File: spkrinfo.txt __________________ The file "spkrinfo.tbl" presents all the information available regarding speaker demographics. All participants in SWB projects are issued PINs upon registration. Certain personal/demographic information is also gathered from recruits at this time (sex, age, years of education, country of birth, city/state of residence). In addition, upon registration individuals are asked to provide an end date for their participation in the SWB project. The fields in this table are described below. Field# Content ___________________ Field 1 = participant PIN Field 2 = gender Field 3 = age Field 4 = years education Field 5 = start date Field 6 = participant end date Field 7 = calls made Field 8 = calls received Field 9 = country of birth Field 10 = city, state where raised All calls in this collection are US-domestic calls.