# fe_03_03116.sph # Transcribed by BBN/WordWave 0.31 1.49 A: hello 1.38 2.44 B: hello 2.14 3.67 A: hi this is deena 3.60 4.79 B: (( hi i'm donna )) 4.55 7.55 A: hi [laughter] so do you have pets 7.74 8.97 B: (( ah no )) 8.69 9.62 A: oh 9.83 13.54 A: i ha- yeah i do i have three dogs [laughter] 10.04 10.90 B: (( do you )) 13.08 14.13 B: oh okay 13.75 24.27 A: and i have a bunch of fish i have yeah i have i have a black lab he's eighty pounds big guy and then i have two little dogs like terrier mixes 15.71 16.56 B: (( oh )) 24.46 26.32 B: oh we used to have a dog 25.16 27.60 A: [laughter] oh really what type 26.99 28.68 B: yeah it was a beagle 28.66 31.91 A: oh what it passed away 32.01 35.37 B: no we moved and couldn't have a have a dog anymore 33.46 34.16 A: ah 34.92 36.46 A: oh 35.74 38.24 B: so we gave it t- gave it to some friends of ours 37.96 41.04 A: oh so is it still alive have you ever seen it or [mn] 40.29 44.31 B: yep yeah he's sti- still alive still doing good [laughter] 43.31 47.48 A: oh that's good and so can you have a dog where you live now or no 44.90 46.15 B: yeah 47.56 49.78 B: um no not where i am now i can't have one 49.45 52.43 A: oh ca- do you have any pets there or 50.49 51.64 B: (( so it's like )) 52.27 53.95 B: no not any more 53.57 54.66 A: oh 54.55 59.05 B: used to have a dog and a cat and fish and had 'em all [laughter] 58.72 60.49 A: oh do you miss 'em or 60.53 65.68 B: not well a little bit i don't miss the the cat ah the dog hairs anymore 65.09 67.03 A: [laughter] yeah 66.14 68.49 B: all over the furniture [laughter] 67.24 81.18 A: yeah i know oh yeah 'cause beagles they're li- they're small like my my two small dogs they think you know they can go on anything and then the puppy was my lab who's eighty pounds and he he learned from the two little guys that he can go on anything too [laughter] 80.13 83.38 B: [laughter] they seem to think they can 81.24 82.27 A: yeah 82.98 90.30 A: yeah he's so he he thinks he's a little dog also he doesn't understand ah you know he's so much bigger than them but 90.16 91.11 B: uh-huh 91.10 95.27 A: yeah i 'cause we he's and he's a handful i never had a puppy before 95.01 96.19 B: oh really 95.51 107.35 A: ah yeah i had only had adult dogs so um we he it was a challenge with a puppy i had basically no idea what w- what i was in for and i would never do it again [laughter] did you have your beagle from a puppy or 104.38 106.54 B: [laughter] 106.96 108.15 B: yeah we did 107.93 112.86 A: and did you wa- was it like chewing everything when it was a puppy or 112.42 115.10 B: no he was pretty good he never really chewed anything 114.90 116.21 A: oh really 115.56 119.62 B: yeah he was pretty good you know go outside to go to the bathroom and everything 118.56 119.46 A: [noise]