FILENAME: 2163_1000_1129 TOPIC#: 304 DATE: 910318 TRANSCRIBER: GL DIFFICULTY: 1 TOPICALITY: 1 NATURALNESS: 2 ECHO_FROM_B: 2 ECHO_FROM_A: 4 STATIC_ON_A: 1 STATIC_ON_B: 1 BACKGROUND_A: 2 BACKGROUND_B: 1 REMARKS: None. ========================================================================= A: Okay. B: Okay. A: I was trying to get my children quiet for a minute. B: Okay. A: {Takes a deep breath} Well, credit cards, boy, that's an easy topic, B: Ye-, A: isn't it [laughter]. @B: Yes, it is [laughter]. It's one we all hold dear and near, I'm sure. A: Oh, yes, yes. I guess I've had some good experience and some bad experience with them. B: Yeah, most of mine's been pretty good, although I'm, I guess I'm like a lot of other people, now, I'm trying to, to pay off my credit cards and, and, uh, I've done pretty good at it. Yeah. A: Uh-huh [noise]. Well, I do fairly good until I go in the store and I see something I want [laughter]. B: [Laughter]. A: You know -- B: Yeah. A: -- not need, want. B: Uh-huh, there is a big difference {Voices}. A: There's a big difference there. B: Yeah, yeah. A: But most of mine that I use is strictly gasoline. B: Yeah, oh yeah, I, I do that, I do that, but the rest, like I said, the rest of them I've been trying to, to pay off -- A: Uh-huh. B: -- and, uh, get back on a cash basis, except for gas. It's too easy to, to run into the gas station. A: Oh, it sure is -- B: And, (( )). A: -- especially when you work out of town and everything, that way {/Voices}. B: Uh-huh. A: At least that's for me. B: Yeah, yeah. A: Yeah. B: So. A: But yeah, I've, I've talked to some who's really had some bad experience and kind of knock on wood I haven't yet, not bad. B: Yeah, well that's, A: You know, I just, I'm just shocked at the end of the month, B: [Laughter]. A: to see what damage I have did, but [laughter], B: Yeah, yeah. A: I try to keep it pretty reasonable. B: Well, I've been pretty lucky in that respect. I don't charge, like I say, I've, I been trying to, to not charge except for emergencies. A: Uh-huh. B: And, uh, so, but I haven't really had any bad problems with credit cards. There's, you know, they have, uh, wonderful features, they're there when you need them. A: Yeah, yeah. B: You know, like in emergencies, or whatever. A: And then they have bad drawbacks, too. B: Yeah. It's, #it's awfully easy.# A: #I mean high interest,# it's like paying twice.