Chinese-English Biology and Chemistry Abstract Parallel Text

Item Name: Chinese-English Biology and Chemistry Abstract Parallel Text
Author(s): Christine Doran, John D. Burger, John C. Henderson, Guido Zarrella
LDC Catalog No.: LDC2013T02
ISBN: 1-58563-627-4
ISLRN: 278-123-012-906-2
Release Date: January 15, 2013
Member Year(s): 2013
DCMI Type(s): Text
Data Source(s): journal articles
Application(s): machine translation
Language(s): English, Mandarin Chinese, Chinese
Language ID(s): eng, cmn, zho
License(s): LDC User Agreement for Non-Members
Online Documentation: LDC2013T02 Documents
Licensing Instructions: Subscription & Standard Members, and Non-Members
Citation: Doran, Christine, et al. Chinese-English Biology and Chemistry Abstract Parallel Text LDC2013T02. Web Download. Philadelphia: Linguistic Data Consortium, 2013.
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Chinese-English Biology and Chemistry Abstract Parallel Text was developed by The MITRE Corporation. It consists of parallel sentences from a collection of chemistry and biology-related scientific article abstracts published in Mandarin and translated into English by translators with particular expertise in the technical area. Translators were instructed to err on the side of literal translation if required, but to maintain the technical writing style of the source and make the resulting English as natural as possible. The translators were given specific guidelines for translation, and those are included in this distribution.


This release contains 2,239 lines of parallel Mandarin and English, with a total of 156,445 characters of Mandarin and 75,515 words of English, presented in a separate UTF-8 plain text file for each language. The sentences were translated in sequential order and presented in scrambled order, such that parallel sentences at identical line numbers are translations. For example, the 31st line of the English file is a translation of the 31st line of the Mandarin file. The original line sequence is not provided.


For an example of the data please consult this Chinese sample and English sample.


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