KAFD: Arabic Font Database

Item Name: KAFD: Arabic Font Database
Author(s): Hamzah Luqman, Sabri A. Mahmoud, Sameh Awaida
LDC Catalog No.: LDC2016T21
ISBN: 1-58563-773-4
ISLRN: 859-947-665-680-4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.35111/hmnj-ks39
Release Date: October 19, 2016
Member Year(s): 2016
DCMI Type(s): StillImage, Text
Data Source(s): journal articles
Application(s): handwriting recognition
Language(s): Arabic
Language ID(s): ara
License(s): LDC User Agreement for Non-Members
Online Documentation: LDC2016T21 Documents
Licensing Instructions: Subscription & Standard Members, and Non-Members
Citation: Luqman, Hamzah, Sabri Mahmoud, and Sameh Awaida. KAFD: Arabic Font Database LDC2016T21. Hard Drive. Philadelphia: Linguistic Data Consortium, 2016.


KAFD: Arabic Font Database was developed by King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals and Qassim University. It is comprised of approximately 2.5 million scanned Arabic printed pages in a variety of fonts, sizes and resolutions along with corresponding transcripts. KAFD was designed for research in Arabic text recognition.


The scanned Arabic texts were collected from publications covering various subjects such as religion, medicine, science and history. Texts were printed in 40 different fonts, 10 sizes and four styles. Scans were made at 100, 200, 300 and 600 dpi (dots per inch).

The database is available in two formats: at the page level and at the line level. Images are presented as TIFF images and transcripts are in plain text format. Individual font folders are compressed into RAR archives.

The data is divided into training, validation and test sets.


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