Numbers Corpus Release 1.3 Center for Spoken Language Understanding 23 August 2002 -------------- FINAL RELEASE Release Version 1.3 clean up and adding automatic forced align transcriptions for the corpus 3 June 2002 ----------- Release Version 1.2 Adding statistics file and consistency check. 29 March 2002 ------------- Small modification to readme.txt and file structure. 02 August 2000 -------------- Release Version 1.1 Several changes have been implemented that differentiate this version of the Numbers Corpus from version 1.0. These changes include the following: * Speech files in the /speech directory have been converted from NIST format to RIFF format. * The directory structure has been modified so that it is more logical and accessible. * The documentation has been updated so that it accurately reflects the corpus contents. These and other changes have been made to make the corpus more useful to the end-user. June 1998 --------- Release Version 1.0cd (June 1998) This corpus was originally collected and distributed on 8mm tape for use on UNIX-based workstations. For this release, we have converted the corpus to a more platform-independent file structure. * Converted file and directory names to 8.3 naming format. * Verified mulaw format for all audio files. * Rewrote audio file headers with file name and corpus information. * Updated documentation to reflect changes. * Burned to ISO 9660 CD-ROM. July 1996 ----------- Release Version 1.0 Initial release version.