VP(V climb)(PP(P down))) (VP(V clinch)(NP(DET a)(N deal))) (VP(V cling)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V clip)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N wings))) (VP(V clip)(PP(P on))(NP)) (VP(V clip)(PP(P onto)(NP))) (VP(V clock)(PP(P in))) (VP(V clock)(PP(P off))) (VP(V clock)(PP(P on))) (VP(V clock)(PP(P out))) (VP(V clog)(PP(P up))) (VP(V close)(NP(N ranks))) (VP(V close)(NP(DET the)(N ranks))) (VP(V close)(NP(N ranks))) (VP(V close)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N ranks))) (VP(V close)(PP(P down))) (VP(V close)(PP(P in))) (VP(V close)(PP(P in))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V close)(PP(P in))(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V close)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V close)(PP(P up))) (VP(V close)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V cloud)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N brain))) (VP(V club)(AP(A together))) (VP(V cluster)(PP(P around)(NP))) (VP(V cluster)(PP(P round)(NP))) (VP(V clutch)(PP(P at)(NP(DET a)(N straw)))) (VP(V clutter)(PP(P up))) (VP(V coast)(PP(P along))) (VP(V cock)(NP(DET an)(N ear))) (VP(V cock)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N ear))) (VP(V cock)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N ears))) (VP(V cock)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V coil)(NP(PRON itself))(PP(P around)(NP))) (VP(V coil)(NP(PRON itself))(PP(P round)(NP))) (VP(V coil)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P up))) (VP(V coil)(PP(P around)(NP))) (VP(V coil)(PP(P round)(NP))) (VP(V coil)(PP(P up))) (VP(V coin)(NP(DET a)(N phrase/word))) (VP(V collect/gather)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N wits))) (VP(V colour)(PP(P up))) (VP(V comb)(PP(P out))(NP)) (VP(V come)(AP(AP(A thick))(CONJ and)(AP(A fast)))) (VP(V come)(AP(A alive))) (VP(V come)(AP(A apart))) (VP(V come)(AP(A apart))(PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N seams)))) (VP(V come)(AP(A away))) (VP(V come)(AP(A away)(PP(P from)(NP)))) (VP(V come)(AP(A away))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V come)(AP(A back))) (VP(V come)(AP(A clean))) (VP(V come)(AP(A forth))) (VP(V come)(AP(A forward))) (VP(V come)(AP(A hither))) (VP(V come)(AP(A home))) (VP(V come)(AP(A home))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V come)(AP(A now))) (VP(V come)(AP(A together))) (VP(V come)(AP(A true))) (VP(V come)(AP(A unstuck))) (VP(V come)(NP(DET a)(N cropper))) (VP(V come)(NP(NP(N hell))(CONJ or)(NP(AP(A high))(N water)))) (VP(V come)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N way))) (VP(V come)(NP(PRON it))(AP(A strong))) (VP(V come)(PP(P aboard))) (VP(V come)(PP(P about))) (VP(V come)(PP(P across))) (VP(V come)(PP(P across)(PP(P with)(NP)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P after)(NP))) (VP(V come)(PP(P along))) (VP(V come)(PP(P along))(PP(P on))) (VP(V come)(PP(P along)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P along)(PP(P with)(NP)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P around))) (VP(V come)(PP(P around)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V come)(PP(P before)(NP))) (VP(V come)(PP(P between)(NP))) (VP(V come)(PP(P between)(NP(NP)(CONJ and)(NP)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P between)(NP(NP(N sb))(CONJ and)(NP(N sth))))) (VP(V come)(PP(P by))(NP)) (VP(V come)(PP(P down))) (VP(V come)(PP(P down)(PP(P from)(NP)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P down))(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N world)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P down))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V come)(PP(P down)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P down)(PP(P to)(NP(N earth))))) (VP(V come)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V come)(PP(P in))) (VP(V come)(PP(P in))(AP(A handy))) (VP(V come)(PP(P in))(AP(A pat))) (VP(V come)(PP(P in))(AP(A useful))) (VP(V come)(PP(P in))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V come)(PP(P in))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V come)(PP(P in))(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N(N ground)(N floor))))) (VP(V come)(PP(P in))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V come)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V come)(PP(P into)(NP(DET the)(N open)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P into)(NP(DET the)(N world)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P into)(NP(N action)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P into)(NP(N being)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P into)(NP(N blossom)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P into)(NP(N bud)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P into)(NP(N collision)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P into)(NP(N collision)(PP(P with)(NP))))) (VP(V come)(PP(P into)(NP(N contact)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P into)(NP(N contact)(PP(P with)(NP))))) (VP(V come)(PP(P into)(NP(N effect)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P into)(NP(N existence)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P into)(NP(N fashion)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P into)(NP(N flower)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P into)(NP(N focus)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P into)(NP(N force)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P into)(NP(N leaf)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P into)(NP(N line)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P into)(NP(N line)(PP(P with)(NP))))) (VP(V come)(PP(P into)(NP(N play)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P into)(NP(N power)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P into)(NP(N prominence)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P into)(NP(N season)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P into)(NP(N service)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P into)(NP(N sight)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P into)(NP(N use)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P into)(NP(N view)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P into)(NP(N vogue)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P into)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N possession)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P into)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N own)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P into)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N possession)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V come)(PP(P of)(NP(N age)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P off))) (VP(V come)(PP(P off)(NP(DET the)(AP(A gold))(N standard)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P off)(NP(PRON it)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P on))) (VP(V come)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N scene)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P on)(NP(N top)(PP(P of)(NP))))) (VP(V come)(PP(P on))(PP(P down))) (VP(V come)(PP(P on))(PP(P in))) ((VP(V come)(PP(P on))(PP(P in)))(CONJ)(S(NP(DET the)(N water))(VP(V 's)(AP)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P on))(PP(P out))) (VP(V come)(PP(P on))(PP(P round))) (VP(V come)(PP(P on))(PP(P up))) (VP(V come)(PP(P on))(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V come)(PP(P on))(PP(P upon)(NP(PRON one)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P out))) (VP(V come)(PP(P out))(AP(A badly))) (VP(V come)(PP(P out))(AP(A well))) (VP(V come)(PP(P out))(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V come)(PP(P out))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V come)(PP(P out))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V come)(PP(P out))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V come)(PP(P out))(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N wash)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P out))(PP(P in)(NP(N favour)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P out))(PP(P in)(NP(N favour)(PP(P of)(NP))))) (VP(V come)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))(AP(A badly))) (VP(V come)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))(AP(A well))) (VP(V come)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N blue))))) (VP(V come)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N shell))))) (VP(V come)(PP(P out))(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(AP(A right))(N side)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P out))(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(AP(A wrong))(N side)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P out))(PP(P on)(NP(N top)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P out))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V come)(PP(P out))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V come)(PP(P over))) (VP(V come)(PP(P over))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V come)(PP(P round))) (VP(V come)(PP(P round))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V come)(PP(P through))) (VP(V come)(PP(P through))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(DET a)(AP(A bad))(N end)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(DET a)(AP(A dead))(N end)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(DET a)(AP(A pretty))(N pass)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(DET a)(AP(A successful))(N conclusion)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(DET a)(N(V stand)(A still))))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(DET a)(N climax)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(DET a)(N conclusion)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(DET a)(N halt)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(DET a)(N head)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(DET an)(N end)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(AP(A same))(N thing)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N boil)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N fore)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N ground)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N point)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N rescue)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(N attention)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(N blows)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(N fruition)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(N grief)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(N grips)(PP(P with)(NP))))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(N harm)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(N heel)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(N life)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(N light)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(N much)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(N nothing)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(N rest)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(N something)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(N terms)(PP(P with)(NP))))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N feet)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N senses)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N aid)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N assistance)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N attention)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N help)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N notice)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N rescue)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(PRON it)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(PRON oneself)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(PRON that)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(PRON this)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P to)(NP(QP(Q such))(DET a)(N pass)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P up))) (VP(V come)(PP(P up))(AP(AP(DEG as))(A far)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP))))) (VP(V come)(PP(P up))(AP(A smiling))) (VP(V come)(PP(P up))(NP(DET the)(AP(A hard))(N way))) (VP(V come)(PP(P up))(NP(N roses))) (VP(V come)(PP(P up))(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V come)(PP(P up))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V come)(PP(P up))(PP(P for)(NP(N auction)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P up))(PP(P for)(NP(N sale)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P up))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V come)(PP(P up)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N chin))))) (VP(V come)(PP(P up)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N shoulder))))) (VP(V come)(PP(P up))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V come)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V come)(PP(P upon)(NP(PRON one)))) (VP(V come)(PP(P within)(NP))) (VP(V come)(S'(COMP(NP(N what)))(S(AUX(MOD may/might))))) (VP(V come)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V pass))))) (VP(V come)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V rest))))) *(VP(V come)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V think)(PP(P of)(NP(PRON it))))))) (VP(V come/go)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(PRON one))(VP(V is))))) (VP(V commit)(NP(PRON oneself))) (VP(V compare)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V compare)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V compensate)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V compete)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V compete)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V compete)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V complain)(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V complain)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V compliment)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V comply)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V composed)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V compound)(NP(DET a)(N felony))) (VP(V compress)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V compromise)(PP(P with)(NP))(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V compute)(NP)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V conceal)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V concede)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V conceive)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V concentrate)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V concentrate)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V concentrate)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V concern)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V concern)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V concern)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V concern)(PP(PP with)(NP))) (VP(V concern)(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V concern)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V concerned)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V concur)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V condemn)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V condemn)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V condition)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V condole)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V condole)(PP(P with)(NP))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V conduce)(NP)(PP(P to)(S))) (VP(V conduct)(AP(A away))) (VP(V conduct)(NP)(AP(A away)(PP(P from)(NP)))) (VP(V cone)(PP(P off))) (VP(V cone)(PP(P off))(NP)) (VP(V confer)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V confer)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V confer)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V confess)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V confide)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V confine)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V confirm)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A worst))(N fears))) (VP(V confirm)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V conflict)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V conform)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V conform)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V confound)(NP(DET the)(N prophets/critics))) (VP(V confront)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V confuse)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V congratulate)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V congratulate)(NP)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V congratulate)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V congratulate)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V conjure)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V connect)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V connect)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V connect)(PP(P up))(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V connive)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V consecrate)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V consent)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V consider)(NP(DET the)(N lilies))) (VP(V consign)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V consist)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V consist)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V console)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V consort)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V conspire)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V conspire)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V consult)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V contain)(NP(PRON oneself))) (VP(V contain)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V contemplate/gazed)(PP(P at)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N navel)))) (VP(V contemplate/gazed)(PP(P at)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(N navel)))) (VP(V contend)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V contend)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V content)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V continue)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V contract)(PP(P out))(NP)) (VP(V contract)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V contract)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V contrast)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V contribute)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V converge)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V converse)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V convert)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V convert)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V convert)(PP(P from)(NP))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V convert)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V convict)(NP)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V convince)(NP)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V cook)(NP(POSS(NP(N someone))'s)(N goose))) (VP(V cook)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(N goose))) (VP(V cook)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON their)))(N books))) (VP(V cook)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V cool)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N heels))) (VP(V cool)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V cool)(PP(P down))) (VP(V cool)(PP(P off))) (VP(V coop)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V coop)(NP)(PP(P up))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V co-operate)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V cop)(NP(PRON it))) (VP(V cope)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V copy)(PP(P down))(NP)) (VP(V copy)(PP(P out))(NP)) (VP(V cordon)(PP(P off))(NP)) (VP(V cork)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V corner)(NP(DET the)(N market))) (VP(V correlate)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V correspond)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V correspond)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V cost)(NP(N money))) (VP(V cost)(NP sb)(AP(A dear))) (VP(V cost)(NP(DET a)(N fortune))) (VP(V cost)(NP sb)(NP(DET a)(N fortune))) (VP(V cost)(NP sb)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N life))) (VP(V cotton)(PP(P on))) (VP(V cotton)(PP(P on))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V couch)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V cough)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P up))) (VP(V cough)(PP(P up))) (VP(V cough)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V count)(NP(DET the)(N house))(PP(P out))) (VP(V count)(NP(DET the)(N cost))) (VP(V count)(NP(DET the)(N days/hours))) (VP(V count)(NP(N pennies))) (VP(V count)(NP(DET the)(N pennies))) (VP(V count)(NP(N heads))) (VP(V count)(NP(N sheep))) (VP(V count)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N blessings))) (VP(V count)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N chickens))) (VP(V count)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N chickens))(PP(P before)(S(NP(PRON they))(AUX(V are))(VP(V hatched))))) (VP(V count)(NP)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V count)(NP)(PP(P among)(NP))) (VP(V count)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V count)(PP(P down))(NP)) (VP(V count)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V count)(PP(P from)(NP))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V count)(PP(P from)(NP))(PP(P up)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V count)(PP(P on))(NP)) (VP(V count)(PP(P out))(NP)) (VP(V count)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V count)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V count)(PP(P up)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V count)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V count)(SC(NP(PRON oneself))(AP(A fortunate/lucky)))) (VP(V counter)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V couple)(NP)(PP(P onto)(NP))) (VP(V couple)(PP(P on))(NP)) (VP(V couple)(PP(P up))) (VP(V couple)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V course)(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V court)(NP(N death))) (VP(V cover)(NP(DET a)(N multitude)(PP(P of)(NP(N sins))))) (VP(V cover)(NP(DET the)(N ground))) (VP(V cover)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N tracks))) (VP(V cover)(NP)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V cover)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V cover)(PP(P in)(NP(N confusion)))) (VP(V cover)(PP(P in)(NP(N shame)))) (VP(V cover)(PP(P over))(NP)) (VP(V cover)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V cover)(PP(P up))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V cover)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V cover)(PP(P with)(NP(N confusion)))) (VP(V cover)(PP(P with)(NP(N shame)))) (VP(V cow)(PP(P into)(NP(N submission)))) (VP(V crack)(NP(DET a)(N bottle))) (VP(V crack)(NP(DET a)(N joke))) (VP(V crack)(PP(P down))) (VP(V crack)(PP(P down))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V crack)(PP(P up))) (VP(V cram)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V cram)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V cramp)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N style))) (VP(V crane)(AP(A forward))) (VP(V crank)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V crash)(AP(A away))) (VP(V crash)(PP(P about))) (VP(V crash)(PP(P about)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N ears)))) (VP(V crash)(PP(P across)(NP))) (VP(V crash)(PP(P along)(NP))) (VP(V crash)(PP(P down))) (VP(V crave)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V crawl)(AP(A away))) (VP(V crawl)(PP(P across)(NP))) (VP(V crawl)(PP(P along)(NP))) (VP(V crawl)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V crawl)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V create)(NP(N hell/murder))) (VP(V create)(NP(AP(A bloody))(N hell/murder))) (VP(V create/make)(NP(DET a)(AP(A bad))(N impression))) (VP(V credit)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V credit)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V creep)(PP(P across)(NP))) (VP(V creep)(PP(P along))) (VP(V creep)(PP(P along)(NP))) (VP(V creep)(PP(P away))) (VP(V creep)(PP(P in))) (VP(V creep)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V creep)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V creep)(PP(P up))) (VP(V creep)(PP(P up))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V cringe)(AP(A back))) (VP(V cringe)(AP(A back)(PP(P from)(NP)))) (VP(V cringe)(PP(P away))) (VP(V cringe)(PP(P away)(PP(P from)(NP)))) (VP(V cringe)(PP(P before)(NP))) (VP(V crisp)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V crock)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V crook)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N finger))) (VP(V crop)(PP(P up))) (VP(V cross)(NP(DET the)(N(A great)(N divide)))) (VP(V cross)(NP(DET the)(N rubicon))) (VP(V cross)(NP(N swords))) (VP(V cross)(NP(N swords))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V cross)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N hand))(PP(P with)(NP(N silver)))) (VP(V cross)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N palm))(PP(P with)(NP(N silver)))) (VP(V cross)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N rubicon))) (VP(V cross)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N bridges))(S'(COMP when)(S(NP(PRON one))(VP(V comes)(PP(P to)(NP(PRON them))))))) (VP(V cross)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N mind))) (VP(V cross)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N path))) (VP(V cross)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V cross)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V cross)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V cross)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V crow)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N head))(PP(P off))) (VP(V crow)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V crowd)(PP(P in))) (VP(V crowd)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V crowd)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V crowd)(PP(P out))(NP)) (VP(V crowd)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V crowd)(PP(P round)(NP))) (VP(V crowd)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V crumble)(AP(A away))) (VP(V crumple)(PP(P up))) (VP(V crumple)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V crusade)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V crusade)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V crush)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V crush)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP(N submission)))) (VP(V crush)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V crush)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V crush)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N death)))) (VP(V crush)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V crush)(PP(P in))) (VP(V cry)(NP(N oneself))(PP(P to)(NP(N sleep)))) (VP(V cry)(NP(N wolf))) (VP(V cry)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N eyes))(PP(P out))) (VP(V cry)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N heart))(PP(P out))) (VP(V cry)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V cry)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V cry)(PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N moon)))) (VP(V cry)(PP(P off))) (VP(V cry)(PP(P out))) (VP(V cry)(PP(P out))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V cry)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V cry)(PP(P over)(NP(AP(A spilt))(N milk)))) (VP(V cry/laugh)(NP(QP(Q all))(DET the)(N way)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N bank))))) (VP(V cuddle)(PP(P up))) (VP(V cuddle)(PP(P up))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V cull)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V culminate)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V cure)(NP)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V curl)(NP(DET the)(N lip))) (VP(V curl)(NP(DET the)(N lips))) (VP(V curl)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N lip))) (VP(V curl)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N lips))) (VP(V curl)(PP(P up))) (VP(V curry)(NP(N favour))) (VP(V curry)(NP(N favour))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V cursed)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V curtain)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V cut)(AP(A away))) (VP(V cut)(AP(A back))) (VP(V cut)(AP(A loose))) (VP(V cut)(AP(A loose))(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V cut)(NP)(AP(A short))) (VP(V cut)(NP(DET a)(AP(A fine))(N figure))) (VP(V cut)(NP(DET a)(N caper))) (VP(V cut)(NP(DET a)(N dash))) (VP(V cut)(NP(DET the)(N knot))) (VP(V cut)(NP(DET the)(AP(A gordian))(N knot))) (VP(V cut)(NP(DET the)(AP(A red))(N tape))) (VP(V cut)(NP(DET the)(N ground))(PP(P from)(PP(P under)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N feet))))) (VP(V cut)(NP(N corners))) (VP(V cut)(NP(N prices))(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N bone)))) (VP(V cut)(NP(POSS(NP(DET each)(N other))'s)(N throats))) (VP(V cut)(NP(POSS(NP(DET one)(N another))'s)(N throats))) (VP(V cut)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(N throat))) (VP(V cut)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N(N eye)(N teeth)))) (VP(V cut)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N cables))) (VP(V cut)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N coat))(AP(A according)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N cloth))))) (VP(V cut)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N losses))) (VP(V cut)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V cut)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V cut)(NP)(PP(P up))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V cut)(NP(PRON it/things))(AP(A fine))) (VP(V cut)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P out))) (VP(V cut)(NP(PRON that))(PP(P out))) (VP(V cut)(NP(QP(Q both/two))(N ways))) (VP(V cut)(NP(QP(Q no))(N ice))) (VP(V cut)(NP(QP(Q no))(N ice))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V cut)(NP sb)(AP(A dead))) (VP(V cut)(PP(P across)(NP))) (VP(V cut)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V cut)(PP(P down))) (VP(V cut)(PP(P down))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V cut)(PP(P down)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V cut)(PP(P down)(PP(P to)(NP(N size))))) (VP(V cut)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V cut)(PP(P in))) (VP(V cut)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V cut)(PP(P off))(NP)) (VP(V cut)(PP(P off))(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N nose))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V spite)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N face)))))) (VP(V cut)(PP(P off))(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V cut)(PP(P off))(PP(P with)(NP(DET a)(N shilling)))) (VP(V cut)(PP(P out))(NP(AP(A dead))(N wood))) (VP(V cut)(PP(P out))(NP(DET the)(AP(A dead))(N wood))) (VP(V cut)(PP(P out))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V cut)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V cut)(PP(P through))) (VP(V cut)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V cut)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N bone)))) (VP(V cut)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N quick)))) (VP(V cut)(PP(P to)(NP(N pieces)))) (VP(V cut)(PP(P to)(NP(N ribbons)))) (VP(V cut)(PP(P to)(NP(N shreds)))) (VP(V cut)(PP(P up))) (VP(V dab)(PP(P off))(NP)) (VP(V dab)(PP(P on))(NP)) (VP(V dab)(PP(P onto)(NP))) (VP(V dabble)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V dally)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V dam)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V damn)(NP(N all))) (VP(V damn)(NP(PRON it))) (VP(V damn)(NP(PRON it)(AP(A all)))) (VP(V damn)(PP(P with)(NP(AP(A faint))(N praise)))) (VP(V damp)(PP(P down))(NP)) (VP(V damp)(PP(P off))(NP)) (VP(V dance)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V dance)(NP(N attendance))) (VP(V dance)(NP(N attendance))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V dance)(PP(P across)(NP))) (VP(V dance)(PP(P along)(NP))) (VP(V dangle)(NP)(PP(P before)(NP))) (VP(V dangle)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(N front)(PP(P of)(NP))))) (VP(V dart)(AP(A away))) (VP(V dart)(NP(DET a)(N glance))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V dart)(NP(DET a)(N look))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V dart)(PP(P across)(NP))) (VP(V dart)(PP(P along)(NP))) (VP(V dash)(AP(A away))(NP(DET a)(N tear))) (VP(V dash)(AP(A away))(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N tears))) (VP(V dash)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(N brains))(PP(P out))) (VP(V dash)(NP)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V dash)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V dash)(PP(P off))) (VP(V dash)(PP(P over))) (VP(V dash/shatter)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N hopes))) (VP(V date)(AP(A back)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V date)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V daub)(NP)(PP(P onto)(NP))) (VP(V daub)(NP)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V daub)(PP(P on))(NP)) (VP(V daub)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V dawn)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V dawn)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V deal)(NP(N sb/sth))(NP(DET a)(N blow))) (VP(V deal)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V deal)(PP(P out))(NP)) (VP(V deal)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V debar)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V debit)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V debit)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V deceive)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V deceived)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V decide)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V decide)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V decide)(PP(P in)(NP(N favour)(PP(P of)(NP))))) (VP(V decide)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V deck)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V deck)(NP)(PP(P out))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V deck)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V deck)(NP)(PP(P up))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V deck)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V declare)(NP(DET an)(N interest))) (VP(V declare)(NP(N war))) (VP(V declare)(NP(N war))(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V declare)(NP(N war))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V declare)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N interest))) (VP(V dedicate)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V deduce)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V deduct)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V defeat)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)/(POSS(NP(PRON its)))(N purpose))) (VP(V defeat)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)/(POSS(NP(PRON its)))(AP(A own))(N purpose))) (VP(V defect)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V defect)(PP(P from)(NP))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V defect)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V defend)(NP)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V defend)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V defer)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V define)(NP)(PP(P as)(NP))) (VP(V deflect)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V delegate)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V delete)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V delight)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V deliver)(NP(DET the)(N goods))) (VP(V deliver)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V deliver)(PP(P over))(NP)) (VP(V deliver)(PP(P over)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V deliver)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V deliver)(PP(P up)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V delude)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V delve)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V demand)(NP)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V denude)(NP)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V depart)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V depend)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V depend)(PP(P on)(NP(PRON it)))) (VP(V depend)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V depend)(PP(P upon)(NP(PRON it)))) (VP(V deprive)(NP)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V deputize)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V derive)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V descend)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V descend)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V describe)(NP)(PP(P as)(NP))) (VP(V deserve)(AP(A better))) (VP(V deserve)(AP(A well))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V despair)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V destine)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V detach)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V detail)(PP(P off))(NP)) (VP(V detect)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V deter)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V detract)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V develop)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V develop)(PP(P from)(NP))(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V develop)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V deviate)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V devolve)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V devote)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V dictate)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V die)(AP(A away))) (VP(V die)(AP(A back))) (VP(V die)(AP(A hard))) (VP(V die)(AP(A laughing))) (VP(V die)(AP(A like)(NP(N flies)))) (VP(V die)(NP(DET a)(AP(A natural))(N death))) (VP(V die)(NP(DET the)(N death))) (VP(V die)(PP(P down))) (VP(V die)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V die)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V die)(PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(N ditch)))) (VP(V die)(PP(P in)(NP(N harness)))) (VP(V die)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N boots)))) (VP(V die)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V die)(PP(P off))) (VP(V die)(PP(P out))) (VP(V differ)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V dig)(NP(DET a)(N pit))) (VP(V dig)(NP(DET a)(N pit)(PP(P for)(NP(N sb))))) (VP(V dig)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N heels/toes))(PP(P in))) (VP(V dig)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N ribs)))) (VP(V dig)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P in))) (VP(V dig)(PP(P in))) (VP(V dig)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V dig)(PP(P out))) (VP(V dig)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V dig)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V din)(PP(P in))) (VP(V din)(PP(P in))(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N ears))) (VP(V din)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V dine)(PP(P in))) (VP(V dine)(PP(P off)(NP))) (VP(V dine)(PP(P out))) (VP(V dine)(PP(P out))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V dip)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V direct)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(N attention))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V direct)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V direct)(NP)(PP(P towards)(NP))) (VP(V disabuse)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V disagree)(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V disagree)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V disagree)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V disagree)(PP(P with)(NP))(PP(P about/over)(NP))) (VP(V disappear)(PP(P from)(NP(N sight/view)))) (VP(V disapprove)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V discharge)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V discharge)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V discharge)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V disconnect)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V discourage)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V discriminate)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V discriminate)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V discriminate)(PP(P between)(NP))) (VP(V disembark)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V disengage)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V disentangle)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V dish)(NP(DET the)(N dirt))) (VP(V dish)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V dish)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V dish)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P out))) (VP(V disinclined)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V dislodge)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V dismiss)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V dismiss)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N mind)))) (VP(V dismiss)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N thoughts)))) (VP(V dispense)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V dispose)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V dispossess)(NP)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V dissociate)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V dissuade)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V distinguish)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V distract)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V distribute)(NP)(PP(P among)(NP))) (VP(V distribute)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V disturb)(NP(DET the)(N peace))) (VP(V dive)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N hand))(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V dive)(PP(P in))) (VP(V dive)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V diverge)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V divert)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V divest)(NP)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V divide)(NP)(PP(P among)(NP))) (VP(V divide)(NP)(PP(P between)(NP))) (VP(V divide)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V do)(AP(A badly))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V do)(AP(A better))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP sth))))) (VP(V do)(AP(A well))(PP(P by)(NP))) (VP(V do)(AP(A well))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V do)(AP(A well))(PP(P for)(NP(PRON oneself)))) (VP(V do)(AP(A well))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP))))) (VP(V do)(AP(DEG more)(NP(N harm))(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(N good)))))) (VP(V do)(NP(AP(A ample))(N justice))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V do)(NP(AP(A full))(N justice))(PP(P to)(NP))) (NP(DET a)(AP(A double))(N shuffle)) (VP(V do)(NP(DET a)(AP(A double))(N shuffle))) (VP(V do)(NP(DET a)(N bunk))) (VP(V do)(NP(DET a)(N sb))) (VP(V do)(NP(DET the)(AP(A right))(N thing))) (VP(V do)(NP(DET the)(N(N donkey)(N work)))) (VP(V do)(NP(DET the)(N(N spade)(N work)))) (VP(V do)(NP(DET the)(N honours))) (VP(V do)(NP(DET the)(N necessary/needful))) (VP(V do)(NP(DET the)(N rest))) (VP(V do)(NP(DET the)(N trick))) (VP(V do)(NP(DET the)(N usual))) (VP(V do)(NP(N business))) (VP(V do)(NP(N business))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V do)(NP(N good))) (VP(V do)(NP(N nothing))(PP(P by)(NP(N halves)))) (VP(V do)(NP(N sb))(NP(DET a)(N favour))) (VP(V do)(NP(N sb))(NP(DET a)(N power/world)(PP(P of)(NP(N good))))) (VP(V do)(NP(N sb))(NP(DET an/the)(N honour))) (VP(V do)(NP(N sb))(NP(N credit))) (VP(V do)(NP(N sb/sth))(AP(A proud))) (VP(V do)(NP(N sb/sth))(NP(N good))) (VP(V do)(NP(N sb/sth))(NP(N justice))) (VP(V do)(NP(N sb/oneself))(NP(DET a)(N mischief))) (VP(V do)(NP(N sb/oneself))(NP(DET a)(N service/disservice))) (VP(V do)(NP(N sb/oneself))(NP(DET an)(N injury))) (VP(V do)(NP(N something))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V do)(NP(N sth))(PP(P by)(NP(DET the)(N book)))) (VP(V do)(NP(N time))) (VP(V do)(NP(N wonders/miracles))) (VP(V do)(NP(N wonders/miracles))(PP(P for/with)(NP(N sb/sth)))) (VP(V do)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(N thing))) (VP(V do)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N(N home)(N work)))) (VP(V do)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N bit))) (VP(V do)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N duty))) (VP(V do)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N nut))) (VP(V do)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N stuff))) (VP(V do)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N thing))) (VP(V do)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N usual))) (VP(V do)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N worst))) (VP(V do)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V do)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V do)(NP(PRON it))(NP(PRON yourself))) (VP(V do)(NP(PRON oneself))(NP(DET a)(N bit/piece)(PP(P of)(NP(QP(Q no))(N good))))) (VP(V do)(NP(QP(Q no))(N good))) (VP(V do)(NP(QP(Q no))(N harm))) (VP(V do)(NP(QP(Q no))(N more)(S'(COMP than)(S(VP(V do)(NP sth)))))) (VP(V do)(NP(DET a)(AP(A good/bad))(N turn))) (VP(V do)(NP sb)(NP(DET a)(AP(A good/bad))(N turn))) (VP(V do)(PP(P as)(NP))) (VP(V do)(PP(P away))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V do)(PP(P down))(NP)) (VP(V do)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V do)(PP(P in))(NP)) (VP(V do)(PP(P out))(NP)) (VP(V do)(PP(P over))(NP)) (VP(V do)(PP(P to)(NP(N death)))) (VP(V do)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V do)(PP(P without)(NP))) (VP(V do)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(PRON you))(AUX(MOD would)(V be))(VP(V done)(PP(P by)))))) (VP(V do)(S'(COMP as/what)(S(NP(PRON one))(AUX(V is))(VP(V told))))) (VP(V do/drive)(NP(DET a)(AP(A roaring))(N trade/line))) (VP(V do/drive)(NP(DET a)(AP(A roaring))(N trade/line)(PP(P in)(NP sth)))) (VP(V do/get)(NP(DET a)(AP(A double))(N take))) (VP(V do/go)(NP(DET the)(N rounds))) (VP(V do/try)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N best))) (VP(V do/try)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N best))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP sth))))) (VP(V do/try)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A level/very))(N best))) (VP(V do/try)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A level/very))(N best))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP sth))))) (VP(V do/try)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N damnedest))) (VP(V do/try)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N damnedest))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP(N sth))(PP(P for)(NP(N sb))))))) (VP(V dodge/duck)(NP(DET the)(N issue))) (VP(V dog)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(N steps))) (VP(V dog)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(N footsteps))) (VP(V dole)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V doll)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P up))) (VP(V done)(PP(P in))) (VP(V doomed)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V doss)(PP(P down))) (VP(V dote)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V dote)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V double)(AP(A back))) (VP(V double)(PP(P up))) (VP(V double)(PP(P up))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V doubt)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V dovetail)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V down)(NP(N tools))) (VP(V doze)(P(P off))) (VP(V drag)(NP(DET the)(N chain))) (VP(V drag)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N feet))) (VP(V drag)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V drag)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V drag)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V drag)(NP)(PP(P off)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V drag)(NP)(PP(into)(NP))) (VP(V drag)(PP(P on))) (VP(V drag)(PP(P out))) (VP(V drag)(PP(P through)(NP(DET the)(N mire)))) (VP(V drag)(PP(P through)(NP(DET the)(N mud)))) (VP(V drag)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V dragoon)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V drain)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V drain)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V drain)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V drain)(PP(P away))) (VP(V drain)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V drape)(NP)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V drape)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V draw)(AP(A ahead))) (VP(V draw)(AP(A ahead)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V draw)(AP(A apart))) (VP(V draw)(AP(A apart))(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V draw)(AP(A aside))) (VP(V draw)(AP(A away))) (VP(V draw)(AP(A back))) (VP(V draw)(AP(A back))(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V draw)(NP)(AP(A aside))) (VP(V draw)(NP(N blank))) (VP(V draw)(NP(DET a)(N blank))) (VP(V draw)(NP(DET a)(N veil))(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V draw)(NP(DET the)(N(N enemy)(N fire)))) (VP(V draw)(NP(DET the)(N line))) (VP(V draw)(NP(DET the)(N line))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V draw)(NP(N blood))) (VP(V draw)(NP(N breath))) (VP(V draw)(NP(POSS(NP(DET the)(N enemy))'s)(N fire))) (VP(V draw)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb/sth))'s)(N teeth/fangs))) (VP(V draw)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N attention))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V draw)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N fire))) (VP(V draw)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N horns))(PP(P in))) (VP(V draw)(NP)(PP(P down)(PP(P upon)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N head))))) (VP(V draw)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V draw)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V draw)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V draw)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V draw)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(DET a)(N close)))) (VP(V draw)(NP)(PP(P towards)(NP))) (VP(V draw)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V draw)(NP)(PP(P up))(AP(A sharp))) (VP(V draw)(NP)(PP(P up))(AP(A sharply))) (VP(V draw)(NP(PRON it))(AP(A mild))) (VP(V draw)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P up))) (VP(V draw)(PP(P alongside)(NP))) (VP(V draw)(PP(P down))(NP)) (VP(V draw)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V draw)(PP(P in))) (VP(V draw)(PP(P on))(NP)) (VP(V draw)(PP(P out))(NP)) (VP(V draw)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V draw/make)(NP(N comparisons))) (VP(V draw/point)(NP(DET a)(N moral))) (VP(V draw/take)(NP(N breath))) (VP(V draw/take)(NP(DET a)(N breath))) (VP(V draw/take)(NP(N breath))) (VP(V draw/take)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N breath))) (VP(V dread)(NP(DET the)(N moment))) (VP(V dread)(NP(DET the)(N moment)(S'(COMP when)(S)))) (VP(V dream)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V dredge)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V dress)(NP(DET the)(N part))) (VP(V dress)(PP(P down))) (VP(V dress)(PP(P up))) (VP(V drift)(AP(A apart))) (VP(V drift)(AP(A away))) (VP(V drift)(PP(P along))) (VP(V drift)(PP(P off))) (VP(V drill)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V drill)(PP(P in))(NP)) (VP(V drink)(AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(N fish)))) (VP(V drink)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V drink)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V drink)(NP)(PP(P under)(NP(DET the)(N table)))) (VP(V drink)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V drink)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P to)(NP(N death)))) (VP(V drink)(PP(P off))(NP)) (VP(V drink/drain)(NP(DET the)(N cup)(PP(P of)(NP(N sorrow))))) (VP(V drive)(AP(A back))) (VP(V drive)(NP)(AP(A back)(PP(P on)(NP)))) (VP(V drive)(NP(DET a)(AP(A hard))(N bargain))) (VP(V drive)(NP(N sb))(AP(A mad))) (VP(V drive)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V drive)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V drive)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON its)))(N mind))))) (VP(V drive)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON its)))(N wits))))) (VP(V drive)(NP)(PP(P round)(NP(DET the)(N bend)))) (VP(V drive)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N despair)))) (VP(V drive)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N desperation)))) (VP(V drive)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N drink)))) (VP(V drive)(NP)(PP(P up)(NP(DET the)(N wall)))) (VP(V drive)(PP(P in))) (VP(V drive)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V drive)(PP(P into)(NP(DET a)(N corner)))) (VP(V drive)(PP(P off))) (VP(V drone)(PP(P on))) (VP(V drool)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V drop)(AP(A back))) (VP(V drop)(AP(A dead))) (VP(V drop)(NP(DET a)(N brick/clanger))) (VP(V drop)(NP(DET a)(N hint))) (VP(V drop)(NP(N names))) (VP(V drop)(NP(N sb))(NP(DET a)(N line))) (VP(V drop)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N aitches))) (VP(V drop)(PP(P behind))) (VP(V drop)(PP(P by))) (VP(V drop)(PP(P in))) (VP(V drop)(PP(P in)(PP(P on)(NP)))) (VP(V drop)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V drop)(PP(P off))) (VP(V drop)(PP(P out))) (VP(V drop)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V drove)(NP(DET a)(N wedge))(PP(P between)(NP))) (VP(V drown)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N sorrows))) (VP(V drown)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V drum)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V drum)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V drum)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V drum)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V drum)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V dry)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V dry)(PP(P out))) (VP(V dry)(PP(P up))) (VP(V duck)(PP(P out))) (VP(V duck)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V dust)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V dwell)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V dwell)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V earmark)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V earn)(NP(DET a)(N living))) (VP(V earn)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N living))) (VP(V earn)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)/(POSS(NP(PRON its)))(N keep))) (VP(V earn/turn)(NP(DET an)(AP(A honest))(N penny))) (VP(V earth)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V ease)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N conscience/mind))) (VP(V ease)(NP)(PP(P across)(NP))) (VP(V ease)(NP)(PP(P along)(NP))) (VP(V ease)(NP)(PP(P away))) (VP(V ease)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V ease)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V