CSLU: Spelled and Spoken Words

Item Name: CSLU: Spelled and Spoken Words
Author(s): Ronald Allan Cole, Mark Fanty, K Roginski
LDC Catalog No.: LDC2006S15
ISBN: 1-58563-382-8
ISLRN: 971-561-706-841-5
DOI: https://doi.org/10.35111/d0x5-q082
Release Date: March 24, 2006
Member Year(s): 2006
DCMI Type(s): Sound
Sample Type: 16 bit linear pcm
Sample Rate: 8000
Data Source(s): telephone speech
Application(s): pronunciation modeling, speaker identification, speech recognition
Language(s): English
Language ID(s): eng
License(s): CSLU Agreement
Online Documentation: LDC2006S15 Documents
Licensing Instructions: Subscription & Standard Members, and Non-Members
Citation: Cole, Ronald Allan, Mark Fanty, and K Roginski. CSLU: Spelled and Spoken Words LDC2006S15. Web Download. Philadelphia: Linguistic Data Consortium, 2006.
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CSLU: Spelled and Spoken Words Corpus was developed by the Center for Spoken Language Understanding (CSLU) and contains 30 hours of prompted telephone speech in English, as well as transcriptions and phonetic labelling of the recorded speech.

The Spelled and Spoken Words corpus consists of spelled and spoken words. 3,647 callers were prompted to to say and spell their first and last names, to say what city they grew up in and what city they were calling from, and to answer two yes/no questions. In order to collect sufficient instances of each letter, 1,371 callers also recited the English alphabet with pauses between the letters. Each call was transcribed by two people, and all differences were resolved. In addition, a subset of 2,648 calls has been phonetically labeled.


The data were recorded from an analog line using a Gradient Technologies analog-to-digital conversion box. The .wav file format used is the RIFF standard file format. This file format is 16-bit linearly encoded.

The transcriptions are stored as .txt files that are simply ascii text files containing non time-aligned word level transcriptions for each of the speech files.

The phonetic labels are stored as .ptlola files that are ascii "location and label" files. They are similar to the ".phn" files of the TIMIT database.


For an example of the data in this corpus, please listen to this audio sample (WAV).


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