File: callinfo.txt ------------------- Explanation of the audit information provided in "callinfo.tbl" The file "callinfo.tbl" contains the information produced by manual auditing of the Korean telephone conversations. The auditing process was set up to provide information about the speakers and to determine channel quality for the conversation. The table contains a single line for each conversation, to provide the following information: - total number of speakers and gender of each speaker - channel quality - comments about dialect, background noise, distortion Each line begins with the first two letters of the target language followed by the four-digit conversation number. Here is a sample from the callinfo.tbl: ko_4945 PIN=563436|GENDER_CHA=female|GENDER_CHB=female|NUMSPEAKER=2|QUALITY=good|SCOMM=none|DCOMM=none GENDER_CHA lists the gender of the speaker on the first channel, while GENDER_CHB lists the gender of the speaker on the second channel. NUMSPEAKER will list the total number of speakers in the conversation. QUALITY refers to the channel quality and will be listed as "good", "fair", or "poor". The field SCOMM refers to "sound comments" like background noise (i.e. baby crying, television, radio, etc). Lastly, DCOMM includes information about dialect.