ease)(PP(P across))) (VP(V ease)(PP(P along))) (VP(V ease)(PP(P down))(NP)) (VP(V ease)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V eat)(AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(N horse)))) (VP(V eat)(NP(AP(A humble))(N pie))) (VP(V eat)(NP(DET a)(N peck)(PP(P of)(NP(N dirt/dust))))(S'(COMP before)(S(NP(PRON one))(VP(V dies))))) (VP(V eat)(NP(N sb))(AP(A alive))) (VP(V eat)(NP(N sb))(PP(P for)(NP(N breakfast)))) (VP(V eat)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N head))(PP(P off))) (VP(V eat)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N heart))(PP(P out))) (VP(V eat)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N words))) (VP(V eat)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V eat)(PP(P away))(NP)) (VP(V eat)(PP(P away))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V eat)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V eat)(PP(P out))) (VP(V eat)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(NP(N house))(CONJ and)(NP(N home)))))) (VP(V eat)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N hand))))) (VP(V eat)(SC(NP(PRON oneself))(AP(A sick)))) (VP(V eat)(SC(NP(PRON oneself))(AP(A sick)))(PP(P on)(NP sth))) (VP(V eat/drink)(S'(COMP till/until)(S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V comes)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N ears)))))))) (VP(V eat/drink)(NP sth)(S'(COMP till/until)(S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V comes)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N ears)))))))) (VP(V eavesdrop)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V ebb)(PP(P away))) (VP(V economize)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V edge)(AP(A back))) (VP(V edge)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N way))(AP(A back))) (VP(V edge)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N way))(PP(P across)(NP))) (VP(V edge)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N way))(PP(P along)(NP))) (VP(V edge)(PP(P across)(NP))) (VP(V edge)(PP(P along)(NP))) (VP(V edge)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V edit)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V edit)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V eff)(PP(P off))) (VP(V egg)(NP)(PP(P on))) (VP(V eject)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V eke)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V elbow)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N way))(AP(A back))) (VP(V elbow)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N way))(PP(P across)(NP))) (VP(V elbow)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N way))(PP(P along)(NP))) (VP(V elect)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V elevate)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V eliminate)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V elope)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V emanate)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V emancipate)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V embark)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V embark)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V embed)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V embed)(NP(PRON itself))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V embodied)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V embroiled)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V emerge)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V emigrate)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V emigrate)(PP(P from)(NP))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V empty)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V empty)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V empty)(NP(PRON itself))(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V enamoured)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V encase)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V encroach)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V encroach)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V encumber)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V end)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)/(POSS(NP(PRON its)))(N days))) (VP(V end)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V end)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V end)(PP(P up))) (VP(V end)(PP(P up))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V endear)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V endowed)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V engage)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V engage)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V engage)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V engaged)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V engrave)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V engrave)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V engrossed)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V engulfed)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V enlarge)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V enlarge)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V enlighten)(NP)(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V enlighten)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V enlist)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V enmeshed)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V enrol)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V enrol)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V ensconce)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V ensconce)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V enshrined)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V entangle)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V entangle)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V enter)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb/one))'s)(N head/mind))) (VP(V enter)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V enter)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V enter)(PP(P in))) (VP(V enter)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V enter)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V enter)(PP(P into)(NP(DET the)(N spirit)))) (VP(V enter)(PP(P into)(NP(DET the)(N spirit)(PP(P of)(NP))))) (VP(V enter)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V enter)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V enter/join)(NP(DET the)(N fray))) (VP(V entice)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V entitle)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V entrap)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V entrust)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V entrust)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V enveloped)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V equate)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V equate)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V equip)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V equip)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V escape)(NP(N attention/notice))) (VP(V escape)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N attention/notice))) (VP(V escape)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V escort)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V escort)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V estimate)(NP)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V estranged)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V etch)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V etch)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V evacuate)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V even)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V even)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V evict)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V evolve)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V evolve)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V exact)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V examine)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V examine)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V excel)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V exchange)(NP(AP(DEG more)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(DET a)(AP(A few))))))(N words))) (VP(V exchange)(NP(AP(DEG more)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(DET a)(AP(A few))))))(N words))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V exchange)(NP(AP(DEG more)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(DET a)(N half)(PP(P)(NP(DET a)(N dozen)))))))(N words))) (VP(V exchange)(NP(N words))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V exchange)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V excuse)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V excuse)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V exempt)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V exercise)(NP(AP(A due/proper))(N care))) (VP(V exercise)(NP(AP(A due/proper))(N(N care)(CONJ and)(N attention)))) (VP(V exercise)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N right/prerogative))) (VP(V exercise)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N rights/prerogative))) (VP(V exercise)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V exercise)(NP)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V exile)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V exile)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V exile)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V exonerate)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V expand)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V expatiate)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V expect)(NP)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V expel)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V expend)(NP(N energy))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V experiment)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V experiment)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V experiment)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V explain)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V explain)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V explode)(NP(DET a)(N myth))) (VP(V explode)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V explore)(NP(QP(Q every))(N avenue))) (VP(V expose)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V expunge)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V extort)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V extract)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V extricate)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V exult)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V exult)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V exult)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V face)(AP(A away))) (VP(V face)(AP(A away)(PP(P from)(NP)))) (VP(V face)(NP(N facts))) (VP(V face)(NP(DET the)(N facts))) (VP(V face)(NP(DET the)(N music))) (VP(V face)(PP(P up))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V fade)(AP(A away))) (VP(V fade)(PP(P out))) (VP(V fade)(PP(P up))) (VP(V fag)(PP(P out))) (VP(V fall)(AP(A(P over)(N board)))) (VP(V fall)(AP(A apart))) (VP(V fall)(AP(A away))) (VP(V fall)(AP(A back))) (VP(V fall)(AP(A back))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V fall)(AP(A flat))) (VP(V fall)(AP(A flat)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N face))))) (VP(V fall)(AP(A foul)(PP(P of)(NP sb/sth)))) (VP(V fall)(AP(A ill/sick))) (VP(V fall)(AP(A quiet))) (VP(V fall)(AP(A short))) (VP(V fall)(AP(A short)(PP(P of)(NP sth)))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P about))(AP(A laughing))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P about)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N ears)))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P about))(PP(P with)(NP(N laughter)))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P behind))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P behind))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P below)(NP))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P between)(NP(QP(Q two))(N stools)))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P by)(NP(DET the)(N wayside)))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P down))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P down))(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N job)))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P for)(NP))(NP(NP(N hook))(CONJ)(NP(N line))(CONJ and)(NP(N sinker)))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P for)(NP))(PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(AP(A big))(N way)))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P from)(NP(N favour)))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P from)(NP(N favour)))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P from)(NP(N grace)))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P from)(NP(N power)))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P in))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P in))(PP(P alongside)(NP))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P in))(PP(P beside)(NP))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P in))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P into)(NP(DET a)(AP(A deep))(N depression)))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P into)(NP(DET a)(N decline)))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P into)(NP(DET a)(N depression)))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P into)(NP(DET the)(AP(A right))(N hands)))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P into)(NP(N decay)))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P into)(NP(N disfavour)))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P into)(NP(N disgrace)))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P into)(NP(N disrepair)))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P into)(NP(N disrepute)))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P into)(NP(N disuse)))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P into)(NP(N line)))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P into)(NP(N line))(PP(P with)(NP)))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P into)(NP(N place)))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P into)(NP(N step)))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P into)(NP(N step))(PP(P with)(NP)))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P into)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N hands)))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P off)(NP))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P on)(NP(AP(A deaf))(N ears)))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N feet)))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N knees)))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P on)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N knees))))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P on/upon)(NP(AP(A evil))(N days)))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P on/upon)(NP(AP(A hard))(N times)))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P on/upon)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N ears)))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P out))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(N favour))))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(N favour))))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(N love))))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(N love))))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P out))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P outside)(NP))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P over))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P over)(AP(A backwards)))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP(N sth)))))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P over)(NP(PRON oneself)))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP(N sth)))))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N ground)))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P to)(NP(N pieces)))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N knees)))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P under)(NP))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P under)(NP(DET the)(N spell)))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P under)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N spell)))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V fall)(PP(P within)(NP))) (VP(V fan)(NP(DET the)(N flames))) (VP(V fan)(NP(DET the)(N flames)(PP(P of)(NP sth)))) (VP(V fan)(PP(P out))) (VP(V fancy)(NP(PRON oneself))) (VP(V fancy)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P as)(NP))) (VP(V farm)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V fasten)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V fasten)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V father)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V father)(NP)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V fathom)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V fatten)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V fatten)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V fatten)(NP)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V fawn)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V fear)(NP(DET the)(NG reeks)(S(VP(V bearing)(NP(N gifts)))))) (VP(V fear)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V feather)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N nest))) (VP(V feather)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(N nest))) (VP(V fed)(PP(P up))) (VP(V fed)(PP(P up))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V feed)(NP)(AP(A back))) (VP(V feed)(NP)(AP(A back)(PP(P into)(NP)))) (VP(V feed)(NP)(AP(A back)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V feed)(PP(P off))) (VP(V feed)(PP(P off)(NP))) (VP(V feed)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V feed)(PP(P up))) (VP(V feel)(AP(A good))) (VP(V feel)(AP(A like)(NP))) (VP(V feel)(AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(AP(A new))(N man/woman)))) (VP(V feel)(AP(A like)(NP sth))) (VP(V feel)(AP(A like)(S(VP(V doing)(NP sth))))) (VP(V feel)(AP(A small))) (VP(V feel)(NP(DET the)(N draught))) (VP(V feel)(NP(DET the)(N pinch))) (VP(V feel)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N age))) (VP(V feel)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N oats))) (VP(V feel)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N way))) (VP(V feel)(NP(N better)(PP(P for)(NP sth)))) (VP(V feel)(NP(N better)(PP(P for)(S(AUX having)(VP(V done)(NP sth)))))) (VP(V feel)(NP(DET the)(N better)(PP(P for)(NP sth)))) (VP(V feel)(NP(DET the)(N better)(PP(P for)(S(AUX having)(VP(V done)(NP sth)))))) (VP(V feel)(NP(QP(Q all))(N better)(PP(P for)(NP sth)))) (VP(V feel)(NP(QP(Q all))(N better)(PP(P for)(S(AUX having)(VP(V done)(NP sth)))))) (VP(V feel)(NP(QP(Q all))(DET the)(N better)(PP(P for)(NP sth)))) (VP(V feel)(NP(QP(Q all))(DET the)(N better)(PP(P for)(S(AUX having)(VP(V done)(NP sth)))))) (VP(V feel)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V feel)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N bones)))) (VP(V feel)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N bones)))(S'(COMP that)(S))) (VP(V feel)(PP(P on)(NP(N top)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N world)))))) (VP(V feel)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(N place))))) (VP(V feel)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(N things))))) (VP(V feel)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(PRON it))))) (VP(V feel)(PP(P up)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V feel/look)(AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(QP(Q million))(N dollars)))) (VP(V feel/look)(AP(A like)(NP(N nothing)(PP(P on)(NP(N earth)))))) (VP(V fence)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V fence)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V fence)(NP)(PP(P off)(PP(P from)(NP)))) (VP(V fend)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V fend)(PP(P for)(NP(PRON oneself)))) (VP(V ferret)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V festoon)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V fetch)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V fiddle)(S'(COMP while)(S(NP(N rome))(VP(V burns))))) (VP(V fight)(AP(A back))) (VP(V fight)(AP(A back)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V fight)(AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(N tiger)))) (VP(V fight)(AP(A like)(NP(N(N kilkenny)(N cats))))) (VP(V fight)(NP(DET a)(AP(A losing))(N battle))) (VP(V fight)(NP(DET the)(AP(A good))(N fight))) (VP(V fight)(NP(NP(N tooth))(CONJ and)(NP(N nail)))) (VP(V fight)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N way))(AP(A back))) (VP(V fight)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N way))(AP(A back)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V fight)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V fight)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V fight)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P out))) (VP(V figure)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V figure)(PP(P in))(NP)) (VP(V file)(AP(A away))) (VP(V file)(PP(P across)(NP))) (VP(V file)(PP(P along)(NP))) (VP(V fill)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N shoes))) (VP(V fill)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V fill)(NP)(PP(P in)(PP(P on)(NP)))) (VP(V fill)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V fill)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V fill)(PP(P in))(NP(N time))) (VP(V fill/fit)(NP(DET the)(N bill))) (VP(V find)(NP(DET a)(AP(A better))(N hole))) (VP(V find)(NP(DET a)(N solution))) (VP(V find)(NP(DET a)(N solution))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V find)(NP(DET an)(N answer))) (VP(V find)(NP(DET an)(N answer))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V find)(NP(N favour))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V find)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N bearings))) (VP(V find)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N feet))) (VP(V find)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N tongue))) (VP(V find)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N vocation))) (VP(V find)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N way))) (VP(V find)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N way))(PP(P to)(NP sth))) (VP(V find)(NP sb/sth)(AP(A wanting))) (VP(V find)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V find)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V find)(PP(P out))(NP)) (VP(V finish)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V finish)(NP)(PP(P off))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V finish)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V finish)(NP)(PP(P up))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V finish)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V finish)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V fire)(AP(A ahead))) (VP(V fire)(AP(A away))) (VP(V fire)(NP(DET the)(AP(A first/opening))(N shot))) (VP(V fire)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V fish)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V fish)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V fish)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V fit)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V fit)(NP)(PP(P in))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V fit)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V fit)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V fit)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V fit)(NP)(PP(P up))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V fit)(NP sb)(AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(N glove)))) (VP(V fix)(NP(N things))(PP(P up))) (VP(V fix)(NP(N things))(PP(P up))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V fix)(NP)(PP(P onto)(NP))) (VP(V fix)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V fix)(NP)(PP(P up))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V fix)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V fix)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P up))) (VP(V fix)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P up))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V fix)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V fix)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V fizzle)(PP(P out))) (VP(V flag)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V flake)(AP(A away))) (VP(V flake)(PP(P off))) (VP(V flake)(PP(P out))) (VP(V flare)(PP(P up))) (VP(V flash)(NP)(PP(P across)(NP))) (VP(V flash)(NP)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V flash)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V flash)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V flash)(PP(P out))) (VP(V flay/skin)(NP sb)(AP(A alive))) (VP(V flecked)(PP(P with)(NP))) (NP(DET the)(N wrath)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V come))))) (VP(V flee)(PP(P from)(NP(DET the)(N wrath)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V come))))))) (VP(V flex)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N muscles))) (VP(V flick)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V flick)(NP)(PP(P off)(NP))) (VP(V flick)(PP(P out))) (VP(V flick)(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V flicker)(PP(P out))) (VP(V flinch)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V fling)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N arms))(PP(P up))(PP(P in)(NP(N horror)))) (VP(V fling)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N head))(PP(P back))) (VP(V fling)(NP)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V fling)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V fling)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V fling)(PP(P down))(NP(DET a)(N challenge))) (VP(V flip)(NP)(PP(P over))) (VP(V flip)(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V flirt)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V flock)(AP(A together))) (VP(V flock)(PP(P in))) (VP(V flock)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V flog)(NP(DET a)(AP(A dead))(N horse))) (VP(V flog)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N death)))) (VP(V flood)(NP(DET the)(N market))) (VP(V flood)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V flood)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V flood)(PP(P in))) (VP(V flood)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V flop)(NP)(PP(P about))) (VP(V flop)(NP)(PP(P around))) (VP(V flop)(PP(P down))) (VP(V flounder)(PP(P about))) (VP(V flounder)(PP(P around))) (VP(V flourish)(AP(A like)(NP(DET the)(AP(A green))(N(N bay)(N tree))))) (VP(V flow)(AP(A away))) (VP(V flow)(PP(P across))) (VP(V flow)(PP(P along))) (VP(V flow)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V flow)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V fluff)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V fluff)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V flutter)(NP(DET the)(N dovecotes))) (VP(V flutter)(PP(P about))) (VP(V flutter)(PP(P down))) (VP(V fly)(AP(A high))) (VP(V fly)(NP(DET the)(N coop))) (VP(V fly)(NP(DET the)(N flag))) (VP(V fly)(NP(N flags))(PP(P at)(NP(N(Q half)(N mast))))) (VP(V fly)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V fly)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N face)(PP(P of)(NP))))) (VP(V fly)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V fly)(PP(P off)(NP(DET the)(N handle)))) (VP(V fly)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V fly)(PP(P past)(NP))) (VP(V foam)(PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N mouth)))) (VP(V fob)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V fob)(NP)(PP(P off))(PP(P onto)(NP))) (VP(V fob)(NP)(PP(P off))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V focus)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V foist)(NP)(PP(P off))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V foist)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V fold)(NP)(AP(A back))) (VP(V fold)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V fold)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V fold)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V follow)(NP(N suit))) (VP(V follow)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N example))) (VP(V follow)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N lead))) (VP(V follow)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N bent))) (VP(V follow)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(N bent))) (VP(V follow)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N nose))) (VP(V follow)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(N nose))) (VP(V follow)(NP)(PP(P through))) (VP(V follow)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V follow)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N footsteps)))) (VP(V follow)(PP(P on))) (VP(V fool)(PP(P about))) (VP(V fool)(PP(P around))) (VP(V foot)(NP(DET the)(N bill))) (VP(V foot)(NP(DET the)(N bill)(PP(P for)(NP sth)))) (VP(V forbear)(PP(P from)(S'))) (VP(V force)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N hand))) (VP(V force)(NP)(PP(P down)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N throat)))) (VP(V force)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V force)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V force)(NP)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V foredoomed)(PP(P to)(NP(N failure)))) (VP(V forget)(NP(N more)(PP(P about)(NP sth))(S'(COMP than)(S(NP sb)(AUX(AP(A ever)))(VP(V knew)))))) (VP(V forget)(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V forgive)(NP sb)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N trespasses))) (VP(V fork)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V form)(NP(DET a)(N part)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V form)(NP(N part)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V form)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V form)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V form)(PP(P up))) (VP(V fortify)(NP)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V foul)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N nest))) (VP(V foul)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(N nest))) (VP(V foul)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V frame)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V freak)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V free)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V freeze)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V freeze)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V freeze)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N death)))) (VP(V freeze)(PP(P over))) (VP(V freshen)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V frighten)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V frighten)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V frighten)(NP)(PP(P off)(NP))) (VP(V frighten)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N death)))) (VP(V fritter)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V frost)(PP(P over))) (VP(V frosted)(PP(P over))) (VP(V frozen)(PP(P over))) (VP(V fuck)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V fuck)(PP(P about))) (VP(V fuck)(PP(P around))) (VP(V fuck)(PP(P off))) (VP(V fulminate)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V fume)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V fur)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V furnish)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V furnish)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V fuss)(PP(P about))) (VP(V fuss)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V gabble)(AP(A away))) (VP(V gad)(PP(P about))) (VP(V gain)(NP(N ground))) (VP(V gain)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V gain)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V gain)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V gallivant)(PP(P about))) (VP(V galvanize)(PP(P into)(NP(N action)))) (VP(V galvanize)(PP(P into)(NP(N activity)))) (VP(V gamble)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V gamble)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V gang)(PP(P up))(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V gang)(PP(P up))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V gape)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V garner)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V garnish)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V gasp)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V gasp)(PP(P for)(NP(N breath)))) (VP(V gasp)(PP(P out))) (VP(V gather)(AP(A together))) (VP(V gather)(NP(N dust))) (VP(V gather)(NP(N momentum))) (VP(V gather)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V gather)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V gather)(PP(P round)(NP))) (VP(V gathered)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N fathers)))) (VP(V gawk)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V gawp)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V gaze)(PP(P around))) (VP(V gaze)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V gaze)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V gaze)(PP(P round))) (VP(V gaze)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V gear)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V gear)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V gee)(PP(P up))) (VP(V gen)(PP(P up))) (VP(V gen)(PP(P up))(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V gen)(PP(P up))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V generate/contribute)(AP(DEG more)(NP(N heat))(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(N light)))))) (VP(V get)(AP(A abreast)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V get)(AP(A abroad))) (VP(V get)(AP(A ahead))) (VP(V get)(AP(A ahead)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V get)(AP(A away))) (VP(V get)(AP(A away))(AP(A clean)(PP(P as)(NP(DET a)(N whistle))))) (VP(V get)(AP(A away)(PP(P from)(NP)))) (VP(V get)(AP(A away)(PP(P from)(NP(PRON it)(QP(Q all)))))) (VP(V get)(AP(A away)(PP(P with)(NP)))) (VP(V get)(AP(A away))(PP(P with)(NP(N murder)))) (VP(V get)(AP(A back))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V get)(AP(A busy))) (VP(V get)(AP(A even))) (VP(V get)(AP(A even))(PP(P with)(NP sb))) (VP(V get)(AP(A home))) (VP(V get)(AP(A home))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V get)(AP(A knotted))) (VP(V get)(AP(A lost))) (VP(V get)(AP(A nowhere))) (VP(V get)(AP(A rich))(AP(A quick))) (VP(V get)(AP(A stuffed))) (VP(V get)(AP(A there))(AP(A first))) (VP(V get)(AP(A there))) (VP(V get)(AP(A there))(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N end)))) (VP(V get)(AP(A together))) (VP(V get)(AP(A uptight))) (VP(V get)(AP(A uptight)(PP(P about)(NP sth)))) (VP(V get)(AP(A well))) (VP(V get)(AP(A wise))) (VP(V get)(AP(A wise)(PP(P to)(NP sb/sth)))) *(VP(V get)(NP)(AP(A(A over)(CONJ and)(A done))(PP(P with)))) (VP(V get)(NP(AP(A cold))(N feet))) (VP(V get)(NP(AP(A moral))(N support))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET a)(AP(A bad))(N name))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET a)(AP(A dusty))(N answer))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET a)(AP(A fair/square))(N deal))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET a)(AP(A fair))(N share))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET a)(AP(A free))(N hand))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET a)(AP(A good/bad))(N press))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET a)(AP(A grandstand))(N view))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET a)(AP(A grandstand))(N view)(PP(P of)(NP sth)))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET a)(AP(A raw))(N deal))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET a)(AP(A standing))(N ovation))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET a)(N blow))(PP(P in))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET a)(N chill))(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N liver)))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET a)(N dose/taste)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(AP(A same))(N medicine))))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET a)(N dose/taste)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(N medicine))))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET a)(N grip))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET a)(N hunch)(S'(COMP)(S)))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET a)(N hunch)(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET a)(N kick))(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET a)(N kick))(S(VP(V doing)(NP sth)))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET a)(N leg))(PP(P up))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET a)(N load)(PP(P of)(NP(PRON this))))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET a)(N move))(PP(P on))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET a)(N punch))(PP(P in))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET a)(N shot)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N arm))))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET a)(N slap)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N face))))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET a)(N slice/share)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N cake))))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET a)(N word))(PP(P in))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET a)(N word))(PP(P in))(AP(A edgeways))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET an)(AP(A(A old)(A fashioned)))(N look))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET an)(N airing))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET an)(N earful/eyeful)(PP(P of)(NP(PRON this))))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET the)(AP(A glad))(N eye))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET the)(AP(A last))(N laugh))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET the)(AP(A old))(N(N one)(N two)))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET the)(AP(A upper))(N hand))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET the)(AP(A upper))(N hand))(PP(P of)(NP sb))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET the)(N(A once)(P over)))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET the)(N best))(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET the)(N better))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET the)(N fright)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N life))))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET the)(N hang))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET the)(N idea))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET the)(N message))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET the)(N most))(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET the)(N priorities))(AP(A right))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET the)(N push))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET the)(N utmost))(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET the)(N weight))(PP(P off)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N feet)))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET the)(N weight))(PP(P off)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N legs)))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET the)(N wind))(PP(P up))) (VP(V get)(NP(DET the)(N worst)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V get)(NP(N access))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V get)(NP(N blood))(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(N stone))))) (VP(V get)(NP(N hell))) (VP(V get)(NP(N hold))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V get)(NP(N hold))(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(AP(A wrong))(N end)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N stick)))))) (VP(V get)(NP(N notice))) (VP(V get)(NP(N sb))(AP(A nowhere))) (VP(V get)(NP(N sb))(S'(COMP where)(S(NP(PRON he))(VP(V lives))))) (VP(V get)(NP(N sth))(AP(A right/wrong))) (VP(V get)(NP(N sth))(AP(A straight))) (VP(V get)(NP(N sth))(S(VP(V going)))) *(VP(V get)(NP(N what)(PP(P for)))) (VP(V get)(NP(N wind)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V get)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N back))(PP(P up))) (VP(V get)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N blood))(PP(P up))) (VP(V get)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N goat))) (VP(V get)(NP(POSS(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N money))'s)(N worth))) (VP(V get)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(N monkey))(PP(P up))) (VP(V get)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A fair))(N share))) (VP(V get)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(N back))) (VP(V get)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N way))) (VP(V get)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(N way))) (VP(V get)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A second))(N wind))) (VP(V get)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N eye))(PP(P in))) (VP(V get)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N hand))(PP(P in))) (VP(V get)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N hands))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V get)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N hooks))(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V get)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N hooks))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V get)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N lines))(AP(A crossed))) (VP(V get)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N priorities))(AP(A right))) (VP(V get)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N rage))(PP(P out))) (VP(V get)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N skates))(PP(P on))) (VP(V get)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N slice/share)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N cake))))) (VP(V get)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N teeth))(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V get)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N tongue))(PP(P round)(NP))) (VP(V get)(NP)(PP(P across))) (VP(V get)(NP)(PP(P down)(PP(P to)(NP(DET a)(AP(A fine))(N art))))) (VP(V get)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V get)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N head)))) (VP(V get)(NP)(PP(P off)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N chest)))) (VP(V get)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V get)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V get)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N head))))) (VP(V get)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N mind))))) (VP(V get)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N system))))) (VP(V get)(NP)(PP(P over))(PP(P with))) (VP(V get)(NP)(PP(P under)(NP(N control)))) (VP(V get)(NP)(PP(P up)(PP(P to)(NP(N date))))) (VP(V get)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP(N child)))) (VP(V get)(NP(PRON it))(AP(A together))) (VP(V get)(NP(PRON it))) (VP(V get)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N neck)))) (VP(V get)(NP(PRON it))) (VP(V get)(NP(PRON it))(S'(COMP where)(S(NP(DET the)(N chicken))(VP(V gets)(NP(DET the)(N chopper)))))) (VP(V get)(NP(QP(Q no))(N change))(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V get)(NP sb)(AP(A wrong))) (VP(V get)(PP(P about))) (VP(V get)(PP(P above)(NP(PRON onself)))) (VP(V get)(PP(P across))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V get)(PP(P along))) (VP(V get)(PP(P along))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V get)(PP(P along))(PP(P with)(NP(PRON you)))) (VP(V get)(PP(P along))(PP(P without)(NP))) (VP(V get)(PP(P around))) (VP(V get)(PP(P around))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V get)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V get)(PP(P away))(PP(P with)(NP(PRON you)))) (VP(V get)(PP(P back)(PP(P into)(NP(N circulation))))) (VP(V get)(PP(P back)(PP(P into)(NP(N harness))))) (VP(V get)(PP(P back)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V get)(PP(P back)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N grindstone))))) (VP(V get)(PP(P behind))) (VP(V get)(PP(P behind))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V get)(PP(P by))) (VP(V get)(PP(P by))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V get)(PP(P by))(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V get)(PP(P down))) (VP(V get)(PP(P down)(PP(P from)(NP)))) (VP(V get)(PP(P down)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N dumps))))) (VP(V get)(PP(P down)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N mouth))))) (VP(V get)(PP(P down)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V get)(PP(P down)(PP(P to)(NP(AP(A brass))(N tacks))))) (VP(V get)(PP(P down)(PP(P to)(NP(N business))))) (VP(V get)(PP(P in)(NP(N contact)(PP(P with)(NP))))) (VP(V get)(PP(P in)(NP(N touch)(PP(P with)(NP))))) (VP(V get)(PP(P in)(NP(N touch)))) (VP(V get)(PP(P in)(NP(N touch))(PP(P with)(NP sb)))) (VP(V get)(PP(P in))(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N(N twopence/fourpence)(N worth)))) (VP(V get)(PP(P in)(PP(P on)(NP)))) (VP(V get)(PP(P in))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V get)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V get)(PP(P into)(NP(AP(A deep))(N water)))) (VP(V get)(PP(P into)(NP(AP(A hot))(N water)))) (VP(V get)(PP(P into)(NP(DET a)(N fix)))) (VP(V get)(PP(P into)(NP(DET a)(N rut)))) (VP(V get)(PP(P into)(NP(DET the)(N act)))) (VP(V get)(PP(P into)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(AP(A black))(N books)))) (VP(V get)(PP(P into)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N stride)))) (VP(V get)(PP(P off))) (VP(V get)(PP(P off)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(AP(A right))(N foot))))) (VP(V get)(PP(P off)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(AP(A wrong))(N foot))))) (VP(V get)(PP(P off)(PP(P to)(NP(DET a)(AP(A good))(N start))))) (VP(V get)(PP(P off))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V get)(PP(P off)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V sleep)))))) (VP(V get)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(AP(A wrong))(N side)(PP(P of)(NP))))) (VP(V get)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N move)))) (VP(V get)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N back)))) (VP(V get)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N nerves)))) (VP(V get)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N wick)))) (VP(V get)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N feet)))) (VP(V get)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N feet)))) (VP(V get)(PP(P on)(NP))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V get)(PP(P on)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V get)(PP(P on))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V get)(PP(P on))(PP(P without)(NP))) (VP(V get)(PP(P onto)(NP))) (VP(V get)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N groove))))) (VP(V get)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N rut))))) (VP(V get)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N way))))) (VP(V get)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(N bed))))(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(AP(A wrong))(N side)))) (VP(V get)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(N hand))))) (VP(V get)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N sight))))) (VP(V get)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N way))))) (VP(V get)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N depth))))) (VP(V get)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(PRON it))))) (VP(V get)(PP(P over))) (VP(V get)(PP(P over))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V get)(PP(P round))) (VP(V get)(PP(P round)(NP))) (VP(V get)(PP(P round)(NP(DET the)(N table)))) (VP(V get)(PP(P round)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V get)(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V get)(PP(P through)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V get)(PP(P through)(PP(P with)(NP)))) (VP(V get)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V get)(PP(P to)(NP(AP(A first))(N base)))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V get)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N bottom)(PP(P of)(NP))))) (VP(V get)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N top)(PP(P of)(NP))))) (VP(V get)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N top)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N ladder)))))) (VP(V get)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N top)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N tree)))))) (VP(V get)(PP(P to)(NP(N grips)))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V get)(PP(P under)(NP))) (VP(V get)(PP(P under)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N skin)))) (VP(V get)(PP(P up))) (VP(V get)(PP(P up))(NP(DET a)(N thirst))) (VP(V get)(PP(P up))(NP(DET an)(N appetite))) (VP(V get)(PP(P up))(NP(N steam))) (VP(V get)(PP(P up))(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N appetite))) (VP(V get)(PP(P up))(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N thirst))) (VP(V get)(PP(P up)(PP(P against)(NP)))) (VP(V get)(PP(P up)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A hind))(N legs))))) (VP(V get)(PP(P up)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V get)(PP(P up)(PP(P to)(NP(N date))))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V get)(PP(P within)(NP))) (VP(V get)(S(NP)(VP(V going)))) (VP(V get)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V work))))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V get)(S(VP(V cracking)))) (VP(V get)(S(VP(V going)))) (VP(V get/be)(AP(AP(DEG too))(A big)(S'(COMP for)(S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N boots)))))) (VP(V get/give)(NP(N sb))(NP(DET the)(N sack))) (VP(V get/give)(NP sb)(NP(DET the)(N bird))) (VP(V get/give)(NP sb)(NP(DET the)(N chop/chopper))) (VP(V get/have)(NP(N sb))(S'(COMP where)(S(NP(PRON one))(VP(V wants)(NP(PRON him)))))) (VP(V get/take)(S'(S(NP(N what))(AUX 's)(VP(V coming)(PP(P to)(NP(PRON one))))))) (VP(V gibe)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V gild)(NP(DET the)(N lily))) (VP(V gild/sugar)(NP(DET the)(N pill))) (VP(V ginger)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V gird)(NP)(PP(P on))) (VP(V gird)(PP(P up))(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N loins))) (VP(V girdle)(NP)(PP(P about))) (VP(V girdle)(NP)(PP(P around)(NP))) (VP(V give)(AP(A forth))(NP)) (VP(V give)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V give)(NP)(AP(A back))) (VP(V give)(NP)(AP(A back)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V give)(NP)(AP(A back)(PP(P to)(NP)))(PP(P with)(NP(N interest)))) (VP(V give)(NP)(AP(A back))(PP(P with)(NP(N interest)))) (VP(V give)(NP(DET a)(AP(A free))(N play))(PP(P to)(NP sth))) (VP(V give)(NP(DET a)(AP(A good))(N account))(PP(P of)(NP(PRON oneself)))) (VP(V give)(NP(DET an)(N ear))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V give)(NP(DET an)(N eye))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V give)(NP(DET the)(N alarm/alert))) (VP(V give)(NP(DET the)(N devil))(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N due))) (VP(V give)(NP(DET the)(N game))(AP(A away))) (VP(V give)(NP(DET the)(N lie))(AP(A direct)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V give)(NP(DET the)(N lie))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V give)(NP(DET the)(N show))(AP(A away))) (VP(V give)(NP)(NP(DET a/the)(N whale)(PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(N time))))) (VP(V give)(NP)(NP(DET a/the)(N whale)(PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(AP(A good))(N time))))) (VP(V give)(NP)(NP(N credit))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V give)(NP(N birth))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V give)(NP(N cause))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V give)(NP(N credence))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V give)(NP(N credit))(PP(P to)(NP))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V give)(NP(N credit))(S'(COMP where)(S(NP(N credit))(VP(V is)(AP(A due)))))) (VP(V give)(NP(N currency))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V give)(NP(N evidence)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V give)(NP(N place))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V give)(NP(N rise))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V give)(NP(N scope))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V give)(NP(N sth))(NP(N all)(S'(S(NP(PRON one))(AUX(V 's))(VP(V got)))))) (VP(V give)(NP(N teeth))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V give)(NP(N thought))(PP(P to)(NP))) (NP(N tit))(PP(P for)(NP(N tat))) (VP(V give)(NP(N tit))(PP(P for)(NP(N tat)))) (VP(V give)(NP(N tongue))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V give)(NP(N voice))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V give)(NP(N way))) (VP(V give)(NP(N way))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V give)(NP(N weight))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V give)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V give)(NP)(PP(P over)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V give)(NP)(PP(P up)(PP(P for)(NP(N dead))))) (VP(V give)(NP)(PP(P up)(PP(P for)(NP(N lost))))) (VP(V give)(NP(PRON it/sb))(NP(DET a)(N try))) (VP(V give)(NP(PRON oneself))(NP(N airs))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(AP(A full))(N marks))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(AP(A full))(N marks))(PP(P for)(NP sth))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET a)(AP(A bad))(N time))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET a)(AP(A bad))(N time))(PP(P of)(NP(PRON it)))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET a)(AP(A big))(N hand))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET a)(AP(A blank))(N cheque))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET a)(AP(A blank))(N look))) (VP(V give)(NP(DET a)(AP(A broad))(N grin/smile))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET a)(AP(A broad))(N grin/smile))) (VP(V give)(NP(DET a)(AP(A civil))(N answer))(PP(P to)(NP(DET a)(AP(A civil))(N question)))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET a)(AP(A civil))(N answer))(PP(P to)(NP(DET a)(AP(A civil))(N question)))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET a)(AP(A cold))(N reception))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET a)(AP(A good))(N hiding))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET a)(AP(A hard))(N time))) (VP(V give)(NP(DET a)(N hand))) (VP(V give)(NP(DET a)(AP(A helping))(N hand))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET a)(N hand))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET a)(AP(A helping))(N hand))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET a)(AP(A high))(AP(A old))(N time))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET a)(AP(A rough))(N ride))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET a)(AP(A thick))(N ear))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET a)(AP(A warm))(N