Corpus Title: AIDA Scenario 1 Practice Topic Source Data LDC Catalog-ID: LDC2023T11 Authors: Jennifer Tracey, Stephanie Strassel, Jeremy Getman, Ann Bies, Kira Griffitt, David Graff, Chris Caruso 1.0 Introduction This corpus was developed by the Linguistic Data Consortium for the DARPA AIDA Program and consists of 1511 documents including text, image, and video from English, Russian, and Ukrainian web sources. Details of data volumes for each language and media type are provided in section 3 of this README. The AIDA (Active Interpretations of Disparate Alternatives) Program is designed to support development of technology that can assist in cultivating and maintaining understanding of events when there are conflicting accounts of what happened (e.g. who did what to whom and/or where and when events occurred). AIDA systems must extract entities, events, and relations from individual multimedia documents, aggregate that information across documents and languages, and produce multiple knowledge graph hypotheses that characterize the conflicting accounts that are present in the corpus (see for more information about the program). Each phase of the AIDA program focused on a different scenario, or broad topic area. The scenario for Phase 1 was political relations between Russia and Ukraine in the 2010s. In addition, each scenario had a set of specific subtopics within the scenario that were designated as either "practice topics" (released as for use in system development) or "evaluation topics" (reserved for use in the AIDA program evaluations for each phase). Data collection for this program included both topic-focused data (containing information about specific subtopics of interest within the larger scenario) as well as background data (a large volume of data in the target languages and media types with no topic focus or requirements). This corpus comprises the full set of topic-focused documents for the practice topics within the Phase 1 Russia-Ukraine scenario. 1.1 AIDA Scenario 1 Topics R103 - Who Started the Shooting at Maidan? R105 - Ukrainian War Ceasefire Violations in Battle of Debaltseve (Jan-Feb 2015) R107 - Donetsk and Luhansk Referendum, aka Donbas Status Referendum (May 2014) T101 - Crash of Malaysian Air Flight MH17 T102 - Flight of Deposed Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych T106 - Humanitarian Crisis in Eastern Ukraine (July-August 2014) 2.0 Directory Structure The directory structure and contents of the package are summarized below -- paths shown are relative to the base (root) directory of the package: ./data/ -- contains zip files subdivided by data type (see below) ./docs/ -- contains tab-delimited table files (see descriptions in section 7) ./tools/ -- contains software for text data manipulation The "data" directory has a separate subdirectory for each of the following data types, and each directory contains one or more zip archives with data files of the given type; the list shows the archive-internal directory and file-extension strings used for the data files of each type: gif/* -- contains "gif/*.gif.ldcc" files (image data) jpg/* -- contains "jpg/*.jpg.ldcc" files (image data) mp3/* -- contains "mp3/*.mp3.ldcc" files (typically audio) mp4/* -- contains "mp4/*.mp4.ldcc" files (typically video) png/* -- contains "png/*.png.ldcc" files (image data) ltf/* -- contains "ltf/*.ltf.xml" (segmented/tokenized text data) psm/* -- contains "psm/*.psm.xml" files (companion to ltf.xml) Data types in the first group consist of original source materials presented in "ldcc wrapper" file format (see section 4.2 below). The latter group (ltf and psm) are created by LDC from source HTML data, by way of an intermediate XML reduction of the original HTML content for "root" web pages (see section 4.1 for a description of the process, and section 5 for details on the LTF and PSM file formats). The 6-character file-ID of the zip archive matches the first 6 characters of the 9-character file-IDs of the data files it contains. For example: zip archive file ./data/png/ contains: png/HC000SOL3.png.ldcc png/HC000SXAF.png.ldcc ... png/HC000SY42.png.ldcc png/HC000SXTY.png.ldcc (The "ldcc" file format is explained in more detail in section 4.2 below.) Note that the number of data files per zip archive varies. In the present release, the largest single zip archive has over 2400 files. 