LDC provides herein the following IARPA data sets: IARPA Babel Tagalog Language Pack (IARPA-babel106-v0.2g). The U.S. Government owns the data herein, with the exception of the following files (“Files”): lexicon.txt; lexicon.tbl; and all Language Specific Peculiarities (LSP) files (all files that include “LSP” in their file names). The U.S. Government has unlimited rights to the Files. The data herein other than the Files may be used, disclosed, reproduced, used to prepare derivative works, distributed to the public, and performed publicly and displayed publicly only under license from the U.S. Government or LDC. The Files may be used, disclosed, reproduced, used to prepare derivative works, distributed to the public, and performed publicly and displayed publicly only under license from the U.S. Government, LDC, or Appen Butler Pty Ltd.