Documentation for CSR-II_Complete
- csr2.readme.html : General information for CSR-II (WSJ1)
- csrnov93.html : General information for CSR-II (WSJ1)
- data_sum.html : CSR Hub and Spoke Benchmark tests corpus data summary
- dot_spec.html : CSR WSJ0 detailed orthographic transcription (.dot) specification
- h1newart.ndx : Lists waveforms where article boundaries occur
- s1_oov.lex : List of CSR S1 transcriptions which are out-of-vocabulary with regard to the CSR-WSJ 20K Open vocabulary
- s1newart.ndx : Lists waveforms where article boundaries occur in the S1 data
- spkr_dt.txt : Speaker demographic info: devel-test set
- spkr_jd.txt : Speaker demographic info: devel-test set journalists
- spkr_jtr.txt : Speaker demographic info: training set journalists
- spkr_njl.txt : Speaker demographic info: long-term non-journalists
- spkr_njs.txt : Speaker demographic info: short-term non-journalists
- spkrinfo.txt : Speaker demographic info: general training set
- wsj1.txt : General information for CSR-II (WSJ1)