3.0 Content Summary Throughout the AIDA data sets, the concept of "root" or "parent" documents is used to denote the original content of a web page, which may include any combination of "document elements" or "child assets". The parent or root document refers to the entire collection of text, image, video, and audio presented on a single page on the Internet. The child assets refer to each individual text, image, video, or audio file collected, processed, and presented in the corpus as a part of the parent document. All documents in this corpus were manually identified by annotators as relevant to one or more of the Phase 1 Scenario topics. The number of parent documents and text, image, video, and audio child assets in this corpus are listed below. Source/Prov. #RootDocs #Texts #Images #Videos #Audios ---------------------------------------------------------- Twitter/diy 444 444* 470* 6* 0 Other/zipped 1067 850 4029 285 1 Total 1511 1294 4499 291 1 "#RootDocs" refers to the number of root HTML pages or Tweets that were scouted and harvested. "#Texts" refers to text content (if any was successfully harvested) converted to LTF and PSM formats; the discrepancy relative to "#RootDocs" represents the number of web pages where text content was either non-existent or not readily extactable from the HTML markup. The other columns indicate the total number of data files of the various types extracted from those root pages. The child-asset quantities in the "Twitter/diy" row are marked by asterisks because those data items are not included in this release -- users will need to use the software provided here to harvest and process those pieces of data (to the extent that they are still accessible via the service). 4.0 Data Processing and Character Normalization Most of the content has been harvested from various web sources using an automated system that is driven by manual scouting for relevant material. Some content may have been harvested manually, or by means of ad-hoc scripted methods for sources with unusual attributes. 4.1 Treatment of original HTML text content All harvested HTML content was initially converted from its original form into a relatively uniform XML format; this stage of conversion eliminated irrelevant content (menus, ads, headers, footers, etc.), and placed the content of interest into a simplified, consistent markup structure. The "homogenized" XML format then served as input for the creation of a reference "raw source data" (rsd) plain text form of the web page content; at this stage, the text was also conditioned to normalize white-space characters, and to apply transliteration and/or other character normalization, as appropriate to the given language. This processing creates the ltf.xml and psm.xml files for each harvested "root" web page; these file formats are described in more detail in section 5 below. 4.2 Treatment of non-HTML data types: "ldcc" file format To the fullest extent possible, all discrete resources referenced by a given "root" HTML page (style sheets, javascript, images, media files, etc.) are stored as separate files of the given data type, and assigned separate 9-character file-IDs (the same form of ID as is used for the "root" HTML page). In order to present these attached resources in a stable and consistent way, the LDC has developed a "wrapper" or "container" file format, which presents the original data as-is, together with a specialized header block prepended to the data. The header block provides metadata about the file contents, including the MD5 checksum (for self-validation), the data type and byte count, url, and citations of source-ID and parent (HTML) file-ID. The LDCC header block always begins with a 16-byte ASCII signature, as shown between double-quotes on the following line (where "\n" represents the ASCII "newline" character 0x0A): "LDCc \n1024 \n" Note that the "1024" on the second line of the signature represents the exact byte count of the LDCC header block. (If/when this header design needs to accommodate larger quantities of metadata, the header byte count can be expanded as needed in increments of 1024 bytes. Such expansion does not arise in the present release.) Immediately after the 16-byte signature, a YAML string presents a data structure comprising the file-specific header content, expressed as a set of "key: value" pairings in UTF-8 encoding. The YAML string is padded at the end with space characters, such that when the following 8-byte string is appended, the full header block size is exactly 1024 bytes (or whatever size is stated in the initial signature): "endLDCc\n" In order to process the content of an LDCC header: - read the initial block of 1024 bytes from the *.ldcc data file - check that it begins with "LDCc \n1024 \n" and ends with "endLDCc\n" - strip off those 16- and 8-byte portions - pass the remainder of the block to a YAML parser. In order to access the original content of the data file, simply skip or remove the initial 1024 bytes. 