(1) OVERVIEW The goal of this experiment is to evaluate the extraction of binary relations using an automatic annotator, as opposed to a human judge. Our automatic annotator identifies pairs of entities and a trigger of the relation between them. It does so by first trying to link all entities to Wikipedia (and consequently to Freebase, since Freebase is linked to Wikipedia). Given two entities appearing within 10 tokens of each other in a sentence, our annotator checks whether there is a relation connecting them in Freebase. If such a relation exists, the annotator looks for a trigger in the sentence. A trigger must be a synonym for the Freebase relation (according to WordNet) and its distance to the nearest entity cannot be more than 5 tokens. We applied our automatic annotator to the New York Times. As a result, we annotated approximately 60,000 sentences, containing 13,000 distinct entity pairs. For our experiments, we randomly selected one sentence for each entity pair and separated 1,000 sentences for development and the rest for testing. The evaluation script for this experiment deems an extraction as correct if it contains the annotated trigger. Otherwise, the extraction is deemed incorrect. (2) RUNNING THE EVALUATION SCRIPT $ perl binary-automatic-evaluation.pl ground-truth system-output (3) FILE FORMAT - GROUND TRUTH The ground truth files contain 5 fields separated by tab. A header is required. - Entity1: The first Freebase entity - Relation: The relation id from Freebase. - Entity2: The second Freebase entity - Relational Word: The relation trigger, that is, a relation synonym found in the sentence. - Annotated Sentence: The sentence annotated with the entity pair and the trigger. Entities are enclosed in triple square brackets and triggers are enclosed in triple curly brackets. (4) FILE FORMAT - SYSTEM OUTPUT The system output files are only required to contain 3 fields. A header is required. - Entity1: The first entity - Relation: The extracted relation. Systems must output three dashes ("---") to denote no relation. - Entity2: The second entity In our system output files, we included a 4th field containing the annotated sentence from the ground truth. This field is used for manual analysis only and is not used by the evaluation script. The entity pair in each line of the system output must match the entity pair in its respective line of the ground truth. The evaluation script will raise an error if this condition is not met. (5) REPRODUCING THIS EXPERIMENT WITH OTHER CORPORA In order to reproduce this experiment with other corpora, we are sharing the Freebase relations we use and their respective synonyms (as extracted from WordNet). This information can be found in the file "relation_synonyms.txt". Each line in this file contains one Freebase relation and its synonyms. Fields are separated by tab. The first field corresponds to the Freebase relation key and the following fields are synonyms.