RESOURCE MANAGEMENT TEST: 2 ORIGINAL TEST DATE: October 1987 RECOGNITION SYSTEMS: speaker-dependent continuous speech transcription speaker-independent continuous speech transcription SPEAKER-DEPENDENT TRAINING MATERIAL: . ((all 12 speakers from Speaker-Dependent Training Set) X (all 600 "sr" and "st" sentence utterances/speaker)) = 7200 training utterances from CD2-1.1 and CD2-2.1: /rm1/dep_trn . Files are listed in CD2-4.2: /rm1/doc/train/6a_deptr.ndx and CD2-4.2: /rm1/doc/train/6b_deptr.ndx SPEAKER-INDEPENDENT TRAINING MATERIAL: . no restrictions - can use material from CD2-3.1: /rm1/ind_trn as well as DARPA TIMIT and other speech corpora TEST PARAMETERS: . grammar: (1) no grammar - full branching SPEAKER-DEPENDENT TEST MATERIAL: . ((8 speakers from Speaker-Dependent Development-Test set) X (25 sentence utterances/speaker)) = 200 test utterances from CD2-4.2: /rm1/dep/dev . 4 of these speakers are from the March 87 test - 10 retest utterances for each speaker - 15 new utterances for each speaker . 4 of these speakers were not used in the previous test . files are listed in CD2-4.2: /rm1/doc/tests/2_oct87/2_deptst.ndx SPEAKER-INDEPENDENT TEST MATERIAL: . (((6 speakers from Speaker-Independent Development-Test set) X (10 sentence utterances/speaker)) + ((4 speakers new speakers from Speaker-Dependent Development-Test set used in the speaker-dependent test) X (25 sentence utterances/speaker))) = 160 test utterances from CD2-4.2: /rm1/ind/dev_aug /rm1/dep/dev . files are listed in CD2-4.2: /rm1/doc/tests/2_oct87/2_indtst.ndx SCORING SOFTWARE SETTINGS: The following command should be used when scoring this test: wgscore hypothesis-file [system-code] [system-description] Note: Homophone substitution errors are normally scored as correct in the no-grammar case, and incorrect when a grammar is employed. In this early test, however, homophone errors were scored as incorrect in the no-grammar case. Therefore, this test should be scored using the scoring software settings for "with-grammar scoring" (wgscore).