README.txt for NPS Chat Corpus, Release 1.0 (July 2008) =============================================================== Craig Martell --------------------------------------------------------------- Description of the NPS Chat Corpus --------------------------------------------------------------- The NPS Chat Corpus, Release 1.0 consists of 10,567 posts out of approximately 500,000 posts we have gathered from various online chat services in accordance with their terms of service. Future releases will contain more posts from more domains. New releases will be announced and described at The posts included in Release 1.0 have been: 1) Hand privacy masked; 2) Part-of-speech tagged; and 3) Dialogue-act tagged. The posts have been privacy masked in two ways. Firstly, all usernames have been changed to generic names of the form "UserN", where N is a unique integer consistently used for each respective poster across all files. Secondly, the posts have been read by humans to remove other personally identifiable information. All of the recordings included with this release are from age-specific chat rooms. Each file is a recording from one of these chat rooms for a short period on a particular day. The filename contains all this information plus the number of posts contained in the file. For example, the file 10-19-20s_706posts.xml contains 706 posts gathered from the 20s chat room on 10/19/2006. All data released here was gathered in 2006. Please note that within each file usernames get prepended with the date and chat-room portions of the filename. So, UserN becomes 10-19-20sUserN. As of release 1.0, the POS tag set is the Penn Treebank tag set. We are in the process of modifying the tag set to make it more chat specific, and hope to implement these changes in future releases. For example, conversational initialisms, like LOL, BRB, should have their own tag (CI). But we currently simply tag them as interjections (UH). The dialogue-act tags are Accept, Bye, Clarify, Continuer, Emotion, Emphasis, Greet, No Answer, Other, Reject, Statement, System, Wh-Question, Yes Answer, Yes/No Question. (See [2] and [3], below.) The NPS Chat Corpus was created by Eric Forsyth, Jane Lin, and Craig Martell. Please use [1], below, when referring to the NPS Chat Corpus. Please address all questions to Craig Martell ( --------------------------------------------------------------- Files in the corpus --------------------------------------------------------------- 10-19-20s_706posts.xml 10-19-30s_705posts.xml 10-19-40s_686posts.xml 10-19-adults_706posts.xml 10-24-40s_706posts.xml 10-26-teens_706posts.xml 11-06-adults_706posts.xml 11-08-20s_705posts.xml 11-08-40s_706posts.xml 11-08-adults_705posts.xml 11-08-teens_706posts.xml 11-09-20s_706posts.xml 11-09-40s_706posts.xml 11-09-adults_706posts.xml 11-09-teens_706posts.xml README.txt postClassPOSTagset.xsd --------------------------------------------------------------- Refernces --------------------------------------------------------------- [1] Eric N. Forsyth and Craig H. Martell, "Lexical and Discourse Analysis of Online Chat Dialog," Proceedings of the First IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC 2007), pp. 19-26, September 2007. [2] T. Wu, F. M. Khan, T. A. Fisher, L. A. Shuler and W. M. Pottenger, "Posting act tagging using transformation-based learning," Proceedings of the Workshop on Foundations of Data Mining and Discovery, IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, December 2002. [3] A. Stolcke, K. Ries, N. Coccaro, E. Shriberg, R. Bates, D. Jurafsky, P. Taylor, R. Martin, C. Van Ess-Dykema and M. Meteer, "Dialogue act modeling for automatic tagging and recognition of conversational speech," Computational Linguistics, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 339-373, 2000.