welcome/reception))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET a)(N break))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET a)(N kick))) (VP(V give)(NP(DET a)(N lead))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET a)(N lead))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET a)(N leg)(PP(P up)))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET a)(N lift))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET a)(N piece)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N mind))))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET a)(N ring/tinkle))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET an)(AP(A(A old)(A fashioned)))(N look))) (VP(V give)(NP(DET the)(AP(A cold))(N shoulder))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET the)(AP(A cold))(N shoulder))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET the)(AP(A glad))(N eye))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET the)(AP(A green/red))(N light))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET the)(AP(A old))(N(N one)(N two)))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET the)(N edge)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N tongue))))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET the)(AP(A rough))(N edge)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N tongue))))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET the)(N benefit)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N doubt))))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET the)(N benefit)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N advice))))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET the)(N boot))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET the)(N creeps))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET the)(N freedom)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N city))))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET the)(N fright)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N life))))) (VP(V give)(NP(DET the)(N impression))) (VP(V give)(NP(DET the)(N impression)(PP(P of)(S(VP(V being)(AP/NP)))))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET the)(N impression))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET the)(N impression)(PP(P of)(S(VP(V being)(AP/NP)))))) (VP(V give)(NP(DET the)(N impression))) (VP(V give)(NP(DET the)(N impression)(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET the)(N impression))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET the)(N impression)(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET the)(N pip))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET the)(N push))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET the)(N raspberry))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET the)(N run)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N house))))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET the)(N time)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N life))))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET the)(N time)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N life))))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET the)(N tip))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(DET the)(POSS(NP(N bum))'s)(N rush))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(N(N carte)(A blanche)))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(N ground)(PP(P for)(NP(N complaint))))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(N grounds)(PP(P for)(NP(N complaint))))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(N hell))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(N kittens))) (VP(V give)(NP(N notice))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(N notice))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(N something)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V complain)(PP(P about))))))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(N something)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V think/talk)(PP(P about))))))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(N warning))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(N what)(PP(P for)))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(AP(A marching))(N orders))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N due))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N freedom))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N head))) (VP(V give)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N word))) (VP(V give)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N word)(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (VP(V give)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N word)(PP(P of)(NP(N honour))))) (VP(V give)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N word)(PP(P of)(NP(N honour)))(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N word))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N word)(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N word)(PP(P of)(NP(N honour))))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N word)(PP(P of)(NP(N honour)))(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(QP(Q some))(N rope))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(NP(QP(Q three))(N guesses))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(S'(S(PRO)(AP(A furiously))(AUX(to))(VP(V think))))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V understand)(S'(S)))))) (VP(V give)(NP sb)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V understand)(S'(COMP that)(S)))))) (VP(V give)(NP sb/sth)(NP(AP(A full))(N play))) (VP(V give)(NP sb/sth)(NP(AP(A short))(N shrift))) (VP(V give)(NP sb/sth)(NP(DET a)(N run))(PP(P for)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his/its)))(N money)))) (VP(V give)(NP sb/sth)(NP(DET a)(AP(A good))(N run))(PP(P for)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his/its)))(N money)))) (VP(V give)(NP sb/sth)(NP(DET a)(AP(A new))(N lease)(PP(P of)(NP(N life))))) (VP(V give)(NP sb/sth)(NP(DET a)(AP(A rough))(N passage))) (VP(V give)(NP sb/sth)(NP(DET a)(AP(A wide))(N berth))) (VP(V give)(NP sb/sth)(NP(DET a)(N miss))) (VP(V give)(NP sb/sth)(NP(DET a)(N trial))) (VP(V give)(NP sb/sth)(NP(DET the)(N works))) (VP(V give)(NP sb/sth)(NP(DET the)(AP(A full))(N works))) (VP(V give)(NP sb/sth)(NP(DET the)(N(A once)(P over)))) (VP(V give)(NP sb/sth)(NP(DET the)(N(Q all)(A clear)))) (VP(V give)(NP sb/sth)(NP(DET the)(N slip))) (VP(V give)(NP sb/sth)(NP(DET the)(N thumbs)(PP(P down)))) (VP(V give)(NP sb/sth)(NP(DET the)(N thumbs)(PP(P up)))) (VP(V give)(NP sb/sth)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N blessing))) (VP(V give)(NP sb/sth)(NP(QP(Q half))(DET a)(N chance))) (VP(V give)(NP sth)(NP(DET a)(N whirl))) (VP(V give)(NP sth)(NP(NP(DET a)(AP(A local))(N habitation))(CONJ and)(NP(DET a)(N name)))) (VP(V give)(NP sth/sb)(NP(DET a)(AP(A trial))(N run))) (VP(V give)(PP(P in))) (VP(V give)(PP(P in))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V give)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N best)))) (VP(V give)(PP(P off)(NP))) (VP(V give)(PP(P on)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V give)(PP(P out))(NP)) (VP(V give)(PP(P over))) (VP(V give)(PP(P up))) (VP(V give)(PP(P up))(NP(DET the)(AP(A unequal))(N struggle))) (VP(V give)(PP(P up))(NP(DET the)(N fight))) (VP(V give)(PP(P up))(NP(DET the)(N struggle))) (VP(V give)(PP(P up))(NP(N hope))) (VP(V give)(PP(P up))(NP(QP(Q all))(N hope))) (VP(V give/lose)(NP(N ground))) (VP(V give/lose)(NP(N ground))(PP(P to)(NP sb/sth))) (VP(V given)(PP(P over)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V given)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V gladden)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N heart))) (VP(V glamp)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V glance)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V glance)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V glance)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V glance)(PP(P round))) (VP(V glance)(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V glare)(NP(N contempt))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V glare)(NP(N defiance))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V glare)(NP(N hate))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V glare)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V glass)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V glaze)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V glaze)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V glean)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V glide)(AP(A away))) (VP(V glide)(PP(P across)(NP))) (VP(V glide)(PP(P along)(NP))) (VP(V glisten)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V glisten)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V glisten)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V glitter)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V glitter)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V glitter)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V gloat)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V glory)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V gloss)(PP(P over))(NP)) (VP(V glow)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V glower)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V glue)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V glued)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V glut)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V gnaw)(AP(A away))) (VP(V gnaw)(AP(A away))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V gnaw)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V go)(AP(A(N scot)(A free)))) (VP(V go)(AP(AP(A no))(A farther/further))) (VP(V go)(AP(AP(DEG as/so))(A far)(S'(COMP as)(S(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP sth/that)))))) (VP(V go)(AP(AP(DEG too))(A far))) (VP(V go)(AP(A abroad))) (VP(V go)(AP(A aground))) (VP(V go)(AP(A aground))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V go)(AP(A ahead))) (VP(V go)(AP(A ahead)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V go)(AP(A aside))) (VP(V go)(AP(A astray))) (VP(V go)(AP(A away))) (VP(V go)(AP(A back))) (VP(V go)(AP(A back))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V go)(AP(A back))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V go)(AP(A berserk))) (VP(V go)(AP(A blue))) (VP(V go)(AP(A blue)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N face))))) (VP(V go)(AP(A cold))(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N deal)))) (VP(V go)(AP(A dead))(PP(P on)(NP sb))) (VP(V go)(AP(A easy))(PP(P on)(NP sth))) (VP(V go)(AP(A far))) (VP(V go)(AP(A far)(PP(P towards)(NP sth)))) (VP(V go)(AP(A far)(PP(P towards)(S(VP(V doing)(NP sth)))))) (VP(V go)(AP(A far))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP sth))))) (VP(V go)(AP(A green))) (VP(V go)(AP(A green)(PP(P about)(NP(DET the)(N gills)))/(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N face))))) (VP(V go)(AP(A grumps))) (VP(V go)(AP(A grumps))(PP(P on)(NP sth/sb))) (VP(V go)(AP(A home))) (VP(V go)(AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(N bomb)))) (VP(V go)(AP(A like)(NP(DET the)(N wind)))) (VP(V go)(AP(A overboard))) (VP(V go)(AP(A overboard))(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V go)(AP(A overboard))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V go)(AP(A phut))) (VP(V go)(AP(A purple))) (VP(V go)(AP(A purple))(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N face)))) (VP(V go)(AP(A red))) (VP(V go)(AP(A red))(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N face)))) (VP(V go)(AP(A slow))) (VP(V go)(AP(A steady))) (VP(V go)(AP(A steady))(PP(P with)(NP sb))) (VP(V go)(AP(A straight))) (VP(V go)(AP(A together))) (VP(V go)(AP(A underground))) (VP(V go)(AP(A west))) (VP(V go)(AP(A wrong))) (VP(V go)(AP(A wrong))) (VP(V go)(AP(A wrong))(PP(P with)(NP sth))) (VP(V go)(AP(QP(Q one))(A better))) (VP(V go)(AP(QP(Q one))(A better)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP sb/sth))))) (VP(V go)(NP(AP(A great))(N guns))) (VP(V go)(NP(DET a)(AP(A long))(N way))(PP(P towards)(NP sth))) (VP(V go)(NP(DET a)(AP(A long))(N way))(PP(P towards)(S(VP(V doing)(NP sth))))) (VP(V go)(NP(DET a)(AP(A long))(N way))(S(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP sth)))) (VP(V go)(NP(DET the)(AP(A right/wrong))(N way))) (VP(V go)(NP(DET the)(AP(A whole))(N hog))) (VP(V go)(NP(DET the)(N pace))) (VP(V go)(NP(DET the)(N way)(PP(P of)(NP(QP(Q all))(N flesh))))) (VP(V go)(NP(DET the)(N way)(PP(P of)(NP sb/sth)))) (VP(V go)(NP(N crackers))) (VP(V go)(NP(N crackers))) (VP(V go)(NP(N crackers))(PP(P about/over)(NP sb/sth))) (VP(V go)(NP(N places))) (VP(V go)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(N way))) (VP(V go)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON their)))(AP(A different))(N ways))) (VP(V go)(NP(PRON it))(AP(A alone))) (VP(V go)(PP(PP(P in))(CONJ and)(PP(P out)))) (VP(V go)(PP(PP(P in)(NP(QP(Q one))(N ear)))(CONJ and)(PP(P out)(NP(DET the)(N other))))) (VP(V go)(PP(PP(P in)(NP(QP(Q one))(N ear)))(CONJ and)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N other)))))) (VP(V go)(PP(PP(P in)(PP(P at)(NP(QP(Q one))(N ear))))(CONJ and)(PP(P out)(PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N other)))))) (VP(V go)(PP(PP(P out))(CONJ and)(PP(P about)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P(P in)(CONJ and)(P out))(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P aboard))) (VP(V go)(PP(P about))) (VP(V go)(PP(P about)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N business)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P about))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V go)(PP(P across))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V go)(PP(P after)(NP))) (VP(V go)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V go)(PP(P against)(NP(DET the)(N grain)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P along))) (VP(V go)(PP(P along))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V go)(PP(P along))(PP(P with)(NP(PRON you)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P around)(NP))) (VP(V go)(PP(P around))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V go)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V go)(PP(P before)(NP))) (VP(V go)(PP(P behind)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N back)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P below))) (VP(V go)(PP(P below)(NP(N decks)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P between)(NP))) (VP(V go)(PP(P beyond)(NP))) (VP(V go)(PP(P beyond)(NP(DET a)(N joke)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P beyond)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N duty)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P by)(NP))) (VP(V go)(PP(P by)(NP(DET the)(N book)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P by)(NP(DET the)(N name)(PP(P of)(NP))))) (VP(V go)(PP(P by)(NP(DET the)(N rules)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P down))(AP(A like)(NP(N ninepins)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P down)(NP))) (VP(V go)(PP(P down)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N knees))))) (VP(V go)(PP(P down)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N knees))))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V go)(PP(P down)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P down)(PP(P to)(NP(N history))))) (VP(V go)(PP(P down)(PP(P to)(NP(N posterity))))) (VP(V go)(PP(P down)(PP(P with)(NP)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V go)(PP(P for)(NP(AP(A very))(N little)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P for)(NP(DET a)(N burton)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P for)(NP(DET a)(N song)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P for)(NP(N nothing)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P for)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON your)))(N life)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P forward))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V go)(PP(P from)(NP(N bad)))(PP(P to)(NP(N worse)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P from)(NP(QP(Q one))(N extreme)))(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N other)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P from)(NP(QP(Q one))(N extreme)))(PP(P to)(NP(N another)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P in))) (VP(V go)(PP(P in)(NP(N fear)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N life)))))) (VP(V go)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N favour)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P in))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V go)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V go)(PP(P into)(NP(DET a)(AP(A flat))(N spin)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P into)(NP(DET a)(N huddle)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P into)(NP(DET a)(N spin)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P into)(NP(N abeyance)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P into)(NP(N action)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P into)(NP(N service)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P into)(NP(N use)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P into)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N act)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P into)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N routine)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P near)(NP))) (VP(V go)(PP(P near)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P off))) (VP(V go)(PP(P off)(NP))) (VP(V go)(PP(P off)(NP(DET the)(AP(A deep))(N end)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P off)(NP(DET the)(N boil)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P off)(NP(DET the)(N rails)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P off))(PP(P at)(NP(DET a)(N tangent)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P off))(PP(P at)(NP(N(Q half)(N cock))))) (VP(V go)(PP(P off))(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V go)(PP(P off))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V go)(PP(P on))) (VP(V go)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N stage)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N streets)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P on)(NP(N tour)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P on))(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V go)(PP(P on))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V go)(PP(P on))(PP(P before)(NP))) (VP(V go)(PP(P on))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V go)(PP(P on)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P on))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V go)(PP(P on))(PP(P with)(NP(PRON you)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P out))) (VP(V go)(PP(P out))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V go)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(N action))))) (VP(V go)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(N business))))) (VP(V go)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(N fashion))))) (VP(V go)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(N focus))))) (VP(V go)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(N play))))) (VP(V go)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(N service))))) (VP(V go)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(N sight))))) (VP(V go)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(N view))))) (VP(V go)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N mind))))) (VP(V go)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N mind))))) (VP(V go)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N way))))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P out)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V go)(PP(P over)(NP(DET the)(N wall)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P over)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P round)(NP))) (VP(V go)(PP(P round)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P round)(PP(P with)(NP)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V go)(PP(P through)(NP(AP(A proper))(N channels)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P through)(NP(DET the)(AP(A proper))(N channels)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P through)(NP(DET the)(N mill)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P through)(NP(DET the)(N motions)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P through)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N hands)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P through))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V go)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V go)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(AP(A other))(N extreme)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N country)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N dogs)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N funeral)))(PP(AP(A just))(P for)(NP(DET the)(N ride)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N heart)(PP(P of)(NP))))) (VP(V go)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N police)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N polls)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N wall)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P to)(NP(NP(N rack))(CONJ and)(NP(N ruin))))) (VP(V go)(PP(P to)(NP(N bed)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P to)(NP(N bits)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P to)(NP(N earth)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P to)(NP(N extremes)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P to)(NP(N ground)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P to)(NP(N pieces)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P to)(NP(N pot)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P to)(NP(N press)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P to)(NP(N sea)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P to)(NP(N seed)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P to)(NP(N town)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P to)(NP(N trial)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P to)(NP(N war)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P to)(NP(N waste)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P to)(NP(N work)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P to)(NP(N work)))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V go)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N head)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P to)(NP(PRON it)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P under))) (VP(V go)(PP(P under)(NP(DET the)(N hammer)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P under))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V go)(PP(P up)(NP))) (VP(V go)(PP(P up)(NP(DET the)(N wall)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P up)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N world))))) (VP(V go)(PP(P up)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V go)(PP(P with)(NP(DET a)(N bang)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P with)(NP(DET a)(N swing)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P with)(NP(DET the)(N tide)))) (VP(V go)(PP(P without)(NP))) (VP(V go)(PP(QP(Q all))(P out))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V go)(S'(COMP while)(S(NP(DET the)(N going))(VP(V is)(AP(A good)))))) (VP(V go)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V show))))) (VP(V go)(S(VP(V slumming)))) (VP(V go/be)(AP(A broke))) (VP(V go/be)(AP(A haywire))) (VP(V go/come)(NP(DET a)(AP(A long))(N way))) (VP(V go/get)(AP(A far))) (VP(V go/report)(AP(A sick))) (VP(V go/run)(AP(A like)(NP(N clockwork)))) (VP(V go/turn)(AP(A sour))) (VP(V goad)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V goad)(NP)(PP(P on))) (VP(V gobble)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V goggle)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V gone)(PP(P on))) (VP(V goose)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V gore)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N death)))) (VP(V gorge)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V gorge)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V gorged)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V gouge)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V grab)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V graduate)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V graduate)(PP(P from)(NP))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V graduate)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V graft)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V graft)(NP)(PP(P in)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V graft)(NP)(PP(P on))) (VP(V graft)(NP)(PP(P on)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V graph)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V grapple)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V grasp)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V grasp)(PP(P at)(NP(DET a)(N straw)))) (VP(V grasp/seize)(NP(DET the)(N nettle))) (VP(V grass)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V grate)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V gravitate)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V gravitate)(PP(P towards)(NP))) (VP(V grease)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N palm))) (VP(V greet)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V grieve)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V grieve)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V grin)(AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(AP(A cheshire))(N cat)))) (VP(V grin)(PP(P from)(NP(N ear)))(PP(P to)(NP(N ear)))) (VP(V grind)(AP(A away))) (VP(V grind)(AP(A away))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V grind)(NP(DET the)(N faces)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N poor))))) (VP(V grind)(NP(DET the)(N faces)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N poor))))(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N dust)))) (VP(V grind)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N teeth))) (VP(V grind)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V grind)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V grind)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V grind)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V grind)(PP(P on))) (VP(V grind)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V grind)(PP(P to)(NP(DET a)(N halt)))) (VP(V gripe)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V grit)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N teeth))) (VP(V groan)(PP(P out))) (VP(V groan)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V grope)(PP(P after)(NP))) (VP(V grope)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V ground)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V group)(AP(A together))) (VP(V group)(PP(P around)(NP))) (VP(V group)(PP(P round)(NP))) (VP(V grouse)(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V grovel)(PP(P before)(NP))) (VP(V grow)(AP(A away))(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V grow)(AP(A grey))(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N service)(PP(P of)(NP sth))))) (VP(V grow)(AP(A old))(AP(A gracefully))) (VP(V grow)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V grow)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V grow)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V grow)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V grow)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V grow)(PP(P over))) (VP(V grow)(PP(P up))) (VP(V grow)(PP(P up))(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V grown)(PP(P over))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V grub)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V grub)(PP(P about))) (VP(V grumble)(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V grumble)(PP(P at)(NP))(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V grumble)(PP(P at)(NP))(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V grumble)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V guard)(NP)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V guess)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V guide)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V guide)(NP)(PP(P across)(NP))) (VP(V guide)(NP)(PP(P along)(NP))) (VP(V gull)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V gulp)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V gum)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V gum)(PP(P up))(NP(DET the)(N works))) (VP(V gun)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V gun)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V gush)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V gush)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V gush)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V habituate)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V hack)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V hack)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V haggle)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V hail)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V ham)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V hammer)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V hammer)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V hammer)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V hammer)(NP)(PP(P onto)(NP))) (VP(V hammer)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V hammer)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V hand)(NP)(AP(A back))) (VP(V hand)(NP)(AP(A back))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V hand)(NP(DET the)(N punishment))(PP(P out))) (VP(V hand)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V hand)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V hand)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V hand)(NP)(PP(P on))) (VP(V hand)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V hand)(NP)(PP(P over))) (VP(V hand)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P out))) (VP(V hand)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V hang)(AP(A back))) (VP(V hang)(AP(A back))(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V hang)(AP(A together))) (VP(V hang)(NP(N fire))) (VP(V hang)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V hang)(NP)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V hang)(PP(P about))) (VP(V hang)(PP(P around))) (VP(V hang)(PP(P behind))) (VP(V hang)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N balance)))) (VP(V hang)(PP(P on))) (VP(V hang)(PP(P on)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V hang)(PP(P up))) (VP(V hang)(PP(P up))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V hang)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V hanker)(PP(P after)(NP))) (VP(V hanker)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V happen)(PP(P along))) (VP(V happen)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V happen)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V hark)(AP(A back))) (VP(V hark)(AP(A back))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V hark)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V harmonize)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V harness)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V harp)(PP(P on))) (VP(V hatch)(PP(P out))) (VP(V hate)(NP sb/sth)(AP(A like)(NP(N poison)))) (VP(V hate/loathe)(NP(DET the)(N sight)(PP(P of)(NP sb/sth)))) (VP(V haul)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V haul)(NP)(PP(P up)(PP(P before)(NP)))) (VP(V haul)(PP(P over)(NP(DET the)(N coals)))) (VP(V have)((AP(A enough))(CONJ and)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V spare)))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)/(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A fair))(N share)(PP(P of)(NP sth)))) (VP(V have)(AP(A more)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(DET a)/(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A fair))(N share)(PP(P of)(NP sth))))))) (VP(V have)(NP(AP(A another))(N think/guess)(S(VP(V coming))))) (VP(V have)(NP)(AP(A back))) (VP(V have)(NP(AP(A blue))(N blood))) (VP(V have)(NP(AP(A blue))(N blood))(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N veins)))) (VP(V have)(NP(AP(A clean))(N hands))) (VP(V have)(NP)(AP(A done))) (VP(V have)(NP(AP(A enough))(N luggage))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V sink)(NP(DET a)(N battleship)))))) (VP(V have)(NP(AP(A green))(N fingers))) (VP(V have)(NP(AP(A high))(N hopes))) (VP(V have)(NP(AP(A hollow))(N legs))) (VP(V have)(NP(AP(A mixed))(N feelings))) (VP(V have)(NP(AP(A mixed))(N motives))) (VP(V have)(NP(AP(A only))(PRON oneself)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V blame/thank)))))) (VP(V have)(NP(AP(A only))(PRON oneself)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V blame/thank)(PP(P for)(NP sth))))))) (VP(V have)(NP(AP(A other/bigger))(N fish)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V fry)))))) (VP(V have)(NP(AP(A outside))(N interests))) (VP(V have)(NP(AP(A second))(N thoughts))) (VP(V have)(NP(AP(DEG more))(N goodness)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A little))(N finger)))(S'(COMP than)(S(NP sb))))) (VP(V have)(NP(AP(DEG more))(N money)(S'(COMP than)(S(NP(N sense)))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(AP(A(A fifty)(A fifty)))(N chance))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(AP(A(A fifty)(A fifty)))(N chance)(PP(P of)(S(VP(V doing)(NP sth)))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(AP(A bad))(N time))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(AP(A bad))(N time))(PP(P of)(NP(PRON it)))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(AP(A black))(N eye))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(AP(A black))(N mark))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(AP(A black))(N mark))(PP(P against)(NP(PRON one)))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(AP(A clear))(N conscience))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(AP(A clear))(N head))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(AP(A clear))(N idea))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(AP(A clear))(N idea)(PP(P of)(NP sth)))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(AP(A closed))(N mind))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(AP(A fair))(N crack)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N whip))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(AP(A familiar))(N ring))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(AP(A familiar))(N ring)(PP(P about/to)(NP(PRON it))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N head)(PP(P for)(NP(N figures))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(AP(A good))(N head)(PP(P for)(NP(N figures))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N head)(PP(P for)(NP(N heights))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(AP(A good))(N head)(PP(P for)(NP(N heights))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(AP(A good))(N head)(PP(P of)(NP(N hair))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(AP(A good))(N innings))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(AP(A good))(N time))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N future))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(AP(A great))(N future))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N job)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP sth)))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(AP(A hard/tough))(N job)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP sth)))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N job)(S(VP(V doing)(NP sth))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(AP(A hard/tough))(N job)(S(VP(V doing)(NP sth))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(AP(A hard))(N row)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V hoe)))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(AP(A hard))(N time))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(AP(A healthy))(N respect)(PP(P for)(NP sb/sth)))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(AP(A heavy/light))(N heart))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(AP(A high))(AP(A old))(N time))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(AP(A long))(N face))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(AP(A long))(N way)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V go)))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(AP(A natural))(N bent))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(AP(A natural))(N bent)(PP(P for)(NP sth)))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(AP(A natural))(N bent))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(AP(A natural))(N bent)(PP(P for)(S)))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(AP(A nodding/bowing))(N acquaintance))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(AP(A nodding/bowing))(N acquaintance)(PP(P with)(NP sb/sth)))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(AP(A weak))(N spot))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a/the)(N constitution)(AP(A like/of)(NP(DET a)(N horse)/(DET an)(N ox))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a/the)(N feeling)(S'(S)))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a/the)(N feeling)(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a/the)(N whale)(PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(N time))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a/the)(N whale)(PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(AP(A good))(N time))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N(A soft)(N spot)))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N(N(Q one)(N track))(N mind)))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N(N brain)(N wave)))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N(N face)(N lift)))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N(N head)(N start)))) (VP(V have)(NP(N(N nuisance)(N value)))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N(N nuisance)(N value)))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N basinful))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N basinful)(PP(P of)(NP sb/sth)))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N bearing))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N bearing))(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N bee)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N bonnet))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N bun)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N oven))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N chip)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N shoulder))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N crush))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N finger)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N pie))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N fit))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N fit)(PP(P of)(NP(N giggles))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N fit)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N giggles))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N flair))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N flea)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N ear))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N fling))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N friend))(PP(P at)(NP(N court)))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N frog)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N throat))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N gift))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N grudge))(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N hand))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N head)(PP(P of)(NP(N steam))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N heart))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N heart)(PP(P of)(NP(N gold/stone))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N hide/skin)(AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(N rhinoceros))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N hold))(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N home)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V go)(PP(P to))))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N home)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N own)))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V go)(PP(P to))))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N hunch)(S'(S)))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N hunch)(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N kick)(AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(N mule))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N lot)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V be)(AP(A grateful/thankful))(PP(P for))))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N lot)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V learn)))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N lot)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V put)(PP(P up))(PP(P with))))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N lump)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N throat))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N memory)(AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(N sponge/sieve))))) (VP(V have)(NP(N method)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(N madness))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N method)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(N madness))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N mind)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N own))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N mind))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP sth))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N mouth)(AP(A like)(NP(DET the)(N bottom)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N parrot))'s)(N cage))))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N mouth))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V feed))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N nerve))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N nose))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N part))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N pash))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N place))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N place))(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N sun)))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N right))(PP(P to)(NP(N sth)))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N right))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP(N sth)))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N say))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N stake))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N thing))(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N voice))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N way)(PP(P of)(S(VP(V doing)(NP sth)))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N way))(PP(P with)(NP(PRON one)))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N whale)(PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(AP(A good))(N time))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N word))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)/(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N bellyful))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)/(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N bellyful)(PP(P of)(NP sb/sth)))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET an)(AP(A enquiring))(N turn)(PP(P of)(NP(N mind))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET an)(AP(A even))(N chance))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET an)(AP(A even))(N chance)(PP(P of)(S(VP(V doing)(NP sth)))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET an)(AP(A old))(N head)(PP(P on)(NP(AP(A young))(N shoulders))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET an)(AP(A open))(N mind))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET an/the)(N air)(PP(P of)(NP sb/sth)))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET an)(N affair))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET an)(N affair))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET an)(N ear))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET an)(N edge))(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET an)(N edge))(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N voice)))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET an)(N effect))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET an)(N effect))(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET an)(N eye))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET an)(N eye))(PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(AP(A main))(N chance)))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET an)(N eye))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(NP sth)))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET an)(N eye))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V doing)(NP sth))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET an)(N idea)(PP(P of)(NP sth)))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET an)(N idea)(S'(S)))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET an)(N idea)(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET an)(N impact))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET an)(N impact))(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a/the)(N knack)(PP(P of)(S(VP(V doing)(NP sth)))))) (VP(V have)(NP(AP(A first))(N refusal))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET the)(AP(A first))(N refusal))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET the)(AP(A last))(N laugh))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET the)(AP(A last))(N word))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET the)(N(N midas)(N touch)))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET the)(N best)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET the)(N brains))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET the)(N brains))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP sth))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET the)(N courage)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET the)(N edge))(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET the)(N fortune/misfortune))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP sth))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET the)(N gift/power)(PP(P of)(NP(AP(A total))(N recall))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET the)(N gift/powers)(PP(P of)(NP(AP(A total))(N recall))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET the)(N gift)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N gab))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET the)(N gift)(PP(P of)(NP(N tongues))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET the)(N grace)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP sth)))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET the)(N guts)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET the)(N jitters))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET the)(N knack))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET the)(N knack)(PP(P of)(NP(PRON it))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET the)(N nerve))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET the)(N nerve)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP sth)))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET the)(N patience)(PP(P of)(NP(NJ ob))/(NP(DET a)(N saint))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET the)(N time)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N life))))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET the)(N wind))(PP(P up))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET the)(N worst)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET this)(N thing)(PP(P about)(NP)))) (VP(V have)(NP(N(N elbow)(N room)))) (VP(V have)(NP(NP(DET a)(AP(A local))(N habitation))(CONJ and)(NP(DET a)(N name)))) (VP(V have)(NP(NP(DET one)(N law)(PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N rich)))),(CONJ and)(NP(N another)(PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N poor)))))) (VP(V have)(NP(NP(N pins))(CONJ and)(NP(N needles)))) (VP(V have)(NP(N access))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(N ants)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N pants))))) (VP(V have)(NP(N bags)(PP(P under)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N eyes))))) (VP(V have)(NP(N bats)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N belfry))))) (VP(V have)(NP(N compassion))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(N confidence))) (VP(V have)(NP(N confidence))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(N control))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(N control))(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(N designs))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(N doubts))(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(N everything)(PP(P but)))) (VP(V have)(NP(N everything)(PP(P but)(NP sth)))) (VP(V have)(NP(N eyes)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N head))))) (VP(V have)(NP(N eyes)(PP(P in/at)(NP(DET the)(N back)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N head/neck))))))) (VP(V have)(NP(N faith))) (VP(V have)(NP(N faith))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(N feelings))(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(N feelings))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(N feet)(PP(P of)(NP(N clay))))) (VP(V have)(NP(N form))) (VP(V have)(NP(N guts))) (VP(V have)(NP(N kittens))) (VP(V have)(NP(N none/nothing)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V speak)(PP(P of))))))) (VP(V have)(NP(N nothing)(AP(A better)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do))))))) (VP(V have)(NP(N nothing)(AP(A better)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do))))(S'(COMP than)(S))))) (VP(V have)(NP(N nothing)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V shout)(PP(P about))))))) (VP(V have)(NP(N nothing)(AP(A much))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V shout)(PP(P about))))))) (VP(V have)(NP(N nothing)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V write)(AP(A home))(PP(P about))))))) (VP(V have)(NP(N nothing)(AP(A much))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V write)(AP(A home))(PP(P about))))))) (VP(V have)(NP(N nothing/something)(PP(P between)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N ears))))) (VP(V have)(NP(N nothing/something)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V hide)))))) (VP(V have)(NP(N occasion)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP sth)))))) (VP(V have)(NP(N one)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A good))(N days))))) (VP(V have)(NP(N one)(PP(P over)(NP(DET the)(N eight))))) (VP(V have)(NP(N pity))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(N recourse))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(N something)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V think/talk)(PP(P about))))))) (VP(V have)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(PP(P with)(NP sb/sth)))))) (VP(V have)(NP(N sth)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(PP(P with)(NP sb/sth))))))) (VP(V have)(NP(N time))(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N hands)))) (VP(V have)(NP(N words))) (VP(V have)(NP(N words))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(POSS(NP(DET the)(N devil))'s)(AP(A own))(N luck))) (VP(V have)(NP(POSS(NP(N hobson))'s)(N choice))) (VP(V have)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N ear))) (VP(V have)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N number))) (VP(V have)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N day))) (VP(V have)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N eye))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N feet))(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N ground)))) (VP(V have)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N fling))) (VP(V have)(NP(N fun))) (VP(V have)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N fun))) (VP(V have)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N hands))(AP(A full))) (VP(V have)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N innings))) (VP(V have)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N wits))(PP(P about)(NP(PRON one)))) (VP(V have)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)/(POSS(NP(PRON its)))(N moments))) (VP(V have)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON their)))(N tails))(PP(P down))) (VP(V have)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON their)))(N tails))(PP(P up))) (VP(V have)(NP)(PP(P around))) (VP(V have)(NP)(PP(P by)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(N hand)))) (VP(V have)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(N mind)))) (VP(V have)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N spell)))) (VP(V have)(NP)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP)(PP(P on))) (VP(V have)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N brain)))) (VP(V have)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N hands)))) (VP(V have)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N mind)))) (VP(V have)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N person)))) (VP(V have)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP(PRON one)))) (VP(V have)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V have)(NP)(PP(P out))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP)(PP(P over))) (VP(V have)(NP)(PP(P round))) (VP(V have)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V have)(NP)(PP(P up))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(PRON it))(AP(A away))) (VP(V have)(NP(PRON it))(AP(A away))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(PRON it))(AP(A good))) (VP(V have)(NP(PRON it))(AP(A made))) (VP(V have)(NP(PRON it/things))(NP(AP(A both))(N ways))) (VP(V have)(NP(PRON it/things))(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N way))) (VP(V have)(NP(PRON it/things))(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(N way))) (VP(V have)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P in)(NP(N mind)))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP(N sth)))))) (VP(V have)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P in)(NP(N one)))) (VP(V have)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P in)(NP(N one)))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP(N sth)))))) (VP(V have)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P in))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P off))) (VP(V have)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P off))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(PRON it))(S'(S))) (VP(V have)(NP(PRON it))(S'(COMP that)(S))) (VP(V have)(NP(DET a)(N ball))) (VP(V have)(NP(PRON oneself))(NP(DET a)(N ball))) (VP(V have)(NP(QP(Q all))(DET the)(N marks)(PP(P of)(NP sb/sth)))) (VP(V have)(NP(QP(Q all))(DET the)(N money)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N world))))) (VP(V have)(NP(QP(Q all))(N day))) (VP(V have)(NP(QP(Q all))(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N marbles))) (VP(V have)(NP(QP(Q both))(N