Chinese-English Parallel Sentences Extracted from Patents

Item Name: Chinese-English Parallel Sentences Extracted from Patents
Author(s): Benjamin Tsou, Bin Lu, Kapo Chow
LDC Catalog No.: LDC2016T22
ISBN: 1-58563-770-X
ISLRN: 280-113-850-942-8
Release Date: October 19, 2016
Member Year(s): 2016
DCMI Type(s): Text
Data Source(s): government documents
Application(s): machine translation
Language(s): English, Chinese
Language ID(s): eng, zho
License(s): Chinese-English Parallel Sentences Extracted from Patents Agreement (For-profit)
LDC User Agreement for Non-Members
Online Documentation: LDC2016T22 Documents
Licensing Instructions: Subscription & Standard Members, and Non-Members
Citation: Tsou, Benjamin, Bin Lu, and Kapo Chow. Chinese-English Parallel Sentences Extracted from Patents LDC2016T22. Web Download. Philadelphia: Linguistic Data Consortium, 2016.


Chinese-English Parallel Sentences Extracted from Patents was developed by Chilin (HK) Limited and contains 500,000 sentence pairs of Chinese-English parallel text. This resource is based on the training corpus and test sets developed for the Tokyo-based NTCIR 2009 & 2010 tasks on Patent Machine Translation.


The sentences in this release were selected from a larger corpus of than 300,000 Chinese-English parallel patents in different fields according to a number of filtering parameters including word alignment, sentence length and language modeling. They were then automatically segmented and aligned. All text is encoded as UTF-8.


Please view this Chinese sample and English sample.


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Not-for-profit organizations may license this data set for US$25.00 under the LDC Not-for-Profit Membership Agreement or under the LDC User Agreement for Non-Members for use in linguistic research, education and non-commercial technology development. For-profit organizations may license this data for US$5000, discounted to US$4000 for LDC for-profit members, under the Commercial License Agreement for Chinese-English Parallel Sentences Extracted from Patents (LDC2016T22).

Current fees in this catalog entry reflect those pertaining to a for-profit organization license. Not-for-profit organizations should contact LDC's Membership Office to license this data set.

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