Apple Words and Phrases Corpus Release 1.3 Center for Spoken Language Understanding UPDATED: 23 August 2002 Directory Structure ------------------- This document describes the directory structure of this release. Following is a written description of the directory structure in this release: readme.txt General information regarding the corpus. docs/ The documentation directory. This directory contains further documentation for the Apple Words and Phrases Corpus. labels/ Phonetic labeling directory. This directory contains time aligned phoneme-level transcriptions (automatic forced alignment). misc/ Miscellaneous directory, possibly containing software tools and scripts. speech/ The speech directory contains the actual .wav files. There are many subdirectories within the speech directory. trans/ The transcriptions directory. This directory is empty for this corpus. This corpus requires approximately 4.3GB of disk space. Visually, the directory structure looks something like this: Apple | -------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | readme.txt /docs /labels /misc /speech /trans The /speech directory contains two subdirectories: /analog and /digital. Both of these directories are further divided into numbered subdirectories. The speech files reside in these numbered subdirectories. Individual speech files are filed in these numbered Subdirectories based on the speaker's ID number divided by ten. For example, the files for the 123rd analog speaker would be filed in the /12 subdirectory.