feet))(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N ground)))) (VP(V have)(NP(QP(Q neither))(N(N rhyme)(CONJ or)(N reason)))) (VP(V have)(NP(QP(Q neither))(N(N rhyme)(CONJ nor)(N reason)))) (VP(V have)(NP(AP(A good))(N reason))) (VP(V have)(NP(AP(A good))(N reason)(PP(P for)(NP sth)))) (VP(V have)(NP(QP(Q no))(AP(A good))(N reason))) (VP(V have)(NP(QP(Q no))(AP(A good))(N reason)(PP(P for)(NP sth)))) (VP(V have)(NP(AP(A good))(N reason)(PP(P for)(S(VP(V doing)(NP sth)))))) (VP(V have)(NP(QP(Q no))(AP(A good))(N reason)(PP(P for)(S(VP(V doing)(NP sth)))))) (VP(V have)(NP(AP(A hard))(N feelings))) (VP(V have)(NP(QP(Q no))(AP(A hard))(N feelings))) (VP(V have)(NP(QP(Q no))(N nonsense))) (VP(V have)(NP(QP(Q no))(AP(A more))(N nonsense))) (VP(V have)(NP(QP(Q no))/(DET an)(N inkling))) (VP(V have)(NP(QP(Q no))/(DET an)(N inkling)(PP(P of)(NP sth)))) (VP(V have)(NP(QP(Q no))(N business))) (VP(V have)(NP(QP(Q no))(N business))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP sth))))) (VP(V have)(NP(QP(Q no))(N business))) (VP(V have)(NP(QP(Q no))(N business))(S(VP(V doing)(NP sth)))) (VP(V have)(NP(QP(Q no))(N call))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP sth))))) (VP(V have)(NP(QP(Q no))(N eye))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(QP(Q no))(N fears))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(QP(Q no))(N remedy)(S'(COMP but)(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP sth)))))) (VP(V have)(NP(QP(Q no))(N terrors))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(QP(Q no))(N time))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(QP(Q no))(N time)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V lose)))))) (VP(V have)(NP(QP(Q no))(N truck))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(QP(Q no))(N use))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V have)(NP(QP(Q one))(N foot))(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N grave)))) (VP(V have)(NP)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V thank))))) (VP(V have)(NP)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V thank)(PP(P for)(NP sth)))))) (VP(V have)(NP sth)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N blood)))) (VP(V have)(NP sth)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N favour)))) (VP(V have)(NP sth)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N go)))) (VP(V have)(PP(AP(A well))(P in)(NP(N hand)))) (VP(V have)(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V have)(PP(P about)(NP(PRON one)))) (VP(V have)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V have)(SC(NP sb)(AP(A fooled)))) (VP(V have)(SC(NP sb/sth)(AP(A covered)))) (VP(V have)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V see)(NP(DET a)(N man))(PP(P about)(NP(DET a)(N horse/dog))))))) (VP(V have)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V(V go)(CONJ and)(V see))(NP(DET a)(N man))(PP(P about)(NP(DET a)(N horse/dog))))))) (VP(V have)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to)(V be))(VP(V seen))))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to)(V be))(VP(V believed))))) (VP(V have/get)(NP(QP(Q two))(N bites)(PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N cherry))))) (VP(V have/give)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N best))) (NP(DET a)(NP(NP(N cat-))(CONJ and-)(NP(N dog)))(N life)) (VP(V have/lead)(NP(DET a)(NP(NP(N cat-))(CONJ and-)(NP(N dog)))(N life))) (VP(V haveetc)(NP(AP(AP(A too))(A much))(N moneyetc))(PP(P for)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(N good)))) (VP(V haveetc)(NP(AP(A second))(N sight))) (VP(V haveetc)(NP(AP(A second))(N thoughts))) (VP(V haveetc)(NP(AP(A teething))(N troubles))) (VP(V haveetc)(NP(DET a)(N turn))) (VP(V haveetc)(NP(DET a)(AP(A nastyetc))(N turn))) (VP(V haveetc)(NP(DET a)(AP(A red))(N face))) (VP(V haveetc)(NP(DET a)(AP(A rude))(N awakening))) (VP(V haveetc)(NP(DET a)(AP(A second))(N string))) (VP(V haveetc)(NP(DET a)(AP(A second))(N string))(PP)) (VP(V haveetc)(NP(DET a)(AP(A sixth))(N sense))) (VP(V haveetc)(NP(DET a)(AP(A sneaking))(N suspicionetc))) (VP(V haveetc)(NP(DET a)(AP(A sporting))(N chance))) (VP(V haveetc)(NP(DET a)(AP(A sporting))(N chance)(PP(P of)(S(VP))))) (VP(V haveetc)(NP(DET a)(AP(A thick))(N head))) (VP(V haveetc)(NP(DET a)(AP(A thick/thin))(N skin))) (VP(V haveetc)(NP(DET a)(AP(A vested))(N interest))) (VP(V haveetc)(NP(DET a)(AP(A vested))(N interest)(PP(P in)(NP sth)))) (VP(V haveetc)(NP(DET a)(N right)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V haveetc)(NP(DET a)(N right)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP))))) (VP(V haveetc)(NP(DET a)(N roof)(PP(P over)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N head))))) (VP(V haveetc)(NP(DET a/that)(AP(A sinking))(N feeling))) (NP(QP(Q forty))(N winks)) (VP(V have/taken)(NP(QP(Q forty))(N winks))) (VP(V inflict)(NP)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V inform)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V inform)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V infuse)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V infuse)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V ingratiate)(NP(N oneself))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V ingratiate)(NP(PRON oneself))) (VP(V inhibit)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V initiate)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V inject)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V inject)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V inlay)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V inoculate)(NP)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V inquire)(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V inquire)(PP(P after)(NP))) (VP(V inquire)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V inquire)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V inquire)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V inscribe)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V inscribe)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V inscribe)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V insert)(NP)(PP(P between)(NP))) (VP(V insert)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V insert)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V insinuate)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V insist)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V insist)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V inspire)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V inspire)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V install)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V instil)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V instil)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V instruct)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V insulate)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V insure)(NP)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V integrate)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V intend)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V inter)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V intercede)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V interest)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V interfere)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V interfere)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V interlard)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V interleave)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V intermarry)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V intermingle)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V intern)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V intersperse)(NP)(PP(P among)(NP))) (VP(V intersperse)(NP)(PP(P between)(NP))) (VP(V intersperse)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V intervene)(PP(P between)(NP))) (VP(V intervene)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V intimidate)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V intoxicated)(PP(P by)(NP))) (VP(V intoxicated)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V intrigue)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V introduce)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V introduce)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V intrude)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V intrude)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V intrude)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V inundate)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V inure)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V inure)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V invalid)(PP(P out))) (VP(V invalid)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V inveigh)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V inveigle)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V invest)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V invest)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V invite)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V invite)(NP)(PP(P over))) (VP(V invite)(NP)(PP(P round))) (VP(V involve)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V iron)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V is)(NP(N king))) (VP(V isolate)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V issue)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V itch)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V jab)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V jab)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V jack)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V jack)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V jam)(NP(DET the)(N brakes))(PP(P on))) (VP(V jam)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V jam)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V jangle)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V jangle)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V jar)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V jar)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V jar)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V jazz)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V jeer)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V jib)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V jibe)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V jockey)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V jog)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(N memory))) (VP(V jog)(PP(P along))) (VP(V jog)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V jog/nudge)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N arm/elbow))) (VP(V jog/nudge)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N arm/elbow))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP)))) (VP(V join)(NP)(AP(A together))) (VP(V join)(NP(DET the)(N club))) (VP(V join)(NP(DET the)(N fray))) (VP(V join)(NP(N battle))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V join)(NP(N forces))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V join)(NP)(PP(P on))) (VP(V join)(NP)(PP(P onto)(NP))) (VP(V join)(PP(P in))) (VP(V join)(PP(P up))) (VP(V join)(PP(P up))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V joke)(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V jolly)(NP)(PP(P along))) (VP(V jot)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V judge)(PP(P by)(NP))) (VP(V judge)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V judge)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V juggle)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V jumble)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V jumble)(NP)(PP(P up))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V jump)(NP(DET the)(N gun))) (VP(V jump)(NP(DET the)(N queue))) (VP(V jump)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V jump)(PP(P down)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N throat)))) (VP(V jump)(PP(P off)(NP))) (VP(V jump)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V jump)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(AP)(N conclusion)))) (VP(V jump)(PP(P to)(NP(N conclusions)))) (VP(V jump)(PP(P to)(NP(PRON it)))) (VP(V jump)(PP(P up))) (VP(V justify)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V jut)(PP(P out))) (VP(V keel)(PP(P over))) (VP(V keep)(AP(A ahead))) (VP(V keep)(AP(A ahead)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V keep)(AP(A back)(PP(P from)(NP)))) (VP(V keep)(AP(A indoors))) (VP(V keep)(AP(A mum))) (VP(V keep)(AP(A together))) (VP(V keep)(AP(P abreast))) (VP(V keep)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V keep)(NP)(AP(A away)(PP(P from)(NP)))) (VP(V keep)(NP)(AP(A back))) (VP(V keep)(NP(AP(A badetc))(N company))) (VP(V keep)(NP(AP(A earlyetc))(N hours))) (VP(V keep)(NP(AP(A open))(N house))) (VP(V keep)(NP(DET a)(AP(A close))(N watch))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V keep)(NP(DET a)(AP(A cool))(N head))) (VP(V keep)(NP(DET a)(AP(A firm))(N grip))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V keep)(NP(DET a)(AP(A firm))(N hold))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V keep)(NP(DET a)(AP(A safe))(N distance))) (VP(V keep)(NP(DET a)(AP(A straight))(N face))) (VP(V keep)(NP(DET a)(AP(A tight))(N grip))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V keep)(NP(DET a)(AP(A tight))(N hold))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V keep)(NP(DET a)(N secret))) (VP(V keep)(NP(DET a)(N tab))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V keep)(NP(DET a)(N tag))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V keep)(NP(DET an)(N ear))(AP(A close)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N ground))))) (VP(V keep)(NP(DET an)(N ear))(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N ground)))) (VP(V keep)(NP(DET an)(N eye))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V keep)(NP(DET the)(N peace))) (VP(V keep)(NP(DET the)(N wolf))(PP(P from)(NP(DET the)(N door)))) (VP(V keep)(NP(NP(N body))(CONJ and)(NP(N soul)))(AP(A together))) (VP(V keep)(NP(N faith))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V keep)(NP(N pace))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V keep)(NP(N sb))(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N dark)))) (VP(V keep)(NP(N sb))(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N dark)))(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V keep)(NP(N tabs))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V keep)(NP(N watch))) (VP(V keep)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N seatetc))(AP(A warm))(PP(P for)(NP(PRON him)))) (VP(V keep)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(N company))) (VP(V keep)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(N counsel))) (VP(V keep)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N chin))(PP(P up))) (VP(V keep)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N cool))) (VP(V keep)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N distance))) (VP(V keep)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N ear))(AP(A close)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N ground))))) (VP(V keep)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N ears))(AP(A close)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N ground))))) (VP(V keep)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N ear))(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N ground)))) (VP(V keep)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N ears))(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N ground)))) (VP(V keep)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N ears/eyes))(AP(A open))) (VP(V keep)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N end))(PP(P up))) (VP(V keep)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N eye))(PP(P in))) (VP(V keep)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N eyes))(AP(A peeled/skinned))) (VP(V keep)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N eyes))(AP(A peeled/skinned))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V keep)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N eyes))(PP(P off)(NP))) (VP(V keep)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N finger))(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N pulse)(PP(P of)(NP))))) (VP(V keep)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N hair))(PP(P on))) (VP(V keep)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N hand))(PP(P in))) (VP(V keep)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N hands))(PP(P off)(NP))) (VP(V keep)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N head))) (VP(V keep)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N head))(PP(P above)(NP(N water)))) (VP(V keep)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N mind))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V keep)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N mouth/trap))(AP(A shut))) (VP(V keep)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N nose))(AP(A clean))) (VP(V keep)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N nose))(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V keep)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N nose))(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N grindstone)))) (VP(V keep)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N pecker))(PP(P up))) (VP(V keep)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N powder))(AP(A dry))) (VP(V keep)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N shirt))(PP(P on))) (VP(V keep)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N side)(PP(P of)(NP(DET a/the)(N bargain))))) (VP(V keep)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N temper/cool))) (VP(V keep)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N word))) (VP(V keep)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)/(POSS(NP(PRON its)))(N looks))) (VP(V keep)(NP)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V keep)(NP)(PP(P at)(NP(DET a)(N distance)))) (VP(V keep)(NP)(PP(P at)(NP(N bay)))) (VP(V keep)(NP)(PP(P at)(NP(POSS(NP(N arm))'s)(N length)))) (VP(V keep)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V keep)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V keep)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V keep)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(N state)(PP(P of)(NP(N suspense)))))) (VP(V keep)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N dark)))) (VP(V keep)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(N check)))) (VP(V keep)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(N ignorance)))) (VP(V keep)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(N kind)))) (VP(V keep)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(N line)))) (VP(V keep)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(N order)))) (VP(V keep)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(N sight)))) (VP(V keep)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(N sight)(PP(P of)(NP))))) (VP(V keep)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(N suspense)))) (VP(V keep)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(N training)))) (VP(V keep)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N place)))) (VP(V keep)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON its)))(N feet)))) (VP(V keep)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V keep)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V keep)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(DET a)(N minimum)))) (VP(V keep)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N minimum)))) (VP(V keep)(NP)(PP(P under))) (VP(V keep)(NP)(PP(P under)(NP))) (VP(V keep)(NP)(PP(P under)(NP(N control)))) (VP(V keep)(NP)(PP(P under)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N hat)))) (VP(V keep)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V keep)(NP)(PP(P up)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N mark))))) (VP(V keep)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P up))) (VP(V keep)(NP(PRON oneself/sb))(AP(A fit))) (VP(V keep)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P to)(NP(PRON oneself)))) (VP(V keep)(NP(QP(Q one))(N eye))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V keep)(NP(QP(Q one))(N step))(AP(A ahead))) (VP(V keep)(NP(QP(Q one))(N step))(AP(A ahead)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V keep)(PP(P after)(NP))) (VP(V keep)(PP(P down))) (VP(V keep)(PP(P in)(NP(N step)))) (VP(V keep)(PP(P in)(NP(N step)))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V keep)(PP(P in)(NP(N touch)))) (VP(V keep)(PP(P in)(NP(N touch)))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V keep)(PP(P in)(NP(N track)))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V keep)(PP(P in))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V keep)(PP(P off)(NP))) (VP(V keep)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V keep)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(AP(A right))(N side)))) (VP(V keep)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(AP(A right))(N side)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N law)))))) (VP(V keep)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N rails)))) (VP(V keep)(PP(P on)(NP(N top)))) (VP(V keep)(PP(P on)(NP(N top)(PP(P of)(NP))))) (VP(V keep)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N toes)))) (VP(V keep)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N feet)))) (VP(V keep)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N toes)))) (VP(V keep)(PP(P on))(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V keep)(PP(P on))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V keep)(PP(P on))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V keep)(PP(P on))(S(VP(V doing)(NP(N sth))))) (VP(V keep)(PP(P out))) (VP(V keep)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V keep)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(NP(NP(N straight))(CONJ and)(NP(N narrow)))))) (VP(V keep)(PP(P to)(NP(PRON oneself)))) (VP(V keep)(PP(P under)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N feet)))) (VP(V keep)(PP(P up))(NP(N appearances))) (VP(V keep)(PP(P up)(PP(P with)(NP)))) (VP(V keep)(PP(P up)(PP(P with)(NP(DET the)(NJ oneses))))) (VP(V keep)(PP(P up)(PP(P with)(NP(DET the)(N times))))) (VP(V keep)(PP(P within)(NP(N bounds)))) (VP(V keep)(S(NP(DET the)(N(N home)(N fires)))(VP(V burning)))) (VP(V keep)(S(NP(DET the)(N ball))(VP(V rolling)))) (VP(V keep)(S(NP(DET the)(N flag))(VP(V flying)))) (VP(V keep)(S(NP(DET the)(N pot))(VP(V boiling)))) (VP(V keep)(S(NP(N sb))(VP(V guessing)))) (VP(V keep)(S(NP(PRON oneselfetc))(VP(V going)))) (VP(V keep)(S(NP)(VP(V guessing)))) (VP(V keep)(S(VP(V smiling)))) (VP(V keep/bear)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N company))) (VP(V keepetc)(NP(DET a)(AP(A cool))(N head))) (VP(V keepetc)(NP(PRON oneself))(AP(A unspotted)(PP(P from)(NP(DET the)(N world))))) (VP(V keyed)(PP(P up))) (VP(V kick)(NP)(AP(A back))) (VP(V kick)(NP)(AP(A downstairs))) (VP(V kick)(NP)(AP(A upstairs))) (VP(V kick)(NP(DET the)(N bucket))) (VP(V kick)(NP(DET the)(N habitetc))) (VP(V kick)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N heels))) (VP(V kick)(NP)(PP(P around))) (VP(V kick)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V kick)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N teeth)))) (VP(V kick)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V kick)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V kick)(NP)(PP(P round))) (VP(V kick)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V kick)(NP(PRON oneself))) (VP(V kick)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V kick)(PP(P against)(NP(DET the)(N pricks)))) (VP(V kick)(PP(P off))(NP)) (VP(V kick)(PP(P over))(NP(DET the)(N traces))) (VP(V kick)(PP(P up))(NP(DET a)(N row))) (VP(V kick)(PP(P up))(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N heels))) (VP(V kid)(PP(P on))) (VP(V kid)(PP(P up))) (VP(V kill)(NP)(AP(A(N stone)(A dead)))) (VP(V kill)(NP(DET the)(AP(A fatted))(N calf))) (VP(V kill)(NP(DET the)(N goose)(S'(COMP that)(S(VP(V lays)(NP(DET the)(AP(A golden))(N eggs))))))) (VP(V kill)(NP(N timeetc))) (VP(V kill)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V kill)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP(N kindness)))) (VP(V kill)(NP(PRON oneself))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP)))) (VP(V kill)(NP(PRON oneself))(S(VP ing))) (VP(V kill)(NP(QP(Q two))(N birds))(PP(P with)(NP(QP(Q one))(N stone)))) (VP(V kindle)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V kip)(PP(P down))) (VP(V kip)(PP(P out))) (VP(V kiss)(NP(DET the)(N(N blarney)(NS tone)))) (VP(V kiss)(NP)(PAP(A away))) (VP(V kiss)(NP(PRON it))(AP(A better))) (VP(V kiss)(PP(P off))) (VP(V kit)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V kit)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V kneel)(PP(P down))) (VP(V knit)(NP)(PP(P together))) (VP(V knit)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V knock)(AP(A together))) (VP(V knock)(NP)(AP(A back))) (VP(V knock)(NP)(AP(A cold))) (VP(V knock)(NP(DET the)(AP(A living))(N daylights))(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V knock)(NP(DET the)(N bottom))(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V knock)(NP(DET the)(N hell))(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V knock)(NP(DET the)(N spirit))(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V knock)(NP(DET the)(N stuffing))(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V knock)(NP(N sense))(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V knock)(NP(N spots))(PP(P off)(NP))) (VP(V knock)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N block))(PP(P off))) (VP(V knock)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N head))(PP(P off))) (VP(V knock)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N head))(PP(P against)(NP(DET a)(AP(A brick))(N wall)))) (VP(V knock)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N pipe))(PP(P out))) (VP(V knock)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON their)))(N heads))(AP(A together))) (VP(V knock)(NP)(PP(P about))) (VP(V knock)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V knock)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP(N six)))) (VP(V knock)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V knock)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V knock)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V knock)(NP)(PP(P on))) (VP(V knock)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N head)))) (VP(V knock)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V knock)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V knock)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V knock)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P off))) (VP(V knock)(NP(PRON them))(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N aisles)))) (VP(V knock)(NP(QP(Q some))(N sense))(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V knock)(NP sb)(AP(A cold))) (VP(V knock)(PP(P about))(AP(A together))) (VP(V knock)(PP(P about))(AP(A together))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V knock)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V knock)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V knock)(PP(P on)(NP(N wood)))) (VP(V knock)(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V knot)(NP)(AP(A together))) (VP(V know)(AP(A best))) (VP(V know)(AP(A better))) (VP(V know)(AP(A better)(S'(COMP than)(S(AUX(to))(VP))))) (VP(V know)(AP(A different))) (VP(V know)(NP(DET a)(AP(A good))(N thingetc))(S'(COMP when)(S(NP(PRON one))(VP(V seesetc)(NP(PRON it)))))) (VP(V know)(NP(NP(N sb))(CONJ and)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N kind)))) (VP(V know)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(N mind))) (VP(V know)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N man/opponent))) (VP(V know)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N onions/stuff))) (VP(V know)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N way))(PP(P around/about))) (VP(V know)(NP)(PP(PP(P through))(CONJ and)(PP(P through)))) (VP(V know)(NP(QP(Q all))(DET the)(N answers))) (VP(V know)(NP(DET the)(N dodges/tricks))) (VP(V know)(NP(QP(Q all))(DET the)(N dodges/tricks))) (VP(V know)(NP(QP(Q no))(N bounds))) (VP(V know)(NP sth)(AP(AP(A veryetc))(A well))) (VP(V know)(NP sth)(AP(AP(DEG as))(A well)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(PRON i))(VP(V do)))))) (VP(V know)(NP sth)(AP(A like)(NP(DET the)(N back/palm)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N hand)))))) *(VP(V know)(NP sth)(SC(NP(N inside))(PP(P out)))) (VP(V know)(PP(P by)(NP(N sight)))) (VP(V know)(PP(P for)(AP(A sure/certain)))) (VP(V know)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V know)(S'(COMP(NP(AP(A which/what))(N side)))(S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N bread))(AUX(V be))(VP(V buttered))))) (VP(V know)(S'(COMP(NP(AP(A which/what))(N side)))(S(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N bread))(AUX(V be))(VP(V buttered)(PP(P on)))))) (VP(V know)(S'(COMP what)(S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V is)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP))))))) (VP(V know)(S'(COMP what)(S(NP(PRON one))(AUX(V be))(VP(V doing))))) (VP(V know)(S'(COMP what)(S(NP sb/sth)(VP(V is))))) (VP(V know)(S'(COMP where)(S(NP(DET the)(N shoe))(VP(V pinches))))) (VP(V know)(S'(COMP where)(S(NP(PRON one))(AUX(V be))(VP(V going))))) (VP(V know)(S'(NP(AP(AP(A how))(A many))(N beans))(S(VP(V make)(NP(N five)))))) (VP(V know/keep)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N place))) (VP(V know/tell)(NP(DET a)(N hawk))(PP(P from)(NP(DET a)(N handsaw)))) (VP(V knowetc)(NP(DET the)(N ropes))) (VP(V knowetc)(NP(DET the)(N score))) (VP(V knowetc)(NP(NP(DET a)(N thing))(CONJ or)(NP(N two)))) (VP(V knowetc)(NP(NP(DET a)(N thing))(CONJ or)(NP(N two)))(PP(P about)(NP sth))) (VP(V knowetc)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N way))(PP(P about/around))) (VP(V knowetc)(S'(COMP what)(S(NP(N loveetc))(VP(V is))))) (VP(V knowetc)(S'(S(NP what)(VP(V be)(NP(N what)))))) (VP(V known)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V knuckle)(PP(P under)(NP))) (VP(V knuckle)(PP(P under)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V kowtow)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V labour)(NP(DET the)(N point))) (VP(V labour)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V labour)(PP(P under)(NP))) (VP(V lace)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V lace)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V laden)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V lag)(PP(P behind))) (VP(V lam)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V land)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V land)(PP(P onto)(NP))) (VP(V land)(PP(P up))) (VP(V land)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V lap)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V lapse)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V lapse)(PP(P from)(NP(N grace)))) (VP(V lard)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V lash)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V lash)(PP(P out))) (VP(V lash)(PP(P out))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V lash)(PP(P out))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V last)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N time))) (VP(V last)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V latch)(PP(P on))) (VP(V latch)(PP(P on)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V laugh)(AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(N drain)))) (VP(V laugh)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V laugh)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N head))(PP(P off))) (VP(V laugh)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V laugh)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V laugh)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(N court))))) (VP(V laugh)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V laugh)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N face)))) (VP(V laugh)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(AP(A other))(N side)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N face)))))) (VP(V laugh)(PP(P up)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N sleeve)))) (VP(V laugh)(S'(COMP till/until)(S(NP(PRON one))(VP criesetc)))) (VP(V launch)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V launch)(PP(P out))) (VP(V launch)(PP(P out))(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V lay)(NP)(AP(A aside))) (VP(V lay)(NP)(AP(A bare))) (VP(V lay)(NP)(AP(A low))) (VP(V lay)(NP(DET a/POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N ghostetc))) (VP(V lay)(NP(DET the)(N blame)(PP(P for)(NP)))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V lay)(NP(DET the)(N blame))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V lay)(NP(N claim))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V lay)(NP(N emphasis))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V lay)(NP(N eyes))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V lay)(NP(N stress))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V lay)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N cards))(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N table)))) (VP(V lay)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N hands))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V lay)(NP)(PP(P at)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N door)))) (VP(V lay)(NP)(PP(P before)(NP))) (VP(V lay)(NP)(PP(P by))) (VP(V lay)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V lay)(NP)(PP(P down))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP)))) (VP(V lay)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V lay)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V lay)(NP)(PP(P up))(PP(P for)(NP(PRON oneself)))) (VP(V lay)(NP(PRON oneself/sb))(AP(A open))) (VP(V lay)(NP(PRON oneself/sb))(AP(A open)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V lay)(NP(PRON oneself/sb))(AP(AP(A wide))(A open))) (VP(V lay)(NP(PRON oneself/sb))(AP(AP(A wide))(A open)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V lay)(NP)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V rest))))) (VP(V lay)(PP(P about))) (VP(V lay)(PP(P down))(NP(DET the)(N law))) (VP(V lay)(PP(P down))(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N arms))) (VP(V lay)(PP(P down))(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N life))) (VP(V lay)(PP(P down))(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N life))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V lay)(SC(NP sth)(AP(A waste)))) (VP(V lead)(NP)(AP(A astray))) (VP(V lead)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V lead)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V lead)(NP)(PP(P on))) (VP(V lead)(NP)(PP(P up)(NP(DET the)(N(N garden)(N path))))) (VP(V lead)(NP sb)(NP(DET a)(N dance))) (VP(V lead)(NP sb)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V believe))))) (VP(V lead)(NP sb)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V believe)(S'(COMP that)(S)))))) (VP(V lead)(PP(P up)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V lead/live)(NP(DET a)(AP(A double))(N life))) (VP(V lead/live)(NP(QP(Q two))(N lives))) (VP(V leaf)(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V leak)(PP(P out))) (VP(V lean)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V lean)(PP(P out))) (VP(V lean)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V lean)(PP(P over))) (VP(V lean)(PP(P over))(AP(A backwards))) (VP(V lean)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V leap)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V learn)(NP(DET a/POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N lesson))) (VP(V learn)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V learn)(PP(P off))) (VP(V learn)(PP(P off)(PP(P by)(NP(N heart))))) (VP(V learn)(PP(P off)(PP(P by)(NP(N rote))))) (VP(V lease)(NP)(AP(A back))) (VP(V leave)(AP(A undone))(NP(DET those)(N things)(S'(COMP which/that)(S(NP(PRON one))(AUX(MOD ought)(to)(V have))(VP(V done)))))) (VP(V leave)(NP)(AP(A aside))) (VP(V leave)(NP(DET the)(N room))) (VP(V leave)(NP(N word))) (VP(V leave)(NP(N word))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V leave)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)/(POSS(NP(PRON its)))(N mark))) (VP(V leave)(NP)(PP(P about))) (VP(V leave)(NP)(PP(P around))) (VP(V leave)(NP)(PP(P behind))) (VP(V leave)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V leave)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V leave)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP(N dead)))) (VP(V leave)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V leave)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V leave)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V leave)(NP)(PP(P on))) (VP(V leave)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V leave)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V leave)(NP)(PP(P over))) (VP(V leave)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V leave)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N chance)))) (VP(V leave)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(AP(A own))(N devices)))) (VP(V leave)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(AP(A own))(N resources)))) (VP(V leave)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(PRON it)))) (VP(V leave)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V leave)(NP)(PP(P up)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V leave)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P at)(NP(N that)))) (VP(V leave)(SC(NP)(AP(A speechless)))) (VP(V leave)(SC(NP(QP(Q no))(N stone))(AP(A unturned)))) (VP(V leave)(SC(NP sb)(AP(A cold)))) (VP(V leave)(SC(NP sb)(AP(A speechless)))) (VP(V leave)(SC(NP sb/sth)(AP(A standing)))) (VP(V leave)(S(NP)(AUX(to))(VP(V hold)(NP(DET the)(N baby))))) (VP(V leave)(S(NP(N much))(AUX(to)(V be))(VP(V desired)))) (VP(V leave)(S(NP)(VP(V holding)(NP(DET the)(N baby))))) (VP(V leave)(S(NP)(VP(V standing)))) (VP(V leave/let)(NP)(AP(A alone))) (VP(V leave/let)(NP(N well))(AP(A alone))) (VP(V leave/let)(SC(NP)(VP(V be)))) (VP(V leaven)(NP(DET the)(N lump))) (VP(V leaven)(NP(DET the)(AP(A whole))(N lump))) (VP(V lecture)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V lecture)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V leech)(PP(P onto)(NP))) (VP(V leer)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V lend)(NP(DET an/POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N ear))) (VP(V lend)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V lend)(NP(PRON itself))(PP(P to)(NP))) *(VP(V let)(AP(A alone))(NP/S)) (VP(V let)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V let)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP(DET a)(N secret)))) (VP(V let)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP(DET the)(N secret)))) (VP(V let)(PP(P off))(NP(N steam))) (VP(V let)(PP(P on))) (VP(V let)(PP(P on))(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V let)(SC(NP(AP(A sleeping))(N dogs))(VP(V lie)))) (VP(V let)(SC(NP(DET the)(N cat))(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N bag)))))) (VP(V let)(SC(NP(DET the)(N clutch))(PP(P in)))) (VP(V let)(SC(NP(DET the)(N dead))(VP(V bury)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON their)))(N dead))))) (VP(V let)(SC(NP(DET the)(N dog))(VP(V see)(NP(DET the)(N rabbit))))) (VP(V let)(SC(NP(DET the)(N side))(PP(P down)))) (VP(V let)(SC(NP(N bygones))(VP(V be)(NP(N bygones))))) (VP(V let)(SC(NP(N 'em)(QP(Q all)))(VP(V come)))) (VP(V let)(SC(NP(N sb))(VP(V get)(PP(P on)(PP(P with)(NP(PRON it))))))) (VP(V let)(SC(NP(N them))(VP(V eat)(NP(N cake))))) (VP(V let)(SC(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A back))(N hair))(PP(P down)))) (VP(V let)(SC(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N hair))(PP(P down)))) (VP(V let)(SC(NP)(PP(P down)))) (VP(V let)(SC(NP)(PP(P in)))) (VP(V let)(SC(NP)(PP(P in)(PP(P for)(NP))))) (VP(V let)(SC(NP)(PP(P in)(PP(P on)(NP))))) (VP(V let)(SC(NP)(PP(P off)))) (VP(V let)(SC(NP)(PP(P off)(NP(DET the)(N hook))))) (VP(V let)(SC(NP)(PP(P off)(PP(P with)(NP))))) (VP(V let)(SC(NP)(PP(P out)))) (VP(V let)(SC(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP))))) (VP(V let)(SC(NP)(PP(P through)))) (VP(V let)(SC(NP)(PP(P up)))) (VP(V let)(SC(NP(PRON her))(VP(V rip)))) (VP(V let)(SC(NP(PRON it))(AUX be)(VP(V said)))) (VP(V let)(SC(NP(PRON it))(VP(V go)(PP(P at)(NP(PRON that)))))) (VP(V let)(SC(NP(PRON it))(VP(V ride)))) (VP(V let)(SC(NP(PRON me))(VP(V see)))) (VP(V let)(SC(NP(PRON me))(VP(V tell)(NP(PRON you))))) (VP(V let)(SC(NP(PRON oneself))(VP(V go)))) (VP(V let)(SC(NP(PRON us))(VP(V say)(NP/S)))) (VP(V let)(SC(NP(PRON us/'s))(VP(V face)(NP(PRON it))))) (VP(V let)(SC(NP)(VP(V get)(PP(P on)(PP(P with)(NP(PRON it))))))) (VP(V let)(SC(NP)(VP(V go)))) *(VP(V let)(SC(NP)(VP(V go)(VP(V hang))))) (VP(V let)(SC(NP)(VP(V slide)))) (VP(V let)(SC(NP)(VP(V slip)))) (VP(V let)(SC(NP)(VP(V take)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON))'s)(N course))))) (VP(V let)(SC(NP sb)(VP(V have)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON))'s)(N head))))) (VP(V let)(VP(V go)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V level)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V level)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V level)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V level)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V lick)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N boots/arse))) (VP(V lick)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N wounds))) (VP(V lick)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP(N shape)))) (VP(V lick)(NP)(PP(P off)(NP))) (VP(V lick)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V lick/smack)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N lips/chops))) (VP(V lie)(AP(A ahead))) (VP(V lie)(AP(A ahead)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V lie)(AP(A awake))) (VP(V lie)(AP(A back))) (VP(V lie)(AP(A doggo))) (VP(V lie)(AP(A low))) (VP(V lie)(NP)(PP(P at)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N door)))) (VP(V lie)(PP(P at)(NP(N anchor)))) (VP(V lie)(PP(P at)(NP(POSS(NP(N death))'s)(N door)))) (VP(V lie)(PP(P at)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON its)))(N moorings)))) (VP(V lie)(PP(P before)(NP))) (VP(V lie)(PP(P behind)(NP))) (VP(V lie)(PP(P down))) (VP(V lie)(PP(P down))(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N job)))) (VP(V lie)(PP(P in))) (VP(V lie)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V lie)(PP(P in)(NP(N ruins)))) (VP(V lie)(PP(P in)(NP(N store)))) (VP(V lie)(PP(P in)(NP(N store)))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V lie)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V lie)(PP(P under)(NP))) (VP(V lie)(PP(P up))) (VP(V lift)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V lift)(NP)(PP(P down)(PP(P from)(NP)))) (VP(V lift)(NP)(PP(P off)(NP))) (VP(V lift)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V light)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V light)(PP(P out))) (VP(V light)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V light)(PP(P up))) (VP(V light)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V like)(NP(DET the)(N look)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V like)(NP(DET the)(N sound)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V like)(NP(DET the)(N sound)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(N voice))))) (VP(V liken)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V limber)(PP(P up))) (VP(V limit)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V line)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(N pocket))) (VP(V line)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(N pockets))) (VP(V line)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(AP(A own))(N pocket))) (VP(V line)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(AP(A own))(N pockets))) (VP(V line)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V line)(NP)(PP(P up)(PP(P against)(NP)))) (VP(V line)(NP)(PP(P up)(PP(P alongside)(NP)))) (VP(V line)(NP)(PP(P up)(PP(P behind)(NP)))) (VP(V line)(NP)(PP(P up))(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N sights)))) (VP(V line)(NP)(PP(P up))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V linger)(PP(P on))) (VP(V linger)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V link)(NP)(AP(A together))) (VP(V link)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V link)(NP)(PP(P up)(PP(P with)(NP)))) (VP(V link)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V listen)(PP(P in))) (VP(V listen)(PP(P in)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V lit)(PP(P up))) (VP(V litter)(PP(P about))) (VP(V litter)(PP(P around))) (VP(V live)(AP(A apart))) (VP(V live)(AP(A apart)(PP(P from)(NP)))) (VP(V live)(AP(A happily))(PP(AP(A ever))(P after))) (VP(V live)(AP(A together))) (VP(V live)(AP(A together))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V live)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V live)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V live)(NP)(PP(P over)(AP(A again)))) (VP(V live)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P up))) (VP(V live)(PP(P above/beyond)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N income/means)))) (VP(V live)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V live)(PP(P in))) (VP(V live)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N past)))) (VP(V live)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N present)))) (VP(V live)(PP(P in)(NP(N hope)))) (VP(V live)(PP(P in)(NP(N hope)(PP(P of)(NP))))) (VP(V live)(PP(P in)(NP(N sin)))) (VP(V live)(PP(P off)(NP))) (VP(V live)(PP(P off)(NP(DET the)(N country)))) (VP(V live)(PP(P off)(NP(DET the)(N fat)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N land)))))) (VP(V live)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V live)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N fat)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N land)))))) (VP(V live)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N own)))) (VP(V live)(PP(P out))(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N days))) (VP(V live)(PP(P out))(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N life))) (VP(V live)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V live)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(N cans))))) (VP(V live)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(N tins))))) (VP(V live)(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V live)(PP(P to)(NP(DET a)(AP(A ripe))(AP(A old))(N age)))) (VP(V live)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(AP(A ripe))(AP(A old))(N age)(PP(P of)(NP))))) (VP(V live)(PP(P under)(NP))) (VP(V live)(PP(P under)(NP(DET the)(AP(A same))(N roof)))) (VP(V live)(PP(P under)(NP(DET the)(AP(A same))(N roof))(PP(P as)(NP)))) (VP(V live)(PP(P up))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V live)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V live)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V fight)(NP(AP(A another))(N day)))))) (VP(V live)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V see)(NP(DET the)(N day)))))) (VP(V lived)(PP(P in))) (VP(V liveetc)(NP(DET the)(N life)(PP(P of)(NP(N riley))))) (VP(V liveetc)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V tell)(NP(DET the)(N tale)))))) (VP(V liven)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V load)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V load)(NP)(PP(P down)(PP(P with)(NP)))) (VP(V load)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V load)(NP)(PP(P up)(PP(P with)(NP)))) (VP(V load)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V loaf)(PP(P about))) (VP(V loaf)(PP(P around))) (VP(V lock)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V lock)(NP)(AP(A away))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V lock)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V lock)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V lock)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V lock)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V lock)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V lock)(NP)(PP(P up))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V lodge)(NP)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V lodge)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V lodge)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V log)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V loiter)(PP(P about))) (VP(V loiter)(PP(P around))) (VP(V long)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V look)(AP(A bad))) (VP(V look)(AP(A badetc))) (VP(V look)(AP(A badetc)(PP(P for)(NP sb)))) (VP(V look)(AP(A black))) (VP(V look)(AP(A here))) (VP(V look)(AP(A sharp))) (VP(V look)(NP(DET the)(AP(A other))(N way))) (VP(V look)(NP(DET the)(N part))) (VP(V look)(NP(N daggers))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V look)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N way))) (VP(V look)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)/(POSS(NP(PRON its)))(N best))) (VP(V look)(NP)(PP(PP(P up))(CONJ and)(PP(P down)))) (VP(V look)(NP)(PP(P over))) (VP(V look)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V look)(PP(P after)(NP))) (VP(V look)(PP(P ahead))) (VP(V look)(PP(P ahead))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V look)(PP(P around)(NP))) (VP(V look)(PP(P away))) (VP(V look)(PP(P back))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V look)(PP(P back))(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V look)(PP(P beyond)(NP))) (VP(V look)(PP(P down))) (VP(V look)(PP(P down)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N nose)))) (VP(V look)(PP(P down)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N nose)))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V look)(PP(P down))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V look)(PP(P down))(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V look)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V look)(PP(P for)(NP(DET a)(N needle)))(PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(N haystack)))) (VP(V look)(PP(P for)(NP(N trouble)))) (VP(V look)(PP(P forward)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V look)(PP(P in))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V look)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V look)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V look)(PP(P on)(NP))(PP(P as)(NP))) (VP(V look)(PP(P on)(NP))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V look)(PP(P onto)(NP))) (VP(V look)(PP(P out))) (VP(V look)(PP(P out))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V look)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V look)(PP(P out)(PP(P on)(NP)))) (VP(V look)(PP(P round)(NP))) (VP(V look)(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V look)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V look)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N laurels)))) (VP(V look)(PP(P towards)(NP))) (VP(V look)(PP(P up))) (VP(V look)(PP(P up)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V look)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V look)(PP(P upon)(NP))(PP(P as)(NP))) (VP(V look)(PP(P upon)(NP))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V look)(S'(COMP asif/asthough)(S(NP)(AUX(V has))(VP(V slept)(PP(P in)(NP(DET that)(N suit)))(PP(P for)(NP(DET a)(N week))))))) (VP(V look)(S'(COMP asif/asthough)(S(NP)(AUX(V has)(V been))(VP(V dragged)(PP(P through)(NP(DET a)(N hedge)))(AP(A backwards)))))) (VP(V look)(S'(COMP asif/asthough)(S(NP)(AUX(V has)(V been))(VP(V stirred)(PP(P with)(NP(DET a)(N stick))))))) (VP(V look)(S'(COMP asif/asthough)(S(NP(N butter))(AUX(MOD would)(NEG not))(VP(V melt)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N mouth))))))) (VP(V look)(S'(COMP asif/asthough)(S(NP(PRON one))(AUX(V has))(VP(V seen)(NP(DET a)(N ghost)))))) (VP(V look)(S'(COMP asif/asthough)(S(NP(PRON one))(AUX(V has))(VP(V stepped)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(N bandbox)))))))) (VP(V look)(S'(COMP asif/asthough)(S(NP(PRON one))(AUX(V has)(V been))(VP(V dragged)(PP(P through)(NP(DET a)(N hedge)))(AP(A backwards)))))) (VP(V look)(S'(COMP before)(S(NP(PRON one))(VP(V leaps))))) (VP(V look/feel)(NP(DET the)(N part))) (VP(V loom)(AP(A ahead))) (VP(V loom)(PP(P up))) (VP(V loosen)(PP(P up))) (VP(V lop)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V lord)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V lose)(NP(DET the)(N thread))) (VP(V lose)(NP(DET the)(N thread)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V lose)(NP(DET the)(N use)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V lose)(NP(N contact))) (VP(V lose)(NP(N contact))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V lose)(NP(N count))) (VP(V lose)(NP(N count)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V lose)(NP(N face))) (VP(V lose)(NP(N ground))) (VP(V lose)(NP(N ground))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V lose)(NP(N heart))) (VP(V lose)(NP(N sight)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V lose)(NP(N touch))) (VP(V lose)(NP(N touch))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V lose)(NP(N trace)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V lose)(NP(N track)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V lose)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N grip))) (VP(V lose)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N head))) (VP(V lose)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N hold))(PP(P on/over)(NP))) (VP(V lose)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N life))) (VP(V lose)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N marbles))) (VP(V lose)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N nerve))) (VP(V lose)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N rag))) (VP(V lose)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N shirt))) (VP(V lose)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N temper))) (VP(V lose)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N temper/cool))) (VP(V lose)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N tongue))) (VP(V lose)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N touch))) (VP(V lose)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)/(POSS(NP(PRON its)))(N looks))) (VP(V lose)(NP)(PP(P by)(NP))) (VP(V lose)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V lose)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V lose)(NP(QP(Q all))(N trace)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V lose)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V lose)(PP(P out))) (VP(V lose)(PP(P out))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V lose/waste)(NP(QP(Q no))(N time))) (VP(V lose/waste)(NP(QP(Q no))(N time))(PP(P in)(S(VP)))) (VP(V lounge)(PP(P about))) (VP(V lounge)(PP(P around))) (VP(V louse)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V love)(AP(AP(NEG not)(A wisely))(CONJ but)(AP(AP(DEG too))(A well)))) (VP(V lower)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N sights))) (VP(V lull)(NP)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V sleep))))) (VP(V lumber)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V lump)(NP)(AP(A together))) (VP(V lunch)(PP(P in))) (VP(V lunch)(PP(P out))) (VP(V lunge)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V lure)(NP)(PP(P away))) (VP(V lure)(NP)(PP(P away)(PP(P from)(NP)))) (VP(V lust)(PP(P after)(NP))) (VP(V make)(AP(A away))) (VP(V make)(AP(A away))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V make)(AP(A away))(PP(P with)(NP(PRON oneself)))) (VP(V make)(AP(A bold)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP))))) (VP(V make)(AP(A certain/sure))) (VP(V make)(AP(A free))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V make)(AP(A good))) (VP(V