ABOUT THE TRAINING AND TEST MATERIAL USED FOR SPHINX Appendix B.3. "Training and Test Speakers" in Kai-Fu Lee's dissertation [1] enumerates the set of 120 speakers comprising the Resource Management Corpus's Speaker Independent Training and Development Test Sets. Lee regarded this set of 120 speakers as consisting of 80 training speakers, a subset of the Development Test set he terms the "first 25 evaluation speakers", a set of 10 "March-87 evaluation speakers", and a set of 6 "October-87 evaluation speakers". "Since one speaker is overlapped between the two evaluation sets [speaker gwt0], there are actually 15 test speakers" cited in Lee's early work with Sphinx. Some confusion has been engendered by Lee's reference to speakers from the Resource Management Corpus Development Test set as "evaluation speakers", since another portion of the Corpus is designated as the Resource Management "Evaluation Test" set. At the time of Lee's early work, this set had not been released to the DARPA research community, and Lee's "evaluation speakers" are in fact speakers from the Speaker Independent Development Test set. Lee chose to use all 80 of the training speakers and the "first 25 of the evaluation speakers" ["Development Test" speakers] to comprise a set of 105 speakers for system training. For each of the training speakers, Lee used all 40 of the available sentence utterances (including the 10 rapid adaptation sentence utterances for each of the Development Test speakers) to "train the HMMs". Subsequent to the work with Sphinx reported in Lee's dissertation, the DARPA June '88 Benchmark Test Material was designated. This test set includes material from 8 of the speakers included in the corpus of 80 [Speaker Independent] training speakers. This occurred because of an unanticipated overlap of speakers in the Speaker Dependent and Speaker-Independent components of the corpus. Accordingly, for the June 1988 and subsequent tests, it became necessary to designate subsets of the Speaker Independent portions of the corpus that did not involve overlaps of training and test material. This effort resulted in designation of the "Standard 72 Speaker" and "Augmented 109 Speaker" Training Sets for use with the June 1988 and subsequent DARPA Benchmark Tests. Lee made use of an aggregate set of 15 speakers for results reported in his dissertation, including speakers from both the March '87 and October '87 DARPA Benchmark Tests. Ten sentence utterances for each of these 15 speakers were used for test purposes, for a total test set size of 150 sentence utterances. Since Lee used an aggregated set of test material, it becomes difficult to make direct comparisons between the results of Lee's early work with Sphinx and other results that might be reported on the individual March 1987 and October 1987 test sets. [1] Lee, Kai-Fu "Large-Vocabulary Speaker-Independent Continuous Speech Recognition: The SPHINX System", Ph.D. Dissertation, Carnegie Mellon University Computer Science Department, Report No. CMU-CS-88-148, April, 1988.