atis3/: This directory contains the ATIS3 training and December 1993 test corpora transcriptions, annotations, and documentation. The corresponding waveform data is located on Discs 17-2.1 and 17-3.1 in an identical directory structure. This directory contains the following subdirectories: doc/ - Directory containing ATIS3 documentation sp_trn/ - Directory containing ATIS3 training data sp_tst/ - Directory containing ATIS3 test data The data in "sp_trn" is organized in the following directory and file structure: sp_trn//// where, SITE := "bbn" | "cmu" | "mit" | "nist" | "sri" (data collection sites) SPKR := "001" - "zzz" (3-character base-36 speaker IDs) SCEN := "1" - "z" (1-character base-36 scenario-session ID) FILES := ATIS3 corpora (see the file, "atis3/doc/fil_spec.doc" for a description of the filenames and types) The data in "sp_tst" is organized in the following directory and file structure: sp_tst//// where, TEST := "nov93" (*December 1993 ATIS benchmark test) INST := "initial" | (test transcriptions) "prelim" | (pre-adjudicated transcriptions and annotations) "final" (post-adjudicated transcriptions and annotations) SPKR := "001" - "zzz" (3-character base-36 speaker IDs) SCEN := "1" - "z" (1-character base-36 scenario-session ID) FILES := ATIS3 corpora (see the file, "atis3/doc/fil_spec.doc" for a description of the filenames and types) (Note: The directory containing the December 1993 test corpora was inadvertently named "nov93") The waveform files, which are located on Disc 17-3.1, have the same directory/file structure, except there is no directory since there is only 1 instantiation of the waveform data. In addition, "atis3/sp_tst/nov93", contains documentation and a subdirectory, "bug_rpts", which contains copies of requests for adjudication. See the file, "atis3/sp_tst/nov93/readme.doc" for more information about the contents of the "nov93" directory.