file;unicode channel;int start;float end;float speaker;unicode speakerType;unicode speakerDialect;unicode transcript;unicode section;int turn;int segment;int sectionType;unicode suType;unicode CNS_CMN_20080702.1479 0 500.0 600.0 speaker unknown unknown According to the charges in the indictment, Wang Xiaojin sought or promised to seek profits for Li, Pan, Zhang, Chen, and others in raw material procurement, advertisement contracting, joint venture operations, enterprise acquisition, etc., by taking advantage of his positions while he was the head of Boxian County Gujing Liquor Factory, head of Bozhou Gujing Liquor Factory, and chairman of the Board of Director and CEO of Anhui Gujing Group Co., Ltd. He accepted bribes in the total amount of 5.08 million yuan, 676,942 US dollars, and 50,000 Hong Kong dollars from 20 people, including Li and Pan. 0 0 0