make)(AP(A good))(NP)) (VP(V make)(AP(A good))(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N escape/flight))) (VP(V make)(AP(A light))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V make)(AP(A merry))) (VP(V make)(AP(A much))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP)(AP(A clear/plain))) (VP(V make)(NP)(AP(A clear/plain))(PP(P to)(NP(N sb)))) (VP(V make)(NP(AP(A effective))(N use)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V make)(NP(AP(A good))(N use)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V make)(NP(AP(A goodetc))(N time))) (VP(V make)(NP(AP(A greatetc))(N strides))) (VP(V make)(NP(AP(A heavy))(N weather))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(AP(A old))(N bones))) (VP(V make)(NP(AP)(N play))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N splash))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(AP(A bigetc))(N splash))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(AP(A clean))(N breast))(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(AP(A whole))(N thing)))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(AP(A clean))(N breast))(PP(P of)(NP(PRON it)))) (NP(DET a)(AP(A false))(N move)) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(AP(A false))(N move))) (NP(DET a)(AP(A fresh))(N start)) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(AP(A fresh))(N start))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(AP(A good))(N death/end))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(AP(A goodetc))(N showing))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(AP(A long))(N arm))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(AP(A mental))(N note)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(AP)(N job))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N(A laughing)(N stock)))(PP(P of)(NP sb))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(NP(NP(N song))(CONJ and)(NP(N dance))))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(NP(NP(N song))(CONJ and)(NP(N dance))))(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(NP(NP(N song))(CONJ and)(NP(N dance))))(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N beeline))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N beginning/start))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N bolt))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N break))(PP(P for)(NP(PRON it)))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N change))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N dash))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N deal))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N deal))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N dent))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N difference))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N difference))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N fool))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N fool))(PP(P of)(NP(PRON oneself)))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N friend))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N fuss))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N fuss))(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N fuss))(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N go))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N grab))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N grab))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N habit))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N hash))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N hit))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N hit))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N loss))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N man))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N match))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N meal))(PP(P of)(NP(PRON it)))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N mess))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N mockery))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N mountain))(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(N molehill))))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N move))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N name))(PP(P for)(NP(PRON oneself)))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N night))(PP(P of)(NP(PRON it)))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N note))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N note))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N nuisance))(PP(P of)(NP(PRON oneself)))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N pass))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N pass))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N peace))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N peace))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N play))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N point))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N practice))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N profit))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N scene))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N secret))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N start))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N start))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N success))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N virtue))(PP(P of)(NP(N necessity)))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)(N weekend))(PP(P of)(NP(PRON it)))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a/POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N fortune))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a/POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N living))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET a)/(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N pile))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET an)(AP(A honest))(N woman))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET an)(N appearance))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET an)(N attempt))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET an)(N attempt))(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N life)))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET an)(N effort))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET an)(N effort))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP)))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET an)(N evening))(PP(P of)(NP(PRON it)))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET an)(N example))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET an)(N exhibition))(PP(P of)(NP(PRON oneself)))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET an)(N impression))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET an)(N impression))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET an/POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N appearance))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET the)(N best))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET the)(N best))(PP(P of)(NP(DET a)(AP(A bad))(N job)))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET the)(N best))(PP(P of)(NP(QP(Q both))(N worlds)))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET the)(N grade))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET the)(N most))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET the)(N running))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET the)(N worst))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(DET the)(N worst))(PP(P of)(NP(QP(Q both))(N worlds)))) (VP(V make)(NP(NP(N head))(CONJ or)(NP(N tail)))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(N advances))) (VP(V make)(NP(N advances))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(N allowances))) (VP(V make)(NP(N allowances))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(N amends))) (VP(V make)(NP(N amends))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(N amends))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(N amends))(PP(P to)(NP))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(N answer/reply))) (VP(V make)(NP(N application))) (VP(V make)(NP(N application))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(N bricks))(PP(P without)(NP(N straw)))) (VP(V make)(NP(N capital))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(N capital))(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V make)(NP(N demands))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(N demands))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(N eyes))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(N friends))) (VP(V make)(NP(N friends))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(N fun))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(N haste))) (VP(V make)(NP(N hay))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(N hay))(S'(COMP while)(S(NP(DET the)(N sun))(VP(V shines))))) (VP(V make)(NP(N headway))) (VP(V make)(NP(N history))) (VP(V make)(NP(N inroads))) (VP(V make)(NP(N inroads))(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(N love))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(N mention)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V make)(NP(N mincemeat))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(N money))) (VP(V make)(NP(N nonsense))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(N nothing))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(N peace))) (VP(V make)(NP(N peace))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(N progress))) (VP(V make)(NP(N room))) (VP(V make)(NP(N room))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(N sense))) (VP(V make)(NP(N sense))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(N shift))) (VP(V make)(NP(N shift))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(N this))(PP(P up))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(N tracks))) (VP(V make)(NP(N tracks))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(N tracks))(PP(P for)(NP(N home)))) (VP(V make)(NP(N use))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N day))) (VP(V make)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N bow))) (VP(V make)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N d(tm)but))) (VP(V make)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N farewells))) (VP(V make)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N fortune/pile))) (VP(V make)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N mark))) (VP(V make)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N name))) (VP(V make)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N peace))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N play))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N point))) (VP(V make)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N way))(AP(A back))) (VP(V make)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N way))(PP(P across)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N way))(PP(P along)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N way))(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N world)))) (VP(V make)(NP)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V make)(NP)(PP(P over))) (VP(V make)(NP)(PP(P over))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V make)(NP)(PP(P up))(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP)(PP(P up))(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(PRON it))) (VP(V make)(NP(PRON it))(AP(A fast/snappy))) (VP(V make)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P up))) (VP(V make)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P up))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P up))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(QP(Q no))(N bones))(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(QP(Q no))(N mistake))(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V make)(NP(QP(Q no))(N odds))) (VP(V make)(NP(QP(Q no))(N secret))(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N fact)(S'(COMP that)(S))))) (VP(V make)(PP(P after)(NP))) (VP(V make)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V make)(PP(P off))) (VP(V make)(PP(P off))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V make)(PP(P out))) (VP(V make)(PP(P out))(NP(DET a)(N case))) (VP(V make)(PP(P up))(NP(DET a)(N four))) (VP(V make)(PP(P up))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V make)(PP(P up))(PP(P for)(NP(AP(A lost))(N time)))) (VP(V make)(PP(P up))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V make)(SC(NP)(AP(A like)(AP(A new))))) (VP(V make)(SC(NP)(AP(A ripe)(PP(P for)(NP))))) (VP(V make)(SC(NP(DET a)(N cat))(VP(V laugh)))) (VP(V make)(SC(NP(DET the)(N punishment))(VP(V fit)(NP(DET the)(N crime))))) (VP(V make)(SC(NP(N confusion))(AP(AP(A worse))(A confounded)))) (VP(V make)(SC(NP(N matters/things))(AP(A worse)))) (VP(V make)(SC(NP(N sth))(AP(A fast)))) (VP(V make)(SC(NP(N life))(NP(DET a)(N misery)))) (VP(V make)(SC(NP(POSS(NP(N sb/one))'s)(N life))(NP(DET a)(N misery)))) (VP(V make)(SC(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N heart))(VP(V bleed)))) (VP(V make)(SC(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N flesh))(VP(V creep/crawl)))) (VP(V make)(SC(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N hair))(VP(V stand)(PP(P on)(NP(N end)))))) (VP(V make)(SC(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N mind))(PP(P up)))) (VP(V make)(SC(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N presence))(AP(A felt)))) (VP(V make)(SC(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N voice))(AP(A heard)))) (VP(V make)(SC(NP(PRON itself))(AP(A felt)))) (VP(V make)(SC(NP(PRON oneself))(AP(A scarce)))) (VP(V make)(SC(NP(PRON oneself))(AP(A useful)))) (VP(V make)(SC(NP(PRON oneself/sb))(VP(V looketc)(NP(DET a)(N fooletc))))) (VP(V make)(SC(NP(N ends))(VP(V meet)))) (VP(V make)(SC(NP(QP(Q both))(N ends))(VP(V meet)))) (VP(V make)(SC(NP)(VP(V look/seem)(AP(A like)(AP(A new)))))) (VP(V make)(SC(NP)(VP(V stick)))) (VP(V make)(SC(NP)(VP(V work)))) (VP(V make)(SC(NP sb)(AP(A free)(PP(P of)(NP))))) (VP(V make)(SC(NP sb)(AP(A tired)))) (VP(V make)(SC(NP sb)(VP(V see)(AP(A red))))) (VP(V make)(SC(NP sb/sth)(NP(DET a)(N(A laughing)(N stock))))) (VP(V make)(S(NP(N ends))(VP(V meet)))) (VP(V make)(S(NP(QP(Q both))(N ends))(VP(V meet)))) (VP(V make/cause)(NP(N trouble))) (VP(V make/create)(NP(N mischief))) (VP(V make/pass)(NP(N water))) (VP(V make/pull)(NP(DET a)(N face))) (VP(V make/take)(NP(DET a)(N stand))) (VP(V makeetc)(NP(DET a)(N decision))) (VP(V makeetc)(NP(DET a)(N speech))) (VP(V map)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V march)(PP(P on))) (VP(V march)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V march)(PP(P past)(NP))) (VP(V mark)(NP(N time))) (VP(V mark)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V mark)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP(N life)))) (VP(V mark)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V mark)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V mark)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V mark)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P for)(NP)))) (VP(V mark)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V mark/mind)(NP(PRON you))) (VP(V marry)(NP(N money))) (VP(V marry)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V marry)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V marry)(PP(P above)(NP))) (VP(V marry)(PP(P beneath)(NP))) (VP(V marry)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V marry)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V marry)(PP(P out))) (VP(V marry)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V marvel)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V mask)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V match)(NP)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V match)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V match)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V mean)(AP(A well))) (VP(V mean)(NP(N business))) (VP(V mean)(NP(PRON itetc))) (VP(V measure)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N length))) (VP(V measure)(PP(P up))) (VP(V measure)(PP(P up)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V meddle)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V meddle)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V mediate)(PP(P between)(NP))) (VP(V meet)(NP(N sb))(AP(A(Q half)(N way)))) (NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N waterloo)) (VP(V meet)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(NW aterloo))) (VP(V meet)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N end))) (VP(V meet)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N maker))) (VP(V meet)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N match))) (VP(V meet)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V meetetc)(NP sth)(AP(A(N head)(P on)))) (VP(V melt)(AP(A away))) (VP(V melt)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V melt)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N mouth)))) (VP(V melt)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N mouth)))) (VP(V mend)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N manners))) (VP(V mess)(AP(A together))) (VP(V mess)(AP(A together))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V mess)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V mess)(PP(P about))) (VP(V mess)(PP(P about))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V met)(PP(P up))) (VP(V met)(PP(P up))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V mete)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V milk/suck)(NP(N sb/sth))(AP(A dry))) (VP(V mill)(PP(P about))) (VP(V mill)(PP(P around))) (VP(V mind)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(N business))) (VP(V mind)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N manners))) (VP(V mind)(PP(P out))) (VP(V mind/watch)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(NP(NP(N p's))(CONJ and)(NP(N q's))))) (VP(V miss)(NP(DET the)(N boat/bus))) (VP(V miss)(NP(DET the)(N point))) (VP(V miss)(NP(DET the)(N point)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth))))) (VP(V miss)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N vocation))) (VP(V miss)(PP(P out))) (VP(V miss)(PP(P out))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V mist)(PP(P over))) (VP(V mist)(PP(P up))) (VP(V mistake)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V mix)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N drinks))) (VP(V mix)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V mix)(NP)(PP(P up))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V monkey)(PP(P about))) (VP(V monkey)(PP(P around))) (VP(V moon)(PP(P about))) (VP(V moon)(PP(P around))) (VP(V moon)(PP(P round))) (VP(V mop)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V mope)(PP(P about))) (VP(V mope)(PP(P around))) (VP(V mope)(PP(P round))) (VP(V motion)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V motion)(NP)(PP(P aside))) (VP(V mount)(PP(P up))) (VP(V move)(NP(NP(N heaven))(CONJ and)(NP(N earth)))) (VP(V move)(NP(NP(N heaven))(CONJ and)(NP(N earth)))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP)))) (VP(V move)(NP(N house))) (VP(V move)(PP(AP(A right))(P down))) (VP(V move)(PP(P about))) (VP(V move)(PP(P along))) (VP(V move)(PP(P around))) (VP(V move)(PP(P in))) (VP(V move)(PP(P in))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V move)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V move)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V move)(PP(P out))) (VP(V move)(PP(P over))) (VP(V move)(PP(P towards)(NP))) (VP(V move)(PP(P up)(NP))) (VP(V mow)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V muck)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V muck)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V muck)(PP(P about))) (VP(V muck)(PP(P about))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V muck)(PP(P around))) (VP(V muck)(PP(P in))) (VP(V muck)(PP(P in))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V muddle)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V muddle)(NP)(PP(P up))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V muddle)(PP(P through))) (VP(V mug)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V mull)(NP)(PP(P over))) (VP(V muscle)(PP(P in))) (VP(V muscle)(PP(P in)(PP(P on)(NP)))) (VP(V muse)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V muse)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V muse)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V muss)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V nag)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V nail)(NP)(AP(A back))) (VP(V nail)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N colours))(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N mast)))) (VP(V nail)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V nail)(NP)(PP(P on))) (VP(V nail)(NP)(PP(P onto)(NP))) (VP(V nail)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V name)(NP)(PP(P after)(NP))) (VP(V name)(NP(N names))) (VP(V name)(NP(QP(Q no))(N names))) (VP(V narrow)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V narrow)(NP)(PP(P down))(PP(P to)(NP))) (NP(DET a)(AP(A firm))(N hand)) (VP(V need)(NP(DET a)(AP(A firm))(N hand))) (VP(V need)(NP(DET a)(AP(A long))(N spoon))) (VP(V need)(NP(DET a)(AP(A long))(N spoon))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V sup/eat)(PP(P with)(NP(DET the)(N devil))))))) (VP(V need)(NP(N sth))(AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(N hole)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N head)))))) (VP(V need)(NP(N sth))(AP(A like)(S'(S(NP(PRON one))(VP(V needs)(NP(DET a)(N hole)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N head))))))))) (VP(V needetc)(SC(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N head))(AP(A examined etc)))) (VP(V need/require)(NP(QP(Q no))(N introduction))) (VP(V negotiate)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V nest)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V nestle)(PP(P down))) (VP(V nestle)(PP(P up))) (VP(V nestle)(PP(P up)(PP(P against)(NP)))) (VP(V nestle)(PP(P up)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V nibble)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V niggle)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V nip)(AP(A away))) (VP(V nip)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N bud)))) (VP(V nip)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V nip)(PP(P across)(NP))) (VP(V nip)(PP(P along)(NP))) (VP(V nod)(PP(P off))) (VP(V noise)(NP)(AP(A abroad))) (VP(V nose)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V nose)(PP(P about))) (VP(V nose)(PP(P around))) (VP(V notch)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V note)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V number)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V nurse)(NP(DET a)(N grievance etc))) (VP(V object)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V oblige)(NP)(PP(P by)(S))) (VP(V oblige)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V obtrude)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V occur)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V offend)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V offer)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V officiate)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V ogle)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V omit)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V ooze)(PP(P out))) (VP(V ooze)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V open)(NP(DET the)(N ball))) (VP(V open)(NP(DET the)(N floodgates))) (VP(V open)(NP(DET the)(N floodgates)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth))))) (VP(V open)(NP(N fire))) (VP(V open)(NP(N fire))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V open)(NP(POSS(NP(N pandora))'s)(N box))) (VP(V open)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N mouth))) (VP(V open)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A big))(N mouth))) (VP(V open)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V open)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V open)(PP(P onto)(NP))) (VP(V open)(PP(P out))) (VP(V open)(PP(P up))) (VP(V operate)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V opposed)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V opt)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V opt)(PP(P in)(NP(N favour)(PP(P of)(NP))))) (VP(V opt)(PP(P out))) (VP(V opt)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V order)(NP)(PP(P about))) (VP(V order)(NP)(PP(P around))) (VP(V order)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V order)(NP)(PP(P off)(NP(DET the)(N field)))) (VP(V order)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V order)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V order)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V oust)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V outstay)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N welcome))) (VP(V overshoot)(NP(DET the)(N mark))) (VP(V overstep)(NP(DET the)(N mark))) (VP(V owe)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V owe)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V owe)(NP sb)(NP(DET a)(N debt)(PP(P of)(NP(N gratitude))))) (VP(V own)(PP(P up))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V pace)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V pace)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V pace)(PP(PP(P up))(CONJ and)(PP(P down)))) (VP(V pack)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V pack)(NP(DET a)(N punch))) (VP(V pack)(NP(DET the)(N house))) (VP(V pack)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N bags))) (VP(V pack)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V pack)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V pack)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V pack)(NP)(PP(P off)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V pack)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V pack)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V pack)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P in))) (VP(V pack)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P up))) (VP(V pack)(NP sb)(AP(A like)(NP(N sardines)))) (VP(V pad)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V paddle)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(N canoe))) (VP(V paint)(NP(DET a)(AP(A gloomy etc))(N picture))) (VP(V paint)(NP(DET a)(AP(A gloomy etc))(N picture)(PP(P of)(NP sth)))) (VP(V paint)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V paint)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V paint)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V paint)(PP(P onto)(NP))) (VP(V paint)(SC(NP(DET the)(N town))(AP(A red)))) (VP(V pair)(PP(P off))) (VP(V pair)(PP(P off))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V pal)(PP(P up))) (VP(V pal)(PP(P up))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V pale)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V pall)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V pall)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V palm)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V palm)(NP)(PP(P off))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V palm)(NP)(PP(P off))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V pan)(PP(P off))) (VP(V pan)(PP(P out))) (VP(V pander)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V pant)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V pant)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V paper)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V parcel)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V parcel)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V pardon)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V pare)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V pare)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V parley)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V part)(NP(N company))) (VP(V part)(NP(N company))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V part)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V part)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V partake)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V participate)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V partition)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V partner)(PP(P off))) (VP(V partner)(PP(P off))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V pass)(AP(A away))) (VP(V pass)(NP)(AP(A forward))) (VP(V pass)(NP(DET an)(N opinion))) (VP(V pass)(NP(DET an)(N opinion))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V pass)(NP(DET the)(N ball))(AP(A forward))) (VP(V pass)(NP(DET the)(N buck))) (VP(V pass)(NP(DET the)(N hat))(PP(P round))) (VP(V pass)(NP(N time))) (VP(V pass)(NP(DET the)(N time))) (VP(V pass)(NP(DET the)(N time)(PP(P of)(NP(N day))))) (VP(V pass)(NP(DET the)(N time)(PP(P of)(NP(N day))))(PP(P with)(NP sb))) (VP(V pass)(NP(N muster))) (VP(V pass)(NP(N sentence))) (VP(V pass)(NP(N sentence))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V pass)(NP(N comprehension etc))) (VP(V pass)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N comprehension etc))) (VP(V pass)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N eye))(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V pass)(NP)(PP(P along))) (VP(V pass)(NP)(PP(P by))) (VP(V pass)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V pass)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V pass)(NP)(PP(P off))(PP(P as)(NP))) (VP(V pass)(NP)(PP(P on))) (VP(V pass)(NP)(PP(P on))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V pass)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V pass)(NP)(PP(P over))) (VP(V pass)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V pass)(NP(QP(Q all))(N understanding))) (VP(V pass)(PP(P between)(NP))) (VP(V pass)(PP(P by)(NP(DET the)(N name)(PP(P of)(NP))))) (VP(V pass)(PP(P by))(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(AP(A other))(N side)))) (VP(V pass)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V pass)(PP(P in)(NP(N review)))) (VP(V pass)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V pass)(PP(P on))) (VP(V pass)(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V pass)(PP(P under)(NP(DET the)(N name)(PP(P of)(NP))))) (VP(V paste)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V pat)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V patch)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V patter)(PP(P about))) (VP(V patter)(PP(P around))) (VP(V patter)(PP(P round))) (VP(V pave)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V paw)(NP)(PP(P about))) (VP(V paw)(NP)(PP(P around))) (VP(V pay)(NP)(AP(A back))) (VP(V pay)(NP)(AP(A back))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V pay)(NP)(AP(A back)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V pay)(NP(DET a)(N dividend))) (VP(V pay)(NP(DET a/the)(N price))) (VP(V pay)(NP(DET a/the)(N price))(PP(P for)(NP sth))) (VP(V pay)(NP(DET the)(N penalty))) (VP(V pay)(NP(N(A lip)(N service)))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V pay)(NP(N attention))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V pay)(NP(N court))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V pay)(NP(N heed))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V pay)(NP(N tribute))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V pay)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)/(POSS(NP(PRON its)))(N way))) (VP(V pay)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V pay)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V pay)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V pay)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V pay)(NP(DET a)(N compliment))) (VP(V pay)(NP sb)(NP(DET a)(N compliment))) (VP(V pay)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V pay)(PP(P out))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V pay)(PP(P up))) (VP(V peal)(PP(P out))) (VP(V peck)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V peek)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V peel)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V peep)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V peep)(PP(P out))) (VP(V peer)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V peg)(AP(A away))) (VP(V peg)(AP(A away))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V peg)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V peg)(NP)(PP(P down))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V peg)(NP)(PP(P down))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V peg)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V peg)(PP(P out))) (VP(V peg)(PP(P out))(NP(DET a)(N claim))) (VP(V pelt)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V pen)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V pension)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V people)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V pep)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V pepper)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V perch)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V perish)(NP(DET the)(N thought))) (VP(V perish)(NP(DET the)(N thought)(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (VP(V perk)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V permit)(NP)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V persist)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V persuade)(NP)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V pertain)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V pester)(NP(DET the)(N life))(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V peter)(PP(P out))) (VP(V petition)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V phase)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V phone)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V pick)(NP(N holes))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V pick)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N brain))) (VP(V pick)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N brains))) (VP(V pick)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N pocket))) (VP(V pick)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N nose etc))) (VP(V pick)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V pick)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V pick)(NP)(PP(P over))) (VP(V pick)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V pick)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V pick)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P up))) (VP(V pick)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V pick)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V pick)(PP(P up))(NP(DET the)(N threads))) (VP(V pick)(PP(P up))(NP(N speed))) (VP(V pick)(PP(P up))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V picture)(PP(P to)(NP(PRON oneself)))) (VP(V piece)(NP)(AP(A together))) (VP(V piece)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V pile)(NP(DET the)(N pressure))(PP(P on))) (VP(V pile)(NP)(PP(P on))) (VP(V pile)(NP)(PP(P onto)(NP))) (VP(V pile)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V pile)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V pile)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P on))) (VP(V pile)(PP(P in))) (VP(V pile)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V pile)(PP(P on))(NP(DET the)(N agony))) (VP(V pile)(PP(P on))(NP(N runs))) (VP(V pile)(PP(P out))) (VP(V pile)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V pilot)(NP)(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V pin)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N faith))(PP(P on/to)(NP))) (VP(V pin)(NP)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V pin)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V pin)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V pine)(AP(A away))) (VP(V pine)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V pipe)(PP(P down))) (VP(V pipe)(PP(P up))) (VP(V piss)(PP(P about))) (VP(V piss)(PP(P around))) (VP(V piss)(PP(P off))) (VP(V pit)(NP)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V pitch)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V pitch)(PP(P in))) (VP(V pitch)(PP(P in))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V pitch)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V place)(NP(DET a)(N construction))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V place)(NP(DET a)(N finger))(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N lips)))) (VP(V place)(NP(DET a)(N match))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V place)(NP(DET a)(N premium))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V place)(NP(DET a)(N strain))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V place)(NP(DET a)(N strain))(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V place)(NP(N pressure))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V place)(NP(N pressure))(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V place)(NP(N sb))(PP(P in)(NP(DET an)(AP(A awkward))(N position)))) (VP(V place)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N cards))(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N table)))) (VP(V place)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N finger))(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N lips)))) (VP(V place)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N trust))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V place)(NP)(PP(P above)(NP))) (VP(V place)(NP)(PP(P at)(NP(DET a)(N premium)))) (VP(V place)(NP)(PP(P before)(NP))) (VP(V place)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(AP(A inverted))(N commas)))) (VP(V place)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(N jeopardy)))) (VP(V place)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP(QP(Q one))(N side)))) (VP(V plague)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V plan)(AP(A ahead))) (VP(V plane)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V plane)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V plane)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V plash)(PP(P about))) (VP(V plash)(PP(P about))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V plaster)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N hair))(PP(P down))) (VP(V plaster)(NP)(PP(P over))) (VP(V plaster)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V play)(AP(A fair))) (VP(V play)(AP(A fair))(PP(P with)(NP(N sb)))) (VP(V play)(AP(A hard)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V get)))))) (VP(V play)(AP(A straight))) (VP(V play)(AP(A straight))(PP(P with)(NP(N sb)))) (VP(V play)(NP)(AP(A back))) (VP(V play)(NP)(AP(A forward))) (VP(V play)(NP(AP(A second))(N fiddle))) (VP(V play)(NP(AP(A second))(N fiddle))) (VP(V play)(NP(AP(A second))(N fiddle))(PP(P to)(NP(N sb)))) (VP(V play)(NP(DET a)(AP(A lone))(N hand))) (VP(V play)(NP(DET a)(N part))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V play)(NP(DET a)(N role))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V play)(NP(DET a/POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A winning))(N card))) (VP(V play)(NP(DET a/POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N(N trump)(N card)))) (VP(V play)(NP(DET the)(AP(A new))(N year))(PP(P in))) (VP(V play)(NP(DET the)(AP(A old))(N year))(PP(P out))) (VP(V play)(NP(DET the)(AP(A same))(N game))) (VP(V play)(NP(DET the)(N devil))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V play)(NP(DET the)(N game))) (NP(NP(N box))(CONJ and)(NP(N cox))) (VP(V play)(NP(NP(N box))(CONJ and)(NP(N cox)))) *(NP(N catch-as-catch-can)) *(VP(V play)(NP(N catch-as-catch-can))) (VP(V play)(NP(N hell))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V play)(NP(N possum))) (VP(V play)(NP(N truant/hooky))) (VP(V play)(NP(N truant/hookey))) (VP(V play)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N game))) (VP(V play)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A last))(N card))) (VP(V play)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N cards))(AP(A well etc))) (VP(V play)(NP)(PP(P along))) (VP(V play)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V play)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V play)(NP)(PP(P off))(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V play)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V play)(NP(PRON it))(AP(A cool))) (VP(V play)(NP(PRON it))(AP(A straight))) (VP(V play)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P by)(NP(DET the)(N book)))) (VP(V play)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P in))) (VP(V play)(NP(QP(Q all))(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N cards))) (VP(V play)(NP it/things)(AP(A right))) (VP(V play)(NP it/things)(AP(A safe))) (VP(V play)(NP sb/sth)(AP(A false))) (VP(V play)(PP(P about))) (VP(V play)(PP(P about))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V play)(PP(P along))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V play)(PP(P around))) (VP(V play)(PP(P around))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V play)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V play)(PP(P for)(NP(N time)))) (VP(V play)(PP(P into)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N hands)))) (VP(V play)(PP(P on))) (VP(V play)(PP(P onto)(NP))) (VP(V play)(PP(P out))(NP(N time))) (VP(V play)(PP(P up))) (VP(V play)(PP(P up))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V play)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V play)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V play)(PP(P with)(NP(N fire)))) (VP(V plead)(AP(A guilty))) (VP(V plead)(AP(A guilty))(PP(P to)(NP(N sth)))) (VP(V plead)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V plead)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V plead)(PP(P with)(NP))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V please)(NP(N god))) (VP(V plight)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N troth))) (VP(V plod)(AP(A away))) (VP(V plod)(AP(A away))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V plonk)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V plough)(NP)(AP(A back))) (VP(V plough)(NP)(AP(A back))(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V plough)(NP(DET a)(AP(A lone/lonely))(N furrow))) (VP(V plough)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V plough)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V plough)(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V pluck)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V pluck)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V pluck)(PP(P up))(NP(N courage))) (VP(V plug)(AP(A away))) (VP(V plug)(AP(A away))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V plug)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V plug)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V plump)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V plump)(PP(P down))) (VP(V plump)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V plunge)(PP(P in))) (VP(V plunge)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V ply)(NP(DET a/POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N trade))) (VP(V ply)(NP)(PP(P between)(NP))) (VP(V ply)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V point)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V point)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V point)(PP(P up))) (VP(V poke)(NP(N fun))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V poke)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N nose))(PP(P in/into))) (VP(V poke)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V poke)(PP(P about))) (VP(V poke)(PP(P around))) (VP(V polish)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V polish)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V ponder)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V ponder)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V pop)(AP(A away))) (VP(V pop)(NP(DET the)(N question))) (VP(V pop)(PP(P across))) (VP(V pop)(PP(P along))) (VP(V pop)(PP(P around))) (VP(V pop)(PP(P down))) (VP(V pop)(PP(P in))) (VP(V pop)(PP(P off))) (VP(V pop)(PP(P out))) (VP(V pop)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V pop)(PP(P over))) (VP(V pop)(PP(P round))) (VP(V pop)(PP(P up))) (VP(V pore)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V portion)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V post)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V post)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V postpone)(NP(DET the)(AP(A evil))(N hour/day))) (VP(V potter)(PP(P about))) (VP(V potter)(PP(P around))) (VP(V pounce)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V pounce)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V pound)(AP(A away))) (VP(V pound)(AP(A away))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V pound)(NP(DET the)(N beat))) (VP(V pound)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V pound)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V pour)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V pour)(NP)(AP(A forth))) (VP(V pour)(NP)(PP(P across)(NP))) (VP(V pour)(NP)(PP(P along)(NP))) (VP(V pour)(NP)(PP(P down)(NP))) (VP(V pour)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V pour)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V pour)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V pour)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V pour)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V pour)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V practise)(S'(COMP what)(S(NP(PRON one))(VP(V preaches))))) (VP(V prance)(PP(P about))) (VP(V prance)(PP(P around))) (VP(V pray)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V pray)(PP(P to)(NP(NG od)))) (VP(V pray)(PP(P to)(NP(NG od)))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V preach)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V preclude)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V predispose)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V predispose)(NP)(PP(P towards)(NP))) (VP(V preface)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V prepare)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V present)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V present)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V preside)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V press)(AP(A ahead))) (VP(V press)(AP(A ahead))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V press)(AP(A forward))) (VP(V press)(AP(A forward))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V press)(AP(A home))(NP(DET an)(N advantage))) (VP(V press)(AP(A home))(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N advantage))) (VP(V press)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V press)(NP)(AP(A home))) (VP(V press)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V press)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V press)(PP(P across)(NP))) (VP(V press)(PP(P along)(NP))) (VP(V press)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V press)(PP(P on))) (VP(V press)(PP(P on))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V press)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V press/push)(NP(DET the)(N point))) (VP(V presume)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V presume)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V pretend)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V pretty)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V prevail)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V prevail)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V prey)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V prey)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V price)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N market))))) (VP(V prick)(NP(DET the)(N bubble))) (VP(V prick)(NP(DET the)(N bubble)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth))))) (VP(V prick)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N ears))(PP(P up))) (VP(V prick)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V pride)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V pride)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V prink)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V print)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V print)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V prise)(NP)(PP(P off)(NP))) (VP(V prise)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V prise)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V proceed)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V proceed)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V proceed)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V profit)(PP(P by)(NP))) (VP(V profit)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V prohibit)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V prolong)(NP(DET the)(N agony))) (VP(V promise)(NP(DET the)(N earth/moon))) (VP(V promise)(NP(N sb))(NP(DET the)(N earth/moon))) (VP(V pronounce)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V pronounce)(NP)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V prop)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V prospect)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V protect)(NP)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V protect)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V protest)(AP(AP(A too))(A much))) (VP(V protest)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V prove)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)/(DET the)(N case/point))) (VP(V provide)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V provoke)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V prowl)(PP(P about))) (VP(V prowl)(PP(P around))) (VP(V pry)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V pucker)(PP(P up))) (VP(V puff)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V puff)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N chest))(PP(P out))) (VP(V puff)(NP)(PP(P across)(NP))) (VP(V puff)(NP)(PP(P along))) (VP(V puff)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V puff)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V puff)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V puff)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V pull)(AP(A ahead))) (VP(V pull)(AP(A ahead))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V pull)(AP(A away))) (VP(V pull)(AP(A away))(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V pull)(AP(A back))) (VP(V pull)(AP(A together))) (VP(V pull)(NP)(AP(A apart))) (VP(V pull)(NP)(AP(A aside))) (VP(V pull)(NP(N strings/wires))) (VP(V pull)(NP(DET the)(N strings/wires))) (VP(V pull)(NP(DET the)(N wool))(PP(P over)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N eyes)))) (VP(V pull)(NP(N rank))) (VP(V pull)(NP(N rank))(PP(P on)(NP(N sb)))) (VP(V pull)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N leg))) (VP(V pull)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N finger))(PP(P out))) (VP(V pull)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N punches))) (VP(V pull)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N socks))(PP(P up))) (VP(V pull)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N weight))) (VP(V pull)(NP)(PP(P about))) (VP(V pull)(NP)(PP(P around))) (VP(V pull)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V pull)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V pull)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V pull)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V pull)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V pull)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V pull)(NP)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V pull)(NP)(PP(P round))) (VP(V pull)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N pieces)))) (VP(V pull)(NP)(PP(P under))) (VP(V pull)(NP(PRON oneself))(AP(A together))) (VP(V pull)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P up))(PP(P by)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(N bootlaces/bootstraps)))) (VP(V pull)(PP(P alongside)(NP))) (VP(V pull)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V pull)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V pull)(PP(P out))(NP(QP(Q all))(DET the)(N stops))) (VP(V pull)(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V pull)(PP(P up))) (VP(V pump)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V pump)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V pump)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V pump)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V pump)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V punch)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V punch)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V punch)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V punch)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V punch)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V purge)(NP)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V purse)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N lips))) (VP(V purse)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V push)(AP(A ahead))) (VP(V push)(AP(A ahead))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V push)(AP(A forward))) (VP(V push)(AP(A forward))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V push)(AP(A home))) (VP(V push)(NP)(AP(A aside))) (VP(V push)(NP)(AP(A back))) (VP(V push)(NP(DET the)(N boat))(PP(P out))) (VP(V push)(NP)(PP(P about))) (VP(V push)(NP)(PP(P along))) (VP(V push)(NP)(PP(P around))) (VP(V push)(NP)(PP(P over))) (VP(V push)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V push)(PP(P by)(NP))) (VP(V push)(PP(P off))) (VP(V push)(PP(P on))) (VP(V push)(PP(P on))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V push)(PP(P past)(NP))) (VP(V push)(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V push)(PP(P up))(NP(N daisies))) (VP(V pushing)(NP(N forty etc))) (VP(V push/press)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N luck))) (VP(V put)(NP)(AP(A aside))) (VP(V put)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V put)(NP)(AP(A back))) (VP(V put)(NP)(AP(A first))) (VP(V put)(NP)(AP(A forth))) (VP(V put)(NP)(AP(A forward))) (VP(V put)(NP(DET a)(AP(A bold))(N face))(PP(P on))) (VP(V put)(NP(DET a)(AP(A brave))(N face))(PP(P on))) (VP(V put)(NP(DET a)(AP(A good))(N face))(PP(P on))) (VP(V put)(NP(DET a)(AP(A good))(N word))(PP(P in))) (VP(V put)(NP(DET a)(N brake))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP(DET a)(N call))(PP(P through))) (VP(V put)(NP(DET a)(N call))(PP(P through)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V put)(NP(DET a)(N construction))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP(DET a)(N finger))(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N lips)))) (VP(V put)(NP(DET a)(N match))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP(DET a)(N name))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP(DET a)(N premium))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP(DET a)(N sock))(PP(P in)(NP(PRON it)))) (VP(V put)(NP(DET a)(N spoke))(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N wheel)))) (VP(V put)(NP(DET a)(N stop))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP(DET a)(N strain))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP(DET a)(N strain))(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP(DET a)(N word))(PP(P in))) (VP(V put)(NP(DET an)(N end))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP(DET the)(AP(A final))(N touches))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP(DET the)(AP(A finishing))(N touches))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP(DET the)(AP(A tin))(N lid))(PP(P on)(NP(N things)))) (VP(V put)(NP(DET the)(AP(A tin))(N lid))(PP(P on)(NP(PRON it)))) (VP(V put)(NP(DET the)(N