5.0 Overview of XML Data Structures 5.1 PSM.xml -- Primary Source Markup Data The "homogenized" XML format described above preserves the minimum set of tags needed to represent the structure of the relevant text as seen by the human web-page reader. When the text content of the XML file is extracted to create the "rsd" format (which contains no markup at all), the markup structure is preserved in a separate "primary source markup" (psm.xml) file, which enumerates the structural tags in a uniform way, and indicates, by means of character offsets into the rsd.txt file, the spans of text contained within each structural markup element. For example, in a discussion-forum or web-log page, there would be a division of content into the discrete "posts" that make up the given thread, along with "quote" regions and paragraph breaks within each post. After the HTML has been reduced to uniform XML, and the tags and text of the latter format have been seprated, information about each structural tag is kept in a psm.xml file, preserving the type of each relevant structural element, along with its essential attributes ("post_author", "date_time", etc.), and the character offsets of the text span comprising its content in the corresponding rsd.txt file. 5.2 LTF.xml -- Logical Text Format Data The "ltf.xml" data format is derived from rsd.txt, and contains a fully segmented and tokenized version of the text content for a given web page. Segments (sentences) and the tokens (words) are marked off by XML tags (SEG and TOKEN), with "id" attributes (which are only unique within a given XML file) and character offset attributes relative to the corresponding rsd.txt file; TOKEN tags have additional attributes to describe the nature of the given word token. The segmentation is intended to partition each text file at sentence boundaries, to the extent that these boundaries are marked explicitly by suitable punctuation in the original source data. To the extent that sentence boundaries cannot be accurately detected (due to variability or ambiguity in the source data), the segmentation process will tend to err more often on the side of missing actual sentence boundaries, and (we hope) less often on the side of asserting false sentence breaks. The tokenization is intended to separate punctuation content from word content, and to segregate special categories of "words" that play particular roles in web-based text (e.g. URLs, email addresses and hashtags). To the extent that word boundaries are not explicitly marked in the source text, the LTF tokenization is intended to divide the raw-text character stream into units that correspond to "words" in the linguistic sense (i.e. basic units of lexical meaning). 6.0 Software tools included in this release 6.1 ltf2txt A data file in ltf.xml format (as described above) can be conditioned to recreate exactly the the "raw source data" text stream (the rsd.txt file) from which the LTF was created. The tools described here can be used to apply that conditioning, either to a directory or to a zip archive file containing ltf.xml data. In either case, the scripts validate each output rsd.txt stream by comparing its MD5 checksum against the reference MD5 checksum of the original rsd.txt file from which the LTF was created. (This reference checksum is stored as an attribute of the "DOC" element in the ltf.xml structure; there is also an attribute that stores the character count of the original rsd.txt file.) Each script contains user documentation as part of the script content; you can run "perldoc" to view the documentation as a typical unix man page, or you can simply view the script content directly by whatever means to read the documentation. Also, running either script without any command-line arguments will cause it to display a one-line synopsis of its usage, and then exit. ltf2rsd.perl -- convert ltf.xml files to rsd.txt (raw-source-data) ltfzip2rsd.perl -- extract and convert ltf.xml files from zip archives 6.2 twitter-processing Due to the Twitter Terms of Use, the content of individual tweets cannot be redistributed by the LDC. As a result, users must download the tweet contents directly from Twitter. The twitter-processing software provided in the tools/ directory enables users to perform the same normalization applied by LDC and ensure that the user's version of the tweet matches the version used by LDC, by verifying that the md5sum of the user-downloaded and processed tweet matches the md5sum provided in the file. Users must have a developer account with Twitter in order to download tweets, and the tool does not replace or circumvent the Twitter API for downloading tweets. The ./docs/ file provides the twitter download id for each tweet, along with the AIDA file name assigned to that tweet and the md5sum of the processed text from the tweet. The file "" in this directory provides details on how to install and use the source code in this directory in order to condition text data that the user downloads directly from Twitter and produce both the normalized raw text and the segmented, tokenized LTF.xml output. All LDC-developed supporting files (models, configuration files, library modules, etc.) are included, either in the "lib" subdirectory (next to "bin"), or else in the parent ("tools") directory. The executable get_tweet_by_id.rb is located under tools/bin/ and can be used to download and condition twitter text to match the version used by LDC for annotation. Please refer to the file that accompanies this software package. 