This distribution represents only the dependency information encoded in BulTreeBank HPSG-based Treebank of Bulgarian
It contains sentences from Bulgarian Grammar Textbooks, Newspapers, Literature and other sources of texts.
Full documentation (Style Book, Tagset description) of the Treebank can be found on: .
punct | Punctuation |
clitic | Clitic form |
mod | Modifier (dependants which modify nouns, adjectives, adverbs) |
prepcomp | Complement of preposition |
comp | Complement (arguments of: non-verbal heads, non-finite verbal heads, copula) |
adjunct | Adjunct (optional verbal argument) |
subj | Subject |
xadjunct | Clausal adjunct |
xsubj | Clausal subject |
xmod | Clausal modifier |
xcomp | Clausal complement |
xprepcomp | Clausal complement of preposition |
conj | Conjunction in coordination |
conjarg | Argument (second, third, ...) of coordination |
pragadjunct | Pragmatic adjunct |
marked | Marked (clauses, introduced by a subordinator) |
obj | Object (direct argument of a non-auxiliary verbal head) |
indobj | Indirect Object (indirect argument of a non-auxiliary verbal head) |
The conversion of the treebank was done by Kiril Simov, Petya Osenova, Svetoslav Marinov, Atanas Chanev.