blame))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP(DET the)(N brake))(PP(P on))) (VP(V put)(NP(DET the)(N cart))(PP(P before)(NP(DET the)(N horse)))) (VP(V put)(NP(DET the)(N cat))(PP(P among)(NP(DET the)(N canaries)))) (VP(V put)(NP(DET the)(N cat))(PP(P among)(NP(DET the)(N pigeons)))) (VP(V put)(NP(DET the)(N clock))(AP(A back))) (VP(V put)(NP(DET the)(N fear)(PP(P of)(NP(NG od))))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP(DET the)(N fear)(PP(P of)(NP(NG od))))(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP(DET the)(N fear)(PP(P of)(NP(NG od))))(PP(P up)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP(DET the)(N fear)(PP(P of)(NP(N death))))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP(DET the)(N fear)(PP(P of)(NP(N death))))(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP(DET the)(N fear)(PP(P of)(NP(N death))))(PP(P up)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP(DET the)(N finger))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP(DET the)(N idea/thought))(PP(P into)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb)'s))(N head)))) (VP(V put)(NP(DET the)(N lid))(PP(P on)(NP(N things)))) (VP(V put)(NP(DET the)(N lid))(PP(P on)(NP(PRON it)))) (VP(V put)(NP(DET the)(N wind))(PP(P up)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP(NP(N two))(CONJ and)(NP(N two)))(AP(A together))) (VP(V put)(NP(N ideas))(PP(P into)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N head)))) (VP(V put)(NP(N paid))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP(N pen))(PP(P to)(NP(N paper)))) (VP(V put)(NP(N pressure))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP(N pressure))(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP(N words))(PP(P into)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N mouth)))) (VP(V put)(NP(N years))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N back))(PP(P up))) (VP(V put)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N nose))(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(N joint))))) (VP(V put)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A best))(N foot))(AP(A forward))) (VP(V put)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(N house))(PP(P in)(NP(N order)))) (VP(V put)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A thinking))(N cap))(PP(P on))) (VP(V put)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(NP(NP(N heart))(CONJ and)(NP(N soul))))(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N cards))(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N table)))) (VP(V put)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N feet))(PP(P up))) (VP(V put)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N finger))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N finger))(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N lips)))) (VP(V put)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N foot))(PP(P down))) (VP(V put)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N foot))(PP(P in)(NP(PRON it)))) (VP(V put)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N hand))(PP(P up))) (VP(V put)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N mind))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N money))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N shirt))(PP(P on))) (VP(V put)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N trust))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N heads))(AP(A together))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P about))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P above)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P across)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P at)(NP(DET a)(N premium)))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P at)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N ease)))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P before)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P behind)(NP(N bars)))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P behind)(NP(PRON one)))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P by))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P down))(PP(P as)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P down))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P down))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(AP(A inverted))(N commas)))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(N nutshell)))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N picture)))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N shade)))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N wrong)))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(N jeopardy)))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(N mind)))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(N order)))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(N touch)))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(N touch)))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON their)))(N place)))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P in))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P inside))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP(N effect)))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP(N force)))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP(N power)))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP(N words)))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P off)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P off)(NP(DET the)(N scent)))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P off)(NP(DET the)(N track)))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P off)(NP(DET the)(N trail)))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P off)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N stride/stroke)))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P on))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N map)))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP(N ice)))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON)))(N feet)))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON their)))(N guard)))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON their)))(N honour)))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP(QP(Q one))(N side)))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P on))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(N action))))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(N business))))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P over)(PP(P on)(NP)))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P over)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P through))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P through)(NP(DET the)(N mill)))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P through)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(AP(A effective))(N use)))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(AP(A good))(N use)))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N test)))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N bed)))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N death)))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N flight)))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N rights)))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N rout)))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N shame)))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N sleep)))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P towards)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P up))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P up))(PP(P for)(NP(N auction)))) (VP(V put)(NP)(PP(P up))(PP(P for)(NP(N sale)))) (VP(V put)(NP(PRONN oneself))(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N place/shoes)))) (VP(V put)(NP(PRON itetc))(AP(A differentlyetc))) (VP(V put)(NP(QP(Q all))(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N eggs))(PP(P in)(NP(QP(Q one))(N basket)))) (VP(V put)(NP(QP(Q one))(N foot))(PP(P before)(NP(DET the)(N other)))) (VP(V put)(NP(QP(Q one))(N foot))(PP(P in)(NP(N front)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N other)))))) (VP(V put)(PP(P down))(NP(N roots))) (VP(V put)(PP(P in)(NP(DET an)(AP(A awkward))(N position)))) (VP(V put)(PP(P in))(NP(DET an)(N appearance))) (VP(V put)(PP(P in))(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N appearance))) (VP(V put)(PP(P in))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V put)(PP(P off))(NP(DET the)(AP(A evil))(N hour/day))) (VP(V put)(PP(P out))(NP(N feelers))) (VP(V put)(PP(P up))(PP(P with)(NP))) (SC(NP(AP(A first))(N things))(AP(A first))) (VP(V put)(SC(NP(AP(A first))(N things))(AP(A first)))) (VP(V put)(SC(NP)(AP(A right/straight)))) (VP(V put)(SC(NP)(AP(A right/straight)))) (VP(V put)(SC(NP)(AP(A right/straight)(PP(P aboutetc)(NP(N sth)))))) (VP(V put)(SC(NP)(AP(A together)))) (VP(V put)(SC(NP)(PP(P up)(PP(P to)(NP))))) (VP(V puzzle)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V puzzle)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V quail)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V qualify)(PP(P as)(NP))) (VP(V qualify)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V quarrel)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V quarrel)(PP(P with)(NP))(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V quarrel)(PP(P with)(NP))(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V queen)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V query)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V quest)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V queue)(PP(P up))) (VP(V queue)(PP(P up))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V quibble)(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V quibble)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V quicken)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V quiet)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V quieten)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V quiver)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V quote)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V race)(PP(P around))) (VP(V race)(PP(P round))) (VP(V race)(PP(P up)(NP))) (VP(V race)(PP(P up)(PP(P into)(NP)))) (VP(V race)(PP(P up)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V rack)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N brains/memory))) (VP(V radiate)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V rage)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V rage)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V rage)(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V rail)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V rail)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V rail)(NP)(PP(P off))(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V rail)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V rail)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V railroad)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V railroad)(NP)(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V rain)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V rain)(NP)(PP(P down))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V rain)(NP)(PP(P down))(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V rain)(NP)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V rain/pour)(NP(NP(N cats))(CONJ and)(NP(N dogs)))) (VP(V raise)(NP(N hell))) (VP(V raise)(NP(AP(A merry))(N hell))) (VP(V raise)(NP(DET a)(N dust))) (VP(V raise)(NP(DET a)(N glass))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V raise)(NP(DET a)(N laugh/smile))) (VP(V raise)(NP(DET a)(N question))) (VP(V raise)(NP(DET an)(N objection))) (VP(V raise)(NP(DET an)(N objection)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V raise)(NP(N money etc))) (VP(V raise)(NP(DET the)(N money etc))) (VP(V raise)(NP(DET the)(N question etc))) (VP(V raise)(NP(DET the)(N question etc)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth))))) (VP(V raise)(NP(DET the)(N roof))) (VP(V raise)(NP(N cain))) (VP(V raise)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N hackles))) (VP(V raise)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(N eyebrows))) (VP(V raise)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(N spirits))) (VP(V raise)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N glass))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V raise)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N hat))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V raise)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N sights))) (VP(V raise)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N voice))(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V raise)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N hopes))) (VP(V raise)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP(DET the)(N dead)))) (VP(V raise)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N peerage)))) (VP(V raise)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N surface)))) (VP(V raise)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V raise/rear)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON its)))(N head))) (VP(V raise/rear)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON its)))(AP(A ugly))(N head))) (VP(V rake)(NP(N muck))) (VP(V rake)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V rake)(PP(P about))) (VP(V rake)(PP(P about))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V rake)(PP(P around))) (VP(V rake)(PP(P around))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V rake)(PP(P in))(NP)) (VP(V rake)(PP(P over))(NP(AP(A old))(N ashes))) (VP(V rake)(PP(P round))) (VP(V rake)(PP(P round))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V rake)(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V rally)(PP(P round)(NP))) (VP(V rally)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N support)(PP(P of)(NP))))) (VP(V ram)(NP)(AP(A home))) (VP(V ram)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V ram)(NP)(PP(P down)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N throat)))) (VP(V ram)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V ramble)(PP(P on))) (VP(V range)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V range)(PP(P from)(NP))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V range)(PP(P in))) (VP(V range)(PP(P in))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V range)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V rank)(PP(P among)(NP))) (VP(V rank)(PP(P as)(NP))) (VP(V rank)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V rap)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V rap)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V rap)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V rap)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N knuckles)))) (VP(V rap)(PP(P over)(NP(DET the)(N knuckles)))) (VP(V rat)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V rate)(NP)(PP(P among)(NP))) (VP(V rate)(NP)(PP(P as)(NP))) (VP(V rate)(NP)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V rate)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V ration)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V rattle)(AP(A away))) (VP(V rattle)(AP(A away))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V rattle)(AP(A away))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V rattle)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V rattle)(PP(P on))) (VP(V rave)(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V rave)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V rave)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V rave)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V raze)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N ground)))) (VP(V reach)(NP(DET the)(N top))) (VP(V reach)(NP(DET the)(N top)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth))))) (VP(V reach)(PP(P down))) (VP(V reach)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V reach)(PP(P out))) (VP(V reach)(PP(P out))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V reach)(PP(P out))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V reach)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V reachetc)(NP(N(N rock)(N bottom)))) (VP(V react)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V react)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V react)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V react)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V read)(NP)(AP(A back))) (VP(V read)(NP)(AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(N book)))) (VP(V read)(NP(DET the)(N(N riot)(N act)))) (VP(V read)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N mind/thoughts))) (VP(V read)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V read)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V read)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V read)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V read)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P to)(NP(N sleep)))) (VP(V read)(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V read)(PP(P around)(NP(DET the)(N subject)))) (VP(V read)(PP(P around)(NP(DET the)(N topic)))) (VP(V read)(PP(P between)(NP(DET the)(N lines)))) (VP(V read)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V read)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V read)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V read)(PP(P round)(NP(DET the)(N class)))) (VP(V read)(PP(P round)(NP(DET the)(N room)))) (VP(V read)(PP(P round)(NP(DET the)(N subject)))) (VP(V read)(PP(P round)(NP(DET the)(N topic)))) (VP(V read)(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V read)(PP(P up))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V realize)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V realize)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V reap)(NP(DET the)(N benefit))) (VP(V reap)(NP(DET the)(N benefit)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth))))) (VP(V reap)(NP(DET the)(N benefits))) (VP(V reap)(NP(DET the)(N benefits)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth))))) (VP(V reap)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V reap)(S'(COMP what/where)(S(NP(PRON one))(AUX(V has))(VP(V sown))))) (VP(V reap)(S'(COMP what/where)(S(NP(PRON one))(AUX(V has)(NEG not))(VP(V sown))))) (VP(V rear)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V reason)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V reason)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V reason)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V reason)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V rebel)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V rebound)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V rebound)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V recall)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V recall)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V recall)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N mind)))) (VP(V recede)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V receive)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V receive)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V receive)(PP(P back))(PP(P into)(NP(DET the)(N fold)))) (VP(V reckon)(NP)(PP(P among)(NP))) (VP(V reckon)(NP)(PP(P as)(NP))) (VP(V reckon)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V reckon)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V reckon)(PP(P up))) (VP(V reckon)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V reckon)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V reckon)(PP(P without)(NP))) (VP(V reclaim)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V recognize)(NP)(PP(P as)(NP))) (VP(V recoil)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V recoil)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V recoil)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V recommend)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V recompense)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V reconcile)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V reconcile)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V reconcile)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V record)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V record)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V record)(NP)(PP(P onto)(NP))) (VP(V recover)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V recruit)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V recruit)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V recur)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V redeem)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V redound)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V reduce)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V reduce)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N rank)(PP(P of)(NP))))) (VP(V reduce)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N ranks)))) (VP(V reduce)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N silence)))) (VP(V reduce)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N tears)))) (VP(V reduce)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V reduce)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V reduce)(PP(P to)(NP(N order)))) (VP(V reef)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V reek)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V reel)(AP(A back))) (VP(V reel)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V reel)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V refer)(AP(A back))) (VP(V refer)(AP(A back))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V refer)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V refer)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V reflect)(NP(N credit))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V reflect)(NP(N credit))(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V reflect)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V reflect)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V refrain)(PP(P from)(S))) (VP(V refund)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V regain)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V regale)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V regard)(NP)(PP(P as)(NP))) (VP(V regard)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V register)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V reign)(AP(A supreme))) (VP(V reign)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V reimburse)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V rein)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V reissue)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V reissue)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V rejoice)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V rejoice)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V rejoice)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V relapse)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V relate)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V relate)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V relate)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V relax)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N grip/hold))) (VP(V relax)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N grip/hold))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V relay)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V release)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V relegate)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V relieve)(NP(DET the)(N monotony))) (VP(V relieve)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(N feelings))) (VP(V relieve)(NP)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V rely)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V rely)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V remain)(PP(P behind))) (VP(V remand)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(N custody)))) (VP(V remark)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V remember)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N will)))) (VP(V remember)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V remember)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP)))) (VP(V remind)(NP)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V remit)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V remonstrate)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V remove)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V rend)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V render)(NP(DET a)(N service))) (VP(V render)(NP(N sb))(NP(DET a)(N service))) (VP(V render)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V render)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V render)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V render)(NP)(PP(P up))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V repay)(NP)(PP(P by)(S))) (VP(V repay)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V repay)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V repel)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V repent)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V replace)(NP)(PP(P by)(NP))) (VP(V replace)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V reply)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V report)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V report)(PP(P for)(NP(N duty)))) (VP(V report)(PP(P for)(NP(N work)))) (VP(V report)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V report)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V report)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V repose)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V represent)(NP)(PP(P as)(NP))) (VP(V reproach)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V reproach)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V reprove)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V repulse)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V request)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V require)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V require)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V requisition)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V requisition)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V rescue)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V research)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V reserve)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V reside)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V resign)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V resign)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V resolve)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V resolve)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V resolve)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V resort)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V resound)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V resound)(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V resound)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V respect)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V respond)(PP(P to)(VP))) (VP(V rest)(AP(A assured))) (VP(V rest)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N laurels)))) (VP(V rest)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V rest)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V restore)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V restore)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V restrain)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V restrict)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V result)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V result)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V retail)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V retail)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V retail)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V retain)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V retain)(NP)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V retain)(NP)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V retaliate)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V retire)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V retire)(PP(P from)(NP))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V retire)(PP(P to)(NP(N bed)))) (VP(V retreat)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V retrieve)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V return)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V return)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V rev)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V reveal)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V revel)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V revenge)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V revert)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V revolt)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V revolt)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V revolve)(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V revolve)(PP(P around)(NP))) (VP(V reward)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V rhyme)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V rid)(NP)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V riddle)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V ride)(AP(A high))) (VP(V ride)(NP(DET a)(N tiger))) (VP(V ride)(NP(DET the)(N wave))) (VP(V ride)(NP(DET the)(N crest)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N wave))))) (VP(V ride)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V ride)(PP(P down)(NP))) (VP(V ride)(PP(P for)(NP(DET a)(N fall)))) (VP(V ride)(PP(P to)(NP(N hounds)))) (VP(V rideetc)(NP(DET a)/(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N(A high)(N horse)))) (VP(V rideetc)(NP(DET a)/(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N(N hobby)(N horse)))) (VP(V rig)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V rig)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V ring)(AP(A back))) (VP(V ring)(AP(A true))) (VP(V ring)(NP(DET a)(N bell))) (VP(V ring)(NP(DET the)(N changes))) (VP(V ring)(NP(DET the)(N changes))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V ring)(NP(DET the)(N curtain))(PP(P down))) (VP(V ring)(NP(DET the)(N curtain))(PP(P up))) (VP(V ring)(NP)(PP(P about))) (VP(V ring)(NP)(PP(P around))) (VP(V ring)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V ring)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V ring)(NP)(PP(P round))) (VP(V ring)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V ring)(PP(P around))) (VP(V ring)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V ring)(PP(P in))(NP(DET the)(AP(A new))(N year))) (VP(V ring)(PP(P off))) (VP(V ring)(PP(P out))(NP(DET the)(AP(A old))(N year))) (VP(V ring)(PP(P round))) (VP(V ring)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V rinse)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V rinse)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V rip)(AP(A away))) (VP(V rip)(NP)(AP(A apart))) (VP(V rip)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(N half)))) (VP(V rip)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(N two)))) (VP(V rip)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V rip)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V rip)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V rip)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V rip)(PP(AP(A away))(P from)(NP))) (VP(V rip)(PP(P across)(NP))) (VP(V rip)(PP(P down))(NP)) (VP(V rip)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V rip)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V rise)(PP(P above)(NP))) (VP(V rise)(PP(P from)(NP(DET the)(N ashes)))) (VP(V rise)(PP(P from)(NP(DET the)(N dead)))) (VP(V rise)(PP(P from)(NP(DET the)(N grave)))) (VP(V rise)(PP(P from)(NP(DET the)(N ranks)))) (VP(V rise)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N world)))) (VP(V rise)(PP(P to)(NP(DET a)(N bait)))) (VP(V rise)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N bait)))) (VP(V rise)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N challenge)))) (VP(V rise)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N occasion)))) (VP(V rise)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N surface)))) (VP(V rise)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N feet)))) (VP(V rising)(NP(N twentyetc))) (VP(V risk)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N neck))) (VP(V rivet)(NP)(PP(P on))) (VP(V rivet)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N ground)))) (VP(V rivet)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N spot)))) (VP(V roam)(PP(P about))) (VP(V roam)(PP(P around))) (VP(V roar)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V rob)(NP)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V rock)(PP(P to)(NP(N sleep)))) (VP(V roll)(AP(A away))) (VP(V roll)(AP(A back))) (VP(V roll)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N eyes))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V roll)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N sleeves))(PP(P up))) (VP(V roll)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V roll)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V roll)(PP(P about))) (VP(V roll)(PP(P by))) (VP(V roll)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V roll)(PP(P off)(NP))) (VP(V roll)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V roll)(PP(P over))) (VP(V romp)(AP(A home))) (VP(V romp)(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V roof)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V root)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V root)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V root)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V root)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N ground)))) (VP(V root)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N spot)))) (VP(V rope)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V rope)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V rope)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V rope)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V rot)(AP(A away))) (VP(V rot)(PP(P off))) (VP(V rough)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V rough)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V rough)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V rough)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V rough)(NP(PRON it))) (VP(V round)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V round)(NP)(PP(P off))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V round)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V round)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V round)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V round)(PP(P out))) (VP(V round)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V round)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V rub)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V rub)(NP(N shoulders))) (VP(V rub)(NP(N shoulders))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V rub)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N nose))(PP(P in)(NP(PRON it)))) (VP(V rub)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V rub)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V rub)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V rub)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V rub)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V rub)(NP)(PP(P up)(NP))) (VP(V rub)(NP)(PP(P up))(NP(DET the)(AP(A right))(N way))) (VP(V rub)(NP)(PP(P up))(NP(DET the)(AP(A wrong))(N way))) (VP(V rub)(PP(P along))) (VP(V rub)(PP(P along))(AP(A together))) (VP(V rub)(PP(P off))(PP(P on)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V rub)(PP(P off))(PP(P onto)(NP))) (VP(V rue)(NP(DET the)(N day))) (VP(V rue)(NP(DET the)(N day)(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (VP(V ruffle)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(N feathers))) (VP(V ruffle)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V rule)(NP(DET the)(N roost))) (VP(V rule)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V rule)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V rule)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V rule)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V rule)(PP(P with)(NP(DET a)(N rod)(PP(P of)(NP(N iron)))))) (VP(V rumour)(NP)(AP(A abroad))) (VP(V rumour)(NP)(PP(P about))) (VP(V run)(AP(A aground))) (VP(V run)(AP(A aground))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V run)(AP(A amok))) (VP(V run)(AP(A away))) (VP(V run)(AP(A away))(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V run)(AP(A away))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V run)(AP(A away))(PP(P with)(NP(DET the)(N idea)))) (VP(V run)(AP(A away))(PP(P with)(NP(DET the)(N notion)))) (VP(V run)(AP(A back))) (VP(V run)(AP(A back))(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V run)(AP(A short))) (VP(V run)(AP(A short)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth))))) (VP(V run)(AP(A together))) (AP(A true)(PP(P to)(NP(N form)))) (VP(V run)(AP(A true)(PP(P to)(NP(N form))))) (VP(V run)(AP(A wild))) (VP(V run)(NP(DET a)(N comb))(PP(P through)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N hair)))) (VP(V run)(NP(DET a)(N mile))) (VP(V run)(NP(DET a)(N mile))(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V run)(NP(DET a)(N mile))) (VP(V run)(NP(DET a)(N mile))(PP(P from)(NP(N sb/sth)))) (VP(V run)(NP(DET a)(N risk))) (VP(V run)(NP(DET a)(N risk)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth))))) (VP(V run)(NP(DET an)(N eye))(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V run)(NP(DET the)(N gamut))(PP(P from)(NP(N sth)))) (VP(V run)(NP(DET the)(N gamut)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth))))) (VP(V run)(NP(DET the)(N gauntlet))) (VP(V run)(NP(DET the)(N gauntlet)(PP(P of)(NP(N sb/sth))))) (VP(V run)(NP(N rings))(PP(P around)(NP))) (VP(V run)(NP(N rings))(PP(P round)(NP))) (VP(V run)(NP(N riot))) (VP(V run)(NP(N sb/sth))(AP(A close))) (VP(V run)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON its)))(N course))) (VP(V run)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N eye))(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V run)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N fingers/hand))(PP(P through)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N hair)))) (VP(V run)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N head))(PP(P against/into)(NP(DET a)(AP(A brick))(N wall)))) (VP(V run)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V run)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V run)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP(DET the)(N ground)))) (VP(V run)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V run)(NP)(PP(P on))) (VP(V run)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V run)(NP)(PP(P over))) (VP(V run)(NP)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V run)(NP)(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V run)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V run)(NP that)(PP(P by)(NP(PRON me)))(AP(A again))) (VP(V run)(PP(P about))) (VP(V run)(PP(P across)(NP))) (VP(V run)(PP(P after)(NP))) (VP(V run)(PP(P along))) (VP(V run)(PP(P around))) (VP(V run)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V run)(PP(P behind)(NP))) (VP(V run)(PP(P counter)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V run)(PP(P down))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V run)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V run)(PP(P for)(NP(AP(A dear))(N life)))) (VP(V run)(PP(P for)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N life)))) (VP(V run)(PP(P for)(NP(PRON it)))) (VP(V run)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N family)))) (VP(V run)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V run)(PP(P off)(NP(DET the)(N rails)))) (VP(V run)(PP(P off)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N feet)))) (VP(V run)(PP(P off))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V run)(PP(P out))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V run)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V run)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(N steam))))) (VP(V run)(PP(P out))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V run)(PP(P over))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V run)(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V run)(PP(P through)(NP))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V run)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V run)(PP(P to)(NP(N earth)))) (VP(V run)(PP(P to)(NP(N fat)))) (VP(V run)(PP(P to)(NP(N ground)))) (VP(V run)(PP(P to)(NP(N seed)))) (VP(V run)(PP(P up))(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V rush)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N fences))) (VP(V rush)(NP)(PP(P through))) (VP(V rush)(NP)(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V rush)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N hospital)))) (VP(V rush)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V rush)(PP(P into)(NP(N print)))) (VP(V rush)(PP(P to)(NP(N conclusions)))) (VP(V rustle)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V saddle)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V saddle)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V sail)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V sail)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V sally)(AP(A forth))) (VP(V sally)(PP(P out))) (VP(V salt)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V salvage)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V sand)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V saturate)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V save)(NP(DET the)(N day))) (VP(V save)(NP(DET the)(N situation))) (VP(V save)(NP(N face))) (VP(V save)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb/one))'s)(N lifeetc))) (VP(V save)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N bacon))) (VP(V save)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(N soul))) (VP(V save)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N bacon))) (VP(V save)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(N bacon))) (VP(V save)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N breath))) (VP(V save)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N breath))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V cool)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N porridge)))))) (VP(V save)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V save)(PP(P up))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V savour)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V saw)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V saw)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V saw)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V saw)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V say)(NP(DET a)(N mouthful))) (VP(V say)(NP(DET the)(AP(A right/wrong))(N thing))) (VP(V say)(NP(N aye))) (VP(V say)(NP(N cheese))) (VP(V say)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N piece))) (VP(V say)(NP)(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V say/be)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A last))(N word))) (VP(V says/sez)(NP(PRON you))) (VP(V scale)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V scale)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V scar)(PP(P over))) (VP(V scare)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V scare)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V scare)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP)'s)(N wits))))) (VP(V scareetc)(AP(A stiff))) (VP(V scareetc)(NP(N sb))(AP(A stiff))) (VP(V scatter)(NP)(PP(P about))) (VP(V scatter)(NP)(PP(P around))) (VP(V scatter)(NP)(PP(P round))) (VP(V scheme)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V school)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V scoop)(NP(DET the)(N pool))) (VP(V scoop)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V scoop)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V score)(NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N bull))'s)(N eye))) (VP(V score)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V score)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V score)(PP(P off)(NP))) (VP(V scour)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V scour)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V scout)(PP(P about))) (VP(V scout)(PP(P about))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V scout)(PP(P around))) (VP(V scout)(PP(P around))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V scrabble)(PP(P about))) (VP(V scrabble)(PP(P about))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V scramble)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V scrape)(NP)(AP(A together))) (VP(V scrape)(NP(DET the)(N barrel))) (VP(V scrape)(NP(DET the)(N bottom)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N barrel))))) (VP(V scrape)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V scrape)(NP)(PP(P off)(NP))) (VP(V scrape)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V scrape)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V scrape)(PP(P along))) (VP(V scrape)(PP(P along))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V scrape)(PP(P by))) (VP(V scrape)(PP(P by))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V scrape)(PP(P in))) (VP(V scrape)(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V scrape)(PP(P up))(NP(DET an)(N acquaintance))) (VP(V scrape)(PP(P up))(NP(DET an)(N acquaintance))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V scratch)(NP(DET a)(N living))) (VP(V scratch)(NP(DET the)(N surface))) (VP(V scratch)(NP(DET the)(N surface)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth))))) (VP(V scratch)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N eyes))(PP(P out))) (VP(V scratch)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N head))) (VP(V scratch)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V scratch)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V scratch)(PP(P about))) (VP(V scratch)(PP(P about))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V screametc)(NP(AP(A blue))(N murder))) (VP(V screen)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V screen)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V screw)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V screw)(NP)(PP(P on))) (VP(V screw)(NP)(PP(P onto)(NP))) (VP(V screw)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V screw)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V screw)(PP(P up))(NP(POSS(NP(N one))'s)(N courage))) (VP(V scrub)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V scrub)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V scrub)(NP(PRON it/that))) (VP(V scrub)(PP(P round)(NP))) (VP(V scuffle)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V scurry)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V seal)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N fate))) (VP(V seal)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V seal)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V search)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N heart/soul))) (VP(V search)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V search)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V search)(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V secede)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V second)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V secure)(NP)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V seduce)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V see)(NP(AP(A pink))(N elephants))) (VP(V see)(NP(DET an)(N end)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V see)(NP(DET an)(N end)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V see)(NP(DET the)(AP(A funny))(N side))) (VP(V see)(NP(DET the)(AP(A funny))(N side)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth))))) (VP(V see)(NP(DET the)(N colour)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N money))))) (VP(V see)(NP(DET the)(N light))) (VP(V see)(NP(DET the)(N sights))) (VP(V see)(NP(DET the)(N world))) (VP(V see)(NP(N light))) (VP(V see)(NP(N daylight))) (VP(V see)(NP(N eye))(PP(P to)(NP(N eye)))) (VP(V see)(NP(N eye))(PP(P to)(NP(N eye)))(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V see)(NP(N eye))(PP(P to)(NP(N eye)))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V see)(NP(N eye))(PP(P to)(NP(N eye)))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V see)(NP(N eye))(PP(P to)(NP(N eye)))(PP(P with)(NP))(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V see)(NP(N eye))(PP(P to)(NP(N eye)))(PP(P with)(NP))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V see)(NP(N life))) (VP(V see)(NP(N pictures))(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N fire)))) (VP(V see)(NP(N reason))) (VP(V see)(NP(N sense))) (VP(V see)(NP(N service))) (VP(V see)(NP(N something)(AP(A nasty))(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N woodshed))))) (VP(V see)(NP(N stars))) (VP(V see)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N way))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP(N sth)))))) (VP(V see)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N way))(AP(A clear))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP(N sth)))))) (VP(V see)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(AP)(N light)))) (VP(V see)(NP)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V see)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V see)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V see)(NP(PRON ourselves))(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(N others))(VP(V see)(NP(PRON us)))))) (VP(V see)(NP(QP(Q both))(N sides))) (VP(V see)(NP(QP(Q both))(N sides)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N questionetc))))) (VP(V see)(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V see)(PP(P across)(NP))) (VP(V see)(PP(P beyond)(NP))) (VP(V see)(PP(P beyond)(NP(DET the)(N end)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N nose)))))) (VP(V see)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V see)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V see)(PP(P round)(NP))) (VP(V see)(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V see)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V see)(PP(P to)(NP(PRON it)))) (VP(V see)(PP(P to)(NP(PRON it)))(S'(COMP that)(S))) (VP(V see)(SC(NP(N life))(AP(A whole)))) (VP(V see)(SC(NP(N sb))(AP(A right)))) (VP(V see)(SC(NP(N sb))(AP(AP(A all))(A right)))) (VP(V see)(SC(NP(N sb))(AP(A hung)))(AP(A first))) (VP(V see)(SC(NP(N sb))(AP(A hung)))(PP(P before)(S(VP(V doing)(NP(N sth)))))) (VP(V see)(SC(NP(N sb))(PP(P in)(NP(N hell))))(AP(A first))) (VP(V see)(SC(NP(N sb))(PP(P in)(NP(N hell))))(PP(P before)(S(VP(V doing)(NP(N sth)))))) (VP(V seeetc)(S'(COMP(NP(DET which)(N way)))(S(NP(DET the)(N cat))(VP(V jumps))))) (VP(V seeetc)(S'(COMP(NP(DET which)(N way)))(S(NP(DET the)(N wind))(AUX(V is))(VP(V blowing))))) (VP(V seeetc)(S'(COMP how)(S(NP(DET the)(AP(A other))(N half))(VP(V lives))))) (VP(V seeetc)(S'(COMP how)(S(NP(DET the)(N land))(VP(V lies))))) (VP(V seek)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V seek)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V seethe)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V see/think)(AP(A fit))) (VP(V see/think)(AP(A fit))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP(N sth)))))) (VP(V seize)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP(QP(Q both))(N hands)))) (VP(V seize)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V seize)(PP(P up))) (VP(V seize)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V sell)(AP(A like)(NP(AP(A hot))(N cakes)))) (VP(V sell)(NP(DET the)(N pass))) (VP(V sell)(NP(N sb))(NP(DET a)(N pup))) (VP(V sell)(NP(N sth/sb))(AP(A short))) (VP(V sell)(NP)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V sell)(NP)(PP(P down)(NP(DET the)(N river)))) (VP(V sell)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V sell)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V sell)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V sell)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V sell)(PP(P out))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V sell)(PP(P up))) (VP(V send)(NP)(AP(A ahead))) (VP(V send)(NP)(AP(A ahead)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V send)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V send)(NP)(AP(A back))) (VP(V send)(NP(DET a)(N boy))(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N man))'s)(N errand)))) (VP(V send)(NP(DET a)(N boy))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP(POSS(NP(DET a)(N man))'s)(N work)))))) (VP(V send)(NP(N sb))(S(VP(V packing)))) (VP(V send)(NP)(PP(P about)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON their)))(N business)))) (VP(V send)(NP)(PP(P across))) (VP(V send)(NP)(PP(P across))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V send)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V send)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V send)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V send)(NP)(PP(P off)(NP(DET the)(N field)))) (VP(V send)(NP)(PP(P on))) (VP(V send)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V send)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V send)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N bed)))) (VP(V send)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N sleep)))) (VP(V send)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON their)))(N death)))) (VP(V send)(NP)(PP(P up)(NP(DET the)(N wall)))) (VP(V send)(PP(P after)(NP))) (VP(V send)(PP(P off))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V send)(PP(P out))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V send)(SC(NP(N sb))(AP(A crazy)))) (VP(V sendetc)(NP(N word))) (VP(V sentence)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V separate)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V separate)(NP)(PP(P off))(PP(P from)(NP))) (NP(NP(N god))(CONJ and)(NP(N mammon))) (VP(V serve)(NP(NP(N god))(CONJ and)(NP(N mammon)))) (VP(V serve)(NP(N sb))(AP(A right))) (VP(V serve)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)/(POSS(NP(PRON its)))(N turn))) (VP(V serve)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON sb))'s)(N turn))) (VP(V serve)(NP)(PP(P as)(NP))) (VP(V serve)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V serve)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V serve)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V serve)(PP(P under)(NP))) (VP(V set)(AP(A fair))) (VP(V set)(NP)(AP(A apart))) (VP(V set)(NP)(AP(A apart)(PP(P from)(NP)))) (VP(V set)(NP)(AP(A aside))) (VP(V set)(NP)(AP(A back))) (VP(V set)(NP)(AP(A forth))) (VP(V set)(NP(AP)(N store))(PP(P by)(NP))) (VP(V set)(NP(AP)(N store))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V set)(NP(DET a)(N thief))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V catch)(NP(DET a)(N thief)))))) (VP(V set)(NP(DET the)(N pace))) (VP(V set)(NP(DET the)(N seal))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V set)(NP(DET the)(N stage))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V set)(NP(DET the)(N teeth))(PP(P on)(NP(N edge)))) (VP(V set)(NP(DET the)(N thames))(PP(P on)(NP(N fire)))) (VP(V set)(NP(DET the)(N tone))(PP(P for)(NP(N sth)))) (VP(V set)(NP(DET the)(N tone))) (VP(V set)(NP(DET the)(N tone)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth))))) (VP(V set)(NP(DET the)(N world))(PP(P to)(NP(N rights)))) (VP(V set)(NP(N eyes))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V set)(NP(N fire))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V set)(NP(N