7.0 Documentation included in this release The ./docs folder (relative to the root directory of this release) contains a set of tab-delimited table files; each of these is described in a subsection below. In the following, the term "asset" refers to any single "primary" data file of any given type. Each asset has a distinct 9-character identifier. If two or more files appear with the same 9-character file-ID, this means that they represent different forms or derivations created from the same, single primary data file (e.g. this is how we mark corresponding LTF.xml and PSM.xml file pairs). Data scouting, annotation and related metadata are all managed with regard to a set of "root" HTML pages (harvested by the LDC for a specified set of topics); therefore the tables and annotations make reference to the asset-IDs assigned to those root pages. However, the present release does not include the original HTML text streams, or any derived form of data corresponding to the full HTML content. As a result, the "root" asset-IDs cited in tables and annotations are not to be found among the inventory of data files presented in zip archives in the "./data" directory. Each root asset is associated with one or more "child" assets (inlcuding images, media files, style sheets, text data presented as ltf.xml, etc.); each child asset gets it own distinct 9-character ID. The root-child relations are provided in "" table (7.3), the "structure schema" xml files (7.5), and as part of the LDCC header content in the various "wrapped" data file formats (as listed in section 2). 7.1 "" -- relation of child assets to root HTML pages Each data file-ID in the set of zip archives is represented by the combination of child_uid and child_asset (columns 4 and 6), along with its root UID in column 3. Col.# Content 1. parent_uid 2. child_uid 3. url 4. child_asset type (e.g. ".jpg.ldcc") 5. topic 6. lang_id (automatically detected language) 7. lang_manual (manually annotated language, if available) 8. rel_pos (position of this asset relative to other child assets on page) 9. wrapped_md5 (md5 checksum of .ldcc formatted asset file) 10. unwrapped_md5 (md5 checksum of original asset data file) 11. download_date (download date of asset) 12. content_date (creation date of asset, or n/a) 13. status_in_corpus ("present", or "diy" for Twitter assets) Notes: - Because ltf and psm files have the same "child" uid and differ only in the file extension (.ltf.xml or .psm.xml), only the ltf files are listed in the document. - The URL provided for each .ltf.xml entry in the table is the "full-page" URL for root document associated with the "parent_uid" value. (For other types of child data -- images and media -- the "url" field contains the specific url for that specific piece of content.) - Because the harvesting of some root URLs yielded no text content (hence no ltf/psm data files), the table includes "placeholder" .ltf.xml entries for those parent_uids, in order to provide the full-page URL for every root. The "status_in_corpus" and "child_uid" fields for these entries is set to "n/a"; in the present release, this applies to 218 of the 1512 root URLs in the table. - Some child_uids (for images or videos) may appear multiple times in the table, if they were found to occur identically in multiple root web pages. 7.2 "" -- summary of Twitter assets For each tweet collected, a row listing asset uid, tweet ID, user ID, and topic UID is included: Col.# Content 1. uid 2. tweet_id (Twitter-provided tweet ID) 3. user_id (Twitter-provided user ID) 4. topic_uid (one or more topic IDs relatable to this Tweet, comma-separated) The tweet_id can be used to download the tweet directly from Twitter through their API. In future releases, we will provide tools to ensure that the downloaded tweet contents match those retrieved by LDC so that any annotations can be correctly aligned with the tweet. 8.0 Acknowledgements The authors would like to acknowlege the following contributors to this corpus: Justin Mott, Alex Shelmire, Seth Kulick, MITRE Corporation, especially Lisa Ferro, and our team of AIDA annotators. This material is based upon work supported by Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) under Contract No. FA8750-18-C-0013. 