SDP 2014 & 2015: Broad Coverage Semantic Dependency Parsing

Item Name: SDP 2014 & 2015: Broad Coverage Semantic Dependency Parsing
Author(s): Dan Flickinger, Jan Hajič, Angelina Ivanova, Marco Kuhlmann, Yusuke Miyao, Stephan Oepen, Daniel Zeman
LDC Catalog No.: LDC2016T10
ISBN: 1-58563-753-X
ISLRN: 551-020-529-029-5
Member Year(s): 2016
DCMI Type(s): Text
Data Source(s): newswire
Project(s): SemEval
Application(s): parsing, semantic role labelling, information extraction
Language(s): English, Chinese, Czech
Language ID(s): eng, zho, ces
License(s): LDC User Agreement for Non-Members
Online Documentation: LDC2016T10 Documents
Licensing Instructions: Subscription & Standard Members, and Non-Members
Citation: Flickinger, Dan, et al. SDP 2014 & 2015: Broad Coverage Semantic Dependency Parsing LDC2016T10. Web Download. Philadelphia: Linguistic Data Consortium, 2016.
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SDP 2014 & 2015: Broad Coverage Semantic Dependency Parsing consists of data, tools, system results, and publications associated with the 2014 and 2015 tasks on Broad-Coverage Semantic Dependency Parsing (SDP) conducted in conjunction with the International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval) and was developed by the SDP task organizers.

SemEval is an ongoing series of evaluations of computational semantic analysis systems intended to explore the nature of meaning in language. It evolved from the Senseval word sense disambiguation series to include semantic analysis tasks outside of word sense disambiguation.


SDP 2014 & 2015: Broad Coverage Semantic Dependency Parsing is based on English, Chinese and Czech data from the following resources: Treebank-2 LDC95T17, Proposition Bank I LDC2004T14, NomBank v 1.0 LDC2008T23 and CCGBank LDC2005T13 (English); Chinese Treebank (e.g., Chinese Treebank 8.0 LDC2013T21) (Chinese); and Prague Dependency Treebank (e.g., Prague Dependency Treebank 2.0, LDC2006T01) (Czech).

The results are presented as graphs in three target representations: MRS-Derived Semantic Dependencies (DM), Enju Predicate–Argument Structures (PAS), and Prague Semantic Dependencies (PSD). As a fourth, additional target representation CCGbank was converted to semantic dependency graphs (in the subdirectory ‘ccd’). These graphs are aligned with the graphs released in connection with SDP 2015 for English.

The data is divided into three main directories:

  • ‘2014/’ — the data, tools, and system results from Task 8 at SemEval 2014
  • ‘2015/’ — the data, tools, and system results from Task 18 at SemEval 2015
  • ‘ccd/’ — the new set of semantic dependency graphs derived from CCGbank

In the 2014 and 2015 sub-directories, the file layout preserves the original conventions used for data distribution to SemEval participants, so as to make it easy to replicate published results. Each sub-directory (including the new ‘ccd/’) provides its own file ‘README.txt’ with additional instructions.


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