file;unicode channel;int start;float end;float speaker;unicode speakerType;unicode speakerDialect;unicode transcript;unicode section;int turn;int segment;int sectionType;unicode suType;unicode cmn-NG-31-117669-10714525 0 200.0 300.0 speaker unknown unknown [1;32m background and house rules :[m Kicking Door Group. 0 0 0 cmn-NG-31-117669-10714525 0 300.0 400.0 speaker unknown unknown 4d6 hit points or 32 buying points. 0 0 0 cmn-NG-31-117669-10714525 0 500.0 600.0 speaker unknown unknown Background to the story: The peace between the Empire of the Two Rivers and the Empire of the Setting Sun finally comes to an end. 0 0 0 cmn-NG-31-117669-10714525 0 700.0 800.0 speaker unknown unknown It is also the motherland that PCs, as soldiers, swear allegiance and undying loyalty to. 0 0 0 cmn-NG-31-117669-10714525 0 800.0 900.0 speaker unknown unknown Can the chosen brave warrior turn around the country's fate of destruction? 0 0 0