9.0 Copyright © 2014, © 2014 ABC News Internet Ventures, © 2018 About the West, © 2014 Agency for Information and Analytics, © 2015 Al Jazeera Media Network, © 2017-2018 ANO Creative Team Expert, © 2014, 2017 ANO RID Novaya Gazeta, © 2014 ANTIKOR,© 2017 Apostrophe, © 2014 “ARGUMENT,” © 2014, 2017 Arguments and Facts, © 2014 Associated Newspapers Ltd, © 2015 Athens News, © 2014-2017 Autonomous Nonprofit Organization “TV-Novosti,” © 2014-2017 BBC, © 2015, 2017-2018 Bellingcat, © 2014 Bessarabia INFORM, © 2016 Bird In Flight, © 2014 BIZNESGRUPP TOV, © 2014 Boston Globe Media Partners, LLC, © 2018 Business capital, © 2014 BuzzFeed, Inc., © 2014, 2016 Cable News Network. A Warner Bros. Discovery Company, © 2015 Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, © 2015 CBS Interactive Inc., © 2014, 2017 Censor.NET, © 2015 Channel 5, © 2017 Charter ’97, © 2014 CJSC Moskovsky Komsomolets,, © 2014 CNBC LLC, © 2014, © 2018 Conflicts and laws, © 2014, 2016 Consortium News, © 2016 Crime NO, © 2015 Dawn of Novorossiya, © 2016, © 2014 Dicasterium pro Communicationene, © 2016 DutchNews, © 2017 "Echo of the Planet," © 2017 EN.News Front, © 2014, 2017 ESPRESO.TV, © 2015, © 2015-2016 Euromaidan Press, © 2017 Express, © 2014 "Facts and Comments," © 2015 FAN, © 2022 Federal State Budgetary Institution "Editorial Office of Rossiyskaya Gazeta," © 2014-2015 First Channel, © 2014 Focus, © 2015 Forbes Media LLC, © 2017 Future Publishing Limited, Quay House, The Ambury, Bath BA1 1UA, © 2018 Geopoliticalmonitor Intelligence Corp., © 2014 Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd., © 2014 Infowars, © 2014 Interlocutor, © 2014-2015, 2017 Golden Mean LLC, © 2017 GolosIslam.RU, © 2014 GORDON, © 2014, © 2015 Graphic News Ltd, © 2014 Guardian News & Media Limited or its affiliated companies,© 2014 High Castle Online, ©2014 Media, © 2014 Hürriyet Daily News, © 2017 HVILYA, © 2018 IA "InfoResist," © 2015-2016 IA "Russia Today," © 2014 IBTimes Co., Ltd, © 2017-2018 InA "Ukrainian News," © 2014, © 2015 Information agency LIGABusinessInform, © 2014 Information and analytical publication "One Motherland," © 2014, © 2014 INSIDER, © 2014 Insider Inc., © 2016 Interfax-Ukraine, © 2014 Internet Television "Piter.TV," © 2014 IP Filin M.S., © 2014, 2017-2018 JSC “Gazeta.Ru,” © 2014-2015, 2017 JSC "Kommersant," © 2014, 2017 JSC ROSBUSINESSCONSULTING,© 2014-2015, 2017 JSC TRK AF RF ZVEZDA, © 2017, © 2017 Lenta.Ru LLC, © 2014 LLC “Kurs,” © 2014 LLC "National Information Systems," © 2015 LLC "Rusevik," © 2017 LLC “UKRAINIAN PRESS GROUP,” © 2014 Los Angeles Times, © 2014 M24, © 2014 Mashable, Inc., © 2015 Max Park, © 2015, MEDIA-DK PUBLISHING HOUSE LLC, © 2014 “MEDIASAPIENS,” © 2015-2016 Meduza, © 2016, © 2014 “Mirror of the Week. Ukraine," © 2014 Moscow Digital Media LLC, © 2014 Naharnet, © 2018 National Post, a division of Postmedia Network Inc., © 2017 National Bank of News, © 2015 Nationwide News Pty Ltd, © 2014 NBC Universal, © 2014 NDTV Convergence Limited, © 2017 News24 Today, © 2015 News of Ukraine on Rivnist.In.Ua, © 2016 NEWSWEEK DIGITAL LLC, © 2014 NGO "Transcarpathian Free Media," © 2014 Nine Digital Network, © 2014 npr, © 2014-2015, 2017 Online edition "Vesti.Ru," © 2014 ONLINE.UA, © 2014, 2017 Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, © 2014 OstroV, © 2014 Paris Match, © 2014 PE "Ukraine Young," © 2017 Politeka, © 2017 "Politic.Kiev.Ua," © 2017 PolitRussia,© 2017 POWER NET, © 2015-2016 Present Time, © 2015-2016 Public Television, © 2014, 2016-2017 Publishing House JSC, © 2014-2015, 2017 Radio Liberty,© 2014 Rakurs, © 2016 Rambler, © 2017, © 2014 Reuters, © 2014-2015 RFE/RL, Inc., © 2015 Russia Insider, © 2014-2015, © 2015 sevascom, © 2017 Spiegel Group, © 2014, 2016 Sputnik, © 2014 SVIT24.NET, © 2014, 2017 TASS, Russian news agency, © 2014-2015 Telegraph Media Group Limited, © 2014-2017 Television and Radio Company Lux, TV Channel 24, © 2014, 2016 Television news service, © 2014 The Atlantic Monthly Group, © 2014 The Christian Science Monitor, © 2014, 2017 The Daily Beast Company LLC, © 2014 The Economist Newspaper Limited, © 2017 The EurAsian Times, © 2017-2018 THE FINANCIAL TIMES LTD, © 2014 The Globe and Mail Inc., © 2015 THE IRISH TIMES, © 2017 The Moscow Times, © 2014-2015 The New York Times Company, © 2014 The Slate Group, © 2018 The Times of Israel, © 2014 The Washington Post, © 2014 The World from PRX, © 2014, 2016 TIME USA, LLC, © 2014 TOPNEWS.RU, © 2014 Toronto Star Newspapers Ltd., © 2014-2016 TOV "KEPRATE PARTNERS," © 2014 Transcarpathia online Beta, © 2014-2015, 2017 TV Center JSC, © 2014–2015, 2017, © 2014 uapress, © 2014-2016 “Ukrainian media systems,”© 2017 Ukrainian National News Agency, © 2017 Ukrainian Truth, © 2014 Ukrinform, © 2014-2017 UNIAN.NET, © 2014-2017 USA TODAY, a division of Gannett Satellite Information Network, LLC, © 2017 Vchasno LLC, © 2017 Vchasno news agency - Donbass news, © 2014 VGOS INFORMATION AGENCY, © 2014, © 2014 Volyn News Agency, © 2014 VolynPost, © 2014, © 2014 Vox Media, LLC, © 2014 Vysokyi Zamok Publishing House LLC, © 2014 WINDOWS, © 2017 "Word and Deed,"© 2014, © 2015, © 2017-2018 YouTube, LLC, © 2014 ZAKHID.NET LLC, © 2015, © 2014 Zhitomir-Online, © 2017, © 2022 Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania 10.0 Contacts Stephanie Strassel - AIDA PI ------ README created by Chris Caruso on April 5, 2022 updated by Jennifer Tracey on April 26, 2022