ACE Time Normalization (TERN) 2004 English Training Data V1.0 February 1, 2005 Introduction ------------ This release contains the English training data prepared for the 2004 Time Expression Recognition and Normalization (TERN) Evaluation, sponsored by the Automatic Content Extraction (ACE) program. The evaluation was held in August 2004 and a workshop in September 2004. Evaluation participants received this data for training purposes, and it is now being released for general use. The annotation specifications for this corpus were developed under DARPA's Translingual Information Detection Extraction and Summarization (TIDES) program, with continuing support from ACE. Corpus Applications ------------------- Keywords: temporal reasoning, information extraction, automatic content extraction, question answering, summarization The purpose of this corpus and the TERN evaluation is to advance the state of the art in the automatic recognition and normalization of natural language temporal expressions. In most language contexts such expressions are indexical. For example, with "Monday", "last week", or "three months starting October 1", one must know the narrative reference time in order to pinpoint the time interval being conveyed by the expression. In addition, for data exchange purposes, it is essential that the identified interval be rendered according to an established standard, i.e., normalized. Accurate identification and normalization of temporal expressions is in turn essential for the temporal reasoning being demanded by advanced NLP applications such as question answering, information extraction, and summarization. Data Profile ------------ All of the TERN data is text, and is grouped by individual directories according to each source type: bnews - Broadcast news data from the TDT-4 Corpus nwire - Newswire data from the TDT-4 Corpus npaper - Washington Post articles (ace_2002 only) arabic_treebank - Data from the Arabic Treebank 1 Corpus English translations from the MT-2003 translation data set chinese_treebank - Data from the Chinese Treebank Version 4 English translations from the Chinese Treebank English Parallel Text Corpus This publication includes both the source data files in sgml format and the annotated files, also in sgml format (*.tmx.sgml). An md5sum list is provided in each data directory for validation purposes. Languages --------- This release of the TERN data contains only English language files. The 2004 TERN evaluation also made use of Chinese language files, but these are not being released at this time, pending further quality control procedures. Corpus Structure and Size ------------------------- The data/ directory contains the English corpus, which consists of 862 files (306K words) distributed in three directories: ace_2002, ace_2003, and ace_2004. The TIMEX2 annotation in the ace_2002 data set was originally created for the ACE 2002 Relation Detection and Characterization (RDC) evaluation. For this release, the annotations have been updated by two experienced annotators, compared, and then reconciled. It is further divided by source: broadcast news, newspaper, and newswire. The size of this set is as follows: words documents bnews 17,922 85 npaper 14,682 17 nwire 34,134 78 TOTAL 66,738 180 The data in ace_2003 contains the training corpus files used in the ACE 2003 evaluation. For this release, they have been doubly-annotated for TIMEX2 tags and reconciled. The size of this set is as follows: words documents bnews 34,681 147 nwire 58,592 102 TOTAL 93,273 249 The data in ace_2004 contains four subdirectories: The TDT-4 files selected by LDC for the ACE 2004 training data are contained in bnews/ and nwire/. All of the files were doubly-annotated and reconciled. The size of this set is as follows: words documents bnews 61,621 222 nwire 58,543 116 TOTAL 120,464 338 The English translations of Arabic Treebank and Chinese Treebank files selected for ACE 2004 are contained in arabic_treebank/ and chinese_treebank/, respectively. These files have been singly-annotated and second-passed by a second annotator. The size of this set is as follows: words documents arabic_treebank 13,466 58 chinese_treebank 12,522 37 TOTAL 25,988 95 DTDs ---- The dtds/ directory contains two dtds. Each dtd is based on LDC's srctext.dtd, available from LDC for use with their TDT4 data. It has been modified to accommodate files annotated with TIMEX2 and STORY_REF_TIME tags. srctext_for_Timex2-2002.dtd is for use with ace_2002 files srctext_for_Timex2.dtd is for use with ace_2003 and ace_2004 bnews, nwire, and treebank files NOTE: english/chinese_treebank/chtb_153.eng.* contain two ampersands, which some sgml parsers (e.g., NSGMLS) may have difficulties with. DOC ---- In addition to this readme, the doc/ directory contains a copy of the "TIDES 2003 Standard for the Annotation of Temporal Expressions," which are the annotation guidelines used to create this corpus. Bonus Tags ---------- The English ACE_2002 data contain an additional tag, STORY_REF_TIME, which users might find useful in training their systems. This tag was originally added as a training aid for the 2002 ACE RDC evaluation participants. It was NOT a required output for the system. The STORY_REF_TIME is the typical reference time used by the writer/speaker of a given article, and is useful for computing values for indexical expressions (today, yesterday, next Tuesday, two weeks ago...). Be warned that the reference time can shift throughout an article; the STORY_REF_TIME tag is intended only as a general guide. Additional Resources -------------------- Additional resources, including the evaluation results, interannotator agreement measures, annotation guidelines, scoring software, and the annotation software used to create this corpus can be obtained at the following URL: For information regarding the ACE program and ACE technology evaluations administered by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), visit If you have any questions about this corpus, please contact Lisa Ferro, Authors -------- Lisa Ferro , Laurie Gerber , Janet Hitzeman , Elizabeth Lima , Beth Sundheim Copyrights ---------- Portions Copyright 1998 Los Angeles Times-Washington Post News Service, Inc. Copyright 1998, 2000 American Broadcasting Corporation Copyright 1998, 2000 Cable News Network, Inc. Copyright 1998, 2000 Press Association, Inc. Copyright 1998, 2000 New York Times Copyright 1998, 2000 National Broadcasting Company, Inc. Copyright 1998, 2000 Public Radio International Copyright 2000 Xinhua News Copyright 2000 SPH AsiaOne Ltd. Copyright 2000 China National Radio Copyright 2000 China Television System Copyright 2000 China TV Program Agency Copyright 2000 China Broadcasting System "The World" is a co-production of Public Radio International and the British Broadcasting Corporation and is produced at WGBH Boston. --- this readme created February 1, 2005