Chinese Proposition Bank 3.0

Item Name: Chinese Proposition Bank 3.0
Author(s): Nianwen Xue, Xiaopeng Bai, Jill Lu, Jennifer Zhang, Martha Palmer, Meiyu Chang, Hua Zhong
LDC Catalog No.: LDC2013T13
ISBN: 1-58563-648-7
ISLRN: 460-638-744-650-2
Release Date: July 15, 2013
Member Year(s): 2013
DCMI Type(s): Text
Data Source(s): newswire, journal articles, broadcast news, broadcast conversation, weblogs
Application(s): parsing, machine translation, linguistic analysis, information extraction
Language(s): Mandarin Chinese
Language ID(s): cmn
License(s): LDC User Agreement for Non-Members
Online Documentation: LDC2013T13 Documents
Licensing Instructions: Subscription & Standard Members, and Non-Members
Citation: Xue, Nianwen, et al. Chinese Proposition Bank 3.0 LDC2013T13. Web Download. Philadelphia: Linguistic Data Consortium, 2013.
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Chinese Proposition Bank 3.0 is a continuation of the Chinese Proposition Bank project which aims to create a corpus of text annotated with information about basic semantic propositions. Chinese Proposition Bank 3.0 adds predicate-argument annotation on 187,731 words from Chinese Treebank 7.0 (LDC2010T07). The data sources are comprised of newswire, magazine articles, various broadcast news and broadcast conversation programming, web newsgroups and weblogs.

LDC has also released Chinese Proposition Bank 1.0 (LDC2005T23) and Chinese Proposition Bank 2.0 (LDC2008T07).


This release contains the predicate-argument annotation of 173,206 verb instances and 14,525 noun instances. The annotation of nouns is limited to nominalizations that have a corresponding verb. The general annotation guidelines and the lexical guidelines (called frame files) for each verbal and nominal predicate are also included in this release. Below are some statistics about the corpus.

  • Total propositions for verbs - 173,206
  • Total propositions for nouns - 14,525
  • Total verbs framed - 24,642
  • Total framesets - 26,467
  • Verbs with multiple framesets - 1337
  • Average framesets per verb - 1.07
  • Total nouns framed - 1,421
  • Total noun framesets - 1,528
  • Nouns with multiple framesets - 48
  • Average framesets per nouns - 1.08


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