CSLU: Speaker Recognition Version 1.1

Item Name: CSLU: Speaker Recognition Version 1.1
Author(s): CSLU
LDC Catalog No.: LDC2006S26
ISBN: 1-58563-545-6
ISLRN: 672-454-108-628-2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.35111/2n7h-n869
Release Date: May 18, 2006
Member Year(s): 2006
DCMI Type(s): Sound
Sample Type: ulaw
Sample Rate: 8000
Data Source(s): telephone conversations, telephone speech
Application(s): speech recognition
Language(s): English
Language ID(s): eng
License(s): CSLU Agreement
Online Documentation: LDC2006S26 Documents
Licensing Instructions: Subscription & Standard Members, and Non-Members
Citation: CSLU. CSLU: Speaker Recognition Version 1.1 LDC2006S26. Web Download. Philadelphia: Linguistic Data Consortium, 2006.
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The Speaker Recognition corpus (formerly known as Speaker Verification) was developed by the Center for Spoken Language Understanding (CSLU) and consists of approximately 73 hours of English telephone speech from 91 participants.

Participants recorded speech in 12 sessions over a two-year period. In each session, they were given prompts intended to elicit different types of speech: limited vocabulary utterances (i.e. "What is your eye color?"), number and word strings, fixed phrases, and spontaneous speech (i.e. "Describe a typical day in your life.").

Some of the recording sessions were only a few days apart and others several weeks apart. Participants followed the following calling schedule. During the first month, they called twice in a week. No calls were made in the second and third months. In the fourth month they made one call. No calls were made in the fifth and sixth months. This pattern repeated three more times for a total of 12 calls per participant.

In order to balance the workload required to remind participants to call and to avoid large data collection bursts on the system, the participants were divided into 12 groups. Each group began the two-year schedule on subsequent months. The first group started in September 1996, the second in October 1996, and so on.

Every attempt was made to create a gender balanced subject pool. As each group started the data collection it had an equal number of both genders. However, as participants were dropped, the balance couldn't be perfectly maintained.


All of the data in this corpus were collected over digital telephone lines. The digital data were recorded with the CSLU T1 digital data collection system. These files were sampled at 8 kHz 8-bit and stored as ulaw files.

Nearly all of the files included in this corpus have corresponding non-time-aligned word-level transcriptions that comply with the conventions in the CSLU Labeling Guide. The current releases have only transcribed some of the long spontaneous utterances.

The .wav files contain speech data and use the RIFF standard file format. This file format is 16-bit linearly encoded. The "trans" file contains a list of all of the transcriptions.


For an example of the data in this corpus, please listen to the following audio sample (WAV).


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