foot))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V set)(NP(N light))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V set)(NP(N sail))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V set)(NP(DET a)(N example))) (VP(V set)(NP(DET a)(AP(A goodetc))(N example))) (VP(V set)(NP(N sb))(NP(DET a)(N example))) (VP(V set)(NP(N sb))(NP(DET a)(AP(A goodetc))(N example))) (VP(V set)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N mind))(PP(P at)(NP(N ease/rest)))) (VP(V set)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N teeth))(PP(P on)(NP(N edge)))) (VP(V set)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(N sights))(AP(A high))) (VP(V set)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N house))(PP(P in)(NP(N order)))) (VP(V set)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(N house))(PP(P in)(NP(N order)))) (VP(V set)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N cap))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V set)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N heart))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V set)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N mind))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V set)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N sights))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V set)(NP)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V set)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V set)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(N motion)))) (VP(V set)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V set)(NP)(PP(P off))(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V set)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V set)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP(N fire)))) (VP(V set)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his/its)))(N feet)))) (VP(V set)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V set)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V set)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V set)(PP(P about)(S))) (VP(V set)(PP(P aside))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V set)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V set)(PP(P off))) (VP(V set)(PP(P off))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V set)(PP(P out))) (VP(V set)(PP(P out))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V set)(PP(P to))) (VP(V set)(PP(P up))(NP(N house))) (VP(V set)(PP(P up))(NP(N house))(AP(A together))) (VP(V set)(PP(P up))(NP(N shop))) (VP(V set)(PP(P up))(PP(P as)(NP))) (VP(V set)(PP(P up))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V set)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V work))))) (VP(V set/put)(SC(NP(DET the)(N record))(AP(A straight)))) (VP(V set/start)(S(NP(DET the)(N ball))(VP(V rolling)))) (VP(V settle)(AP(A back))) (VP(V settle)(PP(P down))) (VP(V settle)(PP(P down))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V settle)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V settle)(PP(P in))) (VP(V settle)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V settle)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V settle)(PP(P up))) (VP(V settle)(PP(P up))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V settle)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V sew)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V sew)(NP)(PP(P on))) (VP(V sew)(NP)(PP(P onto)(NP))) (VP(V sew)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V shack)(PP(P up))) (VP(V shack)(PP(P up))(AP(A together))) (VP(V shack)(PP(P up))(AP(A together))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V shackle)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V shade)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V shade)(PP(P off))(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V shake)(NP(DET a)(N leg))) (VP(V shake)(NP(DET the)(N dust))(PP(P off)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N feet/shoes)))) (VP(V shake)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N head))) (VP(V shake)(NP)(PP(P by)(NP(DET the)(N hand)))) (VP(V shake)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V shake)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V shake)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V shake)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V shake)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V shake)(SC(NP(PRON one/sb))(AP(A rigid)))) (VP(V shakeetc)(AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(N jelly/leaf)))) (VP(V shame)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V shape)(PP(P up))) (VP(V share)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V share)(NP)(PP(P out))(PP(P among)(NP))) (VP(V share)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V sharpen)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(N brain/wits))) (VP(V shave)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V shed)(NP(N light))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V shed)(NP(N tears))(PP(P over)(NP))) (NP(N(N crocodile)(N tears))) (VP(V shed/weep)(NP(N(N crocodile)(N tears)))) (VP(V sheer)(AP(A away))) (VP(V sheer)(AP(A away)(PP(P from)(NP)))) (VP(V sheet)(PP(P down))) (VP(V shell)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V shelter)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V shelve)(PP(P down))) (VP(V shelve)(PP(P down)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V shield)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V shift)(NP(DET the)(N blame))(PP(P onto)(NP))) (VP(V shift)(NP(DET the)(N responsibility))(PP(P onto)(NP))) (VP(V shift)(PP(P for)(NP(PRON oneself)))) (VP(V shin)(PP(P up)(NP))) (VP(V shine)(AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(AP(A good))(N deed)(PP(P in)(NP(DET a)(AP(A naughty))(N world)))))) (VP(V shine)(PP(P out))) (VP(V ship)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V ship)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V shiver)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON my/me)))(N timbers))) (VP(V shoot)(NP(DET a)(N glance))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V shoot)(NP(DET a)(N line))) (VP(V shoot)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N bolt))) (VP(V shoot)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N mouth))(PP(P off))) (VP(V shoot)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V shoot)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V shoot)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V shoot)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P out))) (VP(V shoot)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V shoot)(PP(P up))) (VP(V shop)(PP(P around))) (VP(V shore)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V shorn)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V shot)(PP(P up))) (VP(V shoulder)(NP)(AP(A aside))) (VP(V shoulder)(NP(DET a)(N burden))) (VP(V shoulder)(NP(DET a)(N burden)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth))))) (VP(V shout)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V shout)(PP(P out))) (VP(V shove)(NP)(PP(P down)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N throat)))) (VP(V shove)(PP(P off))) *(VP(V show)(AP(A willing))) (VP(V show)(NP(DET a)(N leg))) (VP(V show)(NP(DET the)(N flag))) (VP(V show)(NP(N promise))) (VP(V show)(NP(DET a)(AP(A clean))(N pair)(PP(P of)(NP(N heels))))) (VP(V show)(NP(N sb))(NP(DET a)(AP(A clean))(N pair)(PP(P of)(NP(N heels))))) (VP(V show)(S'(S(NP(PRON who))(VP(V 's)(NP(N boss)))))) (VP(V show)(NP(N sb))(S'(S(NP(PRON who))(VP(V 's)(NP(N boss)))))) (VP(V show)(NP(N signs))) (VP(V show)(NP(N signs)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth))))) (VP(V show)(NP(N signs))) (VP(V show)(NP(N signs))(S'(COMP that)(S))) (VP(V show)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N hand))) (VP(V show)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N paces))) (VP(V show)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N teeth))) (VP(V show)(NP)(PP(P around))) (VP(V show)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V show)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V show)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V show)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V show)(NP)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V show)(NP)(PP(P round))) (VP(V show)(NP)(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V show)(NP)(PP(P up))(PP(P as)(NP))) (VP(V show)(NP)(PP(P up))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V show)(PP(P off))) (VP(V show)(PP(P up))) (VP(V shower)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V show/prove)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N mettle))) (VP(V shrink)(AP(A back))) (VP(V shrink)(AP(A back)(PP(P from)(NP)))) (VP(V shrink)(NP(N heads))) (VP(V shrink)(PP(P up))) (VP(V shrivel)(PP(P up))) (VP(V shrug)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N shoulders))) (VP(V shrug)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V shudder)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V think))))) (VP(V shuffle)(PP(P off))) (VP(V shuffle)(PP(P off))(PP(P onto)(NP))) (VP(V shut)(AP(A away))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V shut)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V shut)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N eyes))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V shut)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N mouthetc))) (VP(V shut)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V shut)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V shut)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V shut)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V shut)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V shut)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V shut)(NP)(PP(P up)(PP(P in)(NP)))) (VP(V shy)(AP(A away))) (VP(V shy)(AP(A away)(PP(P from)(NP)))) (VP(V sick)(PP(P up))) (VP(V sicken)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V side)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V sidle)(PP(P up))) (VP(V sidle)(PP(P up)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V sign)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V sign)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N(N death)(N warrant)))) (VP(V sign)(NP)(PP(P over))) (VP(V sign)(PP(P in))) (VP(V sign)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V sign)(PP(P off))) (VP(V sign)(PP(P on))) (VP(V sign)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(AP(A dotted))(N line)))) (VP(V sign)(PP(P out))) (VP(V sign)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V sign)(PP(P up))) (VP(V sign/take)(NP(DET the)(N pledge))) (VP(V silt)(PP(P up))) (VP(V simmer)(PP(P down))) (VP(V sin)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V sing)(NP(DET a)(AP(A different))(N song/tune))) (VP(V sing)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb/sth))'s)(N praises))) (VP(V sing)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N sleep)))) (VP(V sing)(PP(P up))) (VP(V single)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V sink)(AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(N stone)))) (VP(V sink)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N differences))) (VP(V sink)(PP(P in))) (VP(V sink)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V sink)(PP(P into/to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N boots)))) (VP(V siphon)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V siphon)(PP(P off))(PP(P from)(NP))(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V sit)(AP(A back))) (VP(V sit)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V sit)(PP(P about))) (VP(V sit)(PP(P around))) (VP(V sit)(PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N feet)(PP(P of)(NP))))) (VP(V sit)(PP(P down))(PP(P under)(NP))) (VP(V sit)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V sit)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V sit)(PP(P in)(NP(N judgement)))) (VP(V sit)(PP(P in)(NP(N judgement)))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V sit)(PP(P in)(NP(N judgement)))(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V sit)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V sit)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N fence)))) (VP(V sit)(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V sit)(PP(P up))) (VP(V sit/be)(AP(AP(A bolt))(A upright))) (VP(V size)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V skate)(PP(P on)(NP(AP(A thin))(N ice)))) (VP(V skate)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V sketch)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V skim)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V skim)(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V skip)(PP(P off))) (VP(V skirt)(PP(P around)(NP))) (VP(V skirt)(PP(P round)(NP))) (VP(V skittle)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V slacken)(PP(P off))) (VP(V slam)(NP(DET the)(N brakes))(PP(P on))) (VP(V slam)(NP(DET the)(N door))(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N face)))) (VP(V slam)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V slam)(PP(P to))) (VP(V slap)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V slap)(NP)(PP(P on))) (VP(V slap)(NP)(PP(P onto)(NP))) (VP(V slave)(AP(A away))) (VP(V sleep)(AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(N log/top)))) (VP(V sleep)(AP(A rough))) (VP(V sleep)(AP(A tight))) (VP(V sleep)(AP(A together))) (VP(V sleep)(AP(A together)(PP(P with)(NP)))) (VP(V sleep)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V sleep)(PP(P around))) (VP(V sleep)(PP(P in))) (VP(V sleep)(PP(P on)(NP(PRON it)))) (VP(V slew)(PP(P around))) (VP(V slew)(PP(P round))) (VP(V slice)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V slice)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V slice)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V slick)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V slide)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V sling)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N hook))) (VP(V slip)(AP(A away))) (VP(V slip)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb/one))'s)(N memory/mind))) (VP(V slip)(PP(P down))(NP)) (VP(V slip)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V slip)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V slip)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V slip)(PP(P out))) (VP(V slip)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V slip)(PP(P over))) (VP(V slip)(PP(P past)(NP))) (VP(V slip)(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V slip)(PP(P up))) (VP(V slit)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V slobber)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V slog)(AP(A away))) (VP(V slog)(AP(A away))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V slog)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P out))) (VP(V slop)(PP(P about))) (VP(V slop)(PP(P around))) (VP(V slop)(PP(P out))) (VP(V slop)(PP(P over))) (VP(V slope)(PP(P down))) (VP(V slope)(PP(P down)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V slope)(PP(P off))) (VP(V slosh)(NP)(PP(P on))) (VP(V slouch)(PP(P about))) (VP(V slouch)(PP(P around))) (VP(V slough)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V slow)(PP(P down))) (VP(V slow)(PP(P up))) (VP(V sluice)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V smack)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V smarten)(PP(P up))) (VP(V smash)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N face))(PP(P in))) (VP(V smash)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V smash)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V smear)(NP)(PP(P on))) (VP(V smear)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V smell)(NP(DET a)(N rat))) (VP(V smell)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V smell)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V smell)(PP(P to)(NP(AP(A high))(N heaven)))) (VP(V smoke)(AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(N chimney)))) (VP(V smoke)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V smoke)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V smooth)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb/sth))'s)(N pathetc))) (VP(V smooth)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V smooth)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V smooth)(NP)(PP(P over))) (VP(V smother)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V smother)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V smuggle)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V smuggle)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V smuggle)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V smuggle)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V smuggle)(NP)(PP(P past)(NP))) (VP(V snap)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N head))(PP(P off))) (VP(V snap)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N fingers))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V snap)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V snap)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V snap)(PP(P into)(NP(PRON it)))) (VP(V snap)(PP(P out))) (VP(V snap)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(PRON it))))) (VP(V snarl)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V snarl)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V snatch)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V snatch)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V snatch)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V snatch)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V sneer)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V sniff)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V snip)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V snipe)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V snoop)(PP(P around))) (VP(V snort)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V snowed)(PP(P off))) (VP(V snowed)(PP(P under))) (VP(V snowed)(PP(P under))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V snowed)(PP(P up))) (VP(V snuff)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V snuggle)(PP(P down))) (VP(V snuggle)(PP(P up))) (VP(V snuggle)(PP(P up))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V soak)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V soak)(NP)(PP(P through))) (VP(V soak)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V soak)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V soak)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N skin)))) (VP(V soap)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V sob)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N heart))(PP(P out))) (VP(V sob)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V sober)(PP(P down))) (VP(V sober)(PP(P up))) (VP(V sod)(PP(P off))) (VP(V soften)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V soldier)(PP(P on))) (VP(V solicit)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V soothe)(NP(DET the)(AP(A savage))(N breast))) (VP(V sop)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V sort)(AP(A ill))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V sort)(AP(A well))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V sort)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V sort)(NP)(PP(P out))(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V sort)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P out))) (VP(V sound)(NP(DET the)(N knell)(PP(P of)(NP(N sb/sth))))) (VP(V sound)(NP(DET the)(N(N death)(knell))(PP(P of)(NP(N sb/sth))))) (VP(V sound)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V sound)(PP(P off))) (VP(V soup)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V souse)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V sow)(NP(POSS(NP(DET the)(N dragon))'s)/(POSS(NP(DET the)(N dragons))')(N teeth))) (VP(V sow)(NP(AP(A wild))(N oats))) (VP(V sow)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A wild))(N oats))) (VP(V sowetc)(NP(DET the)(N seeds)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth))))) (VP(V space)(PP(P out))) (VP(V spare)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N blushes))) (VP(V spare)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V spare)(NP(QP(Q no))(N expenseetc))) (VP(V spark)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V sparkle)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V spatter)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V spatter)(PP(P onto)(NP))) (VP(V spatter)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V speak)(NP(DET the)(N truth))) (VP(V speak)(NP(N volumes))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V speak)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N mind))) (VP(V speak)(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V speak)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V speak)(PP(P for)(NP(PRON itself)))) (VP(V speak)(PP(P for)(NP(PRON themselves)))) (VP(V speak)(PP(P for)(NP(PRON yourself)))) (VP(V speak)(PP(P for)(NP(PRON yourselves)))) (VP(V speak)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V speak)(PP(P out))(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V speak)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V speak)(PP(P up))) (VP(V speak)(PP(against)(NP))) (VP(V speaking)(PP(P for)(NP(PRON myself)))) (VP(V speaking)(PP(P for)(NP(PRON ourselves)))) (VP(V speak/talk)(NP(DET the)(AP(A sameetc))(N language))) (VP(V specialize)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V speculate)(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V speculate)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V speed)(NP(DET the)(AP(A parting))(N guest))) (VP(V speed)(PP(P up))) (VP(V spell)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V spell)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V spend)(AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(N sailor)))) (VP(V spend)(NP(N money))(AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(N sailor)))) (VP(V spend)(NP(N money))(AP(A like)(NP(N water)))) (VP(V spend)(NP(N money))(AP(A like)(S(NP(PRON it))(AUX(V be))(VP(V going)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(N fashion)))))))) (VP(V spend)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)/(POSS(NP(PRON its)))(N force))) (VP(V spend)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V spew)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V spice)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V spike)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N guns))) (VP(V spill)(NP(DET the)(N beansetc))) (VP(V spill)(PP(P out))) (VP(V spill)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V spill)(PP(P over))) (VP(V spin)(NP(N sb))(NP(DET a)(N yarn))) (VP(V spin)(PP(P out))) (VP(V spiral)(PP(P up))) (VP(V spirit)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V spirit)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V spit)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V spit)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P out))) (VP(V spit)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V spit)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N eye)))) (VP(V splash)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V splash)(NP)(PP(P on))) (VP(V splash)(NP)(PP(P onto)(NP))) (VP(V splash)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V splash)(PP(P out))) (VP(V splash)(PP(P out))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V splice)(NP(DET the)(N(A main)(N brace)))) (VP(V split)(AP(A away)(PP(P from)(NP)))) (VP(V split)(NP(N hairs))) (VP(V split)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V split)(NP)(PP(P up))(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V split)(PP(P off))(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V split)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V spoil)(NP(DET the)(N ship))(PP(P for)(NP(DET a)(N(N ha'porth/ha'penny)(A worth))(PP(P of)(NP(N tar)))))) (VP(V sponge)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V sponge)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V spoon)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V spoon)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V spout)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V sprawl)(PP(P about))) (VP(V sprawl)(PP(P out))) (VP(V spray)(NP)(PP(P on))) (VP(V spray)(NP)(PP(P onto)(NP))) (VP(V spray)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V spread)(AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(N rash)))) (VP(V spread)(AP(A like)(NP(N wildfire)))) (VP(V spread)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N net))) (VP(V spread)(NP)(PP(P on))) (VP(V spread)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V spread)(NP)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V spread)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V spread)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V spreadetc)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N wings))) (VP(V spreadetc)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(N wings))) (VP(V spring)(AP(A back))) (VP(V spring)(NP(DET a)(N leak))) (VP(V spring)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V spring)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V spring)(PP(P out))) (VP(V spring)(PP(P to)(NP(N attention)))) (VP(V spring)(PP(P to)(NP(N life)))) (VP(V spring)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N defence)))) (VP(V spring)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N feet)))) (VP(V spring)(PP(P up))) (VP(V sprinkle)(NP)(PP(P on))) (VP(V sprinkle)(NP)(PP(P onto)(NP))) (VP(V sprinkle)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V spruce)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V spur)(NP)(PP(P on))) (VP(V spur)(NP)(PP(P on))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V spurt)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V spurt)(PP(P out)(PP(P from)(NP)))) (VP(V sputter)(PP(P out))) (VP(V spy)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V spy)(PP(P out))(NP)) (VP(V spy)(PP(P out))(NP(DET the)(N land))) (VP(V spy)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V squabble)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V square)(NP(DET the)(N circle))) (VP(V square)(NP(N accounts))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V square)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N account))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V square)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V square)(PP(P off))) (VP(V square)(PP(P up))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V square)(PP(P up))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V squash)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V squash)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V squash)(PP(P up))(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V squat)(PP(P down))) (VP(V squeeze)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V squeeze)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V squeeze)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V squeeze)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V squeeze)(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V squeeze)(PP(P up))(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V squint)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V squirm)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V squirt)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V squirt)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V stab)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N back)))) (VP(V stab)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V stack)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V stack)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V staff)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V stage)(NP(DET a)(N strike))) (VP(V stagger)(PP(P about))) (VP(V stagger)(PP(P around))) (VP(V stake)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V stake)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V stake)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V stake)(PP(P out))(NP(DET a)(N claim))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V stake)(PP(P out))(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N claim))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V stamp)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N foot))) (VP(V stamp)(NP)(PP(P onto)(NP))) (VP(V stamp)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V stamp)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V stamp)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V stamp)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V stand)(AP(A(A four)(A square)))) (VP(V stand)(AP(A apart))) (VP(V stand)(AP(A apart))(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V stand)(AP(A aside))) (VP(V stand)(AP(A back))) (VP(V stand)(AP(A back))(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V stand)(AP(A easy))) (VP(V stand)(AP(A firm))) (VP(V stand)(AP(A outside))) (VP(V stand)(AP(A still))) (VP(V stand)(AP(A together))) (VP(V stand)(AP(A well))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V stand)(NP(DET a)(N chance))) (VP(V stand)(NP(DET a)(N chance)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth))))) (VP(V stand)(NP(DET a)(N chance))) (VP(V stand)(NP(DET a)(N chance)(PP(P of)(S'(S(VP)))))) (VP(V stand)(NP(DET the)(N strain))) (VP(V stand)(NP(DET the)(N strain)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth))))) (VP(V stand)(NP(DET the)(N test)(PP(P of)(NP(N timeetc))))) (VP(V stand)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON its)))(N head)))) (VP(V stand)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V stand)(PP(NP(NP(N head))(CONJ and)(NP(N shoulders)))(P above)(NP))) (VP(V stand)(PP(P about))) (VP(V stand)(PP(P around))) (VP(V stand)(PP(P as)(NP))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V stand)(PP(P between)(NP))) (VP(V stand)(PP(P by))) (VP(V stand)(PP(P down))) (VP(V stand)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V stand)(PP(P in))) (VP(V stand)(PP(P in)(NP(AP(A better))(N stead)))) (VP(V stand)(PP(P in)(NP(AP(A good))(N stead)))) (VP(V stand)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N way)))(PP(P of)(NP(N sth)))) (VP(V stand)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N way)))) (VP(V stand)(PP(P in))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V stand)(PP(P in)(PP(P toward)(NP)))) (VP(V stand)(PP(P off))) (VP(V stand)(PP(P on)(NP(N ceremony)))) (VP(V stand)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(N feet)))) (VP(V stand)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(QP(Q two))(N feet)))) (VP(V stand)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N dignity)))) (VP(V stand)(PP(P out))) (VP(V stand)(PP(P out))(NP(DET a)(N mile))) (VP(V stand)(PP(P out))(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V stand)(PP(P out))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V stand)(PP(P out))(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V stand)(PP(P out)(PP(P to)(NP(N sea))))) (VP(V stand)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V stand)(PP(P to))) (VP(V stand)(PP(P to)(NP(N attention)))) (VP(V stand)(PP(P to)(NP(N reason)))) (VP(V stand)(PP(P up))) (VP(V stand)(PP(P up))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V stand)(PP(P up))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V stand)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V gainetc))))) (VP(V standetc)(AP(A tall))) (VP(V standing)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N head)))) (VP(V stare)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V stare)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N face)))) (VP(V stare)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V stare)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V start)(NP(DET the)(N rot))) (VP(V start)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V start)(PP(P from)(NP(N scratch)))) (VP(V start)(PP(P in))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V start)(PP(P off))) (VP(V start)(PP(P off))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V start)(PP(P off))(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(AP(A right))(N foot)))) (VP(V start)(PP(P off))(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(AP(A right))(N foot)))(PP(P with))) (VP(V start)(PP(P off))(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(AP(A wrong))(N foot)))) (VP(V start)(PP(P off))(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(AP(A wrong))(N foot)))(PP(P with))) (VP(V start)(PP(P out))) (VP(V start)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V start)(PP(P up))) (VP(V start)(PP(P up))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V startetc)(NP(DET a)(N hare))) (VP(V starve)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V starve)(NP)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V starve)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V starve)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V stash)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V stave)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V stave)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V stay)(AP(A abreast)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V stay)(AP(A ahead))) (VP(V stay)(AP(A ahead)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V stay)(AP(A away))) (VP(V stay)(AP(A away)(PP(P from)(NP)))) (VP(V stay)(AP(A indoors))) (VP(V stay)(AP(A put))) (VP(V stay)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V stay)(PP(P at)(NP(N home)))) (VP(V stay)(PP(P behind)(NP))) (VP(V stay)(PP(P down))) (VP(V stay)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V stay)(PP(P in))) (VP(V stay)(PP(P off)(NP))) (VP(V stay)(PP(P on))) (VP(V stay)(PP(P on)(NP(N top)))) (VP(V stay)(PP(P on)(NP(N top)(PP(P of)(NP))))) (VP(V stay)(PP(P on))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V stay)(PP(P out))) (VP(V stay)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V stay)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V stay)(PP(P up))) (VP(V stay)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V stayetc)(NP(DET the)(N course))) (VP(V steal)(AP(A away))) (VP(V steal)(NP(DET a)(N glance)(PP(P at)(NP)))) (VP(V steal)(NP(DET a)(N march))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V steal)(NP(DET the)(N show/scene))) (VP(V steal)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N thunder))) (VP(V steal)(PP(P over))) (VP(V steal)(PP(P up))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V steam)(AP(A away))) (VP(V steam)(PP(P across)(NP))) (VP(V steam)(PP(P along))) (VP(V steam)(PP(P off))) (VP(V steam)(PP(P up))) (VP(V steel)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V steel)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V steep)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V steer)(AP(A clear))) (VP(V steer)(AP(A clear)(PP(P of)(NP(N sb/sth))))) (VP(V steer)(NP(DET a)(AP(A middleetc))(N course))) (VP(V steer)(NP(DET the)(N ship)(PP(P of)(NP(N state))))) (VP(V stem)(NP(DET the)(N flow))) (VP(V stem)(NP(DET the)(N flow)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth))))) (VP(V stem)(NP(DET the)(N tide))) (VP(V stem)(NP(DET the)(N tide)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth))))) (VP(V stem)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V step)(AP(A aside))) (VP(V step)(AP(A back))) (VP(V step)(AP(A forward))) (VP(V step)(AP(A inside))) (VP(V step)(AP(A outside))) (VP(V step)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V step)(PP(P down))) (VP(V step)(PP(P in))) (VP(V step)(PP(P into)(NP(DET the)(N breach)))) (VP(V step)(PP(P into)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb)(AP(A else)))'s)(N shoes)))) (VP(V step)(PP(P off)(NP))) (VP(V step)(PP(P off))(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(AP(A wrong))(N foot)))) (VP(V step)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N gas)))) (VP(V step)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N corns/toes)))) (VP(V step)(PP(P on)(NP(PRON it)))) (VP(V step)(PP(P out))) (VP(V step)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V stew)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N juice)))) (VP(V stew)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(N juice)))) (VP(V stick)(AP(A together))) (VP(V stick)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N heels))(PP(P in))) (VP(V stick)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N neck))(PP(P out))) (VP(V stick)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON your)))(N hands))(PP(P up))) (VP(V stick)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V stick)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V stick)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V stick)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V stick)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V stick)(NP(PRON 'em))(PP(P up))) (VP(V stick)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P out))) (VP(V stick)(PP(P about))) (VP(V stick)(PP(P around))) (VP(V stick)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V stick)(PP(P at)(NP(N nothing)))) (VP(V stick)(PP(P by)(NP))) (VP(V stick)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N mind)))) (VP(V stick)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N craw)))) (VP(V stick)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(P mind)))) (VP(V stick)(PP(P out))(NP(DET a)(N mile))) (VP(V stick)(PP(P out))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V stick)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V stick)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N fingers)))) (VP(V stick)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N guns)))) (VP(V stick)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N last)))) (VP(V stick)(PP(P up))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V stick)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V sting)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V stink)(AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(N polecat)))) (VP(V stink)(NP(DET the)(N place))(PP(P out))) (VP(V stink)(PP(P to)(NP(AP(A high))(N heaven)))) (VP(V stint)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V stir)(NP(DET the/POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N blood))) (VP(V stir)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V stir)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V stir)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V stir)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N depths)))) (VP(V stitch)(NP)(PP(P on))) (VP(V stitch)(NP)(PP(P onto)(NP))) (VP(V stitch)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V stock)(PP(P up))) (VP(V stock)(PP(P up))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V stock)(PP(P up))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V stoke)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V stoke)(NP)(PP(P up))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V stoop)(AP(AP(DEG so))(A low)(S'(COMP as)(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP))))) (VP(V stoop)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V stop)(AP(A away))) (VP(V stop)(AP(A away)(PP(P from)(NP)))) (VP(V stop)(AP(A dead))(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N tracks)))) (VP(V stop)(AP(A indoors))) (VP(V stop)(AP(A short))) (VP(V stop)(AP(A short))(PP(P at)(NP(N sth)))) (VP(V stop)(NP)(AP(A dead))(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N tracks)))) (VP(V stop)(NP(DET a)(N bullet))) (VP(V stop)(NP(DET the)(N rot))) (VP(V stop)(NP(DET the)(N show))) (VP(V stop)(AP(A dead))) (VP(V stop)(AP(A(N stone)(A dead)))) (VP(V stop)(NP(N sb/sth))(AP(A dead))) (VP(V stop)(NP(N sb/sth))(AP(A(N stone)(A dead)))) (VP(V stop)(NP)(PP(P from)(S))) (VP(V stop)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V stop)(NP(PRON one))) (VP(V stop)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V stop)(PP(P at)(NP(N nothing)))) (VP(V stop)(PP(P behind))) (VP(V stop)(PP(P by))) (VP(V stop)(PP(P down))) (VP(V stop)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V stop)(PP(P in))) (VP(V stop)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N tracks)))) (VP(V stop)(PP(P off))) (VP(V stop)(PP(P on))) (VP(V stop)(PP(P on))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V stop)(PP(P out))) (VP(V stop)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V stop)(PP(P over))) (VP(V store)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V store)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V store)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V storm)(PP(P in))) (VP(V storm)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V stow)(AP(A away))) (VP(V straighten)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V straighten)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P up))) (VP(V straighten)(PP(P up))) (VP(V strain)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V strain)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V strain)(PP(P after)(NP(DET an)(N effect)))) (VP(V strain)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V strain)(PP(P at)(NP(DET the)(N leash)))) (VP(V strap)(NP)(PP(P on))) (VP(V strap)(NP)(PP(P onto)(NP))) (VP(V strap)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V stray)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V stream)(PP(P down))) (VP(V stream)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V strengthen)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N hand))) (VP(V stretch)(AP(A away))) (VP(V stretch)(NP(DET a)(N point))) (VP(V stretch)(NP(DET the)(N arm)(PP(P of)(NP(N coincidence))))) (VP(V stretch)(NP(DET the)(AP(A long))(N arm)(PP(P of)(NP(N coincidence))))) (VP(V stretch)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P out))) (VP(V stretch)(PP(P out))) (VP(V strew)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V strew)(NP)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V strike)(NP(DET a)(N chord))) (VP(V strike)(NP(DET a)(N light))) (VP(V strike)(NP(DET an)(N attitude/pose))) (VP(V strike)(NP(N gold))) (VP(V strike)(NP(N home))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V strike)(NP(N oil))) (VP(V strike)(NP(N sb))(AP(A dumb/speechless))) (VP(V strike)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V strike)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V strike)(NP(PRON it))(AP(A lucky))) (VP(V strike)(NP(PRON it))(AP(A rich))) (VP(V strike)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V strike)(PP(P as)(NP))) (VP(V strike)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V strike)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V strike)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V strike)(PP(P out))) (VP(V strike)(PP(P out))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V strike)(PP(P out))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V strike)(PP(P out))(PP(P towards)(NP))) (VP(V strike)(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V strike)(PP(P up))) (VP(V strike)(PP(P up))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V strike)(S'(COMP while)(S(NP(DET the)(N iron))(VP(V is)(AP(A hot)))))) (VP(V strikeetc)(NP(DET a)(AP(A bad))(N patch))) (VP(V strikeetc)(NP(DET a)(AP(A falseetc))(N note))) (VP(V string)(AP(A together))) (VP(V string)(NP)(PP(P along))) (VP(V string)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V string)(PP(P along))) (VP(V string)(PP(P along))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V string)(PP(P out))) (VP(V strip)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V strip)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V strip)(NP)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V strip)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V strip)(PP(P down)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V strive)(PP(P after)(NP(DET an)(N effect)))) (VP(V strive)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V strive)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V struggle)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V struggle)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V struggle)(PP(P with)(NP))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V strung)(PP(P up))) (VP(V strut)(PP(P about))) (VP(V strut)(PP(P around))) (VP(V strut)(PP(P round))) (VP(V stub)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N toe))(PP(P against/on)(NP))) (VP(V stub)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V stuck)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V stuck)(PP(P up))) (VP(V stuck)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V study)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V stuff)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N head))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V stuff)(NP)(PP(P down)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N throat)))) (VP(V stuff)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V stuff)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V stuff)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V stumble)(PP(P across)(NP))) (VP(V stumble)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V stumble)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V stumble)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V stump)(AP(A away))) (VP(V stump)(PP(P across)(NP))) (VP(V stump)(PP(P along))) (VP(V stump)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V subject)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V subject)(PP(P to)(NP(N sth)))) (VP(V submit)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V submit)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V subscribe)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V subsist)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V substitute)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V subsume)(NP)(PP(P under)(NP))) (VP(V subtract)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V succeed)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V succeed)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V succumb)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V suck)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V suck)(NP)(PP(P under))) (VP(V suck)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V suck)(PP(P up))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V sue)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V suffer)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V suit)(NP(DET the)(N action))(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N word)))) (VP(V suit)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N actions))(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N words)))) (VP(V suit)(NP)(PP(P down)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N ground))))) (VP(V suit)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V suit)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N ground)))) (VP(V suit/fit)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(N book))) (VP(V sum)(PP(P up))) (VP(V summon)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V summon)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V superimpose)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V superimpose)(NP)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V supply)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V supply)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V surge)(PP(P up))) (VP(V surrender)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V suspect)(NP)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V suspend)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V swab)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V swab)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V swallow)(NP(DET the)(N dictionary))) (VP(V swallow)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V swallow/pocket)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N pride))) (VP(V swamp)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V swap)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V swap)(NP)(PP(P over))) (VP(V swap)(NP)(PP(P round))) (VP(V swap)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V swarm)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V swarm)(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V swarm)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V swathe)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V swear)(AP(A blind))) (VP(V swear)(AP(A blind))(S'(COMP that)(S))) (VP(V swear)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V swear)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V swear)(PP(P by)(NP))) (VP(V swear)(PP(P in))(NP)) (VP(V swear)(PP(P off))) (VP(V swear)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V swear)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V swear)(PP(P to)(NP(N secrecy)))) (VP(V swear)(PP(P to)(NP(N silence)))) (VP(V swear)(S(NP(N black))(VP(V is)(NP(N white))))) (VP(V sweat)(NP(N blood))) (VP(V sweat)(SC(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N guts))(PP(P out)))) (VP(V sweat)(SC(NP)(PP(P out)))) (VP(V sweat)(SC(NP(PRON it))(PP(P out)))) (VP(V sweep)(NP)(AP(A aside))) (VP(V sweep)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V sweep)(NP(DET the)(N board))) (VP(V sweep)(NP(DET the)(N board))(AP(A clean))) (VP(V sweep)(NP)(PP(P off)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON their)))(N feet)))) (VP(V sweep)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V sweep)(NP)(PP(P under)(NP(DET the)(N carpet)))) (VP(V sweep)(PP(P in))) (VP(V sweep)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V sweep)(PP(P out))) (VP(V sweep)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V sweep)(PP(P up))) (VP(V swell)(PP(P up))) (VP(V swerve)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V swill)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V swindle)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V swing)(NP(DET the)(N lead))) (VP(V swing)(NP)(PP(P round))) (VP(V swing)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V swing)(PP(P round)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V swipe)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V swirl)(PP(P about))) (VP(V swish)(PP(P off))) (VP(V switch)(NP)(PP(P around))) (VP(V switch)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V switch)(NP)(PP(P on))) (VP(V switch)(NP)(PP(P round))) (VP(V switch)(NP)(PP(P through)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V switch)(PP(P over)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V swoop)(PP(P down))) (VP(V swoop)(PP(P down))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V swot)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V swot)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V tack)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V tack)(NP)(PP(P on))) (VP(V tack)(NP)(PP(P onto)(NP))) (VP(V tackle)(NP)(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V tackle)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V tackle)(NP)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V tag)(PP(P along))) (VP(V tag)(PP(P along))(PP(P after)(NP))) (VP(V tag)(PP(P along))(PP(P behind)(NP))) (VP(V tail)(PP(P off))) (VP(V tailor)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V take)(AP(A care))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP(N sth)))))) (VP(V take)(AP(A care))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(NEG not)(to))(VP(V do)(NP(N sth)))))) (VP(V take)(NP)(AP(A aback))) (VP(V take)(NP)(AP(A aboard))) (VP(V take)(NP)(AP(A abroad))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP)(AP(A aloft))) (VP(V take)(NP(AP(A another))(N course))) (VP(V take)(NP)(AP(A apart))) (VP(V take)(NP)(AP(A around))) (VP(V take)(NP)(AP(A aside))) (VP(V take)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V take)(NP)(AP(A away)(PP(P from)(NP)))) (VP(V take)(NP)(AP(A back))) (VP(V take)(NP)(AP(A back)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V take)(NP(AP(A first/second))(N place))) (VP(V take)(NP)(AP(A home))) (VP(V take)(NP)(AP(A seriously))) (VP(V take)(NP(AP(A some))(N beating))) (VP(V take)(NP(AP(A some))(N doing))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET a)(AP(A back))(N seat))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET a)(AP(A firm))(N grip))(PP(P on)(NP(PRON oneself)))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET a)(AP(A firm))(N grip))(PP(P upon)(NP(PRON oneself)))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET a)(AP(A firm))(N hold))(PP(P on)(NP(PRON oneself)))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET a)(AP(A firm))(N hold))(PP(P upon)(NP(PRON oneself)))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET a)(AP(A firm))(N stand))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET a)(AP(A firm))(N stand))(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET a)(AP(A firmetc))(N line))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET a)(AP)(N view))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET a)(N beatingetc))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET a)(N bow/curtain))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET a)(N chance))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET a)(N decision))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET a)(N fancy))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET a)(N grip))(PP(P on)(NP(PRON oneself)))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET a)(N hand))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET a)(N hint))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET a)(N hold))(PP(P on)(NP(PRON oneself)))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET a)(N joke))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET a)(N knock))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET a)(N leaf))(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N book))))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET a)(N leaf))(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP someone)'s)(N book))))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET a)(N load/weight))(PP(P off)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N mind)))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET a)(N look))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET a)(N lot)(PP(P of)(NP(N stick))))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET a)(N lot))(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET a)(N powder))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET a)(N rise))(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET a)(N shine))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET a)(N stand))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET a)(N stand))(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET a)(N step))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET a)(N toll))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET a)(N tumble))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET an)(N interest))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET the)(AP(A long))(N view))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET the)(AP)(N way))(PP(P out))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET the)(AP)(N way))(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET the)(N air))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET the)(N biscuit/cake))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET the)(N bit))(PP(P between)(NP(DET the)(N teeth)))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET the)(N bull))(PP(P by)(NP(DET the)(N horns)))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET the)(N chair))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET the)(N consequences))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET the)(N consequences)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth))))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET the)(N count))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET