This CD-ROM contains the previously-unreleased secondary microphone waveforms for the TIMIT Acoustic-Phonetic Continuous Speech corpus. The primary microphone waveforms, which were recorded using a close-talking noise-cancelling head-mounted Sennheiser microphone (model HMD-414), are available on NIST Speech Disc 1-1.1. The secondary microphone used in the recording of the TIMIT corpus was a Breul & Kjaer 1/2" free-field microphone (model 4165).
While the Sennheiser microphone recordings are relatively "clean" with respect to non-speech noise, the FFMTIMIT recordings includes significant low frequency noise, which was due to the HVAC system and mechanical vibration transmitted through the floor of the double-walled sound booth used in recording. Because it is noiser than its TIMIT counterpart, the data of FFMTIMIT may be used in the development of more noise-robust speech recognition systems. Because the B&K microphone has extremely flat free-field frequency response and because calibration tones are provided, these data may be of value to researchers involved in vocal tract modeling. See the file "tones.doc" located in the "/doc" directory for further information about these calibration tones.
Note that the B&K Timit data contained with this release has not been processed through any highpass filter, (e.g., the 1581-point filter described in the paper "The DARPA Speech Recognition Research Database" by Fisher, Doddington and Goudie-Marshall in "DARPA TIMIT Acoustic-Phonetic Continuous Speech Corpus CD-ROM," NISTIR 4930 / NTIS Order No. PB93-173938.)
This CD-ROM is organized with an identical directory and file structure to the original TIMIT CD-ROM with the exception that the top-level directory is named, "ffmtimit", rather than "timit". All original online TIMIT documentation and time-aligned transcriptions have been included on this disc for your convenience.
Note that the B&K data for 17 TIMIT speakers which were included on the original TIMIT CD-ROM could not be retrieved from the tape archives (See chart below).
=========================================== DIALECT MISSING REGION SPEAKERS SEX TEST/TRAIN =========================================== 1 DAC0 M TRAIN JEM0 F TEST SJS1 M TEST ------------------------------------------- 2 AJW0 F TRAIN DWD0 M TRAIN JWB0 F TEST ------------------------------------------- 3 CAL0 M TRAIN JJB0 M TRAIN SFV0 M TRAIN GJF0 M TEST ------------------------------------------- 4 -- - --- ------------------------------------------- 5 BMH0 F TRAIN DAS0 M TRAIN RKM0 M TRAIN RVG0 M TRAIN CMB0 M TEST SFH1 M TEST ------------------------------------------- 6 -- - --- ------------------------------------------- 7 LET0 F TRAIN ------------------------------------------- 8 -- - --- ===========================================
/readme.doc - this file
sphere/ - directory containing the NIST SPeech HEader REsources (SPHERE) software; SPHERE is a set of "C" library routines and programs for manipulating the NIST header structure prepended to the FFMTIMIT waveform files.
ffmtimit/ - directory containing the FFMTIMIT corpus as well as FFMTIMIT related documentation.
Each of these directories contains a "readme.doc" file which may be consulted for more detailed information.
The TIMIT speech corpus CD-ROM and a companion booklet can be purchased from either NTIS or the Linguistic Data Consortium. The CD-ROM was released in 1991 and is identified as NIST Speech Disc 1-1.1 / NTIS Order No. PB91-505065. The companion booklet, "DARPA TIMIT Acoustic-Phonetic Continuous Speech Corpus CD-ROM", was released in 1993 and is identified as NISTIR 4930 / NTIS Order No. PB93-173938.