TDT3 Multilanguage Text Version 2.0

Item Name: TDT3 Multilanguage Text Version 2.0
Author(s): David Graff, Christopher Cieri, Stephanie Strassel
LDC Catalog No.: LDC2001T58
ISBN: 1-58563-193-0
ISLRN: 567-570-426-915-3
Member Year(s): 2001
DCMI Type(s): Text
Data Source(s): transcribed speech, newswire, broadcast news
Project(s): TIDES, TDT, GALE, EARS
Application(s): topic detection and tracking
Language(s): English, Mandarin Chinese
Language ID(s): eng, cmn
License(s): LDC User Agreement for Non-Members
Online Documentation: LDC2001T58 Documents
Licensing Instructions: Subscription & Standard Members, and Non-Members
Citation: Graff, David, Christopher Cieri, and Stephanie Strassel. TDT3 Multilanguage Text Version 2.0 LDC2001T58. Web Download. Philadelphia: Linguistic Data Consortium, 2001.
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Topic Detection and Tracking (TDT) refers to automatic techniques for finding topically related material in streams of data such as newswire and broadcast news. The TDT3 corpus was created to support three TDT3 tasks: to find topically homogeneous sections (segmentation), to detect the occurrence of new events (detection) and to track the reoccurrence of old or new events (tracking).


TDT3 Multilanguage Text Corpus Version 2.0 is the first general release of this collection (Version 1.0 was made available only to participants in the TDT 1999 and 2000 evaluation tests). It contains data from the same nine sources found in TDT2, plus two additional English television sources. Like TDT2, it provides both manually-created and automatically-generated text for most sources.

For TDT3, the daily collection took place over a period of three months (October - December 1998). The sources and approximate number of stories per source are as follows:

English sources                                     Thousands of stories

New York Times Newswire Service                       6.9

Associated Press Worldstream Service                 7.3

Cable News Network, "Headline News"                 9.0

American Broadcasting Co., "World News Tonight" 1.0

Public Radio International, "The World"                 1.6

Voice of America, English news programs             3.9

MS-NBC, "News with Brian Williams"                     0.7

National Broadcasting Co., "NBC Nightly News"     0.8

Total English stories: 31.2 thousand


Mandarin sources                                    Thousands of stories

Xinhua News Agency                                              5.2

Zaobao News Agency                                             3.8

Voice of America, Mandarin Chinese news programs 3.8

Total Mandarin stories: 12.8 thousand

The goal of Topic Detection and Tracking - Phase 3 (TDT3) is to create core technology to monitor multiple streams of news in multiple languages and media (newswire, radio, television, web sites or some future combination or innovation), segmenting the streams into individual stories, detecting new topics and tracking all stories discussing them. In additional to the TDT2 tasks of segmentation, detection and tracking, TDT3 adds the tasks of first story detection and story-link detection. The goal of the latter is to detect links between stories that discuss the same topic even though the topic has not been defined in advance.

There are two types of files in this publication:

asr_sgm -- text data output from automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems in English and Mandarin, formatted in "TIPSTER- style" SGML, derived from the audio recordings of radio and TV broadcasts.

tkn_sgm -- reference text data (newswire, closed captions and manual transcripts), formatted in "TIPSTER-style" SGML


Please view this asr_sgm sample and tkn_sgm sample.


07/21/16 - Topic tables added.

07/01/16 - Topic tables updated to v4.0.

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