the)(N edge))(PP(P off)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET the)(N floor))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET the)(N gilt))(PP(P off)(NP(DET the)(N gingerbread)))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET the)(N hat))(PP(P round))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET the)(N initiative))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET the)(N law))(PP(P into)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(N hands)))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET the)(N mickey))(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET the)(N opportunity))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET the)(N piss))(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET the)(N plunge))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET the)(N rap))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET the)(N reins))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET the)(N rise))(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET the)(N rough))(PP(P with)(NP(DET the)(N smooth)))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET the)(N smile))(PP(P off)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(N face)))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET the)(N sting))(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET the)(N strain))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET the)(N trouble))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP)))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET the)(N view)(S'(COMP that)(S)))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET the)(N weight))(PP(P off)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N feet)))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET the)(N wind))(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N sails))))) (VP(V take)(NP(DET this)(N opportunity)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V take)(NP(N(N pot)(N luck)))) (VP(V take)(NP(N account)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V take)(NP(N action))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(N advantage)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V take)(NP(N care))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(N chances)/(DET a)(N chance))) (VP(V take)(NP(N chances)/(DET a)(N chance)(PP(P on)(NP(N sth))))) (VP(V take)(NP(N charge))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(N control))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(N credit))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(N effect))) (VP(V take)(NP(N exception))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(N fright/alarm))) (VP(V take)(NP(N heart))) (VP(V take)(NP(N heart))(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(N heed))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(N leave))(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N senses)))) (VP(V take)(NP(N leave))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V doubtetc)(NP(PRON itetc)))))) (VP(V take)(NP(N liberties))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(N life))) (VP(V take)(NP(N matters))(PP(P into)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(N hands)))) (VP(V take)(NP(N note))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(N notice))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(N occasion))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP)))) (VP(V take)(NP(N offence))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(N pains))) (VP(V take)(NP(N pains))(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(N part))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(N pity))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(N place))) (VP(V take)(NP(N pride))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(N refuge))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(N revenge))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(N revenge))(PP(P on)(NP))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(N risks))) (VP(V take)(NP(N sb))(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(PRON himself))))) (VP(V take)(NP(N sb/sth))(AP(A seriously/lightly))) (VP(V take)(NP(N sb/sth))(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(PRON he/it))(VP(V is/comes))))) (VP(V take)(NP(N sb/sth))(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(PRON one))(VP(V finds)(NP(PRON him/it)))))) (VP(V take)(NP(N sb/sth))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V be)(NP(N sth)))))) (VP(V take)(NP(N shape))) (VP(V take)(NP(N sides))) (VP(V take)(NP(N silk))) (VP(V take)(NP(N steps))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP)))) (VP(V take)(NP(N steps))) (VP(V take)(NP(N steps))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP(N sth)))))) (VP(V take)(NP(N sth))(AP(A hard/lightly))) (VP(V take)(NP(N sth))(PP(P as/for)(NP(N gospel)))) (VP(V take)(NP(N sth/it))(AP(A amiss))) (VP(V take)(NP(N stock))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(N thought))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP)))) (VP(V take)(NP(N time))) (VP(V take)(NP(N time))(S(VP(V doing)(NP(N sth))))) (VP(V take)(NP(N trouble))(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(N turns))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(N umbrage))) (VP(V take)(NP(N umbrage))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(N wing))) (VP(V take)(NP(N years))(PP(P off))) (VP(V take)(NP(POSS(NP(DET the)(N king/queen))'s)(N shilling))) (VP(V take)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N breath))(AP(A away))) (VP(V take)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N measure))) (VP(V take)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N mind/thoughts))(PP(P off)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N point))) (VP(V take)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N side))) (VP(V take)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N word))(PP(P for)(NP(PRON it/that)))) (VP(V take)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON its)))(N toll))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON my)))(N tip))) (VP(V take)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N ease))) (VP(V take)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N eyes))(PP(P off)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N hat))(PP(P off))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N leave))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N life))(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N hands)))) (VP(V take)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N medicine))) (VP(V take)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N pick))(PP(P from/of)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N time))) (VP(V take)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N time))(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P across))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P across)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P at)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N word)))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P at)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his/its)))(N(N face)(N value))))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P before)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P below))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P by)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P down))(NP(DET a)(N peg))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P down))(NP(NP(DET a)(N peg))(CONJ or)(NP(N two)))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P for)(AP(A granted)))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP(DET a)(N ride)))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(N hand)))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N stride)))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP(N account)))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP(N consideration)))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N confidence)))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P off)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N hands)))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P on))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP(N trust)))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P on))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P out))(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P out))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N hands))))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P out))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P out))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P over))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P over))(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P over)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P round))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P round))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N bed)))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N bits)))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N court)))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N heart)))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N pieces)))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N task)))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N bed)))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N bosom)))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N heart)))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(QP(Q one))(N side)))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P under)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N wing)))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P up))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP)(PP(P up))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(PRON it))) (VP(V take)(NP(PRON it))(AP(A amiss))) (VP(V take)(NP(PRON it))(AP(A easy))) (VP(V take)(NP(PRON it))(AP(A hard))) (VP(V take)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P from)(NP(DET the)(N top)))) (VP(V take)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P from)(NP(PRON me)))) (VP(V take)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P from)(NP(PRON us)))) (VP(V take)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P in)(NP(N turns)))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP)))) (VP(V take)(NP(N turns))) (VP(V take)(NP(N turns))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP(N sth)))))) (VP(V take)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P in)(NP(N turns)))) (VP(V take)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P in)(NP(N turns)))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP(N sth)))))) (VP(V take)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P into)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N head)))(S'(COMP that)(S))) (VP(V take)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P into)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N head)))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP)))) (VP(V take)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P out))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V take)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V take)(NP(PRON it))(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(PRON it))(VP(V comes))))) (VP(V take)(NP(PRON it))) (VP(V take)(NP(PRON it))(S'(COMP that)(S))) (VP(V take)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P off))) (VP(V take)(NP(QP(Q one))(N look))) (VP(V take)(NP(QP(Q one))(N look))(PP(P at)(NP(N sb/sth)))) (VP(V take)(NP)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V find)(NP))))) (VP(V take)(NP)(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V be)(AP/NP))))) (VP(V take)(PP(AP(A right))(P on)(NP(DET the)(N chin)))) (VP(V take)(PP(P after)(NP))) (VP(V take)(PP(P off)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V take)(PP(P on))(AP(A so))) (VP(V take)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N heels)))) (VP(V take)(PP(P up))(NP(DET a)(N position))) (VP(V take)(PP(P up))(NP(DET the)(N challenge))) (VP(V take)(PP(P up))(NP(DET the)(N slack))) (VP(V take)(PP(P up))(NP(N arms))) (VP(V take)(PP(P up))(NP(N arms))(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V take)(PP(P up))(NP(N residence))) (VP(V take)(PP(P up))(PP(P with)(NP))) (NP(DET a)(N turn)(PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N better/worse)))) (VP(V take/be)(NP(DET a)(N turn)(PP(P for)(NP(DET the)(N better/worse))))) (VP(V take/get)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON sb))'s)(N drift/meaning))) (VP(V take/grab)(NP(DET a)(N pew))) (VP(V take/have)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N pick))) (VP(V take/strike)(NP(N root))) (VP(V talk)(AP(A back))) (VP(V talk)(AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(N(A dutch)(N uncle))))) (VP(V talk)(AP(A poshetc))) (VP(V talk)(NP(DET a)(N load)(PP(P of)(NP(N bull/shit/codswallop))))) (VP(V talk)(NP(N businessetc))) (VP(V talk)(NP(N sense))) (VP(V talk)(NP(N shop))) (VP(V talk)(NP(N turkey))) (VP(V talk)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V talk)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V talk)(NP)(PP(P over))) (VP(V talk)(NP)(PP(P over))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V talk)(NP)(PP(P through))) (VP(V talk)(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V talk)(PP(P above/over)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N head)))) (VP(V talk)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V talk)(PP(P down)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V talk)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V talk)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V talk)(PP(P round)(NP))) (VP(V talk)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V talk)(SC(NP(DET the)(AP(A hind))(N leg))(PP(P off)(NP(DET a)(N donkey))))) (VP(V talk)(SC(NP(DET the)(AP(A hind))(N legs))(PP(P off)(NP(DET a)(N donkey))))) (VP(V talk)(SC(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N head))(PP(P off)))) (VP(V talk)(S'(COMP till/until)(S(NP(PRON one))(VP(V is)(AP(A black/blue)(PP(P in)(NP(DET the)(N face)))))))) (VP(V tally)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V tamp)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V tamper)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V tangle)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V tank)(PP(P up))) (VP(V tap)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V tap)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V tap)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V tap)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V taper)(PP(P off))) (VP(V tart)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V taste)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V taunt)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V tax)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V teach)(NP(N sb))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V do)(NP(N sth)))))) (VP(V teach)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N grandmother))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V suck)(NP(N eggs)))))) (VP(V team)(PP(P up))) (VP(V team)(PP(P up))(AP(P together))) (VP(V team)(PP(P up))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V tear)(AP(A away))) (VP(V tear)(AP(A away)(PP(P from)(NP)))) (VP(V tear)(NP)(AP(A apart))) (VP(V tear)(NP(DET a)(N strip))(PP(P off)(NP(N sb)))) (VP(V tear)(NP(N sb))(PP(P off))(NP(DET a)(N strip))) (VP(V tear)(NP(N strips))(PP(P off)(NP(N sb)))) (VP(V tear)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N hair))) (VP(V tear)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V tear)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(N half)))) (VP(V tear)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(N two)))) (VP(V tear)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V tear)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N pieces)))) (VP(V tear)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N shreds)))) (VP(V tear)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V tear)(PP(P across)(NP))) (VP(V tear)(PP(P along)(NP))) (VP(V tear)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V tear)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V tear)(PP(P off))) (VP(V tear)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V tee)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V tee)(PP(P off))) (VP(V teem)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V teem)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V telescope)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V tell)(NP)(AP(A apart))) (VP(V tell)(NP(DET a)(N lie))) (VP(V tell)(NP(DET a)(N lie))(PP(P about)(NP(N sth)))) (VP(V tell)(NP(DET the)(AP(A same))(N story/tale))) (VP(V tell)(NP(DET the)(AP(A same))(N story/tale)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth))))) (VP(V tell)(NP(DET the)(N difference)(PP(P between)(NP)))) (VP(V tell)(NP(DET the)(N truth))) (VP(V tell)(NP(DET the)(N world))) (VP(V tell)(NP(DET the)(N world))(S'(COMP that etc)(S))) (VP(V tell)(NP(N all))) (VP(V tell)(NP(N sb))(AP(A different))) (VP(V tell)(NP(N sb))(NP(DET a)(N lie))) (VP(V tell)(NP(N sb))(NP(DET a)(N lie))(PP(P about)(NP(N sth)))) (VP(V tell)(NP(N sb))(NP(DET the)(N truth))) (VP(V tell)(NP(N sb))(S'(COMP where)(S(NP(PRON he))(VP(V gets)(PP(P off)))))) (VP(V tell)(NP(N sb))(S'(COMP where)(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V get)(PP(P off)))))) (VP(V tell)(NP(N tales))) (VP(V tell)(NP)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V tell)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V tell)(NP)(PP(P off))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V tell)(NP)(S'(COMP where)(S(NP)(VP(V gets)(PP(P off)))))) (VP(V tell)(NP)(S'(COMP where)(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V get)(PP(P off)))))) (VP(V tell)(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V tell)(PP(P by)(NP))) (VP(V tell)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V tell)(PP(P on/upon)(NP))) (VP(V temper)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V tempt)(NP(N fate/providence))) (VP(V tempt)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V tend)(PP(P towards)(NP))) (VP(V tender)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V tense)(PP(P up))) (VP(V terrify)(NP)(PP(P into)(S))) (VP(V test)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V testify)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V thank)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A lucky))(N stars))(S'(COMP that)(S))) (VP(V thank)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V thanks)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V thanks)(PP(P to)(NP))(S)) (VP(V thaw)(PP(P out))) (VP(V theorize)(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V thin)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V thin)(PP(P out))) (VP(V think)(AP(A ahead))) (VP(V think)(AP(A ahead))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V think)(AP(A back))) (VP(V think)(AP(A back)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V think)(AP(A better))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V think)(AP(A bigetc))) (VP(V think)(AP(A straight))) (VP(V think)(NP(N nothing))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V think)(NP(N nothing))(PP(P of)(NP(PRON it)))) (VP(V think)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V think)(NP)(PP(P over))) (VP(V think)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V think)(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V think)(PP(P of)(NP))) (S'(S(NP(DET the)(N world))(VP(V owes)(NP(PRON one))(NP(DET a)(N living))))) (VP(V think/consider)(S'(S(NP(DET the)(N world))(VP(V owes)(NP(PRON one))(NP(DET a)(N living)))))) (SC(NP(DET the)(N world))(AP(AP(A well))(A lost))) (VP(V thinketc)(SC(NP(DET the)(N world))(AP(AP(A well))(A lost)))) (VP(V thirst)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V thrash)(PP(P about))) (VP(V thrash)(PP(P out))) (VP(V thread)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N way))(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V threaten)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V thrill)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V thrive)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V throttle)(PP(P down))) (VP(V throw)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V throw)(NP)(AP(A away))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V throw)(NP)(AP(A back))) (VP(V throw)(NP)(AP(A back))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V throw)(NP)(AP(A back))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V throw)(NP(AP(A cold))(N water))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V throw)(NP)(AP(A overboard))) (VP(V throw)(NP)(AP(A together))) (VP(V throw)(NP(DET the)(N baby))(PP(P out))(PP(P with)(NP(DET the)(N)))) (VP(V throw)(NP(DET the)(N ball))(PP(P in))) (VP(V throw)(NP(DET the)(N book))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V throw)(NP(DET the)(N book)(PP(P of)(NP(N rules))))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V throw)(NP(N caution/discretion))(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N winds)))) (VP(V throw)(NP(N light))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V throw)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N hand))(PP(P in))) (VP(V throw)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N money))(PP(P about))) (VP(V throw)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N weight))(PP(P about))) (VP(V throw)(NP)(PP(P around/round))) (VP(V throw)(NP)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V throw)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N face)))) (VP(V throw)(NP)(PP(P in/into)(NP))) (VP(V throw)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP(N relief)))) (VP(V throw)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V throw)(NP)(PP(P off)(NP(DET the)(N scent))/(NP(DET the)(N track)))) (VP(V throw)(NP)(PP(P off)(NP(N balance)))) (VP(V throw)(NP)(PP(P off)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON his)))(N balance)))) (VP(V throw)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V throw)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V throw)(NP)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V throw)(NP)(PP(P round))) (VP(V throw)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V throw)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V throw)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P on/upon)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N mercy)))) (VP(V throw)(PP(P down))(NP(DET the)(N gauntlet))) (VP(V throw)(PP(P in))(NP(DET the)(N towel))) (VP(V throw)(PP(P in))(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N lot))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V throw)(PP(P up))) (VP(V throw)(PP(P up))(NP(DET the)(N sponge))) (VP(V throw/give)(NP(DET a)(N party))) (VP(V throw/give)(NP(DET a)(N party))(PP(P for)(NP(N sb/sth)))) (VP(V thrust)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V thrust)(NP)(PP(P across)(NP))) (VP(V thrust)(NP)(PP(P along)(NP))) (VP(V thrust)(NP)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V thrust)(NP)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V thud)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V thumb)(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V thump)(NP(DET a/the)(N tub/bible))) (VP(V thump)(PP(P out))) (VP(V thump)(PP(P out))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V thunder)(AP(A away))) (VP(V thunder)(PP(P across)(NP))) (VP(V thunder)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V thunder)(PP(P along)(NP))) (VP(V tick)(AP(A away))) (VP(V tick)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V tick)(PP(P by))) (VP(V tick)(PP(P over))) (VP(V tickle)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N ribs))) (VP(V tickle)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(N death)))) (VP(V tickled)(AP(A pink))) (VP(V tide)(NP)(PP(P over))) (VP(V tidy)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V tidy)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V tidy)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V tie)(NP)(AP(A back))) (VP(V tie)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N hands))) (VP(V tie)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V tie)(NP)(PP(P down)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V tie)(NP)(PP(P in)(PP(P with)(NP)))) (VP(V tie)(NP)(PP(P on))) (VP(V tie)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V tie)(NP)(PP(P up)(PP(P in)(NP)))) (VP(V tied)(PP(P up)(PP(P with)(NP)))) (VP(V tighten)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V tightenetc)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N belt))) (VP(V tilt)(PP(P at)(NP(N windmills)))) (VP(V tinker)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V tip)(NP(N sb))(NP(DET a)(N wink))) (VP(V tip)(NP(N sb))(NP(DET the)(N wink))) (VP(V tip)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V tip)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V tip)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V tip)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V tip)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V tip/turn)(NP(DET the)(N balance/scale))) (VP(V tip/turn)(NP(DET the)(N balance/scales))) (VP(V tire)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V tire)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V tired)(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V toddle)(PP(P along))) (VP(V toe)(NP(DET the)(N line))) (VP(V tog)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P up))) (VP(V toil)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V tone)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V tone)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V tool)(PP(P up))(NP)) (VP(V top)(NP(DET that)(N end))) (VP(V top)(NP(DET the)(N bill))) (VP(V top)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V top)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V torn)(PP(P between)(NP))) (VP(V toss)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V toss)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V toss)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V tot)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V touch)(NP(DET the)(N ball))(PP(P down))) (VP(V touch)(NP(N wood))) (VP(V touch)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V touch)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V touch)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP(DET the)(N raw)))) (VP(V touch)(NP)(PP(P on/upon)(NP))) (VP(V touch)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V touch)(PP(P down))) (VP(V touch)(PP(P off))) (VP(V touch etc)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N forelock))) (VP(V toughen)(PP(P up))) (VP(V tout)(NP)(PP(P about/around))) (VP(V tower)(PP(P above/over)(NP))) (VP(V toy)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V trace)(NP)(AP(A back))) (VP(V trace)(NP)(AP(A back)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V track)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V trade)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V trade)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V trade)(PP(P on/upon)(NP))) (VP(V traffic)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V trail)(AP(A away))) (VP(V trail)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N coat))) (VP(V trail)(PP(P across)(NP))) (VP(V trail)(PP(P along)(NP))) (VP(V trail)(PP(P off))) (VP(V train)(NP)(PP(P on/upon)(NP))) (VP(V train)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V train)(NP)(PP(P up))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP)))) (VP(V train)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V traipse)(AP(A away))) (VP(V traipse)(PP(P across)(NP))) (VP(V traipse)(PP(P along)(NP))) (VP(V tramp)(AP(A away))) (VP(V tramp)(PP(P across)(NP))) (VP(V tramp)(PP(P along)(NP))) (VP(V trample)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V trample)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V transfer)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V transform)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V translate)(PP(P from)(NP))(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V transliterate)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V transmit)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V trap)(NP)(PP(P into)(S))) (VP(V travel)(AP(A light))) (VP(V travel)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V travel)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V tread)(NP(DET the)(N boards))) (VP(V tread)(NP(N water))) (VP(V tread)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V tread)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V tread)(PP(P on)(NP(N air)))) (VP(V tread)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N corns/toes)))) (VP(V treat)(NP(N sb))(AP(A like)(NP(N dirt)))) (VP(V treat)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V treat)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V treat)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V trespass)(PP(P on/upon)(NP))) (VP(V trick)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V trick)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V trickle)(PP(P in))) (VP(V trickle)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V trickle)(PP(P out))) (VP(V trickle)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V trifle)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V trigger)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V trim)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V trim)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V trip)(AP(A away))) (VP(V trip)(PP(P across)(NP))) (VP(V trip)(PP(P along)(NP))) (VP(V trip)(PP(P over))) (VP(V trip)(PP(P up))) (VP(V trip etc)(NP(DET the)(N(A light)(A fantastic)))) (VP(V triumph)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V troop)(AP(A away))) (VP(V troop)(PP(P across)(NP))) (VP(V troop)(PP(P along))) (VP(V trot)(AP(A away))) (VP(V trot)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V trot)(PP(P across)(NP))) (VP(V trot)(PP(P along))) (VP(V trouble)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V trudge)(AP(A away))) (VP(V trudge)(PP(P across)(NP))) (VP(V trudge)(PP(P along))) (VP(V trump)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V truss)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V trust)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP(N that)))) (VP(V trust)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V trust)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V trust)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V try)(NP(N anything))(AP(A once))) (VP(V try)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N patience))) (VP(V try)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N luck))) (VP(V try)(NP)(PP(P on))) (VP(V try)(NP)(PP(P on))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V try)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V try)(NP)(PP(P out))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V try)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V try)(S'(COMP as)(S(NP(PRON one))(AUX(V may))))) (VP(V tuck)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V tuck)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V tuck)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V tuck)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V tuck)(NP)(PP(P up))(PP(P in)(NP(N bed)))) (VP(V tuck)(PP(P in))) (VP(V tug)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V tug)(NP)(PP(P across)(NP))) (VP(V tug)(NP)(PP(P along))) (VP(V tumble)(AP(A back))) (VP(V tumble)(PP(P across)(NP))) (VP(V tumble)(PP(P along))) (VP(V tumble)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V tune)(PP(P in))) (VP(V tune)(PP(P in))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V tune)(PP(P up))) (VP(V turf)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V turf)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V turn)(AP(A away))) (VP(V turn)(AP(A away)(PP(P from)(NP)))) (VP(V turn)(AP(A back))) (VP(V turn)(NP(DET a)(AP(A blind))(N eye))(PP(P on/to)(NP))) (VP(V turn)(NP(DET a)(AP(A deaf))(N ear))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V turn)(NP(DET the)(AP(A other))(N cheek))) (VP(V turn)(NP(DET the)(N corner))) (VP(V turn)(NP(DET the)(N key))(PP(P on))) (VP(V turn)(NP(DET the)(N tables))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V turn)(NP(N turtle))) (VP(V turn)(NP(POSS(NP(N king/queen))'s)(N evidence))) (VP(V turn)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N back))) (VP(V turn)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N back))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V turn)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N hand))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V turn)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N nose))(PP(P up))) (VP(V turn)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N nose))(PP(P up))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V turn)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N stomach))) (VP(V turn)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON sb))'s)(N head))) (VP(V turn)(NP)(PP(P about))) (VP(V turn)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V turn)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V turn)(NP)(PP(P on))) (VP(V turn)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V turn)(NP)(PP(P over))(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N mind)))) (VP(V turn)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N advantage)))) (VP(V turn)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A own))(N advantage)))) (VP(V turn)(NP)(P(P over)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V turn)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P in))) (VP(V turn)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P up))) (VP(V turn)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V turn)(PP(P around/round))) (VP(V turn)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V turn)(PP(P in))) (VP(V turn)(PP(P in)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N grave)))) (VP(V turn)(PP(P in)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V turn)(PP(P in)(PP(P upon)(NP(PRON oneself))))) (VP(V turn)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V turn)(PP(P out))) (VP(V turn)(PP(P out))(NP(DET the)(N guard))) (VP(V turn)(PP(P out))(S'(COMP that)(S))) (VP(V turn)(PP(P out))(S'(S(PRO)(AUX(to))(VP(V be)(NP(N sb/sth)))))) (VP(V turn)(PP(P over))) (VP(V turn)(PP(P over))(NP(DET a)(AP(A new))(N leaf))) (VP(V turn)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V turn)(PP(P up))) (VP(V turn)(PP(P up))(NP(N trumps))) (VP(V turn)(SC(NP(N inside))(PP(P out)))) (VP(V tussle)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V twiddle)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N thumbs))) (VP(V twiddle)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V twine)(NP)(PP(P around/round)(NP))) (VP(V twist)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N arm))) (VP(V twist)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N tail))) (VP(V twist)(NP)(PP(P around/round)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A little))(N finger)))) (VP(V twist)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V twist)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V twist)(PP(P around/round))) (VP(V type)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V type)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V type)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V type)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V unbosom)(NP(PRON oneself))) (VP(V unbosom)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V unburden)(NP(PRON oneself))) (VP(V unburden)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V unfold)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V unite)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V unite)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V unleash)(NP)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V unleash)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V unleash)(NP)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V unload)(NP)(PP(P onto)(NP))) (VP(V up)(NP(N stakes/sticks))) (VP(V upset)(NP(DET the)/(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N applecart))) (VP(V use)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N head/loaf))) (VP(V use)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V used)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V usher)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V usher)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V usher)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V usher)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V vacillate)(PP(P between)(NP))) (VP(V value)(NP)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V vamp)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V vanish)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V varnish)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V vary)(PP(P between)(NP))) (VP(V vary)(PP(P from)(NP))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V vent)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V venture)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V venture)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V verge)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V verge)(PP(P upon)(NP))) (VP(V vest)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V vest)(NP)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V vie)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V vie)(PP(P with)(NP(QP(Q each))(N other)))) (VP(V vie)(PP(P with)(NP(QP(Q one))(N another)))) (VP(V visit)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V volunteer)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V vote)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V vote)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V vote)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V vote)(NP)(PP(P onto)(NP))) (VP(V vote)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V vote)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V vote)(NP)(PP(P through))) (VP(V vote)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V vote)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V vote)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V vouch)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V wade)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V wade)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V wade)(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V wage)(NP(N war))(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V wage)(NP(N war))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V wager)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V wait)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N turn))) (VP(V wait)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V wait)(PP(P about))) (VP(V wait)(PP(P around))) (VP(V wait)(PP(P at)(NP(N table)))) (VP(V wait)(PP(P at)(NP(N tables)))) (VP(V wait)(PP(P behind))) (VP(V wait)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V wait)(PP(P for)(NP(PRON it)))) (VP(V wait)(PP(P on)(NP(N sb)))(NP(NP(N hand))(CONJ and)(NP(N foot)))) (VP(V wait)(PP(P on)(NP(N tables)))) (VP(V wait)(PP(P up))) (VP(V wait)(PP(P up))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V wait)(PP(P upon)(NP(N sb)))(NP(NP(N hand))(CONJ and)(NP(N foot)))) (VP(V wait)(S'(COMP till/until)(S(NP(DET the)(N cows))(VP(V come)(AP(A home)))))) (VP(V wake)(PP(P up))) (VP(V wake)(PP(P up))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V walk)(AP(A abroad))) (VP(V walk)(NP(DET a)(N tightrope))) (VP(V walk)(NP(DET the)(N plank))) (VP(V walk)(NP)(PP(P off)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON their)))(N feet)))) (VP(V walk)(PP(AP(A all))(P over)(NP))) (VP(V walk)(PP(P away))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V walk)(PP(P before)(S(NP(PRON one))(AUX(MOD can))(VP(V run))))) (VP(V walk)(PP(P in))) (VP(V walk)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V walk)(PP(P off))) (VP(V walk)(PP(P off))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V walk)(PP(P on))) (VP(V walk)(PP(P out))) (VP(V walk)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V walk)(PP(P out))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V walk)(PP(P out))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V walk)(PP(P over)(NP(DET the)(N course)))) (VP(V walk)(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V walk)(PP(P up)(NP))) (VP(V wall)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V wall)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V wallow)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V waltz)(PP(P off))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V wander)(PP(P about))) (VP(V wander)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V wander)(PP(P off))) (VP(V want)(PP(P out))) (VP(V want)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V war)(PP(P to)(NP(DET the)(N knife)))) (VP(V ward)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V warm)(NP(DET the)(N cockles))) (VP(V warm)(NP(DET the)(N cockles)(PP(P of)(NP(POSS(NP(N))'s)(N heart))))) (VP(V warm)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V warm)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V warm)(PP(P towards)(NP))) (VP(V warn)(NP)(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V warn)(NP)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V warn)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V wash)(AP(A away))(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N sin))) (VP(V wash)(AP(A away))(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N sins))) (VP(V wash)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V wash)(NP)(AP(A overboard))) (VP(V wash)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N hands))(PP(P of)(NP))) (VP(V wash)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V wash)(NP)(PP(P down))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V wash)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V wash)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V wash)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V wash)(PP(P up))) (VP(V waste)(AP(A away))) (VP(V waste)(NP(N time))) (VP(V waste)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one/sb))'s)(N time))) (VP(V watch)(NP(DET the)(N clock))) (VP(V watch)(NP(DET this)(N space))) (VP(V watch)(AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(N hawk)))) (VP(V watch)(NP(N sb/sth))(AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(N hawk)))) (VP(V watch)(NP(PRON it))) (VP(V watch)(NP(QP(Q every))(N penny))) (VP(V watch)(PP(P out))) (VP(V watch)(PP(P out))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V watch)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V watch)(SC(NP(DET the)(N rest)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N world))))(VP(V go)(PP(P by))))) (VP(V watch)(SC(NP(DET the)(N world))(VP(V go)(PP(P by))))) (VP(V watch/mind)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N language/tongue))) (VP(V watch/mind)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N step))) (VP(V water)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V wave)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V wave)(NP(DET the)(N flag))) (VP(V wave)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V waver)(PP(P between)(NP))) (VP(V wean)(NP)(AP(A away)(PP(P from)(NP)))) (VP(V wear)(AP(A thin))) (VP(V wear)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V wear)(NP(DET a)(AP(A legal))(N hat))) (VP(V wear)(NP(DET the)(N trousers/breeches))) (VP(V wear)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A legal))(N hat))) (VP(V wear)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N learning))(AP(A lightly))) (VP(V wear)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V wear)(PP(P off))) (VP(V wear)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V wear)(PP(P out))) (VP(V weather/ride)(NP(DET the)(N storm))) (VP(V weave)(NP(DET a)(N spell))) (VP(V weave)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N spell))) (VP(V weave)(NP)(PP(P up)(PP(P from)(NP)))) (VP(V weave)(NP)(PP(P up)(PP(P into)(NP)))) (VP(V weave)(PP(PP(P in))(CONJ and)(PP(P out)))) (VP(V weave)(PP(P(P in)(CONJ and)(P out))(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V wed)(NP)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V weed)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V weep)(PP(P for)(NP(N joy)))) (VP(V weep)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V weigh)(NP(DET a)(N ton))) (VP(V weigh)(NP(DET the)(N consequences))) (VP(V weigh)(NP(DET the)(N consequences)(PP(P of)(NP(N sth))))) (VP(V weigh)(NP(DET the)(N evidence))) (VP(V weigh)(NP(N anchor))) (VP(V weigh)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N words))) (VP(V weigh)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V weigh)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V weigh)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V weigh)(PP(P in))) (VP(V weigh)(PP(P in))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V weigh)(PP(P in))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V weigh)(PP(P on)(NP(N sb)))) (VP(V weigh)(PP(P on)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N mind)))) (VP(V weigh)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V weight)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V welcome)(NP)(AP(A back))) (VP(V welcome)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V welcome)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V weld)(NP)(AP(A together))) (VP(V well)(PP(P up))) (VP(V welsh)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V wet)(NP(POSS(NP(DET the)(N baby))'s)(N head))) (VP(V wet)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N whistle))) (VP(V wheel)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V wheel)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V while)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V whip)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V whip)(NP)(AP(A back))) (VP(V whip)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V whip)(NP)(PP(P on))) (VP(V whip)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V whip)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V whip)(NP)(PP(P round))) (VP(V whip)(PP(P up)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V whisk)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V whisk)(NP)(AP(A away)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V whisk)(NP)(PP(P off)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V whisk)(NP)(PP(P up)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V whisper)(NP)(PP(P about))) (VP(V whisper)(NP)(PP(P around))) (VP(V whistle)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V whittle)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V whittle)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V whiz)(PP(P past))) (VP(V whizz)(PP(P past))) (VP(V whoop)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P up))) (VP(V win)(NP)(AP(A back))) (VP(V win)(NP(DET the)(N(N hand)(CONJ and)(N heart))(PP(P of)(NP sb)))) (VP(V win)(NP(DET the)(N hand)(PP(P of)(NP sb)))) (VP(V win)(NP(DET the)(N heart)(PP(P of)(NP sb)))) (VP(V win)(NP(N hands)(AP(A down)))) (VP(V win)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V win)(NP)(PP(P off)(NP))) (VP(V win)(NP)(PP(P over))) (VP(V win)(NP)(PP(P over)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V win)(PP(P out))) (VP(V win)(PP(P through))) (VP(V win/lose)(PP(P by)(NP(DET a)(N neck)))) (VP(V win/lose)(PP(P by)(NP(DET a)(AP(A short))(N neck)))) (VP(V wind)(NP)(AP(A back))) (VP(V wind)(NP)(PP(P around)(NP))) (VP(V wind)(NP)(PP(P around/round)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(AP(A little))(N finger)))) (VP(V wind)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V wind)(NP)(PP(P on))) (VP(V wind)(NP)(PP(P round)(NP))) (VP(V wind)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V wind)(NP(PRON itself))(PP(P around))) (VP(V wind)(NP(PRON itself))(PP(P round))) (VP(V wind)(PP(P down))) (VP(V wind)(PP(P up))(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N affairs))) (VP(V wind)(PP(P up))(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V wink)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V winkle)(PP(P out))) (VP(V winkle)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V wipe)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V wipe)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V wipe)(NP)(PP(P off)(NP))) (VP(V wipe)(NP)(PP(P off)(NP(DET the)(N face)(PP(P of)(NP(DET the)(N earth)))))) (VP(V wipe)(NP)(PP(P off)(NP(DET the)(N map)))) (VP(V wipe)(NP)(PP(P off)(NP(POSS(NP(N))'s)(N face)))) (VP(V wipe)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V wipe)(NP)(PP(P over))) (VP(V wipe)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V wire)(NP)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V wise)(PP(P up))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V wish)(NP)(AP(A away))) (VP(V wish)(NP)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V wish)(NP)(PP(P onto)(NP))) (VP(V wish)(NP sb)(AP(A ill))) (VP(V wish)(NP sb)(AP(A well))) (VP(V wish)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V wish)(S'(COMP)(S(NP(PRON one))(VP(V had)(NP(DET a)(N pound)(PP(P for)(NP(DET every)(N)))))))) (VP(V wish)(S'(S(NP(DET the)(N ground))(AUX(MOD would))(VP(V swallow)(NP)(PP(P up)))))) (VP(V wish)(S'(COMP that)(S(NP(DET the)(N ground))(AUX(MOD would))(VP(V swallow)(NP)(PP(P up)))))) (VP(V wish)(S'(S(NP(PRON you))(VP(V were)(AP(A here)))))) (VP(V wish/hope)(PP(P to)(NP(N god)))) (VP(V wish/hope)(PP(P to)(NP(N god)))(S'(COMP that)(S))) (VP(V withdraw)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V wither)(AP(A away))) (VP(V withhold)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V wobble)(PP(P about))) (VP(V wolf)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V wonder)(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V wonder)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V work)(AP(A away))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V work)(AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(N charm)))) (VP(V work)(AP(A like)(NP(DET a)(N trojanetc)))) (VP(V work)(AP(A like)(NP(N trojanetc)))) (VP(V work)(NP(DET a)(N miracle/wonders))) (VP(V work)(NP(DET the)(N oracle))) (VP(V work)(NP(N things))(PP(P out))) (VP(V work)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N way))(AP(A back)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V work)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N way))(AP(A back)(PP(P to)(S')))) (VP(V work)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N way))(PP(P across)(NP))) (VP(V work)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N way))(PP(P along)(NP))) (VP(V work)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N way))(PP(P through)(NP))) (VP(V work)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N way))(PP(P up))) (VP(V work)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N way))(PP(P up))(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V work)(NP)(PP(P in))) (VP(V work)(NP)(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V work)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V work)(NP)(PP(P off))(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V work)(NP)(PP(P off))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V work)(NP)(PP(P onto)(NP))) (VP(V work)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V work)(NP)(PP(P over))) (VP(V work)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V work)(NP)(PP(P up))(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V work)(NP)(PP(P up)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V work)(NP(PRON it)/(N things))(S'(COMP thatetc)(S))) (VP(V work)(NP(PRON it)/(N things))(S'(COMP sothatetc)(S))) (VP(V work)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V work)(PP(P among)(NP))) (VP(V work)(PP(P around))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V work)(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V work)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V work)(PP(P out))(PP(P at)(NP))) (VP(V work)(PP(P round)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V work)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V work)(PP(P to)(NP(N rule)))) (VP(V work)(PP(P towards)(NP))) (VP(V work)(PP(P under)(NP))) (VP(V work)(PP(P without)(NP(N end)))) (VP(V worketc)(NP(DET a)(N treat))) (VP(V worketc)(S'(COMP till/until)(S(NP(PRON one))(VP(V drops))))) (VP(V worm)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N way))(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V worm)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V worm)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P into)(NP))) (VP(V worry)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V worry)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V worry)(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V worry)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V worship)(NP(DET the)(N ground)(S'(S(NP sb)(VP(V walks/treads)(PP(P on))))))) (VP(V wrangle)(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V wrangle)(PP(P over)(NP))) (VP(V wrap)(NP)(PP(P around)(NP))) (VP(V wrap)(NP)(PP(P in)(NP(N(N cotton)(N wool))))) (VP(V wrap)(NP)(PP(P round)(NP))) (VP(V wrap)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V wrap)(NP)(PP(P up))(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V wrap)(NP)(PP(P up))(PP(P in)(NP(N(N cotton)(N wool))))) (VP(V wrap)(NP(PRON it))(PP(P up))) (VP(V wrapped)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V wreak)(NP(N havoc))) (VP(V wreathe)(NP)(PP(P around)(NP))) (VP(V wreathe)(NP)(PP(P round)(NP))) (VP(V wreathe)(NP(PRON itself))(PP(P around)(NP))) (VP(V wreathe)(NP(PRON itself))(PP(P round)(NP))) (VP(V wreathed)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V wrench)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V wrest)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V wrestle)(PP(P with)(NP))) (VP(V wriggle)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V wring)(NP(POSS(NP(N sb))'s)(N neck))) (VP(V wring)(NP(POSS(NP(PRON one))'s)(N hands))) (VP(V wring)(NP)(PP(P from)(NP))) (VP(V wring)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V wring)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V writ)(AP(A large/small))) (VP(V write)(AP(A away))) (VP(V write)(AP(A away))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V write)(AP(A back))) (VP(V write)(AP(A back))(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V write)(NP)(PP(P down))) (VP(V write)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V write)(NP)(PP(P off))(PP(P as)(NP))) (VP(V write)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V write)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V write)(NP(PRON oneself))(PP(P out))) (VP(V write)(PP(P about)(NP))) (VP(V write)(PP(P against)(NP))) (VP(V write)(PP(P in))) (VP(V write)(PP(P in)(NP))) (VP(V write)(PP(P in)(PP(P to)(NP)))) (VP(V write)(PP(P off))(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V write)(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V write)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V wrought)(PP(P up))) (VP(V yank)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V yank)(NP)(PP(P out))) (VP(V yank)(NP)(PP(P out)(PP(P of)(NP)))) (VP(V yearn)(PP(P for)(NP))) (VP(V yell)(PP(P out))) (VP(V yield)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V yield)(PP(P to)(NP))) (VP(V zero)(PP(P in))) (VP(V zero)(PP(P in))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V zip)(NP)(PP(P up))) (VP(V zip)(PP(P along))) (VP(V zone)(NP)(PP(P off))) (VP(V zoom)(AP(A away))) (VP(V zoom)(PP(P across)(NP))) (VP(V zoom)(PP(P along))) (VP(V zoom)(PP(P in))) (VP(V zoom)(PP(P in))(PP(P on)(NP))) (VP(V zoom)(PP(P out)))