This file contains important release notes relating to Propbank I. This corpus was previously released as an e-corpus, catalog number LDC2004E26. The contents of the e-corpus are identical except for the lack of inflection tagging, which was not completed at the time. 1) Coverage ------------ Propbank I - 112,917 total propositions The annotations span the entire WSJ section of the Penn Treebank II corpus, excluding only auxiliaries and the verb 'be.' 2) Adjudication ---------------- All the annotations in this release are the result of double blind annotation followed by adjudication of differences. 3) Framesets ------------- Total verbs framed - 3,323 Total framesets - 4,659 Verbs with multiple framesets - 726 Average framesets per verb - 1.40 Average framesets per instance* - 3.22 *i.e. the average number of possible framesets per verb instance in the corpus. 4) Frameset Tagging -------------------- Propbank I - 56,144(/57,629) polysemous instances tagged with unique roleset. All the frameset tags are the result of double blind, adjudicated annotation. The 2.5% of instances left untagged are a result of triple disagreement between annotators and adjudicator. 5) Inflection Tagging ---------------------- All verbs in the corpus have been completely inflection tagged with double- blind adjudicated annotations. 6) Changes from (unofficial - not available through the LDC) prereleases ------------------------------------------------------------------------ a) Sentential arguments are now tagged at the SBAR level (to include the complementizer). b) PP arguments are now tagged on the PP node - not the dominated NP node. c) Data format: Argument addresses may now include both trace-chain operators ("*") and split-arg operators (","). See the readme.txt file for details. ===========================================================================