file;unicode channel;int start;float end;float speaker;unicode speakerType;unicode speakerDialect;unicode transcript;unicode section;int turn;int segment;int sectionType;unicode suType;unicode arb-WL-1-162142-10125655 0 500.000 600.000 speaker unknown unknown Where are the sociologists, experts of marital life, and reformers in this great discourse that strongly advises the husband and wife to take care of each other and elevate their relationship, and promises them of a great reward for their love and compassion? 0 0 0 arb-WL-1-162142-10125655 0 1200.000 1300.000 speaker unknown unknown Feelings of warm love fill the wife's soul, feelings of comfort remove the [tiredness of her palms] and even from her whole body, and complete readiness to obey her husband and stay away from defying him. 0 0 0 arb-WL-1-162142-10125655 0 1700.000 1800.000 speaker unknown unknown Husbands and wives, consider all this. 0 0 0