1997 Mandarin Broadcast News Speech (HUB4-NE)

Item Name: 1997 Mandarin Broadcast News Speech (HUB4-NE)
Author(s): Shudong Huang, Jing Liu, Xuling Wu, Lei Wu, Yongmin Yan, Zhoakai Qin
LDC Catalog No.: LDC98S73
ISBN: 1-58563-125-6
ISLRN: 271-025-922-959-1
DOI: https://doi.org/10.35111/cw3p-t849
Member Year(s): 1998
DCMI Type(s): Sound
Sample Type: 1-channel pcm
Sample Rate: 16000
Data Source(s): broadcast news
Project(s): Hub4, GALE, EARS
Application(s): speech recognition
Language(s): Mandarin Chinese
Language ID(s): cmn
License(s): 1997 Mandarin Broadcast News Agreement
Online Documentation: LDC98S73 Documents
Licensing Instructions: Subscription & Standard Members, and Non-Members
Citation: Huang, Shudong, et al. 1997 Mandarin Broadcast News Speech (HUB4-NE) LDC98S73. Web Download. Philadelphia: Linguistic Data Consortium, 1998.
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This collection consists of 30 hours of broadcast news recordings from the following sources: Voice of America (VOA), China Central TV (CCTV) and KAZN-AM, a commercial radio station based in Los Angeles, CA.

Of these three sources, the first two comprise the bulk of the collection and are represented in roughly equal amounts. Only a relatively small sample of KAZN-AM recordings is included, owing to the relatively high proportion of unusable material in that source (e.g., commercials, local traffic reports).

Corresponding transcripts are released as 1997 Mandarin Broadcast News Transcripts (HUB4-NE) LDC98T24.


All recordings were made using a single channel and 16-KHz sample frequency. Most files contain 30 minutes of recordings. There are some larger files consisting of 60 minutes and 120 minutes of programming.


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This 'members-only' corpora is available to current members who can request the data at the listed reduced-license fee. Contact ldc@ldc.upenn.edu for information about becoming a member.

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